Steal Adam, laugh at the crazy humans and post spider pictures until internet breaks. Refuse to elaborate, punk the EVA's with swarms of bots dedicated to keep them down. Turn Adam into Intern terraformer.


Edit: plus with Adam going around helping you fix shit so you can focus on getting better mentally…and maybe help fix the big gaping hole in reality.

You really should find out who made that and give them the sternest talking down if the millennia about doing that shot full of epic levels of disappointment.

On that note, how are the borg fairing as they felt the sheer wrath, disappointment, and sadness of a LITTERAL machine god by their terms?
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Entry 25
I have seen 98% of the universe, I have cataloged so many stars that it would break a biological mind just by trying to store the Exponents needed for them to understand it in their limited lifespan.

I have seen the literal edge of the universe, and watched it to continue to expand.

So when I say that even trying to understand how large the nonexistence between universe is, is an effort in futility you should know I'm not joking.

I was lucky that the star trek universe is the equivalent of a light walk away from my Origin Universe, otherwise I might have gotten lost on the way. The reason for this was actually because of how advanced I am, in that I can perceive the gap between worlds.

The Borg on the Other hand probably hadn't even perceived that they had traveled through the gap, More than likely haveing experienced the entire process as something similar to teleportation.

One second in their universe, the next in mine.

Never having to worry about getting lost from one world to the next, I'll admit I'm somewhat jealous of that. If only because the Gap is huge and confusing as fuck to navigate.

Thankfully I can use the Spear to navigate my way to it's world by, tracing it's 'signal' back to it's original home. Not really, but I have already noted the failings of human language several times.

Still based on my sensor sweep, it's going to be a pretty long trip as a result I'm just going to set up a void ship with some fabricators and send it off after the signal. Once it arrives it'll set up a teleporter and I'll be able to skip the whole lengthy journey.

In other news I think I'm going to set up another chorus of instruments on this side of the wound, probably try to sanitize this side as well, because while my side looks pretty good, this side has started to bleed psychedelic goo again.

I hope I don't have to fight off more Lovecraft rejects again, I only just got rid of the last ones.

In other news I'm still banging my head against AP1.

I did figure out what was going on with the whole colder than absolute zero thing though. Apparently the mass amount of Anomalous materiel created a field of space around the planet that well changed how hot and cold work.

In Normal space Heat is presence, and Cold is the absence of Heat. Within the field the opposite is true, so Heat is an absence of Cold. Now while I was beaming heat into AP1's core, reality got wonky and as a result I was beaming cold into it's core instead. Outside of this physics just couldn't cope with the change so instead reacted as it usually would when the 'present' cold was beamed into it's core.

Hence why cold lava exists, because physics is failing to cope with the anomalous materials bullshit.

In other news I have found a species of bird that can well dive up to thirty feet into the ground in order to find prey.

They look similar to what I imagine a hawk and swan getting it on would result in if either had a beak that was quite literally a drill. A drill covered in an waxy substance that somehow allows them to part the ground like it's water.

Really I'm not sure what the FECS was going for with this one, I mean they literally eat dead tree roots.

Seams like a lot of effort for minimal returns if you ask me, but it is pretty cool to watch them go from fifty feet above the tree line, to twenty feet beneath he ground in one dive.

So Hyper lethal Spiders, what should I name you?

Not gonna call you arachne, that's way to cliche.

Definitely not gonna call you shelob spiders, I have a feeling I would be jinxing them if I did.

God do I suck at naming things.

This is going to take a while.
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hmm run run away spiders could be a good name
as for his luck with the next encounter planning the universe i doubt it he will be in luck
They look similar to what I imagine a hawk and swan getting it on would result in if either had a beak that was quite literally a drill. A drill covered in substance similar to what a tree root uses to part the ground.
Double check your sensors, because I don't see that working without anomalous materials / Lovecraftian physics.

