Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Bandits, scavengers and nomads. Yes they will talk it out peacefully because we are the avatar and resources and no power can be wasted in the desert.

Nope they won't, literally because they are Bandits, scavengers and nomads,
People like that aren't interested in sharing beyond their groups,
You want them to listen, then be the guy with the biggest stick and make sure they know it
And even then they will only listen until you show a moment of weakness

Does the same not apply to becoming a republic city police officer? This ambition is something that will be completed by the time we are in our twenties not in our old age. This is what the QM said.

I find the amibitions strange as it is
I mean we are aware that we are the fucking Avatar, so shouldn't, I dunno that be our Ambition?
I mean all of them make only sense if we aren't aware of the fact and try to life a normal life

But given that we are aware and probably grew up with stories about past avatars, shouldn't we be aware that in face of that duty our 'ambitions' hold no place ?
we havent even told our family and have avery long term idea of keeping that card CLOSE as in not using it publicly, which is what most of this plan seems to rely on when issues like why theyd listen come up
Ok, then we will just discuss things peacefully without having the play the avatar card. By that point we will have mastered earth ending and have gotten started on the sub styles.
Oh my freaKING-no. Calm. Calm.

Ok, I am still convinced that on technicality the desert is still Earth Kingdom Territory. So two problems here.
1. Earth Queen will actively try to get us under her command once she hears the Avatar has appeared in the desert.
2. Aren't we trying to keep this fact a secret? Not something we can just flaunt around if that's the plan.
1: So will every other nation because we don't have a clear national identity.
2: Ok, then let's just keep it a secrete and just put points into diplomacy.
Is Rank 10 THE limit, and allows us to match various historic feats like the creation Omashu? Or could we keep raising past 10, just 10 is the accepted "Master" level?
10 is considered mastery, but 15 is the ultimate Level of anything you can get, but getting past 10 requires special conditions. Think of Levels 11-15 as "super-expert" rank. I won't tell you how to get them and what they offer - you'll have to figure that out on your own.
Aang wasnt a prodigy for one. Another important point, they didn't have TIME to learn on his own. It'll take a few years to teach ourselves, years that Aang did not have.

Look, every Avatar has been a prodigy. The Avatar is always, without exception, the strongest bender in the world and hence a prodigy. Korra was bending 3 elements at the age of 5, I think? That easily surpasses us in terms of talent, and she had 12 YEARS in which she couldn't learn airbending at all. We are absolutely going to need a teacher, if only for whatever element we struggle with learning the most.

And lots of people are saying that we can leave the desert whenever something important happens, like go to Republic City when Amon comes up, etc. What the heck is the point of the militia, then? Is it just something we do in our spare time when nothing else is happening? For it to be significant we'd have to bring the militia to Republic City/wherever when we go to resolve problems, and bringing an army with us wherever we go is
A) Not really how the Avatar works
B) Absolutely going to get various world leaders upset with us.

I've seen at least one person complaining about metagaming, which is pretty fair. So here is an in-character reason the militia idea doesn't make sense. We initially want to be a soldier. Our father shoots us down (due to money reasons) suggesting instead being a police officer. In the absence of his advice, our character desired to be a soldier.

But with his advice, now we're deciding to start a militia and make no money at all? How does that make sense?
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Aang wasnt a prodigy for one. Another important point, they didn't have TIME to learn on his own. It'll take a few years to teach ourselves, years that Aang did not have.

Aang was a freaking prodigy, you are even proving it in your own arguement

But let's make an example an take Katara as an average learning curve (despite the fact that she is in no way average)

katara was aware of her bending skills since she was 6 or something, she had 8 year and didn't go anywhere until she got instructions and even then needed a lot of practice

Aang, who didn't even know waterbending until he got out of the ice, learned everything Katara knew in less then a year and even outpaced her in terms of learning speed later on, given that he learned other stuff on the side

Heck he learned all of the 4 elements within less then two years, you know stuff which takes years to learn and decades to master

If he isn't a prodigy then I don't know who should be one
@Birdsie dunk1010 sgtill hasnt fixed his vote spacing but its still the officer in training plan so were tied with kyoshi but the tally doesnt count it sorry thought ild let that be known
Heck he learned all of the 4 elements within less then two years, you know stuff which takes years to learn and decades to master

If he isn't a prodigy then I don't know who should be one
true but aang was a VERY special case
Actually I prefer the spiritual plan.
but theres no chance of it winning and it might stop the kiyoshi. but if you wish to vote spiritual its all your decision and i respect that choice
Yeah which is exactly my point, Aang was The Prodigy and couldn't learn bending on his own, so I don't see why we should be able to master all the elements on our own
if it wins we get to say we told them so at the inevitable train wreck.
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There is still the question about the Stat Ups from Bending. Do we get +5 every time it lists a +5, or is that just repeating itself and our max bonus is that +5?
Every time it says +5, you get an additional +5 bonus - they stack. The penalties, however, do not. They merely represent inexperience.
I think some people are banking on quest mechanics letting us master the elements without proper instruction, which they might do, to be fair. But even in the quest, a teacher DOUBLES the speed at which we learn, and some people are just saying not to bother with it. And there's no way we're ever getting above level 10 in a skill without instruction in it. And without looking at quest mechanics, in-universe pretty much everyone absolutely does need teachers to learn.

