Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Hmm. Okay, GSNF may have been a bad example. I was thinking less about activated abilities, and more about permanent effects on your personality. Stuff like, what was it, how Crowned in Rage or so has you react with berserk anger to being given orders? Or how one of the intolerable burning truths makes you unable to defy your parent's orders.
With the appropriate soul-searching, is there any way at all to overcome those influences in exchange for losing some of the power they grant, to learn to chill out when someone tries to boss you around and maybe even do what they want, not because of who ordered it but because it's actually a good idea to do, or to learn to stand up for yourself and defy your parent's will? Or is the only thing in that vein to use other Charms, say a heretical Malfeas/Adorjan upgrade to make you simply incapable of noticing that someone's ordering you to do anything and instead only perceiving that they would like you to do something, or using Adorjan to flense away your link to your family?
Nope, Can't unlearn charms, you're stuck with em.
Hmm. Okay, GSNF may have been a bad example. I was thinking less about activated abilities, and more about permanent effects on your personality. Stuff like, what was it, how Crowned in Rage or so has you react with berserk anger to being given orders? Or how one of the intolerable burning truths makes you unable to defy your parent's orders.
With the appropriate soul-searching, is there any way at all to overcome those influences in exchange for losing some of the power they grant, to learn to chill out when someone tries to boss you around and maybe even do what they want, not because of who ordered it but because it's actually a good idea to do, or to learn to stand up for yourself and defy your parent's will? Or is the only thing in that vein to use other Charms, say a heretical Malfeas/Adorjan upgrade to make you simply incapable of noticing that someone's ordering you to do anything and instead only perceiving that they would like you to do something, or using Adorjan to flense away your link to your family?

Permanent is Permanent. You've shifted your baseline.

Probably shouldn't learn a Permanent Charm if you don't want to be permanently changed.
I have questions.

Firstly can Keris' Po be summoned? I've been thinking about this and for the life of me I can't figure out what the answer should be. She started out human, and the Po is a pretty intrinsic part of the soul structure so you'd think not. But Keris isn't human anymore. Her Po has an actual form within her Domain, seven out of her ten souls are demons, and six of those she grew herself. The Exaltation is the Exaltation, that's simple enough, but figuring out what's happened to her Hun and Po, and what they've become and count as now is difficult. If she were a Primordial the answer would be an obvious yes, all their souls are summonable, including the Fetich soul. But Keris isn't a Primordial, they don't have Po souls. It's a weird and new position Keris is in, and I can't figure it out. And yes, in-universe it's not like anyone has any clue what Infernals are capable of or are becoming, being as they've only just started being chosen. A previous answer about the Titanic Heart charm series said, sure, the second she develops Overweening all her souls start evolving, but that that won't be the case with the third charm, and that they'll have to be summoned with it to trigger them growing their own souls. So is her Po stuck without the possibility of growing extra souls, or is it a special exception, or is it summonable after all?

Secondly, is there any way of people getting into Keris' Domain under any circumstance? Natives of Keris can escape or be summoned out, and get banished there, but as far as I can see only objects can be brought in or out otherwise. (I'm assuming any Demon Keris makes, irrespective of where she fashions it, or what from, is a Native of Keris (given Firusutu, who was fashioned in Creation))

Is this just a situation like it presumably was prior to the Usurpation? Not clear exactly, but before the Usurpation and all the Yozi got turned inside-out and trapped inside their own souls and Malfeas, it might have been similar for them. So barring some contrived and absurd set of circumstances that saw Keris bound by the Surrender Oaths and trapped in Malfeas is there any way for non-natives to get in or out, or are the borders just inviolably sealed?
Firstly can Keris' Po be summoned?
No. She needs it to live; taking it out of her body would kill her dead.
So is her Po stuck without the possibility of growing extra souls, or is it a special exception, or is it summonable after all?
Pekhijira (I love that name so much) is already an E9 god-monster, and will automatically start budding souls as soon as Keris learns Titanic Will Unquestionable without her needing to activate it. She will be able to summon its [1] souls. One of which will basically be Jareth.

