Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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earth!bet humans as "real" as exalted ones
For all intents and purposes, they are. Sure, there's an equation that'll determine exactly what you'll do with your free will, but the sheer complexity of that equation means that, for anything that isn't a Shard, it's a moot point. It's just like stock modelling: If the maths say it'll do one thing, it'll probably do one thing, unless something mental happens and things crash. You can see what should happen, but you just can't account for the really weird things. Like Scion, who in this slightly excessive and convoluted metaphor would be something utterly unknowable, like a plane crash or a hurricane, or Weaver, who would be something like a terrorist attack on an oil company - not impossible to predict, just not easy to.

Those two may need reversing, and I may need to fix my metaphors. Still, it fits.
Autochthonian!Alchemicals: Wut. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works!


Actually, I seem to recall a mention in some book that one of the nations was experimenting with the idea of having a cult focused on making alchemicals stronger, so they can better serve their nation.

And when you think about it, its really just an extension of the "contract" that already exists. Alchemicals rely on mortals for charms, maintenance, clarity-removal and basically everything. And in return for all of that, they serve the state as best they can in payment.

Worship in exalted is really more of a business exchange in a way. Knowing that people worship you does not just make you feel better and happy that people have faith in you. No, you LITERALLY get power from it. Actual tangible motes, which will allow you to use your charms more often. Having a cult focused on the alchemicals loyal to your state is just making said alchemicals stronger, so they in turn can fight off all the gremlins and enemy nations and generally protect YOU (the worshipper) better. Its really the same deal as with the vats and charms and such, that the people and the state give the alchemical.

Ofcourse, the downside of that is that the essence going to those alchemicals, is essence that the dying Auto is not getting. However since we are basically the only hope Auto has of getting out of this alive? You could actually say that having cult focused on us (well, truthfully, Iris, since the ball is boss) is actually very beneficial and proper, since if it helps us in our quest to save Auto, and everyone living inside him, then what could be more beneficial to the state (all of them) and god?
Personally, I don't really want Bonesaw killed or anything, but frankly I don't really find her all that interesting to read about either, so having arguably the main protagonist turn into a teenaged mom of the massively psychologically damaged character I don't really find interesting does not seem like a fun thing to read. I would be fine sending Bonesaw to well selected parents qualified to take care of her (I don't buy that PRT could not find someone), while receiving the benefits of the greatest psychological treatment available to help her recover.

While I'm not really looking forward to Riley possibly taking screentime from other characters, I'm not sure how feasible it really is to find a replacement parental figure for her. It would gave to be someone she respects, I think, so that she's less tempted to test limits, and it would have to be someone who is actually willing to take in Bonesaw. On the other hand, I don't know that Taylor is a great option for her either for several different reasons, so there might just not be a good answer to her situation.
The United States in the Real World has problems ascertaining the true number of serial murderers when they have victim counts larger than five, because at that point they've likely killed more people that you just haven't found yet and there are enough new and old Missing Person cases to make it nigh impossible to ever know for sure in some situations.
Because most serial killers are actively trying to stay on the down low.
The opposite is was true for the Slaughterhouse 9; they wanted their atrocities to be found.

If you think that Bonesaw only had upwards of 200 victims a year, you read a much different story than I did. Try adding at least one zero on the end
I said Bonesaw had that number, minimum.
I have no problem believing they were much higher.

But the numbers you are throwing around are way too high; ten thousand is a disproportionate bodycount for someone who'd only been part of the Nine for five years, and who was firmly under Jack's thumb for most of it.

Do remember it was active Slash policy to discourage her from making too many kills because it was cheating.
Bonesaw horrifically tortured Saki and Sakura, and made sure Sakura is trapped in Autochtonia. Those things happened, and no intellectual justification about diminished capability will ever instantly make everything ok.
The bolded?
That is not true.
At the very least, we didn't see Curator's Autobot Vision.

Contessa, Saki noted the words are perfectly chosen, but lack the passion to make it work.
Problem is, Contessa would have taken Dr Mother's....lack of passion into account when crafting a note.
This didn't seem to.

To expect Saki as the victim to be ok with it, is wrong. To expect Saki to forgive because "woobie" is wrong. To expect Saki to have to go through further trauma for the sake her torturer, is wrong.
Again, see Taylor and the former Undersiders, who bear varying culpability in helping Coil turn her own father against her. Aisha is the sister of one, and Taylor has gone into mortal peril to save their lives.

It's an entirely valid expectation by the standards that our main PC has been operating on, and is holding herself to.
Not that it's a big deal.
I fully expect Saki will find other things to worry about in the coming months.

I'll disagree. In large part because of the mechanisms by which Eden Shard-Charms work. i.e. It basically replicates existing Alchemical Charms. So his flight would likely be a souped-up PTA knock off, basically. Which is pretty underwhelming compared to what he's got currently.
Point of order: This is wrong.

The only converted Cauldron charm we've seen more than surpassed it's original.
Legend's power has a pseudo-perfect defense, speed, tuneable,guided, infinite Rate energy beams with different properties, and the ability to replenish himself from light.
Converting all that to a shardcharm would be impressive.

