Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Given that her crew is one of the few groups to have seen her fight and still around to talk about it I imagine there's at least one unofficial nickname/sobriquet relating to that circulating in the crew. Which any new hires* might well learn before meeting her. Something like "Wind of Blades" or the like for her unsettlingly Adorjani way of fighting groups.

(*Even if they avoid loosing crew to any outside source I'm given to understand that the Priest does cause a degree of attrition anyway.)
Given that her crew is one of the few groups to have seen her fight and still around to talk about it I imagine there's at least one unofficial nickname/sobriquet relating to that circulating in the crew. Which any new hires* might well learn before meeting her. Something like "Wind of Blades" or the like for her unsettlingly Adorjani way of fighting groups.

(*Even if they avoid loosing crew to any outside source I'm given to understand that the Priest does cause a degree of attrition anyway.)

'Herald of Silence' perhaps, if you are going for an Adorjan reference. For silence follows in her wake, does it not.
She never gave a name to the lintha right? and since they think she is a noble but doesn't look like they have a lot of nobles, I think they would just call her the Lintha Queen or Princess.
the owlriders may call her by something other than "Kerishyra" for healing them all
Healing them is definitely worth a title, and considering that the method of healing was to visibly mark the entire lot of them with her own traits I would expect any title the owlriders themselves use to reference her to be derived from her obviously apparent relationship to them, plus something they know of her characteristics. She spent most of the time that the tribes knew her doing training of her Occult dots and basically picking up their entire body of lore in that field shockingly quickly, then turning around and using it better than they could, and her great work to them was an alchemical achievement, so something referencing her ability to brew up wonders would likely be appropriate.

Grandmother Cauldron? The Lore-Mother? Something along those lines.
I think just simply calling her 'Wind Kissed' works best, sounds very innocuous until you learn the context.

Definitely punchier.

Hmmm... actually, I don't know how many know that she's run with the Silent Wind before, but 'Wind Runner' also works. Given the incident that got Keris kicked out of Ligier's realm for a while, I suppose if he is feeling particularly pissy with her 'Wind Caller' would be a suitable title.
Well then! From what's been suggested so far, I think "Gale-Kissed" and "Wraith of Eshtock" are definite shoe-ins ("Gale-Kissed Keris", hee~) Not sure where or when, but "Mistwraith" might not be out of the question if she starts using po-tactics. And the idea about her crew having one was great, so I'm playing with something like "Death-Braided" or something else that can reference her hair.

Great input so far! I'm loving this!
Hell's Razor or Shade of the Accursed River might work for her raksha title. She brings back the memory of the River of All Torments for them after all. Hell's Razor unfortunately doesn't include mention of the fire and ice she also inflicts, but it does mention her origins. I'll have to think on this further.
From the Dead pov:

Shade of the Accursed River - Flying Crimson Ribbons of Evisceration

Because poking fun at Abyssals and referencing Keris's hair as ribbons which are the best
Another pirate name for Keris, should she continue the use of Metagoiyan plantlife in trapping ships, could be 'The Sargasso Shepherd' or 'Shepherd of Weeds'. For her own crew, 'Kraken-Braid' works well with her Kimbery themes and her hair's prehensile strength.
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I think would be pretty cute to include some pre-exaltation titel from Keris time in the streets in the list, especially if it sounds more like a childish insult than anything else for the nice contrast with what comes later. (Would Rat-licked be too lewd?:p)

I guess for some feels one could also include whatever nickname her parents used for her back during the idyllic times before stuff happened.
I think would be pretty cute to include some pre-exaltation titel from Keris time in the streets in the list, especially if it sounds more like a childish insult than anything else for the nice contrast with what comes later.
Rat used to call her "Kit" - just as his name was Rathan, and she called him "Rat".
Family Matters - Chapter 5
Bleagh. Family Matters 5 stalled out for a while as I ran out of ideas and couldn't decide on what to do. Happily, a solution presented itself to me: murder someone. Such is wisdom.