[1] I use neutral gender pronouns here, and as far as Keris can tell it doesn't seem to bother with a gender in her Tiger Empire, but denizens of Krisity have generally started using male pronouns to refer to her po soul - Serpent-King, Stormlord, etcetera. This may be because Dulmea is generally regarded as the Empire's Queen, with Keris herself (She Who Is All) seated above both of them - Pekhijira, therefore, is Dulmea's counterpart and diametrically opposed equal; at the outermost edge of the Empire rather than the exact centre.
Secondly, is there any way of people getting into Keris' Domain under any circumstance?
No. This could potentially change specifically for Kerisgame, as @EarthScorpion mentions here, but I'm not too interested in doing so. Keris may, if she survives to elderhood and hangs around to the point where old age starts to threaten, finish off her life with some fucking huge Adamant ritual that externalises it, turns her hun soul into a Third Circle and basically sets up Krisity as an Elsewhere realm with links to Creation. Which will probably involve negotiating with Heaven beforehand to get permission and aid in setting it up, and so it would wind up as an allied realm with mutual defence pacts, evacuation agreements in case of another Great Contagion or similar and deva-summoning (fluffed as "calling on old pacts" a'la elves and men in LotR, so they're not just the summoner's slaves and may in fact require payment and respectful treatment). She would then, as a "first among equals" E10 Third Circle, proceed to be teriblu. :p
I'm assuming any Demon Keris makes, irrespective of where she fashions it, or what from, is a Native of Keris (given Firusutu, who was fashioned in Creation).
You would be correct in this thinking.
Is this just a situation like it presumably was prior to the Usurpation?
I think you mean "Primordial War", and... no, not really. The Primordials weren't self-contained in the same way.
Hmm. Okay, GSNF may have been a bad example. I was thinking less about activated abilities, and more about permanent effects on your personality. Stuff like, what was it, how Crowned in Rage or so has you react with berserk anger to being given orders? Or how one of the intolerable burning truths makes you unable to defy your parent's orders.
With the appropriate soul-searching, is there any way at all to overcome those influences in exchange for losing some of the power they grant, to learn to chill out when someone tries to boss you around and maybe even do what they want, not because of who ordered it but because it's actually a good idea to do, or to learn to stand up for yourself and defy your parent's will? Or is the only thing in that vein to use other Charms, say a heretical Malfeas/Adorjan upgrade to make you simply incapable of noticing that someone's ordering you to do anything and instead only perceiving that they would like you to do something, or using Adorjan to flense away your link to your family?
If I werw your storyteller and u
you wanted to do that, I'd have you make a custom charm which does what you want. That way your personality change could reflect a change in the Yozi as well.
My question about all this domain stuff is, are there comparable... things... doable with the other Celestial Exaltations? Like, if an E10 Infernal looks like Keris, what does an E10 Solar look like?
Hmm. Okay, GSNF may have been a bad example. I was thinking less about activated abilities, and more about permanent effects on your personality. Stuff like, what was it, how Crowned in Rage or so has you react with berserk anger to being given orders? Or how one of the intolerable burning truths makes you unable to defy your parent's orders.
With the appropriate soul-searching, is there any way at all to overcome those influences in exchange for losing some of the power they grant, to learn to chill out when someone tries to boss you around and maybe even do what they want, not because of who ordered it but because it's actually a good idea to do, or to learn to stand up for yourself and defy your parent's will? Or is the only thing in that vein to use other Charms, say a heretical Malfeas/Adorjan upgrade to make you simply incapable of noticing that someone's ordering you to do anything and instead only perceiving that they would like you to do something, or using Adorjan to flense away your link to your family?

If I werw your storyteller and u
you wanted to do that, I'd have you make a custom charm which does what you want. That way your personality change could reflect a change in the Yozi as well.

