Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

I wonder if Keris is going to hit Enlightenment 10 from this. Her Po giving birth could mean that it's spawning subsouls and turning into an Unquestionable, as a prelude in the same way some of her souls have shown up before being really born.

Or it could be spawning a new demon species, or it could just be symbolic.

I really just want to see Dulmea going 'but I can't be an Unquestionable!' Like she's on a telenovella.
Her po was pregnant because she was pregnant, and it gave birth because she was giving birth. Far more than any of the other souls, Pekhijira is Keris. If Keris was a lot lower-Enlightenment, Pekhijira would just look like a po-Gale. It mirrors her physical condition to some extent, which is why it's got distinguishable scars on its face in the same place as her.

Or to give absolutely clear clarification; Pekhijira was pregnant with the same two babies as Keris as a mirror to her condition. It's still... well, honestly, it's the same Enlightenment as she is, so from a purely strength-based perspective it's been 3CD-tier for a while now, save the subsouls. But from a soul hierarchy perspective it's still "merely" a demon lord. I have plans for Keris's E10 Seeking. They're not this.
I feel like the way to bind Eko to a human body would look a lot like Poor Unfortunate Souls from The Little Mermaid.

Except the voice would be bound in ribbons instead of a seashell. And instead of getting legs replacing a tail, the contractee would be getting a compressed windstorm replacing their larynx. But otherwise kind of like that.
Oh wow. That was great.

Special notes:

Calesco's attack on the sacrifice seems like the the kind of thing that leaves long-standing legends and scars. She shot the priests dead, rescued (some of) the sacrifices and mind-raped everyone else present with her light. People remember that kind of thing.

What kind of long-term effects will Calesco and Kuha sharing Kuha's body have?
You know, despite this saying it's Part 100 - a milestone in and of itself - it's actually the 156th session we've played. Do you guys understand what that means? It means that if we'd been hitting a solid one-game-a-week-every-week (instead of having the occasional ten-month gap), Kerisgame would be three years old. Three solid years of weekly sessions.

*Steps out of lurking*

This is honestly impressive. I have to say Kerisgame has been utterly awesome thus far.

*Steps back into the shadows to lurk*

Her po was pregnant because she was pregnant, and it gave birth because she was giving birth. Far more than any of the other souls, Pekhijira is Keris. If Keris was a lot lower-Enlightenment, Pekhijira would just look like a po-Gale. It mirrors her physical condition to some extent, which is why it's got distinguishable scars on its face in the same place as her.

Or to give absolutely clear clarification; Pekhijira was pregnant with the same two babies as Keris as a mirror to her condition. It's still... well, honestly, it's the same Enlightenment as she is, so from a purely strength-based perspective it's been 3CD-tier for a while now, save the subsouls. But from a soul hierarchy perspective it's still "merely" a demon lord. I have plans for Keris's E10 Seeking. They're not this.

Would Pekhijira or Dulmea be the equivalent of a Fetich 3CD or would Keris take a page from Theion and be capable of having two of them?
*Steps out of lurking*

This is honestly impressive. I have to say Kerisgame has been utterly awesome thus far.

*Steps back into the shadows to lurk*

Would Pekhijira or Dulmea be the equivalent of a Fetich 3CD or would Keris take a page from Theion and be capable of having two of them?
Keris is her own Fetich.
You know, despite this saying it's Part 100 - a milestone in and of itself - it's actually the 156th session we've played. Do you guys understand what that means? It means that if we'd been hitting a solid one-game-a-week-every-week (instead of having the occasional ten-month gap), Kerisgame would be three years old. Three solid years of weekly sessions.

Wtf, is all I can say.

So, obviously such a big milestone deserves momentous events, and... well, this session didn't disappoint. Honestly, I'm inclined to say that writing any more would spoil the impact.

So... this will be my semi-monthly reminder that I cannot actually read this anymore, and may I scrape it to produce a more-readable ebook? :V
Considering Pekhijira is suppost to be garding the entrance her tiger empire; if Keris wants a weaponized charm based on that acpect I think it would act either like a bolthole for her to excape bodily into her soul, or as a way to summon a army of her deamons from it.

Also i'm interested in how the babies well turn out. IIRC she has a girl Fire-Hell-Solar and a boy Abyssal-Hell-Lunar. Not sure how that well affect them.
Kerisgame Akuma
Actually, I guess it's worth retouching on a few Kerisgame definitions:

A metaphysically inhuman being native to a Primordial Mythos or demonically engineered to the point of no longer having a human soul structure. Akuma lack human souls and cannot Exalt. Humans who become akuma do so through a process metaphysically equivalent to death, which is therefore irreversible. "Akuma" is a metaphysical term rather than one describing power, and encompasses beings from the Things That Dwell in Corners (E0-E1) through the children of Second or Third Circle demons (E2-E5) and unique beings like the Four Winds of Hell, the Paricehet before its crippling and the Lintha's false saviour Dukantha (E7-E8), all the way up to ex-Solar monstrosities like Gorol, who was made with the willing self-sacrifice of a powerful Exalt (E10).​

While categorising akuma is a maddening job given the sheer breadth of characteristics they have and the number of unique entities that fall under the definition, certain lines might be drawn to roughly sort them. Note that a single akuma may fall into more than one category; these are very much subjective lines that might be drawn in-universe rather than objective groups.

