Chapter 9.2
Shape the Narrative:
[X] Show Meditation, Show Testing, Then Get To Social Interactions
Cupid Brought WMDs:
[X] Miss Militia
- [x] Stunt: "Nice discount" Hana says to her companion, surveying the three bedroom NY hotel suite. Saki smiles as she closes her phone. "Sleepover at Ms Sato's place for me though. See you in the morning." She slips past Robert into the hallway, and the door shuts with a soft click. Robert stares at the door, and then back to Hana. "What just happened?"
Taylor's Armor Mark II:
[X] Plan: Knowledge Is Power
- Dimensional Torsion Core v1.93
- Distributed Computer System v5.54d
- Enhanced Mobility Systems v3.21f
- Fold-space Backpack v1.03c
- Knowledge Web Crawler v4.25d
- Tactical Prediction Model Generator v.08b
Free Action:
[X] Free Action: Missy is seated on her bed next to Saki, both of them giggling over a shared laptop. Lord Grasp is riding Saki's head like the world's most terrifyingly fabulous hat. Grasp spots Taylor entering and waves the sheaf of papers clutched in his claw. "Excellent! The first recitation of Kiss of Obsidian Butterflies demands an audience!"
XP Expenditures:
[X] FPoP - 3 XP - Ally (Crawler/Defiant/Ned) ●○○○○
[X] EOA - 3 XP - Ally (Bonesaw/Riley) ●●○○○
It's a matter of scant few moments before the approaching duo swoop down onto the reinforced netting upon which you are sitting, the crackling roar of the cerulean-crystal woman's jets cutting out smoothly as the net quickly steadies from her added weight - a surprisingly small shift, considering the absolutely massive amount of smooth, crystalline armor encasing the woman.
But despite the blue figure's startling the size, dexterity, lack of weight, and alien beauty, it is the much smaller figure slipping out of her arms that holds your attention.
Your first impression was both right and wrong: Taylor wasn't just glowing in a metaphorical sense, she is actually glowing. Against her dark, graphite-like skin, the yellowish, eerily-luminescent networks of light appear to be… veins? It's almost as if her major veins and arteries are lit from within, - an effect made even more disconcerting when she smiles at you, revealing that the light also emanates from her mouth.
Did she… swallow one of those fusion batteries she was working on before? Or did she eat one of Bakuda's bombs right as it was going off? She doesn't appear to be in pain...
On top of looking like she's a few minutes away from a reactor meltdown, all the Charms that Taylor normally hides are out on full display. Her forearms and hands are those sleek, obsidian gauntlets she uses for basically everything, there are seams, metal plates, embedded wires, and rivets all over her body… kind of how you look right now, actually, even if a bunch of them don't match what your own Charms look like. It's kind of weird, actually, since the only other time you've seen her like this was when she tried meditating during the road trip... then her Charms started popping out of her skin and her hair changed colors.
Actually, now that she's up close, there's two major differences between how she looked then and now - besides the whole 'maybe blowing up soon' thing. The little legs jutting out from the sides of her head look… fancier now, with gold and silver etchings covering the black, spider-like limbs, and her forehead is covered in a sleek, grey plate that has six glowing gemstones arrayed upon it - two pairs of three, set in a triangular pattern directly above each eyebrow - their hue the same golden yellow as Taylor's glowing eyes. They don't have pupils themselves, but you're getting a weird feeling that they almost… seem to be… looking at you?
Gods, is she going out of her way to look like a supervillain? Maybe she's trying to appear tough so that villains will join in the fight against the Nine?
"Saki!" she cheers, raising an obsidian-clawed hand and hopping deftly across the net towards you. Behind her, the cerulean-crystal juggernaut remains silent as she follows a few steps behind.
"H-hey, Taylor," you manage, though your weakened smile regains some of its enthusiasm at the instant recognition. "How'd you know it was me?"
Her hand twitches, pointing a clawed finger towards your face as her own smile turns wry. "You tuck your hair behind your left ear when you're nervous."
Your left hand freezes, caught in the act of taming a stray lock of hair, "...o-oh, right." Dropping the hand back to idly petting Lord Grasp, you try to keep your voice cheerful as you size up at the dark heroine. "You look… different, Taylor."
"Ye-...yeaah. It's a long story…" she draws out, her finger retracting as the hand pulls up to tuck her own wind-blown hair away. A slight twitch in the corner of her left eye as her gaze unfocuses suggests that that's an understatement, but the moment passes as she turns her full focus upon you again - gesturing grandiosely towards your seated form. "But you! Saki… you look amazing! You sound amazing! And you even have a dress?!"
You blush and duck your head, the praise washing away the last feelings of unease at Taylor's new appearance. "Ah-? Thanks? I haven't had a chance to look in a mirror yet, but-"
"Is there a reason the two of you are acting like awe-struck servants at each other? And that language! Ugh!" Tiny pincers clack in displeasure as Lord Grasp shimmies his eight legs on your lap. "You sound like Erymanthoi grunting under a heavy load. Does she not know proper Old Realm?"
You're (somehow) already used to Lord Grasp's mannerisms by now, so you only blink a few times at the outburst. Taylor, on the other hand, goes wide-eyed as her mouth form a little 'o' at the ornate scorpion in your lap. To her credit, she takes barely a blink of an eye to rally - her smile growing even wider, somehow.
"You can speak!" she gasps excitedly, before drawing herself up fully and then bowing formally. "Greetings! My name is Enduring Order Administrator, and this-" she gestures to the silent, crystal-armored statue a step to her side and behind her, "is First Prayer of Perfection."
At the introduction, the large woman reaches up with both gauntlets and - with a sharp crack of broken crystal - removes her helmet and tucks it under her left arm. The now-revealed face is a slightly deeper shade of cerulean, but you haven't studied enough about world cultures to know if she's African, Australian, or is just from Alabama. Your history classes have always been more more skewed towards recent parahuman developments around the world than America's darker past…
You didn't need the schools to teach racism, though - it was hard to miss the Empire Eighty-Eight and Azn Bad Boy gang members screaming 'filthy nigger!', or jeers like 'monkey want banana?' Maybe that's why Aisha seems to like Philadelphia so much more than Brockton Bay?
"Noble spirit," her deep voice rumbles, reverberating through her armored chestpiece in a way that makes it sound like a breath through wind chimes. She bows deeply from the waist, slowly and solemnly. "We are honored."
Lord Grasp makes an approving hum before scuttling out from under your hands and out of your lap. Skittering along the net until he's a few feet away, you hear him make an exhaling sound-
Since his smaller form appeared so similar to his car-sized body, you're a bit shocked when Lord Grasp doesn't just grow, but instead his entire robotic structure comes alive in a dizzying array of impossible machinery. Seams appear and slide open to reveal clockwork gears that split open and multiply before snapping closed, sheathes of metal slide under artistic displays to cause them to expand in size…
The entire process takes perhaps four or five seconds, and leaves Lord Grasp once again as large as an economy-class European car - though he doesn't have his palanquin this time? The artistic layering of his armored back suggest that it might be something that he can retract or extrude at will, you hazard to guess.
Tail curling up and large pincers pulling in on himself, the mechanical scorpion tarnishes his wondrous and majestic display by shuddering and groaning under his breath.
"How can you stand this place? Maintaining my form in this wasteland feels like keeping a shattered statue from falling to pieces..."
You turn your head to cast a quick glance at Taylor, whose renewed expression of shock quickly schools into a considering frown.
