Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Ozai killed Lu Ten is one of those fan theories I really don't get because it doesn't fit thematically and Ozai doesn't really strike me as the mastermind type.
It strikes me as the kind of theory people invent because it would completely change the story if it were true, that people believe because "knowing" that kind of hidden knowledge feels cool. Analyzing whether the changes to the story would compliment or clash the parts we know are true never enters the picture, just whether you can find enough details in canon to arrange in an apparent proof.

Another great piece Elpis. Thanks for all your hard work. Magery thanks for inspiring Elpis. You two are both awesome.
[X] The present. Here you stand, before your brother. Here doubt has driven you. Does Zuko doubt, too? Is he still angry at himself? If you were him, you would be. But maybe that's his secret. Maybe he's always angry. Maybe you're angry too. The world isn't what you thought it was—and you think Zuko can relate. What will happen if you let him?
[X] The present. Here you stand, before your brother. Here doubt has driven you. Does Zuko doubt, too? Is he still angry at himself? If you were him, you would be. But maybe that's his secret. Maybe he's always angry. Maybe you're angry too. The world isn't what you thought it was—and you think Zuko can relate. What will happen if you let him?
Alright, caught up on this quest, and holy heck am I liking it.

So first of all:

Given how on some level Azula seems to be attracted to Ty Lee (The scene with her just looking at her doing her acrobatics during the festival was pure sugar), clearly the solution to the loops is for her to get the girl :V

More seriously, I think there's an aspect to this that is... very much pointing out how Ozai is at the center of most of these issues. Or is at least connected.

Like. Last update is probably the most blatant about it with how it shows she's shaping herself in order to gain Ozai's affection, that she thinks she can't possibly care about Zuko because Ozai doesn't, how Ozai's methods and mindset of using enough violence and bending to overcome any problem or make people too afraid to fight just doesn't work in the face of something that cannot be fought.

That last one I think is core to a lot of things because I don't think an Azula who hadn't internalised something like that would have even come up with the 'Burn the Earth Kingdom to the ground' plan. Not necessarily out of co concern for the lives lost, because she'd still probably be incredibly nationalistic, but out of more practical reasons like how the destruction would make actually colonising the land near impossible. It definitely is the thing that most affects how she views the world, and why she started this quest out significantly more manipulative and goal focused. It's probably also the thing that keeps her from moving past some other issues - can't learn to show or feel sentiment because doing so is a weakness in battle (using Iroh and Zuko's scarring as examples) and being strong in a fight ultimately matters the most.

However, there's a big issue in that Azula won't even entertain the idea of questioning Ozai as of yet. The option to ask Lo and Li - which was still incredibly Pro Ozai and commenting on his skill in firebending and only suggesting even he must have started from the basics and made mistakes once - was scratched out because Azula sees the act of doing so as literally treasonous. So, as of now, Ozai remains beyond question.

I'm thinking that we might want to think about tackling some of Azulas other issues for a bit. Ozai's influence is, I think, something that Azula will need to realise from multiple angles before she can really begin to see just what kind of man her father is. Probably one aspect is that nationalism. Azula thinks a lot in terms of what's necessary for a war, and justifies the belief that she can't let herself feel things or have sentiment on the basis that sentiment in war just gets you killed. And part of why she believes this war is necessary is because she still believes that the fire nation conquering the world is a good thing.
However, there's a big issue in that Azula won't even entertain the idea of questioning Ozai as of yet. The option to ask Lo and Li - which was still incredibly Pro Ozai and commenting on his skill in firebending and only suggesting even he must have started from the basics and made mistakes once - was scratched out because Azula sees the act of doing so as literally treasonous. So, as of now, Ozai remains beyond question.

I'm thinking that we might want to think about tackling some of Azulas other issues for a bit. Ozai's influence is, I think, something that Azula will need to realise from multiple angles before she can really begin to see just what kind of man her father is. Probably one aspect is that nationalism. Azula thinks a lot in terms of what's necessary for a war, and justifies the belief that she can't let herself feel things or have sentiment on the basis that sentiment in war just gets you killed. And part of why she believes this war is necessary is because she still believes that the fire nation conquering the world is a good thing.

