Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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This seemed...unnecessary? I mean, most people have the book and can look of TSS if they want. If they don't, send me a PM, I'm happy to help.
I support breakdown posts like uju's because most people don't have the books, actually. Breaking the rules down into layman's terms is also helpful for the people that are just passively engaging in the rules stuff, since many may not have the time to devote to dig into the nitty-gritty for a silly story like mine.
Oh it's either TSS or Fist of the Daystar.
Depends on how anime you want to get.

Thematically, I think Throne Shadow Style works better. That isn't to say that I disapprove of branching out, but Saki is our social exalt, it makes sense for even her face-punching to be a social event. Whether this means we'll get a bunch of volunteer capes working with her as their tactical leader of sorts (Personality Override Spike synergy?), or Taylor gifts her with a number of iron soldiers crammed full of tinker tech stuff like pneumatic face-punching apparatuses or networked force field generators and jet-packs...note to self, look into crafting rules for mention of repeat performances. I know there was mention of using Artifact creation rules for tinker tech when we were designing the armor....

I do think we should pick up a style that includes a Perfect Defense such as Fist of the Daystar (Crystal Chamelion? Graceful Crane?), but not necessarily immediately.

This seemed...unnecessary? I mean, most people have the book and can look of TSS if they want. If they don't, send me a PM, I'm happy to help.

If they don't have the book and are just interested in the text, you can find further details here.
I might be wrong on when VBoS was embedded into the sidereal exaltations, but I definitely said both TTS and VBoS were innate, though I didn't use that word.
I was mostly trying to explicate further and clarify the timing. VBS has always been part of the Sidereal Exaltation, Saturn made it specifically for the purpose. Thus the inability to add charms, as it is a "normal" Sid tree that they cannot add to. TSS, they can add to, though it is also a Innate/Hero style for them. Because...reasons? That confuses me.

I support breakdown posts like uju's because most people don't have the books, actually. Breaking the rules down into layman's terms is also helpful for the people that are just passively engaging in the rules stuff, since many may not have the time to devote to dig into the nitty-gritty for a silly story like mine.
Huh, I'm very used to everyone in these conversations having all the books. I get reducing it to laymens terms, but it also feels weird, because it isn't easy to summarize all the rules and execeptions Exalted has.
It allows the user to hide in a crowd of three people; for example, if Saki knew TSS, and had Grasp and another person as shadowfingers, she could walk between them, and vanish. Attempts to find her would incur a -2 EXTERNAL penalty.
This mostly means this:
Literally, if Saki and Sakura were both TSS users and designated each other and Lord Grasp as shadowfingers, they could walk down main street in the company of Lord Grasp at his most opulent, and most people wouldn't notice them.
But not actually, because the penalty helps stealth, but is in no way a guarantee. A -2 external penalty is about 4 dice lost, on average. It can vary a bit, but let's assume that. This is easily enough of a penalty to stop most mortal observations, as not terribly many mortals(extras) will roll more than 4-5 die on a Perc+Awareness roll. Most capes/heroic characters would see her though, because stealth is a 2 die pool for her( Dex+Stealth), which would average 1 success. So even with the charm to help her hide, you only need 6 die to find her on an average roll, and 6 is not that rare for such a pool. But she'd totally trick everyone on the street, accept that one really observant old soldier or something. Because mechanical wiggles. It works the same way for things like Pneumena Stealing strike. Yes, you literally stole their breath but -2 is...not that big a deal for most opponents. Accept when it is, because resistance to suffocation rules.

Anyway, I prefer super mechanical breakdowns, because they are better at showing what's actually happening, instead of just a general result which may break down in a serious situation.

TLDR: I really like talking about dice math and rules.

And I just realized Saki has Dex 2. As a Starmetal. Who has it as Caste. What. What. That was something I missed. And changes the discussion utterly, because apparently she can't take care of herself. She needs armor. So yes. TSS is good. It relies on her worst attribute less.
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On Inurement vs Saki....

Forget all the other stuff.
You have a social spec exalt and an intimacy for the exalt.

