Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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Perfect Symmetry too, which is probably even better.
Not really.
Perfect Symmetry and TCC are both available at Essence 2, App 3, and both double the MDV bonus/penalty due to Appearance.
But Perfect Symmetry only removes the cap at Essence 6, while TCC does so at E5.

Additionally, if TCC is used during coitus, it makes any mid- or immediately post-coitus social attack UMI.
So arguably, TCC is better.

Either way, both are examples of the Pretty Kitty social strategy.
For when you want to take off the kid gloves and go "Hey, I am a powerful supernatural being and you WILL listen to me. Capisce?"
I just had a hilarious/horrifying thought. Alchemical Aisha with Ebon Shadow Style. No one can ever feel safe again.
People who understand the system much better than me have long since declared Ebon Shadow Style to be broken.
Furthermore, it really does little that Aisha's shard-power and Alchemical charms don't already do.

Lastly, does Aisha really strike you as the kind of person to choose to hide in shadows of her own volition?
As opposed to flaunt her presence as loudly as is possible within mission parameters?
There is a reason why Disco Ninja Style is considered thematic for her; it announces it's presence loudly while not telling you precisely where she is.

It would be effective though, since the style includes nice disables.
As I understand it, the disables are the problem.
You'd need to track down a rewrite acceptable to the GM before we would even get into arguing about thematics and power.
People who understand the system much better than me have long since declared Ebon Shadow Style to be broken.
Furthermore, it really does little that Aisha's shard-power and Alchemical charms don't already do.
I wasn't suggesting actually using it, just thinking how hilarious it would be, and hwo much fun she could have with some of the charms. Surprise! Your leg isn't working! Surprise, you nothing is working. Add in the corpsing move for trolling, and the wall walking for mobility and it would be hilarious. That's not even counting the absolutely ridiculous capstone, which is hilariously broken in every way. YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE
As I understand it, the disables are the problem.
You'd need to track down a rewrite acceptable to the GM before we would even get into arguing about thematics and power.
Again, it was mostly a joke. And how are the disable possibly the problem with a capstone that powerful? It's ridiculous. Absolutely hilarious though.
I wasn't suggesting actually using it, just thinking how hilarious it would be, and hwo much fun she could have with some of the charms. Surprise! Your leg isn't working! Surprise, you nothing is working. Add in the corpsing move for trolling, and the wall walking for mobility and it would be hilarious. That's not even counting the absolutely ridiculous capstone, which is hilariously broken in every way. YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE
Funny sure.
Maybe someone will write an omake.
Again, it was mostly a joke. And how are the disable possibly the problem with a capstone that powerful? It's ridiculous. Absolutely hilarious though.
Shadow-Stepping Motion is actually not that bad; it basically emulates one of the powers of an Artifact 3.
Powerful, but with no real tactical applications, and some pretty clear drawbacks.
The problems come much earlier.

Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack, third charm in the MA tree. Reflexive charm.
For 2m, you can stunlock your enemy indefinitely; you keep delaying your enemy's turn, and wailing on him with impunity, while his DV won't even get to refresh.
The charm is cheap; 2m is half the returns of a level 2 stunt.

Even worse, you literally cannot defend against it; there is no activation roll, so it goes into effect if it hits and a PD wasn't used.
And the topping on the shit cake is that the martial artist does not even have to touch you to activate it; it can be done at range by RAW.
Chapter 9.3: Part 4
Chapter 9.3
(Part 4)​


"...aaand time."

As Dr. Rose audibly taps his tablet to clear the timer, you grumble and drop the stylus onto the table - not into the tablet's stylus receptacle, because they made you take the math test again. Since all the questions were different you couldn't even use the answers that you'd worked out last time!

Because this is a PRT Power Test and they have all the cool toys, the scientists already have the results - Taylor doesn't, so she's had to maneuver her holo-drone to look over the shoulders of the scientists at the other table. One of the scientists comes over and takes the tablet - and wayward stylus - from you while the rest mutter to each other and point at their screens for about a minute, during which time you lean back in the metal chair and close your eyes.