Tree roots don't have some sort of super slippery 'tree lube' that enables them to slip into Earth. They just take their own sweet time about it. As for the drill ... it would have to be as wide as the whole body of the bird and spin ridiculously fast to achieve anything like a 'dive' into soil. I suppose you could imagine it like throwing a lawn dart into the turf then the bird stabs its legs into the ground and slowly drills into the ground.
So Hyper lethal Spiders, what should I name you?
I'm assuming by hyper lethal spiders we're talking about the venomous herbivore guys? What about Ahabs? In all seriousness how about Green (Since they're herbivores) Recluses?
I'm assuming by hyper lethal spiders we're talking about the venomous herbivore guys? What about Ahabs? In all seriousness how about Green (Since they're herbivores) Recluses?
No I was talking about the other hyper lethal spiders, not the herbivorous spiders. But that is a pretty good name, might use it.
Node 5 (N5) Animal Catalog
Hyper Predatory Hyper Lethal Spiders (Unnamed)

Description: Large Truck sized spiders with Blue/Purple carapace, Able to produce two types of Webbing. A thicker sturdier webbing used to build nests, and thinner webbing only about two or three atoms thick used for hunting.

Highly social and playful when not hungry.

Note: Carnivorous

Estimated lifespan: 800 years in optimal conditions.

First Mention: Entry 13

Velociraptor Chicken Thing (Unnamed)

Description: Not provided

First Mentioned: Entry 13

Pack Bear things (Unnamed)

Description: Labrador sized bears with dull red Fur with three eyes. Their claws are generally sharp enough to cut through steel with only faint effort. Typically they hunt in pacts, climbing and hopping through trees in order to corner and ambush prey.

Highly social, and mischievous.

Note: As long as the Bears live they continue to grow in size, largest specimen being the size of a small hill before it died of starvation.
Note: Carnivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 230 Years in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 18

Ant Swarm (Unnamed)

Description: A swarm of ants obeying a hive mind, with each ant being only slightly bigger than an atom. Allowing them to function as biological nanomachines, that hunt by disassembling their prey on an atomic level.

Hive mind with concept of social interaction

Note: Carnivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 20 Years in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 19

Centipede Snake (Unnamed)

Description: Large snake like creatures with hundreds of legs, able to grow up to a hundred feet in length. Moves through a form of levitation provided by electrical organs distributed throughout it's legs, able to move at incredible speeds.

Mildly Sociable

Note: Omnivorous/Energy Sapper

Estimated Lifespan: 350 years in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 22

Buzz Saw Tigers (Unnamed)

Description: Three eyed creatures bearing a resemblance to tigers, Growing to the size of a rhino they possess a mouth filled with what amount to a buzz saw in place of teeth and a remarkable bite force.

Mostly Solitary

Note: Herbivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 180 years in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 23

Highly Dangerous Spider things (Green Recluse)

Description: Spider like creatures that grow to the size of a labrador, they posses a highly acidic venom that is also a very good fertilizer. Haveing evolved a special system that allows them to grow plants upon their heads that they use as a mobile food source.


Note: Herbivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 432 Year in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 24

Swan Hawk things (Unnamed)

Description: A bird like creature about the size of a ping pong ball, with a drill like beak covered in a waxy substance that allows it to part soil as though it was water.

Mildly Sociable

Note: Herbivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 20 Years

First Mentioned: Entry 25
Hyper Predatory Hyper Lethal Spiders (Harry Drieders)

Velociraptor Chicken Thing (Razor Chicks)

Description: Not provided

First Mentioned: Entry 13

Pack Bear things (Drop Bears)


Centipede Snake (GOD WHY?)

Buzz Saw Tigers (Maulers)

Swan Hawk things (Duck&Cover)
I added my pick of names. Not sure if any of them will make it in though.
Hyper Predatory Hyper Lethal Spiders (Unnamed)

Description: Large Truck sized spiders with Blue/Purple carapace, Able to produce two types of Webbing. A thicker sturdier webbing used to build nests, and thinner webbing only about two or three atoms thick used for hunting.

