That said, most students were not especially gifted at math and could not average the amount of work over the number of days they'd been given to come up with the conclusion that, really, it wasn't that bad.
To be fair, it actually is that bad. Like studies show (tm) that Japanese students suffer from reduced productivity due to prolonged overwork.

Not like "your last day before a break is only really worth half a day because of how tired you are" either, that is the effect of school schedules in the UK/US. In japan the effect is more like "Your six days of study are worth the same as three point six days of study by someone who rested properly".
...I half wonder if the vaunted Japanese efficiency is a result of the smarter people over there needing to come up with extraordinarily effective methods to work around the incredible stratification which otherwise paralyzes large parts of the society.
This Takanawa Tricia reporting live from the site of yesterday youma's battle. I am standing here hopping to interview the elusive Adamant Knight. But he is busy fixing the damages cause by yesterday fight and putting Yakuza backed construction company out of business. Back to you at the studio Tuckeru Tommu.

Thank you our reporter on the field, Takanawa Tricia. And now we go live to Oriru Wilriamu with the blackie weather report. How the weather Oriru?

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"Look at you! Dishonoring yourself! Dishonoring the quarry that supplied your parts! Just think of all the hardworking men and women that dedicated their time, their effort, and you just gave up! No! Pull yourself together!"
I may have been in a vulnerable state, just coming off a very slapstick PF2e game (Indigo isles), but damn if I didnt laugh until I had actual tears in my eyes there.
...I half wonder if the vaunted Japanese efficiency is a result of the smarter people over there needing to come up with extraordinarily effective methods to work around the incredible stratification which otherwise paralyzes large parts of the society.
The level of hyperfocus Japanese people put in to tasks makes one wonder if they haven't been trying to emulate ADHD/autistic hyperfocus and then anyone who fails to yield the kind of results that that class of neurodivergent can yield gets labeled as stupid or lazy. Because if your cousin can sit and do math perfectly for 16 hours straight why can't you?
But Honey Flash was dead centre of the 90s.

And much like the two other nineties 'sequels' to older properties, Dirty Pair Flash and Nuku Nuku Dash!, it was, IMHO, a blatantly cheap attempt to cash in on those IPs for the absolute minimum of expenditure, while showing an utter lack of care or respect for, or even much understanding of, the originals. Other people could and likely do have different opinions.

"Voluntarily?" Rei asked, grabbing her chest in mock-shock. "Quick, Ami! Check and make sure it's really Usagi!"

I love that Rei is actually being relaxed and teasing her team mates in this chapter. She's been pretty much all Surly Rei all the previous times we've seen here.

I hope he's actually enjoying this, because he deserves a break.

As always, Al is both at his most effective and generating the least stress for himself when he's trolling folks/groups that take themselves far too seriously, generally by coming at them from an angle that they not only didn't see coming, but generally couldn't have seen coming, because of their own blinkered (and frequently grimdark) way of looking at things.

Just imagine how the Mariana Trench feels. It's now at its lowest point, for sure.

:facepalm: Oh, low blow! :rolleyes:

Wonder if he's just trolling with the scenery chewing, or if he's also trolling the secret mages by doing magic in a way they can't cover up.

"Porque no los dos?"

Well of course. She didn't ask the questions. Just if she could.

You should always be as considered and precise as possible when interacting with a trickster, most especially when asking them a question, otherwise they will only give an answer to what you asked, not what you intended to ask.

The level of hyperfocus Japanese people put in to tasks makes one wonder if they haven't been trying to emulate ADHD/autistic hyperfocus

Which is an interesting idea, given that the 'official' opinion of Japanese society and government seems to be that ADHD at the very least, and probably the entire Autism Spectrum overall, simply doesn't exist.

Don't go to Japan if you have ADHD, is my advice, because you will not be able to take your medication with you, under any circumstances. Which strikes my non-Japanese self as both kinda horrifying and also deeply counterproductive for their entire society, because so much productivity could be had, and vast amounts of suffering avoided, if they didn't hold to that really rather strange attitude.