Apply Eyes of the Guilt Trip

Anyway, I prefer super mechanical breakdowns, because they are better at showing what's actually happening, instead of just a general result which may break down in a serious situation.

TLDR: I really like talking about dice math and rules.
The dice details have already been stated to be of secondary importance to Gromweld as they are of limited use to actually writing

Big diceamancy have been discouraged over Doing New Thing
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Fortunately, she has access to some really spiffy armor. Or rather, will have once the rest of us put our heads together. I'm thinking Dragon, Armsmaster, Taylor and Kid Win can put something together, Lord Grasp can handle the detail work (just because it's functional doesn't mean it can't be lavish, after all) and, should he have the time, I'm hoping Iris might be willing to say "no no no no, you put your quantum circuits where you need your quintessence waveform modulator and have some crystalized laughter to really make things shine...".
Most capes/heroic characters would see her though, because stealth is a 2 die pool for her( Dex+Stealth), which would average 1 success.

Capes don't necesarily have an above average pool- only if they have being trained for it.

They aren't Exalts, and they don't have a guaranteed minimun competence.
While we're on the subject of martial arts do we ever plan on getting prayer to learn any martial arts, she already has MA 5 and she's already one of our best fighters.
Capes don't necesarily have an above average pool- only if they have being trained for it.

They aren't Exalts, and they don't have a guaranteed minimun competence.
I would figure that most active capes have solid perception+awareness simply due to the lifestyle a cape leads. Not noticing something could get you hurt or killed very easily, so it seems reasonable to expect that the average cape is more perceptive than the average man on the street. Simply out of need for those skills. Besides, we aren't talking that massive a jump, maybe 3 dice.
While we're on the subject of martial arts do we ever plan on getting prayer to learn any martial arts, she already has MA 5 and she's already one of our best fighters.
Well, she'd need PLM first, then maybe. She'd probably benefit most from a smashy style. That would be a way away though.
Does anyone have any ideas for martial arts styles that would be good for prayer to learn, so far I've looked at Tiger, Thousand wounds and Crane all of which should be available with PLM. They all seem good in some way but none of them are quite right. At the moment I think Tiger is the best for her but I'd like to hear someone else's thoughts.
Does anyone have any ideas for martial arts styles that would be good for prayer to learn, so far I've looked at Tiger, Thousand wounds and Crane all of which should be available with PLM. They all seem good in some way but none of them are quite right. At the moment I think Tiger is the best for her but I'd like to hear someone else's thoughts.
Does anyone have any ideas for martial arts styles that would be good for prayer to learn, so far I've looked at Tiger, Thousand wounds and Crane all of which should be available with PLM. They all seem good in some way but none of them are quite right. At the moment I think Tiger is the best for her but I'd like to hear someone else's thoughts.

Solar Hero Style (not Fist of the Daystar, but the actual style that is named Solar Hero Style). Because it's pretty much a animesque greco-roman wrestling, and yeah.
Chapter 9.3: Part 2
Chapter 9.3
(Part 2)​


The last time you'd been in New York, you and Sakura hadn't been given much of an opportunity to fully tour PRT Tower - both because your road trip to Philadelphia meant that time was limited, and because the two of you (and Aisha, for that matter) hadn't been fully inducted into the Wards program yet.

The two of you didn't make a fuss about the lost opportunity, mainly because… it all felt kind of fuzzy. Like a dream, where you're moving from place to place but don't always remember how you got there? There had been the shock of the… attack, then helping people escape in those last few minutes… then a bunch of PRT officers and the Brockton Bay Director talking at you and giving you papers to sign…

Miss Militia was usually there, though, and she'd always been the coolest heroine in Brockton Bay since you could remember. Assault and Battery were funny, too, and you felt better when they made you laugh during the trip… but you liked it more when Miss Militia was around.

Serious, calm, reserved. You and Sakura had even dressed up as her for Halloween three years ago. Well, you had gotten fewer comments on your Armsmaster/MissMilitia fic than Sakura had gotten for her Armsmaster/Dauntless slash, so you were the 'secret villain clone' - her scarf meant that you couldn't wear an Evil Goatee, so you wore a Chinese flag instead of an American one.