"Iris of Innovation mentioned that the lack of Essence in this world felt strange to him, so maybe that's-"
"What?!" the opulent arthropod exclaims, spinning to face your group fully. "What do you mean NO Essence? That's impossible!"
Taylor hums, crossing her left arm under her chest and propping her right elbow up on it to strike a contemplative pose. "Actually, the fundamental particles of this universe function on a different wavelength than science science science Essence blah blah math-..."
You can practically feel your eyes glaze over as Taylor starts speaking in four-syllable words - many of which don't seem to have an Old Realm equivalent, resulting in some back-and-forth between Lord Grasp as he… well, you get the impression that he's having difficulty keeping up as well.
Absently staring at Taylor as she drones on, you wonder if the boys approve of Taylor's new look. Dean seemed to be able to take all of Taylor's creepy-ness in stride, but maybe Chris thinks all the blatant Charms look like cool Tinkertech. Perhaps as an excuse to 'study' her body in more detail...?
Taylor's lecture grinds to a halt as she turns her wary gaze to you. Why- oh... you were giggling out loud, weren't you?
"Ah, I'm sorry," murmur behind a hand, clearing your throat to shove down the giggle attack. "Please, continue."
"No, no, that's quite alright!" Lord Grasp waves off with an imperious tone, shimming his body as if to puff himself up. "I've heard quite enough as well - though, honestly! It was difficult to follow with your atrocious accent!"
Taylor's face falls to a blank, bewildered mask. "My… accent?"
Gold-sheathed manibles click a few times in a 'tut-tut' gesture. "Simply boorish! Provincial! At least Warden and Miss Prayer here have accents that lend them an exotic flare." Pincers raised, he clicks them in self-satisfaction. "I will draft lessons for proper elocution at the earliest opportunity. Once we have routed the current siege, I expect your attendance."
Taylor, still propping up her right arm, raises her index finger as if to make a rebuttal - then squints, frowns, clicks her mouth shut… but just as she's opening her mouth to mount some kind of defense, First Prayer of Perfection makes a thoughtful noise in her throat which stops Taylor's tongue.
"The others," Prayer's harmonic voice muses, though she doesn't take her eyes or posture off of Lord Grasp.
Taylor blinks, then huffs an exasperated sigh - you think you catch the word 'spirits' under her breath - before nodding to you.
"That's right - we need to make sure that everyone knows you're alright, Saki. There's a PRT detachment waiting on the ridge in case Saint or another Endbringer decided to interrupt us again."
You stare up at Taylor, waiting for her to smile at her own joke, but a moment passes and she doesn't seem to be laughing.
"Another Endbringer?"
"That's part of the long story," Taylor sighs and closes her eyes, nodding at the incredulity of your voice. When she opens her eyes again, however, they possess a softness that cuts into your soul. "But… before we go… Sakura?"
You wince, turning away to rub your eyes as the memory of your sister stirs up painful fragments of your psyche. "I… remember seeing her… but I was falling and she… stayed?"
Out of the corner of your eye, Taylor's scowl increases in intensity as she turns her head to look away and up into the air. "So she's still in the Cradle, then? That makes… sense? It takes a week for Autochthon to make a new Alchemical, so we just have to wait until next Tuesday for Sakura to come out."
You make a noncommittal grunt, still rubbing at your eyes and temples. You'd come to a similar conclusion before, when you were in your Safe Place, but… now that it's been said aloud, something doesn't quite… fit?
Shaking her head, Taylor looks back to you and kneels down to put a hand on your shoulder. "If you're having trouble remembering, that's alright - I've made sure to make it clear to the PRT that it's not worth their time to do power tests when everything's still out of alignment, so we've got the next few days cleared for you to get things sorted out first."
You blink away the spots and turn back abruptly in shock.
"Days?! What about the Nine?! We can't just leave Philadelphia-"
An obsidian gauntlet raises to halt your protest, while Taylor's face flits between satisfied and… shamed?
"The Nine are dead or... captured-"
There's a groan from Lord Grasp's direction, and Taylor makes a quick glance his way as he moans something about missing out on chances for glory. Turning back to you, her lips quirk up in a half-smile.
"… but I think the party's still going?"
There is a moment of consideration as Taylor and Marrow - Prayer, you keep having to remind yourself - suggest ways to get back onto land. Prayer says she's strong enough to carry everyone, but Taylor reminds her that the platform is remote-controllable.
Lord Grasp simply scoffs.
"This conveyance is woefully inadequate for making a proper entrance," he dismisses with a gem-encrusted, gold-sheathed pincer. "You are welcome to your own methods of transport, but Warden and I will be travelling the only way that is proper for Exalted: in style."
With that proclamation, the opulent mecha-scorpion settles his 'belly' onto the netting while tucking his legs under his body. Barely a heartbeat later, there is a long, soft whistle - like what you imagine would preface the appearance of a distant, steam-powered train - before thick streams of steam billow out from around Lord Grasp's body.
Then, in casual defiance of reason and physics, Lord Grasp is lifted up from the netting atop the small, puffy, white cloud. So alighted, he floats his way over to your stunned group and clicks his pincers in preening satisfaction.
"A more grand display of style you have not seen, I imagine?"
Beside you, Taylor seems torn between scientific curiosity and laughing at the ego-stroking. Prayer, however, comes to her rescue, though her level delivery could stand to be a bit more emotive. "Your like has not been seen on this world, noble spirit."
His gemstone eyes glitter in a way that you've begun to interpret as an eye-roll, but he hums a bit in thought at the response. "That reminds me; I felt the presence of at least a Third-Circle Deva when we emerged from Warden's sanctum, but I was able to repel its influence when it tried to seize control of my form. Warden didn't appear to be affected - or even notice it - so are the two of you aware of this spirit?"
At your side, Taylor flinches and raises one hand haltingly while sharing looks with Prayer. Their silent exchange lasts barely a moment, after which Taylor brings the hand to her mouth while clearing her throat. "Actually… that was me."
"What?!" Lord Grasp gasps, reeling back on his cloud, eyes glowing white in shock. "How-?"
"I'm sorry, but Saki was scrambling away from you and screaming, so… "
"No, I mean… how? It felt like I touched a mind as vast as the Pole of Earth! How did you…?" he repeats, though now with eyes glowing a light blue as he leans back in towards Taylor, eye-level with your Assembly's leader while scrutinizing her intently. "Is… what are…" he mutters, baffled, "...those legs are a charm?"
Taylor, for her part, stands her ground under the inspection - though her expression shifts between apprehension and confusion. "Yyyyes?"
"That doesn't make any sense!" he explodes, waving his large pincers in apparent offense at the answer. "That's not how charms are supposed to work!"
In response to that outraged assertion, you catch a familiar gleam in Taylor's eye: incoming nerd talk!
"Ah, Lord Grasp?" you interject, trying to appear honestly apologetic, "perhaps we should have this discussion later? Maybe on the trip back?"
The softening expressions of everyone else signals that you appear to have managed to avert another few minutes of incomprehensible jargon, and you manage to hide your sigh of relief.
"Saki's right, we need to get back," Taylor sighs, a mixture of disappointment and embarrassment flashing across her features as she points back towards the crater's lip. "I've been keeping the recovery team updated through my swarm, but Chevalier and Miss Militia need to get back to Philly and Legend needs to get back to New York."
"Legend is here!?" you squeak in surprise, feeling your cheeks already heat up in embarrassment. "For me?!"
