I look at the pain my people are going through. I see it in every newscast that reports upon the Damnable Orks. Every world taken through genocide, through what your people can't even call War, only slaughter. Trillions of sapients dead. Through what are our descendants, through the Old Ones, our blessed creators.
When Bastion and Seras came, so too did the Aeldari, fallen so far. The Protoss had always heard rumors of a race more ancient then your kind. And when the Aeldari came, you learned the Truth. The Protoss are the Second Born of the Old Ones, a prototype for the Third Born, the Orks.
An idiotic, barbaric race that is, apparently, the immune system of the galaxy.
This wouldn't have been so bad if the Old Ones had remembered to install an off switch. But they didn't, and now the Orks are more rampant then ever in this galaxies history, besides the Orks own birth era.
Even now, Protoss looked at you with concern, at your rage. Noble Adun had tried to talk you out of this, this heresy. But the Protoss will only survive with change. The Golden Armada, ever victorious, for millions of years, can only go so far in the galaxy. Due to one thing.
The Khala.
The holiest thing amongst the Protoss. The thing that connects your minds, your souls with each other. So much has been accomplished with the Khala, and those that followed the Khala.
The greatest weakness of the Ever-Victorious Golden Armada is the fact that it cannot patrol the entire galaxy. Because of the Khala. You want to change this, so the Conclave must be assembled.
Noble Adun looked upon you with worry. But you know, he will accept what you will do. The Conclave? No. You don't know what they will do. You stand upon a golden platform, with the ancient trees and jungle of Aiur at your back, the Conclave floating above on golden grav-platforms.
"You have called upon the Conclave, Protoss. Do not waste our time. Name yourself, and your purpose," said young Aldaris.
"I am Raszagal, and I come to make right a Wrong of the Protoss species," you said.
"What is this Wrong, noble Raszagal," asked Noble Adun, with tired eyes. He was the oldest of the Protoss, but you can feel his death approaching. You only hope it is not you that will do the deed.
You looked at the Conclave, the High Templar, beings who could wipe out civilizations with their psionic might. But that is the thing. They can only fight within the Khala. You ready yourself for sacrifice.
"It is believed that the Old Ones created the Protoss, us Second Born, as nothing but a prototype for the Orks. Damnable proof has been given to us through the First Born, the Aeldari. A peer race that controlled the galaxy, a duty that the Protoss have never wanted," you shuffle, looking down from the Conclave's eyes into the ancient engravings written into the gravity platform. A story about a duo of Protoss sacrificing themselves to make the first Holy Archon. You set yourself, knowing you will be damned. Adun looks upon you with a vague acceptance. He now Knows what you will do.
"I believe the Protoss are not the prototype for the Orks. The Old Ones did nothing without purpose, and their decisions only helped the sanctity of life. The Orks are out of control, seeking the extinction of every race not of themselves through their psionic WAAAGGGHHH energies. I believe we are the check against them."
"You are a fool Raszagal! The Orks will be silenced, as every threat to the Children of Aiur have been silenced. No matter their numbers, no matter their magics, they shall fall as all Others have against the Golden Armada," declares young Aldaris.
You see your words have had an effect. Some of the Conclave look in interest seeing truth, some in boredom, so sure of their might.
"You are a fool Aldaris, you do not know their numbers, you do not know the threat of the WAAAGGGHHH energies, a perversion of the Khala. They will drown every mortal race with numbers. Perhaps the Golden Armada shall be victorious, but our green cousins will not go gently into the Void." You will not be cowed into silence. They must know the truth.
Before young Aldaris can interrupt, Noble Adun speaks. He has divined what you will do. He looks so tired and old. You were so sorry. If only for him.
"It doesn't matter what the arguments of the Conclave have to say, Raszagal, only your will. I have seen the anger and despair among the younger Protoss, to be told that the Protoss were nothing more than a prototype to xenocide. I have walked among the Warrior Caste and heard their rage. That they cannot fight against this Green Menace, due to the fact that they cannot fight outside the Khala. As the younger races fight against this threat, what will they say of the Protoss, the Second Born? That they are cowards, never fighting where victory is not assured? That they are weak, their technologies useless against the WAAAGGGHHH?
Show us the strength you have Raszagal."
Aldaris looks around at Adun, then at the Conclave. Everyone can feel the fear you hold now. You know what you must do.
Only through sacrifice, shall you be able to fight.
The Conclave looks at you.
You bring up your right arm, activate it's psi-blade, and lower your head. Looking at the first story of the first sacrifice of the first Archon.
You bring up your left arm, to gather your psi-tendrils.
You make the cut. You have never felt such pain. And you have never felt so alone.
You look at the Conclave, and they stare back in fear and desperation. Some wondering why this Heresy? To cut yourself off from the Khala. Only Noble Adun looks with satisfaction.
You gather yourself, "I so swear, the Orks shall fall by my blade, they shall fall through shadows until they think they are lost. They shall be sent to the Void itself, to never trouble the races of this Galaxy. They shall be rendered Extinct.
This I so swear as Dark Templar."
A.N. I really like Protoss. I also cried writing this.