Army of Liberty: a Fantasy Revolutionary Warfare Quest


A few questions about units partially entering a tile, with the 19th moving NW,NW,NW as practical example.

They will be halfway on the tile hill tile. If we also assume that the lancers don't move or rout this turn.

Will the hallfings have LOS on the lancers or will they get blocked by the hill?

If they can shoot, would they shoot at 100 or 200m(even if they can't here, what if it's a wetland that doesnt block LOS)?

Will they get terrain bonus when attacked by the lancers?

Will the lancers be able to charge them or is it a normal attack?

If the hallfings charge them next turn and the lancers charge back, will it resolve with the hallfings ending on the hill tile and the lancers staying where they are?

Generally, can two units move halfway into the same hex?

(Nerdorama forgive me, I am thinking about a charge with the pathfinders again 🥺)

Also a general rules question, if two units start next to each other but not in melee, if one of them shoots at close range and the other attacks and the shot unit gets routed they don't get their attack off right

if a cavalry unit attacks, can it move after or does that only work for charges?

The 19th would not be on the Hill yet for all intents and purposes. No LoS, no line of fire, firing distance drawn from previous Hex, no Terrain modifiers.

If two Units try to get to the same Hex, the one with higher Movement wins. If there's no difference, it's a coin flip. In this regard, it's just as normal.

Yes, the Attacking Unit would not get to make their Attack, as Attacking is resolved after Firing.

It has to be a Charge, as far as the rules currently go.
Charging the 19th in would allow us to pretty much guarantee the defense of the artillery without attacking the lancers with the 108th(because the 55th can mop up, though it means that we have a good chance to lose like 80 halflings from the 19th in the process.

charging them in with the 108th attacking means that they probably guarantee the enemy rout

i am not convinced that its worth it i think.

getting another vote would be good cause both plans are tied atm i think.

the difference is that cavalry mop-up plans to destroy the western lancers this turn and moves the 19th slower(2 turns for charge) to make sure they dont get caught in an artillery barrage. it plans around the fact that the enemy likely is readying fire this turn to defend against our telegraphed charge so not charging wastes that.

artillery delenda est charges both artillerys this turn, ignoring the lancers and moving the halflings fast across the field (1 turn for charge) cause the cavalry will trigger any ready fire. it plans around the fact that the enemy artillery cannot stop our charge anyway, so they will likely prefer supporting the frontline to force a breakthrough and victory instead of firing a doomed shot at approaching cavalry, so the charge will be free and stop further damage to our infantry
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Photomajig on Dec 27, 2023 at 11:24 AM, finished with 75 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Artillery Delenda Est
    -[X] 200th Hob: Routing
    -[X] 72nd Hum: ATTACK Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 148th Hum: ATTACK Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 42nd Elv: CHARGE NE E NE
    -[X] 45th Elv: Routing
    -[X] 16th Half: FIRE Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 19th Half Pfd: MOVE E E E
    -[X] 28th Half Pfd: FIRE Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 55th Elv Hsr: REST
    -[X] 108th Elv Hsr: CHARGE 10th Roy Art
    -[X] 13th Hob Lan: CHARGE 25th Roy Art
    -[X] 84th Elv Art: FIRE 2nd Elv Vol
    -[X] 31st Elv Art: ATTACK HM's 2nd Elv Hsr
    -[X] 5th Hob H. Art: FIRE HM's 2nd Elv Hsr
    -[X] HQ: MOVE NW if possible, otherwise MOVE NE
    [X]Plan: Cavalry Mop-up
    -[X] 200th Hob: Routing
    -[X] 72nd Hum: ATTACK Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 148th Hum: ATTACK Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 42nd Elv: CHARGE NE E NE
    -[X] 45th Elv: Routing
    -[X] 16th Half: FIRE Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 19th Half Pfd: MOVE SE E E
    -[X] 28th Half Pfd: FIRE Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 55th Elv Hsr: REST
    -[X] 108th Elv Hsr: ATTACK 1st Roy Vol Lan
    -[X] 13th Hob Lan: CHARGE 1st Hob Vol, then MOVE to Chateau de Camfront
    -[X] 84th Elv Art: FIRE 2nd Elv Vol
    -[X] 31st Elv Art: ATTACK HM's 2nd Elv Hsr
    -[X] 5th Hob H. Art: FIRE HM's 2nd Elv Hsr
    -[X] HQ: MOVE NE
    [X]Plan: Cavalry Mop-up
    -[X] 200th Hob: Routing
    -[X] 72nd Hum: ATTACK Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 148th Hum: ATTACK Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 42nd Elv: CHARGE NE E NE
    -[X] 45th Elv: Routing
    -[X] 16th Half: FIRE Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 19th Half Pfd: MOVE SE E E
    -[X] 28th Half Pfd: FIRE Heid Dwa Leg
    -[X] 55th Elv Hsr: REST
    -[X] 108th Elv Hsr: ATTACK 1st Roy Vol Lan
    -[X] 13th Hob Lan: CHARGE 1st Hob Vol, then MOVE to Chateau de Camfront
    -[X] 84th Elv Art: FIRE 2nd Elv Vol
    -[X] 31st Elv Art: ATTACK HM's 2nd Elv Hsr
    -[X] 5th Hob H. Art: FIRE HM's 2nd Elv Hsr
    -[X] HQ: MOVE NW if possible, otherwise MOVE NE
I just read the new section on Pre-Revolutionary Arnése gender norms and immediately understood why the concept of gender equality was much more widely and rapidly embraced by Arnése revolutionaries than by French revolutionaries in our world. It is a wild read.
I get the feeling. Hopefully, the delay is due to Photomajig being busy with other things and not due to trying to desperately write around a potentially quest ending series of unlikely disastrous rolls.