Not that you're ever going to admit that last part to her face, even during Master/Stranger Protocol questioning!

"Everything… seems to at least match your previous records, Ms. Kurosawa," the PRT officer hums to himself across the silver table, idly sweeping a hand through his thinning, grey hair and fixing his glasses. "I'm still not entirely comfortable with the degree of core impulse modification that you've demonstrated, however, nor at the inexplicable skill and language acquisition."

Beside him, Miss Militia nods, though she hasn't looked away from you for the whole two-hour interrogation. Even though everything below the bridge of her nose is hidden behind her flag-scarf, and her body language difficult to read under the army fatigues, you've at least been able to tell when she's been smiling or frowning by the way her eyes crinkle or narrow ever-so-slightly.

You duck your head in a light bow, trying not to fidget in your metal seat. "It's alright. I still don't get a lot of it, too."

"Yes," the old PRT agent mutters, flipping idly back through some of the pages to your earlier responses. "but it matches to what our records show for Marrow and Weaver when both were initially recovered… as nonsensical as it all sounds, even with context."

Miss Militia's eyebrows twitch down slightly, but otherwise she continues her impassive study of your behavior.

"I'm…" you hazard, empathizing but still not sure how to respond to a PRT psychologist saying you sound crazy, "... sorry?"

"Don't be," he sighs again - oh, right, Dr. Marchbanks that's his name! - while adjusting his thin-rimmed glasses to eye you with a bit more sympathy. "Ms. Kurosawa, none of this-" he motions to the papers in front of him with a hand, "is your fault, neither is your new… existence. I have some choice words for Weaver, of course, which are going in my report… but I don't see any further good coming from keeping you under Master/Stranger Protocol Containment."

Turning his gaze to the last sheet of paper in his folder, you see him sign and date a final line, before he removes a small lipstick-container-sized stamp and punches it next to his signature.

Finally, Miss Militia relaxes her posture with a relieved sigh - though her eyes are crinkled in a way that you've realized means she's giving you a relieved smile.

"Thank you for your patience and cooperation, Saki."

Inside, you wonder how she always manages to seem so focused, so cool and collected all the time. You know Taylor mumbled some stuff about watching videos of Miss Militia's interviews for 'training purposes' but Taylor is always too distracted and busy to do it right.

"Ah… it's ok," you nod again, before casting a confused glance between the two adults. "Is- Is that it?"

"From my end, yes, Ms. Kurosawa," Dr. Marchbanks grumbles to himself as he stands and offers you a wiry hand, which you shake automatically. "Your compliance has been greatly appreciated by the PRT, as we're well aware that you could have teleported away at any time. From here, you're still scheduled for some preliminary Power Testing next, since you've been kind enough to refrain from exploring your new powers until we have a safe space for you to do so."

Miss Militia nods to mirror his thoughts, and you breathe a sigh of relief.

There had been so many times you'd wanted to poke and play with the… well, they feel somewhat like the glowing lines all across your body: computer circuits. Not that you know all that much about how computers actually work - that's Taylor's and Chris' jobs - but the straight lines and hard angles that end in circles are how they look inside, right?

"Once we get a general picture of your new abilities - Weaver and Prayer have shown us that it's better to wait for a full test until you've… 'configured' your new powers," Dr. Marchbanks continues, clearing his throat at the last bit, "we'll hopefully be able to release you fully from Containment. Beyond that, there will still be at least one Protectorate member assigned to you at all times for the next week - both for your own security and… well, for further passive observation."

"Oh," you blink, thinking back. "Like Weaver had before?"

The elder doctor frown disapprovingly as he glances down at the papers on the table, but shakes his head. "No, that was a... unique situation, and I'll be honest: I was the one who pushed for this, independent of the usual Master/Stranger Protocols." Looking up, his eyes and tone softens, though his face remains resolute. "I'm of the professional opinion that it will be good for you to have someone trustworthy and combat-capable nearby while you recover from what's happened - both for your own peace of mind and to be there in the event of a relapse. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is known to make even the strongest characters lash out when exposed to a trigger, and the ramifications of a parahuman lashing out are usually far more severe than a normal human."

