Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

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Chapter 9.4 (Complete)
Chapter 9.4

Autochthon Wants YOU! - Emergency Draft Edition:
[X] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.

Autochthon Wants YOU! - Part 3:
[X] Aisha Laborn (Who)
- [x] Stunt: Across from the Alchemicals, Aisha leaned forward, almost vibrating with anticipation. "So what you're saying, yeah, is that you want me for James Bond? Or Electra?" Saki covers her mouth as Taylor winces. "Maybe less explosions? More like Veronica Mars…" "Sold! I'll be the best secret agent who ever agented! One question though," she points "I get Saki's disguise power, right?"

With a Box of Scraps!:
[X] Soulgem Injector
- [x] Stunt: You gave Bonesaw a soul, Glenn states flatly from the other side of the screen. Well, more like forged one, though it was really a group effort Taylor replies, gesturing to Iris and Riley. Riley's grin is as bright as the shiny diamond lodged in her forehead. But why- Glenn pinches his brow, exasperated. Whatever, I can work with this.

Playing House:
[X] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
- [x] Stunt: "...and you'll find the relevant citations here. My thanks to you and your assistants, Doctor," you say as the thumb drive is absorbed by the currently Administrator-ed therapy dog. You drum your fingers on your desk in quiet contemplation. Working on redeeming herself, earning her victim's forgiveness, is difficult enough. Harder still will be learning to forgive herself.

[X] Saki does not try to fix her own mental problems with charms.

Free Actions:
[X] EOA - Free Action: Reconstruction: Whistles blew across the construction site to stop work as the Wyld-crafted chimera shambled into view, it's armored hide painted in PRT colors and escorted by a PRT trooper squad. It gingerly moved it's multiton bulk around the site to the clearly marked piles of wreckage, and extended a tentacle to the first junked car. And then activated TIE.

[X] FPoP - Free Action: Armsmaster sits tiredly on his cot at the refugee camp. No longer bursting with people, it feels like a ghost town on top of a collection of people without hope or homes. Prayer stands, face unreadable. "Young Administrator speaks well of your efforts both here and in the recent conflict. Personal glory is no sin, but neither is it virtue."

[X] WoRI - Free Action: "Now, hear me out - sure my safe place is currently a vast expanse of emptiness, but while you're stretching the space outside we can spend the whole time inside Lord Grasp watching movies. He's pretty accommodating, he won't have any problems having both of us inside him at the same time."

XP Expenditures:


Those two words obviously aren't what Taylor was expecting, though you find out later that her shocked expression was instead due to how abruptly the lightshow from your meditation ended - one moment you're filling the sky with a slowly-spinning yin against a deep-blue brilliance, and the next moment it flickers and blinks away like someone tripped over a power cord.

The sudden shut-off of your display also draws the attention of the few remaining observers, though most of the scientists have retreated back to the labs to sort through the collected data. As a result, your utterance is clearly heard by Dr. Rose, Lord Grasp, and Prayer. The latter two you wouldn't have a problem with, but Dr. Rose…

Your first instinct is to lie, brush it off as shock, but… there are still cameras recording, aren't there? And the scientists got upset every time Taylor tried to hide stuff from them; if they figure out you were lying later, wouldn't that make things worse? Besides, the PRT are here to help, aren't they? Sure, you don't agree with everything you've heard or seen, but they're regular people trying to keep order when supervillains outnumber heroes!

Taylor explained in her presentation that the goal is to rescue everyone trapped in the Great Maker's body - and the Maker too, though that's probably going to be even harder than relocating a few nations - so the PRT needs to know what's going on. Still, that doesn't mean you need to talk about it in the open air…

Now that you know about your EmotiveBody Language charm, it's almost easier to relax and just let your posture and regular fidgeting actually communicate for you. Automatically, you know that blinking and twitching your gaze towards the nearest doors while shrinking your shoulders inward will communicate exactly what you want to say:

Can we please talk about this in private? It's important.

Then, when you notice the two most junior scientists still gawking at you while Taylor and Dr. Rose start talking about packing everything up, you look down at yourself and somehow manage to shout at everyone just by covering yourself awkwardly and blushing up a storm.

Lord Grasp! Dress! Now!

Just because it's not lewd doesn't mean it's not super awkward! Ugh!

You're going to have to be careful with Clarity - next thing you know, you'll be bending over and stretching in front of your friends!


Lord Grasp manages to wrap you up in several layers of white-fading-to-blue cloth that eventually resembles a dress that an empress would have worn, though he spends most of the time flip-flopping between complaints of "charms aren't supposed to work like that" and chittering slyly about the "ingenuity of such a subtle charm..."

"... many charms that accomplish similar feats possessed by other Chosen, of course, but nothing possessing such broad utility! And it costs you nothing to activate! Why, your enemies can't stop you from assailing them with social charms even when they bind and gag you! Ah, that reminds me of the night when Sweet River was called to battle while in the bedroom with Perfect Storm Above... "

… and also somehow managing to find a way to tie everything back to sexy stories. Not that you stop him, of course, though it's very difficult keeping a straight face during the talk about shapeshifters and animal forms. Apparently actual werewolves were even more naughty than fantasy ones? You are definitely going to have to write some of these stories down.

You can't help but smile, either way, and you're pretty sure that's why he's doing it. Either that or… well, he does get a glint in his eyes when Taylor chokes mid-way through her final conversation with Dr. Rose. Prayer… just keeps her helmet on and remains very, very still.

Neither of them tell him to stop, though. You're not sure if they realize that he's just going to take this as a sign to do it all the time, now, but that's fine by you. If only Sakura...

Thankfully, your Grasp-distracted, Prayer-guided trip through hallways, elevators, and more hallways ends with an abrupt turn into a large, dark conference room just as your mind starts to turn to those darker thoughts.

The door quietly slides shut behind your group as you blink quickly to adjust your eyes, revealing a rectangular room about the size of a classroom mostly filled with a blank, grey table and dark-maroon chairs. Miss Militia is here already, along with… an overweight white guy in the most hideous blue-green tropical shirt you've ever seen.

Oh, is that Glenn Chambers? You remember seeing him with Taylor the last time you were in New York, but… ugh, died-pink hair with bleached tips? How did Lord Grasp stand working with him, let alone refrain from killing him on sight?

Both combat-ready and offensively-dressed individuals turn their gazes to you, away from looking at the teleconference screens on the far wall. There's Dragon, Director Uriel, Chevalier, Taylor-

You blink and look behind you, only to see that you've lost the small hologram-drone somewhere along the way. Huh.

"Ah, Mr. Chambers!"

Lord Grasp effortlessly hops the eight feet from your shoulder to the tabletop, landing with a light clicking of his gold-tipped feet against the metallic surface. Surprisingly, the PRT PR Director only raises a bleached eyebrow behind his (moderately stylish?) shades before leaning back in his seat.

"Crushing Grasp… and...," he muses, mouth twisting into a frustrated line as he tilts his glasses down just enough for his green eyes to meet your own. "Ms. Saki Kurosawa. The photos really don't do you justice."

"Ano…" you blink again, not quite sure how to take the statement in combination with Miss Militia's subsequent eye-roll. "I'm… sorry?"

"It means Weaver needs to figure out why and then make us some new cameras that can capture you correctly," he snorts, then tosses a gaze and a nod to Lord Grasp on the table before him. "In the meantime, your... scorpion and I are almost done planning out your schedule for the next few weeks."

"M-my schedule?"

He smirks. "We just missed LA, but I've already released your pictures to a few friends that are presenting in Madrid. Here's your first tip: fashion designers don't have kids, so ignore any offers of firstborn children when they want exclusivity contracts."

"Warden, is he eschewing praise for our burgeoning collaborative works?" Lord Grasp chitters, swaying on his legs excitedly as he looks between the two of you. "This mortal's insight into the peasantry's collective psyche has already allowed me to completely reassess your etiquette needs, and his reference material for your confidence training regimen should speed your learning time up dramatically!"

Aaaand there goes all your energy again.


The cold, controlled, feminine voice causes the fashion disaster to roll his eyes before tipping his shades back over them with a sigh. "Yes, Director?"

Blue eyes as cold as her voice look out from the top-center display, the black-haired woman there easily recognizable to anyone who's watched the news in the last two decades. She doesn't respond to the dread-inducing eyesore's question, instead sweeping her gaze to the door behind you.

It swishes open, revealing Legend as he floats in from the hallway. His frowns slightly and pauses as he realizes everyone was already looking at him, then turns his head towards the wall of faces and nods in realization before holding up a hand in greeting.

"I didn't miss anything, did I?"

"No, Legend," Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown intones, looking back at you - her business-suit clad form leaning slightly forward on her desk.

"Ms. Kurosawa was just about to start."


Words alone are unable to do your vision justice - especially not English, which has so many dumb rules you still have problems with it. Thankfully, you don't have to rely on just words.


It loses something, nonetheless, in the re-telling. Your Radiant Iconography Array is capable of bringing forth the vision that was burned into your mind less than an hour ago, to the point that your own body fades away into the vision until each person (and screen) in your audience is alone with the Great Maker in the void. Manipulating the charm to mimic the chorus of mechanized sounds that make up Autochthon's voice is difficult, but you manage to match what your own mind could comprehend.

As painful as it is to re-live, you reveal how your sister's soul was torn away from you and cast down into the machine-planet's surface.

But the Great Maker's words - spoken in their original Old Realm - don't quite have the consciousness-shattering power that you felt within the vision. You suspect it's not a matter of the charm being uncalibrated or your own skills being insufficient; in the vision, you had somehow known that there was more to the voice than you could ever comprehend, and your mind is only capable of remembering mere echoes.

You find yourself shuddering more than once during the re-telling, but you manage to get through it all without the vision - or your own composure - falling apart.

You let the all-consuming darkness that those final words were spoken into linger for about five seconds, then release the charm and let the room fade back into existence...

Miss Militia's eyes are wide and unfocused, while Glenn and Legend's own eyes are hidden behind glasses and a half-face visor. Lord Grasp, somehow, has also been stunned into speechlessness.

The screens on the far wall, however, reveal that the vision wasn't quite so overpowering across the PRT's teleconference network - well, aside for Chevalier, who just continues to look like a silver-gold full-plate helmet. Dragon is blinking rapidly in a way that you suspect means she's thinking hard, while Taylor's face has turned off again… while her 'top' eyes swivel erratically.

Chief Director Costa-Brown is giving you a calculating look as she peers at you from behind her steepled fingers, but the other PRT Director in attendance isn't so composed.

"Christ," Director Uriel sighs, rubbing his face with his left hand while wincing. "I need a drink."

All at once, his utterance seems to break the spell of shock hanging over the audience. Miss Militia and Legend snap out of it in silence, blinking and turning away as if to consider what they just saw in their own heads again. Glenn slowly removes his glasses, but focuses entirely upon them with a considering look on his face while he cleans the lenses on his shirt. Prayer and Chevalier remain silent monoliths of armor, while Taylor opens her mouth to speak-

"That-that was Great Maker's world-body jotun!" Lord Grasp wails, waving his pincers in the air while his tail flutters around morosely. He skitters across the table, up to where you are standing at the head. "Not since the Three Spheres Cataclysm have I seen him in such ruin, such pain, such grief! How has he allowed his illness to overtake him so?!"

"Weaver, did this translator have any errors?"

Director Costa-Brown's voice cuts over Lord Grasp's fretting, and you absently pat him on the back while you turn your eyes to look at the exchange going on between screens. The Chief Director's eyes are flicking down past the screen occasionally as Lord Grasp mutters to himself, while Taylor herself seems to be looking between two different screens as well.

"Ah… no... Director, I-" she says, frowning and narrowing her eyes at... well, at her screen, probably - you think she's not actually looking at you, right now. Her pause hangs as her eyes widen just a fraction, before all her 'top' eyes swivel to look at the camera and her face briefly starts to contort into naked confusion.

Then the moment passes - barely longer than a few heartbeats - as Taylor shakes her head and clears her throat while turning her attention to something off-screen again. "Sorry. No, there were no errors, Director, but I'd recommend using the more 'desperate' contextual meanings in those final statements."

What... was that? It looked like Taylor realized something, maybe even multiple things, but then... quickly had to hide it? Why would she be hiding something?

Dragon's avatar fluctuates slightly to show her frown slightly, but a quick glance at the other screens and everyone else doesn't reveal that anyone else noticed that abrupt shift on Taylor's part. Director Costa-Brown's attention is still mostly somewhere below the camera, but she grunts as Taylor finishes.

"I thought so. Dragon, you're free to bring up translations for everyone else. Update the official translator after the meeting."

"Of course, Director," the avatar nods, just as you see the tabletop in front of everyone sitting down peel away to reveal an inset screen with writing rolling across it. Then, to your shock, she switches to Old Realm. "Excuse me… Crushing Grasp?"

You can almost hear the tiny little gears in your mechanical companion's head screech to a stop at the close/familiar address, and his gem-like eyes flash with mixtures of confusion and surprise.

"Who would address a Lord Destroyer with such ungranted familiarity?!" he huffs, spinning around to face the screen - his distress at Autochthon's dire state all but forgotten. "And just what is with this realm and their nonsensical accents?"

Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Prayer nod her head sagely for some reason.

"Ah-...," Dragon blinks, mouth curling up into a bemused smile. "I'm sorry. Lord Crushing Grasp… would you like a translator for English to Old Realm?"

"You have an artifact that will spare me the headache of making sense of these beastial grunts?"
he sighs, waving a pincer at the humans in the meeting. At Dragon's nod, a section at the head of the table peels away to reveal another inset screen - probably designed for the presenter to read from, but it works for Lord Grasp as well.

He recoils slightly and leans down on his legs while poking at the transparent screen as it lights up with the… huh. Old Realm looks like that Aztec language you read about in school, now that you think about it.

"Astounding! Your breach of etiquette is forgiven, Miss!"

"Ms. Kurosawa," Director Costa-Brown grunts. "Is your… companion going to keep interrupting us?"

"N-no, m'am!" you gulp, smiling too hard while sliding up to the table and slapping a hand over the screen before Lord Grasp can read the translation. "Just a moment!"

Then you quickly lean down and whimper at your compatriot with a face full of shame and panic

"Lord Grasp! Please!" you plead in a whisper. Begging Eyes, activate! "These are some of the most powerful people in the world and they only have a few minutes for this meeting! I know you have lots of experience with wars, but can you just… I don't know, tap me if you have something important to say?"

The gilded scorpion glints his gemstone eyes at you dangerously, and you can almost hear his mandibles clicking open and shut as if he is barely restraining himself from taking you to task… but eventually he puffs out a puff of steam from his mouth and spins around to face away from you again as you pull your hand away from the translator.

"Very well, Warden," he mutters "but we will have words later."

Since Lord Grasp didn't even try speaking quietly enough, Director Uriel sighs audibly again. "Tatsu, just teleport your pet out of here."

Nope, hand back on the screen.

You're just going to ignore Lord Grasp's frustrated tapping on the hand while also using your Body Language charm to yell at Dragon - wide eyes and a shaking head communicating without words:

Don't translate that!

"Ah, Director Uriel…" you cough after Dragon nods in alarmed consent. You turn slightly and bow your head in apology at the screen with your bored-looking superior, "Lord Grasp can… block me from doing that if he wants. He is also very picky about how people address him."

Director Costa-Brown flicks her eyes to the side. "Stop being suicidal, Martin."

"Oh, this group has just brought me nothing but joy," he grunts, monotone, while resting his cheek on his right fist. "I'm especially looking forward to the next Youth Guard shit-storm when Weaver hauls off Vista or Who for pod-robot replacement."

You cast another hurried glance to Dragon and make a helpless, panicked shrug.

Just make something up!

You see Dragon nod again and Lord Grasp doesn't explode in righteous fury when the translation starts rolling across the screen, so you decide to leave Director Uriel's fate in Dragon's hands.

"Director… just...," Taylor sighs, closing her eyes momentarily in exasperation while pinching the bridge of her nose, "… I'm not considering Vista right now. Not until she's fully recovered."