No fear, I've just not had the chance to start writing it up. Partially I've had unexpected delays, but in all honesty I've also just spent irresponsibly much time on building the perfect habitat for my fennec foxes in Planet Zoo (and so forth).

I wouldn't end the Quest just because of bad rolls anyway, hah. Losing is fun and war is hell.

Update shall come next year (tomorrow), once I've recovered from New Years.
No fear, I've just not had the chance to start writing it up. Partially I've had unexpected delays, but in all honesty I've also just spent irresponsibly much time on building the perfect habitat for my fennec foxes in Planet Zoo (and so forth).

I wouldn't end the Quest just because of bad rolls anyway, hah. Losing is fun and war is hell.

Update shall come next year (tomorrow), once I've recovered from New Years.

Fennec foxes are extremely important, including virtual ones.
Mauvais Plain: Round 4
[X]Plan: Artillery Delenda Est
-[X] 200th Hob: Routing
-[X] 72nd Hum: ATTACK Heid Dwa Leg
-[X] 148th Hum: ATTACK Heid Dwa Leg
-[X] 42nd Elv: CHARGE NE E NE
-[X] 45th Elv: Routing
-[X] 16th Half: FIRE Heid Dwa Leg
-[X] 19th Half Pfd: MOVE E E E
-[X] 28th Half Pfd: FIRE Heid Dwa Leg
-[X] 55th Elv Hsr: REST
-[X] 108th Elv Hsr: CHARGE 10th Roy Art
-[X] 13th Hob Lan: CHARGE 25th Roy Art
-[X] 84th Elv Art: FIRE 2nd Elv Vol
-[X] 31st Elv Art: ATTACK HM's 2nd Elv Hsr
-[X] 5th Hob H. Art: FIRE HM's 2nd Elv Hsr
-[X] HQ: MOVE NW if possible, otherwise MOVE NE

The pain is distant, and secondary. The shame of it, Granit Dreher thinks, is far worse. He sees the elf coming embarassingly late. His foot slips on the bloody ground and there is nothing to do but watch the bayonet close in at his forehead, passing as if in slow motion in crystal-clear vividity. He can see the fearful anger on the elven soldier's face, make out the glistening of sweat on his soft skin and see the speckled dirt along his Arnése blues.