But hey, I imagine most societies have some similar boneheaded idea deeply embedded into their culture, no matter how damaging it may be.
...I half wonder if the vaunted Japanese efficiency is a result of the smarter people over there needing to come up with extraordinarily effective methods to work around the incredible stratification which otherwise paralyzes large parts of the society.

There's an idea.

Using the work culture and rigid politeness to avoid class based inefficiencies. The rudest thing you could possibly do is prevent someone from doing their job. Which would in turn mean even very high caste people would be considerate of working/serving classes. No matter your class, you look bad if you're holding up someone else.
Entry 067 New
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Anime Adjacent Entry: 067
Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


The question on quite a few sets of lips was 'What is an Adamant Knight when it's at home?'

The mages in Kyoto were livid at the disrespect the armored man showed to their vaunted traditions. Almost as furious as they were at the lunatic casting magic on live television.

The mages in northern Tokyo were a bit more mixed, having much to do with the fact that their traditions were only a little over one-hundred years old and less heavily rooted in the unyielding past.

They were still feeling nervous at the blatant use of unknown magics but their reaction was far less than their Kyoto counterpart.

As for the 'Adamant Knight'?

Areru was actually spending the day at home, idly working through a book he needed to write a report on. The concerns of old men, clinging to power they stole and hid in the shadows meant little enough to him as to be less than a passing thought.

He had greater concerns.

Putting the book down after flipping a page, the young man looked over the table to a quartet of rather curious devices.

Diamonds, rather large ones at that... though not the ones he needed for a later spell. Rather, these were shells. Areru had manufactured a quartet of diamond containers, each of them made of two parts that bolted together to form a clear container with a small wire of silver that fed into them. They'd been further reinforced with the old, old spell Augment Object, significantly improving not just the hardness but also their fragile durability.

Inside of each container? Magic.

Pure magic. Aspected to the four traditional western elements of Fire, Water, Wind and Earth.

Areru lifted one of the containers up so that light could filter through it and tilted it from side to side, tipping his head in the opposite direction as he tilted the crystal before pursing his lips and setting the glowing jar back down on the table.

It wasn't ready, yet.

Areru hummed, his voice quiet, as he pinched his fingers around the wire of the Fire-filled crystal and focused for a moment to push more Fire Magic into it. The wire glowed red and the light within the crystal grew in intensity...

Until Areru cut off the magic and returned to his book.

The magic concentrators that Areru had manufactured were not a new idea for the teen. In another life, he'd made something similar out of Darksteel and filled it with his own raw magic, manufacturing a crystallized orb of magic that was uniquely suited to him and him alone. It had gone on to form the heart of an artificial body, helping the teen restore a lost, wandering soul to the world of the living.

This... was a similar methodology, on the surface, but the process was intended to have radically different...

Well, no, Areru supposed the end result -would- be rather similar, wouldn't it?

Still. These were merely lesser parts that would lead to further steps down the line.

As for why he needed four crystals of significant elemental potency?

Honestly? They were... something like a third option where the first one was impossible and the second was impalatable. The four crystals he was in the process of manufacturing were, rather simply put, Alchemy reagents.

The normal recipe tree for what Areru needed called for materials that simply didn't exist. Not so far as he knew, anyway. Not on Earth.

The second option, the one that he had no intention of following through with, required Areru track down, kill, and harvest the flesh of Apex Spirits attuned to the elements. The simplest option would actually be to use the Gate spell to do so, but...

Well. That was honestly just kidnapping and murder followed in short order by the desecration of a corpse. It wasn't as though there was some wild Fire Spirit somewhere out there, following the will of some psychopath that Areru wouldn't feel guilty about gutting.

...Was there?

Areru flipped another page and continued reading.