"No more Wards, Weaver," Costa-Brown glowers, lowering her fingers enough to reveal her tight frown. "No more children."

Taylor matches the stare with all her eyes.

"Chief Director, respectfully, that decision should rest with a Ward's guardians."

"Ano," you interject with a politely-raised hand, cutting in before either side digs in even deeper, "Chief Director?"

The head of the PRT's strong jawline flexes in a way that you think means she was about to tell you or Taylor off, but after a brief moment she nods slightly. "Go ahead."

"Well...," you begin, scrunching up your nose a bit as you finalize your train of thought. "I know a lot has happened since I… got captured…" you shudder, but a quick breath lets you rally. "Taylor said that she had to be able to trust that a person would be… loyal. That they'd trust her, like Autochthon is trusting her."

Which… well, it had seemed like a weird idea when Taylor had said it during her presentation, but now you have a deep, overwhelming sense of awe at that fact. Even together, you and Sakura would probably have just spent the first month in your Safe Place if you'd been who the Great Maker picked first.
Prayer nods in her chair, arms crossed. Her crystalline voice is even as she openly considers what you're getting at.

"Do we have time for such tests of character?"

Eyes turn to you, but you shrug uncertainly.

Everyone turns back to Taylor.

She holds up a finger to stall, looking to the side while worrying at her bottom lip absently. After a few moments, she nods and turns back with a thoughtful frown.

"First: Iris says this is a matter of him falling back asleep completely, not him dying in the next few months. If that happens, no more Alchemicals and no more Cradle since we don't have a way to open it from this side. Asleep, he might succumb to his sickness anywhere between the next few centuries to a few more millennia-"

The PRT's Chief Director hums. "So we have time, then."

Taylor turns all her eyes back to the camera, the glowing veins at the edges of her face pulsing with her slowing heart rate.

"After which, he won't just die. Iris says he'll become a... 'Neverborn', which is like a super-powered, unkillable, undead version of him. Our only way to tell when that happens will be when he comes tearing through a new Cradle to devour our entire multiverse."

In the horrified silence that follows, Director Uriel rolls his eyes, reaches off-camera, then pulls out a bottle and shot glass. As he unscrews the cap he considers the glass.

"Nothing but joy," he sighs, before simply taking a pull from the bottle.


There is, of course, an inappropriate amount of shock and panic displayed by the veteran heroes and government agents at these bombshells. By which you mean: practically zero.

You are not a veteran hero, however, so you promptly start freaking out.

"Ehhh?! W-What?!"

The mixture of tired, resigned, and concerned gazes turn to you at the outburst, but you are a bit too distraught by the potential end of the world to care at the moment. Swatting away Lord Grasp's tapping on your hand, you look to Taylor's hard expression. "W-we have to do something!"

The dark-graphite face nods, but as Taylor opens her mouth to respond, another hardened voice cuts her off.

"Setting aside any concerns of the validity of these facts," Chief-Director Costa-Brown growls skeptically, clasping her hands together below her chin, "the timing of this information is awfully convenient. Why are we only learning about this now?"

Taylor winces slightly, then looks off-camera for a moment before her mouth twists into a chagrined frown.

"I'm just finding this out, too, Chief-Director. Iris… says... that the initial timeline that he was given expected us to have decades to establish ourselves here, so he didn't want to influence my decision-making."

"I see," the cold blue eyes shift, settling on you for a long moment before switching back. "What caused this change?"

Again, Taylor has a quick, silent exchange off-camera before she speaks up again. "I-... we don't think it was Saki and Sakura, Chief-Director. It's more likely something unexpected going on in Autochthon's world-body than anything happening on our side - a major breakdown or failure of something critical."

"Could it be fixed?" Legend wonders aloud, leaning back in his chair while crossing his arms in thought. "Your presentation mentioned that the other humans and Alchemicals... in Autochthon are always working to sort out problems there; is it possible that they could undo whatever happened in time?"

"Well…" Taylor grimaces, before snorting in dark humor. "Exalted were built to do the impossible, so… maybe? There are thousands of Alchemicals there, after all, but they were all probably working on other important problems before this happened. Iris does say that Alchemicals have the best track record for actually solving problems when it comes to Exalted, but with their limited resources they'll be unlikely to give us the full timeline back."

"What?!" Lord Grasp explodes, slamming both claws into the table hard enough to shatter the tabletop and translator screen. "Now see here! I have kept silent in the face of these monstrous displays and revelations for Warden's sake, but I will not stand by and tolerate such... slanderous heresy against the Exalted Host!"

With a chorus of shifting gears and whistling steam, he begins to grow, unfolding impossibly to perch on the table and level a glowing stinger towards Taylor's screen. Everyone in the room has already tossed their chairs back to ready themselves for a fight, but Lord Grasp ignores them all to bellow ominously at your Assembly leader's image.

"Enduring Order Administrator! I will have the name of your disgraceful source, the traitor that would spit upon the sacrifices of all those uncountable millions, those brave, shining souls sacrificed in the fight to free Creation from the infernal grip of the Primordials! Then I shall see to it that this Yozi sympathizer's lying tongue is properly clipped!"

You twist and pull, but despite your best efforts the mechanical scorpion shrugs off your attempts to whisk him away to your Safe Space. "Lord Grasp! Stop, please-!"

Only, you aren't the only one pleading desperately.

"Iris! Iris no-! No, stop! Wait! He doesn't know! He doesn't-" Taylor screams, hands scrambling to the side as her expression contorts into naked terror as she whips her head to the right to shout in panic. "Run, Riley! Go!"

You stop, your stomach dropping even further. Riley-!?

All conscious thought is expelled from your head as Taylor's screen blurs, then fills with pure, light-drinking black.

The conference room freezes, the molecules of the world around you held in stasis. Your active Industrial Survival Frame screams in the back of your mind at the force it is repelling.

The world vibrates as one, sounding out a single word that transcends language.


Sparks fly across Lord Grasp's larger form, which shudders and creaks atop the table as whatever defensive capabilities he has are strained to their limits. Still, he manages a grinding, wheezing gasp.

"W-wha-... who-?"


"Sec-?!" he chokes, hissing. "Im...poss…"


The massive scorpion jerks as if struck. "F-failed?! NO! H...OW?! Th-there… were… w-wards!"


Lord Grasp is silent for a long moment, the world still save for his sparking frame. Slowly, his trembling grows, until it his entire chassis is rattling with furious denial.

"N-NO! LIES!" he howls, struggling to work his claws and tail. "WE... WON! The-...THE UNCONQUERED SUN WOULD-!"


"B-but...Autochthon... MADE the Games of Divinity! He-... could have-!"


The sparks begin to die out, and the rattling dies down.

"How…" his voice is weaker, now. Tired. "How-?"


The final sparks go out. The fight is gone.




The silence in the room is stark and total, and you can see in your peripheral vision that even both Directors appear to be frozen as well. Somehow, though, everyone still look conscious despite having no ability to breathe.
The presence you feel through the room shifts, no longer as directed as it once was.


The world shifts again, motion slowly returning to match time's continued march. Just as you start to be able to take in air to form a breath, however, reality shakes around you one last time.





You stagger, gasp, and fall to the ground, gripping your head to try to hold back the massive headache forming behind your eyes. Around the room, the sounds of gasping, coughing, and arguing are already starting up.

And under it all, you can hear Lord Grasp's feet slide out from under him as he slowly, quietly begins to weep.


You're tempted to follow Lord Grasp when he requests passage to your Safe Space, but enough of you realizes that you still need to show Assembly solidarity and remain until the end of the meeting. As a result, you spend the next half-hour in a thoughtless haze; the awful realities you've been forced to face over the last day finally taking its toll, even despite the burst of energy you received from the two-hour-long meditation session.

The good news, at least, is that the terrifying spirit Taylor has been working with didn't freeze all of North America to get at everyone participating in the meeting. As far as anyone can tell (after a few off-camera checks are made), the terrifying display wasn't even felt outside of the rooms everyone was in - though Dragon seemed especially unsettled that the spirit had frozen her as well. Probably something to do with her rumored health issues that prevent her from being seen outside? Or maybe it messed up all the multi-tasking she was doing?

At least it helps keep things quiet, unlike how things apparently fell apart last week. You didn't feel like adding even more awful revelations to your day by pressing for a complete answer there, but you're starting to understand why there isn't a public story for that yet.

As for the the bad news... well, everyone is certain that the Endbringers are going to try to interrupt whatever the spirit is doing. Leviathan is the most likely, but their displayed tendency to break all the established rules when Alchemicals are involved means there is also a very real possibility of multiple Endbringers attacking in sequence - or even at the same time.

Even in your haze, you feel the chill that settles over the meeting when Taylor voices that concern.

This incites some arguments from the Directors about the spirit's decision to start rewriting reality when the PRT tests have only barely started analyzing the 'prototype' examples of the conversion process he'd demonstrated as a proof-of-concept. You lose track of the conversation completely when Taylor launches into science babble in order to rationalize changes to the fundamental laws of the universe, but the back-and-forth eventually winds up with Taylor agreeing to get the spirit out of Philadelphia and to the Cradle. Tonight, even.

It's not as if there's anything left there to get caught up in whatever happens if the Endbringers do show up, and Philadelphia would not survive another S-Class event in its current state.

After that decision, the rest of the meeting begins to blur together - to the point where you only realize it's over when Miss Militia presents you with a cup of water…

… and you're in a completely different room, sitting on a couch.

"W-what?" you ask, blinking while turning your head to take in the generic white-and-blue PRT break room. For a split-second you almost think you're back in Philly North-East, but then you notice that there are three doors instead of two.

Miss Militia's eyes narrow in an upward curve, the skin around her eyes softening as she smiles behind her scarf. "Would you like something to eat?"

Your right hand clasps around the offered white-plastic cup, but freezes when your stomach gurgles loud enough to echo through the room.

Somehow, you can still muster up the energy to be embarrassed and annoyed. From her position standing next to the far armrest, Prayer's unarmored face twitches into a smile.

"Yes, please," you sigh, murmuring the request into the cup as you drink from it. New York water isn't as good as the generic PRT bottled brand, but it's better than Philly's weird metallic tap-water taste.

Miss Militia brings up the silver PRT-issue smartphone in her other hand, tapping it a few times in a way that makes you think she has been in the middle of a conversation or order before she asked. How long had you been out of it? "Is pizza alright?"

You shift your eyes away. "Pepperoni… with bacon. And steak. Ham."

There's a pause in her typing, then she frowns. "Is a… 'Meat Lover's' alright?"

You nod, still sipping, being careful not to let the growing smile show. Lewd pizza is best pizza. Is there a way you can get Miss Militia to pick up the pizza herself? And record it, of course.

"That's good, then," she sighs at the phone, narrowing her eyes. "Because-"

Water goes all over your face and dress as one of the doors is kicked open, slamming against the wall with a loud bang as a white-suited male form with clocks adorning the costume comes sliding in with a whooping laugh.

"Who wanted twenty inches of meat in their face!?" Clockblocker crows, making Miss Militia grumble loudly beside you.

"Psh, you're not even half that," Who laughs, the baseball-themed Ward jeering through her opaque faceplate as she follows in behind Clockblocker with a slap to his armored rear.

Just as he starts to squawk indignantly at both insults to his person, the rest of the Philadelphia Wards start to push through the door behind the first two. Embarrassed-looking Gallant and Kid Win first, followed by a laughing Broadcast and squealing Geode. Xylophone and Mjolnir silently fill in behind the rest, the silent bruiser carrying a large pink box in one hand as he politely closes the door behind him-

- and then bumps into the rest of the collected Wards, who have gone silent and still wherever they were when they first laid eyes on you.

Oh, right. You're still in your Alchemical form.

Closing your eyes, it only takes a few mental twists and pulls before you feel the shifts in your skin, musculature, and bone structure sweep through your body in the span of a few breaths. Breaths which you once again need to take, after the process is complete... though, on the bright side, that pizza smells fantastic.

Opening your eyes again, you try to offer a weak smile as you stand up and give a tentative wave. "Ah-ano… hi, every-"

"Eeeeeee!" Geode squeals again, loud enough this time to drown out the sounds of everyone else's shocked swears and exclamations. She shoves everyone out of the way to bounce over to you, shaking her raised fists in joy before wrapping you up in a hug. "Sakiiiiiii! You look sooo gooood!"

Unfortunately, your decision to revert to your smaller, original height means she can still smother your face with her chest. Or at least try to - she appears to have forgotten that her purple-and-blue costume is armored, so your face is instead crushed into the slightly-curved chestplate.

"And your dress! Ohmygosh!" she exclaims, quickly releasing you to hold your shoulders at arms' length, giving her a chance to look you up and down. "It looks amazing on you! Where did you get it?! Is it silk? It feels so soft!"

"A-ah… t-thank you-"

The rest of the Wards, however, are finally starting to recover their senses.

"Uhhh… okay, wait," Clockblocker calls out, shaking his head and holding the large pizza box unsteadily. "What was that?"

"Saki?" Gallant - well, Dean now that he's removing his silver helmet - coughs awkwardly, giving you a confused half-smile. "Was that your… I mean, you look… like yourself?"

"My goodness, Saki," Broadcast laughs, the flamboyant Philly-native Ward following in Geode's footsteps to stroll over and give you an enthusiastic hug. Thankfully, he remembers that his own shaped chestpiece is a solid plate and doesn't crush you against it. "You don't need to hide behind your disguise! You've got a new lease on life! Let it all hang out, girl!"

"A-ahh… that's okay-"

And so it continues, each Ward eventually working their way over to either give you a hug or a squeeze. Even Penny gives you a wary pat on the shoulder, though the deep circles under her eyes make her look as haggard as you feel. You try to smile and thank everyone for the well-wishes, but just as you're starting to remember how hungry you still are…

"W-where's Missy? A-and Bobby?" you wonder aloud, looking around for the two absent Philly Wards.

The smiles in the room grow brittle, and you can see everyone look away awkwardly.

"Bobby's family is taking a vacation to a few national parks," Ernest sighs, the first to look you in the eyes again. He puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder while rallying another white-toothed smile. "He called yesterday from Yosemite, wanting to check to make sure you… made it back, and that he's looking forward to seeing you in Philly after all this is over."

"Oh," you blink, fidgeting with your dress uncomfortably. Right, he mentioned that family liked to go camping before he got his powers. But... "... he doesn't... blame us?"

Through the looks of shock and disbelief, Dean is quick to step up to your side and put a hand on your arm as well. "Hey. No, Saki," he says firmly, a serious expression framing his blue eyes. "What happened wasn't your fault. Bobby doesn't think that. Missy doesn't think that. We don't think that."

"R-right, sorry. I know," you shake your head. Stupid. "It was Bones-"


"What did you bring home today, poppet? New friends?"

"Oh, Mr. Jack! You should have seen their faces! Hee! Oh, wait, I can make them have those faces now, just wait-"

"Now, now, Riley. What did I say about our schedule before you left?"

"Oooookay, okay. Fiddlesticks. Let me just-"


You blink.

Dean and Ernest are lightly shaking you, but you ignore them - eyes scanning the room to find the person who's most likely to give you a straight answer. Spotting them, you take a step towards them, easily breaking through the crowd to pin them with a stare.

"What happened to Bonesaw?" you grit out, half-pleading and half-demanding as Aisha quickly realizes that yes, you can still see her as she tries to back away from the group.

"Uh… Bonesaw. Right," she blanches, dark complexion as she holds her hands up warily. "Well, uh… Prayer and Taylor… ripped her head off?"

You freeze. That… ok, that wasn't what you were expecting. It's… good? Yes, good. But… that doesn't explain why Aisha still looks like she's scared of you asking more questions.

Wait… this is Bonesaw.

"That didn't kill her, did it?"

The half-smile she had at the previous statement falls, along with your stomach.

"Shit," she winces, running a hand through her thick, purple-accented hair while looking back at everyone else. "Fuck, Saki. We… look, I don't know what you've heard, but Taylor kept Bonesaw alive to make her fix all the messed-up shit she'd done and to find out what kind of fucked-up bombs and plagues the Nine had left everywhere."