Then bayonet blade impacts and thrusts into the stone of his scalp. He feels his skin crack and a good chunk dislodge. Then he is falling, the world spinning, and the grave of some centuries-past elven lord rises up to claim him.

To hell with that, Dreher thinks. I'll not die under an Arnése flag.

He shoves away the shadows reaching for him from the other side. He clings to life, but all strength seems to have gone from his frame. His fall is noticed moments later. His captains surge in, surrounding him, kneeling by his side.

"Sir? What do we do? Sir? Your orders?"

Reform and turn the 2nd and 3rd squares to repulse the new enemy... The words try to come out, but only a whistle of escaping breath makes it past his lips. Everything has become very distant. More and more of his legionaries are around him, now, frantic and confused, repeating their questions again and again in the face of his silence.

Inside his mind, Dreher sighs. What a mess this is.


It is difficult to see what happens through the thick gunpowder smoke now congealing on the plain before the tower. The clash of steel and cacophonous noise of musketfire are well audible up here, even as the light guns of your 5th continue bombarding the enemy hussars at your rear. Down in the midst of it, the sound must be deafening. Yet the 148th hold their ground like heroes of legend, Liberté standing atop a gravestone with the regimental standard and belting La Parvainnaise at the top of their lungs.

Unfortunately, the dwarves seem equally solid. Harsh Nornisch commands ring out above the din, punctual and precise like marksmen's shot. Even with withering fire from their flank and the push of both human regiments, the Heidenheim Legion is unmovable. The butchery and the press of bodies is starting to bury the ancient graves under their feet. Its sister unit is faring equally well, though some manner of confusion appears to spread through the orderly ranks as the 42nd Elven charges into their flank.

The smoke clouds part for a second, and you are blessed with a glorious sight. The 13th Lancers and the 108th Hussars converge on the enemy artillery at the other end of the plain, riding hard between volleys of cannonfire that by fortune or brilliant maneuver only graze the flanks of their formations. Then they are upon the enemy. The eastern enemy guns melt away at once at the impact of the 13th's leveled-lance charge; the guns in the mill take slightly more getting to, but within minutes the 108th's hussars are cutting and trampling their gunners around and inside the mill. They are done for.

"Sir!" Arka Faucher shouts. "Our fire is ineffective."

The source of his consternation becomes clear as you swing the spyglass around. The enemy hussars in your rear continue their attack despite the cannonfire in their midst. Their dispersal as they circle the guns and dash in and out makes it difficult for Faucher's gunners to find their targets. The noble resistance of the 31st's gunners fails quickly, though they take some of the riders with them. The end is never in doubt, though. Almost every last one of them is butchered as the enemy hussars seize the guns.

Marie de Lamartine and handfuls of wounded gunners stagger towards safety of the monastery tower. The hussars run wild behind them, cutting down the last of her men. There's nothing you can do for them now, but there is also the danger that they'll spike the guns - but you doubt they intend to stick around in your line of fire long enough for that.

De Lamartine is drenched in blood and pale with shock as she makes her way towards the monastery, but any pity you may feel for her is far outweighed by your fury at her incompetence. You will be having words later. More pressing matters await.

De Guerrand must be mad if he doesn't sound a retreat soon. He has his hussars biting at your ankles in the rear, but you have two bared swords right on his throat. It's been a frantic, intense battle - it's strange to look at the sun and see that less an hour has passed - but you suspect it will all be over soon.


10th Roy Elv Art Ready Fires
25th Roy Elv Art Ready Fires

16th Half Fires on Heid Dwa Leg! (Ambush Advantage)
>CO Trait revealed!
>>Padrig Gagne: [17], Rapid (Unit can always move 1 space as a Free Action.)
>Hits: 2, 87-20=67; 36 Casualties

28th Half Pfd Fires on Heid Dwa Leg!
>Hits: 86-20=66; 42 Casualties

84th Elv Art Fires on 2nd Elv Vol!
>Hits: 70-20=60; 50 Casualties
2nd Elv Vol Routed! (+1 Cohesion to 84th Elv Art and +1 Cohesion to 42nd Elv)
1st Elv Vol Fires on 42nd Elv!
>Hits: 70-20=50; 32 Casualties