Miss Militia, who has risen to her feet as well, moves smoothly to your side and places a careful hand on your shoulder. "There's no shame in recovery, Saki, and if you ever don't feel comfortable with your chaperone we can find you another one."

You have trouble meeting their eyes, mainly because your own vision is getting blurrier, but you nod and… you're just going to hug Miss Militia now, even though you're totally ruining the moment by being sad.

You breathe for a bit, and try not to focus on bad memories. Think of something else! Like… huh, it feels like Miss Militia is wearing body armor under her fatigues? Aren't you supposed the wear the armor on top?

"A-alright," you eventually manage, after thinking about armored bodices long enough to stop leaking all over Miss Militia's camo. Turning your gaze up to her, you realize this is a perfect opportunity: Begging Jutsu, activate! Form of Puppy Eyes! "Can you be my first?"

Miss Militia's dark brown eyes widen slightly, enough that you're pretty sure you just shocked her into speechlessness. Critical hit?

Oh, uh... wait... you may have phrased that wrong.


She blinks, finally, and you can practically see her eyes focus again, resolving into a frown as she tries to figure out- ah, ok, now she's blushing.

"I…" she coughs, turning her gaze to Dr. Marchbanks… who is giving you a very disapproving glare, "... was scheduled to return to Philadelphia, but… I can… ask?"

You nod, turning up the Hopeful Eyes again, causing her to look away quickly with a troubled expression.

"Could you… go back to your old appearance, Saki?"

You blink, wiping away the last remnants of your tears on your jumpsuit. "Eh?"

Dr. Marchbanks clears his throat, causing you to meet his scrutinizing glare.

"Ms. Kurosawa," he begins slowly, straightening his glasses to peer at you through them skeptically, "at the risk of sounding cliche, I must ask an honest, impartial question: have you not yet realized how attractive you now are?"

You reel back a bit, feeling your face heat up as your eyes widen.

"Ano… I…" you try, awkwardly disentangling yourself from Miss Militia - who seems to scoot away ever-so-slightly at the same time. "I... looked in the mirror, yes."

You basically spent most of your first day in your cell, staring at the matte-silver girl that had taken over your reflection. No blemishes leftover from your acne flare-up, no squat nose that wasn't short or round enough to be cute… that you had expected.

You hadn't expected to look like you were always catching the light just right, that your impossibly-smooth skin radiated a glow that you'd only seen in magazine covers. The white-and-blue filligree glow running along your body, neck, and face only accentuated the white, silver, gold, and black metal studs and plates in a way that put even Taylor's designs to shame.

You're impossible, like the greatest models in the world got smushed into someone that kind of looks like your mom and the world around you is constantly airbrushing your appearance and tweaking the lighting to make everything just right. It was a shock at the time… but...

... you've been trying not to think about it too hard, actually.

Taylor already has way too much attention - good, bad, and totally gross - all around the Internet because she's super pretty, but she's really good about not paying attention to it or shutting it down.

You... would rather hide. You don't… need anyone else but Sakura, anyway. But she's...

Dr. Marchbanks is still talking.

"... anything by that, Ms. Kurosawa," he speaks slowly, calmly, while keeping his hands up.

Oh, you were curling up again. It takes a few breaths and flexing of your fingers on your arms to relax, but you nod enough that he eventually seems to calm down himself. Miss Militia is still a few feet away, but she's clearly trying to give off a 'I'm here if you need it' message with her unguarded stance.

"If it helps you understand," he tries again, shooting a concerned glance to the worried-looking Miss Militia, "I have been informed that your mere appearance rates a Master 3 rating... and I think that might even need raising."

Whatever blood - or fluids - were in your face before feel like they've quickly drained. Master ratings… are bad.

In a fight, you always target the Master first.