Primordials are not people. The only way to change a Yozi is to kill its Fetich soul. That's it. Yozi are fundamentally incapable of change, they're living concepts and ideals, they cannot be other than what they are.

And yeah, the only way to 'fix' the changes a permanent charm has made is with more permanent charms, and that really isn't actually a fix. With the Intolerable Burning Truths example (Mother before Daughter) I do recall seeing a Kimbery/Adorjan heretical series that let you cut away the bonds of family in a mystic sense. This wouldn't actually undo Mother before Daughter. When you start piling up Permanent charms from different Yozi that apply to the same thing you aren't so much balancing things as getting crazier and more inhuman. You'd both think that family was a trap that confined people, and want to cut all those bonds away, AND also think children should obey their parents. Attempts to alleviate the effects of one charm with another is really just making a bigger problem. Kind of a 'Setting a Spider to catch a Fly' problem.

My question about all this domain stuff is, are there comparable... things... doable with the other Celestial Exaltations? Like, if an E10 Infernal looks like Keris, what does an E10 Solar look like?

In a word, nope. I mean, I'm far from an expert on Exalted, I only know the odd scrap here and there really, but Infernals are weird. The Ebon Dragon's redesign is leading to things none of the Yozi envisaged. It's a matter of thematic differences, Solars are 'human excellence' the others are all sorts of other things. Infernals are kind of the only ones who...are in the process of becoming like this.

EDIT: I guess it depends on what you mean by 'comparable' and by 'things' :p
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Three Professions of Krisity
Three Professions in Kerisland

The demons within Keris' soul are very human in quite a few ways, and there is already a thriving economy which is distinct from both the ways of Creation and of Hell. Since the realm of existence is brand new, a lot of the things are made up as they go - or roughly inspired by things seen or heard of from older worlds - and so the things the natives do to get food or money are often remarkably innovative.

Keris has noted some of this with pride, because she considers the entrepreneurial greed of her demons to be a clear sign of the superiority of the Nexan way of life.

Newspaper Journaleer

Keris' soul is home to probably the freest press in all of Creation, despite the job only having been invented in the past year. There are tens of daily newspapers within the City alone, and even more in the Swamp. Within Kerisland, journals - as they are called - are mostly written by petal-cherubs, with print runs of less than a hundred. In truth, it was a logical outgrowth of sziromkerub natural habits that they started to write about daily events. Many demon breeds are literate, and the ones who are not can pay the seller to read the stories to them. The vast majority of journals are published by a single petal-cherub or a small group of friends, with their demonic speed at writing replacing the printing press for production purposes. With the advent of the clay-cherubs of Zanara, a few of the larger journals have started adding paintings to their daily releases, though this drives up the cost considerably.

As a profession, the journaleers tend to consider an interesting story to be preferable to one unnecessarily chained by truth. As they're paid based on how many copies they sell, getting as many sales as possible is most important. News is usually lurid, exaggerated, and sometimes just plain made up. The sziromkerub journaleers don't really care on the whole, though a few more high brow ones - usually kept on retainer by a noble - strive for more accuracy. Journaleer "creative interpretations" have already caused several wars between the lords and ladies of the realm, most prominently when Princess Echo read in a newspaper that she'd declared war on Princess Calesco to try to steal all her honey, and assumed she must have forgotten there was a war on and promptly launched a lightning assault on Calesco's beehives at the head of a hundred-demon strike force.

Naturally, the princes and princesses - by which we really mean "Rathan and Haneyl" - have already invented propaganda from first principles. Both of them maintain official publications, whose main purposes is to write nice things about them and rude things about the siblings that they are currently feuding with. Obviously, given the precariousness of the alliance systems of Kerisland, this does occasionally require entire copy runs to be recalled so that the editorials talking about how stupid Echo is can have "Echo" crossed out and replaced with "Vali". Haneyl's official publication is run by the Countess Ellysivera, while Rathan's is run by a wave-charmer, Duke Lugo, who has proved very successful at hiring clay-cherubs and so has managed to transition his publication to full-colour.