1st Half Vol Fires on 28th Half Pfd!
Hits: 62, 46-20=26; 16 Casualties
72nd Hum Attacks Heid Dwa Leg!
CO Trait revealed!
>>Gereon Oberlin: [14], Teacher (Unit halves XP loss from taking on Replacements.)
>Hits: 10; 6 Casualties
148th Hum Attacks Heid Dwa Leg!
>Hits: 29; 20 Casualties

5th Hob H Art Fires on HM'S 2nd Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 24-20+30=34; 31 Casualties
31st Elv Art Attacks HM's 2nd Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 75, 41-30=11; 10 Casualties
HM'S 2nd Elv Hsr Attacks 31st Elv Art!
>Hits: 75+20=95; 64 Casualties
31st Elv Art Destroyed! (+1 Cohesion to HM's 2nd Elv Hsr)
[8], Marie de Lamartine not killed.

Schw Dwa Leg Attacks 148th Hum!

>Hits: 13+20-10=23; 15 Casualties
Heid Dwa Leg Attacks 148th Hum!
>Hits: 92+20-10=102; 71 Casualties

42nd Elv Charges NE, E, NE at Schw Dwa Leg! (Charge Advantage)
>Hits: 3, 21; 11 Casualties => Critical! => [6], CO Wounded (Unit becomes Disorganized for its next turn and loses any effects from their CO.)

19th Half Pfd Moves E, E, E
HQ Moves NW

108th Elv Hsr Charges at 10th Roy Elv Art!
13th Hob Lan Charges at 25th Roy Elv Art!
1st Roy Elv Lan Charges NE, NE-> at 108th Elv Hsr
1st Roy Elv Lan Charges at 108th Elv Hsr! (Charge Advantage)
>Hits: 20, 51, 61+20=81; 77 Casualties => Critical! => [1], Slowed (Unit has -1 Movement until the end of the next Round)

10th Roy Elv Art Ready Fire triggered! (S-SW, 200m; 108th Elv Hsr)
10th Roy Elv Art Fires on 108th Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 8+10=18; 13 Casualties
25th Roy Elv Art Ready Fire triggered (E-SE, 200m; 13th Hob Lan)
25th Roy Elv Art Fires on 13th Hob Lan!
>Hits: 22; 19 Casualties

108th Elv Hsr Charges 10th Roy Elv Art!
>Hits: 94+40-40=94; 63 Casualties
10th Roy Elv Art Destroyed! (+1 Cohesion to 108th Elv Hsr)
13th Hob Lan Charges 25th Roy Elv Art! (Charge Advantage)
>Hits: 14, 60, 97-20=77; 66 Casualties => Critical! = > [7], Shock (Unit loses an additional 2 Cohesion), sir please stop he's already dead
25th Roy Elv Art Destroyed! (+1 Cohesion to 13th Hob Lan)

200th Hob Moves SW, SW, move W blocked by 45th Elv (Routing)
45th Elv Move E, NE (Routing)

HM's 1st Hsr Moves E, NE, E, E, E (Routing)
2nd Roy Elv Lan Moves E, E, E, E (Routing)
1st Hob Vol Moves NE, NE, NE (Routing)
2nd Elv Vol Moves NW, NW, NE (Routing)

55th Elv Hsr Rests
148th regains +1 Cohesion.
16th Half gained +1 XP.
28th Half Pfd gained +1 XP.
84th Elv Art gained +1 XP.
5th Hob H Art gained +1 XP.
72nd Hum gained +1 XP.
148th Hum gained +1 XP.
42nd Elv gained +1 XP.
108th Elv Hsr gained +1 XP.
13th Hob Lan gained +1 XP.

