Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
9.3 Voting: Results
TL;DR - Bonus Point [Backing (PRT) ●●●●●], Saki Maintains Secret/Civilian Identity, Saki Is Now Professionally Pretty (App 4 'Everyday' Look), Push SoPA Sometimes [Crime HIGH, Reconstruction LOW, SoPA Full Recovery ETA 4 Weeks], Lord Grasp Goes Where He Pleases, Free Action - EOA [Philly Crime: High->Medium], Free Action - FPoP [Bulldozer Shifted To Long-Term Care, Case 53s Pacified], Free Action - WoRI [Lord Grasp Pampers Missy], EOA - 4 XP - Occult ●●●●●, WoRI - 2 XP - Investigation (Body Language ●●○), FPoP - 4XP - Presence ●●●○○

I'll note that some folk tried to vote twice for some things, such as Stunts and Free Actions. Since that was explicitly against the rules of the vote, I only counted their first vote and ignored the second. As well, the formatting I set out for the Free Action options was ignored by some, so I had to manually fix/combine votes since VoteTally doesn't automatically combine mis-formatted votes.

In the future, please don't make my life harder than it needs to be - follow the directions, and follow the formatting I set out.

Chapter 9.3 Votes:

Bonus Round, Part 2:
[X] Bonus Point: Backing(PRT) ●●●●●
No. of votes: 13
Idan Dor, Datakim, Nor, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, FunkyEntropy, Bozwevial, Vesperian
[X] Bonus Point: Intelligence ●●●●○
No. of votes: 10
Yeangst, zinay, Funcio, uju32, VNodosaurus, Jinnt, dpara, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] Bonus Point: Connections (PRT) ●●●○○
No. of votes: 2
landcollector, spudman
[X] Bonus Point: Melee ●●●●●
No. of votes: 1
[X] Bonus Point: Ally (Willow) ●○○○○
No. of votes: 1

What's Old Is New:
[X] Saki maintains her old Secret/Civilian Identity
No. of votes: 29
Yeangst, zinay, landcollector, Vesperian, Idan Dor, Scify, Funcio, Daemir, Datakim, Nor, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, FunkyEntropy, Twei, tryingtobewitty, Monotov, spudman, Bozwevial, uju32, VNodosaurus, Jinnt, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] Saki forgoes her old Secret/Civilian Identity
No. of votes: 2
Sweece, dpara

Only Skin Deep:
[X] Saki's 'Everyday' Look: Post-Surgery Saki ("Professionally Pretty," App 4)
No. of votes: 23
zinay, landcollector, Vesperian, Idan Dor, Scify, Funcio, Daemir, Datakim, Nor, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, FunkyEntropy, Twei, tryingtobewitty, Monotov, Bozwevial, VNodosaurus, Jinnt
[X] Saki's 'Everyday' Look: Wyld-Touched Saki ("World-Class Beauty," App 5)
No. of votes: 7
Yeangst, Sweece, spudman, uju32, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] Saki's 'Everyday' Look: Kami no Saki ("Superhumanly Gorgeous," App 7)
No. of votes: 1

Spiritual Recovery Efforts:
[X] Push SoPA Sometimes: Philadelphia Crime HIGH, Reconstruction LOW, SoPA Full Recovery ETA 4 Weeks
No. of votes: 18
zinay, Vesperian, Scify, Funcio, Datakim, Nor, No One, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, Twei, Monotov, Bozwevial, VNodosaurus, Jinnt, dpara
[X] Push SoPA Regularly: Philadelphia Crime MEDIUM, Reconstruction MEDIUM, SoPA Full Recovery ETA 6 Weeks
No. of votes: 10
Idan Dor, Sweece, Daemir, Romv, FunkyEntropy, tryingtobewitty, uju32, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] Push SoPA Rarely: Philadelphia Crime DANGEROUS, Reconstruction STARTING, SoPA Full Recovery ETA 2 Weeks
No. of votes: 3
Yeangst, landcollector, spudman

Too Fancy For This World:
[X] Let Lord Grasp rest and recharge in TwinSpace regularly, allow him to come and go when he pleases.
No. of votes: 29
Yeangst, zinay, landcollector, Vesperian, Idan Dor, Sweece, Scify, Funcio, Daemir, Datakim, Nor, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, tryingtobewitty, Monotov, spudman, Bozwevial, uju32, VNodosaurus, Jinnt, dpara, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
- [x] Stunt: New York has seen many strange things on its streets to date. But a car sized scorpion amiably trundling through it's streets, bedecked in brilliant logos and stopping every so often to examine points of interest with a bemused Clockblocker waving atop was not something you see on the typical Tuesday evening.
No. of votes: 15
Idan Dor, Scify, Daemir, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, Monotov, spudman, Bozwevial, VNodosaurus, Jinnt
- [x] Stunt: Training Montage: The indoor gym shared by PRT troopers and Protectorate capes had a number of gawkers that morning. They watched in carefully concealed amusement as a panting Saki pounded around the track, with a cat-sized gold and silver scorpion perched on her head as she -finally- crossed the finish line. She bent at the waist and gulped air greedily.Again, Warden.
No. of votes: 5
Sweece, uju32, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25