I don't want him for other reasons; the fact that he's married with a kid, the conflict of interest with Cauldron, the fact that we don't really know him all that well.
What the psychological impact will be on Alexandria being forced to realise that she is more shard than human at this point is unclear.
This is wrong.
Most of Alexandria runs on her brain; the shard just seems to be a realtime backup and buffer.
That's why Skitter was able to kill Alexandria by suffocating her.

Oh, and we can get cult if we ensoul enough people and convince them to worship us. Thats about it.
Horrible PR to be organizing a cult of people to pray to you in 2010s-era USA.
And it's theologically dubious as well, at least for Alchies; only the desperate have tried it.
Trait Effects:

• You have a small but devoted cult. Perhaps a half-
dozen full-time priests or nuns tend a few shrines
and make offerings to you. Every morning when
you awaken, you automatically gain one additional
point of temporary Willpower.

•• The members of one large community or several small
ones worship you. Several hundred people make daily
prayers and small offerings to you. You gain a point of
temporary Willpower every morning and also regain
two motes of Essence per hour from worship.

••• You are venerated in a large region. Several thou-
sand people daily seek your favor or forbearance.
(Characters who are god-kings of a single city have
this level of worship.) You may regain one point
of temporary Willpower once every 24 hours as a
reflexive action. You gain three additional motes
of Essence per hour from the power of the cult.
The Realm has heard rumors of your worship.

•••• An entire nation honors you. Tens of thousands revere
you as one of their primary deities. Regional festivals in
your name draw merchants and traders from surround-
ing lands. You may have a city sacred to you where you
rule either symbolically or in truth. Once every 12 hours,
you may gain back a point of temporary Willpower,
and your cult gives you four additional Essence motes
per hour. The Wyld Hunt certainly knows of you and
will soon attempt to destroy you.

••••• Many people throughout one of the four quarters
of Creation worship you. There, you are the deity
of some major sphere of life such as hunting, war or
procreation. The people hold seasonal festivals in your
honor, children bear your name, and many claim that
their actions are done to aid you and your cult. Every
six hours, you gain a point of temporary Willpower,
and you regain six motes per hour from the constant
prayers. The entire Realm will soon mobilize against
you, and even the gods grow jealous of your power.

Note: No Solar Exalt can start a series with a Cult rating
higher than 2.
Furthermore, shit ain't free.

Cult is one of those problematic Backgrounds, because when you are playing it right it has larger meta-effects on the narrative, from people you need to protect, to conflicts it causes with non-believers, to PR issues.

A religion focused on offering prayers to yourself in a Western society does not look good to anyone, and will actively make some of our efforts harder in return for more base Essence.
Actually, I seem to recall a mention in some book that one of the nations was experimenting with the idea of having a cult focused on making alchemicals stronger, so they can better serve their nation.
MoEP Alchemicals pg 32
An enormous blight zone encroaches on the very towns and patropoli of Nurad, and its Chosen are locked in a cycle of frantic warfare. By special order of the National Tripartite Assembly, the people of the nation have doubled their daily prayer quota and must direct half of these prayers not to the
Great Maker and his holy subroutines, but to the Champions who fight on Nurad's behalf. Dangerously enough, some of the Chosen have come to enjoy this infusion of additional power. Some worry that it could tip them over toward serving the Void.
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I generally avoid the discussions of whether or not free will exists.
I will make an exception this once:
There's no free will in Earth Bet. Everyone is a tool.
There is no free will as the Essenceverse understands the term.
That does not mean free will does not exist.

Eden's crash and Scion's defeat were not foregone events.
Nor was it a certainty that Ziz would have helped when asked.
Nothing was ever set in stone here, even before Autobot decided to call a fifteen year old into his service.

That has been my working assumption from the beginning.
A) Blahblahblah. Jack Slash was programmed by his parents as much as Bonesaw was programmed by Jack. The fact he is an adult makes little difference since he is equally lacking in free will as Bonesaw. Regardless, I find your whole clarity speak annoying so lets end it here.
And if we'd come across Jack Slash at fifteen there would be a strong argument for diminished culpability.
Unfortunately, he has led the Nine for 24 years since he and Harbinger killed King.
He cannot reasonably claim that Daddy/King/Simurgh made me do it.

You'll note that Harbinger walked away from the life and made something of himself.
On the other hand, I don't know that Taylor is a great option for her either for several different reasons, so there might just not be a good answer to her situation.
Oh, I fully expect they will find a caretaker/parent/parents/family for Riley.

There are going to be enough resources and Charms thrown at this that it's almost certainly guaranteed that they will find one.
A good one even; when you are willing to apply financial incentives and scour the entirety of the United States and Canada, someone suitable will show up and move to Philadelphia, and both the PRT and YG are incentivised to have Taylor not be the only person raising the tyke bomb, if for different reasons.

It's just that when push comes to shove, Taylor is probably going to remain a, if not the major authority figure in her life.
Presence 5, Beautiful 5 hits like a hammer when you are an undersocialized tween with no other living role models.

