Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

If this is the case, why haven't they ganged up and murdered her in the face? It seems like a rather uniting factor.
She's the Fetich. I'm not sure what happens to a Primordial whose fetich has been temp-killed, but I doubt it's pleasant, even it's not as traumatizing as a GET.

(Also, she's their own heart. If nearly all of yourself wants to kill yourself, that's a suicidal Primordial who will seek death by more effective means. Merely wanting to cut away everything but the core is much more healthy by comparison.)
If this is the case, why haven't they ganged up and murdered her in the face? It seems like a rather uniting factor.
Even with 5000 years to try, try again, one imagines that one of the harder parts of that scenario for a pack of Third Circle Demons is getting it to stick.

She's the Fetich. I'm not sure what happens to a Primordial whose fetich has been temp-killed, but I doubt it's pleasant, even it's not as traumatizing as a GET.

(Also, she's their own heart. If nearly all of yourself wants to kill yourself, that's a suicidal Primordial who will seek death by more effective means. Merely wanting to cut away everything but the core is much more healthy by comparison.)
Though on this note, I do have to wonder if the Titans ever had a theo-biological mechanism for fetich replacement, in the same vein as how progenerative souls can become new Third Circles. (Eg, like Cronos replacing Uranus long before that glorious zappy ingrate and his other sons kicked him off his throne in turn.)
The Csend is very hard to kill by dint of a) being an E10 fetich-soul optimised for MURDER even more thoroughly than Echo and b) being bound by her nature to always be close to Adorjan. This is by design. Adorjan remembers how her predecessor died. And her own souls are not spared the general attitude of complete terror that most of Hell feels toward the Silent Wind. There is no goddamn fucking way they're going to risk her attention to try and kill a soul more powerful and murderous than they are.
The Csend is very hard to kill by dint of a) being an E10 fetich-soul optimised for MURDER even more thoroughly than Echo and b) being bound by her nature to always be close to Adorjan. This is by design. Adorjan remembers how her predecessor died. And her own souls are not spared the general attitude of complete terror that most of Hell feels toward the Silent Wind. There is no goddamn fucking way they're going to risk her attention to try and kill a soul more powerful and murderous than they are.

Also, to kill her you need to be perfectly silent - in proximity to Adorjan. If you're not silent, the Csend isn't there. This means that even to do things like shoot her with arrows, you need special silenced arrows that make no sound when the wind blows over their feathers - or you need projectiles that travel faster than their own sound (and then the sonic boom hits and she's gone).
Also, let us just note:

>is smarter than Keris and knows it
>constantly tries to steer Keris from behind her
Dammit Eko stop backseat driving
Huh, just read the latest chapter of Overlady on FFN and it looks like our favourite family of demons made a guest appearance :)
So at some point in the post-game future, Haneyl and Vali got together and accidentally a neo-Primordial race. Dammit, kids.

To go into more detail; Haneyl and Vali are full siblings, and the way they express that siblinghood is by constantly fighting. To Vali, Haneyl is the one who keeps him compressed and powerful, because she's always there to oppose, and that's why he loves his big sister. To Haneyl, Vali is the endless source of fuel and resources that grows back the more you take from it, and who stops her getting complacent in victory by always scaling up to oppose her, and that's why she loves her little brother. They enjoy fighting each other, will even go as far as to manufacture squabbles so they can resolve them with challenges, and have a complete and utter lack of sexual tension that means that when they're older, their challenges and their duels will get them insisting that Dulmea should make an amphitheatre in the City so they can turn them into spectacles where they fight each other in hand-to-hand combat while mostly-naked and possibly oiled up in front of cheering crowds.