The divide between a pirate and a trader in this place is thin-to-none. A captain may be carrying a cargo when he sees a prize rival, and promptly pull out his Haneylish fire-throwers and demand the surrender of everything of value. A pirate may sail up to a Swamp-port and take on a consignment of beautifully illustrated novels to be delivered to a lord of the Spires. Indeed, since Queen Dulmea passed an edict that all trade passing through the City must be paid for on delivery, this merely produced an increase in piracy where captains would steal the goods from a mark and deliver it in their place.

In the Sea, ice and crystal ships ride the currents and are pulled by ram-squid. These ships venture up into the dangerous channels of the Spires, dock in the City, or sail into the pirate-infested waters of the lawless Isles. The vessels used in the Isles and Swamp have much shallower drafts, and are made from the tumour-riddled wood of the trees of the Swamp that heals itself even when cut, if fed blood. In the Spires, by contrast, goods are unloaded into lighter-than-air wagons pulled by skykisser goats. Roads run from the City through the Meadows and Ruin, where demons sail the tar lakes and the dust rivers. And of course, the most skilled captains who have Rathan's favour are always welcome in the sky rivers.

Of course, not all goods are transported by vehicle. The steeds of this demon realm carry many smaller loads. In the water many things are simply slung on the back of a ram-squid, while angyalo couriers are the fastest way to transport anything that weighs less than a few people. The experiments in aerial delivery by dobbermen have proved largely unsuccessful, except when the delivery in question is meant to explode on impact.


Law enforcement for hire, enforcers are mostly found in the settled regions of the Ruin, Spires and Isles where the local member of the royal family does not care to enforce law. As a result, the patchwork of laws that spring up are set by local communities and powerful figures, and enforcers are who they hire to punish rulebreakers. It is normal for them to be paid on a bounty system, and so especially in the Ruin the local bounty board is a fixture of even the smallest villages. Of course, in places where anyone can place a bounty, enforcers get used to settle all kinds of grudges too.

Enforcers are usually an eclectic array of misfits, outcasts and criminals. In the Ruin, girl-gangs of szelkeruby who only take payment in sugar and blood rub shoulders with outcast farisy knights, while the Spire has sullen hard-drinking firequills and the Isles is full of wave charmers seeking JUSTICE. The most famous enforcer is of course the Princess Echo, who sometimes shows up unannounced to investigate an unsolved mystery, finds the culprit in a few minutes, kills them and then runs off again once she's exhausted the amusement from the case.

The placement of bounties is illegal in the City and the Meadows. Princess Calesco does not approve of such violence for mere money, while Queen Dulmea does, but says that only she may permit it. In the Swamp, it is technically legal, but Princess Haneyl imposes such high taxes on any bounties - as high as nine tenths of any reward - and punishes tax evasion so harshly that in practice her own champions are the only ones who take legally offered ones. Naturally the payment for such bounties goes straight into the royal coffers.
most prominently when Princess Echo read in a newspaper that she'd declared war on Princess Calesco to try to steal all her honey, and assumed she must have forgotten there was a war on and promptly launched a lightning assault on Calesco's beehives at the head of a hundred-demon strike force.

I mean, in fairness, that really is something Echo might easily do.

. Obviously, given the precariousness of the alliance systems of Kerisland, this does occasionally require entire copy runs to be recalled so that the editorials talking about how stupid Echo is can have "Echo" crossed out and replaced with "Vali"

My question about all this domain stuff is, are there comparable... things... doable with the other Celestial Exaltations? Like, if an E10 Infernal looks like Keris, what does an E10 Solar look like?