EarthScorpion: OK, when do you want the session to start? Anything you want to get done family-wise in 'downtime'?
Aleph: Well, this is our tying-up-Baisha session, so a summary of what Ali and Zany talked about on that walk and how much he filled her in on Keris's nature would be helpful. And then it's basically a matter of "are you coming with Y/N?" and "how do we tie things up here?"
EarthScorpion: Oh yes. The significant-pause walk.
Aleph: dun dun duuuun
EarthScorpion: When they made sure to hand their child off to someone else to look after, rather than take her with them on the significant-pause walk.
Aleph: ... you know, I'm kind of half-expecting Zany to have already guessed that Keris is a Sun-Chosen or something, picked up on her weakness to small children, and deliberately put Hany with her to keep her in the house and stop her from following or eavesdropping.
Aleph: Though yes, I'm also getting implications that they're going to have a fight that Zany has been too frail for until now.
EarthScorpion: ... uh. Not quite. Not fight. Or flight. I thought you'd guessed because of how Keris was trying not to listen in, but... uh, Zany had some 'vigorous physical exercise' on her mind.
Aleph: ... well yeah, I'd expected that afterwards. But I figured she might at least have some arguing re: "we need to get the fuck out of Taira" to get out of her system first.
Aleph: As well as "okay seriously, you've been jumpy since the night after Keris arrived; what's going on?"
Aleph: ... actually I guess that would come some time afterwards. As pillow talk, so to speak.


<mid-Xasan talk>
EarthScorpion: Okay, so where are you going to try to go from here?
Aleph: I think I've more or less settled on taking them back to Terema, hiring the Bloody Lionesses and heading upriver. The question is how many people constitute "them". What's Baisha's non-Vakotan population?
EarthScorpion: Keris thinks there's a few hundred people in here, but she's not sure how many of them are Vakotans. They're probably a minority, though - they're an occupying force, not inhabitants.
EarthScorpion: She can gather from their already expressed positions that Xasan wants to rescue everyone and possibly take over the area or at the very least get revenge, that Zany just really wants her family out and will freely willingly go with Keris, and Ali is scared but will lean towards trying helping people, but isn't sure.
Aleph: Eko and Calesco support rescuing everyone, Vali supports Xasan's 'punch the Beik lords in the face' plan, Rathan wants justice but is more interested in the slavers who took Keris than the Baishans she's not related to, and Zanara doesn't really care.
EarthScorpion: Strictly speaking, Eko just cares about people who love Keris back - her family. It's Calesco who's wanting to save everyone.
Aleph: Keris as a whole is pretty set against leaving her loved ones in Baisha, and at the very least wants to get her family out.
Aleph: Yes, but Eko definitely supports killing all the Vakotans with murderwind and giggle-giggle-zooming the Baik lords with the various amusing bits of Adorjan's Excellency.
EarthScorpion: it's true, Eko would like Keris to try out Scarlet Rapture Shintai in battlefield conditions.


Aleph: Okay, I'm off my game today and can't really focus. Can we pause and pick up via PbP or next week?
EarthScorpion: Fine, very well. What's up?
Aleph: I dunno, just... bluuurgh.
EarthScorpion: Blurgh?
Aleph: Yeah, I dunno. Just seem to be off today. Not sure why.
EarthScorpion: Otherwise, how did you feel the session is going?
Aleph: Good progress. I reckon we can probably get the mercenaries to murder Beik, talk Xasan into coming with, and then... urgh, there's something I've been considering which is in-character for Keris and assures the safety of the Baishans without having to take more than her four kin, but...
EarthScorpion: Like, what I'm basically trying to tutorialise here is the impact of being overtly superhuman and how it doesn't mean instant death - and can in fact just make things easier.
Aleph: Yeah.
EarthScorpion: Although, hmm, you will either need effort or supernatural powers to get the mercenaries to turn on them. After all, they are being paid right now.
EarthScorpion: You could have just gone to talk to him, of course.
Aleph: Keris was not kidding about stabbing him before the second course.
EarthScorpion: Yes, but in fairness she's probably going to do that anyway, she could have talked to him, and then listened to Eko chanting about JIVA and Scarlet Rapture Shintai.
Aleph: : P
EarthScorpion: Oh, Zany. Will Zanara ever be permitted to meet her?
Aleph: ... possibly.
EarthScorpion: Zanara: "She's cool. You should make her a priestess! And teach her magic!"


