Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

So Keris has started picking up Oramus charms. It was brought up a while ago that Keris was going to go through the Wreathed In Portents tree. I wonder how creating localized earthquakes and astrological dooms whenever she recharges with an anima flare will affect Keris' sneaky approach.
So Keris has started picking up Oramus charms. It was brought up a while ago that Keris was going to go through the Wreathed In Portents tree. I wonder how creating localized earthquakes and astrological dooms whenever she recharges with an anima flare will affect Keris' sneaky approach.

If she needs to flare her anima the sneaky approach has already failed.
If she needs to flare her anima the sneaky approach has already failed.

Not necessarily. You're thinking of sneaky as 'nobody notices you', but it also covers 'nobody realizes why you're here'. Given that, she has had two 'sneaky' missions where she has needed to flare her anima, whether for a quick top-off or simply to prove a point.
Family Matters - Chapter 6
So, here we are with chapter 6 and the end of the Baisha miniarc! I'm extremely pleased with how Family Matters is going so far - I feel like the pacing of our arcs is getting better and better as we progress - and I'm pleased with how this one turned out. There were moments of absolute terror, some incredibly good use of setpieces (see @Shyft's thoughts on those for Sunlit Sands, aka "Inksgame", which I play with him) and a pretty awesome battle that I'm glad I backed down on circumventing (which I initially tried to do, but then cancelled that stunt because I was taking way too much narrative control in doing it and playing it out properly made for more interesting play anyway). We also finally got that "so about my souls" talk that I've been wanting to have for a while (albeit devoid of some detail). No word yet on when Zany will be brought in on the demon thing, though.

I've included the battle itself in the extras, because ES took an interesting mechanical tack that I really enjoyed, and which I think (hope) is going to see a lot more use in future "cinematic" combats that Keris takes part in (eg: fights with large hordes or giant monsters or similar).
EarthScorpion: Oh yeah, as a side note, do you actually want to get to know any of the mercenaries or do you intend to keep them? It helps to know how much thought I need to put into them.
Aleph: The ones with me at the moment are coming to Terema and then Keris will leave them to it.
EarthScorpion: Heh. You do have Mind-Eating Assimilation, of course, which means when they help you they build Principles towards you.
Aleph: Hmm. Yes. And she's not likely to bother removing the Self-Seeds. But she'll probably just leave that lying there in case she ever comes back - or more accurately, confirm that it won't impact their quality of life if she's not around, and then forget about it.
Aleph: ... though given all the healing and the lingering good feeling, she might get a minor cult out of it, lawl.
EarthScorpion: Hmm.
"Brains are fertile soil. The penalty applied by the Infernal's self-seed now extends to mental and social pools, as even making plans or arguing against him causes debilitating cramps. Any scene a host spends aiding the Infernal, even unwillingly, causes an incongruous sense of fulfilment. This is a scene spent building an intimacy of devotion to his needs, which cannot be eroded by mundane influence. Once formed, the devotion's ingrained tendrils suppress contrary MDV modifiers from the host's other intimacies, Virtues or Motivation."​
EarthScorpion: So, in the version from the doc, they get it by helping you, and by helping you they feel fulfilled. Otherwise, it's a normal Intimacy for them, but can't be removed mundanely.
Aleph: Yeah, so I'd say that if Keris says "I need nothing more from you; you've accompanied my kin and I to Terema in fine form", they should be fine.
EarthScorpion: Nah, they are going to want to help you more. And might keep an eye out for you so they can help you, and when one of them suggests "why don't we help her more?" it ignores penalties even from Motivations. It's a pretty powerful effect, especially when you get a group of people together who can self-reinforce thinking of her.
Aleph: Oh, sure, but they're not going to pull an Ogi if Keris flits off.
Aleph: Sigh. She'll be a thrilling tale for youths eager to hear tales of adventure from a grizzled mercenary. "This one time I marched behind a god-touched woman who brought down a naib without striking a single blow."
EarthScorpion: Heh. The thing she has to worry about is someone with Solar Medicine. FDT is nasty against SSI.
Aleph: ... in fairness, if the Solar Medic is like, say, Inks; she would come to the conclusion that some sort of probably-hellish thing left a tumour under their hearts that puts mind-altering pollen into their bloodstream, that from their accounts and their behaviour the hell-thing was this god-touched lady who killed (helped kill?) the naib, and that she healed a bunch of them en-route to Terema and then... left?
Aleph: And... that's apparently it; they don't seem to have any other symptoms and claim to have never seen her since.
Solar: "... I have to say, for a corruptive hell-creature that perverts the bodies and minds of men to its whim, this seems... kind of not very malicious."
Solar: "Honestly, I think it probably had something else entirely in mind. This feels like... it just grabbed them with the loyalty-pollen for that march to Terema and forgot about them afterwards. Whatever ill intent or wicked scheme it had, it didn't involve these guys."​
EarthScorpion: Ah, yes, "observable traits or described symptoms". So she'd need to do that after they'd suffered something like the muscle spasms of trying to act against Keris.
EarthScorpion: Heh. It's super hard to remove with non-magical surgery. It's Diff 4, so that means it takes 12 hours and inflicts at least 4L on the host even on a success.
Aleph: Or in other words, "actually not that far off how dangerous it was to heal Zany". : P
EarthScorpion: Extras literally can't survive.
EarthScorpion: Oh, Keris. She just needs to self seed some of the blue sea masters and then call on minor favours for them so they're spending scenes helping her.
EarthScorpion: Huh. You know, Rathan could very easily have gotten self seed infestation as one of his charms. Then you'd either have gotten a pure Malfeas Haneyl, or a Malfeas Adorjan Calesco. A creature of unrestrained passion.
Aleph: Eeek.


<Session opening - Keris spots the Vakotans and realises what it might mean for her loved ones>
Aleph: ... shit
Aleph: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Aleph: Fuuuuuuuuck
Aleph: Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
EarthScorpion: Once again, you do tend to miss that other people can be actors. : P
Aleph: I actually kind of thought the Vakotans had cleared out and retreated. Misinterpreted that. If I'd realised they were still in the village I'd have handled them first.
Aleph: Well, as long as they're not dead or hideously traumatised I can deal, and honestly if they're being used as hostages with, like, swords held at their throats and a bunch of men between them and Keris... that'd honestly be pretty interesting as a setpiece.
Aleph: Hmm.
Aleph: ... yeah. Interesting and tricky.


<Keris meets Amphelia Iron-Handed>
Aleph: ... stop making little gods sympathetic.
Aleph: Now I want to take her with me and make her a divine familiar.
EarthScorpion: She is a family inheritance. : P
Aleph: Look, I already have three Demonic Familiars and a Ghostly Familiar. If you give me a Divine Familiar as a forge-goddess who inhabits her silver forge, it's only a matter of time before I get an Animal Familiar and a freaking exmechanical Familiar as well.
EarthScorpion: Hey, I didn't say she was for Keris to make a familiar. She could just find her a new forge, or use her as a stalking horse by helping her get promoted in the Saata region. Even give her to the misbegotten.
Aleph: Yes, but you know how Keris adopts things. : P
EarthScorpion: Heh. Can't use A&F. You've already got your A&F purchase locked-up.
Aleph: Yes, and I've got it locked up in "as long as they wish it, I will take my kin out of Taira and to the Southwest, safe and unharmed".
EarthScorpion: Oh, fair enough.
Aleph: Keris: <decides to adopt a forge-goddess who's pacted with her family line because WHY NOT>
Aleph: Is little-goddess going to ride on Keris's shoulder? : 3
Aleph: Heh. Keris quite likes her Familiar-anchors. She'll probs cast Stormwind Rider through Cissidy if and when she bothers learning it.
Aleph: ... and huh. Little forge-goddess has been with the family for at least four generations. Sweet.
Aleph: She's talking about the forge being moved, but Keris's great-grandpa built this one.
EarthScorpion: Yep. It's not like gods die of old age, after all.
Aleph: Aaaand that iron-sense has instantly decided me on "get more people to worship her, get silver into her domain as well by making her forge a silver-forge, and make her an Ally to cast scrying spells on people carrying silver tokens made at her forge".
EarthScorpion: Well, that's just a god thing. Their powers are much more subtle than demon powers. And they have much more comprehensive info powers over their domain.
Aleph: Fuck yeeeaaaah.
Aleph: Def recruiting more gods and Divine Allies.