And more art by YunYunHakusho on his SB art thread
Cauldron's Best: Contessa And Number Man said:
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Problem is, Contessa would have taken Dr Mother's....lack of passion into account when crafting a note.
This didn't seem to.

Note that a normal human wouldn't be able to notice, and that while Saki's enhanced social skills is known, her enhanced social awareness was not fully explored yet. So it would have been perfect if not for essence bullshit...textbook Precog assisted.
It's hard to put pen to paper when you're just barely keeping it together yourself.

Bonesaw did something to your brain to remember what everything looked like when you had all those eyes in your head, along with all the other remote controls to turn you into a… twisted, monstrous get-away device... but… near the end, everything was stopping and starting and stopping and starting from being frozen in time by Clockblocker, your implants failing, and your own consciousness fading from the blood loss.
...did Bonesaw build her a version of Optical Enhancement(360 vision version) to improve her ability to record locations to teleport to?

You didn't know just how close you and Sakura had been.

Taylor didn't just rescue you from the Nine - she pulled bombs out you. Bombs that you didn't even know about, that were intended to kill her and all the other heroes around you.

She took a dangerous risk trying to exalt both you and Sakura - something that should have failed utterly and endangered everything - because there would have been no other way to save the two of you.

But she trusted in Autochthon to find a way... and that the two of you to prove yourselves worthy enough.

You don't feel very worthy right now.
Reinforcing her intimacy to Taylor.
Also makes her feel like shit for how she treated Taylor earlier.
It's one thing to damn her in the heat of passion, but another that she went out on a limb to save you.

Not that it hurts any less. If anything it hurts MORE.

Exhaling and opening your eyes again, you realize that you were just hindering yourself by so desperately trying not to rely on Clarity to help you deal with the world-shattering revelations you're being bombarded with today. Taylor's presentation even explained that Clarity was supposed to be a support measure, helping an Alchemical deal with problems that would normally break minds and souls.

You'd thought it was just an excuse… or a crutch that you shouldn't rely on if you wanted to get tougher yourself… but isn't that just throwing away a tool that Autochthon gave you specifically for cases like this?
Not entirely a bad attitude for the social-exalt to be fair, since Clarity can get in the way of their work too. But Clarity helps work through emotional appeals and personal emotions getting in the way of the mission.
You're still not going to walk around without clothes on. That will never make sense.

Hmm. Possible prank potential and shipping progression idea, but you need to confirm something first.
Wait till you're deep in Clarity Saki. Then you'd learn that when there's an Endbringer destroying everything, your clothing is an inefficient afterthought. I figure that'd be around Clarity 5 in a crisis.
You scribble down another question for later: 'no disguise = can't hide nibbly bits?'

Unlike all the other times you've written something down, Taylor falters, blinks, then clears her throat awkwardly before rallying on with her explanation of her subsequent quarantine with Bonesaw and Iris.

The glowing blood seeping to her cheeks makes her blush painfully obvious. You cross out the question, since it's clearly confirmed.
Being too perceptive to miss that note. Heh.
Drat. You didn't have a problem setting up some of her previous clothing failures because it wasn't actually revealing any (to quote Taylor herself) "anatomical details." You're going to have to change strategies now, but you table it for later since Taylor is starting to wrap up her explanation.
Saki planned those?!
I thought it was Aisha.
"...helping the PRT therapists that come through every day, while the Youth Guard lawyers are handling the appeal for her Kill Order," she winces, blush fading and resigned exhaustion setting in again. "Though that's all going to be complicated by the fact that she helped Iris design a soulgem implanter over the last week, then used herself as the first trial case before I could stop her."

You blink, not even able to figure out what to write because of the sudden blank that is your brain at the moment. It is a clear blank, not an angry or panicked or distraught blank... but just… what?

Taylor nods at your gobsmacked expression and frowns absently. "Iris had a bunch of… human souls are broken into two parts: Hun and Po. He had a huge storage of blank Hun souls that he put into a hundred soulgems, and the implanter that they made uses the process Autochthon designed to… well, flash-forge a Po soul from a normal person's brain, so he could convert us. After all the screaming and bleeding is done - something that Riley actually helped coach Iris towards a way to make not as bad, apparently - the person is fully converted into essence physics, with a soul and everything. They just... also have a soulgem in their forehead now."
Hmm, Riley did it to herself before Taylor could interfere, so it's a pretty fast process.
And then advised Iris that pain might be a problem.

Would be interesting to see what's going on in her head to subject herself to THAT.
Did she expect the pain and wanted some self flagellation to show willing, did she think it didn't matter(owing to having been on pain inhibitors for years) or did she just not think of the consequences?

