Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

Also while we're here we should definitely find the library. Leave a spare copy of the Good Book if we have one, and search for any particularly nasty heathen tomes. I wouldn't be surprised if there's stuff in there which warrants bringing back the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.

Considering the heinous crap these guys get up to, it would likely be faster to declare the whole library prohibited and label certain books acceptable.
[X] Sure, but first introductions! *Cue Father Anderson humbly spilling out all of his titles.*
-[X] Do you want to hear of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ?
--[X] If When she demands to switch the topic back to the Great One, tell her that Ebrietas will be back in a sec, then she can have a face-to-whatever-Ebrietas-has talk with her.
[X] Sure, but first introductions! *Cue Father Anderson humbly spilling out all of his titles.*
-[X] Do you want to hear of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ?
--[X] If When she demands to switch the topic back to the Great One, tell her that Ebrietas will be back in a sec, then she can have a face-to-whatever-Ebrietas-has talk with her.
[X] Sure, but first introductions! *Cue Father Anderson humbly spilling out all of his titles.*
-[X] Do you want to hear of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ?
--[X] If When she demands to switch the topic back to the Great One, tell her that Ebrietas will be back in a sec, then she can have a face-to-whatever-Ebrietas-has talk with her.
[X] Sure, but first introductions! *Cue Father Anderson humbly spilling out all of his titles.*
-[X] Do you want to hear of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ?
--[X] If When she demands to switch the topic back to the Great One, tell her that Ebrietas will be back in a sec, then she can have a face-to-whatever-Ebrietas-has talk with her.
[X] Sure, but first introductions! *Cue Father Anderson humbly spilling out all of his titles.*
-[X] Do you want to hear of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ?
--[X] If When she demands to switch the topic back to the Great One, tell her that Ebrietas will be back in a sec, then she can have a face-to-whatever-Ebrietas-has talk with her.
[X] Sure, but first introductions! *Cue Father Anderson humbly spilling out all of his titles.*
-[X] Do you want to hear of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ?
--[X] If When she demands to switch the topic back to the Great One, tell her that Ebrietas will be back in a sec, then she can have a face-to-whatever-Ebrietas-has talk with her.

Just caught up.

[X] Sure, but first introductions! *Cue Father Anderson humblyspilling out all of his titles.*
-[X] Do you want to hear of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ?
--[X] If When she demands to switch the topic back to the Great One, tell her that Ebrietas will be back in a sec, then she can have a face-to-whatever-Ebrietas-has talk with her.
[X] Sure, but first introductions! *Cue Father Anderson humbly spilling out all of his titles.*
-[X] Do you want to hear of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ?
--[X] If When she demands to switch the topic back to the Great One, tell her that Ebrietas will be back in a sec, then she can have a face-to-whatever-Ebrietas-has talk with her.
Institute of Higher Learning
"And I," you say with an unnecessary straightening of your collar, "have answers. The name's Paladin Father Alexander Anderson, God's Assassin, the Bayonet Priest, Saint Guillotine, the Killing Judge..."

"That's all well and-" she tries to interject.

"...Exorcist, Crusader, Punisher, Executioner..."

"Look, could you-"

"...Purifier, Ripper, Dust to Dust..."

Simon's got his head in his hand and Ebrietas looks embarrassed. You soldier on.

"...and Iscariot's Trump Card. Also, this is Simon and that's Ebrietas. How d'ye do?"

"Micolash would have loved you," she mumbles, frustrated glare clearly visible despite the blindfold. "I am Yurie, scholar of Byrgenwerth. How did you convince a Great One to be your personal transport?"

You shrug. "Asked nicely."

He did!

To her credit, Yurie doesn't flinch, yelp, gasp, faint, or give any other outward sign of surprise. She merely glances over at Ebrietas, who waves a tentacle in response, and sighs.

"Come inside." She leads you towards the front doors and waves you through, obviously wowed by your diplomatic skills. Or she might just be trying to ensure more favorable fight conditions against ranged specialists and take Ebrietas out of play. Either way, you're cool with it.