Your fists are clenched, bunching up your dress as you feel your shoulders scrunching inwards. Looking away, the rest of Wards look similarly torn, while Miss Militia and Prayer share a series of quick looks.

"That was more than a week ago," you say quietly, more to yourself than at anyone specifically. "Is she still alive?"


A large, steady hand rests on your shoulder - large enough for the fingers to also support your neck and back. You don't look up from the black tile floor when Prayer speaks, since you don't want to hear what she's going to say.

"She is not forgiven," echoes the quiet, deep voice into the silent room. "Her acts are not forgotten."

"So what?" you mutter, confused, frustrated and just so, so tired. "Send her to the Birdcage."

Silence again, for a moment, before the echoing voice returns.

"Then Jack Slash will have won."

Blinking, you straighten up in confusion - noticing that you aren't the only one that doesn't understand.


Prayer's glittering, aquamarine skin accents her flat expression as she stares down at you with hard, amber eyes. "She is eleven. Six years ago, her family murdered, he made himself her world."

You try to recoil… you don't… you don't want to hear this you don't care!

Her hand remains firm, her voice a hammer to your fear and confusion and hate.

"He trained her. Warped her. The greatest biological tinker, his greatest weapon. For his heresy, we would deny him this victory."

"So..." you reluctantly keep her gaze, even though you know where this is headed. "Taylor's trying to... save... her?"

A slight nod, but with a regretful frown. "We no longer can afford waste, but she must prove worth the risk. After, she must save herself."


"I…" you tear your eyes away, trying to look for someone to back you up on this, but everyone around you is too uncomfortable to hold your gaze. All except for Miss Militia, but the pitying look she's giving you makes you feel even worse.

"I'm not hungry anymore," you mumble, before shoving yourself back to your Safe Space-

-only to go flying in an awkward tumble through the portal. You hit the black hexagon tiles hard, rolling and flailing, until you finally come to a stop.

Curled up in a ball, you quickly cry yourself to sleep.



As consciousness returns, the vague, unsettling nightmares slip from your mind to leave only feelings of loss, betrayal, and shame. Familiar feelings, but not as overpowering as you are so normally used to.

No, the most prominent emotions running through your blank mind are ones of bewilderment and awe.

Only after watching the hypnotizing, slowly-shifting mural of some fantastic battleground filling the ceiling above do you understand what it means: Lord Grasp must have picked you up at some point and deposited you within one of his bedrooms. Knowing him, probably the master bedroom - not that you're complaining, since this room is the size of your old house and filled with enough dressers, art pieces, and furniture to fill it.

Yes, you think you're going to just… stay here in these silk sheets and cloud-like pillows for a while. Oooh, stretching out feels like you're in some kind of soothing, silken waterfall…

You're almost sad that you don't feel even the slightest bit tired anymore, since it won't give you the chance drift off in this platform of luxury. You'll just have to settle for writhing around in the sheets like a blissful cat.

"Good morning, Warden," Lord Grasp's contented voice echoes out from the walls, while the mural above you shifts to display his pagoda form descending into the battlefield on beams of starlight. "I take it you approve of my unrivaled furnishings?"

you groan, closing your eyes again with a dopey smile as you bury your face in the small mountain of pillows. "Never let me sleep in a different bed."

"You are... not the first to mandate such,"
he chuckles, though his tone grows sad, wistful. "Regardless, I shall endeavor to see your will made manifest."

So caught up in your decadence, it takes you a few moments for realization to dawn upon you - memories of yesterday bubbling up, bringing with them the torrent of painful, soul-wrenching revelations.

But you weren't the only one hurt yesterday, were you?

Languidly, you wiggle through the relaxing pile of sheets and pillows until you're just able to peek out of it to peer at the mural above. The battle still wages on in a sort of slow-motion, stylized rendition of some cataclysmic conflict. Massive demonic beasts, glowing heroes of gold and silver, armies wrapped in torrents of fire, water, earth, and air…

Floating above it all on a cloud of white, the glamorous pagoda is no longer a participant; it watches the battle play out, as if it, too, were a spectator of the play.

"Are… are you okay, Lord Grasp?"

he startles, the pagoda-version of him in the mural flailing its large pincers in embarrassment. "Warden, you scandalize me with such an inquiry! What could possibly harm such a resilient fortification such as myself? I am ever-ready to serve, do not fear!"

He laughs, though it's still missing something compared to his energy from before.

The two of you lapse into silence again, watching the mural play itself out. The battle lines ebb and flow against the bizarre hordes that seem to shift and change themselves into different beasts and demons - as if the display is not just of a single battle, but a representation of a larger war and its smaller battles.

It is entrancing, and, for a while, distracting enough.

He probably misses them as much as you miss your sister. But… even that isn't fair to him; the compass on your forehead is a sign she still exists, that there is a hope of reunion. Maybe Autochthon even built her a body over there? Maybe...

But if that spirit is right, then Lord Grasp woke up after a night of partying to find out that everything he'd known, everything he'd fought hundreds - maybe thousands - of years for… was gone forever. That the heroes and gods he'd looked up to and defended had gone insane, eventually taking reality itself with them in their maddened fall.

And here he is, trying to cheer you up. You don't deserve...

"I'm sorry, Lord Grasp," you sob, covering your face with your hands. "I'm so sorry."

he acknowledges sadly, fumbling for words. "I… yes. Well. It… "

There is silence again, for a while. Eventually, as your tears begin to run out, he sighs again.

"Thank you, Warden."

Confused, you rub your eyes and blink a few times to look up at his representation.


"While I am a… magnificent spirit, in many respects, I... "
he trails off, and you see the pagoda's large pincers tap together absently before he shudders. "No, that will not work. You see…"

With a wave of one of the mural-pagoda's claws, the fantastic war swirls into a chaotic whorl of colored inks before resolving into a grand view unlike anything you've ever seen before.

"Your world works without spirits and gods - despite how preposterous that sounds to me - so you may be forgiven your ignorance. In Creation, Reality itself is… was maintained by the Five Bureaus of the Celestial Hierarchy; every object possessed a god, every concept overseen by a spirit."

It is a city, but as if someone had set out to fashion the ultimate expression of the word. Where at first it seems clustered, golden pathways and silver rivers wind through to reveal easy passage for travellers. Towers as opulent as Lord Grasp dot the horizon (sometimes, like him, not even attached to the ground), though their impossible aesthetics range through every color of the rainbow while being crafted from materials likely never seen on Earth. It is as if the dreams of a science-fiction metropolis were instead realized through a vaguely-Asian fantasy world.

It is glorious in a way that steals your breath, but in the same moment you suspect that Lord Grasp must be showing something from memory… you realize it must no longer exist.

"This worked because… spirits… are our function. It is the lens through which we see the world, the drive that bids us rise from lethargy, the meaning behind every action we take, and the wellspring of our contentment. While some may have dreams of more, it is always rooted in the growth of their domain."

You blink, more than a little shocked at how much this sounds like the fragments of shintoism you absorbed through your parents' ambivalence towards religion. You almost feel bad for not having learned more about it - and a little surprised that Taylor didn't mention this in her presentation?

Lord Grasp's two-dimensional avatar looks down over the wondrous city, silently watching it bustle with all kinds of non-human shapes.

"As for my function… I enjoyed the parties, the soirees, the orgies, the galas. Mingling with gods and exalts as we spun tales of heroism and gossiped over what would become of Creation once the festivities ended… but in the end, that was not my reason for being."

Eventually, after a few more moments of silence, he waves a claw again and the cityscape dissolves...

… and then resolves into four figures, each dressed for war in their own ways. The two males favor weaponry, with the first armored efficiently and carrying an ornate, golden, seven-sectioned staff while the other wears practically nothing and hefts an egregiously-oversized hammer of burnished starmetal. The two women share a similar theme; the first is armored like what you'd expect from a fantasy battle-monk, while the second is basically wearing a ballgown and wielding paper fans.

Looking at them in order, you can see now the progression towards better and grander armies and armaments you witnessed in Lord Grasp's animated mural.

Also, you're pretty sure that guy with the hammer is winking at you while eyeing his hammer with a grin and arched eyebrows. By the Law of Lewdness you are forced to nod in approval, and you're pretty sure that must be "Kazin" that Lord Grasp mentioned before. The others also appear to be appraising you with varying degrees of concern or curiosity, in a way that makes you wonder if Lord Grasp's displays have somehow come to life on their own.

"When I say that I live to serve, it is not an embellishment or a lie," he intones, the animated representation shifting into what can almost be considered a bow. "I am Crushing Grasp, the spirit of a long-lost, long-forgotten Mark III Siege Pagoda, and it is only through dedication to my purpose and the bond between master and familiar that gives me the strength to remain."

The four figures glance at Lord Grasp's representation, growing wistful or chagrined. For his part, the animated pagoda doesn't seem to notice.

"While I have been overly-forward with you regarding my perception of your… capacity for improvement… in the end, you are my reason for being. Should you wish to alter the tone or familiarity of our relationship, you have but say the word."

Being stared down by four legendary heroes (well, Kazin was basically undressing you with his eyes) and bowed down to by an animated representation of the very building you're in… well, it's is more than a little awkward. Worse, you can't even sit up in bed - you pretty much have to lie horizontal in the bed in order to stare up at the ceiling.

"It's… that's alright, Lord Grasp," you sigh, clutching one of the pillows in embarrassment. "I know you're just trying to help. And I'm sorry I haven't thought about how bad all this must be for you, I've just… I'm so used to having Sakura around to… I've never had to do anything on my own."

The figures peer at you with mixed emotions, while Lord Grasp slowly bobs his tower in a sad nod.

"Ah. I'd… feared that was the explanation for your timidity, even more so after observing your vision. She was… your voice, I take it?"

you mumble in assent, looking away as the loss sweeps over you again.

"I see."

Silence again, as you both are lost in memories.

"I… don't know what to do, Lord Grasp."

He grunts, but you aren't really looking at him, curled-up as you are in the sheets.

"I want to ask Sakura, but she's gone. I want to ask Taylor, but she's… busy with her."


you grit out, fists crushing the pillow in your grasp. "Taylor kept her alive so she could… use her? Fix her? Even after everything she did..."

Beyond a concerned hum, Lord Grasp is silent - long enough that you find it difficult to keep hold of the anger.


When he doesn't continue, you turn your head to look up at his animated representation. It is still in the same place, but it is tapping the tips of its claws together again. Noticing your gaze, it swivels slightly to face its gemstone eyes towards you.

"Warden, you have lived much of your life following another. While dedication and loyalty are noble traits, and necessary for the smooth functioning of an Exalted unit, perhaps… a degree of independence will help you find your feet in this strange new world we're in."

You blink, recoiling slightly with your eyes wide.

"W-what?! You mean run away-?!"

"Please, Warden,"
he huffs, throwing up his claws in exasperation. "I never run away. Tactical retreats are another matter, of course…"

All the figures nod in very serious agreement at that.

"...but no, that is not what I meant. For example, though I am ashamed to admit that someone who fashions themselves so deliberately offensive would be in charge of 'Image,' that mortal was clearly operating under the belief that you would follow any schedule or obey any command he or his superiors made. Likewise, the manner in which you and the rest of your Circle were addressed in that meeting demonstrated a complete lack of understanding that you are Exalted. Chosen of the Great Maker himself!"

As some of Lord Grasp's enthusiasm and flare are creeping back into his mannerisms and tone, the figures give you looks of open bewilderment or blank incomprehension.

"You should be wielding your sheer presence and beauty in ways you see fit, not sequestering it behind walls and disguises at their command! Do not fear their scorn or their judgment - your very being is that of a weapon that forges the future from impossibility, and your will is the Divine Mandate of Heaven!"

As his gesticulating and ranting trails off, the figures to the side nod to each other and give silent claps of approval. Except… after holding his final open-armed pose for a few moments, he begins to wilt.

"At least… that is what we thought. If… if it is all true…"

At last, he seems to finally notice his small audience. Each are giving him concerned, confused, or worried glances, but he doesn't respond for several long moments. Finally, he lifts a single claw...

… and with a slow, solemn wave, the figures disperse.

"Perhaps we should not repeat our mistakes."

You remain silent, watching as the animated pagoda remains motionless, staring at the space that remains empty after the figures' dispersal. Eventually, however, confusion wins out over reluctance to interrupt Lord Grasp's thoughts.

"So… what should I do?"

The doors on the pagoda flutter, the entire structure shuddering as he heaves a sigh.

"That is up to you, Warden," he admits, spreading his arms wide. "Not Enduring Order Administrator, not First Prayer of Perfection, and most certainly not the mortal government. The Great Maker has blessed you with the social presence to sway any heart, and the unheard-of power to whisk yourself to anywhere you wish."

A globe appears - or rather, a static image of Earth from space, which means Lord Grasp probably hasn't seen a full three-dimensional image yet.

"Surely you have desires of your own, do you not? Apart from your mission, apart from your Circle, apart from… even apart from your sister?"

The cloud-covered blue marble dissipates, and Lord Grasp's animated avatar points a large claw down from the ceiling.

"What is it that you want to do?"

You… haven't really ever considered… what you would want to do... by yourself. There are ships and pairings and snacks and boys that you've maybe wanted alongside Sakura, and the last few days have been nothing but trying to figure out what you want to do with Taylor and Prayer…

No, not like that.

Maybe like that?

Bleh. Everything's weird now, but you're pretty sure you still only like guys. And guys on guys. With some more guys in there, just for good measure. Sakura was more for girl-on-girl…-on-girl… but that was more to cover all the Lewd Bases.

… you may have been focusing on Kazin a bit too much during all that.

Shaking your head and slapping both hands to your face, you scrunch up and try to think seriously. What…

Well, 'want' is weird. Too vague. What would… make you happy? Or… well, less sad. Maybe something easy, like… no, Fugly Bob's is gone. Oh, right, you didn't eat last night… because…


You sit up, slowly, dropping your hands to stare at the intricate ways your burnished-grey skin contrasts with the backlit-blue computer patterns that highlight most of your charms.

Twist. Pull. Push.

The pitch-black fingernails on your left hand curl out, sharpening to wicked, jagged claws.

Clenching your right hand, the black stiletto-spike slides out between your middle- and ring-finger knuckles to extend a full foot.

Looking up, you narrow your eyes at your companion's avatar.

"I want answers."


It doesn't take too long to find a dress from Sweet River's wardrobe that doesn't have you swimming in the top, even if Lord Grasp insisted that you would do better to reshape yourself to fit her… ample size.

For some reason, he doesn't understand the concept of 'back pains'. There's no way she could have not had to deal with that… right? And how did she do magical kung-fu in a dress with those things?!

Something to experiment with later, maybe. When no-one's looking. Because you have taste.

Unfortunately, your options for an exit point are still limited: either the top of PRT Tower, or the Cradle. Since you don't feel like attracting the attention of the PRT until you get to Philadelphia, that means you're taking the long way back home.

Thankfully, exiting your portal effect into the early-morning sea breeze is much smoother when you're riding inside Lord Grasp's curtain-covered litter, and appearing a few hundred feet up means you don't have to worry about getting ash and dust all on your pristine white-and-blue gown.

You're not getting spoiled. You're not.

"Do you feel her?" you ask, figuring that there was an easy way for the two of you to tell if Taylor was still hanging around the Cradle with her spirit.

"Mmm… no, Warden," he muses, smoothing out his fidgeting - yet another reminder that he's suffering for your sake. He swivels towards the center of the lake-filled crater. "Though I think I spy… Lord Iris."

The name is said with an undercurrent of nervousness, though it's more than understandable.

"R-right. Let's get out-"

Only a few feet in front of the two of you, a rectangular hole in reality neatly slides open to reveal a single figure and a blank, white hallway.

"Ms. Kurosawa," the Mediterranean woman in a trimmed business suit greets you evenly, looking up from the open portfolio she is carrying in her left hand.

"This way, please," she calmly offers, gesturing with her free right hand down the white corridor behind her while snapping the portfolio closed. "We have been waiting."