He supposed it wouldn't really matter if there were. Unless he could track down spirits of the other three elements, the odd one out would completely imbalance the end result which would skew the later reactions.

It was better to keep things stable and balanced, at least where he could.

A chunk of Red Stone, one that was thoroughly energized at that. A concentration of the four elemental energies. Outside, Areru's other half was working with a small army of wraiths to manufacture a few ingots of Adamantine metal.

Honestly, the teen felt rather energized. He hadn't touched Alchemy in... well, he'd done bits and pieces but he'd avoided any large undertakings. He certainly didn't have access to any Alkahest any longer, a miraculous material harvested from the restless dead that could be used to reverse most forms of magical crafting. Which meant that any mistakes he made could be costly and permanent.

Although, Areru idly thought as he flipped another page in his book. He was not looking forward to acquiring the missing ingredient in that particular mix.

Well. He'd see to it when it came time to get it, he supposed.

Any further ruminations on the future were put on hold when someone began poking Areru's side. Putting his book down and looking over, the culprit appeared to be a rather excited and grinning Ryoko. The spirit was waving her hands rapidly, going through signs too fast for Areru to really make out before she just pointed at the television.

Where a giant mass of bone and muscle was fading to the bottom of the screen and disintegrating.

"You beat it?" Areru asked as he got up. He hurried over to watch the final cutscene with Ryoko, the woman hovering right at his shoulder as he did so. "You beat it!"

The story of Final Fantasy Four felt like it should have been familiar to Areru. He felt like he should have known the words, the maps, the... everything.

And yet he didn't. Every twist and turn in the romantic drama of Cecil and Rosa had been just as new and exciting for him as they'd been for Ryoko.

Areru reached over and squeezed the woman's hand, a smile on his face as he saw tears form at the edges of her eyes as one of the characters, Golbez or Theodore or whatever name he wanted to be called, accepted a fate of isolation to atone for the crimes he'd committed against his will.

That was the mark of a good story, he knew.

If it made you cry, if it made you feel something...

Something other than frustration at the idiocy of the characters, anyway.

Then it was a story worth experiencing.
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The first few PMD are surprisingly part of that for me and the only one I can think of at the moment. what are yours?

Tales of the Abyss(Especially once you understand the meaning behind it's OP Karma) Berseria and Symphonia 2 Dawn of the New World too, KH3. The Megaman Zero Series(Seriously I was right there with Ciel in tears when I beat Weil) And Zelda OoT and Majora's Mask
Gamer Girl Ryoko-chan for the lulz.

Bonus points if someone sees "The Delivery Ghost" playing on a Game Boy or handheld video game.

Ukyo: o_O "Your ghost enjoys video games?"
Areru: "It's important to have hobbies and not neglect your mental health."
Ukyo: (realizes she hasn't have a "me-day" in months)
The second option, the one that he had no intention of following through with, required Areru track down, kill, and harvest the flesh of Apex Spirits attuned to the elements. The simplest option would actually be to use the Gate spell to do so, but...

Well. That was honestly just kidnapping and murder followed in short order by the desecration of a corpse. It wasn't as though there was some wild Fire Spirit somewhere out there, following the will of some psychopath that Areru wouldn't feel guilty about gutting.

...Was there?

Actually there is, you are basically describing one of the main villains in Flame of Recca


Although you can say that the hero also has a similar power.
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A spirit involving fire? Working with a villain? Asakura Hao's Spirit of choice being referenced here?

Edit: Now I am wondering what would happen if Areru used Over Soul with Ryoko...
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The first few PMD are surprisingly part of that for me and the only one I can think of at the moment. what are yours?
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag for me. The ending was very well done.
The most recent book in the Stormlight Archive (Wind and Truth) managed it too.

On a completely unrelated note, autocorrect really does not like Stormlight. It must be awful to write a story in that setting and have to uncorrupt the spelling of a central concept to the setting every time you type it.