Turn 3 (10AE Third Turn): The Womb of Victory
190 Resources Per Turn, 90 In Storage
51 Political Support
Mycenae, 10 AE
Much progress has been made over the past four months. While work on coal mining could not start immediately due to the harvest taking up all available labor, production of iron, machine tools, firearms, and many other necessary goods has massively increased. With the amount of Americans in the Republic doubling, many more personnel are now available for administrative, technical, and educational assignments. Arguably the most important development were the significant strides made in weapons production. While conflicts over which military district would be the first to receive firearms en masse was a huge impediment to progress, if all military districts can get sufficient firearms, most of the causes of the conflicts would disappear. This could not come at a more opportune time, given the recent developments to the north.
Free Dice to Allocate: 3 Dice
Infrastructure (4 Dice):
[]Derveni-Zapantis Canal: A navigable canal to connect the Gulf of Corinth to the city of Mycenae and the Aegean as a whole will massively decrease the difficulty of transporting goods to our capital. Work has begun on a series of locks, reservoirs, and pumps to enable the movement of small barges between the Derveni and Zapantis rivers, but this requires a vertical climb of close to a hundred meters. However, even with its massive cost, it must be worth it for the Cretans to have built a similar canal. (10 Resources per dice (350/1200), loss of political support if less than 50 progress/turn) (Makes most other projects cheaper) (+25 Political Support on completion)
[]Lock Systems (Stage 2): While carts are an option for transporting goods, river transport is an order of magnitude cheaper. This would build more locks, especially along the Peiros and Asopos rivers, to enable the cheap transport of bulk goods such as grain and timber. (5 resources per dice (0/250) (Stage 2 Dams required for next stage). (Makes many other projects cheaper, +5 Political Support on completion)
[]Port Facilities (Stage 1): While sporadic improvements to ports have been made since the establishment of the Republic, a nationwide effort is badly needed. This would expand and improve ports in all major cities, helping trade and fishing and potentially allowing for the creation of a real navy. (5 Resources per dice (0/150))
[]Mycenae Storm Drains: With a basic network of water and sewage pipes complete, the time has come to build a system of storm drains to prevent flooding. Already mostly complete, after this stage other cities like Tiryns and Dyme will receive similar systems as exist in Mycenae. (10 Resources per dice (85/100))
Heavy Industry (3 Dice):
[]Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 1): With an exploitable deposit of coal being found at last, exploitation must start immediately. While lacking machining capability means that the use of steam engines is restricted, being right next to so much coal means that even extremely inefficient and simple steam engines are still practical for use in pumping out water and bringing up coal from the depths of the mine. (10 Resources per dice (0/125))
[]Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 1): Now that we have working examples of blast, puddling, and cementation furnaces for iron production, we can begin massively scaling up the production of iron and steel. Located just outside the walls of Mycenae due to the availability of nearby ore, labor, water, limestone, wood, and coal, this will be the beating heart of our industrialization from now on. While the blast furnaces will still require charcoal, puddling and cementation furnaces work in such a way that the fuel and charge never actually come into contact, allowing us to use coal for those parts of the process (10 Resources per dice (50/100))
[]Machine Tools: Our machining capability is massively limited, and will be for the foreseeable future. However, we can at least make more tools such as lathes and trip hammers, even if they need constant maintenance and have horrible precision. (15 Resources per dice (58/100)) (+5 Political Support on completion)
[]Experimental Glassworks: While we lack anyone truly skilled in glassworking, a few people did take glassblowing classes before the Event and claim to remember some of it. While we cannot expect any kind of quality, combined with books on glassmaking it may be possible to make some objects. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))
Light Industry (3 Dice):
[]Textile Industry (Stage 1): We have been able to come up with somewhat pracitcal designs for spinning frames and power looms, mostly by stealing from other states. This will free up massive amounts of labor for other tasks, and make everything from clothing to sails far cheaper to produce. (5 Resources per dice (0/150)) (+5 Political Support on completion)
[]Farming Tool Production: Improved ploughs, reapers, and other farming equipment will allow for massive improvements in agriculture. While the limited supply of iron does cause some issues, setting up more workshops will still help a lot. (10 resources per dice (74/100))
[]Hand Tool Production: Setting up workshops additional to make hand tools will be a massive help to work in mining, construction, and many other industries. This includes not only tools such as hammers, picks, and saws, but also measuring instruments such as rulers and calipers. (10 resources per dice (0/50)) (cheapens other options)
[]Mills (Stage 1): Anywhere with a decently sized stream can be home to mills for grinding grain, cutting wood, and more. This will decrease the cost and increase the quality of goods such as flour and lumber, and free up large amounts of labor. (5 resources per dice (32/100))
[]Lime and Brick Kilns: With the coming availability of more coal, we can expand the production of bricks and lime. These would be built in every major town, with extra concentration in Mycenae itself and near the Kopos coal mine. (5 Resources per dice (0/70))
Chemical Industry (2 Dice):