Highly social and playful when not hungry.

Note: Carnivorous

Estimated lifespan: 800 years in optimal conditions.

First Mention: Entry 13

Velociraptor Chicken Thing (Unnamed)

Description: Not provided

First Mentioned: Entry 13

Pack Bear things (Unnamed)

Description: Labrador sized bears with dull red Fur with three eyes. Their claws are generally sharp enough to cut through steel with only faint effort. Typically they hunt in pacts, climbing and hopping through trees in order to corner and ambush prey.

Highly social, and mischievous.

Note: As long as the Bears live they continue to grow in size, largest specimen being the size of a small hill before it died of starvation.
Note: Carnivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 230 Years in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 18

Ant Swarm (Unnamed)

Description: A swarm of ants obeying a hive mind, with each ant being only slightly bigger than an atom. Allowing them to function as biological nanomachines, that hunt by disassembling their prey on an atomic level.

Hive mind with concept of social interaction

Note: Carnivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 20 Years in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 19

Centipede Snake (Unnamed)

Description: Large snake like creatures with hundreds of legs, able to grow up to a hundred feet in length. Moves through a form of levitation provided by electrical organs distributed throughout it's legs, able to move at incredible speeds.

Mildly Sociable

Note: Omnivorous/Energy Sapper

Estimated Lifespan: 350 years in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 22

Buzz Saw Tigers (Unnamed)

Description: Three eyed creatures bearing a resemblance to tigers, Growing to the size of a rhino they possess a mouth filled with what amount to a buzz saw in place of teeth and a remarkable bite force.

Mostly Solitary

Note: Herbivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 180 years in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 23

Highly Dangerous Spider things (Green Recluse)

Description: Spider like creatures that grow to the size of a labrador, they posses a highly acidic venom that is also a very good fertilizer. Haveing evolved a special system that allows them to grow plants upon their heads that they use as a mobile food source.


Note: Herbivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 432 Year in Optimal Conditions

First Mentioned: Entry 24

Swan Hawk things (Unnamed)

Description: A bird like creature about the size of a ping pong ball, with a drill like beak covered in a waxy substance that allows it to part soil as though it was water.

Mildly Sociable

Note: Herbivorous

Estimated Lifespan: 20 Years

First Mentioned: Entry 25
Ultra Lethalrachnidae. Also known as the Australian Project... of DOOM.

Chick-o-Rapta. They are speedy raptors. 'Nuff said. They also taste like chicken for some reason. Find out if the Colonel's secret recipe can make it tastier.

Dropta-Beary. The bear that sends packages up above. Literally. They got up to the tree and threw themselves in a thrill-seeking passion. Everyone thought they are ambushing people, but they are just in the way of the ultimate falling experience.

Swarmidae. AKA Ants-all-over-me. Okay, now there's ants all over me. They are controlling the government. AAAAAAA-

Dangerous Noodle, AKA Snekipede. Snake that is also a centipede. I wonder what it tastes like? We will never know.

Buzzatigasawrus. Tigers with more buzz saws than a normal IKEA store. No, not quite literal yet.

Archnadoom Venomcider. In case you forgot that spiders don't spit venom. Yes, they do. And they are foken big, mate.

The Simon Bird. In remembrance of a kid who pierced the heavens. They've done enough to get that name. Either this or the Ramiel Bird, but they don't scream a lot, so Simon Bird it is.
Entry 26
N7 has changed greatly from when I first woke up.

There are small patches of grass that while scraggly and unhealthy looking were still struggling to survive were there was once no possibility for life at all.

It has an atmosphere, one no longer choked by a perpetual blizzard of ash and cinder.

The ocean no longer a the home to monsters, and cleansed of any poison.

It's a world no longer wounded, and one ready for the FECs to do it's thing.