Taylor blinks at your reaction, then bobs her head in remembrance. "Oh, right, you didn't get to meet him in New York, did you? Yeah, he's wanted to stay informed of the Assembly's progress, even though he's not interested in being one himself. Which is a shame, but…" she sighs, brow furrowing in concern before casting a glance back to you and Prayer. "Your parahuman power looks different now, so do you still have your private dimension from before? There's a lot I need to talk to you - both of you - about, and I've been putting it off because I was waiting for you to get back."
Prayer blinks at this, but a flash of something crosses her eyes before she nods in acceptance. For your part, you're a bit worried by the ominous tone of Taylor's voice.
"Y-yes? I guess I wasn't paying attention to the vortex, but my… charm?" you try, and get a nod from Taylor, "looks completely different, but… feels mostly the same? Though I don't remember how to teleport to any of the places I could before, so I think I might have to learn it all over again," you finish glumly.
Wincing, Taylor hums to herself while nodding to Prayer to get ready to leave. "Well, hopefully that's just due to your charms being out of alignment and you'll get it all back after some meditation, but if your parahuman power really did get reset… hmm. Hopefully Iris can help."
You catch a flicker of concern from Prayer again at the mention of this 'Iris', though Taylor doesn't seem to pay it any heed as the large blue woman deftly picks her up in a bridal carry again.
Noting that for later, you turn back to Lord Grasp just as he finishes unfurling the similarly-opulent, covered recliner from the armor plating along his back. It's not as golden as it was before, you note, and even before your eyes it appears to shift in design and composition until it appears to perfectly complement both your dress and your Alchemical coloration.
Your eyes flit to meet Lord Grasp's, his own gemstone gaze glittering in haughty satisfaction as his mandibles twitch.
Raising a silken-sleeve-covered hand to your mouth to hide your smile, you roll your eyes in good humor and climb aboard. "Show off."
"My dear Warden, if there is one lesson I have for you, it is this:" he muses primly, before rising smoothly to follow beside the ascending duo of Prayer and Taylor.
"If you've got it, flaunt it."
The trip from the mid-lake platform to the crater's edge is a matter of moments, but within the sheltered luxury of Lord Grasp's litter the world around you feels both just out of reach… and clear enough for observation. The adrenaline (is it still that same chemical?) pumping through your veins has lessened now, and though your emotions are still in turmoil from everything that has happened to you...
This… blasted, bubbling cauldron… was your home, once.
The second to have been torn from you by the Endbringers, though you were barely conscious - due to both age and a fever at the time - when Kyusuu was crushed beneath the waves. Has it truly only been two months… since...
The massive underground bunker lurches, the crowd of packed bodies within devolving into chaos. LED lights flicker from white to red, before some begin to fail completely.
"An earthquake!? What's going on-"
"The walls are crack-"
"Get the door open! We have to get-"
The massive underground structure becomes a boiling echo chamber of desperate and panicked please. Bodies surge left, right, anywhere but here because the sky is falling and the world is ending.
"The ceiling! Run! Move-"
"Sakura! Saki! Stay together!"
You and your sister cling desperately to each other with one arm, but your grip on your mother fails as the tide of humanity scrambles away from falling concrete and steel.
The world buckles again, the screams grow in pitch and fevor, you want to get out you need to get out anywhere but here-
"Warden! What are you do-?!"
Like trying to stop vomiting mid-stream, your mind and body spasm as Lord Grasp's startled exclamation snaps out of you snap out of your flashback too late to halt the transition. Thankfully, being within a carriage means you are not bodily tossed to the tiled floor of your Safe Space - primarily because your ride somehow manages to dexterously course-correct, missing the ground with an elegant, swooping glide that evens out to a low, slow hover.
"-oooooing?! Wait… we're back here?"
Flexing your fingers as you stretch out from your curled up position on the recliner, you blink your eyes rapidly while desperately sniffing away the trauma that just intruded upon your life again.
'Ground yourself' the therapist said. 'Talk to people, look to your friends. You don't need to retreat.'
"Y-yes, Lord Grasp. I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to. I just… remembered something. I'm fine, now."
There is a light rasping sound, almost like a set of bellows working, which you realize after a few moments is probably the sound of Lord Grasp breathing. Somewhat odd, as you're not sure there's even air in this dimension, but the repetition is somehow more calming than your own forced attempts at an even breathing pattern.
"The Exalted Host, for all their glory and prowess… were still quite mortal. Quite human."
You blink again, sitting up slightly from the recliner at his somber, wistful tone of voice. "Lord Grasp?"
"They threw themselves at horrors their minds could not even comprehend, and fell by the thousands. The millions. It was a war of millenia, you see, and though I was only forged near the latter half, I still saw countless Exalted fall from wounds that were physical, mental, or even spiritual."
From your position on the recliner, your view is only such that you can't see his eyes - only his gilded pincers tapping their tips together lightly as he sounds lost in his own traumatic memories.
"It was not... unheard of… for an Exalted to take their own life. It was a state of total war, with all of reality in the balance, so some of the more… pragmatic Exalted held the belief that the Host would be better served if those with… long-term injuries... passed on their Exaltation. Training a fresh Exalt in any field was done with military precision in a matter of weeks, by the end. Charms for accelerated aging, sorcerous enhancements to simulate a lifetime lived on the battlefield…"
Covering your mouth with a hand, you almost desperately want to deny his implication - you've never felt like… that… - but stop yourself as you hear him trail off in a heavy sigh.
This isn't really about you, is it? In any other situation you'd roll your eyes, but now-
"Did you…" you try, before the realization fully dawns. "Who was it?"
The pincers stop tapping for a moment before drooping slightly.
"Seven Shattered Sides," he sighs again. "The Exalt... for which I was forged. I did not think it necessary, then, to emphatically deny Crushing Fist of Glory when he… suggested… "
A moment of silent contemplation passes, yours mostly spent wondering if this may be behind his showboating and constant drive to inject himself into whatever is going on around him. Eventually, he clacks his pincers together more forcefully.
"I will not fail you so utterly, Warden," the large mechanical scorpion harumphs, just as one of the pillowed armrests of your recliner swings up and grasps you on the shoulder. "What good is a command bunker if you cannot retreat to it in times of need?"
Your incredulous gaze at the be-tasseled pillow that is gripping you by the shoulder is pulled away when you catch his pincers gesturing to the empty white horizon around you.
"Besides! Does this void possess a mineral bath styled by Venus herself? A plush theatre filled with recorded war-time epics?" he scoffs, the whole litter shuffling slightly with the vibration. "I think not! Hardly a place for an Exalt of your magnificence when I am here for you."
You smile, rolling your eyes despite the feeling of comfort the offer gives you.
"Thank you, Lord Grasp," you say with a bit more water than you intended, reaching up with your left hand to pat the velvety armrest still steadying your right shoulder. "You are too kind."
"I know, my dear. Now, shall we get back to it?"
You nod, and he apparently notices the motion because you feel a slight acceleration as he loops back around to fly towards the portal from which you originated. Which… makes you frown, since you had been able to teleport back out of your Safe Space from anywhere within it before - are you now forced to return to the portal in order to leave?
Narrowing your eyes, you mentally tug at your power - your charm, now - and try… well, you were able to reshape your Safe Space before, so maybe moving the portal to you?
