A Villain In A World Of Heroes

we are in a forest and hunting monster so that we can eat their hearts for power , we already have glowing eyes , but we have yet to met any animal with good darkvision , like maybe a giant tiger or something , which is very common and useful utility abilitie that I thought we would inevitably get
the only problem that I have with the guardian Idea in a practical level is that it must happen right now and them the trial ends
theres also the fact that the idea goes against the original premise and that with the original premise I am a bit wary of depending of an artifat but thats secondary
By original premise, are you referring to us having to defeat a hero despite being horrifically disadvantaged? Because that's not going away. I thought the rules of engagement meant that it wouldn't matter how badass we became, we'd still lose to a hero by the rules of the plot. Besides, you're acting as though eating the hearts of enemies to steal their powers is somehow a legitimate way of gaining strength (because it's honestly awful). The artifact is the same thing. We have to earn that motherfucker.
By original premise, are you referring to us having to defeat a hero despite being horrifically disadvantaged? Because that's not going away. I thought the rules of engagement meant that it wouldn't matter how badass we became, we'd still lose to a hero by the rules of the plot. Besides, you're acting as though eating the hearts of enemies to steal their powers is somehow a legitimate way of gaining strength (because it's honestly awful). The artifact is the same thing. We have to earn that motherfucker.
No, I'm pretty sure the meaning of "losing" is flexible. For example, even if we loose, no one said we can't chopped of all of his limbs, make him immortal, then buried him in a steel coffin somewhere up the Himalayas before he kill us.
No. These are paths, not goals. We don't have a body-splitting technique yet, so we can only go down one of them, and then we're booted out of the forest.
By original premise, are you referring to us having to defeat a hero despite being horrifically disadvantaged? Because that's not going away. I thought the rules of engagement meant that it wouldn't matter how badass we became, we'd still lose to a hero by the rules of the plot. Besides, you're acting as though eating the hearts of enemies to steal their powers is somehow a legitimate way of gaining strength (because it's honestly awful). The artifact is the same thing. We have to earn that motherfucker.
I think they were referring to the original premise of the Trial of Blood, which was to gain power by overcoming creatures that should by all rights have killed you, then eating the core of their being and taking their powers for your own. (or at least, that is how I interpreted it)
In that case, my point stands. We defeat/kill something, and get a related power up that's likely going to represent the being we defeated.
I think they were referring to the original premise of the Trial of Blood, which was to gain power by overcoming creatures that should by all rights have killed you, then eating the core of their being and taking their powers for your own. (or at least, that is how I interpreted it)
I was thinking more how in this quest fate is working against us and simple finding the guardian just because seens oposite to that , theres also the fact that with fate against us having most of our power depending of an artifact instead of innate ability can go wrong very fast , which is why my optimal outcome would have been "find the nat 100 artifact them use it to kill the nat 1 encounter"
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I'm fine with whatever path we choose, I mean we already have the means to sort of find the 'hero' that destroyed our lives. I mean his scent would still be fresh so we can memorize it so if we are ever in range of him we could track him down, and combining that with the sense of direction we got from the aero birds or whatever there names were, we can find him easily if we find him again.... Which we will.

What I would like though is to be able to increase the traits that we have and make them evolve. Go past the primitive arcane abilities that the beasts we killed knew naturally, and surpass them. Think about it, having enough control to make a ball of water means that we could eventually make a big enough ball to surround a city if we were close enough to a lake or the sea. Or the flame ability from the fire raccoons, we could be our own forge.

I can see a lot of potential already, all we is that teleport ability and we could be a survivalist from hell. Almost literally.

Picture said:

P.S. The photo isn't mine, just pulled it off from randomly looking up glowing eyed girl.
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Alright, I guess I will just put it to a vote.

[] Magical Artefacts
[] Continue trial
-[] Time?
[X] Continue trial
-[X] One Week

While I would prefer to do the timeskip for at least a week, I will not be upset if the Paths of Blood (which is what I call it in my head) win.
What, guys, why? If we do this for a week, it'll be harder to hunt down the hero. While this was a stupid idea when all we had was a few cantrips and the magical strength of the average mage, it has been explicitly stated that these artifacts would give us a fair chance at winning, and it is therefore detrimental to waste that time hunting for things that are easy to eat!

Not really, I just really want to know what these paths are. If one of them has anything regarding spatial or dimensional warping or utilizes an inviolable concept in it's execution, then I want to know now so that I can squee at my leisure...
What, guys, why? If we do this for a week, it'll be harder to hunt down the hero. While this was a stupid idea when all we had was a few cantrips and the magical strength of the average mage, it has been explicitly stated that these artifacts would give us a fair chance at winning, and it is therefore detrimental to waste that time hunting for things that are easy to eat!

Not really, I just really want to know what these paths are. If one of them has anything regarding spatial or dimensional warping or utilizes an inviolable concept in it's execution, then I want to know now so that I can squee at my leisure...
If someone feels like tagging HyperBlade and Tsjoat back in, they would probably vote for artifacts.

Also after some math I found that in order for us to get this organically, supposing 5 encounters a day, we would need 2 weeks to have about a 50% chance of getting it, and even then there's a 50% chance of not. 7 weeks to have a fairly good chance (90%).

Whether this means we should hang around for a long while, or get it now guaranteed, is up to you guys.
If someone feels like tagging HyperBlade and Tsjoat back in, they would probably vote for artifacts.

Also after some math I found that in order for us to get this organically, supposing 5 encounters a day, we would need 2 weeks to have about a 50% chance of getting it, and even then there's a 50% chance of not. 7 weeks to have a fairly good chance (90%).

Whether this means we should hang around for a long while, or get it now guaranteed, is up to you guys.
During the Timeskip (assuming a week), I will usually only roll twice per day. Longer times result in less rolls.
it has been explicitly stated that these artifacts would give us a fair chance at winning, a
Potentially. After all, you need to learn how to use them and discover any hidden features.