RED Intimacies have not been fully-established yet, and are not used for bonuses/negatives.
GREY Intimacies yield the normal bonuses/negatives until fully eroded.

WoRI - Intimacy GAINED: Lord Crushing Grasp (Loyal, Learned, Loquacious, Lewd) [Servitude] [3/3]
WoRI - Intimacy REDUCED: Enduring Order Administrator (Savior Of The Broken) [Servitude] [2/3]
WoRI - Intimacy STARTED: Enduring Order Administrator (Blinded By The Big Picture) [Emotion|Frustration] [1/3]
EOA - Intimacy GAINED: Director Martin Uriel (I Wish He Wasn't Such An Ass) [Illusion] [4/4]
EOA - Intimacy RAISED: Iris of Innovation (Keep His Terrifying Power Focused Or Risk Vengeance) [Emotion|Anxiety] [4/4]
EOA - Intimacy RAISED: Lord Crushing Grasp (Peacock In Scorpion Form) [Illusion] [3/4]
EOA - Intimacy RAISED: Legend (How Much Is The Hero And How Much Is Cauldron) [Emotion|Reservation] [3/4]

FPoP - Intimacy GAINED: Eye of Autochthon (Care For Collateral, For It Will Not) [Illusion] [3/3]
FPoP - Intimacy STARTED: Miss Militia/Hannah Smith (Tempered By Service) [Emotion|Respect] [1/3]

WoRI - Athletics +1 Interval (2/6 Intervals)
WoRI - Integrity +1 Intervals (3/6 Intervals)
WoRI - Investigation +1 Interval (3/6 Intervals)
WoRI - Larceny +1 Intervals (2/6 Intervals)
WoRI - Lore +2 Interval (3/6 Intervals)
EOA - Integrity +1 Interval (1/6 Intervals)
FPoP - Awareness +1 Interval (4/6 Intervals)
FPoP - Bureaucracy +1 Interval (1/6 Intervals)
FPoP - Investigation +1 Intervals (3/6 Intervals)
FPoP - Lore +2 Intervals (2/6 Intervals)

EOA - Reputation (Alchemical Parahuman) ●●●●● NOW AVAILABLE!*
FPoP - Reputation (Alchemical Parahuman) ●●●●● NOW AVAILABLE!*
WoRI - Reputation (Impossible Beauty) ●●●●● NOW AVAILABLE!
WoRI - Reputation (Ward) ●●●●○ NOW AVAILABLE!
WoRI - Reputation (Alchemical Parahuman) ●●●●● NOW AVAILABLE!*

*Dependent on a Voting Option.

Well! Certainly a lot of information that's been a long-time coming, the fate of Creation, our accelerated timeline, the plan to reformat the world to allow for essence, and the (tentative) plan to save Autochthon. Still a bunch of past votes (mostly Free Actions) rolling around in the queue, but we'll get to those soon enough; there's a few things we need to settle before we continue forward.

With Saki's emergence, Glenn and the PRT are finally getting around to the realization that this "Alchemical" nonsense is only going to keep getting bigger and needs a public explanation. After all, as the saying goes: "once is a fluke, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action." With that in mind, the PRT wants to stop spending effort on the whole "Case 53" story for Taylor, and then publicly announce that Taylor, Prayer, and Saki are a new breed: "Alchemical Parahumans," full-conversion cyborgs by the mysterious Tinker "Autochthon" who resides in a different parallel dimension. Taylor and the Assembly will be working with Glenn and the other PR heads to sort out all the smaller details, but the long and short of it is that the public message wouldn't try to convince people of all the Exalted craziness, instead keeping things close enough to the Parahuman status-quo to effectively be considered similar to Case 53s (and would overwrite Prayer's Reputation(Case53)). After all, looking at it from afar, all this Alchemical business isn't really that much different than the usual brand of Parahuman bullshit... just cranked up to 11.

Of course, there are all kinds of good and bad ramifications to this public outing - power-hungry people/parahumans coveting the conversion process, for example - but the fact of the matter is that the PRT is going to need to say something soon. We'll likely get a chance to shape the message in some way if we choose to tell the PRT to wait now, but how much and what kind of message it would be is unknown.

Speaking of public stories, the official explanation for what the heck went down at the end of the Slaughterhouse Nine arc is basically, "call us if you were hurt or lost something, we're still gathering testimonies to figure it out." The PRT would like to say they've figured it out, but we've accrued enough capital by ending the S9 that we have some say on what the official story will be. How much truth do we want to let out? Naturally, this ties into the "Alchemical Parahuman" vote, and the two will influence each other.

We've put it off long enough, but it's time to make a decision: what are we getting from Cauldron for turning over the S9 members they requested? Since we've chosen to only have Backing 2, we don't get to keep a running tab and Cauldron wants to settle their debts. To recap, we turned over 4 of the 5 they asked for, so that breaks down as follows:

- 4 S9 members = 9 "Credits"
- Resources 0->5 = 1 Credit
- Low Quality Vial = 1 Credit
- Medium Quality Vial = 2 Credits
- High Quality Vial = 3 Credits
- Access to any no-problematic parahuman on Earth-Bet = 1 Credit
- Access to any parahuman on Earth-Bet = 3 Credits
- Access to any parahuman in Cauldron's reach = 5 Credits
- Access to a specified alternate Earth = 4 Credits ("aquatic Earth that doesn't have humans", Earth-Aleph, etc.)

Arguments along the vein of "they should give us vials for free because we'll improve them" have been considered by Cauldron and will be discussed in the next Chapter, but will not impact this vote; this is to settle past debts, not discuss future collaborations.

Oh, and Sakura has been quite busy! Yes, life has been exciting as of late. Perhaps we should help her out?

Last but not least, we'll have an Interlude during the Discussion/Voting period. Whose shoulder should we peer over?

Alchemicals On Parade: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt allowed!)
[ ] PRT Announces "Alchemical Parahumans"
[ ] Alchemicals remain a PRT "Ongoing Investigation"

The Week of Slaughter - Post-Mortem: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt allowed!)
[ ] The Truth (Iris/Vision and Taylor did it. Stunt defines "The Truth.")
[ ] Blame Jack (Jack did it. Stunt defines "The Truth.")
[ ] Swamp Gas (Still-being-studied parahuman power/Tinkertech interaction did it. Stunt defines "The Truth.")

Our Cauldron Runneth Over: (Total of 9 Credits to spend, use the above-listed options, NO Stunts.)
Example vote for this, please use this format:
[X] 2 x Resources 0->5
[X] 1 x High Quality Vial
[X] 1 x Access to a specified alternate Earth

Autochthonia Adventure #27: Must Go Faster, MUST GO FASTER! (Choose ONE, NO Stunt!)
[ ] Overload The Engine
[ ] Turn Guns On Ceiling
[ ] Cut Losses, Kamikaze

Interlusions Of Grandeur: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Bonesaw
[ ] Armsmaster
[ ] New Trigger

Free Actions: (Only ONE Free Action allowed per character!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting the "Free Action" bit), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.

[ ] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]

XP Expenditures should now be formatted as such:
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item ●●●○○
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item (Specialization ●●○)

Last edited:
9.5 Voting: Voting Options, Discussion Start
Well! Certainly a lot of information that's been a long-time coming, the fate of Creation, our accelerated timeline, the plan to reformat the world to allow for essence, and the (tentative) plan to save Autochthon. Still a bunch of past votes (mostly Free Actions) rolling around in the queue, but we'll get to those soon enough; there's a few things we need to settle before we continue forward.

With Saki's emergence, Glenn and the PRT are finally getting around to the realization that this "Alchemical" nonsense is only going to keep getting bigger and needs a public explanation. After all, as the saying goes: "once is a fluke, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action." With that in mind, the PRT wants to stop spending effort on the whole "Case 53" story for Taylor, and then publicly announce that Taylor, Prayer, and Saki are a new breed: "Alchemical Parahumans," full-conversion cyborgs by the mysterious Tinker "Autochthon" who resides in a different parallel dimension. Taylor and the Assembly will be working with Glenn and the other PR heads to sort out all the smaller details, but the long and short of it is that the public message wouldn't try to convince people of all the Exalted craziness, instead keeping things close enough to the Parahuman status-quo to effectively be considered similar to Case 53s (and would overwrite Prayer's Reputation(Case53)). After all, looking at it from afar, all this Alchemical business isn't really that much different than the usual brand of Parahuman bullshit... just cranked up to 11.

Of course, there are all kinds of good and bad ramifications to this public outing - power-hungry people/parahumans coveting the conversion process, for example - but the fact of the matter is that the PRT is going to need to say something soon. We'll likely get a chance to shape the message in some way if we choose to tell the PRT to wait now, but how much and what kind of message it would be is unknown.

Speaking of public stories, the official explanation for what the heck went down at the end of the Slaughterhouse Nine arc is basically, "call us if you were hurt or lost something, we're still gathering testimonies to figure it out." The PRT would like to say they've figured it out, but we've accrued enough capital by ending the S9 that we have some say on what the official story will be. How much truth do we want to let out? Naturally, this ties into the "Alchemical Parahuman" vote, and the two will influence each other.

We've put it off long enough, but it's time to make a decision: what are we getting from Cauldron for turning over the S9 members they requested? Since we've chosen to only have Backing 2, we don't get to keep a running tab and Cauldron wants to settle their debts. To recap, we turned over 4 of the 5 they asked for, so that breaks down as follows:

- 4 S9 members = 9 "Credits"
- Resources 0->5 = 1 Credit
- Low Quality Vial = 1 Credit
- Medium Quality Vial = 2 Credits
- High Quality Vial = 3 Credits
- Access to any no-problematic parahuman on Earth-Bet = 1 Credit
- Access to any parahuman on Earth-Bet = 3 Credits
- Access to any parahuman in Cauldron's reach = 5 Credits
- Access to a specified alternate Earth = 4 Credits ("aquatic Earth that doesn't have humans", Earth-Aleph, etc.)

Arguments along the vein of "they should give us vials for free because we'll improve them" have been considered by Cauldron and will be discussed in the next Chapter, but will not impact this vote; this is to settle past debts, not discuss future collaborations. Also, it should be noted that our rewards do not have to be used by us - we could, for example, help build Accord's Ambassadors back up with vials and cash infusions, or purchase Tinkertech from the Toybox with the money.

Oh, and Sakura has been quite busy! Yes, life has been exciting as of late. Perhaps we should help her out?

Last but not least, we'll have an Interlude during the Discussion/Voting period. Whose shoulder should we peer over?

Alchemicals On Parade: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt allowed!)
[ ] PRT Announces "Alchemical Parahumans"
[ ] Alchemicals remain a PRT "Ongoing Investigation"

The Week of Slaughter - Post-Mortem: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt allowed!)
[ ] The Truth (Iris/Vision and Taylor did it. Stunt defines "The Truth.")
[ ] Blame Jack (Jack did it. Stunt defines "The Truth.")
[ ] Swamp Gas (Still-being-studied parahuman power/Tinkertech interaction did it. Stunt defines "The Truth.")

Our Cauldron Runneth Over: (Total of 9 Credits to spend, use the above-listed options, NO Stunts.)
Example vote for this, please use this format:
[X] 2 x Resources 0->5
[X] 1 x High Quality Vial
[X] 1 x Access to a specified alternate Earth

Autochthonia Adventure #27: Must Go Faster, MUST GO FASTER! (Choose ONE, NO Stunt!)
[ ] Overload The Engine
[ ] Turn Guns On Ceiling
[ ] Cut Losses, Kamikaze

Interlusions Of Grandeur: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Bonesaw
[ ] Armsmaster
[ ] New Trigger

Free Actions: (Only ONE Free Action allowed per character!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting the "Free Action" bit), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.

[ ] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]

XP Expenditures should now be formatted as such:
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item ●●●○○
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item (Specialization ●●○)

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9.5 Voting: Vote Results

- We sorta went… contradictory ways with the Alchemicals On Parade and S9 Explanation votes. Not what I expected. I'll figure something out.
- I counted a vote for multiple of a Cauldron reward as also a vote for lesser numbers of the same reward, so a vote for 5 x Resources also counted for 4 x Resources, etc. It actually didn't have an impact on what won, amusingly, but it's something worth keeping in mind for the future.
- I guess I need to re-clarify in the actual Vote Options posts, but Free Actions need to either be short asides that happen in between established/predicted events, or ways to help re-frame other votes. The two "winning" Free Actions for Saki were completely new events independent of everything else going on, and thus were disqualified.
- While I stand by the "Stunts can't harm you" voting ethos, the "let's try to give Brian and Lisa soul gems" Free Action was like trying to use a Free Action to swim down to Leviathan and start talking to him. While Stunts/Free Actions should be used to
set a scene, I will disqualify any that specifically set up a scene that will either get you killed or blow up in your face.

Alchemicals On Parade:
[X] Alchemicals remain a PRT Ongoing Investigation
No. of votes: 17

veekie, Datakim, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, wingstrike96, Nicklance, landcollector, Scify, Romv, Evil Atlas, Versac, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt, No One, Zcuron
- [x] Stunt: Glenn sighed tiredly, "We can only delay things for so long Weaver." "I don't need that long. In six weeks, Iris will have finished his work, Saki will have adjusted and my charm will have regenerated." Legend spoke from his seat, "You helped take down the Nine. I think we can give you six weeks. Saki also deserves that much."
No. of votes: 17
landcollector, Scify, Romv, Evil Atlas, Versac, No One, veekie, Datakim, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, wingstrike96, Nicklance, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt, Zcuron

[X] PRT Announces Alchemical Parahumans
No. of votes: 13

Hate Fish, Twei, Stratagemini, Silently Watches, sun tzu, VNodosaurus, darkdigi, spudman, Graypairofsocks, uju32, Idan Dor, Algalon, 1986ctcel
- [x] Stunt: Taylor turns to the television hostess. "We aren't robots, we've just been... upgraded. Given a second chance at life after being saved from either death, or in Marrow's case, from powers that crippled her ability to interact with society."
No. of votes: 5
Twei, Stratagemini, Silently Watches, sun tzu, darkdigi
- [x] Stunt: "...concludes the official statement by the PRT and Protectorate on the issue. I will now turn the lectern over to Weaver." Gloria steps away from the lectern with a nod as you replace her, professional smile firmly in place as you face the assembled press. "Hello again. I am guessing you all have a few questions. Who will go first?"
No. of votes: 4
spudman, uju32, Algalon, 1986ctcel
- [x] Stunt: As the news broke, first through PRT official channels but swiftly though most major news outlets, the rumors began to grow. At first, the media silence as to specifics was almost palpable, but once the questions began flooding in, from heroes, rogues and even villains, some relaxation was in order. Everyone wanted answers, and nobody cared who from.
No. of votes: 3
Hate Fish, VNodosaurus, Idan Dor

The Week of Slaughter - Post-Mortem:
[X] The Truth (Iris/Vision and Taylor did it. Stunt defines The Truth.)
No. of votes: 20
veekie, Datakim, Stratagemini, Silently Watches, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, sun tzu, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Scify, VNodosaurus, Evil Atlas, darkdigi, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt, No One, Idan Dor, Zcuron
- [x] Stunt: "The fact is that there is no way to conceal Iris and my own capabilities in the long run without crippling critical operations." The drone hologram projects several scenarios, "And the plain truth is that Jack had provoked a powerful individual into lethally lashing out with his power. He had a record of similar provocations. Call it a Master effect."
No. of votes: 11
veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, VNodosaurus, Evil Atlas, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt, Idan Dor, Zcuron
- [x] Stunt: "Huh. Says here that ball was some kinda amplifier, and that Weaver had a power surge? Whazzat mean?" "Means Jack's dead. All I care about," the bartender opined. A younger man chimed in, "Oh! I've heard that! When a cape's in bad enough shit, sometimes their power goes nuts." Bob closed the paper, "Well, best they keep her safe, then."
No. of votes: 3
Datakim, Yeangst, ctulhuslp
- [x] Stunt: "Jack managed to get a hold of an experimental tinkertech computer designed to enhance an alchemical parahuman's power that was lost during Behemoth's last attack. He turned it into a weapon that would cause Weaver's power to go out of control and kill every living thing in Philadelphia. Weaver was able to keep her power under control and use it to kill the nine instead."
No. of votes: 8
Stratagemini, Silently Watches, sun tzu, landcollector, Scify, Versac, darkdigi, No One