EarthScorpion: So what's in consideration so I can plan ahead for it?
Aleph: Basically, I don't think taking all of Baisha is viable, and honestly Keris doesn't really have the territory in the Southwest set up yet to receive all of Baisha - it'll be tricky enough finding a place for four people to live, if her transport option gets them there before she's done with her quest. But she does want her hometown to be safe to some extent and for her people not to be subjected to the Beik's excesses. And she also wants to murder the Beiks, which will throw the valley into some level of chaos as the power vacuum sets in.
Aleph: so, uh
Aleph: my options have basically boiled down to: 1) put the fortress at Nehra under the control of Baisha and the temple of Shamsun and arrange a means by which they can hold it (which in effect probably means enough money that they can afford to keep mercenaries employed to man it, because training them all up would take too long)
Aleph: or 2) cash in on that favour Orange Blossom owes her for the sorcerous documentation and tell her to look after Baisha, since she's in Taira anyway. And frankly, can probably easily afford to employ a mercenary group to hold the fortress and leave Baisha and the temple out of the war and in relative peace.
EarthScorpion: There are also other lesser options - like, say, escorting the population of Baisha who want to leave to Terema or out of the mountains.
Aleph: hmm
Aleph: yeah, she may settle on that
Aleph: which, sigh
Aleph: allows Keris to just basically go "okay, you all saddle up on the Vakotan's horses, we're going to ride down the valley and I'm going to murder anything that attacks us until we're back at Terema. Okay?"
"... but that means going through three war fronts"
"And I'm going to murder anything that attacks us until we're back at Terema."​
EarthScorpion: Terema is the gateway to Taira, after all, so that's where to go if you want out.
Aleph: Hmm. That's, what, 400 miles? Argh. By horse and drawn carriage that's a journey time of weeks. Months, by foot.
EarthScorpion: Yes, but it's also just downstream to the Grey River.
Aleph: Still two weeks. Eeesh. Hmm. Though I guess two weeks is doable.
Aleph: Goddammit, this is really making me realise how painfully fast Keris is strategically and how she can only move like that if she has, like, Mag 1-2 people with her.
EarthScorpion: It's her fault for not learning Stormwind Rider. That'd let her carry (Essence) magnitude people.
Aleph: She will probably consider learning it, after this.
EarthScorpion: But yeah, there are river barges going up and down the rivers. After all, that's literally how Keris got carried to Terema herself
Aleph: Yeah. Hmm. Okay. So, revenge on the Beiks, barge down to Terema with everyone who wants to go, steal enough from the Beiks to give everyone a lump sum to start a new life with, then take her family upriver following the trail.
EarthScorpion: Or she could leave her family in Terema with some bodyguards. Or at least the non-Xasan ones.
Aleph: Yeah, she might... hmm
EarthScorpion: Hell, she could hire those cavalry people if she feels like it
Aleph: Yeah, I'm planning to have her hire the Bloody Lionesses after a talk with Nandi.
Aleph: ... and, sigh, Keris is Keris.
Aleph: So she may wind up looking at Nandi and Xasan thoughtfully.
EarthScorpion: keris r shipping
EarthScorpion: eko approves +10
Aleph: ... hah, actually. She's pretty much decided to summon Rathan, who is Lord of the Waters. He can probably speed their trip downriver somewhat.
EarthScorpion: She could have Calesco keep her family safe, of course. Also, where exactly is Keris getting her money?
Aleph: Partly the Beik vaults, and partly some ~heist music~ schemes.
Aleph: And, mmm. Basically, it comes down to "is Keris willing to leave her children unattended and unbound in Creation before they've been taught how to control themselves as Haneyl is being taught?"
Aleph: and the answer to that question is "no", or possibly 'hell no" depending on the child in question.
Aleph: If she summons Rathan, she will take him with her upriver - because he'll be acting as her judge and her smuggler and her river-manipulator as she follows the trail to Nexus and then wherever it leads after that. And she'll be coaching him in how to operate in human society when you're decidedly not one.
Aleph: She could do something similar with Calesco - but if she leaves Calesco in Terema, not only will she be scared for her safety, but she'll be worried that Calesco will see something unCompassionate and start crusading.
EarthScorpion: Eko volunteers to stop the armies in Taira from fighting.
Aleph: That would involve murdering them all, and she'd get six hours into it before forgetting what she'd volunteered to do, taking stock of who she'd killed, and deciding she must have been trying to win the war for the shahbanu.
Aleph: Upon which she would retire herself to the shahbanu's palace to give her friendly advice on how to rule a country, from one genius to a much less clever one.
EarthScorpion: Keris comes back six months later to find the cult of Eko is the new state religion.
Aleph: Keris: "..."