"I know it might be alarming, Ms. Kurosawa," he says evenly, slowly, "but you need to understand: it is extremely difficult to focus on anything but whatever you are doing or saying. My first instinct is to believe and agree with whatever you say. I've had to constantly remind myself that I am happily married… to my husband."

"Wh- what?" you stammer, shocked. "Why didn't you say anything before?"

"We-" he stops, closes his eyes for a moment and sighs briefly. Opening his eyes again, he looks more tired than before. "After everything you've been through, I and my colleagues helping the other Wards felt that it would be best if we didn't make you feel embarrassed or ashamed of your new appearance. Since I have field experience working against Master powers, it was hoped that I could prove that the PRT wouldn't need to mandate a disguise when you're not… weaponizing your appearance."

Disbelieving, you cast your gaze to the side - only to meet a ruefully-nodding Miss Militia.

"O-oh," you manage, looking at your hands.

Every time you look at them, some new detail, engraving, or tracery seems to jump out at you. As beautiful as Lord Grasp's opulence can be, there is a level of precision, artistry, and power just in your hands that puts him to shame.

With a shove of energy into the back of your mind, a wave of hexagonal panels erupts from your fingertips and flows down your arms - as each flips, its opposite side reveals your old, pale and sallow skin tone - while your shoulders buckle and shrink to support your new frame.

A few seconds pass, and you're the old you.

You'd never really liked the old you, but maybe it's better this way: at least Sakura will recognize you when she gets back.

Avoiding the uncomfortable gazes to your side, you look up to the door.

"Can we go now?"

You breathe for a bit, and try not to focus on bad memories. Think of something else! Like… huh, it feels like Miss Militia is wearing body armor under her fatigues? Aren't you supposed the wear the armor on top?

"A-alright," you eventually manage, after thinking about armored bodices long enough to stop leaking all over Miss Militia's camo.
*Adds minor detail to lewd fic pile*
Turning your gaze up to her, you realize this is a perfect opportunity: Begging Jutsu, activate! Form of Puppy Eyes! "Can you be my first?"

Miss Militia's dark brown eyes widen slightly, enough that you're pretty sure you just shocked her into speechlessness. Critical hit?

Oh, uh... wait... you may have phrased that wrong.
Saki is an endless well of these. Clocksy will die laughing.
"I know it might be alarming, Ms. Kurosawa," he says evenly, slowly, "but you need to understand: it is extremely difficult to focus on anything but whatever you are doing or saying. My first instinct is to believe and agree with whatever you say. I've had to constantly remind myself that I am happily married… to my husband."
...yeah, that's about right for Transhuman Appearance. After the penalty, even if it was something as deep as your Motivation you'd have trouble resisting.

And sexual orientation is probably closer to a Virtue equivalent than Motivation.
"If it helps you understand," he tries again, shooting a concerned glance to the worried-looking Miss Militia, "I have been informed that your mere appearance rates a Master 3 rating... and I think that might even need raising."

Whatever blood - or fluids - were in your face before feel like they've quickly drained. Master ratings… are bad.

In a fight, you always target the Master first.
That's a good rationalization for someone who went through Kyushu, Brockton Bay, Behemoth and the Nine.
"I know it might be alarming, Ms. Kurosawa," he says evenly, slowly, "but you need to understand: it is extremely difficult to focus on anything but whatever you are doing or saying. My first instinct is to believe and agree with whatever you say. I've had to constantly remind myself that I am happily married… to my husband."
just wait until the Twins are old enough that we can get away with installing Thousandfold Courtesan Calculations :V
Say, doesn't Taylor's appearance also mandate the same master rating due to the average person having app 2 or am I missing something?
I think you got a bit confused, these are VBS charms, not TSS.
They were moved from VBoS to TSS.
Scroll of Errata pg 79.
Thematically, I think Throne Shadow Style works better.
Fair enough.
I think you're probably right as well.
I do think we should pick up a style that includes a Perfect Defense such as Fist of the Daystar (Crystal Chamelion? Graceful Crane?), but not necessarily immediately.
If I had to choose a second style?Crane Style.
It is also thematically appropriate for a support/adviser type who is all grace and minimal effort, and it has a cheap perfect parry.
They already have a perfect dodge in their shard-charm, though.