Heid Dwa Leg lost -9 Cohesion from Casualties.
2nd Elv Vol lost -5 Cohesion from Casualties. ROUTED!
42nd Elv lost -3 Cohesion from Casualties, lost -1 Cohesion from Unsteady and gained +1 Cohesion from adjacent enemy Routing.
28th Half Pfd lost -1 Cohesion from Casualties and -1 Cohesion from Unsteady.
HM's 2nd Elv Hsr lost -4 Cohesion from Casualties and gained +1 Cohesion from destroying enemy Unit.
148th Hum lost -8 Cohesion from Casualties and gained +1 Cohesion from Inspiring.
Schw Dwa Leg lost -1 Cohesion from Casualties.
108th Elv Hsr lost -8 Cohesion from Casualties and gained +1 Cohesion from destroying enemy Unit.
13th Hob Lan lost -1 Cohesion from Casualties and gained +1 Cohesion from destroying enemy Unit.


+Primary Objective:
Defeat the Volunteer Army.
+Secondary Objective: Raid enemy HQ.

Our 16th Half spotted!

The full list of Orders is:
  • Move: Unit is told to move up to its Movement speed.
  • Fire: Unit is told to attack an enemy Unit in range with ranged weaponry. This expends 1 Munitions.
  • Ready Fire: Unit is told to prepare a volley in a set direction if an enemy Unit Moves into it at a specified range on their turn. Several preferred ranges or a range of ranges can also be specified ("Ready Fire SE if enemy Unit Moves there at 100 to 1000m").
  • Charge: Unit is told to move and attack a non-adjacent enemy Unit within its movement range in melee. Unit has to move at least 1 space towards the enemy as part of this action and end their move adjacent to their target. The attack has Charge Advantage unless the target Unit has Braced.
  • Ready Charge: Unit is told to prepare to charge an enemy Unit if it moves within a specified distance from them on their turn. Several preferred ranges or a range of ranges can also be specified ("Ready Charge SE if enemy Unit Moves there at 100 to 1000m").
  • Attack: Unit is told to attack an adjacent enemy Unit in melee.
  • Brace: Unit is told to prepare to receive an enemy charge. Charging Units do not benefit from Charge Advantage against this Unit and the Unit makes an immediate melee Attack on the first enemy to enter into melee with it. An Unit cannot Brace if it is already engaged in a melee.
  • Rest: Unit rests for a little while in place. Unit recovers 2 Cohesion and expends 1 Supplies.
  • Hide: Unit attempts to enter concealment in their space. Their Concealment is doubled until they Move or attack.
  • Search: Unit attempts to discover hidden enemies. Their Spotting is doubled until the start of their next turn.
  • Disengage: Unit moves 1 space away from an enemy Unit and is considered Braced until the start of their next turn.
  • Supply: Unit resupplies from a stockpile or exchanges Supplies or Munitions with a friendly adjacent Unit.


Vote by plan, please!

200th Hobgoblin Fusiliers Regiment:
[-] REST.
72nd Human Regiment of Foot:
148th Human Regiment of Foot:
42nd Elven Regiment of Foot:
45th Elven Regiment of Foot:
[-] REST.
16th Halfling Light Regiment:
19th Halfling Pathfinders Regiment:
28th Halfling Pathfinders Regiment:
55th Elven Hussars Regiment:
108th Elven Hussars Regiment:
13th Hobgoblin Lancers Regiment:
84th Elven Artillery Battery:
Hobgoblin Horse Artillery Battery:


Our Units

200th Hob.4/5, Trained867/10000/11-10*10/105/5333Cabot Musket
HobgoblinAlho Kléber
Offensive Genius
72nd Hum.2/3, Trained1000/100018/18+010/105/5333Cabot Musket
HumanGereon Oberlin
148th Hum.4/3, Trained820/10002/18-10*10/105/5333Cabot Musket
HumanLiberté Chastain
42nd Elv.3/10, Trained968/10008/11+010/105/5353Cabot Musket
ElvenM. de Montmorency
45th Elv.3/10, Trained815/10000/11-10*10/105/5353Cabot Musket
ElvenJean de Sangeaux
16th Half.2/5, Trained1000/100011/11+09/105/5533Cabot Musket
HalflingPadrig Gagne
19th Half. Pfd.2/5, Trained1000/10009/11+010/105/5533Canard Rifle
HalflingSophie Tasse
Unknown Trait
28th Half. Pfd.3/5, Trained984/100010/11+08/105/5533Canard Rifle
HalflingGeorges Villiers
55th Elv. Hsr.1/10, Trained369/5002/11-10*5/5359SabresElvenThibault-Clovis de Solle
108th Elv. Hsr.3/40, Professional"405/5008/15+40"5/5359SabresElvenP.G. de Guerchy
13th Hob. Lan.3/5, Trained481/50012/11+05/5237LancesHobgoblinKaro Bonnaire
84th Elv. Art.2/10, Trained50/5012/11+08/105/5371Field ArtilleryElvenJules de Maistre
31st Elv. Art.0/507/105/5Field ArtilleryElvenMarie de Lamartine
5th Hob. H. Art.7/40, Experienced50/5015/15+306/83/3335Horse ArtilleryHobgoblinArka Faucher
*Affected by Casualties
"Affected by Brilliant

Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0
Lances: Wounding +1, Concealment -1, Movement -2, additional Charge Advantage,

Cabot Musket: Wounding +0, Range 100m/200m/400m
Field Artillery: Wounding 3, Range 200m/700m/1400m
Canard Rifle: Wounding +0, Range 200m/300m/500m
Horse Artillery: Wounding +2, Movement +4, Range 200m/600m/1200m


Enemy Units

1st Roy. Elv. Lan.Professional445/500?/11+20?257LancesElven
2nd Roy. Elv. Lan.Professional348/5000/11+10*?257LancesElven
HM's 1st Elv. Hsr.Professional350/5000/11+10*?359SabresElven
HM's 2nd Elv. Hsr.Professional408/500?/11+20?349SabresElven
Schw. Dwa. Leg.Professional956/1000?/15+20??533Erlkönig Musket
Heid. Dwa. Leg.Professional896/1000?/15+10*??333Erlkönig Musket
1st Elv. Vol.Trained934/1000?/9+0??333Cabot Musket
Standard Lost
2nd Elv. Vol.Trained882/10000/9-10*??233Cabot Musket
1st Half. Vol.Trained1000/1000?/9+0??5?3?3Cabot Musket
1st Hob. Vol.Trained861/10000/9-10*??323Cabot Musket
10th Roy. Elv. Art.0/507/105/5Field ArtilleryElvenButcher
25th Roy. Elv. Art.0/507/105/5Field ArtilleryElvenLucky
*Affected by Casualties
Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0
Lances: Wounding +1, Concealment -1, Movement -2, additional Charge Advantage,

Cabot Musket: Wounding +0, Range 100m/200m/400m
Erlkönig Musket: Wounding +0, Range 100m/200m/400m
Field Artillery: Wounding 3, Range 200m/700m/1400m

Cavalry appears to be very much king. The infantry battle is another matter, but it's looking increasingly like a "De Guerrand broke before the Dwarves did" situation.
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Good news and bad news, as usual. They did intercept us as I expected, but luck carried us and their artillery is gone. At this point we'll win this battle on attrition if nothing else, it's just more costly than I'd have liked.

With their artillery gone and one of their legions Disorged we have a real chance of breaking the frontline, I think. It's just those damned Second Hussars...
Good news and bad news, as usual. They did intercept us as I expected, but luck carried us and their artillery is gone. At this point we'll win this battle on attrition if nothing else, it's just more costly than I'd have liked.

With their artillery gone and one of their legions Disorged we have a real chance of breaking the frontline, I think. It's just those damned Second Hussars...
I think we have almost won. Most of their cavalry is routed and we can absolutely break their infantry line with one dwarf unit not being active for a turn. I wouldn't be surprised if the enemy attempted a general retreat next turn, since any further combat is going to inflict disproportionate casulties on them.

In this regard, I think we should use the 108th to raid their supply hub. We need the intel, and the window for opportunity is diminishing. In the process, we can put our cavalry on a fortified tile, thus protecting them from a push by the enemy lancers.
I think we have almost won. Most of their cavalry is routed and we can absolutely break their infantry line with one dwarf unit not being active for a turn. I wouldn't be surprised if the enemy attempted a general retreat next turn, since any further combat is going to inflict disproportionate casulties on them.