"The good news is that it apparently lets a parahuman completely block their power out if they deliberately will it to shut up. The bad news is that they'll occasionally have vague nightmares for the rest of their life because it hurts so badly, and the PRT won't let me use it on anyone else until it's clear Riley isn't," she holds up her fingers in air quotes, "'being mind-controlled by the gem.'"
Or maybe she figured out that it won't ever see testing unless she did it that way, and used it to circumvent regulations.
Distantly, you understand that you would feel some kind of frustration at Prayer for this as well, but even without Clarity the rationale would eventually get through - it would just take much, much longer.
Indeed. Clarity reinforces the logic underlying yourself. It doesn't do anything you wouldn't have, if your emotions were removed.
Taylor is not dumb. She has clearly cared deeply that you would perceive these decisions as betrayals.

Because they are.

There is an excellent cape law comedy that you and your family watched together on Friday nights, after your parents got home. In one episode, a hysterical mother pleads to the police about why she killed her parahuman daughter before the girl could turn to a life of crime. To which one of the detectives glumly replied:

"Cool motive. Still murder."

Of course, it applies to more than that. Petty revenge is still petty even if justified, and working with the enemies of your friends, or doing morally questionable subversion of authority, worshipping an eldritch alien god, etc.

The ends do not justify the means, the ends inform the means.
You suspect you are better at detecting lies now than you ever were before, and Taylor has always been a bad liar anyway.

She has been forced, repeatedly, into making the best out of horrible situations. In her place, you have no illusions that you would have broken down completely. But… that is her role, and it is why she is the leader of your Assembly.

"... you're going to need to grow up."
Contessa's words still land on the right spot.
When do you have each caste as leader:
-Orichalcum - When you have the freedom to act, to expand. You need a visionary, who would trample traditions and boundaries to find growth.
-Moonsilver - When you are in unfamiliar environments, dealing with unfamiliar problems. You need a creative soul to lead, to use every member in ways their design did not consider.
-Starmetal - When you are working within the bounds of a system you cannot risk tearing down. To dance between the strings of regulations to arrive at the necessary outcomes.
-Jade - When you are working with the Populat, not just a leader of Exalted, but a leader of men.
-Soulsteel - When all choices are terrible, and you must make the hard decisions for the mission.
-Adamant - When all is lost, and only hope remains.

"I trust you," you straighten up, drawing yourself into a formal seiza position, "but I will never forget what she did to Sakura and me. I do not want to interact with her, and I would like to limit my interaction with Cauldron. Because they are creepy."

Casting your eyes down in a sign of deference, you bow slightly and speak with a softer tone to cover your remaining nervousness.

"I will if you need me to, but... are there other things that I can do instead? Please?"
Hmm, not a problem I feel.
Bonesaw will remain under Taylor, however convenient Saki may be to fix her, SPU and regular therapy can do it.
Cauldron will remain under Taylor, considering she has the actual Backing.

You don't push the trust extended. And there are so many things Saki needs to do that she'd still have a full schedule.

You can see Taylor shifting uncomfortably, and in the silence the light clatter of soulsteel as she fidgets with her hands on the table is easier to hear.

"I… Saki, I-"

Her voice is wavering in a way that makes you hopeful, but you decide to drive it home - and make her believe more strongly in the decision herself - by looking up and meeting her eyes.

Moe Beam! It's Super Effective!
Fortunately Saki is more into Yaoi, or there's going to be another fic for that, and self inserts in lewd fics never end well.

But you have read enough terrible fantasy and sci-fi books, watched enough cape dramas, and written enough smutty anti-hero slashfic to know that intent, in the end, makes the difference between forgivable and unforgivable.
You know, I remember a thing about Exalted Medicine. It doesn't matter if you're doing acupuncture, surgery, drugs or laying on of hands, if you have enough Exalted Bullshit, you can make it work anyway.
Just as the strategy worked for Lantressa in the final chapters of Broken Hearts, Sundered Battlements, Taylor holds only for a moment before looking away with a sigh and nodding.

Yes, that might be a good way to go about this. The heroines always get their way in your books, after all, and it is much easier to just... act like they do. You even have the ability to alter yourself so you can adapt to their specific... techniques.

There is nothing that can go wrong with this plan.
Saki no.
You'd known it from the start, but now it's all so clear:

Smut is Love. Smut is Life.
Saki, the world is not ready!
...did Bonesaw build her a version of Optical Enhancement(360 vision version) to improve her ability to record locations to teleport to?
Pretty much.
Remember that the Nine had access to all the classified Power evaluations that Taylor went through, including the Optical Enhancement submods.
Bonesaw would have been inspired.
Would be interesting to see what's going on in her head to subject herself to THAT.
Ignorance or self-flagellation?
Only Gromweld knows.
Hmm, not a problem I feel.
Note that the Moonsilver could probably fill in for some of these at need.
Indeed. Clarity reinforces the logic underlying yourself. It doesn't do anything you wouldn't have, if your emotions were removed.
The ends do not justify the means, the ends inform the means.
If I could like that post twice, I would.
So I have to wonder, something just occurred to me that I haven't see in the discussion. Can we exalt people we stick soulgems into and expect the same result as what we do with people lacking souls? Or are we going to get a much closer analog to the "reincarnation" that alchemicals usually experience?
Point of order: This is wrong.