It's fuzzy, but… yes, it looks like Lord Grasp is still a motionless pagoda near the portal. He didn't tell you how long he needed so you're not quite sure when to expect him, but you might need to wake him up for some of the upcoming tests.

Apparently they already put him through power testing while you were in Containment, though only his small and large scorpion forms - something about needing to schedule a time to re-size the testing lab to accommodate his pagoda form? When you're done here the scientists have promised to let you watch the videos of it, but Prayer and Taylor explained the two most important take-aways: he talked the entire time, and nothing short of a very high-level Brute would survive an encounter with him.

Taylor mentioned that his cavalier, gruesome disassembly of the training dummies meant that the PRT doesn't feel comfortable letting him out into the world until he goes through a full Live Combat training course, as well as a psychological evaluation to prove that he understands the notions of 'excessive force' and 'the value of human life.' This hadn't caused much of an issue yet, as the rest of his time had been spent with Glenn Chambers and the PRT PR team with Prayer translating.

Prayer had given you a wordless, rueful look through her helmet in response, which had almost caused you to trip on the treadmill due to your giggles.


You blink, then lean forward from where you had almost sent the chair tipping backwards. The scientsts are all looking at you expectantly, while Taylor is giving you a raised eyebrow with a smirk.


Dr. Rose clears his throat and nods at you. "We're finished with your baseline mental evaluations, Ms. Tatsu. Overall, your average cognitive capabilities have seen a 21% increase - mostly in processing speed - though there looks to be noticeable improvement of your overall language skills as well. Comparing against the limited schooling reports we have since your last evaluation, we did also notice that you answered some geography and history questions that weren't covered in your classes…?"

"Oh," you frown, thinking about what questions on the test they might have been talking about. "I still couldn't answer most of them."

"Which is fine," he nods, holding up hand in acceptance, "you did the right thing to skip to only ones you could answer, but-... alright, how about the question about when the American Civil War ended? Do you remember where you learned that? None of your classes have covered that period."

"I… don't remember? The Internet?"

That gets some light chuckles from the scientist gallery, but Dr. Rose just frowns - not at you, though, as he quickly turns to Taylor's projection. "I'm just not seeing enough concrete evidence for these 'Skill Colleges' your notes mention, Ms. Weaver."

For her part, Taylor's lips are pursed as she sighs. "It's not-" she pauses, her eyes darting off to the side for a moment before she frowns again. "That's… Fine. If, later, she exhibits the same sort of learning advancement that I do?"

He nods. "If both she and Ms. Vajra do, then yes - that might be enough to support a preliminary theory. We'd need more than a sample size of three, however-"

"I'm working on it," Taylor sighs again, waving a hand dismissively. "That's the last baseline test, yes?"

Adjusting his thick glasses, Dr. Rose nods quickly and turns back to the rest of the scientists as they appear to be working on something. A few moments later, they look up to meet his gaze.

"Everything's backed up offsite, sir," the lone female of the group replies, nervousness starting to creep into her fresh-out-of-college voice. "Digital and analogue measurements are recording."

Turning from them to Taylor, you give her a blank stare so that she'll explain what any of that meant.

"Ah… you remember how my anima - the big spider thing...?"

You nod.

"... when I was starting out, it scrambled anything electronic pointed at me, too. Prayer's anima is different: it changes recordings and memories to make her look like something else."

That gets you to turn to the giant blue crystal woman in shock. "What?"

"After the moment has passed," she bows her head, solemnly, "all who bore witness saw the Great Maker in action."

You turn back to Taylor, who just shrugs.

"We did a lot of testing last week, but for the most part people and cameras just remember a big glowing figure that they think was Autochthon himself. Indirect observation - say, if you wrote down what Prayer was doing - doesn't change, and since I'm immune you might be too, but before she meditated it wasn't very consistent with what it would change or how much. Which was… awkward."

Back to Prayer, who shifts uncomfortably.

"I was broadcast."