The important thing to remember is that, in truth, the whole domain stuff is baaaaaaaasically just the Infernal's Pokecomputer and inventory. It's where they store their demons when they don't have them summoned and where they put their stuff. At a mechanical level, it is very nearly identical to sorcerous demon summoning - indeed, objectively the 1CD stuff is inferior because you need to pay XP to design your own demons (1XP per new breed), rather than just using the existing Malfean designs who might not do exactly what you do, but will probably be good enough.

But, for example, just looking at the 1CD level, not only can Solars just summon 1CDs, but they can make 1CD-level automata that are things like beautiful stone statues animated by binding an earth elemental into them, or steam-powered brass golems with a fire in their belly that are fearless and perfectly loyal, but shut down if the fire ever goes out. And on top of that, it's my intent that a Solar should be able to train Tiger Warriors up to the level where they're 1CD-level - they get a mote pool, Awakened essence, and Spirit Charms along the lines of "You're really good at punching people" and "Wow, bro, you can heal minor injuries by hiding behind a chest high wall and putting on a bandage". A Solar's Tiger Warrior army should be a peer to the Infernal's demon horde and the Abyssal's legion of the Dead.

And of course, if you want to make a hidden castle in Elsewhere, I'd probably say that's entirely doable for a Celestial if they can fuel it with a manse. Sure, that means the pocket world will collapse if someone removes the hearthstone in the centre of it, but I consider that a feature when carrying out a super-heist on a secret Sidereal hide-out concealed in the Imperial City, not a bug.

My mental image of the Ruin has taken a decidedly Hollywood western shift.

And the Spire is now noir.

Entirely by design. The Ruin is basically the Wild West Australian Outback, while the Spires are Noir that's leaning Cyberpunk.

(This will become even more clear once Vali's area becomes more densely populated - it's going to be one of the big three population centres, because he's got Calloused City Growth so the spires of the Spires are in fact megablocks that naturally form housing. And there's lightning everywhere, and Valiant lightning is easy to channel, so there'll be electric lighting that's literally trapped lightning. And neon signs. Neon signs for days)
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The important thing to remember is that, in truth, the whole domain stuff is baaaaaaaasically just the Infernal's Pokecomputer and inventory
Yah, see, while I entirely agree with you about not letting a player go and just murder that annoying voice in the back of their heads, the fact is that when I see the kinds of really cool and fun setting information that you and Aleph keep dishing out about the place, it makes me really want to see stuff being done with/in/involving/suchforth with such an interesting setting.

So basically you two are doing way to good a job making the magical inventory system seem cool for something that isn't supposed to actually matter, and I would be more then willing to just sit down and read something the length of Overlady about or set in the place, because I've been convinced it is a really intriguing place. And the more and more cool and interesting things I see about it, the more it seems like a shame it's not going to be able to interact with any other place that we'll be reading about in this quest.

Though given that all the demons keep having their own 'escape out into the world' mechanisms I keep suspecting that Nexus is going to end up with an infestation of strange book obsessed wood/fire spirits (at least that's what everyone thinks they are) someday or something.
The important thing to remember is that, in truth, the whole domain stuff is baaaaaaaasically just the Infernal's Pokecomputer and inventory. It's where they store their demons when they don't have them summoned and where they put their stuff. At a mechanical level, it is very nearly identical to sorcerous demon summoning - indeed, objectively the 1CD stuff is inferior because you need to pay XP to design your own demons (1XP per new breed), rather than just using the existing Malfean designs who might not do exactly what you do, but will probably be good enough.

But it's a really awesome inventory, and notable in that it's just sort of bolted onto the Exaltation itself. I was wondering more about these sorts of metaphysical superstructures than about the ability to summon minions. Do you see similar changes in other high-Enlightenment Exalts?
So basically you two are doing way to good a job making the magical inventory system seem cool for something that isn't supposed to actually matter, and I would be more then willing to just sit down and read something the length of Overlady about or set in the place, because I've been convinced it is a really intriguing place. And the more and more cool and interesting things I see about it, the more it seems like a shame it's not going to be able to interact with any other place that we'll be reading about in this quest.
Well, this isn't a quest, it's a bunch of published game logs forming a narrative. But fear not! Krisity Keruby Kwest, which I may get around to starting next year, will indeed be set in Krisity.
Though given that all the demons keep having their own 'escape out into the world' mechanisms I keep suspecting that Nexus is going to end up with an infestation of strange book obsessed wood/fire spirits (at least that's what everyone thinks they are) someday or something.
Alas, at present Keris's demons can only escape within (Enlightenment) miles of where her physical body is, more or less.