[X] Blame Jack (Jack did it. Stunt defines The Truth.)
No. of votes: 7
landcollector, Versac, spudman, uju32, Algalon, 1986ctcel, Hate Fish
- [x] Stunt: " why did it take so long for you to disable it?" asked a visibly red-faced Congressman. Taylor took her time, sipping on a glass of water before leaning towards the microphone. "Well, firstly the shock knocked me unconscious for some time. Then, my immediate priority was to ensure that none of the surviving Niners could set off any…"
No. of votes: 4
spudman, uju32, Algalon, 1986ctcel
- [x] Stunt: The biggest question, though, was What happened in Philladelphia? The answer: A carefully woven half truth, stating that the creator of the Alchemical Parahumans, a conservatively ranked Tinker 12 known as Autochthon, had sent a device to watch over his creations in their work, which Jack Slash had interfered with. The device had responded poorly, and acted in self defence.
No. of votes: 1
Hate Fish

Our Cauldron Runneth Over:
[X] 1 x Low Quality Vial
No. of votes: 26
veekie, Datakim, Twei, Stratagemini, Silently Watches, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, sun tzu, wingstrike96, Nicklance, VNodosaurus, Versac, darkdigi, spudman, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt, No One, uju32, Idan Dor, Zcuron, Algalon, 1986ctcel, Hate Fish, landcollector
[X] 1 x Resources 0-5
No. of votes: 22
veekie, Twei, Silently Watches, wingstrike96, Nicklance, VNodosaurus, Versac, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt, No One, uju32, Idan Dor, Zcuron, Algalon, 1986ctcel, Hate Fish, Stratagemini, sun tzu, darkdigi, spudman
[X] 1 x Access to a specified alternate Earth
No. of votes: 20
veekie, Datakim, Twei, Silently Watches, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, wingstrike96, Nicklance, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, VNodosaurus, Versac, spudman, Jinnt, No One, uju32, Idan Dor, Algalon, 1986ctcel
[X] 1 x High Quality Vial
No. of votes: 18
Datakim, Hate Fish, Twei, Stratagemini, Silently Watches, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, sun tzu, landcollector, VNodosaurus, Versac, darkdigi, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, No One, Idan Dor, Zcuron
[X] 1 x Access to any parahuman on Earth-Bet
No. of votes: 10
landcollector, spudman, Jinnt, uju32, Zcuron, Algalon, 1986ctcel, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance
[X] 1 x Access to any no-problematic parahuman on Earth-Bet
No. of votes: 5
Datakim, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, landcollector, Zcuron
[X] 4 x Resources 0-5
No. of votes: 5
Hate Fish, Stratagemini, sun tzu, darkdigi, spudman
[X] 5 x Resources 0-5
No. of votes: 4
Stratagemini, sun tzu, darkdigi, spudman
[X] 2 x Low Quality Vial
No. of votes: 2
Hate Fish, landcollector

Autochthonia Adventure #27: Must Go Faster, MUST GO FASTER!:
[X] Turn Guns On Ceiling
No. of votes: 22
Datakim, Hate Fish, Twei, Stratagemini, Silently Watches, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, landcollector, VNodosaurus, Evil Atlas, darkdigi, spudman, Graypairofsocks, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt, No One, uju32, Zcuron, Algalon, 1986ctcel
[X] Overload The Engine
No. of votes: 7
veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Scify, Romv, Versac, Idan Dor

Interlusions of Grandeur:
[X] Armsmaster
No. of votes: 23
veekie, Datakim, Hate Fish, Silently Watches, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, sun tzu, wingstrike96, Nicklance, landcollector, Scify, Romv, VNodosaurus, Evil Atlas, Versac, darkdigi, spudman, Graypairofsocks, No One, uju32, Idan Dor, Zcuron, Algalon
[X] Bonesaw
No. of votes: 6
Twei, Stratagemini, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt
[X] New Trigger
No. of votes: 1

Free Actions:
[X] EOA - Free Action: The aroma of Earl Gray filled the air of Crushing Grasp's main receiving room as the three Alchemicals sat on cushions around plates of pastries and drinks. As Prayer bit into an anpan bun, Saki said carefully "I hear you've both had an eventful week?" Taylor made a face over her cup of tea. "Ugh." Saki leaned forward "Tell me."
No. of votes: 16
Twei, darkdigi, spudman, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt, No One, uju32, Algalon, 1986ctcel, sun tzu, landcollector, Scify, Versac, Graypairofsocks,
EOA - Free Action: The aroma of Earl Gray filled the air of Crushing Grasp's main receiving room as the three Alchemicals sat on cushions around plates of pastries and drinks. As Prayer bit into an anpan bun, Saki said carefully "There's things we should talk about." Taylor's face turned serious over her cup of tea. "There are. I'll start…"
Evil Atlas
[X] EOA - Free Action: The reports scroll away quietly as the drone pours over Saint's activities and cross references them against with Dragon's structure, her first defeat, and subsequent loss of equipment. Too perfect for a first timer. Beyond what the understanding of her general structure would allow. Saint, then, had her creator's exploits. Exploits she would need to help Dragon escape her chains.
No. of votes: 3
veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance
[X] EOA - Free Action: So, I have one these 'shards' from this recording attached to me aswell, Accord spoke with poorly hidden strain in his voice, To see my truest enemy at last, he whispered. Weaver continued the presentation in a concise tone, A soul would allow you to resist it, and grant other benefits. My report was comprehensive. Accord turned, and quietly nodded.
No. of votes: 6
Datakim, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, VNodosaurus, Idan Dor, Zcuron
[X] EOA - Free Action: Sighing, Taylor began to focus on her drones, mechanical and organic. The task at hand only required one train of thought, so she could easily keep up the illusion of working. As she began to notice them, the similarities between life and machine stood out. This required further investigaiton.
No. of votes: 1
Hate Fish
[X] EOA - Free Action: So, you're telling me that Riley needs to socialize with her peers? Taylor asked the youth guard representative incredulously. Studies have shown that this is the best was to rehabilitate preteen supervillains. Right then, Taylor agreed, too tired for this nonsense, I'll try and set up a play-date.
No. of votes: 1

[X] FPoP - Free Action: "Come in." Prayer opened the door, and saw a monitor with two videos paused. The recording of Saki's vision, and her anima impersonation of Autochthon. Miss Militia regarded her with a fervor that Sirkalla had never seen on the reserved hero. "Thank you for coming. I've had visions of my own I'd like you to hear, Sirkalla."
No. of votes: 11
Twei, landcollector, Scify, Romv, Evil Atlas, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt, Idan Dor, Zcuron
[X] FPoP - Free Action: "Oh wow... it's so large," Kali proclaimed. "Are you sure it'll fit?" "Chevalier's taken bigger," Prayer defended her gift. With Iris helping, she'd finally made the Adamant permanent. The gigantic slab would make the perfect birthday gift for Robert. "I also made a blade for you to use as well Kali. I hope you like it."
No. of votes: 8
Datakim, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, VNodosaurus, spudman, No One, Stratagemini, darkdigi
[X] FPoP - Free Action: Leaning forward in her chair, Prayer pushed a file across the table. Your team comes highly recommended,Faultline. I'm looking to acquire additional information on the Fairy Queen. Early life, relatives, rumors, anything and everything. Discreetly. Gregor began to open his mouth, but the lady in the welder's mask silenced him with a look. Alright, then. Let's talk costs.
No. of votes: 3
uju32, Algalon, 1986ctcel, Versac, Graypairofsocks
[X] FPoP - Free Action: The intersection ripples faintly under the sunshine, where the still active bomb slowly rotated Philadelphia's biggest crossroad through a fractal pattern. Vajra counted off the seconds as she lunged for the tiny orb at the core, while her obsidian companion swiftly slammed the dislocated support pillar back in position before the skyscraper could more than wobble. One down. Many more.
No. of votes: 3
veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance
[X] FPoP - Free Action: Although she no longer needed to train, Prayer still liked to. It felt normal, and allowed for time to think on other things. Specifically, the movements that Warden had made during the spar after her Anima had flared. How to replicate such movements, how to account for them, how to counteract them... how to better them.
No. of votes: 1
Hate Fish

[X] WoRI - Free Action: You're actually a Pagoda? Jon Stewart asks incredulously. Not just a pagoda, Warden translates Crushing Grasp's increasingly bombastic bragging, A Mark III Siege Pagoda. The ultimate in personal transport and luxury. Lord Grasp would be happy to give you a tour so that you can, and this is a direct quote 'Bask in the awesome splendor of his luxurious surroundings.'
Stratagemini, VNodosaurus, Versac, Graypairofsocks, uju32, Idan Dor, Algalon, darkdigi
[X] WoRI - Free Action: "I understand you have your doubts, Brian. That Lisa has her doubts about the truth of the soul." Saki sat on the disgustingly luxurious sofa, her other companion forgotten, as she eyes the two rather differently good looking guys, black and white, "We can offer any of your group who wants to try without the conversion. As first-hand proof."
veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, sainen, Shykta, I'llNameThisL8r, Jinnt
[X] WoRI - Free Action: Relaxing in her safe space, Saki gazed at the ever-shifting murals. Noticing something impossible in the backgrounds, she tilted her head. "Lord Grasp, what is that?" From around her, he responded: "That would be the fight between Merela and Theion, the Empyreal Chaos. A wondrous battle, the likes of which will never be seen again…"
No. of votes: 7
Hate Fish, landcollector, Scify, Romv, spudman, No One, 1986ctcel
[X] WoRI - Free Action: Prayer lifted Taylor, "Send us through first. My abilities will allow me to land smoothly and prevent any injuries, so whenever you are ready Warden." Saki gently touched them, and watched as they disappeared in a swirling vortex of hexagons and sound of shattering glass. Bridal carry again? Something has to be going on there. Lets see, 'Alchemical Seductions' perhaps?
No. of votes: 4
Datakim, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, Zcuron
[X] WoRI Free Action: Saki sat on the rim of the crater, watching Iris do a whole lot of nothing from what she could see. A dot appeared on the horizon, and the rate it was growing meant Taylor was using her SCRAM mode. She must have left as soon as she got the text asking to talk. That deserved a hug, at least.
No. of votes: 1
sun tzu
[X] WoRI - Free Action: "Three different apocalypses?! You... Is that why..". Saki's voice petered out, but her body language continued to express her horror and confusion. Prayer leaned forward. "Yes. We have been gathering resources and allies, and making plans. For the sake of all we know, we cannot afford to fail." "...Alright. What do I need to do?"
No. of votes: 1
Evil Atlas

XP Expenditures:
[X] EOA - 3 XP - Backing (Cauldron) ●●○○○
Datakim, Yeangst, ctulhuslp, landcollector, Evil Atlas, Versac, darkdigi, spudman, No One, Idan Dor, Zcuron
[X] Spend no Assembly XP
No. of votes: 3
veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance
[X] Spend no XP
No. of votes: 1
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Chapter 9.5 (Part 1)
Chapter 9.5
(Part 1)

Alchemicals On Parade:
[X] Alchemicals remain a PRT Ongoing Investigation
- [x] Stunt: Glenn sighed tiredly, "We can only delay things for so long Weaver." "I don't need that long. In six weeks, Iris will have finished his work, Saki will have adjusted and my charm will have regenerated." Legend spoke from his seat, "You helped take down the Nine. I think we can give you six weeks. Saki also deserves that much."

The Week of Slaughter - Post-Mortem:
[X] The Truth (Iris/Vision and Taylor did it. Stunt defines The Truth.)
- [x]
Stunt: "The fact is that there is no way to conceal Iris and my own capabilities in the long run without crippling critical operations." The drone hologram projects several scenarios, "And the plain truth is that Jack had provoked a powerful individual into lethally lashing out with his power. He had a record of similar provocations. Call it a Master effect."

Our Cauldron Runneth Over:
[X] 1 x Low Quality Vial
[X] 1 x Resources 0-5
[X] 1 x Access to a specified alternate Earth
[X] 1 x High Quality Vial

Autochthonia Adventure #27: Must Go Faster, MUST GO FASTER!:
[X] Turn Guns On Ceiling

Interlusions of Grandeur:
[X] Armsmaster

Free Actions:
[X] EOA - Free Action: The aroma of Earl Gray filled the air of Crushing Grasp's main receiving room as the three Alchemicals sat on cushions around plates of pastries and drinks. As Prayer bit into an anpan bun, Saki said carefully "There's things we should talk about." Taylor's face turned serious over her cup of tea. "There are. I'll start…"

FPoP - Free Action: "Come in." Prayer opened the door, and saw a monitor with two videos paused. The recording of Saki's vision, and her anima impersonation of Autochthon. Miss Militia regarded her with a fervor that Sirkalla had never seen on the reserved hero. "Thank you for coming. I've had visions of my own I'd like you to hear, Sirkalla."

WoRI - Free Action: Relaxing in her safe space, Saki gazed at the ever-shifting murals. Noticing something impossible in the backgrounds, she tilted her head. "Lord Grasp, what is that?" From around her, he responded: "That would be the fight between Merela and Theion, the Empyreal Chaos. A wondrous battle, the likes of which will never be seen again…"

XP Expenditures:



The slick sound of metal-on-metal punctuates your denial, the golden sheathes around Lord Grasp's pincers pulling back and down to reveal the glittering, starmetal blades underneath. Sitting up, you push again to reveal your own - much darker - claws from your fingernails, just in case this turns ugly.

Tapping your sandal-covered foot on Lord Grasp's back lightly, the contact is enough to convey a brief, wordless message: Wait.

The woman's expression doesn't change, though you're unsure if she can actually see your narrowed eyes through the veil around your reclining seat.

"I understand your hesitance," the woman nods, appearing not the least bit threatened by Lord Grasp's or your own displays. Instead, she opens up her portfolio again and begins to read from it.

In Old Realm.

"Enduring Order Administrator requested that we gather you if you reappeared here; she has a number of things to discuss with you and First Prayer of Perfection that the PRT does not need to hear."

After the initial flinch of shock at her swapping to Old Realm, you scowl harder and brush back the veil to get an unobstructed view of the woman standing in the portal. Her tailored suit doesn't hide her body language, but… you don't see even the slightest trace of hesitation or fear from her that might indicate she's trying to trick you. Instead, she practically radiates an eerie level of calculated confidence - not the reassurance of power like Prayer or the cold determination of Taylor or the Chief Director.

No, it's almost like she knows exactly what's going to happen already, and is simply going through the motions. Does that mean she's some kind of pre-cog? But that can't be right… Taylor said that pre-cogs had a really hard time with essence and Alchemicals?

Taylor did say that she needed to talk to you and Prayer, though… but if this woman's a pre-cog, wouldn't she know exactly what to say to convince you?

Below you, Lord Grasp shifts slightly while his open claws twitch.

"Impeccable elocution, my dear," he hums pleasantly, an undercurrent of restrained violence in his tone. "Warden? Please take notes."

"I don't care,"
you mutter to both of them, trying hard to keep up your scariest face despite your instincts screaming at you to run away from another kidnapping attempt. "If Taylor wants to talk, then where is she?"

"Asleep. It's 6:28,"
the woman replies, matter-of-factly, still reading off the paper in front of her. "She needed to be rested for this conversation and the day ahead. We will gather her in fifteen minutes, but she will have to be returned to her room before 8:57."

Ok, Taylor being asleep is… believable. Maybe. She still looked like she'd only been up one or two days yesterday, so you'd normally expect her to keep going for at least a few more... but if something big is happening now (and this feels like something big) then that fits with what you've seen from her too.