"Oh," you balk, since… wow. TV? "What happens if you watch it after?"

"You don't get the full… religious experience, but it's there," Taylor fidgets, clearing her throat while the scientists behind her are dutifully looking elsewhere. "Iris says that yours shouldn't be like that, but we're taking precautions just in case."

That's… well, you're not quite sure how bad that is compared to your own problem. From what you can remember, Taylor's anima stopped showing up all the time and screwing everything up after she meditated a bit… but 'scaring people' isn't anywhere as bad as 'changing memories' when it comes to how the PRT treats you.

A bolt of inspiration hits you, but you manage to shut your mouth before you voice it: is that part of why there's so little information about what happened to the Slaughterhouse Nine?

You're pretty sure Taylor and Prayer are the only ones who know what really happened, and they probably can't say it in front of a bunch of PRT scientists.

Safe Space, to the rescue! You and Sakura were trying to figure out a way to pitch that you two should be in the Assembly because you'd have the Ultimate Base (villains have lairs) for super-secret Alchemical business in your Safe Space, but she must have thought of it on her own. And with Lord Grasp, it's even got a spa now!

So you push that uncomfortable question onto the ever-growing 'Ask Taylor Later' pile, and instead shake your head and move to stand. "O-okay, so… what should I do now?"

After a short set of glances between Dr. Rose and Taylor - the Doctor communicating with a shrug and a waved hand that it's her show now - you are directed to move to the center of the large room and stand in a relaxed position. Taylor's drone and projected hologram remain about ten feet in front of you, Prayer is a few feet farther and to your right, and the scientists have remained around their tables about fifty feet away. Apart from them, all the training and testing equipment has been folded back into the walls, leaving the room pristine, empty, and white.

"Now, I'm not sure how much you remember from my presentation, but I'll try to keep it simple. Just close your eyes and think about the energy you've probably been pushing and pulling to activate your charms."

Doing so, you take a relaxed breath and bring up the mental image that came to mind over the last few days as your mind wandered: a pair of tight, single-spirals comprised of glowing blue hexagons. Though the larger one is nearly double the size and glows with a vibrant, iridescent radiance, your attention (in the few times they've come to your mind) has always been drawn first to the smaller of the pair.

"Um…" you murmur, letting your wandering train of thought be heard, "I have… two? But one is smaller and… empty?"

Taylor's thoughtful hum sounds farther away than it did a moment ago, but you don't let it distract from your introspection. "That means your personal essence pool is taken up entirely by the charms you have installed. That's okay - the way you used your peripheral pool to fuel your disguise earlier shows you probably have Aura-Dampening Component like Pray-"

The words 'personal' and 'peripheral' feel… right, though you're not sure if that's just because you suddenly remember Taylor's long presentation on how her powers worked. But as she goes on…

"Oh!" you exclaim, nearly opening your eyes and ruining your mind's eye, "yes! That one lit up! And… it's connected to the pools? Wait, wait- there's other lines running- ah, I see the rest of them! But… only Aura-Dampening Component is lit up? Should I use it?"

It's difficult to focus on, like trying to watch a movie through a dirty window, but the instant Taylor had said the name that charm had lit up and stuck in your memory - revealing that the dull lines you'd barely noticed before running from the spirals actually channeled down into the muted glows of the charms themselves.

From far away you hear Taylor give a pensive "Alright," but as you smile and try to… push essence down from the peripheral spiral-

"It's… it's not doing anything?" you mumble, hopefully loud enough for everyone else to hear, before realization makes you jolt again. "Ah! No, I see! I can direct essence through it to… control it? The lines coming out of it to the other charms look… smaller."

"That's good, Tatsu," Taylor's voice drifts into your consciousness, the firm tone just barely overriding your desire to play around with your new discoveries. "Can you see if it connects to all your other charms?"

You grumble, since you're still having a hard time even figuring out how many charms you have.