There are quite a few szelkeruby running around the northeast from her time spent there, and more than one mavaroska has already made its way out into Saata.
Well, this isn't a quest, it's a bunch of published game logs forming a narrative. But fear not! Krisity Keruby Kwest, which I may get around to starting next year, will indeed be set in Krisity.

Well, it is a quest! It just happens to be closed and only only has a single voter! :V

But seriously though Keruby Quest sounds great! I totally want to play a Viharkeruby, Storm Thieves are the best.
Well, it is a quest! It just happens to be closed and only only has a single voter! :V

But seriously though Keruby Quest sounds great! I totally want to play a Viharkeruby, Storm Thieves are the best.
Basically the main thing holding it up at this point is that I have a couple of mature keruby breeds left to write up, and a bunch of changes to a lot of the others. Also Fast Demon stats for all of them.
Basically the main thing holding it up at this point is that I have a couple of mature keruby breeds left to write up, and a bunch of changes to a lot of the others. Also Fast Demon stats for all of them.

I'm super-excited for more stuff on Pehkjira (maximum hype for Trust Your Instincts) and the Viharkeruby.

Chibi wild banshee demons are adorbs.
Two thoughts I just had.

First, would the Ruins still have a coastline of sorts at the edge of the Spires, in the spots where water filtered its way in from the Sea? Or would there be a cave network under the Spires that has water in it, by which things can be shipped out of the Ruins?

Second, another good reason why humans can't enter an Infernal's soul-world even with the Infernal's permission is that the ability to have a Cult living inside your soul and constantly providing Essence refills would snap game balance over its knee.
Alas, at present Keris's demons can only escape within (Enlightenment) miles of where her physical body is, more or less.

There are quite a few szelkeruby running around the northeast from her time spent there, and more than one mavaroska has already made its way out into Saata.
It's not entirely clear what the populations of Krisity and Saata respectively are, but taking a look through the escape conditions for ones which are likely to be met on a reasonably frequent basis in an urban environment...

Sometimes, on a Venusday when a lonely heart cries out for love, a wind-kerub can blow through a crack in Fate nearby and set out to find it for them.
At least one person in the city probably qualifies every single Venusday.
those who try to pin their wrongdoings on an innocent or take credit for the actions of another under moonlight may find themselves harassed by an angry orvenkerub in short order.
Considering that Saata is a high-crime city active at night, this should happen fairly regularly.
When a person's flesh is changed or sculpted into a form they consider beautiful, an agyakerub can arrive nearby to congratulate them on their good fortune.
If there's a single skilled tattoo artist in the city, they will be meeting agyakerubs all the time.
They will sometimes respond to those who wish to confess their secrets but cannot muster the courage, if they make their silent plea in the presence of one who would be hurt by what they wish to say.
Get a high enough population and this will happen regularly.
They can sometimes gallop out into Creation in response to a fervent wish to be "anywhere but here".
Population density will take care of this, again... and given the place in question, desperate victims of violent crimes probably do a lot to help it along.
When someone without a home creates an effigy of animal life - be it decoy, doll or drawing - a mavaroska can inhabit it and begin building a more suitable body.
Voted "most likely to result in spontaneously developed thaumaturgic summoning rituals" by eight out of ten homeless orphans.
When a child wrapped in enough soft and warm material - be it quilt, sheep's wool or even moss - dreams through the night of loving parents and gentle embraces, they may wake to find themselves in the tender arms of a felid ape that has taken their blanket's place.
Voted "most horrifying escape condition ever" by nine out of ten parents who love their children enough to get them soft blankets.
Noted gamblers, they can latch onto the underside of a ship whenever a sailor wins a day's wages from a dozen or more fellow crew members with the sharkbone dice they favour.
Admittedly far more gambling probably happens in dockside taverns than within nine miles of a port city's shoreline, but given enough traffic this will happen regularly too, assuming that sharkbone dice are part of the local culture and that ships are large enough to support a dozen gamblers at once. A day's wages isn't that much.