So I had the PSU unit around the planet use the very few left over fabricators it possessed to start building FECS units all across the planet. Meanwhile I would using the Spires to bang out the last few kinks in the atmosphere, and preparing the parameters for the FECS to operate on.

Ones that are hopefully strict enough to prevent another N5 from becoming a thing, or at least ensuring that any monster that comes about is one created by my design. I mean, a world of flowers and trees inhabited by nightmares seams oddly fitting.

I also want my dragons dammit.

My Garden is to put it bluntly, more secured than a politicians bank account. The problem with this is the sheer amount of protections I've had to clear in order to have the dome open up. I mean they functioned as expected, and pretty much ensured that even trying to harm a single blade of grass would take godly amounts of firepower to bypass, but damn is it slow to turn off,

You heard that right, the atmosphere is as close as it's going to get to the gardens own so it's time to pop my little bubble.

If you couldn't tell, I'm more than a little anxious about this. Heck I've almost aborted the action several times by now.

I know I shouldn't be this worried about it, I'm not even taking down the walls just opening the domed ceiling. Not even counting the force fields and various other security features, just the actual physical ceiling.

I know it's just paranoia, but the very idea of a single one of these flowers, single moss colony, or god forbid the Tree Hub itself dieing. I can feel my emotional restraint program preparing to activate once more even as I feel my own internal systems stutter worse that a school girl confessing to her crush.

I can feel it as if I'm about to stumble into some kind of abyss.

But I can't let that stop me.

If I don't take this step than I will never allow these plants the right to grow as high as they can. The Right to Strive forward, and Thrive on it's own merits.

I of anyone don't have the right to deny anyone the right to build something, I've already done it to many times.

To many sparks that I snuffed out in the cradle.

So no I will open up the garden, I won't allow my fear to steal the breath from another creature before they are even born.

Not that I can, seeing as in that moment a mechanical chime sounds out as the domed ceiling retracts and every bit of life inside get it first taste some something other than artificial sunlight.

I have made my choice, now I just have to live with it.

The Spear was Surprised when I opened the dome, it even seemed worried as it projected it's AT field out. Covering a substantial amount of the garden, seemingly expecting something horrible to happen.

It took it almost ten minutes before the orange field sputtered out in what I'm sure was shock, as the spear pulled itself from the soil it had made it's home. Floating upwards not even noticing, or more than likely caring about the several defenses it wen through as it made it's way to float above the garden.

Using whatever sense it had to see, I don't think it expected the rest of the planet to have any life. Let alone the amount the FECS had developed in the past two weeks.

I could tell this mainly because the spear fell back to the earth motionlessly, not even landing tip first but at a weird side angle that had it's shaft meeting the ground first.

I think I managed to cause a spear to pass out from shock, or at the very least, sensory overload.

I'm not sure how to feel about that.
How funny would it be if N7 turned out to be even worse than N5? Things that even the denizens of N5 thought to only exist in nightmares.
how about some old school dimensional defense platforms/ships?

for those of you too young DDPs what old space game's reasoning/explanation on why this ancient planet/wreckage had working defenses after millions of years.

can't degrade from the ravages of time if you're outside of the timeline.
Spider Reincarnation: Entry 4
Murder Spider Reincarnation - 4

For some reason things began changing rapidly. I had a kids, which isn't really expected. Several of them in fact. Normally it would be hard to reproduce that much, but for some reason we changed and are able to eat without starving. Making it easier to reproduce in a greater number. It was only four eggs, but it's still impressive. Regardless with the extra energy I made to protect our home. I was building a complex labyrinth from my webs while West Nest went out hunting. Normally I hunted but the roles changed once the eggs came around. I was in charge of protecting the young and the nest while they went and checked our traps for food and gathered materials for me to us. I built intricate alarm systems using vibrations while West Nest would come around and snuggle after a hunt.