"I… think so? The others are still dark, so I can't really tell… but there look like there are enough lines for a lot of them…"

"That's-" she cuts off, long enough that you wonder if something's wrong. Just as you're about to open your eyes, Taylor's voice exasperated voice cuts in again. "Alright, Tatsu. It sounds like it works like Prayer's; hopefully we can use it to test the other charms you have and save your anima for last. Let's start working our way through your other charms. Now, I'm going to name a few that I think you've already used so let me know if anything… lights up."

After a moment of silence, you realize they're waiting on you.


Taylor's voice is steady and confident, almost as if she's reading from a list.

"Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier."

"Ooo! Yes! It's- wait, I recognize that one! That's the human disguise one, isn't it?"

There's… a nagging feeling after you say that out loud, but it takes you a moment to place it: you're not really human anymore, are you? You'd been thinking about it as 'the old you', not 'look like a human again'.

It's not a bad feeling… just a little sad. Like… like otou-san used to say about you and Sakura growing up.

You miss them so much.

Taylor's and Prayer's voices are muddled in your head as your mind falls apart, the lines and the lights and the spirals growing hazier as you try desperately- calm! You have to-!

Be Calm.

Like a pixelated picture snapping back into focus, there is Clarity to your mind's eye now - even better than before. It's… yes, you miss them, but you're in the middle of power testing - you have cried yourself to sleep plenty of times before, you can wait until tonight to do it again.

Actually, now that you can sense all your charms a bit better, there's… a big one lurking at the bottom of the lines. Not as big as your charm-ified relocation power (teleportation never really felt right, even before), which is somehow attached above the essence spirals...

No time to think on it, since Taylor's and Prayer's voices are getting closer. You start pushing essence down through Aura-Dampening Component and towards the oversized charm-

After the initial shove, power surges down the line, more than what you needed to activate your two disguise charms combined. Urgh, this thing is a power hog! It better be worth it!

Your eyes snap open, and you throw your hands out to stop Prayer and Taylor just as the two of them almost get within arm's reach.

"Wait!" you exclaim, before you use your left forearm to help wipe your eyes clear. "I'm alright. Just- I just had a bad memory. I'm fine."

There's a beat of silence as you take in a steadying breath, and as you drop your left arm you notice both are looking at your outstretched right arm.

Or, more specifically, the long, thin, black blade sticking out from between your right middle and ring fingers.

"That's… it?"

The realization that you just thought that out loud is washed away by the deep, ominous feeling that no… you're missing something. That's not all there is to it.

"A stiletto?" Prayer's voice is thoughtful, her head tilted slightly as she studies it from afar. "Can you shape it?"

"I…" you blink, the thought having not occurred to you. Looking at your splayed-out hand, you stare at it like you got a bad nail job.

After a few directed thoughts, all you've managed to accomplish is a few weird faces while the blade retracted slightly to line up with your fingers - in a way that could hide it pretty well, now that you're moving your fingers a bit. Ninja-esque, sleek and deadly!

The lingering, ominous feeling means that attempt at humor doesn't even make you smile.

"No, but… I think it does something? It's… not poisoned, I think," as you bring it up to your face to inspect it more carefully. You gently touch the blade with your left index finger, "No, but it's pretty sharp-"

You finally notice that Taylor is staring at you with her face turned off - even her upper eyes have focused on you completely.

"Um," you begin eloquently, glancing between her, the blade, and Prayer, before bringing your right hand out in a relaxed, upwards-facing point with your fist closed. "Do you… know what this is, Ta-... Weaver?"

There's a long, awkward pause as her face turns back on but her eyes - all of them - dart off to the right at something you can't see and she makes a frantic 'stop it' motion with her right hand at whatever it was.

"It's identity has been… suggested… yes," she eventually mutters out, as if the words are being pulled out of her throat, "but I don't know if… if it's even safe to test."

"Ms. Weaver?" Dr. Rose's voice over the test chamber's speakers interrupts your already-stalled train of thought, frustration in his tone not hiding the concern underneath it. "Should we be aware of something?"