Aleph: Query. What's the Physique roll necessary to deadlift two adults and Dash with them a short distance?
Aleph: Because I'm thinking "Dash over the heads of the Vakotans while they're still focused on the ridge and the army up there, hair-grab Ali and Zany, keep going to a safe distance and drop a 9-yard-wide Hungry Devil-Weed Growth on a fair chunk of the Vakotans as I go".
Aleph: With how they're clustered up, a nine-yard wide circle of poisonous barbed thorns is going to hit quite a lot of them. And then they're stuck between the thorns blocking the gate and Keris.
EarthScorpion: Strength + Athletics 2 is what's given for "lift a fully grown man", so two people would be 4.
Aleph: Hmm. That's as a feat of strength, not "grab and deadlift while running past them". But Keris is Phy+Ath 10, so even if it's doubled she's fine.
Aleph: Hell, she'll be flaring her caste mark; she can do it even if it's trebled.
EarthScorpion: That sounds like the Eko/Vali plan. The Rathan plan, sigh, probably involves more walking up to them with lots of Rathan Charms up so they can't remember why they don't like her, can't pay any attention to anyone else, and can't bring themselves to attack her.
Aleph: It did occur to me that CME is for literally this situation. Make it impossible for them to remember past experiences that left them with a negative impression.
EarthScorpion: (The Calesco plan is actually similar, but involves more murderwind once you're close to protecting the innocent.)
EarthScorpion: (The Zanara plan is "I dunno, I'm not good at stuff like this.")
Aleph: Honestly, with the inclusion of Hungry Devil-Weed Growth, this one is basically an Eko/Vali/Haneyl plan.
EarthScorpion: Oh, those three.


<Keris's big reveal>
Aleph: Pickpocking attempt on the iron bottle as she goes.
Aleph: ... also if there's something that Keris can jump on to gain some height
Aleph: assume she jumped on it
Aleph: Or most of them can't see her. ^_^'
EarthScorpion: Yeah, you can edit in snatching it off his belt just fine - he doesn't notice a thing.
EarthScorpion: And yes, the thing for her to stand on is...
EarthScorpion: uh, someone's horse.
Aleph: You described Ali and Zanyira as being in front of the Vakotans, yes? Did you mean right at the front? Can Keris spur the horse off and be between them and all the others?
EarthScorpion: Well, there's someone else sitting on each of the horses, who they're probably chained to. Like, they're not just on horses alone.
Aleph: Cool.
EarthScorpion: (the person on the horse Keris is standing on is looking slack-jawed, and may be trying to look up her dress. Which, uh, given how short it is, means he's probably succeeding.)


<more speechifying>
Aleph: Oh, Keris.
"Huh, you can resist me."
"Unfortunately for you; your men can't." : 3
"I'll just turn them on you, shall I?"​
Aleph: ... and goddammit, she still looks like a pure socialite who's bought some athletic stuff!
EarthScorpion: We'll wrap up this scene, then, since Keris has basically started showing off her social hammerness for the first time and most of the challenge in the scene has been subverted by her sheer, uh, sexy body and moe waifu appeal.


<Attack on the Vakotans!>

-- ES --
So, rather than just do it as one roll, I thought I'd do this more like how I did that thing for Janicequest and instead break it down into tasks/options for her preference for targets. So Keris needs to decide her starting goal. All of these rolls are Physique + Melee on her behalf:
  • Cut the head off the snake. No, not the snek - the Vakotan leader. Go straight for him and the priest and cut the heart out of the centre. Maybe literally. (Diff 3, contested by the leader's Pres + Command)
  • The flanking elements are the ones which might be able to escape or chase down her own people. Leave the central group intact for now, and focus on the ones who might have been less affected by her moeblob aura. (Diff 4, contested by the flank-leader's Pres + Command)
  • Mass devastation. She's here to kill them all, so rather than stay in one place she harries them, causing as much bloodshed as possible wherever the line is weak and avoiding any strong pockets that remain. It'll also give her more time to catch her breath as she vanishes in and out of the darkness. (Diff 4, contested by average Vakotan's Physique + Melee)
After this is resolved, we'll see how things are and Keris will get more options presented.

-- Aleph --
Hee! Loving this format. I'll go for the flanking elements and spend two actions-worth of mote regen on Excellency dice.
5+5+2 stunt+3 Friagem Serpent+4 Adorjani ExD=19. 9 sux.

EarthScorpion: So, here's something to bear in mind, because Keris certainly will with her greed.
EarthScorpion: Thanks to Zany, she's been reminded of how much a Vakotan horse is worth. A fine horse is a Resources 3 purchase. Each of these Vakotans have at least two mounts, because they're horse nomads. Plus there are the more enduring horses for their caravans.
EarthScorpion: If Keris can avoid killing the horses, she will be able to take possession of a literal fortune in horses.
EarthScorpion: If she can get the horses to Terema, she can convert it into a literal fortune, full stop. Enough of a fortune that she might actually have to sell the horses in smaller amounts to avoid flooding the market.
Aleph: Hee. A hundred or so fine horses is probably verging on a Res 5 payment. On top of plastic surgery to replace Nandi's eye and similar, that's enough to buy the Bloody Lionesses outright. : 3

Aleph: Question: how much does Hungry Devil-Weed Growth cost around the gates of Baisha? 3m or 2?
EarthScorpion: Probably 3m because it's wintery and there's snow on the ground.
EarthScorpion: (Snow is an mountain thing in Taira. The south is tropical rainforest.)
Aleph: Cool. So while flaring her caste mark she can cast it every couple of actions without the hazard. So she's probably going to go with no Shintai or AoE Charms, but a lot of snaring people with plants (especially if they try to run) and stabbing with her Lance. If the vines are just snaring ones, the horses won't kill themselves in them, and while it's possible one or two might break legs if they fall badly, Keris can fix those (where usually a broken-legged horse would have to be put down).
Aleph: It also means lots of cool plants bursting up from under groups of Vakotans as Keris dances between grasping stalks and flits over the top of snaring bushes.
EarthScorpion: Haneyl approves. Eko does not, because Keris is being a silly Mama and ignoring the gift other mama gave her.
EarthScorpion: Amusingly, it's local plants doing it. So, uh. There's some saffron there.
EarthScorpion: (it is Haneylian saffron)
EarthScorpion: (it makes your food bright green and also makes your eyes water from how spicy it is)
Aleph: Keris is being a cautious Mama and keeping some cards up her...
Aleph: ...
Aleph: do plants that Keris uses HDWG or LJG on
Aleph: start showing up in the Swamp thereafter?
Aleph: Is that how the Swamp "learns" new plants?
EarthScorpion: Yep.
Aleph: Urgh. Dammit Haneyl.
EarthScorpion: If Keris went there more often, she'd realise it has had a recent growth burst of Tengese things.
EarthScorpion: Also, the swamp kats are starting to look like tigers and leopards.
Aleph: Hee. She already knows about the sargasso that's... been...
Aleph: ... dammit haneyl
EarthScorpion: Haneyl is a girl who collects pets, Sasi has found.
Aleph: Haneyl! Stop MINEing bits of the Middle Lands!
EarthScorpion: (Haneyl is also doing the Shashalme and Metagaos proud and without realising it working on selling Sasi on learning Metagaos charms and training her in ones she seems amenable to.)
EarthScorpion: (Because she's infectious, as Calesco says.)
Aleph: Oh, Haneyl.