EOA - Free Action
[X] EOA - Free Action: "Current status, Sergeant Powell?" "Weaver. Glad you're here. Cape's on the top floor of the complex with hostages. Possible Master. Too many sight lines to catch them unaware." She nodded grimly, turning to the troopers with her and touching them each with her fingertip. "Don't worry, Sergeant. We'll handle this," she said before they all vanished from sight.
No. of votes: 14
Idan Dor, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, FunkyEntropy, spudman, Bozwevial, landcollector, spudman, Vesperian
[X] EOA - Free Action: The brightly colored drones made their way down the street and stopped in front of the stalled construction crew. "Hi Sam." "Hey Weaver." The crew foreman waved at the collapsed bridge blocking the street. "Someone set off something last night." "Give my cee dees twenty minutes." As the workers backed off, the drones began to deploy their tools.
No. of votes: 7
Sweece, Scify, uju32, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] EOA - Free Action: Your drone hovers over the firefight, between the officers sheltering in the burnt-out storefront and the gang members shooting from the alley. Some of your frustration and exhaustion bleed into your echoing voice. "This is Weaver of the Philadelphia Wards. Are you going to stop and come quietly, or should I make you?" An ominous buzz accompanies your words.
No. of votes: 1
[X] EOA - Free Action: Thrusters whining, the suit landed in front of the stalled construction crew. "Hi Sam." "Hey Weaver." The crew foreman waved at the collapsed bridge blocking the street. "Dropped twenty minutes ago." She hummed for a minute as she examined the area. "Best move your guys back twenty meters or so." She waited until they retreated, then began to fire teleportation grenades into the wreckage.
No. of votes: 1
[X] EOA - Free Action: The monkey silently clambered on the rubble and started pulling away chunks of debris, a strange contraption attached to his back. "Ma'am, are you sure this is acceptable?" the rescue worker inquired. "PETA or the zoo can complain later. There is a child trapped beneath the rubble," the swarm clone replied. "There are four more injured in the basement there."
No. of votes: 1

FPoP - Free Action:
[X] FPoP - Free Action: "Wyld was hesitant with Bulldozer's... condition, but... s-said maybe-," Willow started. A large cerulean hand gently enveloped her fragile shoulder, stopping its shaking. "The tree bends but does not break, young Willow. Nor does it stand alone." Vajra turned to the wall of teleconferencing Case-53s. Each needful. Each hoping. "I believe the PRT will heed me better now."
No. of votes: 14
Vesperian, Idan Dor, Daemir, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, Monotov, Bozwevial, Jinnt, dpara
[X] FPoP - Free Action: Wyld said it would b-be risky, but... s-she could try-, Willow started. A large cerulean hand gently enveloped her fragile shoulder, stopping its shaking. The tree bends but does not break, young Willow. Nor do we endure merely to suffer more. Vajra turned to the wall of teleconferencing Case-53s, I will make sure of that.
No. of votes: 2
landcollector, spudman
[X] FPoP - Free Action: Willow looked up from her place beside the hospital window as Prayer entered the room, her eyes searching from behind a screen of long green hair. The one we seek is in California, and has agreed to meet. Will you come? It would be good to have the eyes of someone who loved him. Willow hesitated, then nods firmly.
No. of votes: 7
Sweece, Scify, uju32, VNodosaurus, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25

WoRI - Free Action:
[X] WoRI - Free Action: "Oww. Thanks, Saki," Missy said as the other Ward lowered her onto the sofa. "They got the worst out, but I'm still sore in places. I just wish the Common Room had better furniture." Saki felt a pressure on her prison charm, and a smile crept up her face. "Um. I know someone who can help with that, Missy."
No. of votes: 17
landcollector, Vesperian, Idan Dor, Daemir, Nor, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, Monotov, spudman, Bozwevial, Jinnt, dpara
[X] WoRI - Free Action: The giggling teenagers were herded out of the Miami street party by Ernest and Carlos, their loud Hawaiian shirts darkened with sweat as Latin music made the air pulse. Miamians can party, yelled Aisha as they stopped to get arepas from a stall vendor. Saki nodded, mouth too full to talk. Dennis returned with two concert fliers Which next? Pitbull or Estefan?
No. of votes: 7
Sweece, Scify, uju32, VNodosaurus, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25