"I-" Taylor stalls, straightening up and turning just enough so that she can raise her hands warningly and have both the scientists and yourself within her field of view. "I just want to remind everyone that-... that Alchemical charms are designed by humans, and that Autochthonian culture has a much different perspective on life and mental-"

"Ms. Weaver," Dr. Rose interrupts, growing increasing chiding, "need I remind you that it is your promise of complete transparency during these tests that allows your presence here?"

Taylor's face twitches, but before it can twist into a snarl the blank look slams down for long enough for her regain control - her eyes, however, continue to swirl and pivot furiously in the moment of silence. Finally, she closes her eyes, takes a long breath, and looks back to you with a hopeful expression.

It's obviously fake.

"Tatsu, can you tell if there are any submods - smaller parts - or other charms connected to that charm? Or is it just that… needle?"

After staring at Taylor's face for a moment, you close your eyes and try to search your mind again…

"It's… there are lots of smaller parts," you mutter, completely devoid of excitement over seeing how the charm practically glows like a christmas tree with smaller lights that are buzzing and waiting to activate. "I don't… see… any other connected charms? Some of the parts are as big as charms, though…?"

You open your eyes and Taylor has her face in both palms. There's another awkward silence.


Spoken in Old Realm, it's one part plea, two parts expletive. Beside you, Prayer awkwardly shifts ever-so-slightly away from you.

Dr. Rose's voice is completely done with this. "Ms. Weaver."

Taylor holds her left hand up in acknowledgement, then raises her face from her right hand and takes a long, steadying breath before gesturing for you to present your arm proudly.

"Doctors," she sighs, right eye twitching as her mouth is a rueful smile. "I present: Personality Override Spike."


Even all the way over here, the strangled sound from multiple doctors can be heard even without the intercom.

"Alone, it's… capable of forcing a person into a dream-like mindscape where the user can speak to them," she continues, tone somehow considering, "However, it was designed for use with other... parts: Identity Recalibration Signal, Mind-Ripping Probe, Memory Implantation Surge, and… Maker please I hope you didn't get this one…. Subsidiary Personality Implant. The names don't translate perfectly, but they…"

Taylor keeps talking, but it all seems so far away as you stare at the pitch-black streak of metal jutting out from between your knuckles.

Far, far away…

… where your chances of ever walking free have fled.

Well, this will be fun. I get why Saki is worried, but Taylor will hopefully be able to mitigate any concerns, and is highly unlikely to let her be confined. Prayer too.
Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised that Taylor didn't rip into the scientist when he interrupted her there. Prefacing her explanation was vital to Saki.
Fair enough.
I think you're probably right as well.
If I had to choose a second style?Crane Style.
It is also thematically appropriate for a support/adviser type who is all grace and minimal effort, and it has a cheap perfect parry.
They already have a perfect dodge in their shard-charm, though.

It's cheaper than most even after errata (6 motes base cost after errata), but the cost will get out of control due to it increasing whenever you use it.
Welcome back @Gromweld.
Hope you had fun at Blizzcon.

And finally, the reveal of Happy Fun Spike.
Taylor, you suck at spinning.
Saki is appropriately freaked out, though:V
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Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised that Taylor didn't rip into the scientist when he interrupted her there. Prefacing her explanation was vital to Saki.

Well, she could have, but...she's still a child, a Ward, so it's liable that the Doctor, rightfully I might have, is in control, and Taylor is there more as a consultant (and yes, this may have gone differently if you had gone on to the Protectorate, choices and consequences. We have them). Also, she's being all vague and not at all helpful, and she really didn't want to tell anyone anything about that spike. For obvious reasons. I suspect the doctor realised she was needlessly stalling, so, well.

Can't wait for the next bit of horror that shows up. Should be fun!
Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised that Taylor didn't rip into the scientist when he interrupted her there. Prefacing her explanation was vital to Saki.
Because ripping into the scientist is counterproductive.

It doesn't get the information to Saki faster, it doesn't make the doctor/analyst more cooperative.
All it does is make Taylor feel better.
Taylor has much bigger things to worry about than dick-swinging contests with a civilian scientist who is trying to do his best with an unfamiliar, delicate subject.

