Considering Areru deals with magical creatures and he explicitly states

Makes it pretty clear that the ward(singular) only affects humans and Yosho is an alien.

Yosho was only there because of Areru's family visiting, why wouldn't the wards block him as a non human that was acting on the behalf of humans when his goal was to help a human family find the house?
Yosho was only there because of Areru's family visiting, why wouldn't the wards block him as a non human that was acting on the behalf of humans when his goal was to help a human family find the house?
Probably because regardless of that being a proximate cause of his involvement, he is an independent actor not actually taking marching orders from Daisuke, but made his own decision to investigate the situation after hearing about it.
Don't forget True Immortality, aka there is zero way to kill them, body will just regenerate from literally nothing, their soul will also regrow from nothing, their mind is immutable, in short there is zero way to permanently kill them, you can seal them away but they will get out, you can kill their body for a bit via all the curses but they will eventually get passed that, typically True Immortals are True gods, aka they're infinite in power, scope, and scale (omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent) and can only be countered by beings of that level, but other then like one book series that I know of no one else uses true immortals or true gods.
Spoilers for Kirby and the Forgotten Land below:

Basically Fecto Elfilis, an eldritch alien horror that attacked Earth that is powerful enough to telekinetically slam planets together, sealed away for eons in a stasis capsule by humanity until the tiny part of it that represents its empathy (Elfilis) breaks off in an accident, which allows it some minuscule amount of freedom. Even though the vast majority of its power is suppressed, it telepathically slithers its way into the minds of all the animals on the planet and turns them into a brainwashed army. It eventually manages to track down Elfilis (who, by then, seals Fecto's fate by befriending Kirby) and proceeds to funnel him and Kirby into a trap. With Elfilis so close, Fecto breaks out of the capsule, fights Kirby, a literal slayer of omnipotent beings, to a near-standstill even while diminished, absorbs quite a few of its animal minions to become a redux of the horror movie The Blob, and manages to grab Elfilis and absorb him.

It then fights Kirby in a clash of titans that warps and tears the fabric of reality itself. The complete Fecto Elfilis gets Kirb-stomped, and Kirby literally pulls his friend Elfilis out of Fecto's beaten, battered, and bruised body. Fecto tears open a portal in space big enough to pull a planet through and proceeds to use Planet Popstar (Kirby's homeworld) in an attempt to literally crush Kirby (and the planet he's standing on). Kirby absorbs a red and blue 18 wheeler, and between Optimus Kirby and Elfilis, proceeds to slam into Fecto so hard that the collision disintegrates its nigh-indestructible body (and this is after smashing through a number of very large meteors hurled at them).

Fecto's mind-and-soul retreats into a reality of its own making along with the minds of all of the animals it had absorbed, where it starts gathering its strength for another assault, but Kirby and Elfilis follow, rampaging through its universe-sized mental construct, where they fight an even stronger form of Fecto, since apparently its body was just holding it back. In the middle of the fight with Kirby, the literal incarnation of death and destruction ambushes Fecto and merges with its soul, which Kirby then manages to defeat again, literally destroying Fecto's soul.

And then after all of that, it's still not finished, as Fecto's mind absorbs the incarnation of death in turn and starts rebuilding its body and soul using its psychic strength alone. Fecto takes a page from the psychopomp whose strength it absorbed and decides to ambush Kirby, both to kill him and to reabsorb Elfilis. After Kirby manages to grind it down, it's still not done, as it somehow manages to summon Void (basically an omnipotent force in the Kirby!verse that can create and destroy whole universes in equal measure) and merges with it, becoming a gestalt between its battered psyche and a literal incarnation of Chaos (in the classic Greek sense, the state of the universe outside of Creation, from which Creation was crafted and in which Creation itself exists). Kirby, of course, comes out on top.

The remains of Fecto have still not been fully destroyed, but what's left has been pared away to a seed, which Elfilis himself absorbs. If Elfilis hadn't been there, that seed would have fled and regrown, allowing Fecto to return later, set to rampage and destroy yet again.

