Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

[X] Take a portion of the gang to do one of the above
-[X] Take the gang to meet Ebrietas
--[X] Grab the more reasonable members first, try and lessen the chance anyone does anything stupid.
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[X] Take a portion of the gang to do one of the above
-[X] Take the gang to meet Ebrietas
--[X] Grab the more reasonable members first, try and lessen the chance anyone does anything stupid.
That was wonderful.

[X] Take the gang to meet Ebrietas

I'm actually pretty sure Djura and Stefan would be okay with her. It's not like they're unfamiliar with befriending monstrous things.
[X] Take the gang to meet Ebrietas.
Also, "What would Jesus do?", got me laughing so hard, its hard to imagine an eldritch abomination questioning the morality of the situation but there you are.
[X] Take a portion of the gang to do one of the above
-[X] Take the gang to meet Ebrietas
--[X] Grab the more reasonable members first, try and lessen the chance anyone does anything stupid.
[X] Take a portion of the gang to do one of the above
-[X] Take the gang to meet Ebrietas
--[X] Grab the more reasonable members first, try and lessen the chance anyone does anything stupid.
I guess Ebrietas is still young, so those that see her don't get a massive Insight dump? More probable is that their mood is tied to it, since the Mediocre One was pissed beyond belief when we planted a ward on his ass, and when an excited Ebrietas accidentally killed the choir members who made first contact.

If God has a mortal representative, why doesn't He grant him any supernatural abilities to better spread the Word?

"I'd like ta see the old man chuck fireballs, too, but the Pope needs ta be mortal ta have the proper perspective."

And God can't make the Pope more persuasive because people have to join the faith of their own free will, right?

"That's right!"
Maybe it's just me or the crowd I hang around with, but I spent ten years in a Catholic school in a Catholic country, and not once have I heard of questions like these back then. That kinda says something, I think.
I see Anderson managed to make his way to the DLC.
"Strictly speaking, the Amygdala Arm is no trick weapon of any sort-"
Gehrman disagrees.

"but certain madmen wield them like clubs."
Totally accurate.

[X] Take a portion of the gang to do one of the above
-[X] Take the gang to meet Ebrietas
--[X] Grab the more reasonable members first, try and lessen the chance anyone does anything stupid.
[X] Take a portion of the gang to do one of the above
-[X] Take the gang to meet Ebrietas
--[X] Grab the more reasonable members first, try and lessen the chance anyone does anything stupid.
lets not risk Odeon getting all pissy like at all, shall we?

Eh, he can throw a tantrum all he likes. As long as Rom is alive he is impotent to do anything anyway.

Also, considering we've already altered canon so much, has anyone ever thought what reaction Anderson would have when he inevitably finds the real Hunter's Workshop, and in turn, the real Plain Doll? I haven't had time to check, but according to internet, even in the real world she is also alive (some claim that if examined closely, her finger is twitching).