There had always been a sense of resistance - like a weight strapped to an unseen finger - when moving things or people around before. Trying to move the portal feels… well, like trying to do a pull-up with only your left ring finger. But there's another weight that you're pretty sure is you and Lord Grasp, but you're in the air? How would that even-
There's a feeling of vertigo, then a bark of alarm from Lord Grasp that resolves to a whooshing exhale, as the world of white hexagons tilts - so that what was once approximately thirty feet of clearance below your cloudy ride is now zero. Strangely, you aren't tossed about any more than a slight shaking of the litter… though the armrest snaps back to its regular position, seemingly of its own accord now that Lord Grasp isn't focusing on it.
"W-was that strictly necessary, Warden?" your ride coughs, trying to get his breath back.
"I'm sorry! I'm just… still getting used to the way my pow-... charm works."
He mutters something under his breath but shakes himself out quickly enough before sighing. "Did you accomplish what you wanted, then?"
Well, you are in a bit of a hurry to get back out…
"Not… yet? I'm going to try something. Maybe…" you muse, mentally tugging again and visualizing the edge of the crater that you had seen in the distance. "... brace yourself?"
A scoff as his pincers clack solidly into a defensive position. "I am always braced, my deaaaaa-"
The floor beneath you shifts, propelling you forward to the portal in an instant - and through…
… directly into the gathered group of heroes and PRT troopers, bowling them all over just as you catch a glimpse of Prayer and Taylor landing a few feet away.
There is a lot of flailing, shouting, and confusion for a moment, and of course you had to tumble out of your up-ended litter right on top of Chevalier. He doesn't seem to react much, thankfully, which allows you to shuffle off him quickly and begin your apologies to everyone while also trying to help Lord Grasp off of the PRT Troopers he landed upside-down upon.
It takes you a few moments to notice, however, that after the initial shock and confusion… it's sure gotten awfully quiet.
Slowly turning your head, you look back to see that everyone has just… stopped.
Frozen, staring at you with various expressions of disbelief, awe, and shock - from what can be seen from those without full masks, at least. Quickly looking down to make sure you haven't suffered a Taylor, you mentally sigh in relief that your clothes miraculously only look slightly tussled despite the spill.
"What? What's wrong?" you try, bringing a hand to your face to check if maybe you have something there instead. Or maybe your hair-?
A black, taloned gauntlet lands on your shoulder, causing your head to spin to look at its owner.
"Welcome to the club, Saki," Taylor grins.
There's a bit more relief in that smile than is comforting.
It is Legend that shakes off the spell first, unsurprisingly, though he initially seemed more focused on Lord Grasp's appearance than your own. The blue-and-white-suited hero hovers over from where he managed to avoid being tackled by your dynamic entry, landing a few feet from your position with a lingering expression of awe.
"Tatsu?" the Protectorate leader manages, though with a bit of trepidation as his masked gaze tracks to Taylor briefly for confirmation - switching back to you with a tentative smile when she nods affirmative. "It's… a pleasure to meet you, though I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to be introduced when you came through New York before. I have to say... I came here expecting to be surprised yet again, but I'm still astonished. Are these," he raises a hand to you, then to the quickly-reoriented (and visibly unamused) Lord Grasp, "part of your new powers?"
Noting how Chevalier, Miss Militia, and the rest of the PRT Troopers are getting back to their feet - some a bit more slowly as they remain eerily fixated on your form - you cover your mouth with a sleeve-covered hand and clear your throat, then bow deeply in a formal show of respect to such a venerated and honorable hero.
"Ah, y-yes! It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Legend! It is alright - I know that you are very busy, and am sorry for taking you away from your duties just to see if I am alright!"
Urgh, you are so bad at talking with people! He's probably going to think you're-
Oh. A quick peek shows he's… smiling even more? He looks more relaxed, too. Huh.
"Nonsense," he waves away casually, taking a step forward to even put a hand on your shoulder as you straighten up from your bow. His half-mask is pliable enough that you see his features soften as his smile drops to a somber line. "In fact, I'm the one that needs to apologize."
You blink, reeling slightly. "W-what?"
"It is the responsibility of the Protectorate that Wards - such as yourself and your sister - are able to grow into their powers and the role of a professional hero in a supportive, controlled, and safe environment," he nods, looking back to Chevalier and Miss Militia. Both are staring at you, still, but Chevalier's relaxing stance and Miss Militia's softened gaze echo Legend's words.
Cheeks heating up brilliantly, you try to shake your head in embarrassment. "No- I mean, I understand, the Nine-"
"Exposed a great deal of flaws in the way we've been handling things," Legend interrupts firmly, his hand on your shoulder flexing just enough to prevent you from retreating in on yourself. "You and your sister went through a terrible ordeal, demonstrating incredible resolve by fighting back in any way you could, but the fact remains that you should have never been put in that position in the first place."
You flinch heavily at the reminder, but another steadying flex of his hand seems to cut off the flashback that would have come before it hits. At the same time, another hand falls on your left shoulder - causing you to look back and meet Taylor's glowing amber gaze before she turns her eyes (all eight of them...) to Legend.
For his part, Legend only nods at Taylor's silent support before refocusing on you.
"The Protectorate will never be able to truly repay you for what happened, Tatsu," he intones, words made all the more solemn by the desolate wasteland around your group, "but you have my word that we'll be working much more closely with the PRT and Youth Guard to ensure no one else has to go through what you two did."
There's a slight tightening of Taylor's grip on your shoulder at his words, but the force of Legend's personality is such that any further protestations die on your tongue.
You hadn't… really... blamed anyone? Well, except her and Jack Slash… but it had all happened so fast, and all you had focused on was trying to stay with Sakura and fight against whatever the Nine was trying to make you do…
You close your eyes to try to blot it all out, but a pair of gentle squeezes helps keep you grounded. You're here now. Safe. Better.
Maker, you wish Sakura was here.
"T-thank you, sir," you manage, voice thick but not completely breaking down yet. You even manage a shallow little bow with your head and a smile. "I'll be o- oh!"
Your eyes fly wide, and you look frantically back between the Protectorate heroes and Taylor. "Is Bo- Transfusion ok?! And Vista! They were with us when Bonesaw-"
"They're fine!" Taylor emphasizes, giving you another squeeze on the shoulder, though her smile isn't as wide as you would expect with that news. "They're alright, Tatsu, don't worry. We got them out and healed up, don't worry."
Blinking, you study her strained expression - you're pretty sure that you and Sakura were the first to be rescued, which means that Bobby and Missy were with the Nine for… well, possibly much longer than you had been.
"'Healed'?" you repeat, uncertain.
Taylor's smile loses its teeth, and her eyes flick back to the Protectorate heroes. Following her gaze, you see a silent conversation flicker between the three.
Chevalier tenses up. Tell her.
Miss Militia's eyes darken, accusatory. Not now. Let her rest.
Legend's shoulders fall back into an authoritative pose. Better from us than children.
Then you blink in surprise, and it's gone.
That was… like talking with Sakura? It's something the two of you have gotten good at, talking without really needing to speak, but you don't remember ever doing it with other people. It felt more like… guessing, too, like when you'd only started first learning English and were figuring out what people were saying in context with the few words you did know.
"They're safe now, and both have been cleared to return to their families," Legend begins evenly, breaking you from your musing. "We're making sure they get the best care and support... for as long as it takes them to recover." He gives another gentle squeeze, his expression smoothing out again. "Support that… we'd like to extend to you, of course."
