Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 18: Ravaging Rapscallions Rapidly Regret Regular Rampages

That is something I've also considered: when doing longer updates (like right now), posting the update in sections so that people can get their fix/discuss stuff as I work instead of waiting for the whole thing. When I finish I'd post the whole compiled thing for Index purposes, but there would be less waiting between voting and reading.

But if one of the partial updates ends in a bad spot you might wind up with a player revolt/whinging spree.

You might have to do some 4th wall commentary at the end to keep the natives from reaching for their pitchforks and torches, is what I'm saying. (Although I'd suggest going a bit further than, "It'll get better, trust me!" as players are not particularly trusting of entities that derive sustenance from suffering and tears.)
That is something I've also considered: when doing longer updates (like right now), posting the update in sections so that people can get their fix/discuss stuff as I work instead of waiting for the whole thing. When I finish I'd post the whole compiled thing for Index purposes, but there would be less waiting between voting and reading.

I like that idea as well.
I'm on the side of longer updates.
That is something I've also considered: when doing longer updates (like right now), posting the update in sections so that people can get their fix/discuss stuff as I work instead of waiting for the whole thing. When I finish I'd post the whole compiled thing for Index purposes, but there would be less waiting between voting and reading.
ConQuest has done that for roughly the last thread and a half. It works fairly well. (Sojiko almost has to do that because of the whole 'being cursed by Sids' thing, but that's a separate issue.)
... If all he requires is tears, my community college has a greenhouse growing onnions that can help. Also, why not a happy medium, longer introductory chapters and ending chapters, with shorter updates inbetween.
The S9 have interns?
Zombified or mind-controlled capes would be classified as 'interns', I suppose, as they certainly aren't being paid for the word they're doing and aren't full members. And like any organization worth their weight, the Slaughterhouse 9 go through interns at a quick clip.
Probationary members count as well.
IIRC, Marrow killed two of them; Case 53s both.

As for the question of update length, I'd prefer the long updates.
I wouldn't mind getting sections if the update itself is running late though.
As a side note, I think that the change from small updates to large updates involved a shift to slightly more complex plots. With the short updates, we were doing a lot of "do independent things A, B, and C, each with one update, and then wrap them all together with update D". Now we have "do thing A, then thing B that is a result of A, then thing C that's a result of B and A, and then D that is a logical consequence of all of them, and all of it in one giant update". This means that update complexity scales superlinearly in the size of the update, which is both good and bad. On the good side, the update is more intricate, meaning that it's more interesting to read and gives Grom the opportunity to tell a more interesting story. On the bad side, it takes longer, and sometimes it becomes hard to vote because there's too much complexity in a single update's vote.

If that's a reasonable analysis, I think that I'll propose something of a mix: when we're doing things that we'd like to be complicated, long updates; when we're doing fluffy things, short updates. When all we're doing is choosing tinkertech to build, talking to people, and having fun, shorter updates probably work better. When we're having a giant fight like this, longer updates give Grom time to build better plots and make things more interesting.
... To my great surprise ...

I am of the opinion that you should stick to the longer updates whenever possible if the point is to please me.
If they're an issue for you (you want more opinions, are feeling insecure about quest interest, or some such,) then posting bits as you work on them is better than short updates.

But while it is tragic to wait so long for updates, when I look back on them, they've been pretty wonderful.

Given that the short updates are still better than anything else I'm reading right now, though, I would sacrifice any specific form on the altar of general Grom Keeps Writing And Enjoys It.

I suppose, really, that's a fancy way of saying two things...
1) I vote long updates.
2) THANK YOU for writing such great stuff! <3

But if one of the partial updates ends in a bad spot you might wind up with a player revolt/whinging spree.

You might have to do some 4th wall commentary at the end to keep the natives from reaching for their pitchforks and torches, is what I'm saying. (Although I'd suggest going a bit further than, "It'll get better, trust me!" as players are not particularly trusting of entities that derive sustenance from suffering and tears.)
Doesn't matter, from Quests experience I can say for sure that the instant anything isn't going our way perfectly, or something has a significant cost/consequence people will freak out. And if things are going our way perfectly you also get complaints(because failure and complications are engines for generating narrative drama).

You only need 1-2 people freaking to fill 20 pages of confused yelling.
Doesn't matter, from Quests experience I can say for sure that the instant anything isn't going our way perfectly, or something has a significant cost/consequence people will freak out. And if things are going our way perfectly you also get complaints(because failure and complications are engines for generating narrative drama).

You only need 1-2 people freaking to fill 20 pages of confused yelling.
Speaking of things going badly not perfectly, although I think that things will go much better for us this time in terms of everyone we care about not dying horrible, painful deaths to the S9...Grom's dice are still bloodthirsty, possibly cursed by playing too much VtM, entities dedicated towards causing as much suffering and complications as possible.