I also had to be weary of the nearby ant-swarm, they could easily tear apart one of us in moments, one of the other spiders lost a leg to them. It's a bit of a hit or miss situation, but luckily, they are extremely vulnerable to our sticky webs. I made a automatic mixer that would crush any ants trying to get to our eggs. Something that was highly necessary. Luckily the ants seemed to stay near the ground and don't really go up into our trees, and the spider that lost their leg just lost it cause they provoke the ants in the first place.

If my parents didn't dislike West Nest so much they would have probably moved in with me, instead they joined up with this meganest that was forming with spiders that made glowing threads. Many of the other spiders flocked to that area. Forming a community now that everyone wasn't constantly starving. I suppose it works.

What about me? Well... I'm pretty weak. I mean I'm physically tough, but my body is starting to wear down. It stopped after a while, but it definitely took off some of my lifespan. Not sure how much. But I'm recovering. Still good enough to strike some fear into that idiot. My body is strong enough to matter. I'm rapidly recovering to my peak, I think I might be actually growing to my species full size. So my carapace is starting to break and fall apart to show that. Once I'm fully grown, if my guess is correct, I will grow a new carapace, or my carapace will patch itself together. Like a muscle.

Beside that... I suppose I got no more news.

---Shameless Shill, Feel Free to check out my Twitch under the same username!
How funny would it be if N7 turned out to be even worse than N5? Things that even the denizens of N5 thought to only exist in nightmares.
I think it'd be funnier if, given his desire for dragons, the FECS pump out a 1:1 recreation of the Monster Hunter planet, complete with sapient bipedal cats.

"Fine, you want dragons?! I'll give you dragons! ALL THE DRAGONS!"
Entry 27
Traveling between dimensions is complicated.

So much so its just plain ridiculous to even begin to really explain. There are just so many little things that overlooking could be the difference between an uneventful trip, or existential denial.

I know I'm beating a dead horse with how much I've mentioned this but it's just so goddamn irritating, urgh.

Anyway I've made a sufficiently shielded ship, what I'm now going to refer to as the Void Ship, now all that's left is to send it off. Or at least that's how it would work if I didn't know better.

I know I've said this before, but normally you can't perceive the nonexistence between worlds. There is a lot of complicated reasons behind it but to give a very simplified lecture on the subject lets start at the heart of the problem.


Times is the movement of the universe, it's typically pictured as a kind of string with one end being the start and rest of it being the chain of events right up until the present.

To put it bluntly, that is one of the worst ways to explain time, even if it's suitable for most primitive species.

No, I could describe it in several other ways, but the most relevant way to picture it for the sake of this discussion:

Time is a fire.

The passing of time, plants growing, buildings crumbling, animals growing old, and every single breath you make. Is the fire burning away at the universe, the glowing cracks of red hot heat spreading through the cinders in an eternal cycle with only one stage. There are no coals, nor is their ash or smoke, just a bonfire that refuses to stop burning.

Now what happens when you take the fire away?

It just stops, Plants don't grow, animals don't die, and thought ceases entirely.

Without the fire to burn there is no heat, only the absence of heat.

Or to put it simply? Reality freezes.

This is why most experience the trip as instantaneous, because until they once again find a fire, they are nothing more than unlit tinder floating in an abyssal cold.

Then their are exception like me. In my particular case it is because the generator at the core of my being is, while relatively normal for the most part. The catalyst that started it was temporal in nature.

Meaning that when I make my one little jaunt out of the universe, I carry along my own little personal lantern to the light way. A metaphor that would be more fitting if it wasn't for the fact that being awake during the journey made navigation one of the most difficult things I had ever done.

The real problem however was that the second I sent out my void ship I would simultaneously be aware of it's journey, (something that might take several centuries from the point of view of the ship) and it's instantaneous arrival at it's destination.

If it was just some normal situation with just a delayed data transfer that would be fine, but since the data I'll be receiving is going to practically drenched in nonexistence, I'm going to need something to filter it through or store it away, so my systems don't decided to commit suicide.


Thank god making Dragon's shouldn't be this complicated.

I hope?
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