"A-ah?" you blink, straightening up fully. "M-me? I-I-..." you look back to Taylor, whose expression is doing a complicated dance between sympathy and anxiousness before you turn back to Legend, "... maybe later?"
"Are you sure?" he repeats, more softly. "Weaver said that you… well, that it might not have felt like any time had passed for you, even though a week has passed for us here. Considering how you… left?"
"Oh," you blink, eyes unfocusing. "I… guess. I mean… I don't feel like…?"
You sigh, stumbling over trying to explain how you feel good, great even! Better than you've ever felt in your life! But then you try to think about the last few things you can remember and-
Painfearhurtpanichelprunpainpainpain- BREATHE.
You let the cold breath in and let it settle over you, pushing away the fear and panic. You relax your posture a bit, stand up a bit straighter.
You don't need to be afraid now, Taylor is here.
Though, when you open your eyes again to look back at her, she's giving you a considering look that you can't quite decipher. Legend and the other heroes, too, now, though it is more of a mild concern rather than surprise.
"I am fine for the moment, sir," you bow lightly with your head. "Thank you."
"Warden, what was that?"
Tilting your head to look over at where Lord Grasp has been slowly surrounded by PRT Troopers and a large suit of armor that has enough draconic stylings worked into its design that it has to be some kind of new Dragonsuit. Not that he's payed them any mind, seemingly focused on peering up at you while pointing his right pincer accusingly.
Though, now that he has audibly spoken - albeit in a language that none but you, Taylor, and Prayer can understand - there is a great deal more attention focused on him. Judging by the sudden tightening of Chevalier, Miss Militia, and Legend's postures, it isn't a good type of attention.
"Yes, Lord Grasp?" you offer lightly, keeping the reactions of the other heroes in your peripheral view. For his part, your mechanical companion sounds torn between curious and disbelieving.
"Did you use a charm? You looked on the edge of panic, but then your pattern shifted and the irregularity smoothed out."
"You can see Clarity?" Taylor's surprise catches you with your own question on your tongue, her eyebrows raised to the bottom of her new set of eyes.
"Clarity?" / "Clarity?!"
Lord Grasp's own puzzled response is overridden by your worried one, your own eyes grown wide.
"You mean what made you act like a robot?!"
"Ah… yes?" she admits, casting a glance at Prayer for help, who only purses her lips before putting her helmet back on. Sighing, she looks back to you and pulls her hands back in a placating gesture. "Don't worry, we just need to get you some time to meditate and it won't be a problem."
"Excuse me, Weaver? Tatsu?"
Both of you turn to Legend- oh, right, you weren't speaking English.
"Everything is fine," Weaver sighs, beating you to the apology. "I did say that Clarity might be an issue."
"Ah," he nods, settling his arms across his chest while the other heroes and PRT Troopers appear to relax slightly. Legend does settle his gaze back on you quickly enough, however. "Is everything going to be alright until we get to New York, then?"
"New York?" you blink, looking back to Taylor. "What about-?"
"It's only temporary," Legend admits, raising his right hand to forestall your shock. "There's no longer an S-Class situation going on, yes, but the Youth Guard, PRT, and Protectorate are all in agreement that a temporary displacement is better than letting Wards try to recover in a blasted-out war zone."
"And you need a place to test your powers, anyway," Taylor grudgingly admits with a sigh. "New York has the best facilities on the East Coast now that Protectorate Island is gone."
"Gone?! What happened-?!"
"By the Maidens, Warden!" Lord Grasp exclaims, throwing his pincers up in the air in exasperation while wiggling about on his legs - causing all the troopers and heroes to draw their weapons on him, not that he pays them any mind. "I gave you the perfect opening to introduce me to these mortals, and you simply let it drop! You too, Administrator! I'm adding an etiquette course to your Circle's regimen!"
You open your mouth to respond, only to note that Taylor is similarly torn between several different ways to respond. Thankfully, Prayer's voice echoes through her helmet and across the increasingly-tense group.
"Forgive us, noble spirit. She will introduce you now."
"Yes!" you nod, then repeat in English while gesturing dramatically to Lord Grasp. Though you know he won't be able to understand what you're saying, you at least try to pantomime a bit more than you normally would so he hopefully understands that you're trying to show him off. "Yes! Of course! Everyone! There is no need for alarm!"
Taking three delicate steps towards your mechanical companion, you stretch your arms out like those old TV game show presenters - except maybe a little more regal? Yes, maybe if you make the motions a bit more smooth… dipping a bit to give your sleeves a chance to play in the wind?
Success! You definitely have everyone's attention again. Now what to say? Oh! Maybe like Lady Stars Above announcing the guests to the Winter Ball in the third Golden Host book! So you say his titles first… hmm.
He probably won't mind if you make some up.
"Forged by THE Autochthon, King of Craftsmen! Regent of the Arachnofortress Panopoly! Legendary Veteran of the Primordial War! Eternal Defender of Creation against the Forces Infernal! Premiere Guardian of the Exalted Host! The Pinnacle of Style on the Battlefield! The Apex of Fashionable Defense!"
With each new title you take another step, making wide, sweeping gestures as you make a circle around him. Thankfully, he's quickly caught on that you're singing his praises, and has slowly been rotating counterclockwise to your clockwise movements while luxuriously stretching his various parts to maximize their viewing angles.
You manage to keep your smile warm and energetic, even though you feel like laughing at the whole affair. Better wind this up before you burst into giggles.
Finishing your circuit, you make a final, low bow at the waist just to the side of the Protectorate heroes, stretching your arms out towards the glittering, car-sized, mechanical scorpion.
"Lord Crushing Grasp!"
There's a moment of silence… which stretches a bit longer than expected. Finally, you hear Chevalier cough and look up from your bow.
"Is it…" he tries, careful not to point too obviously, "... preening?"
"Ah," you nod, hiding your smile behind your sleeve again while trying to be serious. "Yes. He does that."
"Can… he...?" Legend muses just loud enough for you to hear, to which you nod, "... understand us?"
"No, sir."
"Mmm," he hums, expression distant as he looks to Taylor. "Is this going to be another 'Iris' situation?"
You frown, but Taylor's own face slides into careful neutrality as she meets your gaze. What?
"I don't think so, sir. Tatsu, did… do you know how strong he is? What powers he has?"
You blink, then look back to where Lord Grasp seems to have successfully enthralled the PRT Troopers with animated engravings across his opulent armoring. Artful displays transcend language barriers, you suppose.
"Well, he can turn into a... pagoda? It's filled with art and clothes and makeup… and a spa?"
Legend doesn't respond, simply looking at you for a long, awkward moment… before sighing and raising a hand to his face. He mutters something that you don't quite catch, but Taylor's face instantly lights up in a suppressed laugh from whatever he said.
You don't quite jump out of your skin as you hear Prayer clear her throat behind you, though turning your head you see she's observing Lord Grasp as well.
"The Great Maker moves in mysterious ways."
You're… not quite sure what she means…
… but it sounds about right.
Just as Lord Grasp starts winding up the PRT Troopers with his impromptu saga, told through his ever-shifting, artistic engravings - something about a farmer's son who runs off to join the military, which infuriates his ancestors' spirits and gets him cursed… - Legend has you call him off.
"I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities for… him… to show off," the blue-and-white-clad hero shakes his head, "but we all have places we need to be, now that you're back, Saki."
"Sorry, sir," you nod, straight-faced. "He's very… spirited."