Eyes darting to the sunrise along the horizon, you… probably need to get a clock for Lord Grasp to carry around in his rooms. Maybe another one to put next to the portal - like those cool multi-clock displays the PRT has to show different time zones?

"Ok, then, where is Prayer?"

She doesn't even bother looking up.

"First Prayer of Perfection is training with members of New York's Protectorate. Their training is scheduled to end at 7:15, after which she will return to her room, and we will intercept her before she takes her long showers."

"... shower...

The woman nods. "She showers once in her Alchemical form, then in her human disguise, then spends fifteen minutes attending to her hair."

You blink, unable to keep a straight face at this. "Hair...?"

"She has worked this routine into various points of her submitted schedule for the past four days."

You have… so many questions. But no! Focus! Scowl harder!

"... this doesn't mean I trust you."

Another nod. "I will step back and keep the portal open, so that you can make sure your teleportation power still works here. If it behaves similarly to Enduring Order Administrator's and First Prayer of Perfection's own converted powers, methods to block teleporting powers or Tinkertech will not stop your own."

That sends up even more alarm bells. "W-wait. Where does this portal lead?"

"A tertiary base we use for sensitive meetings,"
the woman allows, snapping the portfolio closed again and sliding her hands behind the small of her back. "On a different Earth."

Your eyebrows shoot up of their own accord, and below you can hear Lord Grasp mutter something under his breath in confusion - your own shocked exclamation drowning him out.

"You're on Earth-Aleph? I thought they didn't have parahumans!"

"Not Aleph. There are no humans on this Earth, for privacy's sake."

Before you can stammer out another shocked response, you snap your mouth shut. You'd heard that scientists thought that there might be all kinds of different Earths once Earth-Aleph was discovered by Professor Haywire back in the 80's, but…using other Earths as spare bases?

"Who... who
are you?"

"We are Cauldron,"
she says simply, like she's been waiting for you to ask it. Turning, she takes five even steps away, then rotates to face you on the sixth. "Dragon's satellite will be overhead in forty more seconds. Come."

You match her blank, expectant stare for a long moment, only to be interrupted by Lord Grasp clearing his throat.


If… if these people are as powerful as you're starting to think they are, then… it might make sense that Taylor would have to keep them secret if they're willing to help with the mission. You're not sure if you're comfortable lying to the PRT, but… well, your power should protect you now, shouldn't it?

And you get the impression that Lord Grasp is just itching to get in a real fight.

"Keep the portal open," you try to growl, though your anxiety turns it more into a grumble.

The woman merely nods again.

With a few taps of your sandals on Lord Grasp's back to direct him forward, the two of you slide smoothly through the doorway in the air - turning slightly as you pass into the hallway beyond the threshold to keep the portal still in the corner of your eye...


… there's no explosions, no gas clouds, no mob of henchmen descending from the ceiling. Your heart is beating a million miles an hour, but the woman hasn't even shifted in the slightest.

"O-ok. We'll be right back," you try growling again. "Keep the portal open!"

"Of course,"
she replies, though you think you notice a slight twitch in her right eye this time.

Noting that for later, you grab hold of the recliner atop Lord Grasp. With the sound of shattering glass and a swirl of black-and-white hexagons-

-you get flung out into your Safe Space like a discarded first draft. You really need to figure out how to stop from getting tossed out of your portal like this.

"Warden?" Lord Grasp coughs, after quickly straightening out into a smooth loop back towards the portal. "Are we returning, or going to get reinforcements first?"

"I… think we need to do this alone, Lord Grasp,"
you hum nervously, crossing your arms in thought. "Did you feel any different when we went through that portal?"

"Besides the slight change in air pressure, it still felt just as stale and unsettling as everywhere else we've been, Warden. Was that truly an entirely different world?"

"Maybe. I didn't notice anything either, but let me first see if I can send us back."

Narrowing your eyes as the two of you approach your own portal, you try to visualize that blank hallway-

- there's a new feeling in your mind, a click like turning the knob on an old TV, and the scene around where you appeared above the Brockton Bay Crater dissolves to be replaced by white walls and floors. You can still see the mystery woman standing there, though it's blurry enough that you can't tell what her expression or body language is like.

Well… if your charm has more control over your exit than your power ever did… maybe you can-

The twisted image in the portal shifts, until it's now just behind the woman.

Oh. Uh, maybe not that close. You don't want to tackle her, just see if you can surprise her.

Adjusting the image again is a matter of a simple thought, now that you're getting the hang of this, and you nod to yourself before another wave of panic hits you because what are you even doing this is crazy-

"O-Okay, Lord Grasp,"
you grin weakly, trying to keep your voice from trembling. "Are you ready?"

With a scissor-like grinding of metal-on-metal, Lord Grasp snaps his claws open and shut a few times with a dark glee.


With another tap of your sandals on his back, the two of you surge forward and into the portal.

Chapter 9.5 (Part 2)
Chapter 9.5
(Part 2)​


Your transportation power was never subtle before - sounding more like the howling echo of a far-off tornado - so you're not entirely surprised that the mystery woman doesn't appear to have been startled by your return; the "shattering glass" effect that distorts into a similar, twisting howl is a bit hard to mistake as anything else, and she merely turns to face the two of you upon your re-entry.

A bit disappointing, but if you had almost managed to tackle Prayer during the PRT tests yesterday by reappearing right on top of her, then it's possible you might have been able to get the jump on this new woman as well.

As the crackling, hexagonal fractal display twists shut behind you, the woman's eyes flick to Lord Grasp before meeting your own gaze.


You eye the doorway open air a few dozen feet from your position. "...Maybe. Can you keep the portal open?"

Her own expression darkens slightly. "No. Dragon's satellite is overhead now, but its angle will reveal the portal in twenty-seven more seconds. If you wish to leave now, do so using your power."

Even though a large part of you wants nothing to do with all of this secrecy and possible-kidnapping, the relief that your power can get you out of here if things go bad has at least helped control your heart's manic pace. Also, you're maybe a tiny bit curious if this is like some of those conspiracy theories you've read about online…

"Okay," you nod, swallowing nervously as Lord Grasp quietly hums in thought below you, "but… let me test my power again after you close it?"

Her eyes narrow a tiny fraction more, but she nods after a moment of silence. "Door closed."

Almost immediately after she finishes, the portal slides shut without even a whisper of sound, revealing more blank hallway beyond it.

After waiting for a few seconds, just to make sure you don't feel any changes, you trigger your transportation charm and slowly slip back into your Safe Space.

It only takes a few seconds for Lord Grasp to re-orient and float you back to the portal, and since you're not trying to surprise the woman this time the two of you simply fly right through without changing the exit point. All-in-all, the trip takes less than a dozen seconds, you think - not the six-second record you set with Prayer launching you back immediately with her jetpack charm (so cool!), but still far faster than you and Sakura had ever been able to manage before.

"You miss your sister."

You blink, startling in the moment of silence after your return. The woman is eyeing you with the same placid, evaluating expression as before, but you're still not even sure she can actually see you through the re-closed veil around your reclining seat.

"A-ano," you stumble at the non-sequitur, trying to gather your confidence again before scowling again. "W-well… yes. Is that a problem?"

The woman's gaze is unblinking, neither judgmental nor approving. "It is understandable. Natural. Expected," she nods. "It works against you."

The last statement catches you off guard again, though only for a heartbeat before you turn up the scowl's intensity. But before you can growl at her for being a cold-hearted bitch, she releases her right hand from behind her back and raises it in a halting gesture.

"Your alien nature - your unpredictability - is your greatest weapon. Did you know Taylor was able to kick the Simurgh in the face by acting like Aisha?"


"Ah! You speak of the Exalted's natural defiance of Impossibility!"
Lord Grasp exclaims below you, snapping his right pincer shut with a snap. "Yes, yes! How astute! That was our greatest weapon during the War as well!"

For the first time, you notice the woman pause in a way that fractures her air of complete understanding. It is only a heartbeat of hesitation and a quick blink, but you're accustomed to how Lord Grasp takes people by surprise enough to notice the pause.

"Not exactly," she continues, immediately slipping back into her former confidence. "Your existence runs-"

"Wait, stop. Stop,"
you interrupt, shaking your head and waving your arms because you don't care about whatever else she's saying. "Taylor... kicked... the Simurgh... in the face?"

Again, the woman hesitates, but long enough for a slight frown to mar her expression this time before she nods in assent and returns her hand to the small of her back.

"During their fight after she placed you and your sister in the Cradle. She realized that the Endbringer was unable to predict her actions if she went against her usual model of behavior."

There are plenty of images of the angel-like Endbringer on the Internet; the vast majority are of her flying in the upper atmosphere between her attacks, but there are the occasional images that leak each time she descends to terrorize the world again. Taylor must have been in her armor at the time, so… her boot against the faerie-like, delicate face of the monster…

Nope. Too ridiculous.

"Oh," you breathe, making the connection. "Huh."

The woman nods, which catches your eye enough to voice the question forming in your mind.

"So I just… have to act like Aisha?"

"Nothing so drastic,"
she shakes her head, before starting to walk around you and Lord Grasp at a slow, deliberate pace. "In the event that a pre-cognitive power encounters a 'blind spot', it can be worked around by building a behavioral model."

Lord Grasp smoothly turns and follows the woman only slightly behind and to the left of her, keeping his claws tucked slightly in front of him but still within reach of the mystery figure. Sitting up in your recliner, you frown in thought as you put the pieces together in the growing silence.

So… Alchemicals fool pre-cogs… but if you're acting "predictably," then they can still figure you out by… modeling how the old you would react?

"Can Aisha be predicted?" you wonder aloud, casting a questioning look at the "Cauldron" cape.

"Yes," she responds without hesitation. "There are less than five living parahumans that can't be predicted perfectly."

You frown. That's… depressing, actually, since you and Sakura were probably not in that group when you were parahumans.

"Who are they?" you ask, trying to push as much earnest curiosity into your voice as you can. Surprisingly, it apparently isn't even needed if her immediate response is any indication.

"Eidolon, Glaistig Uaine, Sleeper," she recites with cold certainty, before turning her head slightly, just enough to meet your eyes. "Me."

That stops your train of thought in its tracks, though Lord Grasp's considering hum restarts it quickly enough for you to stammer a response.

"W-wait, what about Scion? Isn't he supposed to be the most powerful parahuman in the world? Or-... or what the Endbringers? They can't be predicted!"

The woman turns her head to look forward again, then stops in her tracks and raises her right arm, causing the featureless, white wall to slide open enough to serve as a doorway to a hidden room. The inside is well-lit, revealing that it's not very large - about the size of the cell you were kept in for two days - and filled only with a small, rectangular, metal table.

A single chair rests on the far side of the table, containing a lone figure clearly bound to the chair and table with uncomfortable-looking Tinkertech manacles and restraints. The... prisoner is a middle-eastern woman in an orange jumpsuit - her head is hung slightly down, but not enough to hide her striking features behind her short, dark hair. Noticing the nearly-silent opening of the door, she looks up towards your group with tired, widening eyes...

Wait… something about her seems familiar-


"Okee-dokie!" the tiny blonde horror cheers, covered head-to-toe in blood. Your blood. Sakura's blood. Where is- "All done with the next one! Who wants to come test her with me!"

Eyes… too many eyes… too much… it hurts to focus it's too much too much… where is-

"Ugh," the woman in glass behind you sniffs, lifting her prominent nose up and you want to puke but you can't you want to scream- "Are these really necessary, Jack?"


You scramble back in the recliner, gripping the smooth metal frame in panic as your breathing spirals out of control. Below, you distantly feel Lord Grasp reflexively shift into a defensive position as the woman in the chair simply continues to stare in disbelief.


"Scion is not predictable because he is not human,"
the suit-clad cape states, looking to you again despite the veil between. "Nor are his agents, the Endbringers."

you blurt out, still reeling in horror from the fact that Shatterbird is here no no no she's supposed to be dead-

Ignoring Lord Grasp's pincers only a foot away from her, the "Cauldron" woman turns to face the two of you fully while still meeting your gaze with the hardest expression you've seen her give.

"They will destroy the Earth, and every parallel Earth, within the next five years," she intones.

"If you want to survive long enough to help us prevent that, you're going to need to grow up."

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Chapter 9.5 (Part 3)
Chapter 9.5
(Part 3)​


You… she… but… what… Shatterbird!... Scion!?... destroying the world?!


"Surely you are not implying that the divine craftsmanship of our Maker is forbidden from exercising prudence when implementing the gifts of said Maker, are you?"

The words spill out of your mouth by sheer reflex, guided by one of your charms as it surges to life in response to your mental turmoil. The storm of emotions and thoughts settles into a more manageable ordering as the charm hungrily pulls down essence from your cache, and you find your head automatically tilting to look at the mystery woman while your face contorts into an imperious, disappointed expression...

"Why do you hate Prudence, Sodalite?"

… allowing you enough clarity of thought to wonder just what the hell you're saying.

Judging by the blank stare from the woman below and the awkward stillness from Lord Grasp, you suspect that everyone else is just as confused as you are.

The silence is eventually broken by Lord Grasp, who brings a claw to his mandibles and clears his throat tentatively. Thankfully, whatever your charm did to settle your emotions momentarily has given you enough presence of mind to actually think - so you preempt whatever the woman in the suit is opening her mouth to say by casting aside the veil and pointing angrily at the supposed-to-be-dead-and-not-a-prisoner Slaughterhouse Nine member.

"... and just what the-...the fuck... is she doing here?"

You don't like to curse, but you feel this situation justifies it.

The woman's eyes flit to follow your accusatory finger, but settle back on you as her face grows pensive. Shatterbird, meanwhile, silently opens and closes her mouth a few times in shock at your own reveal.

"That was…" the mystery woman muses, dark eyes studying you intently, "your Programmed Catechism Rebuttal charm?"

It's more a statement than a question, so you don't bother answering it and keep up the glare - instead, pointing at Shatterbird again with a bit more (justified!) righteous anger.

The makes a thoughtful noise, then nods in acceptance before motioning to the captive Shaker.

"Our organization was able to extract three members of the Slaughterhouse Nine while maintaining the appearance that they had died: Shatterbird, Mannequin, Siberian. Our intent is to use various methods at our disposal to selectively wipe their minds, then resocialize them over the next few years - eventually making use of their powers and skills in the final conflicts against Scion and the Endbringers."

Whatever your charm did to settle your mind, it's wearing off far too quickly.

"Y-you want them to help?!" you hiss, trying to keep your hands from shaking from your growing rage, confusion, and anxiety. "They're insane! No one in their right mind will ever work with them!"

The woman's eyes narrow a fraction. "When Scion eventually begins his rampage, we calculate he will have destroyed at least four dozen populated Earths before we are able to mount a sustained counter-offensive, killing nearly a quarter-trillion humans within the first few days."

You freeze. Below, Lord Grasp makes a strangled, choking sound.

"Given the stakes," she continues, maintaining her even gaze, "if these three can provide even the slightest advantage in the fight to come, we cannot afford to waste them. However..."

While continuing to meet your frozen gaze, the woman smoothly reaches up with her right and and withdraws a pistol from a concealed holder within her suit… then points it at Shatterbird's panicking face.

"If your cooperation is contingent on us not making use of those that were party to you and your sister's torture, then we will fulfil their Kill Orders and make do with studying their corpses."

"N-No! Stop!"
you blurt out, if only out of reflex at not wanting to see someone murdered in cold blood in front of you.

Except you quickly realize what you're stopping…

"Don't-..." you wince, before trying to turn it into a scowl. "Just… stop trying to freak me out, okay!? What do you even want me to do?!"

There's a slight twitch in her right eye you almost miss, but then she nods and re-holsters her weapon in a single movement.

"Enduring Order Administrator and Iris of Innovation noted that your Personality Override Spike charm should possess the ability to modify a person's memory and basic instincts," she offers, gesturing towards your own still-raised hand. "It is possible that your single charm can do in minutes what would take us years, while also implanting secondary personalities that would trigger in the event of a relapse."

You shudder at the mention of the Doom Spike charm, outstretched hand flinching back self-consciously as she motions to it.