In this regard, I think we should use the 108th to raid their supply hub. We need the intel, and the window for opportunity is diminishing. In the process, we can put our cavalry on a fortified tile, thus protecting them from a push by the enemy lancers.

We should use the Lancers for that, and have the 108th Rout their last cavalry unit/etc.
We should use the Lancers for that, and have the 108th Rout their last cavalry unit/etc.
I'm not sure if the 108th can actually rout them. The 1st lancers are better equipped than our battered hussar units, so I would prefer trying to charge them with our hob lancers.
On the other hand, the brilliant trait would provide a considerable bonus in attacking them. I retract my statement.
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With their artillery gone and one of their legions Disorged we have a real chance of breaking the frontline, I think. It's just those damned Second Hussars...
Yeah, we need Faucher to FIRE again and hope that this time it actually breaks them.

On the northern flank, I think we should have the 108th charge onto the fortified hill and raid the HQ. Between the defensive penalties and the negation to Charge Advantage, that should keep them intact against the 1st Royal Lancers. And we can have our lancers perform a charge against the 1st Royal.

As for the dwarf line, Heidheim is Disorganized thankfully and down to 5/15 Cohesion. So we might be able to concentrate and Rout them, along with the 1st Elven Vol. The Schw. Legion will undoubtedly pull back rather than get swarmed.

Messy business, but I think we're almost there!
As for the dwarf line, Heidheim is Disorganized thankfully and down to 5/15 Cohesion. So we might be able to concentrate and Rout them, along with the 1st Elven Vol. The Schw. Legion will undoubtedly pull back rather than get swarmed.
We got luckier than that. It's actually the Schwarzberger Legion that is disorganized, as in the dwarf infantry we only attacked once. So we are fully free to rout the already weakened Heidheim without retaliation.
Enemy Units with Cohesion

1st Roy. Elv. Lan.Professional5/11?257LancesElven
2nd Roy. Elv. Lan.Professional0/11?257LancesElven
HM's 1st Elv. Hsr.Professional0/11?359SabresElven
HM's 2nd Elv. Hsr.Professional3/11?349SabresElven
Schw. Dwa. Leg.Professional11/15??533Erlkönig Musket
Heid. Dwa. Leg.Professional6/15??333Erlkönig Musket
1st Elv. Vol.Trained2/9??333Cabot Musket
Standard Lost
2nd Elv. Vol.Trained0/9??233Cabot Musket
1st Half. Vol.Trained9/9??5?3?3Cabot Musket
1st Hob. Vol.Trained0/9??323Cabot Musket

Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0
Lances: Wounding +1, Concealment -1, Movement -2, additional Charge Advantage,

Cabot Musket: Wounding +0, Range 100m/200m/400m
Erlkönig Musket: Wounding +0, Range 100m/200m/400m
The 84th does not have any unit in close and medium range. Its best target is either the 2nd hussars to guarantee routing them or one of the dwarven legions where their +wounding is stronger i think. But it will have -50 either way and i doubt they will actually enter any ready fire range

artillery calcs


AnyDice is an advanced dice probability calculator, available online. It is created with roleplaying games in mind.

e if we think that the 1st lancers will charge the 108th again, we could have the 108th disengage into the fort and let our lancers raid the hq.
Wait no sorry you need 2 movement for the dill so we would get caught without the terrain
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Well, the 2nd Hussars are more of a threat, so I think we might as well shoot them while our frontline focuses on finishing off the Legions.

Come to think of it, if the Schwarzberger Legion is disabled due to CO injury, and if the rest of the army starts withdrawing or routing, I wonder if we may be able to surround and capture the whole Legion.
The 55th is organised again and i think that we want to get them charging this turn already to deal damage and shatter the enemy frontline if possible. if the 19th charges the 1st the 55th can charge the Schw. Legion from the west.