Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

So by my understanding, moon wives can function as an indirect social defense/weakpoint? As in, if you social someone with a moon wife into something that's against their best interest (from the view of the moon wife) she'll take action against that.
On the other hand, if you social a moon wife into thinking that something is in their love's best interests...

Here's the core thing about moon wives:

With them, it's love, for good and ill. When you own his heart, he loves you with all his heart. But it's "just" love. It's not a leash.

So how a moon wife would act in such a scenario depends on them, their love's personality, and a lot of other things. Oula is confident, power-hungry, and assertive, so would probably tell Rathan that things are being taken care of, give orders for people to go slow and delay, and then focus on re-socialing Rathan - or failing that, go call up Keris and tell her someone is tricking Rathan. By contrast, a less demanding, less connected moon wife might well just go along with their love's whims - because after all, their Love principle does make it easier for their love to persuade them of things.

But it's important to remember that what they feel is love. In 2e mechanical terms, it's an Emotion, not a Compulsion. And treating a moon wife as if they're a slave rather than someone who loves you and so needs and wants attention, care, and emotional reciprocity is a fast way for them to decide they're being taken advantage of, Hurry Home to their heart, and shatter it and them spend their time making you suffer (and eventually die) until their heart regrows and they can feel positive emotions and Compassion again.
Oula is confident, power-hungry, and assertive, so would probably tell Rathan that things are being taken care of, give orders for people to go slow and delay, and then focus on re-socialing Rathan - or failing that, go call up Keris and tell her someone is tricking Rathan.
One of the things that makes Oula disproportionately powerful for a First Circle is that she is distressingly willing to use, or threaten to use, the nuclear button that is calling Auntie Keris in as backup.

She's aware that it's not a button she can overuse without risk, because moon wives are a breed of demon that tap into and reveal a fair bit about Rathan's psychology and by extension Keris's, which means a lot of the same rules apply, but it is still an extremely threatening button when she can justify pressing it.
Something else I'm getting from this is that a boy band of evolved orvenkerubs would be terrifyingly powerful.
I saw so sad, and I was expecting something to go horribly wrong.

It didn't.

Crying a bit anyway.

Also Keris is playing with fire here. Cults to Lilinu's souls? Orabilis is going to be PISSED.
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I saw so sad, and I was expecting something to go horribly wrong.

It didn't.

Crying a bit anyway.

Also Keris is playing with fire here. Cults to Lilinu's souls? Oramus is going to be PISSED.

...I think you mean Orabilis here. Oramus is kinda stuck inside his own wings ATM. But yes, giving power of any sort to Lilinu and her souls could damage the carefully constructed chains that the Unquestionable have made for her. Which will not be fun and games for Lilinu or Keris.

...I'm kinda worried about the arm there. It's being weird, and when something weird happens involving Yozi powers...
So Keris' arm is feeling something of the deeper nature of whatever it touches. That's interesting.

I suppose crafting up some sort of contraceptive fruit or something just became a priority item on Keris' to-do list.

And wow, Kerisa's death was even more traumatizing than previously thought. Fucking raksha probably thought it was funny too. :anger:
...I think you mean Orabilis here. Oramus is kinda stuck inside his own wings ATM. But yes, giving power of any sort to Lilinu and her souls could damage the carefully constructed chains that the Unquestionable have made for her. Which will not be fun and games for Lilinu or Keris.

...I'm kinda worried about the arm there. It's being weird, and when something weird happens involving Yozi powers...
Right derp.
Technically it's not a Lilunu Charm. It's Heresy based on a heavily altered demon-limb that Lilunu had a part in making.

It's kind of more of a Lilunu-themed Charm, in the same way that Keris's Pekhijirite Heresy is a Keris-themed charmtree.

That's why it's got hints of Lilunu's themes, like "telling essence things apart" and "going out of control" and "maiming her". :V

Poking around the character sheet for secrets(like Lilunu having a section for Charms), I noticed the Follower Section still lists Yelm and Shan on it.

Clearly foreshadowing of them sticking around as ghosts. Who will then join Kerisa as ex-ghost babies. Keris's true scheme is revealed: adopt everyone. Save creation by making the deathlords into babies and adopting them. Solve Lilunu's issues by making her into a baby and adopting her. Free the Yozis and fix their mental issues by turning them into babies and adopting them. Keris will have all of the families.
On Kerisa:

What an awful way to die. We knew it was bad but...