-- ES --
The flanks only got 1 success on their leadership role, so it's just a massacre. What now?
  • Cut the head off the snake. No, not the snek - the Vakotan leader. Go straight for him and the priest and cut the heart out of the centre. Maybe literally. They've used the time to get in good order, though. (Diff 4, contested by the leader's Pres + Command)
  • Some of them have broken and are riding for it, casting aside their weapons. Their horses are slower than her, though, and it'd be so easy to cut them down as they run before they can regroup. (Diff 1, contested by average Vakotan's Physique + Travel, suppress Compassion to cut down the ones who ran for it)
  • Mass devastation. She's here to kill them all, so rather than stay in one place she harries them, causing as much bloodshed as possible wherever the line is weak and avoiding any strong pockets that remain. It'll also give her more time to catch her breath as she vanishes in and out of the darkness. Resistance has weakened and more of them will break if she makes a bloody example of weakness. (Diff 3, contested by average Vakotan's Physique + Melee)
Again, pick one - or make any write-in suggestions you can think of.

-- Aleph --
Mass devastation. This time she's spending three actions-worth on Excellencies, but conserving her Devil-Weed use to only when necessary to cut off attempts at rallying or escaping en masse. The rest she's regenning to fill her pool back up.
5+5+3 Friagem Serpent+1 bonus {re-establishing stealth after an attack by retreating to terrain an opponent cannot traverse}+2 stunt+6 Adorjani ExD=22. 14 sux.

Aleph: Oh, Keris.
Aleph: She could kill the fleeing ones easily. She's quite literally choosing to let them go, because she's soft-hearted and promised Calesco she wouldn't kill those who threw down their weapons and fled or surrendered.
Aleph: They will have some pretty fucking terrifying stories to tell about this battle.
"It came in the night..."​
EarthScorpion: And because she only went level 1 anima, the ones in the flanking elements may never even have seen her that clearly. Just a single burning green eye.
Aleph: They're going to be really terrifying stories.
EarthScorpion: Oh, Keris. She thinks of using her anima as a much bigger step than Naan or Testolagh do.
Aleph: Such a Night.

<Kuha screams - oh no!>

-- ES --
Options presented:
  • Finish it. Take down the Vakotans quickly before they can break and flee and enact justice (Declare Charms used for this to establish difficulty and time taken)
  • Pull away, and get to Kuha as fast as possible. (Declare Charms used for this to establish difficulty and time taken)
The assumption is that Keris will try to do the other after the one she picks, though the situation on the ground may have changed depending on the time taken, Charms used, and successes gotten.

Aleph: goddammit
Aleph: ... I'm aware that Kuha is probably just screaming for her protector, but I rather like the idea that she has worked out Keris is in the area just from the sounds of the Vakotans getting massacred.
EarthScorpion: Well, to be fair, when horsemen are running away in great terror, it's probably Keris.
Aleph: : P

-- Aleph --
Going for Kuha and using Racing Vitaris. You bastard. : P
5+5+2 stunt+5 Malfeas ExSux=12. 6+5=11 sux. And Keris blazes in to save the day at 120mph, while 14 months pregnant.

EarthScorpion: yeaaaaaaah i may have set things up knowing you'd not suppress compassion to chase down the fleeing people so i had an excuse to have you use racing vitaris at night on a snowy field
Aleph: o u
EarthScorpion: Okay, yeah, Diff 5, (lower of Reaction or Physique) + Athletics to find-and-get to them in time.
Aleph: How much has she recovered mote-wise?
EarthScorpion: Because she's been taking it slow and is level 1 flaring, she's regenned all her non-committed motes.
Aleph: Awesome. In that case, 5+5+2 stunt+5 Malfeas ExSux=12. 6+5=11 sux. And Keris blazes in to save the day at 120mph, while 14 months pregnant.
EarthScorpion: Possibly with a flying kick.
Aleph: Heh. Say what you will about Keris, she's a goddess that really delivers to her faithful.
Aleph: One scream and boom, in she comes at literally-blinding speed.
EarthScorpion: Hee. You do realise that the current bit in kerisgame is a deliberate echo of Keris enslavement? Only for this generation, the Xasan is around and can intervene.
Aleph: Boy, can she intervene. : P

<Last band of Vakotans make a break for it>

-- ES --
Declare intention - and kill/spare-ness. If you're going to try to kill the priest before he gets whatever he's playing with open, then you'll need to either engage at range or be very quick to get to him first.
Diff 5, Phys + Ranged to get this done in time against the priest
Diff 4, Phys + Melee to stunt-kill the chief as you want

-- Aleph --
Priest: 5+2+3 FFF Style+2 stunt+6 Malfeas ExD=18. 6 sux. Yeek, close one.
Leader: 5+5+3 Friagem Serpent+2 stunt=15. 7 sux.


<aftermath of the battle>
Aleph: Hmm
Aleph: About how many babies are there? Are we talking single-digit numbers, tens?
EarthScorpion: Probably single digits - the Vakotans have been on campaign for a bit over a year and didn't take children with them and they're male weighted but there's enough young women around that a fair few have got pregnant.
EarthScorpion: They go back to their homeland periodically to replenish their stock, get new horses and replace losses, and drop off the children if the mothers have weaned them and wish to leave them with their sisters or mothers.


Aleph: ... so now I have to get something on the order of 400+ people and 100+ horses to Terema.
Aleph: Through... how many warfronts was it again?
EarthScorpion: Well, it's a civil war with widespread banditry. The really major one is the last one moving into the Shahbanu lands. She might need to bribe her way past that
Aleph: Bribe or force.
EarthScorpion: Yes, but fortunately a gift of a few horses to the commanding officer seldom goes amiss.
Aleph: Well, yes. And by then Keris may be fed up enough of corralling them that she'll think it worth having a few less.
EarthScorpion: Oh Keris and your gifts.
EarthScorpion: Heh. Amusingly, if the capacity to causally store large amounts in your soul is nerfed, that means the Lionesses might be hired to transport Keris treasure to the southwest.
Aleph: Hmm. I'm on a train with wifi for the next four hours, so now seems a good time to discuss what justification can we use there, and what kind of nerfs we're putting in. Is it only Resources that she can't throw in there in large quantities? What are the limits on the Charm?
EarthScorpion: I think maybe up to Enlightenment objects can be stored in there for 1m commitment each. Everything else uses the Tiger Empire way of getting things in and out. So, like, yeah, she can stash a chest in there and have money to hand, but not a fortune that's easily accessible.
Aleph: Hmm. Moneybag of "ready cash", a couple of "food" slots, three slots devoted to various silversmithing tools (mini-forge, leather roll of tools, spool of silver wire), maps of whatever region she's currently in... hmm. Yeah. Enlightenment seems like enough. Heh. Or her current painting project, or whatever she's whittling at the time... basically, "ready cash", "food", "current art project", "maps" and a few empty spots for any important documents or knickknacks she comes across.
Aleph: (The food slots are still in use despite Haneyl's absence, because Keris just has Rounen make her things that will keep and then snacks on them throughout the day.)
Aleph: Remind me - or feel free to take liberties in - having Keris munching on various meat skewers, paste balls, apples and alchemical drinks that are definitely not smoothies in the background of scenes.
EarthScorpion: And then we can probably rebalance the "getting things out" bit of Tiger Empire against Wyld Shaping. So you're basically "wyld shaping" the thing you're taking out or putting away into or out of existence, and doing it in an Infernal geomancy zone.
EarthScorpion: Also, if it's nerfed to an Enlightenment limit, we can probably make recovery into a reflexive thing
Aleph: Yes.
Aleph: ... heh. Re: Wyld Shaping balanced against Tiger Empire retrieval, it is totally in-theme for Keris to have to pay more successes/motes to retrieve higher-Resources things.
Aleph: She's appeasing the Po not to claim it as it moves through the Cloud Wall.
EarthScorpion: Dammit Keris.


