We do deserve to exist.
I do feel like we probably want to get our cavalry into the woods. That 2nd Jaeger unit is still somewhere in there, and I think even if we rout the one we're currently attacking, unless they get taken out immediately (which I suppose is possible? I'm not sure how capture rules work in that case.) They'll just be able to rout further east where they'll be surrounded by friendlies and we won't be able to capture them.While the infantry line isn't terribly solid, they are also not particularly likely to flee after a single charge. Wachenheim can also reorganize his line by putting the extremely defensive and undamaged 14th Hum forward, plus bracing. The smarter move might be to put our hussars into the forest, which would prevent enemy fire while potentially allowing us to flank the 75th from the hills. On the bright side, we now also have a target in form of the enemy hussars being in range, which might allow us to force a retreat from Wachenheim.
Though, I suppose one issue is that the 55th is liable to get shot before they can get into cover, but hopefully Defensive Genius will partially cover for that?