Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

She'll want to if we convince her. That is the point of convincing her. We wouldn't be physically dragging her with us. So, why don't you want a sister who wants to come?

The fact that she is not the Avatar and as such won't be barred from travel by the White Lotus? And, when it comes to matters besides the Avatar wanting to leave, the White Lotus tends to be rather accomadating with transportation? And that if we decide to go our own way, we can go literally anywhere we want, including back home?
Listen dude, it says morally ambiguous. I'd rather her come with us too. But I'd also rather it being by her own choice rather than us convincing her and have her possibly have some regrets. She's not much older than us.

Also, her 'boyfriend' is at the tribe. Do you really wanna take her away from her own potential romance?
Listen dude, it says morally ambiguous. I'd rather her come with us too. But I'd also rather it being by her own choice rather than us convincing her and have her possibly have some regrets. She's not much older than us.

Also, her 'boyfriend' is at the tribe. Do you really wanna take her away from her own potential romance?
From the sound of it, its only ambiguous because it is Tie doing something for himself. She would be coming of her own choice, and is convincing her would not effect if she has regrets.

Bung can come with. The white lotus is the perfect group for a airbender in hiding to go to. We already told him about Tenzin, and the White Lotus would happily deliver him to Tenzin.
From the sound of it, its only ambiguous because it is Tie doing something for himself. She would be coming of her own choice, and is convincing her would not effect if she has regrets.

Bung can come with. The white lotus is the perfect group for a airbender in hiding to go to. We already told him about Tenzin, and the White Lotus would happily deliver him to Tenzin.
I wouldn't be too sure. I mean, this is assuming Bung will want to come with as well. And furthermore, nothing will make sure she doesn't have regrets later down the road. She wants to travel, sure, but she also decided to stay. Also, who's to say the Red Lotus won't make the connection between the two of us and target her to get to us?
I wouldn't be too sure. I mean, this is assuming Bung will want to come with as well. And furthermore, nothing will make sure she doesn't have regrets later down the road. She wants to travel, sure, but she also decided to stay. Also, who's to say the Red Lotus won't make the connection between the two of us and target her to get to us?
Im pretty sure he'll atleast come along enough that he gets to learn from Tenzin. He really wants to learn airbending

Thats a bit my point. There is nothing stopping her from regretting her decision, regardless what it is. So if she's just as likely to regret it either way, why not try to convince her to come with?

What would stop the Red Lotus from making a connection if we left her behind?
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Seeing as no one else is doing it.
I will bite the bullet and post it.

I regret... NOTHING.
Let's count 'em.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Mar 14, 2018 at 1:04 PM, finished with 1390 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] As the sands shift forever, so too will we meet again
    [X] As the sands shift forever, so too will we meet again
    [x] Siph.
    [x] Roku.
    [x] Bending.
    -[x] Earthbending x2
    -[x] Firebending.
    -[x] Riding Roku.
    [x] (Mid-Term) Beat Siph in a Sandbending Duel. (+7,500 XP, +10CP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Can Hue-Sar bend or anything similar? Let's find out! (+500 XP, +1CP.)
    [x] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Ride 'em Avatar!
    -[x] Siph.
    -[x] Roku.
    -[x] Bending.
    --[x] Earthbending
    -[x] Riding Roku.
    [x] Meditation.
    -[x] Chakra Control.
    -[x] (Mid-Term) Beat Siph in a Sandbending Duel. (+7,500 XP, +10CP.)
    -[x] (Short-Term) Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.)
    -[x] (Short-Term) Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.)
    -[x] (Short-Term) Can Hue-Sar bend or anything similar? Let's find out! (+500 XP, +1CP.)
    -[x] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Siblings For Life
    [x] Siph.
    [x] Roku.
    [x] Bending.
    -[X] Earthbending.
    [X] Healing, weaving, and spirituality lessons with your mom.
    [X] Riding Roku.
    [x] (Mid-Term) Beat Siph in a Sandbending Duel. (+7,500 XP, +10CP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.)
    [x] (Short-Term) Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.)
    [X] (Short-Term) Convince Siph to come with you. (+500 XP. Note: Morally ambiguous/selfish.)
    [x] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Ride 'em Avatar!
    -[x] Siph.
    -[x] Roku.
    -[x] Bending.
    --[x] Earthbending
    -[x] Riding Roku.
    [X] Plan Siblings For Life
Son of the Chief - 7
[x] Siph.
[x] Roku.
[x] Bending.
-[x] Earthbending x2
-[x] Firebending.
-[x] Riding Roku.
[x] (Mid-Term) Beat Siph in a Sandbending Duel. (+7,500 XP, +10CP.)
[x] (Short-Term) Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.)
[x] (Short-Term) Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.)
[x] (Short-Term) Can Hue-Sar bend or anything similar? Let's find out! (+500 XP, +1CP.)
[x] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)

