A Typical High School Life Filled with Supernatural Battles

Can we at least try to resolve this peacefully? I understand fighting to defend ourselves, but that should be a last resort after we've exhausted all diplomatic avenues.

My hesitancy in opening with diplomacy is that he's already initiated hostilities. We're already blocking and dodging strikes, he's coming after us, and we'll have to be damn convincing to defuse the situation. And people don't think very well when defending themselves; it'll be extremely difficult to come up with that level of persuasiveness. I'm all for diplomacy, but the fight is already happening.

This is only our second life-or-death situation (as far as we know, it's life-or-death). Your average person off the street freezes and wets themselves the first time they get in one of those; even those who can function, like us, don't function at 100% mental capacity when so much of their brain is taken up by survival. We focus on ending the threat or evading it; fight or flight. We're not geared to talk somebody down when the bullets are already flying.

I agree that we absolutely should try to talk this idiot down, but the situation has already escalated to violence. We need to resolve the immediate threat, but we're in a bad situation to do that non-violently. This boy isn't sitting himself down, so he needs to be set down. Then we can talk, when we're in a position to dictate terms.

And hopefully, we don't knock him out afterwards for...reasons? I'm sure there are reasons. I just don't know what they are, or why they're so convincing that a lot of people are voting for it. In fact, it's the winning vote at the moment unless I've miscounted, ahead of mine...
[X] Plan Make my day

This is a good plan, one I'm far more comfortable with than the one that involves trying to suffocate the guy.
Plan lolnope

[X] Flee
-[X] In the direction of Luci
--[X] Yell for help while doing so
---[X] Use paper to block his vision if there's no aid
---[X] If he gives chase, use your paper to wrap his legs together and to go in between the links in his chain to clog it up.
----[X] If he's still on your tail cover his mouth/nose with paper until he falls unconscious
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Quite aside from the fact that brain damage is the result if we mess up, people being suffocated lash out, he has a chain that works over some distance and other unknown abilities that might limit break when being deprived of oxygen, and we're in a residential area.
Assuming a certain amount of anime physics isn't in play, the lashing out could be a problem I guess. On a completely different note, I love your username.
[X] Fight! Your unnamed opponent is spoiling for a fight. Give him one with added ass-whooping. Plus you'll probably get more sparks by beating them as well.
Assuming a certain amount of anime physics isn't in play, the lashing out could be a problem I guess. On a completely different note, I love your username.

Heh. It is pretty funny. My best friend's idea, there. I was signing up for PSN and he just threw it out to see if it was taken.

I did not then, nor have I ever since, encountered a network where it was.
[X] Fight! Your unnamed opponent is spoiling for a fight. Give him one with added ass-whooping. Plus you'll probably get more sparks by beating them as well.
-[X] Hit him with a storm of paper with Control 2, using Form 2 to make a big sheet that covers his eyes and then make it as hard as aluminum with Hardening 2. Harden two others to reinforce that.
-[X] Have all but one of your remaining sheets swarm him to overload his sense of touch and confuse him further.
-[X] While he's reacting to that, harden and sharpen your last sheet, and put it to his throat. Make sure he's aware of how thin the ice he's standing on is.
-[X] Then, dictate diplomacy.
-[X] If your plan is disrupted in some way, don't be too attached to it; just paper storm him, and book it.
[x] Fight! Your unnamed opponent is spoiling for a fight. Give him one with added ass-whooping. Plus you'll probably get more sparks by beating them as well.
-[x] Try to blind him with paper.
[X] Fight! Your unnamed opponent is spoiling for a fight. Give him one with added ass-whooping. Plus you'll probably get more sparks by beating them as well.
-[X] Hit him with a storm of paper with Control 2, using Form 2 to make a big sheet that covers his eyes and then make it as hard as aluminum with Hardening 2. Harden two others to reinforce that.
-[X] Have all but one of your remaining sheets swarm him to overload his sense of touch and confuse him further.
-[X] While he's reacting to that, harden and sharpen your last sheet, and put it to his throat. Make sure he's aware of how thin the ice he's standing on is.
-[X] Then, dictate diplomacy.
-[X] If your plan is disrupted in some way, don't be too attached to it; just paper storm him, and book it.
[X] Fight! Your unnamed opponent is spoiling for a fight. Give him one with added ass-whooping. Plus you'll probably get more sparks by beating them as well.
-[X] Hit him with a storm of paper with Control 2, using Form 2 to make a big sheet that covers his eyes and then make it as hard as aluminum with Hardening 2. Harden two others to reinforce that.
-[X] Have all but one of your remaining sheets swarm him to overload his sense of touch and confuse him further.
-[X] While he's reacting to that, harden and sharpen your last sheet, and put it to his throat. Make sure he's aware of how thin the ice he's standing on is.
-[X] Then, dictate diplomacy.
-[X] If your plan is disrupted in some way, don't be too attached to it; just paper storm him, and book it.
I unfortunately can't formulate complex plans right now, but I'm opting for an initially cautious approach, trying to shield ourselves with paper barriers and dodging with paper ropes/ramps while we try to figure out the punk's powers.