So, yeah. Fecto Elfilis is absolutely that last type of immortal.
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Yeah, but there's immortal*, immortal** and immortal***, and though Ryoko was originally going to end up in the second category, Al is very much in the third. How will that change now that she's inherited at least some draconic traits and likely powers? I suspect the only way we'll find out is if/when one of them dies.

(*) Ascended/uplifted mortal scale: Doesn't die of old age, possibly ages very, very slowly, likely lasts a few to several thousands years, more than a little bit unlikely to live tens of thousands of years.
(**) Godly scale: Likely lives for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years, but I personally greatly doubt they often last hundreds of thousands of years
(***) Stellar scale: Lives for millions or even billions of years, much like the stars. Void dragons (IMHO) be on this scale unless they are actively killed off. Good luck with that.

Okay, your scaling is completely off.

There's immortal in the sense of "Can't die of old age." And then there's immortal in the sense of "Death isn't an obstacle whatsoever."

Most of the god-beings in Tenchi Muyo are billions of years old, the Choushin in specifically are older than the entire local multiverse. Ryoko is going to be akin to the Choushin and live forever once she's fully matured to use the full power of the three gems, just like Tenchi.

We're talking about the point that if something does kill Ryoko, her body exploding kills the entire galaxy. And than her omnipotent mom and aunt just casually hit "undo."

Old!TenchiCanon Ryoko was. New!PartlyDraconic Ryoko though? I guess we'll find out. And even if she is, how much does she resemble her old self now? Not all that much, I expect, and less and less so as she spends more time and grows into this new body and along it's assorted tangents.

Nothing about dragon body parts is going to get rid of the fact she's partly made of anti-matter. She'll be the most heavily concentrated mass of anti-matter in Japan at this point, depending upon what crossovers are in effect.

We know nothing of the sort. Yosho could tell the house was there and that it was extensively, scarily warded, but we don't have any evidence as yet that any of the other wards have diminished effect on him except than the SEP-field ward itself. That would be a very unwise assumption to make on such limited evidence, and Yosho isn't fool enough to make that mistake, or he wouldn't have survived as long as he has, even with all of his privileges and benefits.

As someone else already stated, the wards are explicitly made to effect humans. Royal Trees and Juraians aren't human.

Ayeka and Sasami have been on their way to Earth for a long, long time already. I don't think that Funaho sending out that S.O.S. made the Ryu-Oh hurry up any.

It certainly did help Ayeka make her decisions, as good or bad as they were, but I don't necessarily think that particular timescale has been altered. So we'll still be seeing them some time soon.

Ayeka didn't know that Yosho and Ryoko was on Earth. Her ship didn't go directly there. Yosho himself ends up from Jurai directly to Earth in one Hyperspace jump during the battle with Ryoko 700 years ago.

Ryu-Oh's been traveling aimlessly throughout the galaxy looking for any sign of Ryoko or Yosho, and the only thing that pointed her towards Earth is detecting Ryoko's resurrection.

It might have been the gems being active, in which case it might take a while?

Ryoko didn't have any of her gems, nor could draw on their power, before Ayeka arrived. She literally only gets access to one of her gems after Ayeka's ship, Ryu-Oh, is literally right above Tenchi's house.

Ayeka only detected Ryoko's resurrection, and that is why her ship immediately beelines it to Earth after Ryoko was awakened.
Part of what was detected about Ryoko waking up in the original version was that she was awoken in the prison chamber, using the master key by Tenchi screwing with it.
In this version, she wasn't anywhere near her prison when awoken, and the master key (and thus the linked Jurian Tree) were not involved in releasing her. That means that those particular alarms won't be set off, but on the other hand "prisoner is missing from chamber" alarms might go off instead. That wouldn't alert the Galaxy Police early since they didn't know Yosho was holding her anywhere, but it might put a bit of a rush on Ayeka's incoming ship.
Part of what was detected about Ryoko waking up in the original version was that she was awoken in the prison chamber, using the master key by Tenchi screwing with it.
In this version, she wasn't anywhere near her prison when awoken, and the master key (and thus the linked Jurian Tree) were not involved in releasing her. That means that those particular alarms won't be set off, but on the other hand "prisoner is missing from chamber" alarms might go off instead. That wouldn't alert the Galaxy Police early since they didn't know Yosho was holding her anywhere, but it might put a bit of a rush on Ayeka's incoming ship.