The "giant monster" type of akuma, with forms that are huge or monstrous and which cannot be mistaken for anything of mortal get. Often more powerful, but less able to interact with human society. The Four Winds would have been emberi who gave up human form to become non-sapient behemoths, and Keris's war-akuma children would be classed as these as well. Behemoths are probably the sort of thing most Creation-born who know what akuma are would think of when they heard the word.​
Akuma with forms that can be disguised as godblooded or even human and who can interact on a mortal scale. Often (though not always) less powerful, but more able to do societal things and be seen as people. A lot of children of Second or Third Circle demons fall under this category, most no stronger than First Circles, but things like Dukantha and even Gorol qualify (barely). If it can pass more or less undetected in human societies, it's probably an emberi. Keris's Gales and Dulmea's Chords count as these.​
Some akuma are weak, mindless things spun off from a greater creature or made with no particular purpose. The common fauna of the demon realm falls into this grouping, as do the Things That Dwell in Corners, the beasts of Krisity and many of the lesser servant-creatures of Second and Third demons. Imps are rarely more than E0-E1, save for those few that are the personal familiars of powerful demons, and very few are humanoid or sapient, let alone both.​
Primordial races
It's not universally common for akuma to be able to bear progeny at all, let alone form a stable breeding population. Nevertheless, it does sometimes happen. The Nameless Ones and the People of Adamant could be argued to meet the definition of akuma, as could the tusk-giants and the daughters of Cytheria. The ancient Lintha might not, ironically, for they hew too close to the human soul structure - and though they would be mistaken for such without close examination, Keris's stormdryads would be disqualified for similar reasons.​
...would a low-Essence Stormdryad be a valid target for Exaltation?
Ehhhh... *wobbles hand*

They have the right soul structure for it. In practice it's unlikely as a watered-down member of the ancient Lintha Exalting - the Exaltation would almost certainly choose other candidates over them because they're too Primordial-contaminated.
Ehhhh... *wobbles hand*

They have the right soul structure for it. In practice it's unlikely as a watered-down member of the ancient Lintha Exalting - the Exaltation would almost certainly choose other candidates over them because they're too Primordial-contaminated.

Yeah, though that'd be about the answer, but just wanted to check.

...although, 'watered-down' raises the other question, can they interbreed with humans?
Yeah, though that'd be about the answer, but just wanted to check.

...although, 'watered-down' raises the other question, can they interbreed with humans?
Who, stormdryads? Says so right in their writeup, dude.

... in fact their writeup answers both those questions.
In theory it is possible for one to Exalt, but in practice an Exaltation would shun their Primordial biology as it would a Lintha(...)

(...) with difficulty they can pollute their lines by breeding with humans or demons.
AO3 hosting
Hey y'all. As promised, Kerisgame is now hosted on AO3 in handy, easy-to-navigate named arcs rather than random chunks of 20 sessions at a time. As of this post, the arcs are all up on AO3, as are the Kerisgame extras, and I'll be tweaking the links in the thread and index document if and when I can be bothered.

As you may notice, I've altered the colour scheme to remain distinguishable but be slightly less eye-gouging in contrast.

This may be a bit silly but I am having some problems finding the character sheet for Keris. I would greatly appreciate it if someone would provide me with a link or add it to the index.
Session 101
Aaaand we're back, with a whopper of a 17k session where, um. A lot happened.

Yes. A lot.

You know what? I'll let you read it first. Here's Part 101 for you. Enjoy.

So yes. Um. Let's break this down, shall we? I'm folding most of what would normally go into the extras into this, so no quote box full of conversation this time:

Keris's babies
They're so cute and huggable! They're also at the developmental level of six-month-olds, which is a perk that Exalts get in return for carrying them six months longer than a mortal mother. This means that they're slightly less completely and utterly helpless, and a bit creepy already to those accustomed to newborns being screaming pink wrinkled things that can't do much of anything.