EarthScorpion: Hmm. So which of Keris' souls can pass as human when she's using them during the year normally?
Aleph: Haneyl and Calesco both can - they're the stealth pair, really.
Aleph: Eko can once she's picked up Elloge, but only when playing a role.
Aleph: Rathan and Zanara never really can; Rathan has his horns and Zanara is... Zanara.
EarthScorpion: Zana: "I can~."
Aleph: Vali... to some extent depends. But in general he can look like a godblood if he cares to.


EarthScorpion: Session 151 resumed.
EarthScorpion: So, last time we left off, uh, Keris had a touching talk with her half-uncle about revenge and she rejected his suggestions that she put herself as Shahbanu.
Aleph: Indeed she did. So, hmm. First off, I suppose. Money. Does Keris have any that didn't get lost with the Old City?
EarthScorpion: Not particularly. She has some small amounts that were kept close to hand by Dulmea to handle Keris going 'give me money to buy some food', but nothing that's more than spending money.
Aleph: I knew you were going to say that, and I'm still vaguely annoyed about it.
EarthScorpion: Basically, the school of thought I'm running into is that the unlimited Elsewhere storage is basically being used as a Bag of Holding and that's a bit dull - and cuts down on interesting interactions, since there's no limit on the number of small objects you can hide on your person effectively - or weight limits, just as pertinently, when you're talking about pulling out Resources 3-4 as a casual expenditure.
EarthScorpion: But we can probably talk about that later.
Aleph: Yeah, fair enough.
Aleph: ...
Aleph: I do hope you haven't disappeared my dragon, though.
EarthScorpion: As it turns out, Zanara had already stolen it from Dulmea to 'keep it safe'
Aleph: Oh good. It's better art than Keris or Zanara can make, so they'll probably keep it as-is.
Aleph: Right, so Keris is going to plan a HEIST which is also REVENGE and is basically going to consist of marching up to the Beiks with Xasan and whoever else wants to come, scaring off anyone who wants to stop her, murderin' the naib and cleaning out his vaults.
Aleph: And then she'll decide on what to do next.
EarthScorpion: Well, heh, if she wants to take his invitation, there's still enough time to catch up with the riders and follow them back as his guest. She'd have to be alone, but that's one way of doing it.
EarthScorpion: Actually, she could take Xasan with her at some risk even with that plan.
Aleph: ... yeah, okay. Hmm. She might.
Aleph: Yeah, let's do that. Do we need to RP that conversation out, or can we assume he'll go for it?
EarthScorpion: Hmm. You can suggest it and then roll Per + Pres for it, and then we can skip over any argument based on the roll.