But not actually, because the penalty helps stealth, but is in no way a guarantee. A -2 external penalty is about 4 dice lost, on average.
Do note that as I understand it?
That external penalty is in addition to the normal Dex + Stealth/Larceny vs Per + Awareness rolloff.

So if Saki went up against some dude with Per 4, Awareness 4, that dude would still have to roll off against Saki normally after losing a chunk of his sux.
Having your dicepool suffering a minimum -4 dice penalty before going into an opposed rolloff is going to drastically reduce the number of people who can even compete in that kind of competition.
And I just realized Saki has Dex 2. As a Starmetal. Who has it as Caste. What. What. That was something I missed. And changes the discussion utterly, because apparently she can't take care of herself. She needs armor. So yes. TSS is good. It relies on her worst attribute less.
Do note that as a Starmetal Caste, her anima power gives (Essence/2, rounded up) to Accuracy, Join Battle and damage.
So at Essence 3, Dex 2, she's at effectively Dex 4 when on the attack even without weapons.

On the defense, if she pops the soulsteel tigerclaws that she gets from Transcendent Brutality Programming, she gets + 2 Defense.
So at Dex2, MA5, she is rolling [(Dex2 + MA5 + Defense2)/2] + Stunt 2 = PDV 7
So she's really not as helpless as she might first appear, which will undoubtedly make for an unpleasant surprise to someone someday in the future.

Of course, once we have 6XP to spare, she can go make googly eyes at Wyld for a tuneup to Dex 3 if we think it's necessary.
Or simply wait for and acquire hearthstone bracers.

Capes don't necesarily have an above average pool- only if they have being trained for it.
This too.

While we're on the subject of martial arts do we ever plan on getting prayer to learn any martial arts, she already has MA 5 and she's already one of our best fighters.
Yes. She doesn't have the necessary charm yet, though.

Does anyone have any ideas for martial arts styles that would be good for prayer to learn, so far I've looked at Tiger, Thousand wounds and Crane all of which should be available with PLM. They all seem good in some way but none of them are quite right. At the moment I think Tiger is the best for her but I'd like to hear someone else's thoughts.
Water Dragon Style.
Thematically and mechanically, no other MA comes close to depicting the relentlessness that you expect from a combat-specced Adamant whose instruction is "Kill that shit dead".
Accept no substitutes.

Yes I like the agg.
But the thematics.....

Solar Hero Style (not Fist of the Daystar, but the actual style that is named Solar Hero Style). Because it's pretty much a animesque greco-roman wrestling, and yeah.
When I look at it, she doesn't actually need it.
Most of the charm functions are already duplicated by her existing Alchemical charms; it's nice, but doesn't broaden her toolset.
I would probably toss it at Vista instead.

Going back to sleep now.
When I look at it, she doesn't actually need it.
Most of the charm functions are already duplicated by her existing Alchemical charms; it's nice, but doesn't broaden her toolset.
I would probably toss it at Vista instead.

See? I get that. I do, but as I've said before, I do not care about mechanics or dice rolls or all that bullshit crap. Thematically, I think it would be a great MA for her, narratively, because it would look cool, and my only consideration to dice pools, it would work well with Prayer. That is the beginning and ending of my consideration.

As to giving SHS to Vista, hrm. I don't feel like it would work, thematically for her, as I don't really see Vista's power as really suitable to grapples. I'd consider giving her something that is long on strikes and short on holds. It's been ages since I've looked at the Exalted MAs, but off the top of my head, I would, haphazardly, suggest something like Crane Style, or at least something that focuses on striking an opponent, perhaps also giving Vista the chance to redirect an opponent, which can synergize well with her power.

See, we can make Vista and Prayer a one two punch, so to speak. Vista bends space to allow her to strike an opponent, knocking them towards Prayer, who then grapples the opponent. Vista sets them up, Prayer knocks them down (or out, depending on what type of hold she is performing~).