Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

[x]Nail him to the ground with bayonets
-[x]Execute with Ludwig's holy blade onc
I was initially thinking firin mah lazer but since the club got damaged I think we should visit Gherman and have him check it out before firing it again.
Steel again meets carapace, but this time, the blade bites deep. There's a reddish haze around it that wasn't there before. In addition, the grip has sprouted a series of spines, tearing through his gauntlets and essentially pinning itself to his hand. The spines are translucent enough for you to make out the flow of blood from hand to sword.

Even with his off-hand, the newfound cutting power is more than the Club o' Righteousness can handle. You can feel his smug grin as his blade inches closer and closer to you, parting the alien tissue with the inevitability of a meteor strike.
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[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?

Finish him now before he can regenerate. If you are not familiar with Bloodborne, the vileblood rune grants regeneration when you are at low health. Not much mind you, but being called the bloody crow of Cainhurst and artificial hunter. It would not surprise me if he was created from the vileblood strain of blood.
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?

This will probably take awhile.
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[x] Try to talk to him.
-[x] Why? What has the Church done for him that he would continue to fight with such wounds?
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
This level of commitment from a man who casually mentioned his desire to fight the Healing Church's gods is rather unusual. And honestly, asking him his motivation could serve a lead in to conversion, which I want.
I think he is fighting less out of loyalty and more out of a thinking process of: "This guy killed a Great One, if I kill him that makes me stronger than a Great One. Then I can go out and kill more Great Ones."

He honestly seems to have a fixation on killing things to become stronger. He is a weapon designed to kill. And he has been prevented from doing what he was made for until now.

Actually, killing him would be good in the long term. I don't think he would really care what he kills so long as he can kill more things.
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[x] Kill him.
"Ye have been measured" advance slowly on him.
"Ye have been weighed." Produce the Club
"Ye have been found wanting!" Slam the club down on his skull.

Take the bone, the gun and the blade, its heathen fuckery but maybe the others can use it.
[X] Try to talk to him.
-[X] Well, looks like ye're not stronger than God's Assassin Anderson. Think ye'd have a good shot at a Jumped-Up Giant Spider, though.
--[X] So, are ye gonna keel over and die like a chump, or do ye wanna come back in and see what's goin' on with the giant poodle? I'll drag ya if yer legs aren't workin'.

Let's try and make a friend, Anderson-style. Hey, it worked with Alucard.
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[x] Try to talk to him.
-[x] Why? What has the Church done for him that he would continue to fight with such wounds?

Killing him would be a waste.

This dude has all the markings of a shonen rival. Let's make him ours.
[x] Try to talk to him.
-[X] "People like us would hate a merciful death. Wee go down into the grave spittin' and bitin'. So while you crawl to knaw at me ankles, let me ask ye some questions."
--[X] "Why? What has the Church done for ye that ye would continue to fight with such wounds? If it was the satisfaction o' ripping me head off, it would make more sense for ye to retreat and come back later. Preferably with a body that wasn't broken to shite.
[X] Finish him.
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[X] Finish him.
-[X] "Faciamque in eis ultiones magnas, arguens in furore: et scient quia ego Dominus, cum dedero vindictam meam super eos."
-[X] Then go check what fell out of his coat. Eileen or the Powder Kegs could probably use the vials and mist and why the fuck was he carrying around an old bone? Is it some kind of heathen relic or something?
[x] Try to talk to him.
-[X] "People like us would hate a merciful death. Wee go down into the grave spittin' and bitin'. So while you crawl to knaw at me ankles, let me ask ye some questions."
--[X] "Why? What has the Church done for ye that ye would continue to fight with such wounds? If it was the satisfaction o' ripping me head off, it would make more sense for ye to retreat and come back later. Preferably with a body that wasn't broken to shite.

@mithril-blade got a good Anderson IC vote, methinks...