Unless only a small fraction of escape condition opportunities are actually taken advantage of, it seems likely that Keris is sending up alarm flares amongst anyone with awareness of the supernatural and an ear toward rumor simply by being around a population center. Even with her personal identity concealed, the more time she sends in the city the more she dooms it to be plauged by a constant influx of a half-dozen demon breeds no one has ever heard of and some of which are likely to arrive in very flashy ways. Presumably whoever regularly deals with supernatural incursions will catch on that something involving demonic influences is going on pretty quickly. It likely won't take them that long to track down a demon or two and talk to them, either, though how much information they could get from that is highly questionable.

Of course, that only matters if she actually gets around to spending significant amounts of time there continuously, which given past trends is likely to only happen if she has a long-term project requiring her presence. One would think that passing as a dragonblood while taking over a criminal organization would qualify, but apparently not. A bit disappointing as I was enjoying that plotline.
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Looking through the Tiger Empire notes and I found three things I noted.

One. Echo has a crush?!?!??! When did that happen?!?!?

Two. Chell transformation happens even when just humming or tapping your fingers. I mean, I don't think I'm alone in tapping along to music frequently without thinking, so how do people manage to stay people in the heart of the City?

Three. Read the details on the Farsiyya for the first time and was reminded why Haneyl is the soul that creeps me out the most by far. nopenopenope
Unless only a small fraction of escape condition opportunities are actually taken advantage of
Given that canonical escape conditions include things like "when a concretion of hair develops into a bezoar", "when tears fall on a stillborn baby", " when a shrine, temple or other holy place is abandoned or neglected", "when a destiny is thwarted" and "true love or abject hatred", this is the case - the escape condition opens a crack; it doesn't guarantee anything will find its way through it or even notice it's there. A demon has to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right time to fall through more or less by accident.
One. Echo has a crush?!?!??! When did that happen?!?!?
Echo has not yet encountered Kamilla, but will promptly go <3 <3 <3 the second she does. And possibly start trying to follow senpai around and make heart-eyes emojis at her.
Two. Chell transformation happens even when just humming or tapping your fingers. I mean, I don't think I'm alone in tapping along to music frequently without thinking, so how do people manage to stay people in the heart of the City?
Well, at the moment Dulmea is only a 2CD, so it would take something on the timescale of hours - it's not "you tap along to a few bars and that's it". The time will decrease when she's a 3CD, of course. Mostly, it's a cultural thing - demons know to appreciate the music but never join in.

(you may get a foreboding feeling of fear if you start playing along, to snap you out of it)
Three. Read the details on the Farsiyya for the first time and was reminded why Haneyl is the soul that creeps me out the most by far. nopenopenope
: 3
I had a question. Well, a couple of related questions. Is it possible to ride a farisy without being turned into a puppet? For example, by being friends with it or sorcerously binding it? Or is it one of those 'this happens automatically' things?

Could you ride one behind it's puppet? Would it let you if you could?
I had a question. Well, a couple of related questions. Is it possible to ride a farisy without being turned into a puppet? For example, by being friends with it or sorcerously binding it? Or is it one of those 'this happens automatically' things?

Could you ride one behind it's puppet? Would it let you if you could?

A possibly more relevant and upsetting question is whether the riders are still conscious or not. Because either they're effectively dead with just their flesh being puppeted around, or they're trapped screaming in their skull unable to do anything at all.