"In addition," she continues, folding her hands behind her back again, "Enduring Order Administrator has suggested that, with practice, you may be able to undo the Simurgh's implanted commands or psychoses; practice that won't be approved by the PRT for at least three more weeks."

Now that halts your growing anxiety in its tracks. That would mean… you could help all those poor people quarantined in the cities that she's attacked.... or even make sure that the heroes that fight her don't have to worry about going insane.

You look down at your bunched-up fist, knowing that it'd only take a split-second of effort to draw out the spike again.

"Why her?" you mumble, almost to yourself.

"Mannequin was a victim of the Simurgh, and thus a poor base-line. The Siberian is actually the projection of a disgraced, but world-renowned scientist on parahuman powers; to be of maxim value to us, we need his mind mostly intact," the woman states without an ounce of shame. "Shatterbird is one of three living macro-kinetics, but even with the strength of her power she is the least valuable of the three."

You… can almost feel your charm sparking to life again as your mind grows more and more conflicted...

Taking a deep breath, you push it away.

"I… we don't have three weeks, do we?" you sigh, looking back on everything you've learned in the last two days… and everything that's happened in the last two months. "Before I'd need to use this for real, that is."

The woman doesn't respond, her even stare enough to say it all.

The silence, as usual, is broken by Lord Grasp.

"Your tenacity is admirable, and fitting of the Exalted Host, dear Warden," the ostentatious scorpion hums, before delicately shuffling to fully face the mystery woman, "and, Miss, while I can appreciate the grandeur of your bold claims and displays, I find myself continuously distracted by a most simple, glaring omission:"

He bows forward, sweeping his claws out wide, and you manage to stop your eyes from rolling when you realize what he's doing.

"We do not have a name to go with such a lovely face!"

The woman's facade of flawless comprehension cracks ever-so-slightly again, her eyes flitting between yours and Lord Grasp's as he covers for your own awkwardness. With your left foot out of her view, you tap a light Thank You on his back while you wait for a response.

It takes a few moments, but she eventually nods in acceptance.


Lord Grasp freezes.

"You-..." he manages after a moment, his civility warring with confusion, "... does the name, 'Maiden of Journeys' hold any significance to you?"

The woman, Contessa, blinks once, then narrows her eyes.

"Why do you ask?"

There is a light shrill of metal-on-metal as Lord Grasp's golden sheathes slide back over his claws, which he slowly moves to hold up to her in an almost-reverential plea.

"Daughter of Mercury and the Unconquered Sun? Countess of Victory?"


Okay… Lord Grasp has officially gone off the deep end. Though, if there's a silver lining to this, at least you're getting to see Contessa drop her facade for more than a split-second in complete bewilderment.

"... I... don't know what you're talking about," she finally manages, eyes quickly narrowing in suspicion. "The Tale of the Five Maidens was a story in my village when I was a child."

Drawing back slightly, the glamorous scorpion pauses as he seems to come back to himself, then starts fidgeting with his claws.

"A-ah, I see. Of course, Miss Contessa, I apologize for the implication. Would it be possible for me to get a copy of that story?"

Her eyes flicker to yours, the message clear.

Your own gaze drifts to the restrained, muted, and thoroughly confused Shatterbird, then down back to your own hands again…

Sighing, you look up and nod. Fine. I'll try it.

Contessa looks back down to Lord Grasp and nods thoughtfully.

"It can be arranged."

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Chapter 9.5 (Part 4)
Chapter 9.5
(Part 4)​


Your consent obtained, Contessa only takes a moment to stride over to Shatterbird, press a button on her neck restraints to put her back into stasis, and then walk back out lead you on. You were worried for a split-second, there, that she wanted you to use the Doom Spike now, when all your charms are still unconfigured...

The scowl she gives you as she presses the stasis button on Shatterbird's restraints succinctly communicates the idea that No, that would be dumb. We are not dumb.

There's also the small matter that there isn't enough time for you to even try anything; between your back-and-forth and Lord Grasp's strange bout of confusion, you've eaten up all the time until you need to pick up Taylor from Philadelphia. Instead of summoning another door-like portal in the middle of the hallway to do so, however, Contessa instead leads your group down the sterile, blank-seeming hallway for a while longer, then opens up another hidden room on the left.

As the door in the wall slides to the side, it reveals a large, well-lit meeting room filled with a 'futuristic' white table and matching chairs. Sitting down at the far side of the table is a dark-skinned woman with thin glasses, a super-serious ponytail, and an old-school lab coat over a frumpy blue sweater.

In front of her is a small stack of manilla portfolios, upon which her hands are clasped expectantly as she meets your gaze… then looks to the woman in the suit.

"There were complications, but we have a tentative agreement," Contessa states in English after nodding succinctly, then continues walking calmly into the room to stand by the scientist's side.

"I see," the darker-skinned woman hums, worn expression turning down further as her eyes settle back on you and Lord Grasp. Unlike Contessa, you can tell she's only looking vaguely in your direction through the veil around your recliner instead of looking exactly to where your eyes are.

"I understand that all of this-," she continues in her stern voice, gesturing with a small sweep of her right hand to the folders and the facility in general, "is coming at a time when you want only to rest and recover, and that our method of contacting you and making our case was particularly shocking. Enduring Order Administrator has asked for the opportunity to explain things to you and First Prayer of Perfection before we begin working together in earnest, but for now accept our condolences for the loss of your sister and our sympathies for the turmoil you are facing now."

While the statements themselves are appreciated… you can't help but wince a bit; her delivery seems genuine, but in the sense of someone who's forgotten what actual sympathy is and thus is reciting a line that they expect will convey the overall sentiment.

"O-oh..." you blink, brushing aside the veil as you descend from Lord Grasp's back - taking his offered claw to help you to the floor. Looking back to her, you meet her hard gaze and offer a tentative, polite bow despite the awkwardness of her statement. "... Thank you, Miss...?"

"Doctor Mother. Or simply, 'Doctor' if you wish," she responds, re-adjusting her glasses slightly with an absent gesture before her gaze flickers to Lord Grasp. "I do not speak Old Realm, unfortunately, though I possess an earpiece," using the same hand, she taps a small piece of plastic hidden in her right ear, "that will translate it for me. Will Crushing Grasp require an English translator?"

You turn to your mechanical companion, frowning as he still seems to be focused on Contessa. "Lord Grasp, I think most of this next part will be in English. Do you want a translator like you had at the meeting last night?"

There is a moment's hesitation, enough that you realize that he may have only been half-paying attention since his earlier outburst.

"Hmm- ah! A translator, Warden? Ah…" he considers wistfully, gemstone eyes glittering as they focus on you, then Doctor Mother (not the worst cape name you've heard, but it's up there), then Contessa again. "Perhaps... not right now. I… believe I've been chasing ghosts as of late, so I will refrain from muddying the waters any further and stick to ensuring your physical safety. I trust you will keep me appraised of the major developments when time allows."

you pause, placing a hand lightly on his right claw. "Are you okay?"

He bobs up and down in facsimile of a nod, reaching over with his left claw to pat the hand you have on his right. "I am meant to be the background for heroism, my dear. Do not fret - I will be here if you require counsel or support."

His tone is still missing a bit of his normal enthusiasm, but you can tell the sentiment is there. Smiling, you nod and pat his claw in a silent message: Let's talk later. At his bob and hum of assent, you turn back to the two Cauldron capes - noticing that they've been watching your exchange with veiled interest.

As soon as Contessa notices that your conversation is concluded, however, her brow furrows for a moment before she turns to the wall on her left and calls out in English.

"Door, Weaver."

As the rectangular portal opens along the wall, you consider her body language and tone. If she's as powerful as Eidolon and the Fairy Queen, does that mean she has lots of different powers, too? It doesn't… seem like she's the one making them, but her complete confidence implies that she understands exactly how the portal system works and where it will open up - even when her command is super vague. Maybe some kind of tinkertech, and she's just triggering pre-programmed commands?

Actually… they've been answering your questions so far, so maybe you should just ask-?

From your position at the table, you can only see a small slice of - what you presume is - Taylor's small bedroom: a simple white box that looks a lot like your own "Containment" room in New York. Just as you're thinking that, however, Taylor's dark form steps into view - her grey jumpsuit unfolding along her glowing body through the use of her storage charm - and immediately swivels her head to focus on you.

Oddly, the most prominent thing you notice is that all the extra "eyes" on her forehead look… closed? Turned off?

"Saki!" she exclaims, a mixture of surprise and relief bringing a smile to her face as she strides through the portal with arms raised, immediately scooping you up in a hug. "You're here! You're okay! Everyone was so worried about you when you disappeared like that!"

You return the hug, because hugs always help and her glowing body is actually pretty comfy because of that heat she's radiating. Still, you can't help but sigh into her shoulder when you hear that.

"Ooh-oh! H-hey, Taylor," you smile awkwardly as you pull away. "Sorry about that. I just-"

Oh. Right. You remember why you… freaked out. Left behind a Meat Lover's Pizza, even.

Snapping your mouth shut, you narrow your eyes and glare at Doctor Mother and Contessa.

"We have thirty minutes until we need to get Prayer, right?"

The darker-skinned woman at the table raises her eyebrow slightly in confusion, while Contessa's own expression blanks out for a split-second before she nods.

"Okay," you grunt, bringing your glare back at Taylor. "We have some stuff to talk about. We'll be right back."

Taylor's eyes go wide for a moment, but she catches on quickly enough. "R-right," she sighs, her whole body sagging as she winces. "Sorry. Let me just-"

The light sheen over her body cuts out, and with her this close you can hear the background static-like effect fizzle away as she disables her own Industrial Survival Frame.

With a twist and a pull, there's a light sound of glass shattering and Taylor's form winks out of existence with a monochromatic, fractal flare of your power.

As you climb back aboard Lord Grasp, there's an awkward silence from the Cauldron delegation for a moment - broken only when Doctor Mother clears her throat as you finally settle into your recliner.

"Was that necessary?"

Narrowing your eyes, you cross your arms under your chest.

"It's not petty!" you pout, slowly spinning up the transport so that you don't go flying out the portal on the other end.

"It's called 'understandable vengeance'!"


Having taken your time, you and Lord Grasp are only casually shoved through the portal in your Safe Space.

Judging by how Taylor's still brushing herself off a good forty feet away, she must have gotten a good roll going to break her fall.

"Okay," she sighs, chagrined, as the two of you leisurely float over to her. "I... guess I deserved that."

You don't respond immediately, letting her stew a bit as you glare at her from behind your litter's veil. Eventually, just as she's about to open her mouth again, you pat the left armrest in your recliner and begin climbing down.

"Go ahead and stretch out, Lord Grasp," you offer weakly, the remembered anger starting to burn away again as you stare Taylor down - your confidence leaking away alongside it, causing all sorts of other worries to start creeping into your mind.

Actually, now that you think about it…

"Wait," you turn back to the still-floating Lord Grasp, just as your feet hit the black stone-like floor of your Safe Space. "Do you have any food in your pagoda form?"

he ponders aloud, bringing a claw to his twitching golden mandibles. "Let me-... ah… well, that depends: do you consider alcohol 'food'?"


You swivel your glare from Lord Grasp to Taylor, who is matching your expression. Thankfully, she has the decency to take a step back and raise her hands in capitulation. Looking back to your companion, he is raising a claw as if to try to make a counter-argument.

"Don't be so… hasty…" he trails back, shrinking slightly under your glare before clearing his throat into a claw again. "Hem hem. Well, yes. Quite. I suppose it's a bit early for that - don't want to form bad habits, after all. To answer your question, then… No, Warden. It looks as if most of my perishables were removed during the renovation."

You raise your right hand, index finger extended to Taylor as she begins to open her mouth, but otherwise keep talking to your mechanical familiar.

"That's alright, Lord Grasp," you grumble, noticing the amused glint in his eyes but ignoring it because you need to stay angry! Remember: Taylor is keeping Bonesaw around! "I'll just be hurt and hungry."

he sighs, humor fading his tone and gemstone gaze as he starts to float away to get enough space to unfold. "Very well, then. Just a moment."

True to his word, once he takes up a position roughly fifty feet away, his body practically explodes with a flurry of folding metal panels, wooden beams, and stone supports, unfolding to his full, majestic full size in less than a dozen seconds. This is actually the first time you've actually seen the process, you realize, and among the dozens of bizarre facets of the unfolding, one curious thought rises above all the others:

All the parts and pieces you could see only looked like the outside structure. Where do the insides come from?

Mmm… maybe you're not going to think too hard on that. You have better things to do than count ceiling tiles on a building that can alter itself in order to look as gaudy as possible at any given moment.

"Alright," you grumble again, flicking your hand in a beckoning motion at Taylor while striding into Lord Grasp's opening front gates. "Let's go."


Apparently Lord Grasp does have something other than alcohol in his stores: tea.

Kind of.

He says he can call up "memories" of some things that resonated with him strongly enough to leave an impression as "part of himself" - which is what most of the dresses in his wardrobes are, apparently - but since they're basically extensions of his ability to change his shape, they won't last more than a few hours, or won't actually provide sustenance if it's food or drink.

You're trying very hard not to think about whether the dresses he's outfitted with you so far were "memories" or actual dresses, because you're busy trying to focus on Taylor. You have so many other things going on in your head right now…

… but then you remember Bonesaw, and that cold, dirty feeling pushes out everything else again.

Ugh. And you were just starting to like this "memory tea."

"I'm sorry, Saki," Taylor sighs, taking your twisting expression as a sign to finally break the silence that's filled the decadent sitting room. She places her own cup down on the small table between you, shifting in her seiza uncomfortably. "I didn't… I wanted to say something when you first came through, but with everything else going on…"

You bring the cup down from your mouth with both hands, staring evenly. "You're not sorry about keeping her."

After everything she did.

Taylor flinches, hard. She looks… shamed, at least… but shamed because she's been caught, or because she is actually regretting betraying you, Sakura, Missy, and the rest of her uncountable victims?

You look down into your own reflection in the tea.

"I'm just…" tired, confused, hurt, "... I don't-… I don't get it. Can't you just… ship her off to one of those rehab places?"

"That's… actually was my plan at the start,"
she grunts, and you see her frown out of the corner of your eye before leaning forward on one elbow, hold her head up with a few fingers on her forehead, and close her eyes. "After I got back from the Cradle, things just… went crazy."

You look up again, figuring that she can still probably see you with all those crazy vision charms she has.

"... What happened?" you wonder aloud, curiosity winning out over frustration, though that's a big part of what you're feeling, too. "I've been waiting to let you explain, so… explain."

Taylor opens her mouth briefly, then pauses for a moment - her eyes flipping open as if she just had an idea - before shaking her head. "Huh. Well, there's another use for Personality Override Spike when you get it configured: I could just show you my memories."

You recoil, face twisting in discomfort. "W-what?! Why you want to use… that?"

Lifting up, Taylor gives you a tired look and shakes her head.

"Because even after all the times I've thought about it, all the times I've told it, a lot of it still doesn't make sense," she sighs, gaze growing distant for a moment before refocusing on you. "We don't have much time before we need to get Prayer, so I'll try to keep things short, okay? Save any questions for the end?"

You open your mouth, more in disappointment that you're still not going to learn everything yet, but… well, you'll try to keep an open mind. You owe her that much.

"Sure," you nod, swallowing heavily as just thinking about it makes you tremble. "Start… start from after we got… you know."

Taylor nods, her expression growing soft as she spreads out her obsidian, menacing gauntlets on the table to gaze at them distantly.

"I was deep in the Tinkertech Labs on the Island when it all started…"

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Chapter 9.5 (Part 5)
Chapter 9.5
(Part 5)​


"... but because I'd somehow pushed my soul past the breaking point and come out on top, when I managed to start pulling myself back together I'd actually… well, it sounds kinda dumb but the technical explanation is super complicated: I leveled up my soul, basically. Except Alchemicals need a whole bunch of extra time, work, and meditation to do it normally... which we didn't have the time to do… so I came out looking like this, because my heart's overclocked."

