[X] "Ol' Man, you'd better be lucky that I was taught to respect my elders; else you'd I'd be givin' ya a good rocking for calling that sweet girl somethin like that. Hope's been nothin but kind to me, and I won't take kindly to anyone callin her a tart of all things; even if it's from the closest thing she has to a father."
-[X] "Now, I don't really know tha full story between ya and Maria, Gehrman, but I know how it feels to loose someone close to ya: All those regrets and naggin thoughts of what you coulda done lingerin' in the back of yer mind like a festerin' wound. I know how it feels to want to bring them back, even if it's for one extra moment. And with all the heathen mumbo-jumbo I've dealt with, I'm sure may just be able to pull somethin like that off. In the end tho, I knew that whatever came back wouldn't be whoever I lost and I learned to accept that."
--[X]"Yer a smart man, Gehrman, so I pretty sure that you knew that too. But ya know? Even though you didn't bring Maria back, ya managed to create something beautiful in this little crapsack of a world ya live in. "Hope is a wonderful girl and just because she's not Maria doesn't change that."
----[X] Turn and leave before you do something you'd regret to the man who's giving you free weapons.