Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
[X] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?
[X] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
"If there comes a point in my existence where that," you say, gesturing to where, in the distance, Mai lifts a hand to press her palm against Zuko's cheek and pull their heads together to whisper something, "begins to make sense to me, you have my royal permission to commit regicide."

Anyone else think that this might be foreshadowing Ty Lee killing Ozai for Azula? Because Azula isn't the only Rex in this story.
[X] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?
You're searching for certainty. For someone to show you what you're missing. There are so many things it could be. But you have your suspicions. You have a question bubbling in the back of your brain. Sometimes you can feel it on the tip of your tongue, like you've just scoffed down three bowls of extra-spicy fire noodles in a row.

So, Princess Azula: what is the one thing you most want to ask Mai and Ty Lee about?

[ ] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?
[ ] Your uncle. Lo and Li said he was a lot like you. So why didn't he choose you? Why did he pick Zuko? What did he see in failure that he feared in success?
Even if you thought they had the answers, you refuse to dignify him with the questions.
[ ] Your mother. They were there when you were young. They left when she left. They saw it all. So why did she think you were a monster? What was so wrong with you that your own mother couldn't love you?
You are not going to spill your soul to your only friends over that woman.
[ ] Your brother. It's clear to you now, at least, that when they choose him, it's not because they wouldn't choose you. But the universe has demonstrated at length they are the exceptions. Not the rule. So what is it that he has? What essential part of Zuko's soul makes him worthy of the grace you have never been given?
[ ] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
I think there's not something that people are missing about this choice. It's not only about What Azula Should Know, but also about What Ty Lee and Mai Know and can Tell Azula. The people Azula are asking matters almost as much as the question does. With that in mind, let's consider our options:
[ ] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?
This is very attractive, since Ozai is at the center of Azula's problems and her loyalty to him is already fraying. Yet the question remains "how much do Azula's friends know about Ozai"? He's not the sort of person who would ever make time for his daughter's schoolgirl friends or "waste" that much time raising even a favored child (it seems like Ozai hardly ever talked to Zuko in the first half of Season Three despite having recognized Zuko as heir and Avatar-slayer), so it's not clear how much time Mai and Ty Lee have ever spent around Ozai. It's quite possible that neither of them have ever had a real conversation with him.

Moving beyond that issue, Ozai is mostly a fairly typical Firelord for the "modern" Fire Nation and it's not even clear he's any crueler to his own family then Azulon and Sozin were. His behavior as Firelord is generally stuff that Ty Lee and Mai would have been always taught is normal. Azula just had to explain to her friends the really shocking scandal involving Ozai, that he murdered his father to seize the throne, since they didn't know.

Finally, Azula's friends are at least somewhat aware that Ozai is a shitty father, but Mai and Ty Lee also grew up in shitty, abusive households. Really awful parenting is to a large degree normalized to them, so they're not the best people to ask about Ozai being an awful parent. Katara, Sokka, Suki, or even Aang might be better choices there.

So I'm not sure if this is right question to ask Ty Lee and Mai, since they don't necessarily know as much as people are assuming they know.

[ ] Your uncle. Lo and Li said he was a lot like you. So why didn't he choose you? Why did he pick Zuko? What did he see in failure that he feared in success?
This is obviously not possible, but it's worth noting that Azula correctly notes that they probably don't have much useful information on Iroh.
[ ] Your mother. They were there when you were young. They left when she left. They saw it all. So why did she think you were a monster? What was so wrong with you that your own mother couldn't love you?
Again, not possible, but it's worth noting Mai and Ty Lee might actually know something here, since they probably interacted with Ursa a lot.
[ ] Your brother. It's clear to you now, at least, that when they choose him, it's not because they wouldn't choose you. But the universe has demonstrated at length they are the exceptions. Not the rule. So what is it that he has? What essential part of Zuko's soul makes him worthy of the grace you have never been given?
This has it's attractions, since the way the question is formatted might lead toward the center of Azula's issues. On the other hand, we just spent a ton of time on Zuko, so maybe we should move on for the moment. More to the point, asking the only two people in the world who not only love Azula but also like her for who she is (who like for being Azula, instead of liking her for being Princess Azula) "why people like and love Zuko instead of Azula" might not produce the most useful information. It's like asking a bat to explain what not seeing by echolocation is like, or a person with sight to explain what being blind is like.

[ ] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
I think this question makes the most sense. If there's one thing that Mai and Ty Lee are experts on, it's Azula. And if there's one thing they know, it's Azula is not only the person that her father wants her to be, that she's not only the person the Fire Nation wants her to be.

[x] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
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[X] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?

