The amount of stars in the universe is incredible, from newborn giants, to elderly dwarf stars. I had seen violet stars pulsing with light intense enough to shred planets.
I had seen so very much in those stars.
Then again I had seen a lot really.
However this was just one of my many trains off thought I was maintaining at all times. It was honestly kind of hard to keep track, I was thinking so much that had I been a psychic entity I probably would have cracked the planet at the very least.
Anyway stars, they are really pretty and I can say that since I had about twenty trillion CRS spread through out the galaxy observing just twice as many stars as they did their job.
It's also doing a very good job of, not distracting me since that isn't really possible, but letting process? some things I'm trying to ignore. For one I have learned that I and Lilith share one key trait.
We suck at interacting with other beings, Or perhaps just social interaction in general? Well that doesn't seem totally right, I hadn't had any issue playing charades with the void entity after all. Something to think about, not like I didn't have a list long enough to be a celestial object after all.
So that was incredibly awkward, in the sense that I tried to plan out what Lilith wanted to do, and she had the repeated response of a cat getting thrown in a tub of water. Also a lot of shrugging.
As you might guess that wasn't very helpful.
For another it looks like Eva-Earth had kinda imploded. Not literally, the planet is still structurally sound, and no I definitely didn't double check that out of paranoia.
I really need to stop acting like somebody is reading these, because for one there is no point trying to lie to myself, I most certainly double and triple checked the planets structure the second the though occurred to me. No risk of ice ages, planet wide earthquakes, or even the the core of the planets core cooling any time soon.
No the issue was quite simply the planets inhabitants.
Approximately eight hours after I Kidnapped the thing, the humans started a planet wide shadow/religious war. Some how (still not totally sure), the planet somehow got a hold of the recording of my little spat with the Faux Progenitors, and then as a whole species went batshit.
Split between four factions, the idiots who seemed to think I had to listen and do as they said 'Because they said so'. Surprise surprise they were mostly made of the same people that thought declaring war on me was smart.
The second and third groups were split between people who wanted to either worship me or demonize me. Annoyingly enough the actual ringleaders didn't so much as believe what they were spouting as decided to use me as a sort of latter to rise in power. I honestly could tell if I would have preferred them to be zealots or not.
This was also awkward in the sense that if enough of them genuinely believed me to be a divine entity it might come true. I think? What I have in my database isn't really all that clear so I'm just going to hope it's wrong.
The fourth was made up people who looked at me, the thing fighting on what amounted to a large galaxies worth of matieral in a weaponized form and took it as a challenge. As they decied they didn't want that to be thier future.
Not in the sense of trying to build a bigger gun surpisingly, no they decied as one that if I could fight at such a level, then they could be better. They could be kinder, they could build others up instead of knocking them down.
They Could Live up to Lilith's hopes.
They looked at the false Progenitors and decided they never wanted to walk a path even mildly similar.
I can't help but approve of that.
So as they all fought each other in a war that was mostly ideoligical (Some of my spare bots were activly disabling thier weapons after a sensor caught someone trying to set off a nuke) while others tried to shift the populations perspective in the shadows with everything from propaganda to brainwashing.
The problem started when about two months into the conflict, The fourth group got the idea to contact me by sending out an encypted radio signal into space, asking if they could Please immigrate to my empire.
The fact the zealots got the same idea was only making things more complicated.
Mostly because, well, what empire???
In other news I was nearly done building my new frame, mostly because... Well I don't really have an excuse this about the third time I've just completely redesigned the thing.
My issue was that, well I didn't want this frame to be a weaponized one. I didn't want it to be a tool that could literally stop an intergalactic empire in a conflict that just barely last a full day.
On the other, what if I needed it to be? Sure the chances of me needing to fight a literal universal threat anytime soon was unlikly, but I wasn't blind that this was the second time I'd had to do it.
Once is an accident, twice is coincidence, three times is a pattern, and while I haven't made a pattern just yet I couldn't help but think it was more likly than not.
So I geuss I only have one choice in the matter.
Using a Big Bang like it's a crafting material is, well, really, really difficult.
That me saying it by the way, you know the fucking Commander who could near casulally reverse time. Well not causually, but you get the idea. Anyway I still haven't decided what I'm going to make with it once I figure it out, but I've managed to stabalize it to a certain degreee. It's honestly a bit facinating to look at.
No Idea what color it is, even my sensors are having an issue looking at right now and I think it keeps giggling at me. Not exactly a comfforting occurence, especailly cause it's a deep voice thats doing it and I mean deep. Like a deep enough voice it would actually cause a humans skull to crack.
Oddly enough it makes me think if Mace Windu for some reason, maybe it's Purple?
Otherwise the Giant Mouse thing is still thriving and I still don't know why.
AN: Happy Early Fourth!