The only converted Cauldron charm we've seen more than surpassed it's original.
A. Not necessarily. While we don't exactly have 'stats' for Marrows power, it would not at all surprise me if she was more tanky, and her 'javelins/shards' did more damage pre-Exaltation. She's definitely better off now - but that's more to do with mobility (and quality of life). i.e. Trade-offs. She was definitely bigger (until she reaches E5).
B. A lot of the improvements seemed to come because of the Shard restrictions/broken Eden Shard. Legend, being an unrestricted Eden Shard, would be unlikely to have any of those sorts of changes.
Legend's power has a pseudo-perfect defense, speed, tuneable,guided, infinite Rate energy beams with different properties, and the ability to replenish himself from light.
Converting all that to a shardcharm would be impressive.

I don't want him for other reasons; the fact that he's married with a kid, the conflict of interest with Cauldron, the fact that we don't really know him all that well.
Don't disagree at all that an Exalted Legend (though agree with reasons for not Exalting) would be impressive. More that I don't think he'd be the same in any particular area (i.e. with the exception of EoA (I think), all of our Exalts have had pros and cons on powers to Exalting). And I can't think of any reason he'd be the same (and definitely not better) in this particular area - I don't think any Exalt can get even close (at least as a 'speed', rather than going into weirdness like 'A to B', or 'chasing'). e.g. At a guess, maybe has a sharply dropped max speed, but doesn't have the 'slow down thoughts' thing, allowing much easier usage of max speed in situations other than long distance travel. And/or other PtA similar benefits (like the Ramming Speed thing).
This is wrong.
Most of Alexandria runs on her brain; the shard just seems to be a realtime backup and buffer.
That's why Skitter was able to kill Alexandria by suffocating her.
Probably wrong, but not necessarily - I've seen multiple people go with the assumption that the brain isn't working (all Shard), but the Shard's essentially just 'pretending' it is. (Or something - the argument's made more sense then, though I don't totally agree).
Hmm, Riley did it to herself before Taylor could interfere, so it's a pretty fast process.
And then advised Iris that pain might be a problem.

Would be interesting to see what's going on in her head to subject herself to THAT.
Did she expect the pain and wanted some self flagellation to show willing, did she think it didn't matter(owing to having been on pain inhibitors for years) or did she just not think of the consequences?
Ignorance or self-flagellation?
Only Gromweld knows.
I'd say that wasn't the case, but it's not totally clear (@Gromweld - could probably do with rephrasing?).
"Though that's all going to be complicated by the fact that she helped Iris design a soulgem implanter over the last week, then used herself as the first trial case before I could stop her."
Designed it and then used herself as the first test case.
After all the screaming and bleeding is done - something that Riley actually helped coach Iris towards a way to make not as bad, apparently - the person is fully converted into essence physics, with a soul and everything.
Then there's no mention of Riley doing it before she helped make the pain not as bad.
With regards to riley, it may instead be that instead of self torture, ignorance, or meet scientific curiosity, she might be trying to become more like Taylor. It might be a coping mechanism where she is trying to become like her captor/rolemodel
Probably wrong, but not necessarily - I've seen multiple people go with the assumption that the brain isn't working (all Shard), but the Shard's essentially just 'pretending' it is. (Or something - the argument's made more sense then, though I don't totally agree).
Doesn't matter, the Shardcharm emulates essential functions like brain working and Case 53s continuing to live.
Chapter 9.5
(Part 5)​
-From an IC perspective, the gamble Taylor took on the Twins was pretty large.
Even if the fate of the multiverse wasn't at stake, Taylor basically gambled the equivalent of two carrier battle groups on the Twins.
Kinda humbling when you think about it.

-And it occurs to me:
How does Taylor know what the Maker didn't Exalt Sakura as a different caste?
How does she know there are still two slots left instead of only one?

-It says something about the trust Saki bears in Taylor that her primary concern was the specifics of her imprisonment and not the fuckhuge bodyjacking death kaiju that Taylor's familiar is capable of turning into.
"Yeah, Vision? Taylor handled it. Cool."

-Lord Grasp has been a silent(but judging!) participant in this discussion.
Betting he's really glad not to have been around to remonstrate with Vision of Vengeance.

-Saki seems to have arrived at a conclusion of how to cope with PR issues; to wit, assume personas similar to those of fictional characters that she has read of. And she has the Manipulation to pull it off.
This is going to be hilarious.
"... but because I'd somehow pushed my soul past the breaking point and come out on top, when I managed to start pulling myself back together I'd actually… well, it sounds kinda dumb but the technical explanation is super complicated: I leveled up my soul, basically. Except Alchemicals need a whole bunch of extra time, work, and meditation to do it normally... which we didn't have the time to do… so I came out looking like this, because my heart's overclocked."
I wonder:
Did Dennis come up with that explanation? Or did Aisha?
Because AS!Taylor would probably try to give a technical explanation of some sort.
Or would have; with Cha/Man 3, she's probably better at that now.

ou scribble down another question for later: 'no disguise = can't hide nibbly bits?'
Unlike all the other times you've written something down, Taylor falters, blinks, then clears her throat awkwardly before rallying on with her explanation of her subsequent quarantine with Bonesaw and Iris.
The glowing blood seeping to her cheeks makes her blush painfully obvious. You cross out the question, since it's clearly confirmed.
Perception 6 at work, people. And it's going to go up.

