Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

"For approximately the last hour, we have been under siege by an endless supply of cannon fodder which Ebrietas informed me are summoned creatures called forth by a dozen casters, two of whom Father Anderson killed in his little adventure. At present, the siege has abated somewhat, making this an ideal time to strike back. Attacking Yahar'gul and hunting down the casters seem the most obvious courses of action."
I wonder if they could end up summoning "The One Reborn" if they are left alone for too long.
I wonder if they could end up summoning "The One Reborn" if they are left alone for too long.
The One Reborn was only summoned after Rom was killed the Paleblood Moon was unleashed, and by the look of it, the ritual needed the Paleblood Moon itself to work. My guess is no Red Moon, no One Reborn. Or at least, no One Reborn without significantly more effort.
Maybe it's because I've been reading the Worm/Bloodborne crossover Hunter over at Spacebattles, but the underlined stood out to me.

I hope Anderson can do something to help Gehrman find some measure of peace. :(
Actually, that's something I hadn't thought of.

In the original game, you're a Hunter, bound to the Dream. Gehrman, who sees the Dream as a prison, ultimately tries to kill you while you're still inside its confines, which would apparently sever the Hunter's link to the Dream and erase their memories of everything they'd been through.

Problem is - Anderson isn't a Hunter. His connection to the Dream is some weird one-off magic trick of the Great Ones, and since he was already a certified monster hunter/lunatic when he arrived, Yharnam isn't really putting any dents in his SAN score. Furthermore, the whole "kill them in the Dream to save them from it" gambit won't work on the good padre, because he doesn't seem to possess the resurrective immortality granted by the Hunter's Contract.

What's going through Gehrman's head right now?
What's going through Gehrman's head right now?
"I can't believe he possessed enough restraint to not just press the button to find out what it did. I was absolutely certain he would. How does that man keep surprising me like this? What am I going to do about this mess?"


"And how do I get that horrible pun out of my head?"

I assume that he's going to try to figure something out, but I have no idea what he could come up with. The bigger question is: what's going through the mind of the Moon Presence ? What does he make of all this? Is he the one responsible for bringing Anderson to the Dream? If he is: what exactly is his plan? If he isn't: who did?

Since Father Anderson didn't enter the Dream and Yharnam the normal way, I don't see why he would exit it the normal way. Maybe Ebrietas can just send him on his way once he's done with everything? Maybe he'll just walk out of Yharnam on his feet to find other people in need of the Good Book once he's done with The Night. Maybe all Anderson has to do to get home is teleport ("I forgot I could do that.") when inside the Dream? "The power was within you all along!"

You are Tricia is writing an Abridged!Hellsing/Bloodborne crossover and still manage to make people feel emotions. I'm sure you she will be able to come up with something amusing.

Edit: not sure why I thought I was responding to the author there.
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[X] Hunt down the casters
-[X] Ask Ebrietas if she can do something about the bell we showed earlier, so we can track the casters using it.
--[X] If it's successful, hand it to Eileen
-[X] In the meantime, we can use this lull before the next wave to setup some traps around the church.
-[X] Once the next assault begins and the traps have been set off, Anderson will march out the front doors, preaching the Word of the LORD, start stabbing, and getting as much 'heat' as he can from the attackers.
-[X] While everyone's trying (and failing) to end Anderson's happy hour, Eileen, Simon and Steffon would be quietly going around hunting the very busy casters

Lets do this
[X] Talk to
-[X] Gehrman
--[X] About the shovel.
---[X] Ask what the button does.
----[X] "Can I keep it?"
[X] Before leaving the Dream, offer a prayer of thanks to the Lord God to show your gratitude over the protection He has granted you against the heathen madness of Yharnam.
[X] Return to Yharnam
-[X] Strategy meeting
--[X] "Alright, I had my fun. What needs stabbing?"

Edit: Whoops.
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We have a grand total of 4 votes (and one of them was for the last previous update).

This update had 54 ratings.