There were no alarms. There was no elaborate system that would emit a signal to everyone stating the prisoner is released.

Ryoko is just that powerful, that being set free and active is something that can be detected by people always on the watch for her. Gems or no Gems. It's like Aang going Avatar State and all the temples across his world immediately reacting to that specific spiritual power being active, and people going "The Avatar has returned!"

Funaho does shoot off a signal into space right after her awakening in episode 1, but this is never explained as something picked up by the Ryu-Oh in episode 2 nor is it something picked up by any ships that head to Earth in the near future. Azaka and Kamidake state they detected Ryoko not Funaho or a message from Funaho.

Here Comes Ayeka! said:
What planet is this?

Colonized planet number 0315.. Earth

Then this is where my brother Yosho is.

No. All we detect so far is Ryoko.

Not that woman! What does this mean?

We have yet to detect Yosho's ship... but he was in pursuit of Ryoko. Logically, it would follow--

That woman and Ryo-Ohki...must be caught and tried formally by our planet Jurai, as soon as possible!

That signal is probably only a message sent to alert Seto or Airi about the situation since they both know Yosho is on Earth, and they can start pulling strings in the background. But it has nothing to do with why Ayeka and Kagato are headed for Earth. That's solely from Ryoko being awake.

Mihoshi only heads to Earth because Kagato is on his way there from across the galaxy, and she's responsible for that sector of space.
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Entry 070 New
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Anime Adjacent Entry: 070
Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


The water ran red.

Areru's mind was... not operating at full. He was mentally exhausted.

And the water ran red.

The pain was gone. The wounds were gone. Areru could run his fingers around his eyes and not feel the incisions. He could press his hand against his chest and feel his heart beating.

He could still taste his own blood, though. But, at least, he actually had a tongue to taste his blood with.

Silver linings?

Red water.

Everything had healed. The pain was gone.

And yet, Areru's hands still trembled. The physical marks had faded, sure, but... he could still feel the knife, carving into his flesh. Could still hear his own screams, reverberating off the walls of the cave. Could still feel the bite of his own claws, digging and slicing and gripping and pulling and-

The water... ran red.

He was going to have nightmares about what he'd done. His choices were going to haunt him for a long, long time.

On some level, he'd already known that. Being able to physically regenerate didn't mean he wouldn't feel pain. It just meant the scars wouldn't be visible.

The teen's limbs felt like lead as he began to slowly and carefully clean himself. He started at the top, scrubbing at his hair and working in shampoo before moving down. He worked water and soap into the dried blood caking his body. He scrubbed, he scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed until his flesh was red and raw and then watched as that redness receded, replaced with healed and healthy skin.

Areru swallowed and looked down.

The water ran clear.

The only evidence left of what he'd done to himself was in his memories, now.

The teen threaded his hands into his lank, wet hair and balled his hands into fists as he leaned forward, hunching in on himself.


Areru drew in a long, shuddering breath.

There was more. In the other room, physical and real and alive...

Just like Reis.

Areru inhaled sharply, the sound low and keening.

He wasn't crazy. He wasn't insane! He hadn't gone mad or delusional, creating imaginary friends and then... then...

He... he wasn't.

Finishing up, Areru dried himself off and wrapped a towel around his waist before he stepped back out and into the house proper. Ryoko was sitting at the table, next to Reis, and the duo were watching the news. And, outside of the house itself, rain hammered against the windows and the nearby trees whipped back and forth in the heavy winds of the ongoing tropical storm.

Silently, the teen made his way upstairs and went to his room. The boy got dressed, loose pants and a loose shirt and no belt and no knife made of Adamantine. He barely even looked at the armor stand he'd put together, the outfit of the Adamantine Knight sitting on it in pieces with the helmet intentionally placed on the floor.

Areru hadn't liked how it felt like the helmet was staring at him when he tried to sleep. At least, kept separate from the rest of the armor, it broke up the form and didn't feel like there was another person in the room.