You giggle while Taylor groans, then take a few dusty steps towards the show and manage to get it paused - temporarily, of course - with a few conciliatory words to Lord Grasp. With your companion reasonably mollified and the PRT Troopers no longer quite as jittery (though you're still attracting helmeted stares, you notice), your group makes its way back down the crater's lip a few hundred yards to the two PRT-issue VTOL troop-transport jets and a single, Dragon-styled transport airship.
The path forces your group to look out over the chaotic, dust-choked wasteland that was once your home, but walking alongside your friends you aren't immediately inundated with memories again. Still, the two-minute trek is done mostly in silence, until you all begin filling inside your respective-
"T-... Weaver?" you blurt out, as you notice her peeling off to enter Dragon's transport. It's petty, sure, since you know she and Dragon are basically married at this point - wait, how did you and Sakura not think of that one! Add it to the chart! Oooh, but you have to wait for Sakura to get back so you can duel to see who gets to claim that ship!
Oh, wait, Taylor's talking to you…
"...-ided that there's enough evidence that the Endbringers are after me, specifically," she winces, despite trying to look like it's no big deal. She waves a hand at your widening eyes, cutting you off. "And since their schedule is completely out the window now, everyone agrees that it's too big of a risk for me to go to New York."
"But-!" you look around, seeing that the other heroes around you have stopped as well. Chevalier's silver-and-gold helmet is still frustratingly solid, but the slight droop in his shoulders at least shows some kind of shame at this. Miss Militia and Prayer only nod at your questioning gaze, but it's Legend who speaks for the Protectorate members.
"That's… a bit of a simplification," he sighs, shaking his head, "but basically how things stand right now. No one is happy, most of all the Youth Guard, so just be glad you didn't have to sit through all the meetings that decision took."
"It was my idea, Tatsu," Weaver admits, though she averts (most) of her eyes for a moment before meeting them again. "It won't be for long, and Prayer will be with you. Besides, there's already a teleconference drone set up in New York that I've been using..." she smirks, tilting her head back at the dragon-like aircraft behind her, "it's better than Dragon's setup."
Somewhat muffled, you hear a "Not for long!" yelled out of the dragoncraft's loading bay speakers. This, at least, lightens the mood enough for Legend to float over and put his hand on your shoulder again.
"Weaver mentioned you don't remember how to teleport to all the hotspots you learned before. Is that right?" When you nod and sigh, he gives a tentative smile. "Don't worry - we'll make sure Philadelphia is first on the list if Strider and Nowhere need to give you another world tour."
You're not pouting. You're not. You are simply yelling at Taylor for being a traitor by crossing your arms and frowning.
"Aaand-...," Taylor raises her hands at your not-pout, looking surprisingly flustered. "I'm almost done with my new armor, so I'll be able to make it to New York in minutes if I need to!"
You turn your mighty frown to Chevalier for his admonishing tone, who promptly flinches in his full-plate armor. That's…
Actually, you're not really used to people actually… paying attention to what you're doing and saying. Reacting, even. Are you doing anything different? It doesn't… well, OK, you do feel really good now, like you don't even need to pay attention to where you're going in order to keep your dress from falling apart or getting dirty… or how to walk on this rocky ground in order to not fall over in these-
Wait, you've been in geta this entire time? How did you not even notice that?! The last time you tried wearing these for your birthday last year you fell over Sakura just walking out the front door!
OK, yes, this body is amazing, even beyond the best upgrades. Praise the Great Maker!
… how do you know to say that?
Taylor's still talking. Um, maybe just storm up into the ship? Yes, that'll teach her.
You ignore the "Saki! I'm sorry!" because she doesn't sound too broken up about it, and just set your expression to 'disappointed' and shuffle daintily up into the PRT aircraft. Prayer does make a musical tone as you pass her that you think is a considering hum, but she turns to follow you inside regardless.
You take a seat in one of the jumpseats on the left side of the plane, quickly settling in and figuring out the four-point seatbelt-harness-thing that Missy always fusses over in the vans. It's roughly similar to those, but just as you're locking in you hear shouts of exclamation from a few of of the PRT Troopers and look up just in time for Lord Grasp to plop down in your lap.
Cat-sized, thankfully.
"This contraption is some form of aerial conveyance, Warden?"
"Yes, Lord Grasp. It's called an airplane."
He shimmies his legs, tucking them into the straps across your lap while hunkering down. There's a glint off his eight gemstone eyes that makes it seem like he's rolling them all at the name, but then small shutters iris closed over them.
"It undoubtedly uses bizarre and overly-complicated methods to accomplish what a good essence-fueled craft can do with a few enchantments. Fear not, for I am here for when it all falls apart for being too drab."
You stiffle (mostly) your giggle in a sleeve, but just as you are going to respond, Prayer manages to - somehow - fit her massive, armored self into the seat to your right. She crowds you a little, admittedly, but you're looking at her and it doesn't seem physically possible to fit-
"This is not a betrayal."
You blink, then look up - and up, and up - to meet the very blue, stoic face and deep purple irises of Prayer. When you don't immediately respond, she simply nods.
"We are divided, not fractured. Administrator has a plan."
Well, at least Marrow kept her ability to be comforting and confusing at the same time.
"O-OK," you manage, since she's probably worried about you. You nod in gratitude. "Thank you."
She makes that chime-filled humming noise again, and her lips quirk up slightly, but she nods as well before turning her head forward and closing her eyes.
You try to mimic her slightly, glancing at her out of the corner of your eyes while the rest of the PRT troopers file in and the plane takes off smoothly. You didn't really see much of her… before, since she and Bladedancer were either training together, out on patrol together, or kicking your butts all around the training gym together. Though not together together, since you're pretty sure Bladedancer is sleeping with Chevalier.
You're pretty sure Sakura wants to kiss Chev just to get one over on Bladedancer. You are OK with this.
Well, now that Marrow is… well, not a big hulking bone monster, maybe you and Sakura can try to pair her up! And her hair, too, which looks like… flowing crystal shards in the shape of hair? It almost looks like- yes, from that highschool dating sim that was imported from Aleph! Kaori's hair!
You had thought it physically impossible for hair to look like that, but… well, here it is. Prayer's color and sheen is much prettier, though. Does that mean she's been taking care of it, or is it always like that? Does she have a 'disguise' ability like Taylor? What does her hair look like then?
Wait… do you have a disguise ability?
Closing your eyes, you remember what Taylor once mentioned about her own charms: that it is almost too easy to use them, that they leap to mind without even conscious thought.
You… don't quite have anything like that? Sure, your old power is still there, but now it has a... current through it, the 'phantom hand' feeling like it's trembling from resting on a overcharged metal plate. But now that you're examining it, there are almost… channels…?
In your mind's eye, you can practically see electrical pathways light up in the dark as your attention draws energy from your teleportation power to the other charms linked to it. They flare briefly, not long enough for you to understand what they all do, but you're looking for a disguise-
Hrm, two different powers? Well, you want to look like a human again, though you don't think it'll be enough to make you look like- oh, the second one flares up even more now? Hmm, maybe if you… push...?
There is an odd, crackling sensation that reminds you slightly of how Taylor's body leaks that weird clay all over her to form skin, but you also feel your entire body - your bones, even - shift around as well. It's super weird and you shudder a bit while working your shoulders, but after barely a few seconds the entire feeling passes.
You open your eyes and- yes! You have normal skin on your hands and arms again! Actually, it practically matches the way they looked before-?