Aleph: Hmm. Keris snacks. She definitely likes paste balls - things like sweet bean paste that have been rolled into balls and then left to dry and harden (or sometimes quickly baked to make a hard crust on the outside with still-gooey centres).
Aleph: Meat skewers are good because she can eat them bit by bit as she goes.
Aleph: Apples are a constant.
Aleph: I quite like the idea of her making her own smoothies and cocktails.
Rounen: "Here you go, mum! Salted rabbit-skewers with a spice rub and I managed to work out how to make pastry rolls with chestnut paste inside!"​
Aleph: Oh, and of course she also likes fish. And squid. And shellfish. And crab and lobster. And shrimp.


Aleph: Oh, Keris.
"She flits off briefly to yell at some of her mercenaries and make it clear that no, the horses belong to her and will not be divvied up among the army unless they want to fight Keris for them."​
Aleph: She is getting more and more comfortable with using Prince of Hell Style.
EarthScorpion: Her growth there is probably paralleling Haneyl's growing up into a little lady.
Aleph: Hee.
Aleph: Oh, Keris. She's always sort of Short Man Theoryish when leading, but it's especially weird when she's this tiny fourteen-month-pregnant chick dashing around the camp giving ultimatums about how the prisoners will be treated and yelling at people about the horses and chivvying other people to refine the route back to Terema, with everyone meekly nodding because this tiny heavily-pregnant chick personally routed the entire Vakotan force in one night without taking so much as a scratch.
Aleph: Hmm. How does Compassion interact with trials, rather than routs? Execution of criminals, vs killing the defenceless in combat?
EarthScorpion: It depends. The fairness of the trial, the crimes of the accused, the means of execution, and so on are all factors. Execution is not an auto compassion check, and even when it does call for one it can make the difficulty of the Compassion roll higher.
Aleph: Gotcha.
EarthScorpion: Xasan is technically correct in the law here. Tairan law calls for execution by hanging or decapitation or sacrifice to the sun for all bandits, or enslavement. However, he doesn't have the legal authority to pass judgement.
Aleph: ... then, hah. Keris may well insist that the Temple of Shamsun preside over the actual trials - partly because they have religious authority, and partly because they're a lot more neutral in the conflict since the Vakotans didn't really give the temple as hard a time as the town.
Aleph: Also they need to be convinced to take in the children.
EarthScorpion: That's... actually a very neat solution.
Aleph: ^_^
Aleph: ...
Aleph: You don't have to say it like you're surprised. ¬_¬
EarthScorpion: I hadn't thought of it.


<Talking to her family about her souls>
Aleph: Keris is feeling intimately what it's like to have children clustering around a video call, clamouring to peer at the screen and trying to talk to the person on the other side.
Aleph: ... s-such power!
Aleph: she's out-mom-doting Keris!
Aleph: Zany is in pretty-art-and-adorable-children nirvana.
Aleph: heh
Aleph: and there at the end of the sketchbook, Zany finds herself and Hany and so on drawn with the same loving skill.
Aleph: d'aww
Aleph: ... oh, Keris.
Aleph: Of course you have Lilunu in your family-sketchbook. ¬_¬


EarthScorpion: Hmm.
EarthScorpion: How much do you actually care about the trial and the fate of the Vakotans at a narrative level?
Aleph: Hmm. Narratively, not much. Though I will say that Compassion 4 Keris is growing more and more weary of massacring idiot mortal kids who don't know how outclassed they are. Fighting the army of raksha teeth-men was fun; it was exhilarating and justified and cool. Wiping out the Vakotans - however justified and Rathanite it was - left part of her just feeling tired and hollow and sad at how much of a waste it was.
Aleph: she's, heh
Aleph: actually finding more fun in social challenges using Rathan's light, nowadays
Aleph: Like wowing everyone as Cinnamon; she had a blast doing that.
EarthScorpion: Yeah, so we can probably just have the trials happen and if Keris is avoiding it and focussing more on her family, it happens without much detail. Especially if she's counting down for Rathan coming out and wants hugs from him.
Keris: "Sasi! Sasi! I... I think I'm getting old."​
Aleph: Heh. She doesn't find fighting against mortals fun anymore. She needs a certain amount of "this is a justified fight against things I don't need to empathise with" to enjoy a high-speed melee.
Aleph: Clearing out that shadowland full of horrible necrotech was fun for her, too.
Aleph: Sigh. Stupid Useless Compassion is making it too easy for her to empathise with humans, even if they're on another side to her. At some point she's going to get so fed up of killing victims she feels bad about slaughtering that she'll go hunting for more deserving targets that don't make her feel at all guilty.
Aleph: (keris please stop threatening ghostly shadowland-cities until they tell you where the nearest Labyrinth cyst is)


Aleph: How much cash did Keris get from the naib?
EarthScorpion: Not too much in coinage, most of what she took was in goods and material, like she looted his saffron stores and took a lot of food.
Aleph: Hmm. So yes, saffron is relatively sellable. If she gives a little to everyone who follows her, that should at least give them a sum to tide them over for a few months of finding-a-place.
EarthScorpion: Yes.
Aleph: heh
Aleph: "the Baishan diaspora" will become (more of) a thing


EarthScorpion: Hmm. What's she going to be anchoring Rathan in?
Aleph: Good question.
Aleph: ...
Aleph: ¬_¬
Aleph: yeaaaaah it's gonna be her Amulet.
Aleph: Guess she's wearing regular clothes she's made for the rest of the trip.
EarthScorpion: Well, she doesn't need to choose yet.
EarthScorpion: ... sigh.
EarthScorpion: Especially since she might not even realise her souls need to be anchored.
Aleph: Oh, Keris. It must be said, at least part of your reason for choosing Rathan was also "he's the best-equipped to make a really good impression on Ali and Xasan and convince them that Keris's demon-souls are nice and innocent and not at all evil".
Aleph: Another is, of course, that he's fully on-board with (and may in fact be the originator of) Plan Keep Zany In The Dark About The Demon/Hell Thing For Now And Don't Make Any Big Waves Just Yet, as the most cautious of Keris's souls who's equally paranoid about people being UNFAIRLY AGAINST HER BECAUSE OF REALM PROPAGANDA
EarthScorpion: Zana: "No, no, we need to induct her into full on Yozi worship. Or me worship. She'd be an amazing priestess."
Aleph: ... heh.
Aleph: Keris managed to neatly avoid the topic of who Eko and Calesco's other parent was.
Aleph: She mentioned Rat specifically when she explained how her souls draw influences from her loved ones, and she confirmed Sasi when Zany saw her picture and guessed, but all she said for Eko and Calesco was that they were full siblings.
EarthScorpion: Zany: "Isn't it obvious?"
Aleph: ...
EarthScorpion: Zany: "It's a cloth goddess."
Aleph: Keris: "..."
Keris: "Yes. Sure. Let's go with that."
Ali: *sotto voce* "Is it really?"
Keris: *quietly* "No."
Ali: "Then who-"
Keris: "Hahahaha trust me on this you don't want to know."​
Last edited:
Rathan: It would look better if I were there

Is there a way to do that? To get the landscape form and personal interaction form of a demon summoned?
Hmmmm... lots done here today, including the reason I was condemned to actually make an effort post here.

Me: "Why is mineral wealth Haneyl's favorite?"
Aleph: ...
Me: "Because it involves MINEing!" :V:V:V
Aleph: you are awful

Also, while she's coming at it from a completely different angle, the discussion of how Keris is getting tired of slaughtering stupid mortals who are getting in over their head just makes me think of Ligier.

