Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

We should probably ask if there was anything he wanted to tell Maria or maybe even if he'd like us to deliver a letter.
Hugging seems like it'd be both wildly out of character for Anderson and not something Gerhman would appreciate all that much.
Randomly hugging people might be perfectly in character for Abridged!Anderson when it'd cause mere frustration, irritation and mastication. This is not such a situation.

[x] Randomflyingpan
[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing
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[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing

I like it.
[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing
[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing
[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing
[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing
[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing
[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing
[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing
[X] "Ol' Man, you'd better be lucky that I was taught to respect my elders; else you'd I'd be givin' ya a good rocking for calling that sweet girl somethin like that. Hope's been nothin but kind to me, and I won't take kindly to anyone callin her a tart of all things; even if it's from the closest thing she has to a father."
-[X] "Now, I don't really know tha full story between ya and Maria, Gehrman, but I know how it feels to loose someone close to ya: All those regrets and naggin thoughts of what you coulda done lingerin' in the back of yer mind like a festerin' wound. I know how it feels to want to bring them back, even if it's for one extra moment. And with all the heathen mumbo-jumbo I've dealt with, I'm sure may just be able to pull somethin like that off. In the end tho, I knew that whatever came back wouldn't be whoever I lost and I learned to accept that."
--[X]"Yer a smart man, Gehrman, so I pretty sure that you knew that too. But ya know? Even though you didn't bring Maria back, ya managed to create something beautiful in this little crapsack of a world ya live in. "Hope is a wonderful girl and just because she's not Maria doesn't change that."
----[X] Turn and leave before you do something you'd regret to the man who's giving you free weapons.
[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing
[X] "Ol' Man, you'd better be lucky that I was taught to respect my elders; else you'd I'd be givin' ya a good rocking for calling that sweet girl somethin like that. Hope's been nothin but kind to me, and I won't take kindly to anyone callin her a tart of all things; even if it's from the closest thing she has to a father."
-[X] "Now, I don't really know tha full story between ya and Maria, Gehrman, but I know how it feels to loose someone close to ya: All those regrets and naggin thoughts of what you coulda done lingerin' in the back of yer mind like a festerin' wound. I know how it feels to want to bring them back, even if it's for one extra moment. And with all the heathen mumbo-jumbo I've dealt with, I'm sure may just be able to pull somethin like that off. In the end tho, I knew that whatever came back wouldn't be whoever I lost and I learned to accept that."
--[X]"Yer a smart man, Gehrman, so I pretty sure that you knew that too. But ya know? Even though you didn't bring Maria back, ya managed to create something beautiful in this little crapsack of a world ya live in. "Hope is a wonderful girl and just because she's not Maria doesn't change that."
----[X] Turn and leave before you do something you'd regret to the man who's giving you free weapons.

Thanks for formatting it correctly! Got a bit lazy and forgot to do it yesterday.
[X] Sit with the old man for awhile in silence, give him time to gather himself again.
-[X] " D'ye wish ta wake up?"
--[X] " Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor."
---[X] " I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willin"

He's not been emotionally open in what likely was simultaneously centuries and only a couple years; just pushing on isn't going to help much. Gotta give him alittle moment to catch up again.
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[X] D'ye wish ta wake up?
-[X] Ye've been a great help ta me, Gerhman, and many others besides. It wouldn't be very Christian of me to not do ye at least that tiny a favor.
--[X] I'll have you watch the dawn with me and tha rest o' the crew, God willing

Posting another vote disregards my old one, right?