On Cults:

A one dot cult is usually enough to bring a first circle demon back from death even though they can`t usually do that. I can see this having a lot of benefits and it's a good thing that Keris can speak telepathically to get the details about the other dragons she'd need for a cult without Orabilis overhearing.
Clearly foreshadowing of them sticking around as ghosts. Who will then join Kerisa as ex-ghost babies. Keris's true scheme is revealed: adopt everyone. Save creation by making the deathlords into babies and adopting them. Solve Lilunu's issues by making her into a baby and adopting her. Free the Yozis and fix their mental issues by turning them into babies and adopting them. Keris will have all of the families.
This is the best plan and could never possibly go wrong.
I liked how the whole bit with the sensation of Keris's arm changing moving from the tattoo, to the flesh, and finally settling into the bone felt like a neat, natural progression.

...Well, okay, "natural" is probably the wrong word, given the source, but it's clear the changes to Keris's arm are spreading and settling in and finalizing a progressive change. I look forwards to seeing what the end result is.

(Though credit goes to Zeshara on the discord for spotting it and pointing it out first.)

On Cults:

A one dot cult is usually enough to bring a first circle demon back from death even though they can`t usually do that. I can see this having a lot of benefits and it's a good thing that Keris can speak telepathically to get the details about the other dragons she'd need for a cult without Orabilis overhearing.

...Hunh. You know, I wonder what implications that could have for Lyuk: Lilunu's enduring soul and the one who's slated to die via crushing herself, as her predecessors did before her. ...Honestly, probably not that much on it's own given that this goes soul deep, but I'm curious as to whether prayer would help her endure longer, or merely speed up her growth.
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I liked how the whole bit with the sensation of Keris's arm changing moving from the tattoo, to the flesh, and finally settling into the bone felt like a neat, natural progression.

...Well, okay, "natural" is probably the wrong word, given the source, but it's clear the changes to Keris's arm are spreading and settling in and finalizing a progressive change. I look forwards to seeing what the end result is.

(Though credit goes to Zeshara on the discord for spotting it and pointing it out first.)

...Hunh. You know, I wonder what implications that could have for Lyuk: Lilunu's enduring soul and the one who's slated to die via crushing herself, as her predecessors did before her. ...Honestly, probably not that much on it's own given that this goes soul deep, but I'm curious as to whether prayer would help her endure longer, or merely speed up her growth.

It might bring her back as herself after she dies instead of new enduring soul taking her place. Her endurance could take the form of a cycle of creation and destruction, which would be in theme for Lilunu.
It might bring her back as herself after she dies instead of new enduring soul taking her place. Her endurance could take the form of a cycle of creation and destruction, which would be in theme for Lilunu.
It might. My concern there is that the worst case scenario is that it might instead bring her back... exactly as she was before she died, and so she would only crush herself once more shortly after.
I'm glad Kerisya got something of a happy ending. Keris will be a good mother for her, she's got experience with handling all the stages of child's growth :D.

And yes! The Liliun cult plan might actually work. From what I can recall from the games for divinity, having a cult always strengthened a spirit, and giving the Maimed Dragons more power that isn't derived from their messed up progenitor might be enough to get them to grow stronger.

Another thing I liked about Kerisya's talk was that it helped to bring context to the Great Contagion and the Balorian Crusade. They're often thought of as distant disasters, terrible things that happened so long ago that people don't think of them too much. But Kerisya helped to define just how terrible it was.
Session 119
Part 119 has much of interest! Asarin being Extra! Eko being teriblu! Sasi being brilliant! Xia being hot! Aaaaand of course a special guest and everyone's least favourite Unquestionable asshole.

... one of them, anyway. I'm aware there's competition for that title.

Extras! Not many, because @EarthScorpion was doing the consolidation and didn't gather them all up again. Next one will have some, I promise. ;-)
EarthScorpion: And did you like that tattoo design? I sort of came up with it on the spot, building on the idea that "it's the Sea and everything in it". And the mercury-in-blood/silver-foam-on-red-waves thing was a thing I came up with at the moment
Aleph: Heeee~
Aleph: I do love that it's got tidal raiders in it too. : 3
EarthScorpion: Lilunu gets to just do that kind of Infernal Essence savantism thing.
EarthScorpion: She does have a pet wave cherub, after all.
EarthScorpion: She can see what Oula is no longer.
Aleph: : D
EarthScorpion: and yes, i got the lela card into play
Aleph: mwaa haa
Aleph: yes, I did lol when Zanara was like "sorry mama, she already said no when I tried to do exactly the same thing you're trying to do now"
Aleph: truly, they are Keris's child