Aleph: And call the session there?
EarthScorpion: Yep. End of session
Aleph: Right then.
EarthScorpion: Admittedly, she's going to need to make them stop, because she needs to pick up the Baishans.
Aleph: Yes, she'll have them settle down around- yes. Baisha.
Aleph: Heh. My first Command/Bureaucracy challenge.
EarthScorpion: Yep.
Aleph: And we're definitively moving again. This should be fun!
Aleph: Hee. I was totes wary of letting Xasan and ready to intervene, but I kind of like that I didn't have to. It spared his pride a bit.
Xasan: "Best. Niece. Ever."​


EarthScorpion: I think I do do more things with setpieces naturally than you do, vis a vis @Shyft's comment about them.
Aleph: Yeah, though that might just be my relative inexperience.
Aleph: I may improve as I get better holding lots of details in my head and adding hooks to a scene.
EarthScorpion: Mentally I just frame these things as movie scenes. Like, that for example was Keris meeting with someone with a gallery of crossbowmen behind her.
Aleph: Hee. Amusingly, I don't think even Calesco will have much to complain about with what she did there
EarthScorpion: Killing isn't incompassionate, no.
Aleph: Agemi was a bad man, she reduced the collateral damage to zero by getting everyone else out, and she even let him have a fair fight for his life against Xasan, who had suffered more directly from him than Keris.
Aleph: Calesco may actually be in agreement with Rathan that it was a pretty good way to handle it, as opposed to Eko's suggestion of "turn into murderwind and kill everyone in the fort".
EarthScorpion: Eko pulls a face at the mean misrepresentation! It was only going to be anyone who tried to fight back!
EarthScorpion: Also amusingly, she did all of that without giving any clue as to what she was, beyond "supernaturally beautiful and justified and lovely and innocent".
Aleph: ikr
Aleph: : D
Aleph: Even when she's blatantly being a social sledgehammer, she's pretty stealthy
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EarthScorpion: Eko volunteers to stop the armies in Taira from fighting.
Aleph: That would involve murdering them all, and she'd get six hours into it before forgetting what she'd volunteered to do, taking stock of who she'd killed, and deciding she must have been trying to win the war for the shahbanu.
Aleph: Upon which she would retire herself to the shahbanu's palace to give her friendly advice on how to rule a country, from one genius to a much less clever one.
EarthScorpion: Keris comes back six months later to find the cult of Eko is the new state religion.
This bit had me laughing out loud.
Still think "reverse-summoned to Krisity while Keris takes a shortcut through Malfeas" is the best way of getting her relatives from their current region to the Scavenger Lands.

And allows them to interact with her souls, which should prove interesting.
Still think "reverse-summoned to Krisity while Keris takes a shortcut through Malfeas" is the best way of getting her relatives from their current region to the Scavenger Lands.

And allows them to interact with her souls, which should prove interesting.
People who aren't part of Keris' Soul Structure can't enter Krisity. It's a hard rule.
Now that was quite the interesting session. I had noticed Ancient and Firstborn appearing in Keris' character sheet earlier when looking for the new sobriquet -list, and wondered what had caused her to learn that. Her swearing to help her family fits quite well in-character, I have to say. Also, Vali is now probably 220% more shounen than before.

The meeting/murder of Agemi also underlined how scary a social-specced solaroid is when you are a mortal. Not that combat-specced solaroid (or any Exalt) isn't scary for mortals, but there is just something chilling in the ability for someone to just waltz in (even if with invitation), talk, and then suddenly every single one of your soldiers abandons you seemingly without hesitation.
Still think "reverse-summoned to Krisity while Keris takes a shortcut through Malfeas" is the best way of getting her relatives from their current region to the Scavenger Lands.

And allows them to interact with her souls, which should prove interesting.
People who aren't part of Keris' Soul Structure can't enter Krisity. It's a hard rule.
I think that he is on the right track though. Hmmm.

Keris: Wait, I have an idea!
Keris: *stunt-learns Voluminous Gastric Larder*
Keris: *eats her family*

...What? It would be perfectly valid way of transferring them safe-ish and faster, and Keris can heal them afterwards. Wait, what do you mean by "traumatized for life"? (Note: I only give terrible advise for these kind things as not to spoil the joy of finding effective solutions by yourself for the players)

More seriously, I'm also waiting eagerly to see how Keris' family will react to her literal inner demons, as Aleph seems to have decided to summon Rathan the next time the moon is right. While she has already externalized Haneyl for a long period of time, we haven't seen any of her souls assist her on-screen and on this scale before.
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Can someone explain just what Ancient and Firstborn are in Exalted? (Other than presumably very old languages...)