Kali is a little shapeshifter-emberi with three forms; human, tiger and hawk. Her eyes are a vivid gold, her hair (or fur, or down) is red (striped or speckled with the goldish-brown of her skin where it matters), and in her tiger and hawk forms her natural weapons already do lethal damage - which means that as a kitten or a chick, her claws, teeth, beak and talons are in theory capable of piercing Keris's skin. In all three forms she has six limbs - as a human she has legs, arms and two hair-tendrils, as a tiger she has six legs (and two tails, but they're not prehensile and just lash around a lot), and as a hawk she has four wings and two talons. In practice, at the moment, she can either be a little ball of fluff and down feathers with a beak, a little ball of fluff and fur with paws, or a little ball of non-fluff that's cocooned in fluff that her mother has swaddled her in. She does not have much control over her shapeshifting yet, and while she can force a transformation (with great effort that leaves her dazed and prone to headaches and which she can only do about once a day), she can't pick which of her other two forms she flips into. Also she sometimes shifts at random without meaning to.

She is very adorable.

Her brother Ogin is a rather weirder emberi who when he's fully grown will probably look a bit like Gwyndolin. Except his tails are fluffy. In fact he is, at present, even more of a fluffball than Kali; being almost entirely covered with soft white fur. Honestly, you could call him Gwyndolin and Priscilla's lovechild and you wouldn't be far wrong. His eyes compliment his sister's; being vivid silver, and his hair is prehensile as well. He'll probably gain more tails as he gets older, but for now he's just got seven, which come together into the trunk of his waist similar to a human's legs - at a skeletal level they probably look more like how fingers diverge from a hand than anything, just with the hips being the "wrists" they're attached to. Sometimes one of his tails will phase out and go immaterial briefly, swiping through the blankets or the ground. He can't control that at the moment, but he'll learn - and may learn to turn more of himself intangible at will. Happily, when he's all swaddled up in blankets and his tails are bundled up together, he looks less unsettling for people like Xasan who consider "squidboi with tails for legs" to be more unnatural than "baby shapeshifter". Kali doesn't seem to care about that, and pouncing on/playing with his tails is one of her favourite activities.

He is also adorable.

Moving on!

The Corpse-Eater
As soon as I heard the scream, I guessed what it was, or might be. Pattern recognition, yo. Nothing else has that kind of narrative weight around here. Seeing its Harborite-influenced corpus only confirmed my guess, but of course Keris held out hope to the very end, until Calesco's fantastic line:
"Calesco; where did it lead?"

Calesco swallows. "To the truth," she says, sadly, wringing her hands together. "To my kind of truth."
And "to the very end" involved Maryam's yidak not only escaping Keris but landing a solid blow on her. The Sapphire-tier drug-prince fae that became the Shashalme's Pet didn't manage that, nor did Leechhead; the Greater Dead thing that was digging up the Royal Yacht of An Teng. The E7 King of the Hungry Mountain didn't successfully hit Keris in their battle, and she came out of her fight with the E9 Lunar yidak of Rosseah exhausted but uninjured. Four coordinated Dragonblood locking her in a small underground room under a Realm fortification and trying to jump her in unison failed to tag her with weapon or elemental bolt attack. Freaking Adorjan-possessed Lilunu couldn't wound her until Keris stopped and let it happen.

And yet Maryam's yidak did it on the first try. Truly, Keris takes after her mother in all the very best and very worst of ways.

Of course, it's notable that Maryam died because her leg wound hobbled her, so it's not surprising that her yidak has explicit Charmtech to prevent anyone from laming it. It might look like @EarthScorpion played that encounter to let the yidak get away, but I genuinely suspect he wrote it up in advance and I just happened to play right into his hands by trying to go for its legs like that. I'm tempted to wonder how many people failed to see through that illusion and died for it. Fewer since it learned to bring the cold, no doubt, but I bet there were a lot of thaumaturge-exorcists back when it was a baby Hollow rather than a powerful adjuchas who thought they'd crippled the monster and got ripped apart for their arrogance.

(ES notes that it's super amusing how he came up with the Dead ranking stuff before watching Bleach, but it maps quite well to hollow, adjuchas, vasto lorde. No gillians, but gillians are boring and under-represented in Bleach anyway.)

In most cases I'd be as nettled as Keris about this, but there's a beautiful irony in her mother's yidak being the one to literally keris her. Using the exact same tactics that make Keris such a pain, right down to unpredictability even when you know what she's going to do. Keris has a history of getting one over on more powerful opponents, and it seems she comes by that trait honestly. Somewhere, Pekhijira is giving an approving huff (followed by overwhelming rage). And this is, presumably, exactly what a strong Wyld Hunt with combined combat superiority over Keris feels like when they're hunting her. She's a really annoying opponent to fight.

I am going to strangle @EarthScorpion. I mean, look at this shit:
Lesser Dead
Dead by Slow Hanging

A traveller ignores the local folktales a farmer tells her, and sleeps under a tree from which an old noose dangles. That night she sees the hanged man, eyes bulging and nails bloody. He speaks to her in a breathy whisper, and tells her how the farmer - his brother - framed him for a terrible crime so that he might steal his inheritance. All she needs to do is cut him down, and he can rest in piece. She does so. Alas, he was not framed. The next morning the farmer is found dead in his bed, strangled with an old rope. The traveller wanders off, bruises on her throat and a cruel mind behind her eyes.