Gonna admit I'm not entirely sure of this one, but I'm not sure Azula is ready just yet to ask about herself just yet and accept a constructive answer and take it somewhere, so I shift to Ozai, in hopes of at least defining the difference between conditional and unconditional love. Ty Lee will do a great job of that, I think.
[x] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?
[X] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?
So I'm not sure if this is right question to ask Ty Lee and Mai, since they don't necessarily know as much as people are assuming they know.
it's not about what they know. Azula knows enough to define things for them in almost clinical detail and days to cover his past. it's about getting their take on one or more of several truths relating to Ozai Azula holds self evident for Ty Lee & Mai to tear down with a brutal cross examination.
[X] Your Father. In every life, they turn from him to save Zuko. Ty Lee has questioned him again and again. Mai has said you're 'weird' about him. But he's still—he's still your Father. The only one in the world who loved you from the start. Why is that supposed to be wrong?
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
I think the core question being raised by Ozai is "why is it wrong for me to be loyal to my father, who loves me" and they have enough insight into how she's been treated by her family + examples of more normal families to try and tackle that, at least. There's a direct conflict to raise.
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
it's not about what they know. Azula knows enough to define things for them in almost clinical detail and days to cover his past. it's about getting their take on one or more of several truths relating to Ozai Azula holds self evident for Ty Lee & Mai to tear down with a brutal cross examination.
It's not only about knowledge (although only being able to comment on whatever Azula tells them through her biased memories is a huge limitation) but also about perspective. Mai and Ty Lee grew up as Fire Nation aristocrats in an environment where almost everything Ozai did was one degree or another normalized. Their own parents didn't show them much love or affection. And it's not that they'll be unable to recognize that something feels wrong about Ozai relationship with Azula, but that they'll struggle to articulate what is wrong in ways that will be truly helpful to Azula. See for instance this scene from the show where the four Fire Teens are able to express that what happened to them and their friends feels wrong and screwed up, but are completely unable to say that what happened "was wrong."

I don't expect this question to be completely barren if we do ask it, but I just think that Mai and Ty Lee will have much, much more insight into Azula, rather than Ozai.
I mean, she just spent this chapter trying to convince Zuko she should take the throne because she's the monster, and now she wants to go and think about what she could be?
I could argue that this is, indeed, the foremost reason in favor of it: she got so close, both of them talking, neither wanting to fight, and in the end... Zuko hinged his decision on exactly that, and wanting to save her from it.

She needs to know. After that she can wonder about what Ozai thinks, and eventually dismember that particular beast, but right now this is the gaping hole opened by Zuko's decision.

[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?

Anyone else think that this might be foreshadowing Ty Lee killing Ozai for Azula? Because Azula isn't the only Rex in this story.

Foreshadowing - not quite as the questors are the ones leading things around.

But yeah - this entire quest is enabled by Magery shuffle stepping the dynamics of the Fire Nation kids.

The show doesn't define whether the two were just being very careful with the Princess of their nation or actually friends. So the story here just refines the dynamic in play with the four.

Them against any that'd try to harm them. The Fire Nation is at most a secondary concern to Mai and Ty Lee versus their in group.

Saving Zuko is the display that the Fire Nation is a lesser priority.

In the aftermath the dynamic is wildly shaking as Ty Lee and Mai feel out whether the dynamic holds. Attacking either Ty Lee or Mai is what crumples the dynamic and an actual murder attempt versus just fighting with Zuko would have also done damage.

This is also what's in effect with Zuko and Azula's Agni dynamic shifting if she kills Mai and Ty Lee.

But it takes that attack to cut the bonds between the girls. You see it most with Ty Lee but she trusts Azula to handle the watch what you say stuff, and gravitated to her after the blood bending trauma in the first arc.

Mai says she'd have saved Azula if she had been the one about to die. Implicit in that, but not stated, is that defying the Fire Lord and technically the Fire Nation to do so. As Ty Lee did for Mai.

Straight up assassination - maybe not. But if Azula gets herself into boiling water with Ozai the only reason that those two would make themselves scarce is that they're better able to help her of they're not already locked up or dead. Either for rescues or to get help from Aang and Zuko.
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?

I've been convinced.
Also I think I like the idea that Azula only realizes that her friends would go against Ozai in a heartbeat for her because he's bad for her and they know it is when they are doing so.
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?
[X] You. Princess Azula the Blue. Heir apparent to the Dragon Throne. Conqueror of Ba Sing Se. Half Roku—half Sozin. Where you are, so is the Fire Nation in all its rapacious glory. Yours is the blood and bone of empire. All the things you should have ever wanted to be. But sometimes you think of fire dancing under the Moon; of three girls and the horizon and a flight across half the world. Is that wrong? Are you wrong to dream—to think, so briefly, of being something more?