Noting that Taylor seems peculiarly embarassable by people she knows or has an Intimacy towards, while she brushes off stuff from strangers, regardless of the nature of the event.

I'm betting Taylor's fairly grumpy at the loss of IAT, and not just because of the anatomical thing; the ability to simply switch it on and off and thus forego needing to use the bathroom saved her thirty minutes every day.
That's almost four hours a week!
Drat. You didn't have a problem setting up some of her previous clothing failures because it wasn't actually revealing any (to quote Taylor herself) "anatomical details." You're going to have to change strategies now, but you table it for later since Taylor is starting to wrap up her explanation.
It's nice to see that Kurosawa Saki is able to focus on the important things, like plans for pranking Taylor, as opposed to the details of S-class events.
Fine grasp of priorities right there:V

Honestly surprised Larceny 1 Saki and her sister managed to pull off those pranks on Taylor.
Perhaps they simply suborned Aisha as surrogate?
"The good news is that it apparently lets a parahuman completely block their power out if they deliberately will it to shut up. The bad news is that they'll occasionally have vague nightmares for the rest of their life because it hurts so badly, and the PRT won't let me use it on anyone else until it's clear Riley isn't," she holds up her fingers in air quotes, "'being mind-controlled by the gem.'"
How long before Accord hears of it?
His intelligence sources in the PRT probably survived the E88/Gesselschaft attack; money always helps with that sort of thing.
And given his account with Number Man he's a rich man regardless of what happened in Boston.

Wonder if when the Butcher hears of it?

I'm going to note that certain elements won't be particularly displeased if it is indeed mindcontrolling.
Especially since it was used on the S-class former supervillain.
Wait until someone tries to steal a copy.
"Now with Iris stuck charging up at the Cradle, I'm going to need a new way to keep her busy in between the therapy sessions," she groans, "and with your vision showing that we have to start really pushing to get the Assembly finished, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to watch over her in quarantine nearly as much. Whiiich… is a problem."
That's going to be interesting.
I mean, I don't think Taylor can legally involve Riley in Cauldron vial research.
Not unless they can fudge the discovery of a couple vials by Philly PRT, but that would be PRT property.

"Not just for all the reasons you're thinking; the therapists are pretty sure that because I've basically been stepping in when the two of them were getting carried away last week, I'm imprinting as her new mother-figure by default."
Taylor: I can't be a mother. I don't even have a boyfriend!
Saki: (produces list of candidates)

In the light of this, what Riley did with the soul-injector takes on a very different look.
Scientific experiment, or trying to be more like Taylor?
Does she even know why she did it?

I mean, previously I'd have written it off as a shard push, but now...
"So… that's the abridged version. We… have about…" she raises her left forearm and a watch extrudes itself around it after only a few seconds. When its digital face blinks on, she winces and looks back to you. "... three minutes before we have to go. Any quick questions?"
Continuity note:
Does time pass for watches absorbed in TIE?
Or can Taylor decide now?

Taylor is not dumb. She has clearly cared deeply that you would perceive these decisions as betrayals.
Because they are.
I would vehemently disagree.
But characters are allowed to be wrong.

You suspect you are better at detecting lies now than you ever were before, and Taylor has always been a bad liar anyway.
Yeah, Taylor needs more Larceny.
It's nice to be honest and all, but Larceny 0 on a Soulsteel is just embarassing.

Wait, Taylor has Bureaucracy 4 as well as Larceny 1 and Medicine 3 available for purchase.
As well as Resources 5.
Why are we passing up the opportunity to play Ms Moneybags?

Her voice is wavering in a way that makes you hopeful, but you decide to drive it home - and make her believe more strongly in the decision herself - by looking up and meeting her eyes.
Charisma/Manipulation 7 + Presence 4 + Body Language 3 + Stunt 2 and -2 Appearance penalty while hammering Taylor's Forgive Me My Choices Intimacy.
I do believe this is the first time we've seen Taylor get decisively rolled in social combat since her first week or so in Brockton Bay.

Don't think this will get you out of tea parties with Ciara though!
Just as the strategy worked for Lantressa in the final chapters of Broken Hearts, Sundered Battlements, Taylor holds only for a moment before looking away with a sigh and nodding.
I am going to note that the first Google result I get for Lantressa is this entry - Paizo People: Lantressa Darksong
Tiefling sorcerer with Beguiling Voice and Fascinate.
Coincidence? Or omen?:V

Yes, that might be a good way to go about this. The heroines always get their way in your books, after all, and it is much easier to just... act like they do. You even have the ability to alter yourself so you can adapt to their specific... techniques.
Performance 1, Larceny 1.
With Manipulation/Charisma 7 and Stunt 2, she can actually pull that off comfortably, even before gaining experience in those abilities.
Should probably buy Larceny(Copying) though.