Besides, Alchemical, not Solar.
Attitudes towards civilians are different.
Well, she could have, but...she's still a child, a Ward, so it's liable that the Doctor, rightfully I might have, is in control, and Taylor is there more as a consultant (and yes, this may have gone differently if you had gone on to the Protectorate, choices and consequences. We have them).
Eh, nothing really inconvenient so far.
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Actually I am curious about if any progress has been made with translating old realm as it seem to be becoming more and more important for the prt to do so .

and on another note as i continue my reread, backing 5 seem to be appropriate:
While the flight will take just over half an hour, Chevalier remains focused on his laptop to the exclusion of everything else as he sorts through paperwork - yet another reminder of the burden of Protectorate leadership that always found its way out of your reach.
*cackles, yessss delicious

As for the updates: man, I feel sorry for Saki. Especially because she actually has the social WMDs, but is too shy to use them. Hopefully Alchemicalhood will improve her mental state, rather than making it even worse. Especially because of the relationship to Autochthon apparently finding her to be just barely worthy. With the Bonesaw revelation incoming as well....

do you mind elaborating why Autochthon thinks her barely worthy? cause I can't find ?

Which brings me to Saki's motivation, I am surprised that it is fix Philadelphia.. I expected something akin to "Gotta Ship Em All".
as well as a psychological evaluation to prove that he understands the notions of 'excessive force' and 'the value of human life.'
Lord Grasp's been through wars you know. /Frank West
In seriousness, he was a combatant in a conflict vastly beyond the comprehension of most anyone on Earth-Bet. His notions of those concepts will be...skewed.

You're pretty sure Taylor and Prayer are the only ones who know what really happened, and they probably can't say it in front of a bunch of PRT scientists.

Safe Space, to the rescue!
Heh, Saki caught on pretty quickly. I like that.

There's a long, awkward pause as her face turns back on but her eyes - all of them - dart off to the right at something you can't see and she makes a frantic 'stop it' motion with her right hand at whatever it was.

"It's identity has been… suggested… yes," she eventually mutters out, as if the words are being pulled out of her throat, "but I don't know if… if it's even safe to test."
Oh, yes, POS. This'll be fun for all.

"Alone, it's… capable of forcing a person into a dream-like mindscape where the user can speak to them," she continues, tone somehow considering, "However, it was designed for use with other... parts: Identity Recalibration Signal, Mind-Ripping Probe, Memory Implantation Surge, and… Maker please I hope you didn't get this one…. Subsidiary Personality Implant. The names don't translate perfectly, but they…"
There's an instant high-tier Master rating

Far, far away…

… where your chances of ever walking free have fled.
Well, consequence-free anyway. Great care must be taken here, because it is likely more easy than one might think to alienate her/drive her away. We do not need a rogue Starmetal.

And finally, the reveal of Happy Fun Spike.
Taylor, you suck at spinning.
Given that several posters have gone to great lengths to try to justify POS, that's no failing of hers.
Because ripping into the scientist is counterproductive.

It doesn't get the information to Saki faster, it doesn't make the doctor/analyst more cooperative.
All it does is make Taylor feel better.
Taylor has much bigger things to worry about than dick-swinging contests with a civilian scientist who is trying to do his best with an unfamiliar, delicate subject.

Besides, Alchemical, not Solar.
Attitudes towards civilians are different.
She should have just given him the Weaver Is Disappointed face. Clearly. :V
I think the overwhelming fear of masters is a bit over-done, but that's more a complaint for the fandom, not for this quest.

The PoS isn't as scary as the big master powers we see in Worm, IMO. It's an obvious mechanical implement with a gruesome method, and not easily hidden.
It's effect is more thorough than most powers, but you have to walk up and stab someone to make it happen.
Given that several posters have gone to great lengths to try to justify POS, that's no failing of hers.
The reasons previously given still hold true.