So, Haneyl and Vali have no sexual tension whatsoever - a distinct lack of it, in fact. But they're still Third Circle demons. And when one of their fights goes on for long enough, and they spill enough blood, and enough of that blood mingles... sometimes a reaction will occur, and something will be born from it. These creatures are roughly split into four groups:
  • A quarter of the time, the blood births a lifeless humanoid thing of intergrown wood and metal whose pose is one of a creature striving in desperate futility to take its first and only breath, yet failing for lack of life force. Such statues regenerate at an incredible rate when damaged, but have no animation or sentience or dynamic essence. They tend to go home with the winner of the bout to be made into automatons or rendered down into crafting components or whatever - which they are excellent for.
  • A quarter of the time, keen-eyed onlookers (and Echo, who usually manages to be present) get a split-second look at a formless creature of fire and lightning that (according to Echo) lives out a full and passion-filled life in the space between heartbeats before dying in a deafening explosion; unable to sustain itself in the physical world without a body. Echo claims that physical space is meaningless to these beings, and the blinding vaguely-humanoid figure of fire and lightning doesn't even see the world around it, instead turning its hyper-accelerated perception inwards to a landscape of emotion and thought where it spends its microseconds probing the deepest chasms and fractal pathways of philosophy and feeling. She is probably bullshitting. Vali occasionally tries to capture such explosions in cunning devices of brass and iron to see how they break out, but has never been successful. Haneyl tends to just get clear when the blood starts glowing, and spectators have learnt to dive for cover.
  • A quarter of the time, Haneyl's fire gets into Vali's metal and thaaaaat's never fun for anyone, because the resultant creature born from the blood pool is a maimed and sickly thing that partakes of the nature of Crippled Malfeas; solipsistic and blind to anything outside its own skin, mewling in pain at its deformities. This is because paradigmatically; Keris has turned her Malfean elements into healthy ones by splitting them in half, and when recombined they inherit the flaws and mutilation of their Primordial forebear in full. On the rare occasions when such things don't soon expire on their own, they tend to be mercy-killed.
  • But finally, on one in four occasions when the fight goes on long enough for sufficient blood to be spilled and enough of it mingles to prompt a reaction, wood and lightning combine to form a healthy, self-aware, living child with enough form to exist and enough energy to live and a hun/po soul structure that renders them a neohuman being not unlike the ancient Lintha.
    A stormdryad.
    Thus are all of Haneyl and Vali's living children - the kin of wood and lightning.

Stormdryads are a neo-Primordial race of naturally material beings who exist in the Enlightenment 0-6 range. They possess a human soul structure and are humanoid in appearance, with wood-like flesh and plant-like hair - sometimes akin to a large flower, sometimes a curtain of leafy vines. Their blood glows actinic blue, as do their eye veins, lips and other mucal membranes. They naturally generate sparks and static electricity in situations where a human would experience raised body temperature or heightened pulse - exercise, fever, fear, arousal, etcetera. Stormdryads can activate a Stage 1 anima by spending 1wp and succeeding on a Physique check at difficulty (6 - Breeding), or when their health track is filled with lethal damage down to a -2 penalty. This supercharges their lightning and sends their wood into hyper-growth; sparks and arcs crackle across their skin, their hair grows rapidly and their bodies and muscles swell. Such exertion leaves them exhausted and in dire need of nutrients to make up for the growth-debt once they've settled down again.

Born as infants, stormdryads grow to maturity at approximately the same rate as a human. They possess a paired hun and po, and cannot be born in places with no access to the Well of Souls. In theory it is possible for one to Exalt, but in practice an Exaltation would shun their Primordial biology as it would a Lintha. Stormdryad Enlightenment is capped by their Breeding, to a maximum of 5. Infants are born with Enlightenment 1 - or 0, if the lines have been so muddied with humans or other species outside their own sanctioned race as to be virtually unrecognisable - and can raise it as they grow. More powerful stormdryads live longer - those of low Breeding or who never increase their Enlightenment beyond its starting puissance are scarcely any longer-lived than a human, while purebloods at the height of their power can live two centuries or more.

