Gendo and Seele are both getting the Rogue One treatment of; *Pow* "Congratulations! You're being saved! Please do not resist!"
Nah, the power gap between the droid and the person receiving rescuing in that film was far, far smaller. If she was versed in anti-droid warfare, she might have been able to fight him off: maybe.
Meanwhile, this is the equivalent of noticing a spider crawling next to a boiling pot, then using a cup and piece of paper to relocate it.
"There you go little guy. The amount of stupidity was literally beyond your comprehension, wasn't it?"
Waifu Lilith, success.
Know that you will have a companion, Lilith...
Someone who'll stand by you forevermore.

Take it all in Lilith, it's real.
It's okay to sigh in relief and cry, to vent and release.
Why? Because help has come with open arms and beating heart.

Now, Earth-Humanity...
Be good little children now...
Or else someone'll spank you for being naughty now.
Good chapter, if I remember correctly all the humans from this setting have something odd going on with there souls that make them a part of Lilith in someway? Lore for this anime is confusing as fuck since more screen time is spent watching a teen jack off on his wounded comrade then giving information on what's actually going on. That and it's been a long time since I watched that depressing show.
Good chapter, if I remember correctly all the humans from this setting have something odd going on with there souls that make them a part of Lilith in someway? Lore for this anime is confusing as fuck since more screen time is spent watching a teen jack off on his wounded comrade then giving information on what's actually going on.
Before life on Earth, there were a people called "The first ancestral race"
They sent out two types of seed-moons into the cosmos: one which would seed life of incredible individual power (Adam) and one which would seed life that focuses more on developing and utilizing the resources around it (Lilith).
However, on Earth, two seed-moons of opposing types arrived. The catastrophic impact of one of them throwing up the debris from Earth that would form the moon.
Eventually, realizing that there was another moon on this world, Adam powered down and went into hibernation. Lilith seeded Earth.

However, it's implied that the very nature of Lilith based life is different from ours. In our world, people need other people because it's a deliberate function more or less expressed by our genetics: time and time again, we tend to be more successful in groups and with companions than we are alone.

Meanwhile, the implication in Evangelion is that lonesome Lillith based lifeforms are inherently and fundamentally incomplete, their souls resembling janky jigsaw puzzles that simultaneously yearn to join another but also loathe other such souls for their own deficiencies.

This is why SEELE desired Third Impact - all would be one and the entirety of life on Earth would once again be whole in both spirit and mind.
Gendo madly played along because he believed that he could hijack that plan: by swallowing Adam's embryo, it fused with his hand - then, with all of the other Angels dead, he could singularly decide the course of Third Impact.
To expand on: he could possibly have started third impact, revive his wife, then immediately end it without the world any worse off. But, he was mad with love and grief and did an icarus, so this might have never been possible in the first place.
This particular version of things also seems to have 'all of the Adam style/type of seed-moons were crazy', given that they attacked Lilith on sight, even diverting intentionally.

Makes me wonder if the Adam-style one was created to destroy the universe out of spite, due to the team working on it misunderstanding the entire goal.
Entry 38
The walk back up my improvised path, was uneventful.

Lilith was quiet, and I was far to deep into my systems to start any conversation on my own side. Estimates were in and It would be about a day before everything was finished. The upscaled teleportation ring taking the full twenty four hours to complete, where as the constructs I was building in the void would only take twelve.

I just had to hope that it was fast enough, that and I had to time Lilith's exit at the right point.

I had a feeling that if Lilith left right now, that the Universe would just collapse in on it's self, having little to no reason to keep going at that point. However I also had to make sure Lilith wasn't present when I set about my solution, if only because it would kill her if she was still here.

Then again it would likely kill me if I was still present.

So I would have to time her Leaving alongside the Beginning of my solution.

Honestly, not that hard.

We had just entered the Area where I had pawned Unit 01, when Liliths head snapped to the side. I was confused for a second until I realized that the Bridge crew hadn't evacuated yet, to busy crowding around Ayanami for some reason..