[]Small-Scale Electrolysis: While electricity production is currently massively limited, we do have the ability to make limited amounts of hydroelectricity using waterwheels and modified car alternators. This can be used to make sodium hypochlorite, and therefore chloroform, via the electrolysis of salt water, although this can only be done on a small scale due to electricity constraints. However, even small amounts of disinfectants and anesthetics would be very useful for medical procedures. (15 Resources per dice (0/50))
[]Sulfuric Acid Production: Pyrite will slowly be oxidized to ferrous sulfate in the presence of air and water, which in turn can be heated to decompose it to iron oxide and sulfuric acid. While this is extremely slow and inefficient, sulfuric acid is invaluable for essentially all chemical processes. (5 Resources per dice (32/50))
[]Alternative Feedstock Production Routes: While salt is the main solute in seawater, there are sizeable amounts of magnesium chloride and sodium sulfate present in the bitterns, or the solution left over after it has been evaporated down to produce salt. These can be used to make hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate, which can be converted to a whole host of other chemicals. Most interesting of these is potassium chlorate, which can be used to make gunpowder and is not limited by the amount of nitrogenous waste we can procure like saltpeter is. However, this has never been done on a large scale before, so it may have unexpected problems. (10 Resources per dice (0/30)
Agriculture (3 Dice):
[]Dams (Stage 2): Many more dams can be built to allow for more irrigation of farmland and more consistent flow of rivers through the season. This will benefit not only agriculture, but also transportation and industry. However, despite being fairly simple to construct, they do require very large amounts of soil and rock to be moved. (5 Resources per dice (0/250))
[]Agricultural Education: Many farmers are still using downtime crops and livestock, and adoption of more modern farming techniques is even more slow. Sending out more education teams will likely help with this, although the purge of the priests has damaged our relationship with them. (5 Resources per dice (5 Resources per dice (92/150))
[]Village Educational Cadre Instruction: Previous literacy programs have been focused almost exclusively in cities. This program would recruit volunteers from rural areas to learn how to read and write, and provide them with paper, writing materials, and a few books on subjects like agriculture and basic medicine before sending them back to their villages with an increased ration of food and clothes for them to teach others how to read and write on a part-time basis. This will come nowhere close to eliminating rural illiteracy, but making sure that at least one person in every village knows how to read is a first step. (5 Resources per dice (0/200)) (+5 Political Support on completion)
Services (3 Dice):
[]Primary Schools (Stage 1): While we have taught thousands of urban citizens how to read and write, we still lack a true education system. This would establish a series of schools in all of our cities, teaching a 4-year program to children whose parents decide to educate them, with free lunches being given to pupils to encourage this. They will graduate with knowledge of reading, writing, basic arithmetic, and some education on the basics of things like germ theory, geography, and how the Republic is surrounded on all sides by reactionary feudalist and capitalist states bent on enslaving us all. (5 Resources per dice (54/150)) (+5 Political Support on completion)
[]Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3): While progress has been made, there are still many urban citizens who are illiterate. This stage will not totally eliminate illiteracy, but will make it so a solid majority of working-age adults will at least be able to write their own names. After this, resources will be shifted to building a more formal education system, as educating people as children will work better than stopgap attempts with adults. (5 Resources per dice (9/250)) (+5 Political Support upon completion)
[]Vocational Education: Several thousand workers already know how to read and write, but more education will increase their productivity further. This consists of both purely practical instruction in areas such as blacksmithing and pottery, as well as teaching more advanced mathematics to people such as carpenters and masons. (5 Resources per dice (21/100) (Nursing Education unlocked upon completion)
[]Libraries: While book production is massively limited by the inability to make wood pulp, we still are able to make enough to set up some public libraries. This will help educate and entertain the population, as well as prevent them from falling back into illiteracy due to lack of practice. (5 Resources per dice (0/50))
Military (4 Dice):
[]Fortification Improvements: While a complete restructuring of the walls of cities like Mycenae and Tiryns is far too expensive to consider right now, we can at least improve them somewhat. Gates will be strengthened, and angular bastions made of brick and rammed earth can reduce the number of dead zones by the walls. (5 Resources per dice (63/200))
[]Crossbow Production (Stage 2): Silent, accurate, and deadly, the crossbow is the ideal weapon for the guerillas that make up the bulk of the People's Army, even if it isn't as good against armor as muskets. They're also useful for protecting livestock and hunting. However, more are needed in order to ensure the defeat of any occupying army, necessitating the construction of more workshops and the training of more bowyers. (5 Resources per dice (0/150))
[]Arquebus Production (Stage 3): While still made of iron pipes, the switch from matchlocks to caplocks has significantly increased the effectiveness of our crude arquebuses. This would more than double the production of firearms of all types, a necessity if the planned mass adoption of arquebusier units is to become a reality. (10 Resources per dice (13/100))
[]Cannon Production (Stage 2): While tin for making bronze is extremely expensive, cannons are still indispensable weapons. We need more foundries to produce them in even larger amounts to ensure the safety of the Republic. (15 Resources per dice (43/50))
[]Melee Weapon Production (Stage 2): With current ranged weapons being quite slow to fire, we need to ensure that our troops can fight at close ranges. Even if they aren't as flashy as guns, more pikes, shields, and swords are critical for our army. (5 Resources per dice (0/50)