He really wasn't helping his case.

Going back downstairs, Areru noted that Ryoko's clothes, aside from being horrifically outdated even by his standards, also did not cover very much. Of course, he also had no idea if the woman really cared about modesty. She wasn't human, after all, and her concerns would be equally inhuman.


He'd deal with that as it came.

"Ryoko," Areru called, getting her attention. "Why don't you try taking a shower? I'll grab some of my mom's old clothes for you."

The woman blinked, hesitating for a moment. Her hands trembled, her fingers twisting half-way into sign language before she caught herself.

"You know? That sounds pretty good!" she said, a fanged smirk slipping on to her face like a mask. "You want to come and help? Maybe wash my back?"

"Maybe later," Areru denied her with a small shake of his head. "I need to figure out where I put my mom's clothes and start cooking. Anything in particular sound good?"

"Sake," Ryoko immediately responded as she floated into... the... air.

She could still do that?

"I'll see what I can find." Areru watched the woman disappear into the bathroom he'd vacated just a few minutes earlier and stared at the closed door.

Areru didn't need to turn around and look to see Reis get up and follow him as he went back upstairs. His familiar's claws clicked with every step on the hardwood floor. He left the door to the master bedroom open as he entered, Reis dogging his heels.

He'd only just opened the closet when the dragon finally spoke.


"Why, what?" Areru asked as he began to dig through the boxes.

He'd never bothered labeling anything...

"Why her?" Reis asked in Draconic. "Jinx. Kary. Yuffie."

"Because she was here," Areru admitted, his voice low and flat. "Because I've spent the last decade wondering if I was going insane, Reis. Because this country hates me, and people like me, and she didn't. Because she and I were both isolated, outcasts, forced to be alone."

As he spoke, Areru continued opening boxes and checking the contents before setting them aside.

"Because she chose to care for me," he continued. "And I chose to care for her in turn."

"Kary," Reis growled. "Did you forget about her? Have you told the thing downstairs about her?!"

Areru paused and turned to look at the mist dragon, noting the steam leaking from her nostrils.

It was the most he'd ever heard from the little dragon. Which... may have been due to her speaking in a tongue that was properly comfortable for her instead of struggling through English or Japanese.

"...I've told Ryoko all of my stories, Reis," Areru admitted as he turned back around to get back to work. "I've told her about meeting Jinx, how I terrified her back then. I told her about meeting Kary, the form she used to wear. I've told her about Yuffie, and the stifling nobility that lost her. And I've told her about you, about Ash, about..."

Areru trailed off, his hands tearing at the cardboard flap of a box full of Daisuke's old clothes.

"I haven't lied to her," Areru continued, his voice warbling briefly before he sniffed loudly. "But Reis? If I knew calling for a familiar would have summoned you? I wouldn't have cast the spell."

He inhaled, a wet and shuddering breath.

"This reality is a prison, hon," Areru continued. "I can't leave- I've tried! I've Planescaped to the next reality over, and over, and over, and then I found myself back here. I can't leave! I didn't want to drag you in to this. I didn't want-"

Reis's forehead pressed against Areru's back, a soft trill escaping the surly dragon's throat.

"O-ha-na," Reis said, repeating the first words she'd ever said aloud to him. "You were not forgotten. You were not left behind."

Areru turned around, shuffling about on his knees, to face Reis. He pulled her against him, wrapping her in an awkward hug as the hurt he tried to keep inside... broke free.

"I'm sorry," he told the dragon, his voice hoarse. "I'm sorry. I can't- I don't- I..." He swallowed, spittle and snot struggling to work around a thick lump in his throat. "I... I can't leave Ryoko behind, Reis. She... she's like me. Like Kary. Maybe... exactly like Kary. I..."

"Stupid," Reis said as she pressed her forehead against Areru's chest.

Areru couldn't argue with her.

It was true, after all.


Ryoko watched the water circle the drain, tears dripping down her face. Her hand pressed against her chest.

He wouldn't leave her behind?

She was broken. She knew that. She'd had that drilled into her head for thousands of years. But...

Areru wouldn't...

Give up on her?
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He made Ryoko his sister or daughter.