Ayup, Azula's done a lot of modifying her Personal Truths, but I think that Imperium Community Truth is gonna need some jackhammering if we want her to start contemplating more out of the box stuff. Not entirely sure how to get there, but hopefully her and Zuzu sharing some feelings o how bullshit their current circumstances are will help. My super optimistic long-shot hope is that Zuko or someone makes a slip regarding the new non-rage firebending, she as someone who's only unmodified Personal Truth is how gr8 her firebending is gets interesting, and her looking into this alternate firebending helps her start questioning whether the current orthodoxy is 100% correct.
Ayup, Azula's done a lot of modifying her Personal Truths, but I think that Imperium Community Truth is gonna need some jackhammering if we want her to start contemplating more out of the box stuff. Not entirely sure how to get there, but hopefully her and Zuzu sharing some feelings o how bullshit their current circumstances are will help. My super optimistic long-shot hope is that Zuko or someone makes a slip regarding the new non-rage firebending, she as someone who's only unmodified Personal Truth is how gr8 her firebending is gets interesting, and her looking into this alternate firebending helps her start questioning whether the current orthodoxy is 100% correct.
Not sure on that yet. I think Azula is still in a place where she'd see it as a weaker version - If it's so good why aren't they ruling the Fire Nation?

No, I think the thing about it that would actually make it stick in her mind is that Zuko has managed to beat her using it after he lost most of his anger. Because that means Zuko has lost his rage in every loop and beaten her in several of them. There would still probably be some resistance - Azula is very good at trying to ignore things that she doesn't want to think too hard about - but she's not going to be able to ignore that she has lost to him. Which means that yes, the non rage version can beat the rage version.

...I take it back actually. It might be useful to learn about.
Not sure on that yet. I think Azula is still in a place where she'd see it as a weaker version - If it's so good why aren't they ruling the Fire Nation?

No, I think the thing about it that would actually make it stick in her mind is that Zuko has managed to beat her using it after he lost most of his anger. Because that means Zuko has lost his rage in every loop and beaten her in several of them. There would still probably be some resistance - Azula is very good at trying to ignore things that she doesn't want to think too hard about - but she's not going to be able to ignore that she has lost to him. Which means that yes, the non rage version can beat the rage version.

...I take it back actually. It might be useful to learn about.

Yeah I agree she'd probably self rationalize Zuko's new firebending style as being stupid and obviously inferior. My hope/thought process is that as someone who honestly does enjoy firebending for it's own sake [1] she'd still be kinda interested in the idea of an entire field of firebending she has no knowledge of. Combined with her "screw this time loop, guess I have to actually start trying new shit," (and the subconcious not acknowledged knowledge that yeah Zuzu has been able to use this to kick ass) we eventually get an option for her to well, look into the Sun Warriors et al. Then you might get slow creeping steps from "Screw it I'll look into this interesting thing since why not," to "huh maybe there's some merit?" and very eventually "maybe the Imperial FN mindset isn't 100% valid all the time."

Small, Smmaaaaaallll baby steps. And yes I know this whole post series is the dictionary definition of counting chickens before the eggs hatch, but tldr I do think Azula learning about the Dragon fire bending would be a cool thing for her character arc in this.

[1] (yes the dance and the coronation blue wave have external flex justifications, but I cannot read that prose and think Azula really just thinks of firebending as a mere tool)
[1] (yes the dance and the coronation blue wave have external flex justifications, but I cannot read that prose and think Azula really just thinks of firebending as a mere tool)
It's not even implied rather that basically screamed at us that she loves the flame and firebending for its beauty rather than simply as a tool of power and domination. (although there's also that)
Ayup, Azula's done a lot of modifying her Personal Truths, but I think that Imperium Community Truth is gonna need some jackhammering if we want her to start contemplating more out of the box stuff. Not entirely sure how to get there, but hopefully her and Zuzu sharing some feelings o how bullshit their current circumstances are will help. My super optimistic long-shot hope is that Zuko or someone makes a slip regarding the new non-rage firebending, she as someone who's only unmodified Personal Truth is how gr8 her firebending is gets interesting, and her looking into this alternate firebending helps her start questioning whether the current orthodoxy is 100% correct.
Is Sun Warrior's firebending style actually more powerfull than basic one?

In the cartoon I only got the impression that the main diffrence between them is mindset. Aang and Zuko had to learn it since it did not heavily relied on aggression to channel flame.

I'm not certain that style is suited for current Azula and that her learning it will improve her bending.
Is Sun Warrior's firebending style actually more powerfull than basic one?

In the cartoon I only got the impression that the main diffrence between them is mindset. Aang and Zuko had to learn it since it did not heavily relied on aggression to channel flame.

I'm not certain that style is suited for current Azula and that her learning it will improve her bending.
Yeah that's my impression as well.

I also think Azula just wouldn't have the time. She's not just learning things, she's also got to do stuff like organise her fathers coronation. And her own.

I do think that she'd probably recognise it as an equal quicker than I thought though. When Ty Lee brought up her issues to the plan, Azula out loud gave her reasoning for why she believed it was necessary... but inside her own head, she wasn't able to hide from the fact that it didn't work, because she knew that it ended with Aang defeating Sozin. And then considered that it drove Zuko into the Gaang and broke her friendship with Ty Lee and Mai utterly.