There's the old scar that you were always embarrassed about on your right hand. Huh?
You look down to Lord Grasp in your lap, who is… practically covered in your baggy clothes now? What?
Gold-capped pincers flick away opulent silks, giving the gem-encrusted mechanical scorpion in your lap a better view of your new appearance… which causes him to lock up in wide-eyed surprise.
"What. Did. You. Do?" he shudders, voice distraught.
Wide-eyed, you look from him to the PRT Troopers - who are still staring, their masks not helping gauge their expressions at all - to Prayer, who is now regarding you with a raised eyebrow.
"You're so plebian!" he moans, clicking wildly in the air. "Drab! Pedestrian! Are you trying to blend in farmers and potters?!"
To your right, Prayer clears her throat, then offers her left hand upturned-
Oh, wow! She can make things with her armor? Taylor must be super jealous!
You take the… oh, it's a hand mirror…
"Lord Grasp."
"-ken soap to a priceless work of art! Sanded down a breathtaking sculp-"
"Lord Grasp."
You don't peer at the little robo-bug, but you feel him still in your lap at your flat tone.
"This is how I looked... before."
"Oh!" he exclaims, a mixture of shock and confusion audible in his voice. "Then why in Creation would you ever want to turn back?!"
"Warden? Wha- wait! Wait! Waaaar-"
You didn't watch it this time, since you're still staring at your own scowl in the mirror, but your teleportation charm does make a different sound when it activates now - less 'woosh' of air and more of a digitized crinkling, like glass breaking and then being put back together.
To your side, Prayer makes another sound as she turns her head back and closes her eyes.
Thankfully, the trip ends before any more bombshells can be dropped on what remains of your peace-of-mind. There's an awkward moment when you get up out of your seat and nearly lose your dress because of your reduced frame, but Prayer is quick to help you re-wrap the dress before you actually
do pull a Taylor this time.
How her armored fingers are able to handle the silks of your outfit so delicately is stunning, actually - fingers thicker than your wrist shouldn't be able to dance like that. You snap out of it near the end, when it becomes clear she doesn't know how to secure the obi properly and you need to direct the last few steps.
Thankfully, even though your
upgrades have been lost to your disguise, you still seem to have the ability to walk in geta down the aircraft's loading ramp without falling on your face. Shuffling down the loading ramp quickly to… some sort of heavily-reinforced and defensible rooftop, you note that Chevalier and Miss Militia have already exited their craft and are waiting for you - Legend floating down to join the two heroes just as you're about to look around for him.
And for the second time today, they're doing a double-take after seeing you. Miss Militia in particular, though she appears to snap out of whatever has stunned them and takes a few quick strides to meet your approaching form and-...
… pull out some kind of silver cloth from one of the pockets at her waist? You blink in surprise and take the object with some uncertainty-
"It's a mask," the camo-clad heroine murmurs through her American flag scarf.
"Oh," you frown, before the realization hits you. "Oh!"
You can almost hear Lord Grasp wailing about how it's going to muss up your hair and makeup, but you're pretty sure that's just your imagination and that he can't actually watch you from inside your Safe Space. Closing your eyes to double-check, and… yes, he's still just a gaudy, grumbling Pagoda.
"I suppose this changes things," Legend muses, giving you a considering look as he rubs his jaw. "Marrow decided to re-brand as Vajra since there was no way to hide the change, and Weaver opted against a secret identity, but if your… disguise-?"
Prayer somehow sneaks up on your right again, causing you to startle a bit before she places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. Casting a quick glance at her before responding to Legend, she nods in answer to your silent query.
Ok, that makes sense - she certainly doesn't
look like 'Marrow' anymore.
"No- I mean," you shake your head as you turn back, frowning behind the full-faced grey mask as you muse aloud about what you felt from your charms and look at your own hands, "Um, I think I used
multiple charms? Powers? A disguise and a… shapeshift...?"
The other heroes make various noises of assent, while Legend and Chevalier's helmet share a quick nod before the Protectorate's leader looks back to you with a thoughtful frown.
"You may have seen Weaver going through some difficulties with her powers, and Vajra went through similar issues when she…" Legend pauses, "returned. I'm guessing you don't quite have a grip on all your new abilities yet, and we were hoping to get you to the Power Testing Labs before you started experimenting-"
Miss Militia clears her throat, looking a bit embarrassed herself while Legend sighs.
"Ah, yes, I'm sorry I didn't ask you to keep from testing any of your new powers until we got to the labs. Your initial appearance was a bit… overwhelming, I'll admit. Speaking of," he hovers up in the air, looking past you and Prayer with a frown, "what happened to… Crushing Grasp?"
Your mask hides your expression, but cross your arms over your chest and hunch your shoulders.
"He complained about how I looked now," you grumble. "He's in time out."
Legend's grin is a bit infectious, and Miss Militia eyes indicate that she's smiling as she nods sagely. Chevalier starts shifting uncomfortably again.
Floating back down to ground level, the blue-and-white-suited hero waves off any lingering concern about Lord Grasp's disappearance while his smile fades to inquisitive concern. "Well, in that case; since you've started using them, do you have a general idea of what your new powers are? Weaver suggested that you might have a 'focused' set of powers, like Vajra is geared more towards combat and she is aligned towards research and administration."
"It's ok if you don't, Tatsu," Chevalier's earnest voice cuts in, surprising you since he's been fairly quiet. He holds up a silver-armored hand as a gesture of acceptance, and Miss Militia nods at his words. "You're going to have plenty of time later in the Labs to figure things out, but anything you can tell us now helps speed things along."
"Ano…" you mumble, tapping your fingers on your arms, "I haven't… tried them all yet? I have a power that lets me make-" you pause, trying to think of how to describe it, "flashy displays? Like in shows when they do an animated background..."
Legend's dark jawline sets into a puzzled frown. "You tried this one already? When?"
"I… used it when I was talking with Lord Grasp in our-" you flinch, "dimension. I made it look I was…" and now your cheeks are definitely heating up, "...surrounded by a night sky and-my-name-was-lit-up-behind-me-with-fireworks."
That last bit may have been uttered under your breath as fast as you could speak.
Judging by Miss Militia's amused hum, as well as Legend's weary sigh and shaking head, they heard it.
Chevalier just makes a groaning sort of sound inside his silver-and-gold armor.
"You're the PR."
The realization hits you just as the Philadelphia Protectorate leader voices your greatest fear.
But… doesn't that mean you'd have to do… interviews? Public speeches?! Photo shoots?!?!
No! Those are Taylor's job! They have to be!
"Tell me, Tatsu," Legend grins tiredly, tearing away from your crushing panic. He floats over to your side, gently putting a hand on your other shoulder.
"Have you met Glenn Chambers?"