Those Idiots!

What the hell were they thinking? Sure I wasn't hostile and I had left all the pilots unharmed. But I was also a literal robot from outer space running on what would foreign logic to them.

It was entirely conceivable for me to save one of them only to kill them all another way, and it was so very, Incredibly, Stupid to remain in a place I had been seen.

Now Lilith is heading they're way, great.

I might as well follow, if only to see the chaos.

Gendo Ikari hurt in away that was hard to quantify.

He also felt strangely relieved as though some infection had been ripped from his body root and stem.

Despite said relief, his head hadn't throbbed in such a way since the night after his wedding and opening his eyes was as ill advised as expected. The world a chaotic blur of light and sound that it made him clutch his head as the world took bright, vibrant joy at his suffering.

He cradled his head in his hands, knees drawn up to his chest in a manner he would usually never allow to be seen, hoping in an internally whiny voice for the pain to stop.

Thankfully the pain began to calm soon enough, after some time had passed, that he was able to understand the voices around him if only barely.

"-Were you aware that the universe is dying?"

His head shooting up from his hands Gendo found himself echoing everyone else in the room.


Only for his vision to blur once more at the quick movement, forcing him clutch his head in pain once more.

Misato was so very confused, and if Rei wasn't the one saying it she probably wouldn't be taking this as seriously as she was right now.

But when the ever stoic First child stated that the Universe was dying, you listened. Depending on her answers you could decide if it was something to worry about, or if Rei would need psychological help.

"Rei, if you could Extrapolate on that please?" Huh, that probably the first time Misato had ever actually used the word Extrapolate that wasn't some kind of sex joke. No, focus on Rei and her explanation, even if the Joke was funny.

Heh, Fuck.

What hell even was today?

Rei wasn't sure why Dr. Akagi's face was growing gradually paler as she explained the state of the universe.

She was doing her best to be quite succinct in her explanation, doing her very best to avoid subjects that exceeded human understanding and based on the fact no one had developed a spontaneous nose bleed, she had succeeded.

Needed information being a cognitive hazard was very annoying, and incredibly inefficient.

Then Commander Katsuragi had probed a question that made her own head ache.

"Rei how do you know this? How did you learn any of this?"

Rei wasn't sure, and that made her head hurt. Because she hadn't learned any of this, but Maker Lilith had taught her all of it.

That was a contradiction, but it wasn't, but it was, but-

"REI, it's fine! You don't have to answer, just breath with me okay."

When had Commander Katsuragi gotten so close? Why did the Third child-Why did Shinji look so worried?

Why was she on the ground?

Why did her hands hurt?

Oh, there was blood on her hands, dripping out of small crescents torn into the skin of her palm.

Had she done that? Trying to think about it made something rise in her chest, and caused the commander to grab her face. Forcing her to look away from her hands, as she did her best to keep Rei from looking away in a most rude fashion.

She wasn't sure why the commander wanted to her to count out loud, or to breath in time with her, but she followed along anyway.

Past the strange feeling in her chest fading with her every breath, it made Rei feel oddly safe.

It was Odd, ridiculous even. Because as Rei was realizing, nothing in this Universe could be considered safe.


Not even the Universe itself.
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Poor Rei. She's Lilith but also not. She has the nigh-infinite wealth of knowledge and experience of Lilith but with the limitations of a human perspective. I really hope our Commander gets these people out of the universe in its literal death throes to his, if only so he can communicate with them. (It also just occurred to me that Lilith is just as likely to tear Yui out of Unit 01 as she is to just freaking step on Gendo)
Past the strange feeling in her chest fading with her every breath, it made Rei feel oddly safe.

It was Odd, ridiculous even. Because as Rei was realizing, nothing in this Universe could be considered safe.


Not even the Universe itself.
I'll say this is quite depressing, but depressing is pretty much a synonym to Evangelion's story line
At this point I want "You killed the universe!" "Bastards!" to be a running gag for Commander.
Huh. Will he need to evacuate Rei and Lilith simultaneously?