Keris: "Stupid mortals, there's no joy in slaughtering them. Not like faeries! Those are always fun!"
Ligier: *quiet thumbs up* "There truly is no point in exerting yourself against such lessers. That's what minions are for."

Hmmmm... oh yes, I quite enjoyed the little forge goddess. Also, it occurs to me that she could have quite the phoenix theme if so desired. Disaster and ruin has come to the forge multiple times, but each time it has been reborn, and in this latest iteration it will be greater than ever. More than that, base materials come to the forge to "die" and be reborn as something new and grander, especially if you add in any smelting capacity to transform ore to metal. Which reminds me that you could possibly hang an Ebon Dragon craft tree off of the Doomed to Die charm from ES' Book of Ten Thousand Scorpions, by using the metaphysical "death" of a base product to craft something new. Possibly have it so that if you start with a complete product that is damaged you can gain bonuses for scavenging from it based on how close to complete scrap it is without being completely destroyed. It could have been saved, it's doom averted, but it was its fate to "die". Given that the central "craft" demon in Games of Divinity is Alvuea and she works to craft men into objects, this also seems in theme for an Ebon Dragon charmset.

This might also give Keris the charmtech to transform Little Keris into something other than a ghost, although the metaphysical continuity might be a bit iffy for Keris' tastes. Calesco would probably protest.
Going down that line of Charmtech would also make sense narratively in that it would culminate in whatever Keris does (should she live that long) to ensure that Krisity and her children survive her own death from old age and the subsequent loss of her Exaltation.
Hmmmm... oh yes, I quite enjoyed the little forge goddess.

It was my thought (especially after reading a book on Japanese yokai) that household little gods and ones who associate closely with humans are often going to be smaller than human scale. City gods are going to be human scale, but house gods are going to be small enough to live in the fireplace and run along the rafters.

It means that yes, Creation's little house gods operate at a similar scale to household vermin. And also keep people up at night by running around when people are trying to sleep. And the reason they only need small amounts of wine or food given as offerings is that they're small enough that a thimble of wine and a carrot is a generous meal.
Oh gods, Rathan is out and about in Creation.
*gets popcorn*
*remembers the next update won't be for a week*
It was my thought (especially after reading a book on Japanese yokai) that household little gods and ones who associate closely with humans are often going to be smaller than human scale. City gods are going to be human scale, but house gods are going to be small enough to live in the fireplace and run along the rafters.

It means that yes, Creation's little house gods operate at a similar scale to household vermin. And also keep people up at night by running around when people are trying to sleep. And the reason they only need small amounts of wine or food given as offerings is that they're small enough that a thimble of wine and a carrot is a generous meal.
Would you be willing to tell us what the name of the book on Yokai was?
"... and they knocked over the box with my bones in and that made me angry and I made the walls bleed and they ran away rather than follow Kuha! But you're back! I thought I was going to be left here again and then we'd never find my parents!"

I really love those little moments where adorable characters who are supernatural enitities remind the audience that they are indeed supernatural monsters and are terrifying in universe.

Also, a rather appropriate and straightforward omen to the Vakotans of what is to come.
I've really enjoyed watching Keris let loose with her social charms these past few updates. She's very sneaky and usually only lets loose to kill large numbers of people, so it's easy to forget she's also a social powerhouse.

I really like the idea of minor gods being little.
...I should probably stop peeking at the character sheet before the actual story updates arrive. It not only gives spoiler-ish hints about what is to come, but also leads me to refreshing this thread to even more unhealthy degree than I already do. :confused:
...I should probably stop peeking at the character sheet before the actual story updates arrive. It not only gives spoiler-ish hints about what is to come, but also leads me to refreshing this thread to even more unhealthy degree than I already do. :confused:
Awwww, but what about the joy of searching through it to figure out where that single new line came from and the odd moments of "Wait, they added a page and a half this time?"
Family Matters - Chapter 7
...I should probably stop peeking at the character sheet before the actual story updates arrive. It not only gives spoiler-ish hints about what is to come, but also leads me to refreshing this thread to even more unhealthy degree than I already do. :confused:
Awwww, but what about the joy of searching through it to figure out where that single new line came from and the odd moments of "Wait, they added a page and a half this time?"
Mwaa haa. Oh, babies. Precious babies. I am so sorry [1]. But you are about to be very upset with me.

You see, a week and a half ago, ES and I began the fourth Kerisgame PbP session to date. Now, there are three general lengths for Kerisgame sessions; there are the standard ones (single-night session, 6-8k), there are the extended ones (split over two nights with a pause in the middle, 10-12k), and then there are the PbP sessions, which are usually a bit longer still because they last about a week and we have more time to expand out our big paragraphs and descriptive mojo in the GDoc we use for it. So those end up about 12-15k.

This one wound up being thirty thousand fucking words. Seventy goddamn pages. I don't even know what the fuck happened here, it just kept going. o_O

On and on I went, diligently adding things to Keris's character sheet as she got them, and those of you who like to tease yourselves in advance like dirty filthy heathens have seen how she's... developed. But @EarthScorpion and I spoke, and, well, we decided that 30k is a bit much to make you read all in one go. So we did you all a favour and split it in half for you.

You don't mind waiting another week to get to the second half, right? No? Wonderful. :V

In that case, enjoy yourselves with Family Matters part 7 - "In Which Keris Travels to Terema"!

I'll detail my thoughts on this ridiculous giant of a megasession - as well as all the stuff Keris has added to her sheet [2] - in the next post, so for now, here's this half of the session's extras:
EarthScorpion: OK. So, with the group as it is, it's about a month's travel back to Terema with the rough terrain and the requirement to move through contested territory.
Aleph: Can Rathan help speed that up by charm and river-currents?
Aleph: ... and smuggling, actually
EarthScorpion: Well, that's the foot/cart speed, as that's the slowest part of the group. If you can get your hands on boats for such a large group, it's two weeks even before magic comes in to play.
Aleph: Excellent. Then Keris will make for the boatage.
Rathan: *nods* "A good choice, Mama."​
EarthScorpion: Heh. Unfortunately, you lack Well Reputed Grotto and Primordial Smuggler's trail, that would be what gives Rathan his real speed increases.
Aleph: darn
Aleph: Hmm. He's a teenager now. Does he still call her "mama" in front of others, or is that a private thing now, with a little more formal princely distance and "mother"ness?
EarthScorpion: Well, it's just been a family thing, and honestly everyone does it, apart from Vali (who uses "mum") and Zana (who calls her Keris).
Aleph: No, Haneyl sometimes uses "Mother" when she's being upset or formal. And Calesco uses "Mother" as well, especially when she's being cruel.
EarthScorpion: ... sigh, Rathan would keep to Mama then to spite Calesco.
Aleph: of course he would ¬_¬
EarthScorpion: Hmm. Floral Ferry is useless to Keris even if she learned it - it can only carry 10 people. She'd have to send people down ten at a time, and the horses are at least a person each.
Aleph: I saw a rewrite of it in Book of the Emerald Circle, but I recall you not being fond of that homebrew. Also Keris doesn't have the time or materials to learn it.
EarthScorpion: Well, I think the main advantage of that is that it doesn't need the sorcerer's concentration, it's self-steering and it's way more stealthy than Stormwind Rider.
Aleph: Want the BotEC version?
EarthScorpion: Let's see it
Aleph: Floral Ferry
Aleph: (Keris stop making a saffron-barge out of sheer spite)
EarthScorpion: I mean, I have literally no problem with being able to make mundane 2nd Age ships (or equivalent) with sorcery.
Aleph: Hmm. That upgrades its usefulness considerably, because it's useful on land as well and you can customise the size and so on. And, sigh, the Shashalme will be only too happy to share a spell like that with her - or act as a Patron-Anchor, if Keris is mad enough to ask it to.
EarthScorpion: Well, if you want to learn it, there's a chance that the DB notes you stole (and copied) from the Lookshyians might have had a version of the spell in them.
Aleph: Ooo. How long does it take to learn a spell again?
EarthScorpion: (Circle) weeks
Aleph: hmm
Aleph: I will try to find normal boats
Aleph: and also consider learning this
EarthScorpion: Honestly, you probably will struggle to find shipping for 300+ people and 200+ horses and all your plunder. Certainly at one place.
Aleph: Yeah.
Zany: "Um... Keris? You've been throwing apples into the water for the past two days. What are you doing?"
Keris: "Trying to make them turn into boats."
Zany: "... I see." *eyes the malformed apple-hulls slowly bobbing up and down in the water*
Keris: "I'm not perfect at everything first time, okay?"​
EarthScorpion: The DB version will probably teach one that anchors in a jade artefact.
Aleph: Hmm. She can make several and they'll all stay solid as long as she spends some time on each one every day. So what she'll probably do is find a river towards Terema, grab any boats she passes on the way and load the carts and slowest walking people into them, and use that to speed up a little.
EarthScorpion: Oh, it's pretty easy to follow the rivers, yes. And there are trails running beside all the rivers.
Aleph: That lets her move up a long-distance-travel marker by moving her limiting factor (the carts) onto downstream barges, and thus her new limiting factor is whatever the next-slowest component of her horde is. And then she'll spend a week learning this and make a big flower-barge which may or may not have a jade dragon figurehead.
EarthScorpion: If she had those two smuggling Charms, she could put them on shit barges and they'd go as fast as tireless rowers, or foot travel would go as fast as a horse relay.
Aleph: grr
EarthScorpion: Keris doesn't like having her nose rubbed into how much she relies on her own strategic mobility.
Aleph: Indeed : P
Aleph: Hmm.
Aleph: ... yeah, so a single American-size barge, comparing it roughly to a train car in terms of seats to space ratio, could sit almost six hundred people. So she'd probably only need one big barge. And European barges are even larger.