END OF CHAPTER CHARACTER SHEET CHANGES (Lots that I forgot to include in 9.1, as well...):
WoRI - Intimacy STARTED: Legend (The Example of Heroism) [Illusion] [1/3]
WoRI - Intimacy RAISED: Lord Crushing Grasp (Delightfully Learned, Loquacious, Lewd) [Illusion] [2/3]
EOA - Intimacy RAISED: Crawler|Defiant|Ned (How Do You Socialize A Monster) [Emotion|Frustration] [3/4]
EOA - Intimacy RAISED: Director Martin Uriel (I Wish He Wasn't Such An Ass) [Illusion] [3/4]
EOA - Intimacy RAISED: Glenn Chambers (He's Too Good At His Job To Resent Him) [Illusion] [3/4]
EOA - Intimacy RAISED: Legend (How Much Is The Hero And How Much Is Cauldron) [Emotion|Apprehension] [3/4]
EOA - Intimacy STARTED: Lord Crushing Grasp (Peacock In Scorpion Form) [Illusion] [1/3]
EOA - Intimacy STARTED: Warden of Reflected Infinities (Forgive Me My Choices) [Servitude] [1/3]
FPoP - Intimacy RAISED: Willow (This World Can Be So Cruel) [Emotion|Empathy] [2/3]
FPoP - Intimacy STARTED: Lord Crushing Grasp (Vainglorious Vanguard) [Illusion] [1/3]
FPoP - Intimacy STARTED: Warden of Reflected Infinities (Timid Diamond) [Servitude] [1/3]
WoRI - Athletics +1 Interval (1/6 Intervals)
WoRI - Occult +2 Intervals (4/6 Intervals)
WoRI - Investigation +1 Interval (2/6 Intervals)
WoRI - Investigation (Body Language ●●○) NOW AVAILABLE!
WoRI - Presence +1 Interval (2/6 Intervals)
EOA - Awareness (Micromanagement ●○○) NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Craft (Micromanagement ●○○) NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Investigation (Micromanagement ●○○) NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Presence (Micromanagement ●○○) NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Socialize (Micromanagement ●○○) NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Survival (Micromanagement ●○○) NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - War (Micromanagement ●○○) NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Bureaucracy +2 Intervals (5/6 Intervals)
EOA - Medicine ●●●○○ NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Occult ●●●●● NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Occult (Charms ●○○) NOW AVAILABLE!
FPoP - Athletics (Ramming Speed ●●○) NOW AVAILABLE!
FPoP - Craft ●●○○○ NOW AVAILABLE!
FPoP - Craft (Shards ●●○) NOW AVAILABLE!
FPoP - Medicine ●●○○○ NOW AVAILABLE!
FPoP - Investigation ●●○○○ NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Ally (Bonesaw/Riley) ●●○○○ GAINED!
EOA - Backing (PRT) ●●●●○ NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Connections (PRT) ●●●●● NOW AVAILABLE!
EOA - Reputation (S-Class Power) ●●●●○ GAINED!
EOA - Resources ●●●●● NOW AVAILABLE!
FPoP - Ally (Crawler/Defiant/Ned) ●○○○○ GAINED!
FPoP - Resources ●●●●● NOW AVAILABLE!
FPoP - Reputation (Beautiful) ●●●●● NOW AVAILABLE!
FPoP - Ally (Crawler/Defiant/Ned) ●●●○○ NOW AVAILABLE!
Our newest Exalt is already making impressions! Superhuman beauty that leaves people speechless tends to do that, at least. And "PR" in Autochthonia is much different than what the PRT is expecting, which is going to be loads of fun for all involved when that can of worms gets opened!
As seen by the votes for this chapter, we'll be voting for things that may not immediately pop up in 9.3 but will inform what's going on in both the foreground and background - all the votes will eventually be used (if not
exactly as Stunted, maybe), so don't worry that they're not going to be relevant.
Noted above, Prayer was able to get her second and third Meditation scenes done during her week frolicking around the globe with Ned. As a result, she's all squared away and ready to allocate her final Bonus Point. As with Taylor, it can be placed anywhere, save for a few restrictions: No Artifact Background (Equipment Background is fine, as that's Tinkertech), and No Familiar Background. Anything else we choose should also at least be reasonable (no "Backing (Yangban)", for example) for her to have.
Now that Saki has seen how people react to her default appearance (Appearance 7 literally stuns people), versus how people normally react to her (Appearance 2 is 'generic' and 'average'), there is also room for her to customize her appearance via Husk-Sculpting Apparatus (I am running the interpretation that HSA can 'disguise' as a lower Appearance value). Note that she will still be 'Saki', as she wants to make sure Sakura recognizes her when she gets back, but there is… a range of how much 'Saki' she can be, now. What will she choose?
And does she keep her secret/civilian identity, unlike Prayer and Taylor? Realize that she'll need to make appearances as an Alchemical in the public eye, so there would be even less time for her civilian life than before - not a huge problem, as plenty of Protectorate members have civilian identities that rarely get used, but it's worth keeping in mind.
SoPA, during its rebellion against the Vision of Vengeance, sorta ripped itself apart in order to help Taylor overthrow the Eye of Autochthon's omnicidal personality. It is repairing itself, but that is more than the matter of a single week; Taylor's SoPA range is variable at the moment (default is ~100 feet now), as the more SoPA has to deal with the less energy it has to repair itself… but Taylor can temporarily push it to normal capacity at the risk of stalling repairs. Somewhat of an inconvenience, since her range is needed more than ever right now to keep watch over the wasteland that Philadelphia is after the events of last Arc. How much has Taylor pushed SoPA to help with police/reconstruction in the last week?
Last, but certainly not least: Lord Grasp. If we choose that Saki maintains her secret identity, there's no way she can walk around with a cat-sized, silver-and-platinum, gem-encrusted, mechanical scorpion on her shoulder (no one would believe Lord Grasp would hang out with such a
commoner, of course). What do we want to do with him? Note that Lord Grasp finds Earth-Bet's non-Essence universe to be repulsive and choking, but will suffer with dignity should Saki need him.
And now, the votes!
Bonus Round, Part 2: (Choose ONE, No Stunts)
[ ] Bonus Point: <Say Where FPoP's Bonus Point Goes>
What's Old Is New: (Choose ONE, No Stunts)
[ ] Saki maintains her old Secret/Civilian Identity
[ ] Saki forgoes her old Secret/Civilian Identity
Only Skin Deep: (Choose ONE, No Stunts)
[ ] Saki's 'Everyday' Look: Old Saki ("Average," App 2)
[ ] Saki's 'Everyday' Look: Post-Surgery Saki ("Professionally Pretty," App 4)
[ ] Saki's 'Everyday' Look: Wyld-Touched Saki ("World-Class Beauty," App 5)
[ ] Saki's 'Everyday' Look: Kami no Saki ("Superhumanly Gorgeous," App 7)
Spiritual Recovery Efforts: (Choose ONE, No Stunts)
[ ]
Push SoPA Never: Philadelphia Crime OUT OF CONTROL, Reconstruction HALTED, SoPA Full Recovery ETA 1 Weeks
[ ]
Push SoPA Rarely: Philadelphia Crime DANGEROUS, Reconstruction STARTING, SoPA Full Recovery ETA 2 Weeks
[ ]
Push SoPA Sometimes: Philadelphia Crime HIGH, Reconstruction LOW, SoPA Full Recovery ETA 4 Weeks
[ ]
Push SoPA Regularly: Philadelphia Crime MEDIUM, Reconstruction MEDIUM, SoPA Full Recovery ETA 6 Weeks
Too Fancy For This World: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Keep Lord Grasp out as much as possible, even at risk of blowing cover.
[ ] Let Lord Grasp rest and recharge in TwinSpace regularly, allow him to come and go when he pleases.
[ ] Keep Lord Grasp in TwinSpace more often than not, since he can be pulled out when he's needed.
Free Actions: (Only ONE Free Action allowed per character!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting the "Free Action" bit), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.
[ ]
EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ]
FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ]
WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
XP Expenditures should now be formatted as such:
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item ●●●○○
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item (Specialization ●●○)