Gesturing with her dark gauntlets to her neck and chest, Taylor hoarsely sighs in frustration at the glowing arteries and veins pulsing under her graphite-like clay skin - smiling weakly despite the silver tears that have worked themselves down her cheeks through the recounting.

You just… weakly nod, and scribble a little note of 'level up?' on the paper Taylor gave you once she realized you were accumulating more questions during her storytelling than you might be able to remember at once. Even still, you're not writing everything down...

It's hard to put pen to paper when you're just barely keeping it together yourself.

Bonesaw did something to your brain to remember what everything looked like when you had all those eyes in your head, along with all the other remote controls to turn you into a… twisted, monstrous get-away device... but… near the end, everything was stopping and starting and stopping and starting from being frozen in time by Clockblocker, your implants failing, and your own consciousness fading from the blood loss.

You didn't know just how close you and Sakura had been.

Taylor didn't just rescue you from the Nine - she pulled bombs out you. Bombs that you didn't even know about, that were intended to kill her and all the other heroes around you.

She took a dangerous risk trying to exalt both you and Sakura - something that should have failed utterly and endangered everything - because there would have been no other way to save the two of you.

But she trusted in Autochthon to find a way... and that the two of you to prove yourselves worthy enough.

You don't feel very worthy right now.

You can't-... you're so-...


Breathe. Calm.

Exhaling and opening your eyes again, you realize that you were just hindering yourself by so desperately trying not to rely on Clarity to help you deal with the world-shattering revelations you're being bombarded with today. Taylor's presentation even explained that Clarity was supposed to be a support measure, helping an Alchemical deal with problems that would normally break minds and souls.

You'd thought it was just an excuse… or a crutch that you shouldn't rely on if you wanted to get tougher yourself… but isn't that just throwing away a tool that Autochthon gave you specifically for cases like this?

You're still not going to walk around without clothes on. That will never make sense.

Hmm. Possible prank potential and shipping progression idea, but you need to confirm something first.

You scribble down another question for later: 'no disguise = can't hide nibbly bits?'

Unlike all the other times you've written something down, Taylor falters, blinks, then clears her throat awkwardly before rallying on with her explanation of her subsequent quarantine with Bonesaw and Iris.

The glowing blood seeping to her cheeks makes her blush painfully obvious. You cross out the question, since it's clearly confirmed.

Drat. You didn't have a problem setting up some of her previous clothing failures because it wasn't actually revealing any (to quote Taylor herself) "anatomical details." You're going to have to change strategies now, but you table it for later since Taylor is starting to wrap up her explanation.

"...helping the PRT therapists that come through every day, while the Youth Guard lawyers are handling the appeal for her Kill Order," she winces, blush fading and resigned exhaustion setting in again. "Though that's all going to be complicated by the fact that she helped Iris design a soulgem implanter over the last week, then used herself as the first trial case before I could stop her."

You blink, not even able to figure out what to write because of the sudden blank that is your brain at the moment. It is a clear blank, not an angry or panicked or distraught blank... but just… what?

Taylor nods at your gobsmacked expression and frowns absently. "Iris had a bunch of… human souls are broken into two parts: Hun and Po. He had a huge storage of blank Hun souls that he put into a hundred soulgems, and the implanter that they made uses the process Autochthon designed to… well, flash-forge a Po soul from a normal person's brain, so he could convert us. After all the screaming and bleeding is done - something that Riley actually helped coach Iris towards a way to make not as bad, apparently - the person is fully converted into essence physics, with a soul and everything. They just... also have a soulgem in their forehead now."

Tapping the two-inch diameter white diamond in her forehead, Taylor shakes her head.

"The good news is that it apparently lets a parahuman completely block their power out if they deliberately will it to shut up. The bad news is that they'll occasionally have vague nightmares for the rest of their life because it hurts so badly, and the PRT won't let me use it on anyone else until it's clear Riley isn't," she holds up her fingers in air quotes, "'being mind-controlled by the gem.'"

You resist the urge to touch the similarly-shaped, dark-red diamond in your own forehead, settling on a nod of understanding instead.

"Now with Iris stuck charging up at the Cradle, I'm going to need a new way to keep her busy in between the therapy sessions," she groans, "and with your vision showing that we have to start really pushing to get the Assembly finished, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to watch over her in quarantine nearly as much. Whiiich… is a problem."

She sags even further, tilting her head and eyes up to meet your own blank gaze with a resigned grimace.

"Not just for all the reasons you're thinking; the therapists are pretty sure that because I've basically been stepping in when the two of them were getting carried away last week, I'm imprinting as her new mother-figure by default."

Breathe. Calm.

You open your eyes again to notice that Taylor is scrutinizing you with considerably more trepidation now, though after a moment she manages a weak half-smile.

"So… that's the abridged version. We… have about…" she raises her left forearm and a watch extrudes itself around it after only a few seconds. When its digital face blinks on, she winces and looks back to you. "... three minutes before we have to go. Any quick questions?"

Your eyes graze over the sixteen questions you managed to jot down. Mostly emotional reactions.

Looking back up, you meet her gaze evenly.

"How much does Prayer know?"

Taylor blinks, lips twitching downward in a manner that suggests concern.

"I almost always have an open line into the headset she wears in her helmet, and I've been running everything I've been doing through her… except the Cauldron and Scion parts. She… still has reservations about Riley and Accord, but she's agreed that they're both too valuable to the mission to throw away right now."

Distantly, you understand that you would feel some kind of frustration at Prayer for this as well, but even without Clarity the rationale would eventually get through - it would just take much, much longer.

Taylor is not dumb. She has clearly cared deeply that you would perceive these decisions as betrayals.

Because they are.

There is an excellent cape law comedy that you and your family watched together on Friday nights, after your parents got home. In one episode, a hysterical mother pleads to the police about why she killed her parahuman daughter before the girl could turn to a life of crime. To which one of the detectives glumly replied:

"Cool motive. Still murder."

But you have read enough terrible fantasy and sci-fi books, watched enough cape dramas, and written enough smutty anti-hero slashfic to know that intent, in the end, makes the difference between forgivable and unforgivable.

You suspect you are better at detecting lies now than you ever were before, and Taylor has always been a bad liar anyway.

She has been forced, repeatedly, into making the best out of horrible situations. In her place, you have no illusions that you would have broken down completely. But… that is her role, and it is why she is the leader of your Assembly.

"... you're going to need to grow up."


You have a new question, one not on your list.

Tilting your head slightly to the right, you consider the young woman before you.

"What else would you have me do?"

Judging by the moment's hesitation you may have been a bit too vague. Also, you are not very good at innuendo while under Clarity - another reason to use it sparingly.

"I trust you," you straighten up, drawing yourself into a formal seiza position, "but I will never forget what she did to Sakura and me. I do not want to interact with her, and I would like to limit my interaction with Cauldron. Because they are creepy."

Casting your eyes down in a sign of deference, you bow slightly and speak with a softer tone to cover your remaining nervousness.

"I will if you need me to, but... are there other things that I can do instead? Please?"

You can see Taylor shifting uncomfortably, and in the silence the light clatter of soulsteel as she fidgets with her hands on the table is easier to hear.

"I… Saki, I-"

Her voice is wavering in a way that makes you hopeful, but you decide to drive it home - and make her believe more strongly in the decision herself - by looking up and meeting her eyes.


Just as the strategy worked for Lantressa in the final chapters of Broken Hearts, Sundered Battlements, Taylor holds only for a moment before looking away with a sigh and nodding.

Yes, that might be a good way to go about this. The heroines always get their way in your books, after all, and it is much easier to just... act like they do. You even have the ability to alter yourself so you can adapt to their specific... techniques.

There is nothing that can go wrong with this plan.

"Alright, Saki," she eventually agrees aloud, wearily climbing to her feet with more grace than you can muster on purpose. "I… I'll need to talk with Glenn some more, but let's just get things sorted out with Prayer first - she might have some ideas after her travels from last week, too."

"Thank you, Taylor," you bow, deeply, in earnest gratitude before rising on your own - slipping your list of questions into your sleeves with a sleight of hand, like that stealthy diplomat in A King's Booty always did with secret documents.

You'd known it from the start, but now it's all so clear:

Smut is Love. Smut is Life.

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Chapter 9.5 (Part 6)
Chapter 9.5
(Part 6)​


Even if you plan on returning immediately to your Safe Place with Prayer in tow, Lord Grasp insists upon shifting back down to his car-sized proportions and returning to Cauldron's base with you.

"Just because I am a fortified emplacement does not mean I am slothful, Warden."

You appreciate the gesture, and are surprised when he reveals that his carriage actually can fit more than just you; even if the veil-enclosed space appears to be less than four feet long, three feet wide, and four feet high…

"I am the pinnacle of battlefront housing and transport! Shelter for an entire Circle of the Exalted Host! I am not a 'clown car,' whatever that is!"

You nod in understanding as he rants about your observation while the three of you pass through the portal. Judging by the stone-faced blinks from Doctor Mother and Contessa they only hear the last half of his complaint, but remain silent until both you and Taylor have re-emerged from Lord Grasp's carriage.

Doctor Mother adjusts her glasses and looks to Taylor with a raised eyebrow, then slides the stack of three thick portfolios across the table to her. "Any concerns?"

"Some, but they can wait," she nods, absently smoothing out the wrinkles in her grey - spidersilk, you realize now - jumpsuit with one hand, while absorbing the three manilla folders with the other. When done with both, she starts walking around the table towards the far wall near Contessa; turning her head to look again at the professionally-suited woman, she raises an eyebrow. "It's been ten hours. Any difference from before?"

"A linear increase in fatigue generation, an exponential increase in effectiveness," Contessa nods curtly, her eyes remaining fixed on the wall where the last portal was opened. "Withdraw it at 11:43 AM."

Taylor hums, a thoughtful expression on her face before she nods in return before turning to watch where Contessa is looking.

Frowning in thought yourself, you try to make sense of-... wait.

"You have Taylor's Thinker boost?"

Contessa nods but doesn't look your way, while Taylor herself winces and meets your concerned gaze.

"It was the cost of getting this meeting together."

Blinking, you turn to look at Contessa again. Yes, Taylor's explanation mentioned that Cauldron needed Taylor's boost to help them plan around all the problems that essence is introducing into their plans against Scion, but…

Well, it means that when Contessa was talking to you earlier, her power - whatever it is - was being multiplied. You've seen with the other Wards that some powers benefit far more than others - Vista and Kid Win got huge boosts, Broadcast and Clockblocker not nearly as much, for example. Sakura and you barely got any boost, just a little increase in the speed and capacity of your transport.

If Cauldron is willing to let Taylor arrange secret meetings in their base with their multi-dimensional teleport tech in exchange for only half a day's worth of her boost...

Does Taylor look so calm because she realizes you probably don't even have a chance in a fight if Cauldron actually wanted you dead? She'd mentioned that Cauldron probably thinks that Autochthon is actually another Entity…

Rather than panic, you fall back into your newest strategy: who would be best here? Pyrrhia from Flames of Passion? No, too punchy. Kendra from A Slave To Lust? Mmm… you're not comfortable acting like a too-sly slave around Cauldron, for some reason. Actually, this feels like a good time to act like Loom! She and Prayer are friends, right?

The version from that Loom/Chevalier lemon-fic Fate of My Heart, that is; you don't know the real-life version well enough to mimic her in a situation this serious.

Just as you start to set your shoulders back and adopt the body language of a "gracious, effortless, wise beauty, with a vision of the future as bountiful as her chest" (it got better later on when the writer found an editor), the rectangular portal slides open silently on the wall in front of you.

Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that Contessa steps just outside of the portal's field of view as it opens - leaving only you and Taylor immediately in front of it.

In her moderately-furnished guest room, First Prayer of Perfection snaps her head up in alarm and assumes a defensive posture with arms extended - her armor now only a thin layer of crystal on her body, instead of the huge, smooth slabs you've seen her encased within before. From the portal's positioning… it almost looks like it opened in place of a doorway? Did Contessa open the portal just as she was heading into the bathroom?
Better than opening it in the bathroom, at least. That would be rude.

"It's alright, Prayer, it's me," Taylor hastily explains, holding up her hands in calming gesture. "We don't have much time, and this is part of why I told you that I had things I needed to explain to you in private."
Prayer's normally-stoic expression is showing far more uncertainty than you've seen before, but when she looks at you, you can tell whatever thoughts she was forming come to a halt.

Is that… a good thing? Maybe you should say something? Loom is supposed to be enigmatic and mysterious, so…

"Clarity," you breathe, smiling as if you have just imparted the secret wisdom of the world.

Everyone's looking at you strangely now. Too much?

"Warden," you hear Contessa whisper, just loud enough for you to hear. "Kimiko from Two Sizes Too Big."

… that is… just plain unfair. You haven't even told anyone what you're doing yet! And Kimiko is basically just you but prettier-... oh.

"A-ah," you stutter, crossing your arms and sulking while giving Contessa the stink-eye. You can even feel the Clarity draining away as shame starts to bubble up into your mind. "Sorry. I… thought that would work."

Taylor leans slightly away from you in order to look at you fully with an incredulous expression. "What was- what did you just do?"

"I…" you draw out, glancing nervously at Taylor and Prayer, "... may have been... trying to act like people from stories I've read? Since they're better at this than me?"

A flicker of confusion is quickly overcome by paling horror as her glowing blood dims almost completely. "Saki. No. Please no."

Contessa, blank-faced, gives you a thumbs-up from the sideline.

"I saw that! No!" Taylor spins around, pointing and glaring at the overly-serious woman. Contessa gives her a look that plainly communicates that she expected her to.

"I am convinced," Prayer nods, then ducks through the portal while sighing. "What is the reason for-"

As she stands up fully within the room, Prayer freezes - her eyes going wide as they flicker from Contessa at her side to Doctor Mother just a few feet away at the table. Behind her, the portal slides closed silently.

"Wait!" Taylor blurts out again, all semblance of humor falling away as she steps up to the massive cerulean woman and puts a black gauntlet on her upper right arm. "I know this looks bad! Just let me-"

Background Charm, activate!

The world around the three of you slides into a blurry greyscale - like in movies and TV shows when they try to show that time is moving slowly - obscuring the forms of the Cauldron capes just enough to be disorienting. Your charm doesn't actually slow time, and you can practically feel Contessa and Doctor Mother both flinch and look around warily, but you're more focused on how Prayer immediately stops looking like she's about to throw Taylor aside and start beating answers out of the older black woman.

"Safe Space!" you whisper hurriedly in Old Realm, poking both Taylor and Prayer in their arms. "Meeting!"

Both of them blink, though Taylor is far quicker on the uptake and nods emphatically while motioning Prayer towards the silently-observing Lord Grasp by your side. "R-Right! Lord Grasp, can you make room for all three of us?"

The opulent mecha-scorpion waves aside the carriage veil with a flourish of his large, golden-sheathed claw, then bows to the side to present easier access for Prayer to climb inside. "But of course, Administrator," he fawns, then winks with a glint of his eight eyes. "First Prayer of Perfection, do not be afraid; I am more than capable of handling your size."

As the large blue woman stares down your companion incredulously, you nod sagely and bring a hand to your mouth to hide your smile. "Oh, yes. He's got plenty of equipment to handle all three of us."

… aaand in she goes, quickly enough that you almost miss the darkening blue of her blush. Taylor's own glowing blush is much easier to make out as she scrambles inside immediately afterwards, groaning in dismay as she shoots you an offended glare.

Just as you start to climb inside yourself, you dismiss your Background Charm and notice Doctor Mother giving you a flat expression before she takes her glasses off to clean them. Contessa just blinks at you, uncomprehending. It's almost like...

"You need boyfriends," you realize out loud.

Ignoring their frozen expressions, you nod to yourself as it suddenly all makes sense. Waving absently to them, you duck into Lord Grasp's carriage to be greeted by even more blank stares as the two other Alchemicals sit awkwardly on the mess of pillows arranged before you.

"What?" you mutter, while shattering reality to plunge your group into your private dimension.

"Maker give me strength," Prayer mutters closing her eyes and folding her hands in silent contemplation.

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