Aleph: ... wow.
Aleph: Saffron goes for as much as 5-10 cents per flower.
Aleph: But, sigh.
Aleph: That means that "two saffron flowers tied around the stems with a red thread (or a red /hair/)" is totally viable as a potential icon the Baishan diaspora use to worship Keris.
Aleph: Since that's pretty easy to afford while still bearing symbolic meaning.


<Vakotan infants and non-executed survivors>
Aleph: Aren't the infants being left with the temple?
Aleph: Or, hmm. I guess that's for Keris to decide.
EarthScorpion: Maybe, yes, but maybe she shouldn't take people's children or relatives.
Aleph: Hmm. I shall think through my choices.
- ensure the babies are safe
- try not to break up families or violate compassion
- rule out the chance of kids growing up with blood-debts or Vakotan revenge on the Temple
- avoid any solutions that need her intervention or presence
- don't piss off her army or family​
Aleph: Hmm. Well, one option is certainly to step in now that Shamsun's judgement has been made and offer an altered sentence - they can have their hand back, in exchange for a Kindness-Expects-Repayment oath to work for the temple and give up their swords and grudges. As long as they want their hand back enough for it to be worth Res 4-5, that should keep them there, and it means the babies get raised with their families, but also as part of a peaceful temple. As long as she can sell it to the temple - and honestly, a nine-strong guard who are magically oathbound to be loyal to the temple isn't a bad deal, and lifelong service traded for healed maiming probably won't upset the mercenaries who are getting maiming healed for free - it could work.
Aleph: This is, sigh. Very much a Kimmy option, since patronage and kindness are real, impossibly high standards, elegant practicality and demands payment.
Rathan: "Hmm. They're criminals, and losing their hands was justice."
Keris: "And this way they're giving their lives to replace those they took - not in the sense of being executed, but by doing the work and contributing to the temple in place of their victims."​
Aleph: ... it also means the debt gets reinforced every time they, uh, use their hand.
Aleph: ... goddammit that probably counts as stealing them from the Vakotan culture, too.
EarthScorpion: Oh Keris. Yeah, that's an option. A very Kimmy option
EarthScorpion: It's, sigh. Unknowing practice for her Lintha plans.
Aleph: Yes.
Aleph: Oh, and it also leaves them self-seeded, so she can put an auto-devour trigger in there too.


Aleph: Hmm. So, Keris had Rounen copy all the sorcery notes that she gave Orange Blossom. If Floral Ferry was in them, it'll be in there, so he'll probably be the one to find it. Is it there, and can I stunt him going "mum, I think I found a way to get around your boat problem!"?
EarthScorpion: Yes.
Aleph: Awesome. Hee hee.
EarthScorpion: Of course, Keris is casting it with hellish essence. So it may come out as a bit of an evil plant ship.
Aleph: Well yes. Also I think her only jade artifact is the dragon. So she may have to make it very clear to everyone that anybody who so much as touches the figurehead will be losing the limb. And that it will not be grown back.
EarthScorpion: She has the armour.
Aleph: Oh yeah.
EarthScorpion: And I think she got a jade weapon at some point.
Aleph: ... the dragon is cooler though. It would totally be the figurehead of the ship.
Aleph: Hmm. Though I guess the plants could grow up into the armour so that the figurehead is a wooden man wearing it, and pointing ahead.
EarthScorpion: The problem is getting the dragon out, or it being recognised.
Aleph: Yeah. Hmm. Armour it is.
Vali: "As long as it's still a dragon on the front of the ship, I'm happy."​


<giving Kuha an erooltony>
Aleph: keris gud boss
Aleph: ... heh. Turquoise and gold are complimentary colours. Clearly, the erooltony Keris summons for Kuha is gold-petalled.


<regarding when she learns Bound by Blood-Red Strings>
EarthScorpion: Well, Keris has fucktonnes of training time on the trip. She literally has weeks. And even if she uses sorcery training for one of them, she can get other things done.
Aleph: Yeah. But the goodbye to Baisha and using it as the starting point is a nice narrative touch, so I'll have her learn the spell during the first week of the trip.
Aleph: or more accurately, in-character
Aleph: it's hard silurian math
Aleph: so she puts it off for as long as she can procrastinate
Aleph: eg: until they're moving and "fuck we're going slowly" becomes more annoying than the maths
Aleph: (oh keris)
EarthScorpion: Nah, it's not actually hardcore Silurian. It's just using Silurian notation, which is a standardised way of representing things used by all kinds of sorcerers from a lot of schools.
Aleph: you know what I mean though
EarthScorpion: Well, yes.
EarthScorpion: And unfortunately Keris can't call on her demons to help her with the language, because none of her personal demons speak it. She could summon a more classical demon to help, though.
Aleph: Hee. I'm going to have so much fun with a montage stunting Keris's frustration and Zany - who I feel like is the most overawed at her powers - watching her be... less-than-impressive.
Keris: "I hate this spell I hate this spell I hate this spell I hate this spell."
Zany: "Um."
Aleph: Keris: "GROW, you stupid fruit!"
Apple: *swells, bulges alarmingly, bursts*
Keris: *is thoroughly covered in apple-slime*
Keris: *swears fluently and at length in three languages*
Ali: "... this is reminding me of when she was three and trying to learn how to stand on one foot."​
EarthScorpion: So, yeah, it contains the following intact spells:
- The Rite of the Ship-Sprouting Seed (Floral Ferry variant)
- Fortification Number 04 (Variant of Raising the Earth's Bones)
- Flight of the Brilliant Raptor (modified variant with a rather larger blast radius)
- Mela's Breath (a weather control spell that calls a sudden and fairly localised snowstorm - notes in the spell indicate there are lost variants which call on other Dragons to get different weather)
- Dowsing Number 03 (Variant of Dragon of Smoke and Flame)​
In addition, there are scattered and incomplete bits of a lot of other elementally-linked TCS spells that could be used as research materials.
Aleph: Oooooo
Aleph: hmm
Aleph: Keris is, sigh, gonna have to spend a seasonal action modifying FotBR to work with the Kimmy Initiation before she can learn it, though
Aleph: but a destructive boomboom artillery spell will be very helpful
EarthScorpion: Honestly, with our sorcery stuff, we can probably just drop the Yozi Initiations as separate things (getting rid of both the benefits and the drawbacks).
Aleph: Yay!
EarthScorpion: In Keris' case, she just probably learns to refine her own essence to work with the spell since not all these backgrounds are ones easily useable for her, so she may have to re-engineer some of them.
EarthScorpion: And she might as well ask, sigh, Haneyl, Vali and Zanara to fight over who contributes the fire.
Aleph: : P
Aleph: Heh
EarthScorpion: Haneyl: "Fire. Birds. Mine."
Aleph: They will probably decide that Vali gets to contribute his aesthetics to the fortification spell, Haneyl gets to make the Flight a souped-up emberhawk, and Zanara sneaks in and lays claim to the Dowsing spell's aesthetics while nobody else is looking.
EarthScorpion: Calesco: "How about you not make a spell for dropping napalm on people?"
EarthScorpion: But yeah, FotBR isn't well done in canon.
Aleph: yeah, I think I saw
EarthScorpion: It's single target damage with a 3m blast radius of an environmental effect.
EarthScorpion: As I see it, relative to DOOB, FotBR gets you better range, but a smaller blast radius, and also damage over time.


Aleph: ... Illuminationists.
Aleph: As in, like
Aleph: the Cult of Illumination
Aleph: ...
Aleph: welp
Aleph: this may well lead to Fun
EarthScorpion: Well, Xasan doesn't know anything about that. As far as he knows - and he'll tell Keris - they're part of a radical Tairan sect that's basically a backlash against Perswha and its moon-worship - they're radically opposed to anyone worshipping other gods before the sun gods and deny that lesser gods are gods at all - they're just base and unenlightened spirits of nature.
Aleph: Keris: "... there's a difference?"
EarthScorpion: They teach that gods cannot sin or act improperly - by contrast, spirits are base and venal creatures more like mortals.
Aleph: ... sigh. Yeah, honestly...
Aleph: Keris tempers herself a lot around Zany (because she followed her brother's lead in hiding the demon stuff from her to start with and now it seems awkward to bring it up), and she holds back to some extent around Ali because he's cautious and a worrier and she's still scared of spooking him.
Aleph: But Xasan - bitter, laughing, avuncular Xasan who compares her to Maryam and came with her to kill the naib and had a view down from the ridge (or at least could hear) as she slaughtered the Vakotans without any of the shock or Rathan-light that overwhelmed the other two...
Aleph: I think he gets her about as unfiltered as anyone ever does, when they're in private.
Aleph: He's definitely picked up that she does not hold any real awe or fear of most little gods of Creation, and is in fact lowkey hostile towards the greater ones for doing nothing.
Aleph: (He's probably also noticed the differences in how she holds back a bit with the other two compared to him.)
Aleph: Oh, Keris. She's always so scared that the people she loves will reject her. Seeing the scary parts of her and accepting them basically wins you instant inner circle status.
EarthScorpion: Well, he's an old soldier, too. He's seen a lot of shit. He's been on demon and elemental hunts, too, and seen lots of spirits (and doesn't respect the Tairan religion, while he certainly respects the spirits back home - but, uh, there's a certain attitude that being a bitter man who's seen a lot of pretty women go to the Brides of Ahlat can acquire about the intentions of gods).
EarthScorpion: As far as he's concerned, Ahlat is just a big, powerful man who acts like a big powerful man would.
Aleph: Yeah, that's part of why she's so free with him.
Aleph: Heh. If I run into trouble this trip, I may actually have her revert briefly to "scared 22-year old who's out of her depth" and confess to him that she doesn't know what she's doing and is basically making it up as she goes.
Aleph: That's big, for Keris. He might not even realise how big. She can show that kind of vulnerability to Sasi because Sasi is a peer in power, and she told Ali something like it, but that was while he was vulnerable and doubting, and she was speaking from a position of strength. This would be baring her throat and admitting weakness to someone who all her experience of Hell tells her is a lesser.
EarthScorpion: Oh yes, and if you check the documents, I've been mentioning Illumination for a while.
Aleph: I think I've spotted it, yeah. I've just let it hang around in the background because it wasn't bothering me at the time.
Aleph: alas, no "YOU"ing this time
EarthScorpion: darn
EarthScorpion: whatever will i do?
Aleph: I'm sure you still have some ideas.


<while discussing a crossover where Supergirl fights her Evil Nazi Counterpart>
EarthScorpion: Sigh. Meanwhile, in similar crossovers, Keris is almost always the evil version who shows up.
Aleph: : D
Aleph: "It's Hellish Champion Keris!"
Team member: "Impossible! (Night!)Keris would never work for demons!"​
EarthScorpion: Her hair even lets the audience know that she's the evil version of one of the heroines come out as a twist.
Aleph: Though... : P
Keris: "Aww dammit, I got lost again?"
Keris: "... hey, if you're a heroic version of me who fights for the gods or the Realm or whatever, can we delay the big climactic battle between good and evil counterparts until I work out where I am? I've been trying to get back to my own Creation for weeks."
Eclipse!Rat: "... apparently not even being a demonic champion loyal to the princes of Hell can give Keris a sense of direction."
Both Kerises: "Hey!"​
Aleph: ... honestly, climactic battles between good and evil Kerisian counterparts tend to be a bit of a let-down, because Keris doesn't really like fighting against peer opponents when she doesn't absolutely have to, and is more likely to turn on her moe aura and ask for help getting home.
EarthScorpion: ... Keris, stop trying to have a threesome with those two.
Aleph: It's like that Scott vs Nega Scott thing in SPvsTW.
EarthScorpion: Well, the thing there is that Scott was an asshole so his nega version was a really nice guy.
Aleph: lol : P


<in Ran, considering other merchant caravans>
Aleph: hmm
Aleph: If Keris offers to let people join her group, how many does she expect will jump onboard (if she asks for a fee for escorting them)?
EarthScorpion: Probably a few smaller merchant groups, she can find out later. Like, they tend to travel in convoys here because it's so easy in the mountains for a naib to turn bandit-lord. So a big group arriving with many mercenaries is going to have everyone who's planning to travel soon piling in.
Aleph: heh
Aleph: indeed
Aleph: cool
EarthScorpion: (They'll try to phrase it as 'banding together for our own protection'.)
Aleph: Keris: "Okay. I have two hundred mercenaries. What do you bring to the table?"
Aleph: ... she would probably get quite a large number of refugees if she offered, wouldn't she?
EarthScorpion: In Ran? A fair few - but there's enough trade here that a good number of the refugees crammed in here are people who don't want to leave their places but it's too unsafe so they're waiting here until the war quiets down around here.
Aleph: Ah, fair enough. If they're not desperate to get to Terema, that's probably not a Compassion roll to offer them a place and another pain in my neck.


