... does this now mean Washu is going to want to marry officially collaborate with Areru now, as Ryoko is now a combination of Mad Science, herself and Areru? Because I can totally see Washu equating Alchemical Conversion/Enhancement of an artificial life form she created as Conception, and would not want to be considered the dead beat parent/scientist in the 'relationship.'

Given her canon obsession for 'studying' or 'obtaining samples' with Tenchi, i could totally see her wanting to 'cooperate on an experiment,' or 'pervert the Natural Order' with our Void Dragon as an equivalent to a romantic evening or something else romantically intimate. And I am not using euphemisms for more X-Rated things as I'm aware she still has psychological issues she's repressing from the loss of her first child that I am fully willing to belive she is Asexual at this point, but still has social urges to connect and be with others, however repressed those feelings are. And with her Mad Science obsession, clearly no one could be closer to her heart/mind than being part of a Research Team.
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Areru simply offering up his pieces without experiencing the agony of loss would likely see their effects reduced. Perhaps what they give being as temporary a boon as they are a temporary loss to him. Properly experiencing that loss and then tying it together with a Wish to bind it, though, should make the changes permanent.

He's permanently losing the parts he sacrificed? Which means he's blind, mute, and dead?
"Had... the traits... of all I freely... offer..."
Well this is going to have some large impact on things to come I wager.

As dragon Ryoko is not something I think anyone expected.
Holy shit, that was both touching and heart wrenching to read, nice job.

I thought Areru was going to Wish for Ryoko's freedom, not "give her all the traits I freely offer."

Ryoko: "He gave me his heart."
Usagi: ❤️ "How romantic!"
Ryoko: "No, I mean he literately gave me his heart."
Mars: ☠️"HOW HARDCORE!!!"
So my question is will he get these things back, if lesser than before, or are they gone forever?


He's permanently losing the parts he sacrificed? Which means he's blind, mute, and dead?

If Al didn't have multiple forms of regeneration? He'd be dead.

That regeneration would have made the sacrifice temporary, though... if he'd only used a ritual.

Combining a ritual with Wish is a method of covering for the deficits of both. Unfortunately, you still need to perform a ritual -and- cast a Wish.

So, physically, he'll be fine. Mentally? Areru just compared ripping his own heart out to the pain of an Agony Matrix. He is, as they might say, Not Okay.

No, if he hadn't felt the pain, the parts would temporary, like the loss would be temporary. Since he did feel the pain, the parts are permanently given, but the loss isn't.

I would really love to see his reaction when he finds out that there was a more easier way to release Ryoko.

In another note, after so many Ghost and Spirits moments, I'm shocked that Hell Teacher Nube hasn't been referenced yet.
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He might be the most coherent Void dragon around but he is still a void dragon and this insane by human standards. I do find his association with the Scouts fun given that some of the few beings that void dragons associated with are the spirits of stars which they qualify as.

He's permanently losing the parts he sacrificed? Which means he's blind, mute, and dead?
I think he was more going for "if I just magically clone the parts with no harm or suffering experienced, the boon would be more of a temporary thing, but by extracting the originals, experiencing the loss (even if only temporary as he grows new replacements [but not the originals which have age, experience and have been suffused with his power/life force as long as he's been alive]) combined with the fear, agonizing suffering and pure desire to help, and a whole heaping pile of ritual focused magic would grant a measure of permenance."

So he can grow the parts back (presumably not permanently weakened), but the new ones might not be as ritualistically potent, the regeneration is not instant, the sensations were not dulled, and quite importantly, he's been made vulnerable until he recovers. And his potential enemies have a giant neon sign pointing right at him.
So does this make Ryoko a half-sister or something going forwards? If nothing else, it should change her bio-signature enough to plausibly not be that Ryoko, the infamous space pirate who vanished hundreds of yearsd ago after Jurai sent one of their princes after her. If it enfuckens Kagato's mind control mechanism, all the better.
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Nice ritual, though I'm kinda surprised that he's willing to do this. Rituals tend not to like being cheated - growing back the tongue/heart/eye that you sacrificed would normally count as cheating - I'd expect it to be permanent, but maybe the pain and extravagance of the other materials will make up for it.

I'm curious what Ryoko will do once her body heals enough to awaken.
So does this make Ryoko a half-sister or something going forwards?
I lean towards Areru as an Elder Sibling/Parent role, myself. He's sheltered her (a home), provided for her needs as best he could (granting her a means to feel touch as well as things to interact with) and taught her (himself, lore, modern day things). And most importantly, gave Ryoko her first video game console. Definitely big sibling/parent energy there.
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But some part of him, distant and untouched by his madness, felt a tiny spark of hope as Ryoko's chest rose and the woman's now-draconic heart beat.
Yeeeaaah ... thaaat's the void dragon seeping in. Gonna need a sanity check and a Lux Aeterna ritual before cutting your own heart out seems like a good ide... oh. Too late you say?
Kinda curious how Al/Areru think of Karry? Do they still in this reincarnated and partially memory wiped life have romantic feelings for them?

And have they given up on going home? To DC specifically?
And Freely Given things tend to work better than the ones just ripped out- though the reasons vary.
That would really depend on the intent of the ritual. Some rituals could require combat trophies which by definition are forcibly taken. But in this case the self sacrifice from someone who wishes her well adds a positive vibe to an otherwise bloody affair
So, there's willing, and then there is literally sobbing, screaming, and suffering as you tear your own heart beating from your chest. I feel like this nonsense should end up waaaaay more powerful than intended because god-fuck-damn.
Kinda curious how Al/Areru think of Karry? Do they still in this reincarnated and partially memory wiped life have romantic feelings for them?

And have they given up on going home? To DC specifically?

He misses her but he's glad she's not trapped with him. Otherwise, he's got sixteen years of difference, at least half of it without any real knowledge of his true self.

If the two meet back up, it'll be a difficult and awkward situation as they try and figure out what works. Kary's already sort of prepared, however, as she's already well used to the realities of being an immortal. Al just hasn't caught up to that part, yet.

I intend on having Al show that using Gate in that set of realities gets him some odd results. He's basically stuck in the 'core' experimental reality of the Chousen and, closely surrounding it, are various other realities which are being used to test different variables. It's hard to escape from the supercluster because dimensional directions don't follow standard conventions.
so just like his previous incarnation, areru has opted to build an aetherial table-flipping engine, which automatically flips tables in the vicinity as soon as they're placed down.