Stasis. Remember Lord Grasp when Saki first found him? Encased in crystal, and basically time locked.Are they in stasis though, or just contained? I know Gromweld stated that it forcibly keeps people alive even in cases where someone should die (so a C53 separated from his shard will die if Taylor uses optical cloak on him, but Sakis charm will keep him alive). However did he ever say that it would keep people in stasis, or just immobile? I mean if people are imprisoned, utterly immobilized, and yet fully aware and forcibly kept alive, then that would be a pretty horrific experience.
One person, he dematerializes and docks inside.Ah, OK. Was he limited to just one possession, or was he basically just poor mans version of E5 Taylor. Regardless while nasty, its still nothing comparable to Saki being able to easily and quickly do permanent things to someone and then just leave.
Still, fundamentally the nature of the hazard is the same, though the extent varies.
Skills they had learned in their previous life for one. Saki cannot into skillsofts.Given that all C53s are from alternate dimensions, there would be no way for PRT to check if the memories Saki restored are real or not. Yeah, it would work on known local victims, but then PRT could probably just assume that in such cases Saki was being extra carefull and not doing any obvious memory tampering.
Heck, if Saki starts restoring memories of Case53s, PRT could easily become suspicious, since all of them conveniently have recovered memories from other earths and don't have anything that could prove to the PRT that the memories are real. We know its because Cauldron has Doormaker and mostly harvested from other Earths. But if you don't know, that, it is kinda suspicious that every case of recovered C53 memory has no proof of its validity.
I dunno, I guess there could be some who bought the vial and mutated massively? But majority are probably like Prayer, and not from Earth-Bet, making independent verification impossible.
Eh, it's mostly futile. SV's got a big Thing about sanctity of mind.I don't really see the difference between it being magic or just longterm "Natural Mental Influence" (in other words, therapy).
To me, whats important is the informed consent of the patient. Who the hell cares if its "magic" (though frankly, Essence usage is arguably just a different kind of science)? So long as the guy suffering gives his free unmanipulated consent and understands whats going to happen, I see no difference between "magic" or any other treatment option.
Heck, magic is actually quite a bit better in this instance, since therapy and drugs are difficult and slow to work.
It's basically the difference between cutting out a tumor with a scalpel and transplanting a new organ in, versus making someone into Modern Art by cutting out everything.