Anyone else got something to contribute for a plan? Even just plain spit-balling on what to do?
[X] Hunt down the casters
-[X] Ask Ebrietas if she can do something about the bell we showed earlier, so we can track the casters using it.
--[X] If it's successful, hand it to Eileen
-[X] In the meantime, we can use this lull before the next wave to setup some traps around the church.
-[X] Once the next assault begins and the traps have been set off, Anderson will march out the front doors, preaching the Word of the LORD, start stabbing, and getting as much 'heat' as he can from the attackers.
-[X] While everyone's trying (and failing) to end Anderson's happy hour, Eileen, Simon and Steffon would be quietly going around hunting the very busy casters
[X] Hunt down the casters
-[X] Ask Ebrietas if she can do something about the bell we showed earlier, so we can track the casters using it.
--[X] If it's successful, hand it to Eileen
-[X] In the meantime, we can use this lull before the next wave to setup some traps around the church.
-[X] Once the next assault begins and the traps have been set off, Anderson will march out the front doors, preaching the Word of the LORD, start stabbing, and getting as much 'heat' as he can from the attackers.
-[X] While everyone's trying (and failing) to end Anderson's happy hour, Eileen, Simon and Steffon would be quietly going around hunting the very busy casters
[X] Hunt down the casters
-[X] Ask Ebrietas if she can do something about the bell we showed earlier, so we can track the casters using it.
--[X] If it's successful, hand it to Eileen
-[X] In the meantime, we can use this lull before the next wave to setup some traps around the church.
-[X] Once the next assault begins and the traps have been set off, Anderson will march out the front doors, preaching the Word of the LORD, start stabbing, and getting as much 'heat' as he can from the attackers.
-[X] While everyone's trying (and failing) to end Anderson's happy hour, Eileen, Simon and Steffon would be quietly going around hunting the very busy casters

Lets do this
[X] Hunt down the casters
-[X] Ask Ebrietas if she can do something about the bell we showed earlier, so we can track the casters using it.
--[X] If it's successful, hand it to Eileen
-[X] In the meantime, we can use this lull before the next wave to setup some traps around the church.
-[X] Once the next assault begins and the traps have been set off, Anderson will march out the front doors, preaching the Word of the LORD, start stabbing, and getting as much 'heat' as he can from the attackers.
-[X] While everyone's trying (and failing) to end Anderson's happy hour, Eileen, Simon and Steffon would be quietly going around hunting the very busy casters
[X] Hunt down the casters
-[X] Ask Ebrietas if she can do something about the bell we showed earlier, so we can track the casters using it.
--[X] If it's successful, hand it to Eileen
-[X] In the meantime, we can use this lull before the next wave to setup some traps around the church.
-[X] Once the next assault begins and the traps have been set off, Anderson will march out the front doors, preaching the Word of the LORD, start stabbing, and getting as much 'heat' as he can from the attackers.
-[X] While everyone's trying (and failing) to end Anderson's happy hour, Eileen, Simon and Steffon would be quietly going around hunting the very busy casters
Enemy at the Gates
"Huntin' the casters sounds like a plan. Got some ideas about how ta do it," you say. The rest of the room turns to look at you with a mix of curiosity and abject horror.

"Go on," says Eileen.

"Alright, first off, we know Ebrietas can track 'em when they start summonin' shit. I nicked one o' the bells they use off of 'em, so we could check and see if she can use it ta make her job easier. While she's workin' on that and those arsewipes are takin' tea or whatever, we set up some traps; do we still have some left over from when we were jury-riggin' the doors?"

"We do, actually," Steffon confirms. "And it wouldn't be difficult or time-consuming to cobble together some more."

"Great. Once they start swarmin' again and the traps go off, I step out the front door and draw attention ta myself while you guys flank 'em and take 'em out one by one."

"Please be more specific about how you'll 'draw attention to yourself'," says Eileen, who has known you far too long to allow any ambiguity in your plans.

"Screamin' and gratuitous violence. A few psalms here, some explosions there, derogatory comments about the pricks' appearances, family, and past sexual encounters, etcetera. Far enough out where the kids can't hear it, of course."

Eileen nods slightly, then lowers her head in concentration.

"Any questions? Concerns? Suggestions for the aforementioned derogatory comments?"

Two of the three Churchmen present raise their hands.

"There will be no throwing involved."

One of them lowers his hand.

"Alright, you on the left."

"Do we really need traps? None of them have managed to make a dent in the ward and it seems like the ones we're actually after are content to keep their distance. Also, my name is Alexandria, just for future reference."

Huh, you never would have guessed with that haircut.

"I have an amendment to propose," says Eileen without raising her hand. "There must be a maximum distance they can be from what they summon, otherwise they wouldn't put themselves in harm's way like this. Plus, we know where they'll retreat to unless there's a safehouse we're unfamiliar with. Rather than have all of us burst out at once, we could send the reconnaissance team out first to camp near the entrance to Yahar'gul, leave a small squad there, and have the rest attack the casters on your signal. The ones who try to run get caught near Yahar'gul or at the very least put themselves out of range for further siege."

