While Johnathan stares in grim fascination at your handiwork, you figure now would be a good time to take stock of the situation. Things have calmed down after that little clusterfuck and you should work out where to go from here.
Patches? Squashed.
Actually-Pretty-Decent One? Styled on.
Eileen, Alexandria, and the wounded? In Ebrietas' capable tentacles.
Hm, you should probably check up on your biggest disciple soon. She's a sensitive sort.
For now, though, it seems like you have time to get to the important things, like carving this spindly fuck into material for weapons, armor, tasteful decorations, and whatever else you can come up with. Just tossing it out there but a cross made of its arms would be metal as fuck.
You replace the club with your sword and stroll over towards the choice bits on Amygdala's mostly-unbungled legs and tail.
"What are you doing?" Johnathan asks after a few practice chops.
"What, ye never field-dressed anything before? Got a whole mess o' plans for this guy. I'm still confident I can sell Alex on the laserhand thing."
"She usually prefers Alexandria," he mutters. Then, more loudly, "Anything I can do to hep out?"
"If ye've got a blade ye don't mind dullin', ye're welcome ta take a swing. I'll get 'is legs and tail if ye'll get the arms."
You continue whacking away as Johnathan scrounges up a few blades from the casualties of your assault on the Grand Cathedral. Before long, he's going to town on Amygdala's many shoulders. This could be a good bonding opportunity.
"So," you say as you work through the base of the beast's tail, "got any ideas for what would look good on ye? Any motif ye're lookin' at?"
"How do you mean?"
"Well, ye're not exactly the most intimidatin' sort, so I figure some badass armor'd help with that. And ye've gotta have a motif or the whole thing just falls apart. Eileen's got the crow thing and I think Djura's goin' for a wolf theme. We could probably whip up some kinda spider look out o' this guy. Catch evildoers in the web o' righteousness."
"I've got a motif, though. The whole priest thing."
"Well, yeah, but so do all yer mates." The tail comes off with a sound like Iscariot's bimonthly lobster night. "Plus, I'm pullin' it off better than the lot o' ye."
You move on to the left leg and listen to the assorted profanities of Johnathon struggling with a stubborn collarbone. Now that you think about it, it would probably have been easier to borrow one of the Powder Kegs' saws for this, but they're both indisposed at the moment. In any case, you hum happily as you fall into a rhythm.
"You really think I'm not intimidating?" says Johnathan after a brief while.
"Well, ye're fine compared to a normal person, but next ta Eileen, the Kegs, or me? Not even close. Ye're a bit behind Liam, I'd say."
"How is that a fair comparison? Liam's like two and a half meters tall."
"Hey, I've seen plenty o' gangly bastards that couldn't scare a toddler. He's got loomin' down to an art. Sure, his eyebrows could use a trim, but that's not a dealbreaker."
"Whatever you say."
Working together, it doesn't take you long to produce a nice pile of crafting material, which you shove up your sleeve. Johnathan does not comment.
"Think that'll do it," you say.
"I saw Ebrietas drop a few people off, then take Eileen and Alexandria back to the chapel while you were chopping up the leg," Johnathan replies. "We'd talked about setting up a barricade outside the Mensis hideout."
Maybe the idea of Ebrietas Public Transport could be worth looking into after all this.
[] Check on the barricade
[] Go back to the chapel
-[] Talk to
--[] Who?
[] Write in...