XP Expenditures:
[X] EOA - 4 XP - Occult ●●●●●
No. of votes: 19
landcollector, Vesperian, Idan Dor, Sweece, Scify, Datakim, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, FunkyEntropy, spudman, Bozwevial, VNodosaurus, Jinnt, dpara
[X] WoRI - 2 XP - Investigation (Body Language ●●○)
No. of votes: 19
landcollector, Idan Dor, Scify, Datakim, No One, Romv, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, Bozwevial, uju32, VNodosaurus, Jinnt, dpara, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] FPoP - 4XP - Presence ●●●○○
No. of votes: 17
landcollector, Vesperian, Idan Dor, Sweece, Scify, No One, veekie, wingstrike96, Nicklance, Evil Atlas, Mobiusmech, Bozwevial, uju32, VNodosaurus, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] EOA - 4XP - Medicine ●●●○○
No. of votes: 10
Vesperian, Idan Dor, Sweece, Datakim, Nor, Romv, uju32, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] EOA - 2XP - War (Micromanagement ●○○)
No. of votes: 10
Scify, Datakim, Nor, uju32, VNodosaurus, Jinnt, dpara, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] EOA - 2XP - Craft (Micromanagement ●○○)
No. of votes: 8
Vesperian, Idan Dor, Sweece, Romv, uju32, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Willow) ●○○○○
No. of votes: 8
Sweece, Scify, uju32, VNodosaurus, Jinnt, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] EOA - 2XP - Investigation (Micromanagement ●○○)
No. of votes: 4
uju32, sainen, Killer_Whale, Broken25
[X] WoRI - 2XP - Investigation (Body Language ●●○)
No. of votes: 2
Vesperian, Sweece
[X] EOA - 3 XP - Ally (Legend) ●●○○○
No. of votes: 1
[X] FPoP - 6 XP - Ally (Willow) ●●○○○
No. of votes: 2
FunkyEntropy, spudman
[X] FPoP - 2XP - Craft (Shards ●●○)
No. of votes: 1
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I only read some of the thread discussion, so I'm not sure: weren't we planning on putting Missy into the Cradle, or am I confused? Did that change when the twins were put in?
I hope so. But not as much as Aisha, because damn do I want to see her power as a charm, since they seem to grow when made into charms. I also like Aisha in this quite a lot.
I agree that she's a super attractive candidate. Her power is perfect for a Moonsilver, plus turning it into a Charm might make it easier for her to suppress. Still, her motivation as we last addressed it is lacking. I think we need to make efforts for Saki (with or without Taylor) to spend time with Aisha and work on her. Damn, that would have been a good stunt.
I agree that she's a super attractive candidate. Her power is perfect for a Moonsilver, plus turning it into a Charm might make it easier for her to suppress. Still, her motivation as we last addressed it is lacking. I think we need to make efforts for Saki (with or without Taylor) to spend time with Aisha and work on her. Damn, that would have been a good stunt.
Also, we know converting her shard will have interesting effects on trigger visions.
Gromweld has said that the trigger visions won't change, because he's interpreting Scion's thoughts on the process as giving every other shard the ability to wipe memories using Imp's shard. Not that Imp's shard is constantly wiping memories; the shards all do it on their own.
I disagree. Aisha's just grating and annoying and just as presemuptuous as Accord while Missy would be a perfect candidate.
Aisha has actual character rather than the bland and boring Missy. Really, you might as well exalt a cardboard cutout.
Aisha has actual character rather than the bland and boring Missy. Really, you might as well exalt a cardboard cutout.
Plus the fact that she's, what, 13? Her personality isn't as vibrant as Aisha, but that makes her perhaps the most normal friend Taylor has. At least among the girls. She's just a young, friendly, generally happy-go-lucky girl who's trying to do her best with a lot of power and lot of expectations (and now, a lot of trauma). Exalting her is a big decision this early into her life. She's barely into puberty and we want to make her an unaging robot working for a world-titan? She doesn't get to come back from that. She might actually have dreams of a normal life, whereas Aisha can't expect much from a world that keeps forgetting she exists unless she strains herself. In fact, if her power-turned-Charm would still be blocked by Shaping defenses, then an Assembly with ISF would be the one place where she could trust to NEVER be overlooked or forgotten.
Counterpoint, she's a cape. A normal life is not in the cards for her anyway.
Conceded. That's a fair point to be made. Two additional points, though. One, she's still young enough that she might still believe it's possible (after Behemoth and the Nine, I'll admit this holds a lot less weight). Two, there are examples like Legend, who has a family even it's difficult for him to make time for them. At the very least she might dream of being a mother one day.
Conceded. That's a fair point to be made. Two additional points, though. One, she's still young enough that she might still believe it's possible (after Behemoth and the Nine, I'll admit this holds a lot less weight). Two, there are examples like Legend, who has a family even it's difficult for him to make time for them. At the very least she might dream of being a mother one day.

