Wat. No. The ice is non-magical in composition. It's 100% real ice. Magic resistance has nothing to do with this equation.
Implying that A.) We could box in the thing we're running away from, B.) We could dodge past a freaking dragon in Close Quarters, C.) That our spells do anything to it that it can't just shrug off, barring a crit.
Dragons. Cold blooded. The mystical beings renowned throughout all of human history for being huge, scaly, and FIRE BREATHING. GGhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I know you know that I think that you're an idiot, but you don't have to go out of your way to confirm my suspicions.
1) Of course the ice is magical, it was formed with magic. The magical freezing does not appear to have caused any effect. With how long the ice takes to melt even in fucking fire, the spear of ice has to be fucking magic. Normal ice melts fast when put into fire.
2) Once again, we wouldn't have been running away from the fucking dragon. We were already close enough in place. We already used my same reasoning of dodging the fucking dragon so it runs right past us in order to be stuck in a room with an angry dragon. Standing in front of the hallway and dodging would have been simple. And the whole point was to keep it away from us and potentially tire it out and drown it with our water.
3) Its fire and flight were clearly magical based. If dragons were real today, the wings would have to be stupidly huge to support even hollow boned animals with that much muscle, and biological fire is not a logical path of evolution for a beast that large and likely intelligent. The fact that they are magical based should be supported by the fact that the wings were removed without harming the dragon, and the dragon wasn't trying to breath fire or fly after losing it from phantom limb sensation.
Cedra likely wouldn't know this. (see below for ice response)
How did you plan to get a dragon into the hallway, without us being trapped in the hallway as well?
I suspect by kite, he meant: dodge when it charges and shoot while running.
(see below)
Cedra wouldn't know about temperature shock, and your plan for causing it was bad. A single layer of ice on the surface of a massive creature wouldn't be enough for that, especially when our only heat is a 2-ft diameter fireball that is noted to melt the magic ice slowly.
Ice bolts were working, as noted by the cries of anger when they hit the interior of the mouth and the corner of the eye. it was a matter of Cedra's accuracy, not spell effectiveness.
We chose not to use fire (and you mentioned this earlier in your post) because dragons are often resistant to magic and/or fire, and our only fire spell is Magical Fire. Our Ice spell is Magically conjured Ice, thrown with Magic, that causes Magical Freezing, and Non-Magical Bashing/Piercing on hit.
Stabbing the throat would be normal, even likely given our wolf influence, but I do agree that she would not know this IC.
Again about the hallway, that WAS my original plan. We can't do that any more. Its no longer an option.
That is not what kiteing is. He kept on using that word, now I see he just didn't know what it meant. It means in terms of video games and war, to keep ahead of the persuing enemy and attack from a distance in order to prevent personal harm.
Being required to dodge means that we are just dodging, not kiteing.
I already stated that she would not know about rapid heating and cooling being able to kill cold blooded animals. You quoted me saying it as the first line in the next segment you quoted. Why are you counting that against me, when I give a perfectly valid IC reason for using fire?
The magical ice spread didn't happen on the dragon, otherwise ice would have covered its eyes when we almost hit them. Again more evidence towards it being immune to magic....but still. This means that just the ice will cool it.
Its not that big of a dragon, twice as tall as we are, and we couldn't possibly be taller then 5"6', more likely a flat five foot with how young we are.
So we have a ten to eleven foot high dragon with no wings and likely cold blooded given its biology and what I stated above.
Basicly because of likely blood flow due to being a vertebrate (unless this is a dragon made of pure magic in which case we are fucked regardless.) The fastest way to cool it down is by hitting its chest and armpits. A two foot radius orb of fire is large enough for a chest size that is likely around five feet wide in the front and eight to ten feet long on the sides.
With the speed of the spell, we should be fine.
As for the ice bolts not working, good job. We caused it some minor pain by shooting a spear of ice into the soft tissue of its mouth instead of any meaningful damage. Now it might tear us to shreads quickly!
Icebolts'll take a while to melt, by word of GM, so presumably two battle-updates or so.
Why that long? With a dragon crushing the ice that is bouncing off, it should melt much faster.
but I don't think that we can afford to waste shots that could be attempting to pierce the thing's brain...
Its smart enough go close its mouth, I think even with just natural instinct to protect the eyes it can move its head out of the way of our now predictable target we just aimmed for.
But what if it's smart? We'd be smeared on the ground, just like jam made out of a little girl who underestimated a dragon's intelligence... oh, wait. And I know that that reads as kind of vitriolic. Sorry. Spies Idiots be Sappin mah Sentry patience.
At least he is coming up with new ideas, cut him some slack.
Dragons in some storylines have a weak underbelly, I just can't see bkw we could hit it safely.
So far, it seem to be acting like an animal
It is the first guardian in the wisdom trial, and its clearly magical...
And it already acted with intelligence by closing its mouth.