"Alright, Saki," she eventually agrees aloud, wearily climbing to her feet with more grace than you can muster on purpose. "I… I'll need to talk with Glenn some more, but let's just get things sorted out with Prayer first - she might have some ideas after her travels from last week, too."
A reminder that she's only Dex 2 normally.
I wonder if we should bother doing anything about that.

And it's barely morning, and Taylor's already tired?
Girl needs a vacay.
Or at least a sleepin for just one day.
"Thank you, Taylor," you bow, deeply, in earnest gratitude before rising on your own - slipping your list of questions into your sleeves with a sleight of hand, like that stealthy diplomat in A King's Booty always did with secret documents.
Yeah, we need to buy Larceny for Saki.
If she's going to be copying book characters, least we can do is make sure she does it properly.
And Maker, those book names are hilarious.
So sure that you are the correct one here. Hah.
Of course I am.
Was there ever any doubt?

Oh, little bit of info about Lisa Wilbourn's powers:
Shell 4.11 said:
"Could have told you she wasn't in a coma," the girl replied."The same way you're absolutely, one hundred percent positive she doesn't have a serious brain injury?" the old man asked. "Because narcotics can camouflage the symptoms, and if we wait too long to take action on that… well."
"Nothing beyond what I described to you," the girl said, just a bit testily, "Unless your equipment is faulty. I need correct information to work with, or I get false info."
Shell 4.11, just after Skitter cut off Bakuda's toes to save Grue from getting his head turned into a Picasso .
So yeah, her powers glitching out into a spiral of bad information producing wrong conclusions?
Entirely canon.
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Chapter 9.5 (Part 6)
Chapter 9.5
(Part 6)​


Even if you plan on returning immediately to your Safe Place with Prayer in tow, Lord Grasp insists upon shifting back down to his car-sized proportions and returning to Cauldron's base with you.

"Just because I am a fortified emplacement does not mean I am slothful, Warden."

You appreciate the gesture, and are surprised when he reveals that his carriage actually can fit more than just you; even if the veil-enclosed space appears to be less than four feet long, three feet wide, and four feet high…

"I am the pinnacle of battlefront housing and transport! Shelter for an entire Circle of the Exalted Host! I am not a 'clown car,' whatever that is!"

You nod in understanding as he rants about your observation while the three of you pass through the portal. Judging by the stone-faced blinks from Doctor Mother and Contessa they only hear the last half of his complaint, but remain silent until both you and Taylor have re-emerged from Lord Grasp's carriage.

Doctor Mother adjusts her glasses and looks to Taylor with a raised eyebrow, then slides the stack of three thick portfolios across the table to her. "Any concerns?"

"Some, but they can wait," she nods, absently smoothing out the wrinkles in her grey - spidersilk, you realize now - jumpsuit with one hand, while absorbing the three manilla folders with the other. When done with both, she starts walking around the table towards the far wall near Contessa; turning her head to look again at the professionally-suited woman, she raises an eyebrow. "It's been ten hours. Any difference from before?"

"A linear increase in fatigue generation, an exponential increase in effectiveness," Contessa nods curtly, her eyes remaining fixed on the wall where the last portal was opened. "Withdraw it at 11:43 AM."

Taylor hums, a thoughtful expression on her face before she nods in return before turning to watch where Contessa is looking.

Frowning in thought yourself, you try to make sense of-... wait.

"You have Taylor's Thinker boost?"

Contessa nods but doesn't look your way, while Taylor herself winces and meets your concerned gaze.

"It was the cost of getting this meeting together."

Blinking, you turn to look at Contessa again. Yes, Taylor's explanation mentioned that Cauldron needed Taylor's boost to help them plan around all the problems that essence is introducing into their plans against Scion, but…

Well, it means that when Contessa was talking to you earlier, her power - whatever it is - was being multiplied. You've seen with the other Wards that some powers benefit far more than others - Vista and Kid Win got huge boosts, Broadcast and Clockblocker not nearly as much, for example. Sakura and you barely got any boost, just a little increase in the speed and capacity of your transport.

If Cauldron is willing to let Taylor arrange secret meetings in their base with their multi-dimensional teleport tech in exchange for only half a day's worth of her boost...

Does Taylor look so calm because she realizes you probably don't even have a chance in a fight if Cauldron actually wanted you dead? She'd mentioned that Cauldron probably thinks that Autochthon is actually another Entity…

Rather than panic, you fall back into your newest strategy: who would be best here? Pyrrhia from Flames of Passion? No, too punchy. Kendra from A Slave To Lust? Mmm… you're not comfortable acting like a too-sly slave around Cauldron, for some reason. Actually, this feels like a good time to act like Loom! She and Prayer are friends, right?

The version from that Loom/Chevalier lemon-fic Fate of My Heart, that is; you don't know the real-life version well enough to mimic her in a situation this serious.