Byrgenwerth's interior looks a bit better than its exterior, although that's an admittedly low bar. Heavy bookshelves line the walls, interspersed here and there with portraits, busts, or other curios. A spiral staircase leads to the second floor and you can see where lichen and ivy are struggling to reclaim the structure from within.

As you pass the busts, you note that several are either broken or outright missing, their inscriptions scuffed beyond legibility. You do manage to make out a few, however, that have survived both time and this visceral critique.




"Take a seat," says Yurie, interrupting your appraisal. The wooden chairs she offers look as though they're losing wars of attrition with the local termite population, but manage to support your weight with only some mild shrieks of protest. You note with some respect that she's got you seated in a corner and is herself seated where Ebrietas, plopped patiently at the door, can't see her.

"You sound like a preacher," she says. "I killed the last man who tried to preach to me with my bare hands. Speak clearly and speak honestly. How did you meet Ebrietas and why is she allied with you? How can she communicate."

"Bit of a long story, that," you say. "Sure ye don't want a bit o' preachin' before we get inta it? Got some good stuff about Jesus Christ and eternal salvation and all that good stuff."

She turns towards your companion. "Simon, was it?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Do you mind if I injure your friend?"

"Go ahead; he regenerates, anyway."

"Ye traitorous fuckbag-"

Thankfully, she only goes for your knee. You grumble as the myriad bits and pieces knit themselves back together, glancing over at Ebrietas. "Ye could've interjected, ye know."

She did ask permission.

"Fine, fine. So, our story begins at the Grand Cathedral, where me and my mate Eileen were slaughterin' the shit out o' the Choir..."

Heedless of the splinters digging their way ever deeper into your ass, you regale your impassive host with your tale of friendship and catastrophic violence, from your first meeting with Ebrietas to her throwdown with the Lesser Amygdala. Simon chimes in with further details of the last part, which by his telling featured some impressive headbutts from the big lass. Apparently that dome isn't as squishy as it looks.

"So why are you here?" Yurie asks as you and Simon finish arguing over how many arms the Amygdalae had. "There's nothing left but those creatures outside."

"See, the thing is, there's some kinda fuckery goin' on with the School o' Mensis, some kinda nightmare dimension. Thing is, we can't get there and unfuck that fuckery 'cause of somethin' here in Byrgenwerth. Any ideas what that might be?"

"It's Rom," she says without hesitation. "She was before my time, but the college performed extensive studies and I've done my own research. Rom is a barrier, limiting the influence of beasthood on the waking world. Provost Willem theorized that there was a direct connection between the Old Blood and a specific dreamscape and my findings support that."

"Wait, ye're sayin' this what it's like when somethin's limitin' the influence? What the Hell would it be like without her?"


Damn, girl put some serious gravitas in that word.

"So what exactly is Rom?" asks Simon. "A Great One?"

"One who was formerly human. A student here, one of Willem's most beloved pupils. She and I are all that's left of the student body." She gives a humorless smile. "And between us, the mindless creature is doing more good."

[] Ask about
-[] Byrgenwerth alumni
--[] Who?
-[] The School of Mensis
-[] Yurie
-[] Rom

[] Ask Ebrietas about Rom

[] Write in...
[X] "Hold on a second."
-[X] Go back to Johnson's bust
--[X] A wee bit of vandalism is in order here.
[X] Ask about
-[X] Yurie
-[X] Rom
[X] "Hold on a second."
-[X] Go back to Johnson's bust
--[X] A wee bit of vandalism is in order here.
[X] Ask about
-[X] Yurie
-[X] Rom
[X] "Hold on a second."
-[X] Go back to Johnson's bust
--[X] A wee bit of vandalism is in order here.
[X] Ask about
-[X] Yurie
-[X] Rom
[X] "Hold on a second."
-[X] Go back to Johnson's bust
--[X] A wee bit of vandalism is in order here.