I think this might be similar. Zuko has beaten her, and him learning that style can't be a 'This Timeline Only' thing, because Azula knows for a fact that he uses a stance that she doesn't recognise. Which means he's used it to defeat her before. Which means she can't just brush it off like I thought she would.

So yeah. That might force her to some thoughts about bending regardless.
Is Sun Warrior's firebending style actually more powerfull than basic one?

In the cartoon I only got the impression that the main diffrence between them is mindset. Aang and Zuko had to learn it since it did not heavily relied on aggression to channel flame.

I'm not certain that style is suited for current Azula and that her learning it will improve her bending.
I'm not sure there is a definitive way to evaluate "power levels" here, but also that trying to do so would be hilarious missing the point of that entire arc. The hope/idea is that Azula who is both a Firebending Nerd (come on, search you hearts) and also at the end of her rope in figuring out how to break the time loop, decides to try/master (obviously just to prove it's inferiority, of course) this new branch of Firebending. Then the fact that it does encourage a different mindset helps put her in a mindset to start questioning things, aka that whole Imperium Community Truth that's still one of her core beliefs in how the universe works.

Of course there's no guarantee she ever finds out about the Sun Warriors+last remaining dragon nor that she'd have a productive relationship with the whole idea, and maybe she starts questioning Imperium some other way, but I think learning about the Sun Warriors, aka a firebending style that completely disagrees with what she's been taught all her life yet still works, a potential, and most importantly, interesting way it could start.

[1](yeah, I do not think we're ending this quest with an Azula who still wholeheartedly believes the FN Imperializing the whole world under the flame banner is the bestest thing ever)
I'm not so sure that Azula would be so quick to write off the Dragon Dance. For all her faults, Azula generally doesn't argue with results, and even she admits that Zuko has somehow managed improve by leaps and bounds almost overnight.

"When I returned Zuko to his home, after three years under your tutelage, he was hardly a better firebender than when he left. But a bare month or two with the Avatar, and he's almost progressed to competence.

Also, she has reached the point where her objective isn't to defeat Zuko (since that won't end the loops), but to understand him, and clearly this new style is working for him. Thus, I think the Dragon Dance will be a nice "gateway drug" to further questions about what other truths regarding the Fire Nation she's been kept in the dark about.

…The only obstacle I foresee regarding the Dragon Dance (apart from convincing Zuko to tell her about it) is that learning the complete style requires working with another firebender that you can trust, and… well, the list of "firebenders that Azula trusts" has Zuko's name crossed out, and the rest is blank.
Is Sun Warrior's firebending style actually more powerfull than basic one?

In the cartoon I only got the impression that the main diffrence between them is mindset. Aang and Zuko had to learn it since it did not heavily relied on aggression to channel flame.

I'm not certain that style is suited for current Azula and that her learning it will improve her bending.
If this was canon Azula, then I'd agree that she'd be unlikely to make much headway with the style, at least not in a short timespan. But here?
Because in this ring,

in this moment,

there is just you,​
and the flame.​
It sings from your breath in searing cerulean arcs.

It grins from your mouth as you exhale as a dragon does.

It sways from your fingertips as you let it burn cold with your joy.

For a time, you are nothing but the Dragon Emperor—but there is no Dark Water Spirit for you to challenge, no Dragon Empress to charm back to your side.

There's just the way your feet slide from stance to stance as you accelerate through kata after kata and never miss a step, even when you start inventing your own because the most complex Imperial forms still don't let someone toy with fire like a ball on a string, like it exists only and always and forever for you.

There's just the way a bare flicker of your attention is enough to keep every lantern and every torch burning blue even as you fill the sky with a hundred crackling stars and swallow them with a raging maw of flames that splits into a dozen soaring comets that crown the night with the radiance of your soul.

There's just the way the erhu has stopped trying to give you rhythm and started trying to catch yours instead, your one-two heartbeat the only music the flame has ever needed.

You can hardly tell what this looks like to the crowd by this point—you can barely see their faces, aware mostly of their general vicinity so you can make sure you don't set them alight. All your focus has narrowed to the hollow void in your skull, where the lightning lives.

Where it begs once more to be free.

You press two fingers against your heart and draw it out, a sharp, trembling shard of cold fire more dangerous than anything the whole band of dancers could call combined. It wreathes your fist, then your wrist, then your elbow, until it looks like you plunged your hand into a storm and dragged it down to earth—and then a languid flex of your shoulders rolls it across your back until it crawls up your other arm as well.

Until you hold a lightning bolt around you as others might a lover.

You thrust both arms to the sky and with a ferocious boom, the bolt blast outs from both of your bladed fingertips at once to converge back on itself precisely above your head, bright enough to blind anybody watching if not for the smoke of the collision.