DC: 16
Roll: 1d20=18
+150 XP!

Roku releases a low sound at your command. The creature stands up on two legs for a brief moment, reaching above you. He returns to his original position and receives a treat - a slice of meat - from you. Roku extends his tongue and you carefully lay it in his mouth; he proceeds to eat.

Eyes wide, Siph blinks. "You taught him tricks?"

You nod promptly. "It's not that hard, he's a smart boy," you cheer with a smile. You pat Roku on top of the head. "There's another thing I wanted to try."

"What?" Siph gives you a curious look.

"Riding!" you share with a smile. "Roku is getting too big for the house anyway. He's not so little anymore."

At that, Siph fixes her gaze on Roku. She rubs her hands together and a wide, toothy grin appears on her face. She looks at Roku – her victim – and stares into his gently calm front. She ascertains the creature, judging every limb. After a moment, her eyes shift to you. "I wanna ride too!"

"Sure." You have no reason to deny.

You go to find a desert bison saddle. You spend eight minutes attaching it to Roku's figure. It's way too big and you have to work on tightening the stripes, but you can tell he'll grow into it. You glance at Siph, gripping the reins and sitting down on Roku. He supports your weight rather easily. Siph joins behind you, the saddle has plenty of space.

DC: 10
Roll: 1d20+1=16
+100 XP!

It takes a minute to get Roku to go, but he begins to move forward with a moderate strut. As soon as you leave the gate, Roku speeds up greatly. You hold on tightly to the reins, Siph herself holding you by the stomach and pulling back slightly to get some stability on the fast-moving creature.

+250 XP!
+4 to social with Roku.
+4 to social with Siph.
+10 to Riding.
+6 to Animal Handling.
+ Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.) Fulfilled! +250 XP!
+ Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.) +300 XP!

He thrusts his hand forward. The sand doesn't budge. You and Huzzah stand in the desert. A droplet of sweat goes down his forehead as he attempts it again, but nothing happens. He turns to you with a slow, fatigued motion. He rubs his eyes. "I've been trying for an hour. I think it's enough."

"I don't understand," you huff in a thinking position; fingers surrounding your chin. "You were glowing with chi, as a tree."

He scratches his head. "I was?"

"You didn't have eyes, so you probably don't know," you reasonably assume. He shrugs. "Chi is the energy of bending, so why can't you bend?"

"Everything that lives has chi," he explains. "Bending is a different matter. It's a gift from the Lion Turtles."

"Lion Turtles?"

"Long story. Big ancient spirit animals that guided civilization and gave the gift of bending to Man," he briefs, then scratches his beard and finally wipes the sweat off his forehead. "They could activate the chakras in such a way as to grant or take away bending. As far as I know, they went extinct by the time of Avatar Vari, not that you know who that is."


Hue-Sar looks at you, then frowns. "I'm going home now. I have had enough dancing for one day."

You shrink at the statement. Bending katas are not dancing, but you don't say that. He's right; he deserves some rest. He agreed to at least look if he has any potential, but it seems like he doesn't. The thought crossed your mind that maybe he can manipulate raw chi, but your tests were negative.

A real shame.

+Can Hue-Sar bend or anything similar? Let's find out! (+500 XP, +1CP.) Fulfilled! +500 XP, +1 CP!