Yes, even with an awesome plan and Grom jamming his thumb on the scales his dice are still cruel and merciless.

We should expect things to go mostly right, but unfortunately I don't think we can get a flawless victory.
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Speaking of things going badly, although I think that things will go much better for us this time in terms of everyone we care about not dying horrible, painful deaths to the S9...Grom's dice are still bloodthirsty, possibly cursed by playing too much VtM, entities dedicated towards causing as much suffering and complications as possible.

Yes, even with an awesome plan and Grom jamming his thumb on the scales his dice are still cruel and merciless.

We should expect things to go mostly right, but unfortunately I don't think we can get a flawless victory.

Most of my dice seem to hate me, so I bought some new dice, and kept them sequestered from the others.

I would laugh at myself if it hadn't actually worked.
Most of my dice seem to hate me, so I bought some new dice, and kept them sequestered from the others.

I would laugh at myself if it hadn't actually worked.
The expression, "it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you" applies in full force for dice.

My own dice actually love me - I've had 'em since I was a kid and they tend to roll slightly higher than average. Nothing spectacular, but they seem to pull through more often than not in a pinch. Other people's dice though...If I'm playing TI with my buddies I can never roll high enough. If it's Axis and Allies it's never low enough. Bastards have it out for me.
Speaking of things going badly not perfectly, although I think that things will go much better for us this time in terms of everyone we care about not dying horrible, painful deaths to the S9...Grom's dice are still bloodthirsty, possibly cursed by playing too much VtM, entities dedicated towards causing as much suffering and complications as possible.

Yes, even with an awesome plan and Grom jamming his thumb on the scales his dice are still cruel and merciless.
Be careful what you say around these parts. The dice sit below my monitor at all times, and thus have a clear view of these boards.
... Someone post a picture of holy water and an adorable kitten to put the dice in a good mood.
Anyway, now I have a free weekend, here's a canon charm for dealing with a captured Bakuda:
Cost: — [1m]
Mins: Manipulation 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion, Internal, Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Identity Recalibration Signal

This Charm expands its prerequisite, adding the following option to the list of actions the Alchemical may take while modifying a victim:
Hidden Self: The Alchemical may design a new Motivation and suite of Intimacies, then implant them subliminally into her victim. This new personality will emerge for the duration of one scene at some point in the future, replacing the victim's real Motivation and Intimacies in response to a pre-set stimulus. Examples of potential stimuli include sunrise on the first day of Calibration, when you receive orders to attack the Lap and upon hearing someone ask if it snows often in the summer. The victim must be aware of a stimulus in order to react to it. In the preceding example, the effect would not trigger at dawn on the first day of Calibration if the victim were locked in a lightless oubliette without a calendar. It takes one action to design the new personality, one to set an appropriate trigger and one to implant it. Victims have an opportunity to spend four Willpower to resist the effect when it triggers.
Use that on Bakuda, and each time she tries to execute an escape or destruction plan, it activates and has her report herself to her probation officer.
Get a court order, and it's legal.
A little drastic, but given what she has done, not entirely unwarranted.

More therapeutically, it could be used to help Labyrinth and others manage the mind-twisting effects of their powers.
Particularly Labyrinth, whose power-fugues trigger unpredictably.
That's assuming of course that we can't figure out a more permanent fix.

Why Labyrinth?
A Shaker 12 is very useful to have around; if we'd run across her earlier I might have seriously looked into the possibility of her being an Exalt candidate.
Either her or Faultline, who is another pretty useful person.
That is something I've also considered: when doing longer updates (like right now), posting the update in sections so that people can get their fix/discuss stuff as I work instead of waiting for the whole thing. When I finish I'd post the whole compiled thing for Index purposes, but there would be less waiting between voting and reading.
I think this is a good idea for the longest of updates. 10K+ word updates are pretty crazy for a quest.
That's also Essence 4 and the third charm in that tree. Not going to happen before Bakuda's fail deadlies are dealt with and she is executed.
I know it's Essence 4, and I do not expect it to play a role in any decisions about whether to spare her life.

But assuming Bakuda's life is spared, no one's letting her back into a lab for a couple months at a minimum while she gets court-mandated mental and power evaluations, as well as procedures to limit risk to the public .
Subsidiary Personality Implant is the sorta safeguard that would be necessary to allow her work with only light supervision, allowing the PRT to actually get more value out of that investment.

Hell, Bonesaw/Riley would probably get the same treatment.
And it remains useful for Labyrinth-type parahumans with periodic power-induced mental incapacity.

It just occurs to me that you could use the same Charm to simulate a Hulk transformation in an otherwise normal person, should they be caught in a situation.
Idle thought to consider.
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