I don't think Vista dreams of that kind of life? Heck, (unless its fanon), I think she at this point is upset that people don't take her seriously as a fighter and hero due to her youth. A bigger concern would actually be that she would use Husk-Sculpting Apparatus (I vaguely recall it being said that all underage candidates get that automatically) to appear as a full adult and make that her permanent body via self-sculpt, rather than "growing up naturally".

As for being a mother, strictly speaking its not impossible so long as we have the body saved (cloning, IVF, tinkertech, magic). Heck, thats why we had the bodies of everyone else saved in Taylors TIE (thanks a lot for using those bodies as fuel VoV, sigh). Though adoption is always a thing. Doubt Earth-Alchemicals will be expected to work in Autochtonia (since they make better ambassadors between the two), so having a child is certainly a possibility.

And lets face it, there are a lot of advantages to being exalted. Immortality (and not of the "I must scream" variety) alone would probably make everyone want it bad. Throw in everything else and frankly you would think everyone would desperately want to be chosen (people probably don't understand the benefit, or have accepted Lisas paranoia). And this is twice as true for capes (and Zion ones in particular), who tend to have the shard messing with their heads to some degree. I don't think Vista is suffering from it seriously (In comparison, Accord went plain crazy, and Aisha is basically desperate for a solid off-switch), but its still a thing that impacts her life and something a conversion to shard-charm probably helps with.

Still, odds are we won't be exalting anyone soon, since we just exalted the twins.
We are working on a time limit, man.
I know right? Only 10^100 (edit: years) till the last black hole decays, we really need to start working on reversing entropy!

On a more serious note, we should have a week before we realise that Sakura is gone forever :cry: (or for at least like a month which is like forever...) Edit: To be clear, that means that we have a week before not Exalting someone becomes wasting time.
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We are working on a time limit, man.

I was basically speaking out-of-story. I doubt Gromweld will throw another exalt right after Saki, without first focusing a bit more on her. And chapters take time to write. So while theres a timelimit in-universe before the cradle closes sure, I would not be surprised if the vote for who to exalt next and how to go about it will be something that happens in 2017.
It's November! You know what that means?!

More shattered promises and crushed dreams!

Also, NaNoWriMo!

I'll be at BlizzCon on the 4th and 5th, so I might not be able to meet the 1.5k word goal on those days, but otherwise I'll be trying to hit it every day - or at least hit 50k words by the end of the month. This will likely mean more Interludes during the next voting phase, but I'll burn that bridge when I get there.

Look forward to tonight!
Look forward to tonight!

I'll be at BlizzCon on the 4th and 5th,
Oh, hey, if you run into any of the guys that do music tell 'em that they need to hire a second tuba when they do recording sessions. The Overwatch title theme would have been soooooo much better with a contrabass tuba adding an extra octave for those block chords. Also because I know the gal that conducts those things and she says she's been pushing for another tuba for those sessions, so maybe if they hear it from enough people they'll actually do it.

Clearly this is the most important thing you could possibly do at BlizzCon :V
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Oh, hey, if you run into any of the guys that do music tell 'em that they need to hire a second tuba when they do recording sessions. The Overwatch title theme would have been soooooo much better with a contrabass tuba adding an extra octave for those block chords. Also because I know the gal that conducts those things and she been pushing for another tuba for those sessions, so maybe if they hear it from enough people they'll actually do it.

Clearly this is the most important thing you could possibly do at BlizzCon :V
I'll bug Dustin about it, sure. Spoken as a (former) trombone player, MORE BRASS IS ALWAYS BETTER.

Oh, hey, if you run into any of the guys that do music tell 'em that they need to hire a second tuba when they do recording sessions. The Overwatch title theme would have been soooooo much better with a contrabass tuba adding an extra octave for those block chords. Also because I know the gal that conducts those things and she been pushing for another tuba for those sessions, so maybe if they hear it from enough people they'll actually do it.

Clearly this is the most important thing you could possibly do at BlizzCon :V
I'll bug Dustin about it, sure. Spoken as a (former) trombone player, MORE BRASS IS ALWAYS BETTER.
*was a trumpet player*
Band Geeks represent!