…Actually, do all NGE humans need Lilith present in the universe, or can they maintain their non-Tang forms independently? What about Kaworu and Adam?
Entry 39
Misato couldn't help but panic, only a little and she made sure to keep it internal, but really who wouldn't be panicking in a situation like this.

Rei Ayanami the most stoic, level headed, rock of a person was having a panic attack.

Sure it was ebbing away as she forced the girl to look at her, her Pupils Blown out like she was in the middle of an intense drug trip. Shivers traveling down her entire body as she clung onto Misato.

She wasn't sure why asking that specific question had caused this, but damn if she didn't regret asking it now.

No that was lie, in hindsight Rei had been on the edge of an attack since she had woken up. The Bluette's usual mannerism had just allowed the girl to hide it. The Question had just been a tipping point.

Understandable to some extent, she hadn't understood much of Rei's explanation but she had gotten the gist of it. Rits's reaction however had been the reason she actually believed it.

The Faux blond had lost all blood in her face, so much so that she had looked more like a corpse than a person. It hadn't helped that after running something By the Magi, her old friend had begun to sway on her feet only not hitting the floor Because Maya had made a dive for her. Only Just catching the doctor before her head could hit the ground.

That had started a completely different bit of mayhem, and had almost followed the small procession down to the infirmary. But then she felt the two small hands clinging onto her jacket, the shivers wracking the small girl that was now nestled into her chest, panic flushing the her face as tear tracks ran down her face.

No Misato had to stay here, a choice that most of the Pilots copied. The only one who hadn't done so being an unconscious Kaworu, whom had been drug off with Rits. Commander Ikari had been hauled onto Aoba's shoulder as well. Leaving the rest of the Bridge crew and Misato to stay.

That had to have been at least thirty minutes ago, probably closer to a full hour at this point and only now was Rei beginning to show even a fragment of her usual composure.

Only for Rei's shudders to slow at an expedient rate almost disappearing completely in only minutes.

That wasn't right, Misato had experienced a panic attack before, and when one of this scale happened it could take hours to stop shaking. So confused by this Misato almost didn't notice her own shoulders relaxing, the stress from today's chaos fading slowly.

Misato felt almost like she was being hugged, by something that felt so very familiar, something on the very edge of her memory.

She almost didn't hear the shifting of rubble, almost didn't hear the girl in her arms gasp.

Looking down at the girl in her arms she followed the you girl's Scared? Awed? Gaze. Standing there far closer than the robot had bothered to do, was a white figure she had only seen through a display. It towered over her, it's seven eyes focused down at them.

She barley caught Rei's voice as the young pilot whispered with an almost reverential tone.

"Lilith, the Second Angel, and The Last Progenitor."

I was fairly certain that Lilith had no Idea what she was doing, if only because after being spotted she froze and hasn't done a thing since. Well, other than stare at Katsuragi and Ayanami.

Something only supported when she turned her head to look at me an expression like she was a deer in the headlights stuck on her face, a pulse of emotion that amounted to a cry for help echoing off of her.

If I was capable of it I would have sighed.

Now how was I going to help? I could try and do what I did earlier and dredge up memories in order to communicate, I could try and use a spire to vibrate the air to make sound?

Wait don't they have an intercom/Pa system? Let me check- yes they do.

Okay so I do feel like an Idiot but that can be put aside until I'm anywhere other than this universe.

"Hello, assorted Humans!"
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The ending reminds me of this...

Well, time to set up a dialogue!
People are panicking and a panicking people do stupid things.
Better calm them down.
I'm loving how quick the updates have been. Even if the chaps are very short, they don't feel that short considering how fast the plot moves.
The ending reminds me of this...

Well, time to set up a dialogue!
People are panicking and a panicking people do stupid things.
Better calm them down.

That certainly made lol. Thanks.

Is this where he says something like "you are being recused and relocated to a different universe… do not resist"

Thanks for the chapter.