All the while leaving numerous piles of paper around.
We may have a limit on how many sheets we can control but bringing stuff from outside our control range into the area.

Once analysis is done... err, drown the bastard in paper and turn him into a paper mache figure.

Hmm. Not enough ideas...
I unfortunately can't formulate complex plans right now, but I'm opting for an initially cautious approach, trying to shield ourselves with paper barriers and dodging with paper ropes/ramps while we try to figure out the punk's powers.

All the while leaving numerous piles of paper around.
We may have a limit on how many sheets we can control but bringing stuff from outside our control range into the area.

Once analysis is done... err, drown the bastard in paper and turn him into a paper mache figure.

Hmm. Not enough ideas...

I mean, that's clever and would definitely resolve it very conclusively, but it does rely on us blocking, perfectly, for an extended period of time. I'd rather go for the quick resolution, especially when dealing with a partial unknown when surrounded by homes (i.e., collateral damage and witnesses).
I know, but if we go far enough to disable the way I call for, he's a flicker of our attention away from having a blade at his throat, and why not take that opening? Running requires the distraction, the distraction requires effort, and that effort demands justification. I don't pick running because I'm interpreting it as just running -- and taking the steps needed to make that non-suicidal mean that taking the extra step to total victory is trivial.

And, finally, I'm slightly annoyed at the people doomsaying about how our entire power set is combat-ineffective because we didn't take Control 3, and would like to have a victory under our belts in order to give us some confidence in ourselves, especially one so easy as this promises to be.
Oi, thats outright misrepresentation.

I said we couldn't take him down without a potentially lethal injury to him, due to our short full control range.

Killing is easy as fuck if he has no defenses. Not much he can do for metal piercing paper bullets.

Current plan definitely gets in range of HIS powers if not the chain.
Powers that do enough damage to crack a golem, but cannot chase a fairly slow monster effectively
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[x] Fight! Your unnamed opponent is spoiling for a fight. Give him one with added ass-whooping. Plus you'll probably get more sparks by beating them as well.
Oi, thats outright misrepresentation.

I said we couldn't take him down without a potentially lethal injury to him, due to our short full control range.

Killing is easy as fuck if he has no defenses. Not much he can do for metal piercing paper bullets.

Current plan definitely gets in range of HIS powers if not the chain.
Powers that do enough damage to crack a golem, but cannot chase a fairly slow monster effectively

And if I had been referencing you, yes, that would be a misrepresentation.

But I wasn't. I named no names for a reason.

As for the rest of your arguments -- I've already hashed out over much of the last page and a half my plan to take him down without killing him. I'm not rehashing it save to say that we're already in engagement range -- unless you think he's packing a chain over 10 meters (roughly 33 feet, with rounding) long. Remember, he's already struck at us with this thing, so unless he's keeping that wrapped six or seven times around his waist it just isn't long enough for us to be out of our effective range.

In short, we're already within reach to attack or be attacked going by the update, which is a very short range indeed. Which is not necessarily bad, but does mean that I think engaging is a better choice to running.
He was the only one who mentioned Control in any way, though. ;)

The plan exposes us to danger, sure, but that's not saying much since fighting tends to do this. My preferred method would be to observe until we verify his power, then deal with him decisively. I am in no rush to end this quickly, since a quick resolution could go either way. meganeshounen's idea looks good.

Actually, let's see.

[X] Plan Paper Overload

[x] Fight! Your unnamed opponent is spoiling for a fight. Give him one with added ass-whooping. Plus you'll probably get more sparks by beating them as well.
-[X] Continue dodging and weaving by throwing paper at him, shielding ourselves, and generally being annoying. Try to see what his power is.
-[X] Leave paper all around you as you dodge.
-[X] Once you've got a read on him, use the paper to attack him from all directions, to overload and confuse him, and block his vision by plastering paper all over his face. See if you can't disarm him while he is confused.
-[X] While he's distracted, close the distance, harden and sharpen your last sheet, and put it to his throat. Make sure he's aware of how thin the ice he's standing on is.
-[X] Then, dictate diplomacy.
-[X] If your plan is disrupted in some way, don't be too attached to it; just paper storm him, and book it.
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Mmm. Thanks Nevill.

[X] Plan Paper Overload

Punk: "Where the hell did you get all this paper!?"

James: *recalls that he's probably near some dump site or a public toilet*

(Apathy Trait, activated!)

James: *retains deadpan as he contines to keep dodging*
[X] Plan Paper Overload

Nice plan overall. ;)

And hot damn people, we aren't some hero of justice that's here to clean the streets! Just because he's dressed like a delinquent doesn't mean he is one! Have you all learned nothing from anime?! He's obviously our first rival that's going to become Best Bro! We missed Athletic!Bro, so now we have Delinquent!Bro! :rofl: