An … interesting read … sorta … if you haven't read a million sci-fi stories, including several faster paced PA stories. However, I'm not really sure it's going anywhere? Is there actually any kind of goal for the plot, or is it just a kinda pointless slice-of-life thing? Don't get me wrong, the writing's pretty good, and it has its moments of humor, and I appreciate the effort going into it. But just reading along with the mc's vague efforts of self therapy has already gotten boring, and for some reason the entire evangelion arc fell completely flat for me. Personally, I would have thought expanding on the borg contact, or into that universe would offer a great deal more to work with than a very brief and minimal contact with a small handful of people in evanglion.

And just as a general comment, about this mc, and seemingly most out there … I get that it's standard to write mc's as flawed, troubled, angsty characters. I get why. To be honest, however, I really wish more authors would buck that trend and write a well adjusted, happy, non-traumatized mc. Or at least one whose new power, or situatio, or life is an improvement they are happy about instead of suffering from. Despite "popular opinion", and "common knowledge" … both often oxymorons by the way … I don't believe mc's need to have PTSD to be good characters. For what it's worth.
if you haven't read a million sci-fi stories, including several faster paced PA stories.
I mean, yeah? That's true with literally 99% of Fiction, full stop. Not to mention that most PA fics since Drich popularized the concept are... well, wish fulfillment is a good way to put it. They do it because Big Scifi Battles are Cool, with a healthy dash of Number Go Up-ism.

This story isn't really intended to *be* Just Another Commander Fic, and thus it doesn't make sense to judge it as being so.

I don't believe mc's need to have PTSD to be good characters.
I also don't understand why *other stories* doing something is a fault of this one.

The PTSD of a person *personally exterminating the universe* is a huge part of the character, it's why they didn't just *nuke the universe* the second they learned it was Eva, despite that generally being considered a good option by most given how *fucked* it gets.

The point of the PTSD in this story is to give justification as to why the MC doesn't just wave their hand and obliterate any foe in their path, it helps explain why they put so much care into fixing their dead universe, and re-establishing life.
This story isn't really intended to *be* Just Another Commander Fic, and thus it doesn't make sense to judge it as being so.
… you seem to have misunderstood what I said. I'm saying that as it is now, this IS JUST ANOTHER COMMANDER FIC, with nothing currently that makes it stand out as worth reading. That's what I was pointing out, and suggesting should change.

The PTSD of a person *personally exterminating the universe* is a huge part of the character, it's why they didn't just *nuke the universe* the second they learned it was Eva, despite that generally being considered a good option by most given how *fucked* it gets.

The point of the PTSD in this story is to give justification as to why the MC doesn't just wave their hand and obliterate any foe in their path, it helps explain why they put so much care into fixing their dead universe, and re-establishing life.

This response to my original statement is pointless. It doesn't actually even address what I actually said, much less invalidate it. But thanks for the input I suppose.
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L file 2
Lilith wasn't capable of telling how long she had been sitting here, running an oh so large hand over the impossible surface. Her universe, the thing she had been trying to do nothing but save since the first instance of her existence, sitting upon a wooden pedestal.

Safe, from everything, from Adams Madness, from the insanity of the Faux progenitors.

Every time one of her fingers ran across it's surface it felt different, soft, then rough, then squishy, etc. Even a moment of contact would lily render those Spawned from her moon with an intense migraine, if not leave them mentally damaged. There brains not meant to handle a surface both hard, soft, rough and smooth all at once.

Then again even Lilith herself would have trouble interacting if it wasn't for the film of energy, protecting her mind and rendering the physical form of a her universe a refreshing even mildly painful shade of green.

Lilith wasn't sure what to do with her self, there was so much to do. The Spears the commander had all but dumped on her needed help, the Commander himself didn't seem to know what to do with the planet he had saved at her request. All but ignoring it once they had started a nearly silent religious war.

A surprisingly blood less one at that.

Then there was the matter of how she knew this at all, the not problem, but task? Duty? she held to one Rei Ayanami.

Her Soulbearer.

What had once been nothing more than a small cracked shard of her own soul, had long since ceased to be a shard. It had long since grown into it's own, into a soul all in it's own. But she could feel it, that small infinitesimal shard that still remember where it had come from. Trying to pull itself free from what it had become, to join Lilith once more.

But she would not let it, if she did she would loose something far more precious than a mere shaving her own being.

She could have, the very moment she woke she could have simply let it pull it way to her like a comet caught in the orbit of a star. She didn't, for that would do far worse than kill Rei Ayanami.

It would shatter her like glass, it would break and twist such a special thing into nothing more than a writhing shade of broken thought, and mindless want.

Lilith Couldn't let that happen, wouldn't let that happen.

For Rei Ayanami was more than just a Soulbearer, had purpose beyond the burden of her soul. For Rei Ayanami was something beyond Lilith own understanding, a creature that lit emotion in Lilith that she was unable to quantify.

Rei Ayanami may not like Lilith, may not even want to ever see her again and it hurt in a way beyond anything Lilith knew. But Regardless she would always have Lilith.

Wether she knew it or not.
Hmm... I wonder what an outside explorer would see if they discovered this system in the far future, the awe of having followed the trail of destruction to its final end point and finding this idyllic hell system of anomalous worlds and beings.
Entry 57
The amount of stars in the universe is incredible, from newborn giants, to elderly dwarf stars. I had seen violet stars pulsing with light intense enough to shred planets.

I had seen so very much in those stars.

Then again I had seen a lot really.

However this was just one of my many trains off thought I was maintaining at all times. It was honestly kind of hard to keep track, I was thinking so much that had I been a psychic entity I probably would have cracked the planet at the very least.

Anyway stars, they are really pretty and I can say that since I had about twenty trillion CRS spread through out the galaxy observing just twice as many stars as they did their job.

It's also doing a very good job of, not distracting me since that isn't really possible, but letting process? some things I'm trying to ignore. For one I have learned that I and Lilith share one key trait.

We suck at interacting with other beings, Or perhaps just social interaction in general? Well that doesn't seem totally right, I hadn't had any issue playing charades with the void entity after all. Something to think about, not like I didn't have a list long enough to be a celestial object after all.

So that was incredibly awkward, in the sense that I tried to plan out what Lilith wanted to do, and she had the repeated response of a cat getting thrown in a tub of water. Also a lot of shrugging.

As you might guess that wasn't very helpful.

For another it looks like Eva-Earth had kinda imploded. Not literally, the planet is still structurally sound, and no I definitely didn't double check that out of paranoia.

I really need to stop acting like somebody is reading these, because for one there is no point trying to lie to myself, I most certainly double and triple checked the planets structure the second the though occurred to me. No risk of ice ages, planet wide earthquakes, or even the the core of the planets core cooling any time soon.

No the issue was quite simply the planets inhabitants.

Approximately eight hours after I Kidnapped the thing, the humans started a planet wide shadow/religious war. Some how (still not totally sure), the planet somehow got a hold of the recording of my little spat with the Faux Progenitors, and then as a whole species went batshit.

Split between four factions, the idiots who seemed to think I had to listen and do as they said 'Because they said so'. Surprise surprise they were mostly made of the same people that thought declaring war on me was smart.

The second and third groups were split between people who wanted to either worship me or demonize me. Annoyingly enough the actual ringleaders didn't so much as believe what they were spouting as decided to use me as a sort of latter to rise in power. I honestly could tell if I would have preferred them to be zealots or not.

This was also awkward in the sense that if enough of them genuinely believed me to be a divine entity it might come true. I think? What I have in my database isn't really all that clear so I'm just going to hope it's wrong.

The fourth was made up people who looked at me, the thing fighting on what amounted to a large galaxies worth of matieral in a weaponized form and took it as a challenge. As they decied they didn't want that to be thier future.

Not in the sense of trying to build a bigger gun surpisingly, no they decied as one that if I could fight at such a level, then they could be better. They could be kinder, they could build others up instead of knocking them down.

They Could Live up to Lilith's hopes.

They looked at the false Progenitors and decided they never wanted to walk a path even mildly similar.

I can't help but approve of that.

So as they all fought each other in a war that was mostly ideoligical (Some of my spare bots were activly disabling thier weapons after a sensor caught someone trying to set off a nuke) while others tried to shift the populations perspective in the shadows with everything from propaganda to brainwashing.

The problem started when about two months into the conflict, The fourth group got the idea to contact me by sending out an encypted radio signal into space, asking if they could Please immigrate to my empire.

The fact the zealots got the same idea was only making things more complicated.

Mostly because, well, what empire???

In other news I was nearly done building my new frame, mostly because... Well I don't really have an excuse this about the third time I've just completely redesigned the thing.

My issue was that, well I didn't want this frame to be a weaponized one. I didn't want it to be a tool that could literally stop an intergalactic empire in a conflict that just barely last a full day.

On the other, what if I needed it to be? Sure the chances of me needing to fight a literal universal threat anytime soon was unlikly, but I wasn't blind that this was the second time I'd had to do it.

Once is an accident, twice is coincidence, three times is a pattern, and while I haven't made a pattern just yet I couldn't help but think it was more likly than not.

So I geuss I only have one choice in the matter.

Using a Big Bang like it's a crafting material is, well, really, really difficult.

That me saying it by the way, you know the fucking Commander who could near casulally reverse time. Well not causually, but you get the idea. Anyway I still haven't decided what I'm going to make with it once I figure it out, but I've managed to stabalize it to a certain degreee. It's honestly a bit facinating to look at.

No Idea what color it is, even my sensors are having an issue looking at right now and I think it keeps giggling at me. Not exactly a comfforting occurence, especailly cause it's a deep voice thats doing it and I mean deep. Like a deep enough voice it would actually cause a humans skull to crack.

Oddly enough it makes me think if Mace Windu for some reason, maybe it's Purple?

Otherwise the Giant Mouse thing is still thriving and I still don't know why.

AN: Happy Early Fourth!
nice chapter thx for writing it
ah the good idea of humanity politics :D guess the mc is regretting limiting casualties atm :D
It'll be like the introduction of the previous empire turned ash by the empires' orders.
From what I have gathered the "Last Wish Protocol" is some sort of order that set Cmd. Irreverent's creators to the extinction list in the event their universe-wide empire is under a "Sucession War"-type crisis. Perhaps to prevent their home universe from an early death like the NGE-veres.
Entry 58
So to put it bluntly, I panicked.

Just a little, a small smidge, and anyway there is now a small (by my standards) habitable ring world slung around N5 in the works. Why? Because the human separatists kept sending out more and more dramatic requests to immigrate. So I figured might as well, but then I realized I really didn't want them anywhere near either my death world or my garden world.

Admittedly N5 would probably have killed them within about a minute of landing, but I really just didn't want them to step on my flowers. The very idea of it sends me on a little bit of a panic spiral. Hence why N5 now has a ring world wrapped around it. Well its more like a small ring integrated into the PSU that was already around it phased slightly out of line with the rest of the universe.

Sadly setting the Ring world out of line like the PSU would make it uninhabitable to humans, so I had to make a couple of adjustments to the ring would shine the required sunlight down on N5. Cause otherwise things would start dying.

I should make a directory for things like this, if it wasn't for the fact my memory is perfect it would have taken me a minute to remember what a PSU (Planetary Shielding Unit).

Anyway the ring world, I'm just gonna give it a random mythological name er. The ring world Elpis, yeah that works, is going to be the future home to the human separatists. Though I'm still debating on whether I should pick up the zealots too.

Though I am a little confused on why the ones calling me the devil are also asking me to take them away.

The big bang crafting attempt is going well, I've managed to stabilize it to an extent. It's still giving me some weird readings but it's no longer giggling and while I'm not sure if that's an improvement I'll take it. I also think I've managed to narrow down what I want it to be when I'm done.

I'm thinking a sort of terraforming system, I've even gotten a couple of ideas on how to do it. Though most of them involve upgrading the FECS, something I find I'm rather reluctant to do.

Admittedly I'm not sure if I'm afraid of upgrading it or if I'm afraid upgrading it will make it less quirky. Sure it seems to like making death worlds if I don't micromanage it, but so far it's turned out pretty good in the end.

Guess I'll have to think about it.

My new frame is finished.

it's about the same size as the last frame, at about eighty six meters tall. I kept with the fusion commander aesthetic, and well its technically unarmed. Mostly in the sense that despite having the fittings for various weapons they aren't actually equipped.

Yet that is, I've decided to go the armed route this time. Just in case something more dangerous shows up.

Now I just need to go talk to Lilith.
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Entry 59
So Lilith.

She has to put it bluntly kind of shut down, like entirely. If she were a robot she'd be completely off with the exception of a script to occasionally pet the EVA Marble. At least as far as I can tell, there a great deal of wacky stuff happening around her that I don't really understand. For example I'm not sure why she's vibrating the atoms around her in a cyclical pattern.

Or why light occasionally just blips out around her.

Anyway it wasn't an issue really, she wasn't negatively affecting anything around her after all. However to put it plainly she has been like this for nearly six months now.

Wow time flies fast doesn't it, seems like it was just yesterday I was committing planetary kidnapping. Amusingly enough that was actually a crime my Progenitors had a defined punishment for, even if doing so in order to maintain/save the planetary population means I wouldn't be able to be charged with a crime.

Putting that Aside, It's time to snap Lilith out of her funk.

Now how am I going to do that?

The Big bang is being uncooperative.

I'm not really sure how to explain it, but to try I condensed it down into its own material. It took on a kind of silver gold sheen with near liquid properties. Near because while it moved and seemed like a liquid when observed trying to physically manipulate it acted like a block of supernaturally tough metal.

First real step to turning it into a sort of terraforming device and I've already hit a bit of a brick wall.

One I have been beating my metallic face against for nearly a month now, it's honestly so bad that I could almost feel burst of happiness when my sensors started blaring like the worlds most annoying fog horn.

Okay, game face lets see what going on now.

Admittedly my sensors going off was a good thing if only because it proved they worked.

Kind of pointless considering I can see the big black spot growing in space from the surface of N7, and it just ate one of my space bots. Usually I'd be a bit moored concerned about this situation but right now I'm honestly just confused.

Why the fuck did a black hole just appear in the middle the solar system?

It's not actually doing much since the PSU triggered a minute before it actually appeared rendering everything in their shield range all but immutable and mimicking normal parameters. So they were still circling the sun, everything was still in the correct and nothing else was happening.

Well the absolute death trap of an asteroid belt is being dragged into it, but I have a good few minutes before that actually gets close enough for the gravity anomaly to eat them up.

It wasn't until I ran a couple of check that I realized what was happening.

The center of the black hole was estimated to be the same place one of my missing moon poppers would have ended up. Strange because I'd triple checked all of the simulated locations only to find nothing. Squat, zilch, absolute absence.

Really what the hell is going on right now?

I finally figured out what was going on with the Big Mouse.

At some point during my test phase with the FECS, while everything was still at it's most basic and the spiders were still in a constant state of hunger, the FECS had made two creatures. They were nearly identical big mouse things, except one of them was so poisonous staying in one place too long would cause mass death.

The other developed to mimic the poisonous mouse to the best of their ability while not actually being dangerous in any way. At some point the actually poisonous mouse species died off when it's own poison got too strong for it's own immunity. Meanwhile the other totally harmless species thrived because of the instincts ingrained into from past encounters with the other species.

Essentially the Big Mouse's species just got really, really lucky. Somehow I find this more disturbing than if they were just murder monsters like everything else on the planet.
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