Firming his heart, Katsuhito resolved to check in on the young man. To properly look at the child's situation. He may not have been able to fix it, Areru may not allow him to help...

But leaving the child alone was... wrong.

If he ever gets around to articulating this instead of hiding behind Japanese formality for why he cares, I feel like its the best odds of establishing a positive relationship between the two of them.

Because Alec would recognize he also has that attitude, and would respect it as a motive. He's just never thought someone would look at him and think that. And he is observant enough to notice its the exact same reason he's meddled with other groups in the past, so he can hardly tell the old man off for doing what he would in his place.

Annoyed at being hoist by his own petard perhaps, but he'd respect the motive.
Yep, exactly! A single combat spell.

On the other hand, changing only the capitalization a single letter, "planetary Doom" wouldn't be magic at all!

...maybe magitech. I'm not fully sure how to classify the power source of the BFG9K, let alone BFG10K, given the retconning in of Argent Energy.
I'm really hoping one of Japan's native dragons comes over at some point and treats the two lost little flight members like their adorable grand babies and coo's over them, to the absolute terror of some mystical faction witnesses xD