There exist two branches, or forks, of stormdryad Charms. These are bought as themed Spirit Charms up to E(Breeding) - their "wood" charms are themed around plants, growth/regrowth, infection and fruit, while their "lightning" charms are themed around speed, destructive power, escape and defiance. Stormdryads who have mastered their lightning nature can escape Krisity entirely, never to return. Should they so choose; two Breeding 5 Enlightenment 5 stormdryads who have mastered both their natures can escape the confinement of humanity and grow beyond their limits and mortality, becoming an Enlightenment 6 Primordial-akuma dragontree couple. One roots themselves in the ground and becomes an enormous stormtree that attracts lightning strikes and bears large, heavy seed pods from its branches. The other becomes a wood-and-lightning stormdragon that wraps itself round the stormtree to rest and occasionally peels away to roam free, devour towns and bring food and treasure back to the tree to hoard.

The heavy seedpods from a dragontree couple are a fresh source of pureblood stormdryads if rooted in a place with access to the Well of Souls and kept fed at frequent intervals. This is the only way the species can breed among themselves - stormdryads who retain their human souls are sterile with one another, though with difficulty they can pollute their lines by breeding with humans or demons. Both parts of a dragontree retain the ability to speak, either from sparking fang-lined jaws or a gnarled wooden face among the bark, and will raise the first generation of their children with an approximation of tenderness. Thereafter, young children are left to their adult siblings, who are tolerated as long as they aid and obey their parents and are encouraged to go wandering if they will not.

Conceptually, - much as the Lintha are aloof sea-elves - stormdryads are expansionistic wood-dwarves. They are hungry wood animated by recalcitrant lightning; stubborn, contrary and as tough as nails, able to carve out territory in inhospitable terrain and prosper there. Despite a tendency towards bluntness they are capable of cultivating great beauty - albeit mostly in the form of bountiful harvests and precious flowers. Culturally, they are proud, greedy, often aggressive and prone to hoarding; driven to grow in the direction of most resistance, destroy what they find there, overgrow the ruins like kudzu and bear great harvests from the spoils. At other times they subjugate their neighbours and build a new capital around their parents, drawing in tribute and converting all the land around to crop fields, forests and gardens. Either way, a newly planted dragontree in an area is an ill omen for any nearby civilisations of men.

Sample Panoply Item:
Talons of the Orchid Dragon (Artifact 2 wrist scarification)
A mark of high status in stormdryad groves; these patterned scars run the length of each forearm, and are burnt into the skin with the green flame of the stormdryads' ultimate mother, fed by rare and expensive minerals and salts. Mechanically, they allow the bearer to cast Wood Dragon's Claw through the themes of their mother; producing gnarled and hungry talons of grey wood and orchid-petal cuffs.
I love them and want to use them in a game. The weird reproduction method is particularly cool. Is there any way that a dragontree couple could make it past E6? Because if so, I could see some seriously interesting Yggdrasil-and-Jormungand shenanigans that could happen.
I love them and want to use them in a game. The weird reproduction method is particularly cool. Is there any way that a dragontree couple could make it past E6? Because if so, I could see some seriously interesting Yggdrasil-and-Jormungand shenanigans that could happen.
Yes but on the other hand, such a creature would also be beyond the power of the eldest of Dragon-Blooded, which is the exact reason the Enlightenment cap exists - so it can start at "literally mortal" and end at "I can fight equal with a Dragon-Blooded who has lived hundreds of years and is nearing the end of their lifetime".
Yes but on the other hand, such a creature would also be beyond the power of the eldest of Dragon-Blooded, which is the exact reason the Enlightenment cap exists - so it can start at "literally mortal" and end at "I can fight equal with a Dragon-Blooded who has lived hundreds of years and is nearing the end of their lifetime".
Yeah, these guys are already pushing ES's oft-repeated rule about DBs being the limit for power/availability of reproducable supernatural creatures - depending on how often those seedpods hatch, anyway. Though, that's probably just because DBs have been diluting their bloodlines for millenia and the stormdryads haven't; legendary breeding DBs still blow them out of the water.
Yeah, these guys are already pushing ES's oft-repeated rule about DBs being the limit for power/availability of reproducable supernatural creatures - depending on how often those seedpods hatch, anyway. Though, that's probably just because DBs have been diluting their bloodlines for millenia and the stormdryads haven't; legendary breeding DBs still blow them out of the water.