[]Armor Production (Stage 1): While it may not stop bullets, all of our enemies rely on large amounts of bows and melee weapons in addition to muskets and remaining Uptime weapons. However, it is still very expensive to produce, at least while iron production is at such a small scale. (10 Resources per dice (0/80))
[]Incendiary Experiments: While perhaps not the most refined weapons, Molotov cocktails and other incendiary weapons have a long and storied history of use. We should see if we can make any similar devices which are practical to use in the battlefield. (5 Resources per dice (0/30))
[]Rifle Trials: Current guns are extremely innacurate, however, it may be possible to produce better ones. With caplocks being more reliable, faster to reload, and mechanically simpler than matchlocks or caplocks, all proposed designs now use percussion caps. Producing a few dozen of these would establish if larger-scale maunfacture is practical at this time. While they probably cannot be issued to every single soldier, they would be invaluable in the hands of more professional units. (5 Resources per dice (0/30))
Bureaucracy (2 Dice):
[]Recruit Americans To Ministry: Almost every single American adult is far more educated than nearly any downtimer, and many have actual experience in areas such as management and accounting. Hundreds of thousands of these people live on the coasts of Anatolia, and many would be more than happy to leave behind a life of subsistence farming to do paperwork. While this will be extremely unpopular, having more educated people in the Ministry can only be a good thing. (5 Resources and -3 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)
[]Recruit Downtimers To Ministry: Even if they don't have much of a formal education, there are thousands of intelligent, motivated, and literate downtimers in the Republic. These people are capable of doing lower-level administrative work, and will learn more with time. Having more of them in our government will also bring us closer to a true people's democracy. However, recruiting them to our own ministry while basic administration and tax collection is still understaffed will be politically unpopular. (5 Resources and -1 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)
[]Recruit Americans To Bureaucracy: Almost every single American adult is far more educated than nearly any downtimer, and many have actual experience in areas such as management and accounting. Hundreds of thousands of these people live on the coasts of Anatolia, and many would be more than happy to leave behind a life of subsistence farming to do paperwork. However, few of these are likely to be politically reliable, and having even more Americans in government won't look great to our citizens. (5 Resources and -2 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Decreases malus from No Administration)
[]Recruit Downtimers To Bureaucracy: Even if they don't have much of a formal education, there are thousands of intelligent, motivated, and literate downtimers in the Republic. These people are capable of doing lower-level administrative work, and will learn more with time. Having more of them in our government will also bring us closer to a true people's democracy. (5 Resources per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Decreases malus from No Administration)
[]Creation of Mobile Units: While the People's Army was created as a collection of guerilla and garrison units meant to bleed any invader enough to force them to withdrawal, this was a temporary measure simply meant to give us some capability to fight back until a more capable force could be fielded. As we now have the capability to produce enough arquebuses, ammunition, bayonets, and other "modern" equipment on a large enough scale to arm thousands of soldiers, and our neighbors to the north have become even more of a threat, the time for change is now. (DC 15, -5 Political Support to attempt, -10 Resources per turn if successful) (Arquebus Production (Stage 3), Cannon Production (Stage 2), and Rifle Trials must be complete within 2 turns of taking) (Massively increases the military capabilities of the Republic in the long term, reorganization takes 2-3 turns)
[]Diplomatic Efforts: We are currently a very isolated nation, with only limited trade with the Republic of Naxos and miscellaneous smugglers. However, it may be possible to work out trade and fishing agreements with some other states in the Aegean and on the coast of Anatolia, and maybe even the Dual Kingdom of Crete and Mycenae. (DC 10 for Lesbos, 30 for Corfu, 50 for Andros and American Republic of Turkey, 60 for Dual Kingdom, 70 for New Washington, 80 for Emergency Government of New America) (-5 Political Support to attempt) (Max 2 dice)
[]Special Services Division: We are currently almost completely blind to the affairs of other states, besides rumors from merchants. Creating a dedicated intelligence agency would allow for us to have a better idea of what our neighbors are planning to do, and maybe even give us the ability to hurt our enemies. (DC 25, -5 Political Support to attempt, -5 resources per turn if successful).
[]Influence Central Committee Appointments: The Constitution of the Popular Republic of Mycenae requires that by the end of 10 AE, either elections must be held or the Central Committee must be expanded to be at least 60% downtimers. Since elections are obviously not going to be held this year, the Central Committee will therefore have to be expanded. It only makes sense to try your best to ensure that these new appointees are as committed to the Revolution as you are. (-5 Political Support) (Max 1 die) (Subvote will be held in Results)
Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Many bottlenecks
Fuel: Causing deforestation at an unsustainable pace, coal urgently needed
Iron: Production insufficient
Copper: Sufficient
Wood: Sufficient production, but deforestation unsustainable
Construction Materials: Lime and bricks constrained by fuel availability
Food: Sufficient stores left until harvest
Cloth: Production insufficient
Rural labor (varies by season): Effectively infinite after October
Urban labor: Surplus
8 Hour Moratorium