This is Alexander Anderson. Abridged Alexander Anderson
And the thing about Anderson is that he's really impatient. As in lacking-all-self-control, breaks-international-treaties-just-to-murder-a-couple-more-Protestants, almost-has-a-throwdown-with-Alucard-in-broad-daylight-in-a-museum-full-of-tourists, barely-takes-orders-from-his-own-superior-officers impatient.
So really I think our only two IC options here are "Well that sounds perfec'ly reasonable, time ta go spread the word an' love o' Jaysus Christ ta the poor benighted 'eathen o' this mis'rable city", or, if we're still suspicious, "Fuck it, knife".
And I think Anderson's always suspicious, so -
[X] Fuck it
- [X] Knife