Just as you start to set your shoulders back and adopt the body language of a "gracious, effortless, wise beauty, with a vision of the future as bountiful as her chest" (it got better later on when the writer found an editor), the rectangular portal slides open silently on the wall in front of you.

Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that Contessa steps just outside of the portal's field of view as it opens - leaving only you and Taylor immediately in front of it.

In her moderately-furnished guest room, First Prayer of Perfection snaps her head up in alarm and assumes a defensive posture with arms extended - her armor now only a thin layer of crystal on her body, instead of the huge, smooth slabs you've seen her encased within before. From the portal's positioning… it almost looks like it opened in place of a doorway? Did Contessa open the portal just as she was heading into the bathroom?
Better than opening it in the bathroom, at least. That would be rude.

"It's alright, Prayer, it's me," Taylor hastily explains, holding up her hands in calming gesture. "We don't have much time, and this is part of why I told you that I had things I needed to explain to you in private."
Prayer's normally-stoic expression is showing far more uncertainty than you've seen before, but when she looks at you, you can tell whatever thoughts she was forming come to a halt.

Is that… a good thing? Maybe you should say something? Loom is supposed to be enigmatic and mysterious, so…

"Clarity," you breathe, smiling as if you have just imparted the secret wisdom of the world.

Everyone's looking at you strangely now. Too much?

"Warden," you hear Contessa whisper, just loud enough for you to hear. "Kimiko from Two Sizes Too Big."

… that is… just plain unfair. You haven't even told anyone what you're doing yet! And Kimiko is basically just you but prettier-... oh.

"A-ah," you stutter, crossing your arms and sulking while giving Contessa the stink-eye. You can even feel the Clarity draining away as shame starts to bubble up into your mind. "Sorry. I… thought that would work."

Taylor leans slightly away from you in order to look at you fully with an incredulous expression. "What was- what did you just do?"

"I…" you draw out, glancing nervously at Taylor and Prayer, "... may have been... trying to act like people from stories I've read? Since they're better at this than me?"

A flicker of confusion is quickly overcome by paling horror as her glowing blood dims almost completely. "Saki. No. Please no."

Contessa, blank-faced, gives you a thumbs-up from the sideline.

"I saw that! No!" Taylor spins around, pointing and glaring at the overly-serious woman. Contessa gives her a look that plainly communicates that she expected her to.

"I am convinced," Prayer nods, then ducks through the portal while sighing. "What is the reason for-"

As she stands up fully within the room, Prayer freezes - her eyes going wide as they flicker from Contessa at her side to Doctor Mother just a few feet away at the table. Behind her, the portal slides closed silently.

"Wait!" Taylor blurts out again, all semblance of humor falling away as she steps up to the massive cerulean woman and puts a black gauntlet on her upper right arm. "I know this looks bad! Just let me-"

Background Charm, activate!

The world around the three of you slides into a blurry greyscale - like in movies and TV shows when they try to show that time is moving slowly - obscuring the forms of the Cauldron capes just enough to be disorienting. Your charm doesn't actually slow time, and you can practically feel Contessa and Doctor Mother both flinch and look around warily, but you're more focused on how Prayer immediately stops looking like she's about to throw Taylor aside and start beating answers out of the older black woman.

"Safe Space!" you whisper hurriedly in Old Realm, poking both Taylor and Prayer in their arms. "Meeting!"

Both of them blink, though Taylor is far quicker on the uptake and nods emphatically while motioning Prayer towards the silently-observing Lord Grasp by your side. "R-Right! Lord Grasp, can you make room for all three of us?"

The opulent mecha-scorpion waves aside the carriage veil with a flourish of his large, golden-sheathed claw, then bows to the side to present easier access for Prayer to climb inside. "But of course, Administrator," he fawns, then winks with a glint of his eight eyes. "First Prayer of Perfection, do not be afraid; I am more than capable of handling your size."

As the large blue woman stares down your companion incredulously, you nod sagely and bring a hand to your mouth to hide your smile. "Oh, yes. He's got plenty of equipment to handle all three of us."

… aaand in she goes, quickly enough that you almost miss the darkening blue of her blush. Taylor's own glowing blush is much easier to make out as she scrambles inside immediately afterwards, groaning in dismay as she shoots you an offended glare.

Just as you start to climb inside yourself, you dismiss your Background Charm and notice Doctor Mother giving you a flat expression before she takes her glasses off to clean them. Contessa just blinks at you, uncomprehending. It's almost like...

"You need boyfriends," you realize out loud.

Ignoring their frozen expressions, you nod to yourself as it suddenly all makes sense. Waving absently to them, you duck into Lord Grasp's carriage to be greeted by even more blank stares as the two other Alchemicals sit awkwardly on the mess of pillows arranged before you.

"What?" you mutter, while shattering reality to plunge your group into your private dimension.

"Maker give me strength," Prayer mutters closing her eyes and folding her hands in silent contemplation.

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I really wasn't expecting this revelatory sequence where all (most) secrets are laid bare to segue so smoothly into Saki's & Contessa's Comedy Hour.