When it clears, there's a new Sun in the sky.

It's small.

It's hissing, sparking, spitting.

But it's bright enough that when you snuff every lantern and every torch in the whole street, light still fills every hole they should have left behind.

Your whole body is shaking, hammers pounding on the inside of your brain, your skin hot enough that your sweat starts to boil off as steam, but you still force the words out, impossibly loud in the sudden silence.

"From the fire," you say, "comes all."

You force your hands together in a clap, and the ball lightning hanging twenty metres overhead swells to three times its original size, large as a komodo rhino—

—and then you tear them apart and the ball shatters, hurling electric embers across the stars in mimicry of the grand lunar fireworks that the Fire Nation welcomes each new year with.

You hold out your hand, one finger extended, and wait.

One final, fizzing fragment of the cold fire drifts through the air and lands right on your fingertip.

You lift that fingertip to your lips and swallow the spark.
Zuko had problems because he saw fire as rage and destruction, but this Azula practically is fire. She has an understanding of it virtually nobody else in the Fire Nation does. I don't think she'd instantly pivot to the Sun Warrior style or philosophy, but she might learn more about the fundamental nature of fire from the dragons than even Aang or Zuko did, just because fire is so dear and near to her beyond it being a tool or weapon.
[X] The past. It's what has driven you here. It's what you're trapped in. It's what you want to break out of. But it's Zuko's past, too. You've spent the whole of your lives chasing each other's shadows—on your whole family's encouragement. Has he ever realised? Does he even care? And why does it seem so impossible to escape?

Love this quest to bits, I look forward to seeing it grow.
Given how on some level Azula seems to be attracted to Ty Lee (The scene with her just looking at her doing her acrobatics during the festival was pure sugar), clearly the solution to the loops is for her to get the girl :V

While, yes, that would solve most of her problems, it is a solution that is greatly complicated by the fact that she is 14 and Ty Lee.

That last one I think is core to a lot of things because I don't think an Azula who hadn't internalised something like that would have even come up with the 'Burn the Earth Kingdom to the ground' plan. Not necessarily out of co concern for the lives lost, because she'd still probably be incredibly nationalistic, but out of more practical reasons like how the destruction would make actually colonising the land near impossible. It definitely is the thing that most affects how she views the world, and why she started this quest out significantly more manipulative and goal focused. It's probably also the thing that keeps her from moving past some other issues - can't learn to show or feel sentiment because doing so is a weakness in battle (using Iroh and Zuko's scarring as examples) and being strong in a fight ultimately matters the most.

I'd really like her to object to burning the Earth Kingdom down on the grounds of "Wait a minute! I'm the Earth Queen and I'd like my (second) kingdom intact please."
Also, she has reached the point where her objective isn't to defeat Zuko (since that won't end the loops), but to understand him, and clearly this new style is working for him. Thus, I think the Dragon Dance will be a nice "gateway drug" to further questions about what other truths regarding the Fire Nation she's been kept in the dark about.

Brevity is the soul of wit indeed. Cosigned.

Also in addition to the cool character stuff, Azula interacting with the dragons would likely be sick as hell
Is Sun Warrior's firebending style actually more powerfull than basic one?

In the cartoon I only got the impression that the main diffrence between them is mindset. Aang and Zuko had to learn it since it did not heavily relied on aggression to channel flame.

I'm not certain that style is suited for current Azula and that her learning it will improve her bending.
I think that it's of central importance that Azula learns of this other form of firebending because it would be a vital stepping stone on breaking her nationalistic and imperialistic mindset: the current way of firebending by using rage and the will to dominate was created and imposed by Sozin as a tool of indoctrination, so everyone will believe that their imperialistic mindset is the right thing to do because how could they not be anything but brutal conquerors when even the fire -which is the core of their national identity as the Fire Nation- works?

Discovering the actual way fire used to work before Sozin mucked things up will show Azula that their culture of domination and power over everyone else because that's how Fire works is pure bullshit fabricated whole-piece by Sozin to serve his objectives.
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Yeah that's my impression as well.

I also think Azula just wouldn't have the time. She's not just learning things, she's also got to do stuff like organise her fathers coronation. And her own.
Time is the one thing she has in infinite supply, Zuko only had one day with the Sun Warriors to get the basics of this style and that was enough to get him to regain the fire (after he lot go of his rage and with it his ability to firebend that way) as well as improve enough to be on a more even foot against Azula.
Azula will only need to meet the Sun Warriors and dragons once, then she can spend however many loops she wants to master it until even dragons can't compete against her, hell that's already what she did before the starting of this quest that let her master lightning to a point no one else ever reached.