Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare

Djura's a sharp man, he's already started putting the pieces together.

And having some forewarning about Ludwig and the rest now will make the quipping during their inevitable boss fights later all the sweeter for it.
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare

You know I wonder what ol' wheel boy will say when we tell him we decapitated the leader and founder of his order.

I mean that has to be a bit of a faux pas right?
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare

-[x]Are there any other interesting old toys we might encounter besides the Boom Hammer?

This might put us on the lookout for a Whirligig Saw. We must have the giant pizza cutter.
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare

-[x]Are there any other interesting old toys we might encounter besides the Boom Hammer?

Portable Gatling Gun? Portable Gatling Gun.
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare
-[x]Are there any other interesting old toys we might encounter besides the Boom Hammer?
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare

-[x]Are there any other interesting old toys we might encounter besides the Boom Hammer?
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare

-[x]Are there any other interesting old toys we might encounter besides the Boom Hammer?
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare
-[x]Are there any other interesting old toys we might encounter besides the Boom Hammer?

"More blood!"
"Less blood!"
"More blood!"
"Less blood!"
"More blood!"

"More blood!"
"Less blood!"
"Well alright then, if that's how ye want-"
"Wh- bu- more blood!"
"Oi, no changing yer mind!"
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare
-[x]Are there any other interesting old toys we might encounter besides the Boom Hammer
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare
-[x]Are there any other interesting old toys we might encounter besides the Boom Hammer?

Still very hype about possible dual wielding of Amygdalan weapons
[x] Keep talking to the Powder Kegs
-[x] Any others who might have entered the Nightmare
-[x]Are there any other interesting old toys we might encounter besides the Boom Hammer?
Correct. For reasons I won't get into, Death is forced to sharpen his scythe with mortal implements. After sharpening it on a grindstone, an oilstone, steel, satin, silk (finest white, from a wedding dress, never worn) cobwebs and the pre-dawn breeze, somebody at last finds him atop a hill, angling the blade against the dawn's light.
Reaper Man said:
"Oh, come on, No-one can / sharpen / any- / thing / on day / light!"
She paused.
He waved the blade again.
"Go / od Gr / ief."
GNU PTerry
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Correct. For reasons I won't get into, Death is forced to sharpen his scythe with mortal implements. After sharpening it on a grindstone, an oilstone, steel, satin, silk (finest white, from a wedding dress, never worn) cobwebs and the pre-dawn breeze, somebody at last finds him atop a hill, angling the blade against the dawn's light.