So, we've seen quite a lot of
@Aleph's Keris and her soul pantheon, but Keris is not the default for an Infernal using the soul pantheon rules I've devised. She's effectively devoted vast amounts of time into working on her pantheon, and spends hours daily meditating to interact with her souls, keeping them friendly and well-inclined to her. Amusingly, since what Keris is doing is mechanically meditation, the time she puts into playing with her souls is actually a form of personal therapy little different than the time that an Immaculate monk spends meditating to control his desires and focus his mind. What Keris does by focussing on her desires and her wants and her drives and getting them to play nicely together and not pull each other's hair is effectively time spent getting her mind and her desires in order.
Most Infernals are not going to spend so much time focussing on their own psychological stability, and so their soul pantheons are going to be rather less cooperative and useful. They're also going to be more "classically" demonic - which is to say, they're not going to all be little (sometimes) adorable (usually) bratty children and are instead going to resemble normal Exalted demons more.
As an example, here's what Sasi's nascent soul pantheon looks like. Which says rather more about her than she'd like others to know.