No, they can reach those levels because to do so still carries a cost for them (choose between humanity or GLORIOUS METAMORPHOSIS OF POWER), whereas Dragon-Blooded can just grow in Enlightenment by growing more experienced and whatnot - Dragon-Blooded are the hard limit because they are:
a): easy to produce.
b): powerful and effective.
Dragon-Blooded are still better and more effective than them, by virtue of having their own Charmset instead of spirit Charms, as well as an easier power growth.
Yeah, these guys are already pushing ES's oft-repeated rule about DBs being the limit for power/availability of reproducable supernatural creatures - depending on how often those seedpods hatch, anyway. Though, that's probably just because DBs have been diluting their bloodlines for millenia and the stormdryads haven't; legendary breeding DBs still blow them out of the water.
Yeah, I tried to be careful balance-wise. Their Charms are less efficient and a lot narrower in scope than DBs, they have Breeding as an Enlightenment cap / xp tax, they can't reproduce among themselves at all without a (stationary, obvious and stabbable) Breeding 5 pair, they're effectively an Enlightenment dot lower than DBs (who are 2-6 rather than 1-5, discounting largely-stationary dragontrees), and they don't have anima banners beyond the first level or the generic Exalted capability package. Still, they're pretty formidable as a neo-Primordial race, and can ramp up pretty quickly (those seed pods probably hatch competitively to a small human community).

In other words, these are exactly the kind of species that the Exalted Host might have fought during the Primordial War and genocided out of existence, had they been around at the time.
They are, incidentally, also an example of a plausible Primordial race - just make them no longer human (or humanoid). They're only human here because Keris is human(ish) and that means her souls are the souls of a human and so their children can be human even when it wouldn't make sense for a "classic" Third Circle.

The Primordial War version of a race like this would have been genocided by the Exalted via the reliable means of "find their highly visible trees, kill the dragon, kill the trees, smash the seedpods and mop up the survivors". Once you've killed all the purebreds, the race is doomed to extinction - and a non-human version of them wouldn't be able to slowly lose themselves in the human genepool like the stormdryads would if they lost their purebreds.

(It's really Haneyl's logic showing there - stormdryads are humans who breed like plants and so are basically seeds, where very few of them have any children, but the ones that survive to become trees produce lots and lots more children-seeds)
Wait, I thought that part of the point of the Enlightenment hack was that this isn't a thing anymore - that any given E3 charm is at the same power level, whether it's a spirit charm or a Terrestrial charm or whatever.
Not entirely true, but more to the point...
There exist two branches, or forks, of stormdryad Charms. These are bought as themed Spirit Charms up to E(Breeding) - their "wood" charms are themed around plants, growth/regrowth, infection and fruit, while their "lightning" charms are themed around speed, destructive power, escape and defiance.
... that's it. That's all they get. DB Bureaucracy Charms? Only by coming at it sideways through "infection". Occult? Unless it's magical fertiliser or something similar, not much. Stealth and subterfuge? Flat out nothing; zip, nada.

DBs have a much, much wider capability range available to them.
Yes but on the other hand, such a creature would also be beyond the power of the eldest of Dragon-Blooded, which is the exact reason the Enlightenment cap exists - so it can start at "literally mortal" and end at "I can fight equal with a Dragon-Blooded who has lived hundreds of years and is nearing the end of their lifetime".
I think I explained myself poorly. I meant, "Would it be theoretically possible, with outside assistance like sorcery and artifacts, or through something similar to the Sublimati process, for this to happen ever?" And I was in no way assuming that it would be more than a one-off or once-in-a-millenium sort of thing. The sort of thing that you base an entire plot on, rather than toss in just because.
Question on wild stormdyrads: What can they do against / to the Wyld and Rakasha?

Are they more "kuduzu devour and replace" or "and then they became disney Treants including the weakness against Princesses signing songs"