"We could set up a front line further up once they scatter," says Steffon. They seem to have totally abandoned the time-tested hand-raising system and plunged this meeting into anarchy. "If we're far enough out and have contact with Ebrietas, we could pick off any stragglers the moment they try to summon anything new."

The Churchmen (and woman) nod amongst themselves, while Simon's brow gets thoroughly furrowed.

"Somethin' on yer mind?" you say.

"I don't like this. They haven't adapted their tactics at all even though they're clearly doing nothing to the ward and you've killed several of them. When you decided to swoop in, there were three Hunters waiting. They're trying to draw us out."

"What do ye propose?"

"Wait it out. We have supplies and if they send out anything big enough to break the ward, it'll have to deal with the turret and everything else we have up there."

"As a wise man once said," you reply, "everyone's got a plan 'til they get punched in the mouth."

"Paranoia was in my job description," he says, "but the final decision is yours."

[] Go through with the assault
-[] Final tweaks to the plan?

[] Wait it out
-[] Return to the Nightmare

[] Write in...

Well, we could just teleport our way, rooftop-to-rooftop, to their fallback point, and then proceed to flank them starting from there, killing any hostiles we come across.
Okay, Simon has a point.

Can anyone familiar with the lore care to expand on these casters? Is there a guiding intelligence behind them that can plan and strategize a trap against us?

Does the Blood Moon really need to be up for them to summon the One Reborn?
If one visits the Hypogean Gaol before the Blood Moon is up, chanting can be heard for some sort of ritual. This ritual may be what creates the One Reborn. Or it could be the ritual that creates the Blood Moon that Rom holds back.

It may also be possible that the cultists will eventually figure out what Rom is doing. I do not know if they would dare attempt to correct that, but it is possible. If they go after Rom themselves, the Blood Moon could arise without our involvement.
Is it possible that they're not after the refugees inside the church, but they're actually gunning for Ebrietas?

After all, she is a Great One that managed to communicate with humans without turning their brains into alphabet soup.
If one visits the Hypogean Gaol before the Blood Moon is up, chanting can be heard for some sort of ritual. This ritual may be what creates the One Reborn. Or it could be the ritual that creates the Blood Moon that Rom holds back.

It may also be possible that the cultists will eventually figure out what Rom is doing. I do not know if they would dare attempt to correct that, but it is possible. If they go after Rom themselves, the Blood Moon could arise without our involvement.
Donum libas
Maledictus bestia

Pater do si donas.
Argentum aquae in tenebris.

Mater sanguine
Redemptio risa se
Exciet exciet. Flebatur a salis.

Vale, vale,
In tenebris aquae.

Et argentum aquae.
Et argentum aquae.

Another goal of theirs might be to distract us while they try to kill Rom.

As I said before Spider girl is one of the few characters that is acting without any malicious intent.

If they kill her then any ritual they might wish to accomplish, like trying to gain unborn Great ones like fake Isofeka did before, is within their reach.

On top of that we lose another great one we could convert to our cause and the lord, which is bad.
As I said before Spider girl is one of the few characters that is acting without any malicious intent.
I'm... legitimately not sure if Rom's suppression of the Blood Moon is even deliberate. It seems to be implied that there's not really any kind of functioning mind left inside there, just a basic instinct for self-preservation.

Still, this seems like a possibility, although it seems like an odd choice for the Order of Mensis to waste valuable manpower harassing Anderson and co. when Byrgenwerth is protected by fireball-launching nematode worms, frenzy-inducing insect men, and one of the most bullshit OP Hunters in the game.

Another unsettling possibility is that the Order has devoted most of their assets to a seat-of-the-pants raid on the catacombs, and the casters are here to keep Anderson tied up so he doesn't wreck the skeleton crew left behind at Yahar'gul itself. The Chalice Dungeons might just be bonus areas in the game, but in-universe they contain things like Ebrietas, the Pthumerian Descendant, and the Holy Moonlight Greatsword.

Just one artifact/eldritch personage on the Order's side would be an incredible advantage for them, and considering that an unknown factor just showed up and casually pushed Amygdala's, the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst's, and the Healing Church's collective shit in without breaking a sweat... they might be scared enough to risk it.