Even the very first benders needed to be taught by animals. Katara, without a teacher, learned about at much over her whole childhood as Aang learned in one training session. Korra couldn't airbend at all after 12 years of knowing the first three because she didn't have a teacher. Aang even had basic firebending instruction already but still ended up needing a teacher. In-universe, we definitely do need teachers, and the best place to do so is Republic City (they have the only airbenders).

And again, we can't take our army with us into Republic City, and abandoning them to go into Republic CIty basically would be ignoring our ambition.
...do...do you really think people work like that? This is a LIFE LONG ambition as far as we are concerned. We will be spending the majority of our life up until it is fully established working towards this. And you think we'll just drop it right once it is established?
Actually, I want to correct the course. This is not a life-long ambition, just one that will span years. That's the measurement you want to use when asking "how much time will we be doing this?" That said, once said militia is established and sufficiently operational, you might as well give leadership to someone else and leave, happy that there is now a group of sand-superheroes looking out for the little guy in the middle of nowhere.

To fulfill the ambition, you just need to make the militia and be a leader of it to make sure it is operational. Nothing about it being permanent or life-long.
Even the very first benders needed to be taught by animals. Katara, without a teacher, learned about at much over her whole childhood as Aang learned in one training session. Korra couldn't airbend at all after 12 years of knowing the first three because she didn't have a teacher. Aang even had basic firebending instruction already but still ended up needing a teacher. In-universe, we definitely do need teachers, and the best place to do so is Republic City (they have the only airbenders).

And again, we can't take our army with us into Republic City, and abandoning them to go into Republic CIty basically would be ignoring our ambition.
a good point self instruction only takes us so far
Actually, I want to correct the course. This is not a life-long ambition, just one that will span years. That's the measurement you want to use when asking "how much time will we be doing this?" That said, once said militia is established and sufficiently operational, you might as well give leadership to someone else and leave, happy that there is now a group of sand-superheroes looking out for the little guy in the middle of nowhere.

To fulfill the ambition, you just need to make the militia and be a leader of it to make sure it is operational. Nothing about it being permanent or life-long.
so we can set up a milita then go to republic city and replace the fulfilled ambition with cop. Also are you planning on moving amon back or is it still in the 10 years from now range
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So dunk has decided to change their vote, which means at this point Kyoshi is the winning plan once more.
So dunk has decided to change their vote, which means at this point Kyoshi is the winning plan once more.
also Amon is still a big threat until qm says its being moved back so militia mean we wont be able to stop amon and that will inevitably lead to world wide shitfest or at least international
edit tally still shows him voting officer in training at least in the five seconds ago when o checked using the tool
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Edited Physica Exercise into my vote.

But now I'm in a dilemma. I was willing to switch to police, but don't want to betray those who are now supporting my plan.
so we can set up a milita then go to republic city and replace the fulfilled ambition with cop. Also are you planning on moving amon back or is it still in the 10 years from now range
We can visit republic city without having to join the police force.
Edited Physica Exercise into my vote.

But now I'm in a dilemma. I was willing to switch to police, but don't want to betray those who are now supporting my plan.

Or you can switch to planning for a journey which lets us go on to try and achieve enlightenment while not tying us to one location. For the people who want republic city, we can always travel there on our journey rather than stick to one place.

Edit: Here is the plan
[] Readying for a Journey
-[] (Son of A Witch!) Fighting, overall, doesn't interest you. How about achieving nirvana, or whatever it's called? (Ambition. +7,500 XP, +20 Chi Points.)
-[] Disagree, but follow them to help the creatures get away.
-[] Mom.
-[] Bending
-[] Meditation

We have established that people don't want to be tied down. That seems universal to all of us. Achieving nirvana can be done by traveling and learning all the different styles. bending is a must train, but the other options are interchangeable. What are some thoughts for this?
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But now I'm in a dilemma. I was willing to switch to police, but don't want to betray those who are now supporting my plan.
it comes down to which would you rather have win if you can't win, a militia that could cause massive eff ups down the road with the very low possibility of it not backfiring massively, or would you like to become a police officer and later seek enlightnement after Amon and/or harmonic convergance plus we can still come back and make nirvana the goal after this one
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Or you can switch to planning for a journey which lets us go on to try and achieve enlightenment while not tying us to one location. For the people who want republic city, we can always travel there on our journey rather than stick to one place.
That plan's chances of winning are extremely low though.

If you want to travel outside of the Si Wong Desert in the years that it'll take to achieve our long-term ambition, Plan Officer is the better choice.
it comes down to which would you rather have win if you can't win, a militia that could cause massive eff ups down the road with the very low possibility of it not backfiring massively, or would you like to become a police officer and later seek enlightnement after Amon and/or harmonic convergance plus we can still come back and make nirvana the goal after this one

Sorry to those who auppoed my plan, but I agree with this.

[X] Plan Officer in Training