It is just realistic that given how busy she has been, she has not had time IC to consider the applications of possible charms Saki could be equipped with.
We can actively see her working through what it would mean for rehabilitation right there on screen.
I find it amusing to watch through the lens of Saki, who is a Valor 2 new Alchemical who is still traumatised from the events preceding her Exaltation.

Argh! Taylor! You could have spun it a bit better you know! :facepalm:
She will.
Just a rare example of Taylor being unprepared, to reinforce the fact that she is human.

I think the overwhelming fear of masters is a bit over-done, but that's more a complaint for the fandom, not for this quest.
Of course it is.
I mean, Valefor walked around without a kill order, after all, and didn't rate anything more than the usual villain strategies.

But in this case, we are looking at things from the PoV of Saki, a teenager who WAS Mastered for most of a day less than a week ago of subjective time.
It is expected that she would be more than a little sensitive about it.
The reasons previously given still hold true.

It is just realistic that given how busy she has been, she has not had time IC to consider the applications of possible charms Saki could be equipped with.
We can actively see her working through what it would mean for rehabilitation right there on screen.
I find it amusing to watch through the lens of Saki, who is a Valor 2 new Alchemical who is still traumatised from the events preceding her Exaltation.
My stance on POS remains unchanged, but I have no desire to restart that debate for the nth+1 time.
The PoS isn't as scary as the big master powers we see in Worm, IMO. It's an obvious mechanical implement with a gruesome method, and not easily hidden.
It's effect is more thorough than most powers, but you have to walk up and stab someone to make it happen.
You can talk all you want about it being obvious and not easily hidden, except it's on a uncontainable, teleporting, shape-shifting, memory reading, memory changing, thinker "protected" (at least somewhat), social-thinker, who also has a special realm where not even parahuman powers can protect you. Should I also mention the other master effects (including the "passive" ones) and that all of this is both undetectable (especially due to it being on a different type of physics) and impossible to remove?

Pretty much the only people who can keep an eye on her if she goes rogue are Cauldron, due to the clairvoyant and even they can't tell if she podded people or planted "Simurgh" bombs if she does it within her realm.

Uju mentioned that people like Valefor walk around without kill orders but I don't think that it makes them any less terrifying. We also don't know how heroes with high end master powers are treated in the Protectorate, but I doubt the PRT makes things really nice for them.
Taylor mentioned that his cavalier, gruesome disassembly of the training dummies meant that the PRT doesn't feel comfortable letting him out into the world until he goes through a full Live Combat training course, as well as a psychological evaluation to prove that he understands the notions of 'excessive force' and 'the value of human life.' This hadn't caused much of an issue yet, as the rest of his time had been spent with Glenn Chambers and the PRT PR team with Prayer translating.
Forgotten in the aftermath, this promises Excellent things.
"Which is fine," he nods, holding up hand in acceptance, "you did the right thing to skip to only ones you could answer, but-... alright, how about the question about when the American Civil War ended? Do you remember where you learned that? None of your classes have covered that period."

"I… don't remember? The Internet?"

That gets some light chuckles from the scientist gallery, but Dr. Rose just frowns - not at you, though, as he quickly turns to Taylor's projection. "I'm just not seeing enough concrete evidence for these 'Skill Colleges' your notes mention, Ms. Weaver."
You guys remember the discussion about Saki restoring memories she couldn't have known about?

The Lore College theory just torpedoes it. Exalted have provably become cognizant of information that they could never have actually learned.
"I was broadcast."

"Oh," you balk, since… wow. TV? "What happens if you watch it after?"

"You don't get the full… religious experience, but it's there,"
Ooo, that's going to be interesting for the faith.
Safe Space, to the rescue! You and Sakura were trying to figure out a way to pitch that you two should be in the Assembly because you'd have the Ultimate Base (villains have lairs) for super-secret Alchemical business in your Safe Space, but she must have thought of it on her own. And with Lord Grasp, it's even got a spa now!
An excellent secret base, but it needs a lava pit.
"I… think so? The others are still dark, so I can't really tell… but there look like there are enough lines for a lot of them…"

"That's-" she cuts off, long enough that you wonder if something's wrong. Just as you're about to open your eyes, Taylor's voice exasperated voice cuts in again. "Alright, Tatsu. It sounds like it works like Prayer's; hopefully we can use it to test the other charms you have and save your anima for last. Let's start working our way through your other charms. Now, I'm going to name a few that I think you've already used so let me know if anything… lights up."
Hmm, is that Taylor's frustration that everyone ELSE got the essence flare baffle except her?
Taylor's and Prayer's voices are muddled in your head as your mind falls apart, the lines and the lights and the spirals growing hazier as you try desperately- calm! You have to-!

Be Calm.

Like a pixelated picture snapping back into focus, there is Clarity to your mind's eye now - even better than before. It's… yes, you miss them, but you're in the middle of power testing - you have cried yourself to sleep plenty of times before, you can wait until tonight to do it again.
Clarity is a hell of a drug. Saki needs rest and recovery, even if she's functional.
You finally notice that Taylor is staring at you with her face turned off - even her upper eyes have focused on you completely.
Taylor making a pokerface. Probably worked on everyone else though.
There's a long, awkward pause as her face turns back on but her eyes - all of them - dart off to the right at something you can't see and she makes a frantic 'stop it' motion with her right hand at whatever it was.

"It's identity has been… suggested… yes," she eventually mutters out, as if the words are being pulled out of her throat, "but I don't know if… if it's even safe to test."
Hmm, to the right of her, Iris halping with the explanation?
Taylor's face twitches, but before it can twist into a snarl the blank look slams down for long enough for her regain control - her eyes, however, continue to swirl and pivot furiously in the moment of silence. Finally, she closes her eyes, takes a long breath, and looks back to you with a hopeful expression.

It's obviously fake.
Hmm...did Taylor run through some powerful emotions, before shutting it down with Clarity as well?
Which brings me to Saki's motivation, I am surprised that it is fix Philadelphia.. I expected something akin to "Gotta Ship Em All".
Consider this:
-Saki was born in a city destroyed by an S class event.
-Saki was raised in a city destroyed by another S class event.
-Philadelphia is RUINED by an S class event.

Is it so strange that she would wish to see it restored and improved?
Shipping is a hobby. But turning ruins into hope is life.
Lord Grasp's been through wars you know. /Frank West
In seriousness, he was a combatant in a conflict vastly beyond the comprehension of most anyone on Earth-Bet. His notions of those concepts will be...skewed.
A bit. Genocide of allies to kill ONE foe is a victory there. So yeah.

Good mindset for Scion though.
Heh, Saki caught on pretty quickly. I like that.
She does have pretty excellent body language reading.
It is just realistic that given how busy she has been, she has not had time IC to consider the applications of possible charms Saki could be equipped with.
We can actively see her working through what it would mean for rehabilitation right there on screen.
I find it amusing to watch through the lens of Saki, who is a Valor 2 new Alchemical who is still traumatised from the events preceding her Exaltation.
A bit yeah. She could certainly see why Autochton thought they would help. It's even extremely fitting, the most optimal solution to the Slaughterhouse Nine(who'd be prominent in Saki's mind) would be to reprocess such clearly talented and capable individuals into constructive agents.
But in this case, we are looking at things from the PoV of Saki, a teenager who WAS Mastered for most of a day less than a week ago of subjective time.
It is expected that she would be more than a little sensitive about it.
More than a bit. She's in the same state Taylor was after Behemoth. Almost breaking down, using Clarity to buffer herself...
Uju mentioned that people like Valefor walk around without kill orders but I don't think that it makes them any less terrifying. We also don't know how heroes with high end master powers are treated in the Protectorate, but I doubt the PRT makes things really nice for them.
We do actually and explicitly know that in quest the PRT makes things really nice for them. See Erasmus, the social thinker/master scumbag.

The thing with such powerful Master powers is that you want to keep them as happy and cooperative as you can, so they voluntarily stay in your power, and frankly going nuts with their power would be less beneficial than enjoying full legal support and overlooking indiscretions