Aleph: ... ah
Aleph: well
Aleph: this just got complicated
EarthScorpion: Remember, you have A&F removing options from you unless you're willing to break it.
Aleph: Yeah, I know.
EarthScorpion: Also, you also have Mother Before Daughter removing options. :V
Aleph: I was, amusingly, about to move onto the A&F promise and the MBD constraints
Aleph: oh keris
Aleph: : (


<Rathan being a teenager entering puberty>
EarthScorpion: dammit rathan
Aleph: Hmm. I'm assuming Rathan didn't announce any SUDDENLY, GIRLFRIEND things to Keris shortly after her talk with Oula?
EarthScorpion: Nah, she's not interesting in that way to him yet. She's still a child, and doesn't have boobs unlike, say, a water goddess who's only wearing pondweed.
Aleph: so unfair~


Aleph: snrrk
Aleph: oh haneyl
Aleph: always good for amusement
horngeek: Wat she do?
Aleph: she is engaging in aggressive political negotiation via intercontinental phone call and second-party messengers with a three-year old


EarthScorpion: yeah, now you can MAKE YOUR BOAT
EarthScorpion: discuss any mechanical details here
Aleph: mwaa haa
Aleph: hmm
Aleph: I really want to make a bitching awesome saffron-barge
Aleph: but that would probably strain that -2 external penalty to breaking point
EarthScorpion: Which penalty?
Aleph: ... to noticing anything odd about her convoy, from Haar-Hidden Dealings, under which "her means of transport" fall.
EarthScorpion: Heh.
Aleph: So instead she'll probably use wood so that it can at least be made of the right material. Yes, it'll be Swamp-wood, but it won't be a vibrantly-coloured flower-barge with brilliant saffron-stigma oars and vibrant lilac petal-sails.
Aleph: ... though she will totally save some saffron for if she ever wants a barge like that, because it sounds really cool.
EarthScorpion: Keris: "Soooooon, my pretty."
EarthScorpion: So what's the rough equivalent to the SoK thing?
EarthScorpion: Also, the draft of the ship may prove a limit
Aleph: Yeah. Hmm. What she basically wants is a barge - large, slow, shallow draft, used to transport heavy loads.
EarthScorpion: Okay, yeah, so some big river paddleboat?
Aleph: yeah
EarthScorpion: Anyway, mmm, basically I think the best you'll manage for river travel is really getting all the Baishans and the mercenaries who aren't OK with horses onto the boat, and then the horses are going to need to be herded and ridden alongside.
EarthScorpion: (at least they'll have plenty of mount changes)
Aleph: Yeah, that's what I was thinking anyway. And that bumps me up to a simple horse relay, which is faster per week than downstream travel anyway
EarthScorpion: It's probably for the best, because horses would try to eat your boat.
EarthScorpion: om nom nom plants
Aleph: : P
EarthScorpion: So the ship's probably an equivalent to a coastal trader
Cargo: Up to 100 tons. If the hold is used to transport troops instead of merchandise, it can carry 50 marines for extended journeys or double that number for short-range missions.​
Aleph: hmm. yes
EarthScorpion: Since you can stop every night and let people get off (which means Keris gets the boat to herself since she can't get off)
EarthScorpion: (she may find that a bit stressful, being unable to run freely)
EarthScorpion: Yeah, this kind
"Tubby little single-masted ships like this carry cargo along rivers and coasts throughout Creation, but seldom dare the high seas. Crew have a sheltered deck area for sleeping (walled in and heated as a crew cabin in colder climates). The hold runs the length of the ship and encompasses most of its volume."​
Aleph: yeah
Aleph: heh
Aleph: I can't verify, but...
"Cedars hold a special place among tree species in Iran. Ancient Iranians always showed respect for them. Cedar was sacred for the Persians who showed high esteem for the tree. They also believed that eating cedar's pollen, leaves and buds would lead to greater longevity. According to Persian myths, cedar had originated from the paradise, so it was called the Minoo [Paradise] tree."​
Aleph: Man. With the size of the Yanaze and the Grey and Yellow Rivers, and the extent of the Nexan docks, the paddlewheels possible there must have been enormous. You can afford a much deeper draft, too, and just anchor offshore if it's too shallow in the actual harbour and use smaller ferries to move goods ashore.
EarthScorpion: Yeah, that River is like a coastline.


<tainted armour!>
Aleph: Valiiiiiiii
Aleph: Well, I guess he's at least sharing his personal Panoply artifact.
Aleph: Presumably he means to reforge it up to A5 level, rather than starting with an A5 as Eko, Calesco and Haneyl did.
EarthScorpion: Well, he's just been wearing it.
Aleph: Yes. Much like Haneyl wore the crown - and, sigh.
EarthScorpion: Remember, Haneyl, Vali and Zanara are Keris crafting souls.
Aleph: Vali's nature is to break and reforge- yes. Just as Haneyl's is to infect and subvert, Vali's is to break and reforge.
EarthScorpion: ... Keris why is crafting linked to the Realm?
Aleph: Because the Realm built the largest superpower in Creation. Go big or go home, right?
EarthScorpion: Well, no. He needs to break and/or repair to get it. At the moment he's just tainting it. He doesn't infect like Haneyl - he's just causing aesthetic changes at the moment.
Aleph: Yes. But tainting it will probably lead to the hearthstone in it blowing up or something - and running around in it while not maintaining it will break it eventually.
Aleph: And then he'll repair it, and repeat the process until it's His.
EarthScorpion: Well, yes. That is certainly true.
Aleph: Heh. Eko and Calesco's Panoply artifacts were crafted expressly for them by a demon-titan. Haneyl's and Vali's are both treasures from a lost age that they've claimed. I rather suspect Rathan's and Zanara's will both be spirit-panoply objects that they take as trophies from defeated enemies.
Aleph: ... Zanara no don't pluck out the Heart Grace of a chaos prince or something. ¬_¬


Aleph: ... hee.
Aleph: There will totally be a time at some point when Rathan is social-fuing against another social-specced spirit, and then just abruptly Joins Battle and either beats them down or runs them off, before being all...
Rathan: "Why do people assume I can't fight when I have to? My sisters bully me all the time! Of course I can fight!"​
EarthScorpion: In some ways it's even more confusing than when people assume Haneyl and Calesco are social spec spirits.
EarthScorpion: (though not as confusing as when people assume Eko is a stupid murder hobo)
Aleph: Hahahaha. Bet that always ends painfully.
Aleph: But yes, Haneyl and Calesco at least have hints and themes that combat is a part of them - hunger and fire and archery and the danger-aura of the sash. Rathan looks like and is a socialite... until he reveals that he's been trained to fight as a mundane competence that doesn't stem much from his core nature but which he is still capable of.
EarthScorpion: Heh. Haneyl is a disgustingly generalist girl who's not the best at much in Kerisland, but is very often second best.
Aleph: And of course people occasionally think that Zanara is just an artist-diplomat until they get violently reminded about the second word in the phrase "martial arts".
EarthScorpion: Rathan really wishes Zana hasn't invented Groin Maiming Style.
[1] Disclaimer: I am not actually sorry at all. Tee hee.
[2] Points to anyone who can find everything.
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Mwaa haa. Oh, babies. Precious babies. I am so sorry [1]. But you are about to be very upset with me.
But why? This seems to be a story/game-log update-
You don't mind waiting another week to get to the second half, right? No? Wonderful. :V

Calesco: You monster.

Also, thank you, for posting this just as I was just planning to go to sleep after already staying up too late. Refreshing this thread was literally going to be the last thing I was going to do before going to sleep. Which I'm going to do now before I fall into the temptation on gorging myself upon your two's beautiful and fresh story-words.

But anyway, I like longer updates, so while not getting all of it in one package stings a bit, I can't really complain if I'm getting "only" 15k word for now. Really. I'm not bitter at all. :cry:
Surprised that Kuha hasn't seduced Rathan yet. It just seems like a natural way to make Keris's life a bit more awkward.

...assuming that she isn't presently trying, with Rounen writing a journal about Kuha and Oula's antics in re Rathan that looks suspiciously like a shoujo manga.
I really thought Keris was going to enter Torment for a moment there. Having that happen in the middle of transporting her mortal family would have been interesting.