Those ghosts who return as one of the stranglerfolk were hanged and were not granted the mercy of a quick death. They wear their deathmarks clearly, and on their corpus the rope still dangles from around their swollen neck. Stranglerfolk are intensely angry ghosts. As long as the rope that kills them remains intact, they are bound to the tree and this gives them a very long time for their rage to simmer. Their bony hands have a terrible strength in them and when they seize a victim they throttle them slowly.

Occultists broadly categorise stranglerfolk into two broad motives; the ones who wish revenge on their killers and the ones who wish to share their pain with all and sundry. Unfortunately, the two of them are very hard to tell apart while they are still trapped. In either case, these Dead are natural body thieves. Some infamous murderers in folklore were possessed and led to kill and kill again.

Necromancers call on stranglerfolk for their capacity to puppet the living and as assassins. Bodies they snatch slowly sicken as the necrotic essence bleeds into it, wounds not healing and bruises forming on the hands and neck. Such a possession is a crude theft and gives them nothing of the memories, but these ghosts only want hands to touch the world again. Exorcists, by contrast, usually encounter stranglerfolk in a hostile context. Even when they are sympathetic or unjust victims, their slow and painful death leaves them rage-filled and viewing the world through a malevolent lens. Sometimes the only way to help them pass on, though, is to help such a ghost track down its killer - and pray they turn out to have already died in a way which satisfies them.
That's from fucking November. He's been planning this for months. And... well, yes. Maryam is dead.

: (

I can't say I didn't kind of expect this, in fairness. I hoped I was wrong, but as soon as I saw the Corpse-Eater I suspected, and as far back as @EarthScorpion saying he'd throw a Sapphire Choice my way this arc I guessed it would be discovering Maryam dead and having the opportunity to Sacrifice revenge and the grudges of yesteryear. But I like Maryam, and I want her to have some impact on her daughter, so I went with this option instead of sending her on to Lethe for (near)-Ultimate Power!!!

And on that note; mother of (a demi)god, can you imagine what this thread would have done if Kerisgame was a quest rather than an RPG? The war that would have erupted over:

[ ] Set her free. Let her wreck bloody revenge on the Malrans and wipe them out to the last for their crimes. (x0.0, invalid choice)
[ ] Cut her down. Host her within yourself. Seek vengeance against those who wronged her - and hope she will be sated with that.​
(Delays Station of Choice, gains Maryam as a Riding spirit.)
[ ] Send her on. Cut her free of her bindings and let her spirit seek out Lethe. Do not continue this cycle of murder and hate. Move on.​
(Completes Parenthood arc, gains Sapphire Circle Sorcery.)

It would have been a bloodbath.

Happily, this is not a quest, and ironically, this means that Keris has now twice allowed a maternal spirit of foreign-and-arguably-hostile-to-Creation nature into her body after it promised her revenge. Dulmea can't really scold her about this, or Keris will just look at her flatly and go "gee, yeah, what kind of idiot would do that?" all sarcastically until she stops. And amusingly, when you look over the past arc, Keris has basically been entirely involved with E0-3 characters pushing her plot stuff (and the E3 character was Oula). This just continues the pattern.

Oh, and you can have a little look at what happened when I realised that he was going to spring Maryam's hun-ghost on me, after the yidak:
Aleph: NO
Aleph: NOOOO
EarthScorpion: aleph
EarthScorpion: why do you think I wrote that ghost in the first place?
Aleph: HATE
EarthScorpion: I settled on it then
Aleph: HATE
EarthScorpion: And we've just kept on putting things off
Aleph: HATE
EarthScorpion: Poor alif
Ain't he a stinker?
See, Keris, if you'd only died in that cell and become an Abyssal, this whole experience wouldn't be nearly so traumatic!

Hell, Abyssal!Keris would probably be overjoyed to find her mother had died and turned into a vengeful murderghost. They'd make a great pair, they would.
See, Keris, if you'd only died in that cell and become an Abyssal, this whole experience wouldn't be nearly so traumatic!

Hell, Abyssal!Keris would probably be overjoyed to find her mother had died and turned into a vengeful murderghost. They'd make a great pair, they would.

She turned into two vengeful murderghosts.

One of whom has been doing a lot more murdering than the other.
This is where you simplify things by stuffing her upper soul back into her lower one and tying them together somehow. The resulting horrifying mockery of life should at least be simpler to keep track of.

Come to think of it, given that the po soul is where all the instinctual emotional bits of consciousness are located, did Maryam's yidak recognize who Keris was?