You try to produce a flame, but your attempt is futile. Only a wave of heat leaves the palm of your hand, barely strong enough to be felt. Its kind of a letdown, but you do not fret. At the very least, this has the benefit of giving you a chance to get used to the movements. You know you're doing it right, it's simply the method of release that's wrong. You repeat, trying different movements and also different breathing methods. At one instance, you manage to produce a small spark.

Eventually, Siph arrives on the hill and you two bow to each other respectfully, then spar.

Siph smiles at you. Your stream of sand collides with hers and the two destroy each other. You attack with balls of sand, which she skillfully dodges. Your energy becomes an extension of yourself and brings down a dusty fury on her, but she raises a shield of sand and protects herself. The exchange continues, sand against sand. It's not a fight, no. Neither of you are trying to hit each other. It's just a test of skill, an attempt of simulating a real-life situation where you'd have to fight with another sandbender.

Eventually, you stop.

"Good job," she compliments. "You're getting better, bro. You're almost on my level." As she compliments, she smiles at you and maintains eye contact; a sign of honesty. You feel kind of confident, perhaps enough to challenge her, but you're not sure whether or not to wait another few months.

+2 Firebending.
+8 Earthbending.
+Earthbending Level-Up.
+Reach Level 4 in Earthbending. (+3,000 XP, +5CP.) Fulfilled! +3,000 XP! +5 CP!
Level Up!

Currently: 166 AG, Summer.
NOTE: Your dad decided to inform the White Lotus next Autumn, so you have one more turn. Choose carefully.

Select two social focuses for the next season. You can select one option two times.
[] Dad.
[] Mom.
[] Siph.
[] Bung.
[] Hue-Sar.
[] Roku.

Select four training focuses for the next season. You can select one option numerous times.
[] Bending.
-[] Earthbending.
-[] Waterbending.
-[] Airbending.
-[] Firebending.
[] Meditation.
-[] Meditation.
-[] Chakra Control.
[] Physical exercise.
[] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
[] Healing, weaving, and spirituality lessons with your mom.
[] Riding Roku.

Select additional ambitions. (3 Short-Term, 1 Mid-Term. QM Note: You can pick no ambitions at all for the time-being, if you wish.)
[] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
[] (Mid-Term) Learn another style of Bending than Earthbending. (+6,000 XP, +8CP.)
[] (Short-Term) Convince Siph to come with you. (+500 XP. Note: Morally ambiguous/selfish.)
[] (Short-Term) Convince Hue-Sar to come with you. (+50 XP. Note: Easy.)
[] (Short-Term) Get better at meditation. (+300 XP, +1CP.)
[] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to fit into society. (+600 XP, +1CP.)
[] (Short-Term) Get Hue-Sar to like you as a friend. (+500 XP, +1CP.)

LEVEL 8, +1 CP!
: 12

May buy the same upgrade multiple times unless stated otherwise.

[] Don't spend CP.

[] (-1 CP.) Chi Roulette: 50-50 chances to double CP or lose all of them. You win, you grin. You lose, bad news.

[] (-2 CP.) +2 Strength.
[] (-2 CP.) +2 Constitution.
[] (-1 CP.) +2 Dexterity.
[] (-1 CP.) +2 Intelligence.
[] (-1 CP.) +2 Wisdom.
[] (-1 CP.) +2 Charisma.
[] (-1 CP.) You learn to cook and make tea.
[] (-1 CP.) You hear an interesting rumor.
[] (-3 CP.) You find a book filled to the brim with proverbs. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-4 CP.) During meditation, something weird happens.
[] (-4 CP.) Make an additional training action this turn. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-5 CP.) Meet a group of travelers.
[] (-5 CP.) Your dad takes you to the Misty Palms Oasis on a trip. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-5 CP.) You find a sandbending scroll.
[] (-6 CP.) During a walk through the desert, you find a dying man and take him to the village. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-10 CP.) You find an earthbending scroll.
[] (-15 CP.) You find a waterbending scroll.
[] (-15 CP.) You find a firebending scroll.
[] (-17 CP.) You find an airbending scroll.
[] (-20 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-50 CP.) Become one with the cosmic energy. (May only be taken once.)

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So yeah, a short update. Expect the next one later than usual, because I'll have to work on it, as it will be the update when the White Lotus arrives and shit goes down for real.