Way to ruin the romance.
Amongst those at Areru's level, that is, the Immortals, Gods, and Such Beings, being Sister / Daughter is not an impediment for Romance.

After all, even for regular human, Keeping it in the Family only shows deleterious effect after generationals repeat.

And those at his level could simply, regenerate.

So, yeah.

It is what it is.
Sorry if this has been answered before, but why does the regeneration hurt at all? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's an interesting narrative device, at least how it was used here, but regeneration that hurts to the point of mental trauma seems counterproductive. think Areru desperately needs to hit himself with the mental healing spells now...

Also, I kinda want this Al to not merge back into the prime Al at the end of this... (As otherwise Ryoko would be alone again and prime would be even more murderously angry at overdieties)...

That said... Areru mercing Tokimi is hopefully in the cards come this tales end
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Sorry if this has been answered before, but why does the regeneration hurt at all? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's an interesting narrative device, at least how it was used here, but regeneration that hurts to the point of mental trauma seems counterproductive.
It's not the regeneration that hurts, it's the wounds that hurt. Ripped out eyes, toungs, and holes in your chest through your ribs hurt a lot. Enough to kill actually. That's why anesthetics are critical to surgery, prevents shock.

The trauma is from him doing all that to himself, plus the pain from it. Plus I don't think the pain goes away until the wound is healed.
I did not sign the permission slip for this Feels Trip.

This chapter had some punch.

It's not the regeneration that hurts, it's the wounds that hurt. Ripped out eyes, toungs, and holes in your chest through your ribs hurt a lot. Enough to kill actually. That's why anesthetics are critical to surgery, prevents shock.

The trauma is from him doing all that to himself, plus the pain from it. Plus I don't think the pain goes away until the wound is healed.

Nerves growing back before their coverings is also going to be a special level of pain that has to be experienced to be believed. Pain killers do nothing. Even the good stuff doesn't help so much as make you too stoned to care that it still hurts. Pain from directly stimulated nerves is in a class of its own.
Sorry if this has been answered before, but why does the regeneration hurt at all? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's an interesting narrative device, at least how it was used here, but regeneration that hurts to the point of mental trauma seems counterproductive.

It's not the regeneration that hurts, it's the wounds that hurt. Ripped out eyes, toungs, and holes in your chest through your ribs hurt a lot. Enough to kill actually. That's why anesthetics are critical to surgery, prevents shock.

The trauma is from him doing all that to himself, plus the pain from it. Plus I don't think the pain goes away until the wound is healed.

I did not sign the permission slip for this Feels Trip.

This chapter had some punch.

Nerves growing back before their coverings is also going to be a special level of pain that has to be experienced to be believed. Pain killers do nothing. Even the good stuff doesn't help so much as make you too stoned to care that it still hurts. Pain from directly stimulated nerves is in a class of its own.

Basically this.

It begins repairing an injury from the inside out and the restored tissues are built and connected to the damaged area as they're being rebuilt. This includes nerves.

So, a hole in the chest? It's repairing the tissues inside and Areru gets to feel the entire process because it's building a new heart, cell by cell and membrane by membrane, without shutting off any pain receptors. Until it's properly done? He's not just feeling the wound that caused it but also the raw nerves as they're rebuilt, exposed and then sealed over.

Regeneration's effects on a non-traumatic injury are basically unnoticeable. At most, Areru might feel a bit of tingling as something like a scratch heals over. It's just the big things where healing sucks.
Regeneration's effects on a non-traumatic injury are basically unnoticeable. At most, Areru might feel a bit of tingling as something like a scratch heals over. It's just the big things where healing sucks.
As an outside observer who hasn't had the opportunity to regrow critical organs and recover from otherwise fatal damage to my body, I'm going to say that he should just use one of his many healing spells. One of those should be faster than his base regeneration.

What do you mean focusing through pain comparable to an agony matrix is hard? He should just grit his teeth (hopefully whatever damage he's fixing has left them in his mouth) and do it! I believe in him.

No, I don't want to actually have to experience that pain to show him how it's done. I want to sit here in my comfortable chair and give backseat instructions.
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