A Typical High School Life Filled with Supernatural Battles

First off sharpness 3 is super good but
[X] Multiply
This gets better as we upgrade control
[X] The Strongest Princess
[X] Weight 1
[X] Form 3
[X] The Strongest Princess

Weight seems like a useful property to manipulate. It would lend more force and impact to attacks like that paper storm.

Edit: That guy sort of came off as a less sympathetic Kanji Tatsumi. I wonder what would have happened if things had gone differently and we'd tried talking him down without a fight at all.
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[X]control 3
[X]sharpness 3

200 pices of paper or 2 pouns moveing at over 100 MPH? Yes please

And sharpness gives that weight a damn good edge
Talk shit, get hit.
And we finally got our sweet-looking coat. :lol

[X] Control 3 - Move the equivalent of 200 sheets of A4 paper. Can gather paper in a 20-meter radius. Paper can now be moved as fast as a fastball in baseball.
[X] Multiply 1
Muahaha. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. INFINITE PAPER STORM. *evil cackling continues*

[X] The Strongest Princess
...strongest? Princess?
Sign me up.
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[X] Multiply 1
[X] The Strongest Princess

Multiply is GOD, no fear, as much paper as we ever need in a fight even if you only have a single piece of tissue.
Also sounds like if you lose your star what you did with it catches up to you huh?
Woohoo! We stomped his shit!

I'm liking the look of multiply, even with the other stuff on hand.

Did we get no regular sparks from killing the golem?
It's a coat - a full-length dark blue coat with a hood and a waist-high slit going up the back similar to a duster. It has a large silver zipper that fastens at the top and zips down to seal the coat. It has silver drawstrings for the hood decorated with a large silver bead hanging from the end and a silver chain ornament adorned with four large cylindrical silver beads that fasten to a loop on either side of the collarbone region.
I'm calling it now. This coat will be important later on.

[] Control 3 - Move the equivalent of 200 sheets of A4 paper. Can gather paper in a 20-meter radius. Paper can now be moved as fast as a fastball in baseball.
[] Form 3 – You can fuse pages together to make A2 sheets of paper. A construct made from paper can follow more complex instructions. Paper can be folded without physical contact and quickly.

These two synergize very well and even though I want Multiply, I can't get it with Control 3.

[] The Strongest Princess
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Woohoo! We stomped his shit!

I'm liking the look of multiply, even with the other stuff on hand.

Did we get no regular sparks from killing the golem?

Well, we did kinda sorta stole it from Schmuck (yes I know that's not how it's spelled, but I couldn't resist), so maybe the sparks were small enough to be rolled into the Aspect spark?

EDIT: Fixed.

I'm calling it now. This coat will be important later on.
Praise the Coat!
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Jumping to your feet, you glare at the Japanese delinquent wannabe and throw your hand out at him as though you were casting a spell. The small mass of paper that you had been gathering throw themselves in the punk's face. The guy's eyes widen in surprise and he spins his chain in front of him. Several sheets get shredded by the improvised defence but the rest of your pages simply go around and over the spinning chains.

"WHAT THE – MMMPH!" As the guy tries to fend off your paper storm, a large sheet of paper fused from several other small sheets slams into the punk's face. Immediately, you focus on the large sheet of paper and it wraps itself around the guy's head. Your would-be assailant reaches up to tear the sheet off his face but before he can even try, two more huge sheets of paper press themselves over his face before hardening. "MMHMMMPH?!"
Never underestimate the power of stationary supplies.
Huh, so a large sheet counts as a single for hardening. Useful. Oh right, punk.

Useful is right!
With a whimper, the guy collapses to the ground, clutching his clutching his crotch. Dusting off your hands, you make sure that the guy doesn't get any bright ideas. A sheet of paper comes to your hand and folds itself into a sword before its edge begins to glow. Right then, time for some questions. Stepping hard on the guy's chest, forcing the air out of his lungs, you lean in close and press your paper sword against his neck carefully. With a mental command, the paper on his face shifts so that his mouth is uncovered.

"Urrgh, god it hurts so much!" He groans in pain.

"And it's hurt a lot more if you don't cooperate." You inform him, hoping to get some answers on why he attacked you or what his deal is.

However, he grits his teeth and spits into the air. Fortunately, he misses you completely and ends up getting hit by his own spit making him swear. "You fucker! Who do you think you're fucking messing with!? I've fucking renovated pieces of shits like you, you chickenshit! You think you're a big man taking me down like – "

"Shut up." You swipe the edge of your sword against his flesh, leaving behind a shallow paper cut. For a moment, he lies there in confusion. Then he feels the pain.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screams as he squirms on the ground, held down by your weight. "OH GOD! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!"
...Damn, we are hard freaking core.

"Let's try this again. Who the hell are you and what's your power?"

"I-I'm Roy Smucks! I'm from Ichiyama High! I'm p-part of the Hackett Faction! I'm eighteen years old! I like girls who look younger than they are and I like to knit! My favourite movie is the Little Mermaid! I've been stealing and mugging peoples since middle school! I-I can make things mo-mo-more more! More length! More forces! All kinds of stuff! My mom is a – "
He can make things more...Well, damn, this guy would have been tough to beat if he'd gotten time to grind. Good thing he's the resident Okuyasu expy.

"Y-You don't know him?! Wendel Hackett! He's one of the big four! He's a fucking monster! Like he'll fucking beat the fucking shit out of ya for the slightest shit! And then beat you up some more just cause he's fucking pissed you didn't get him his yoghurt! And he only got more fucking scary when he got his powers! FUCK! This was gonna be my big break! Was gonna become the biggest badass with my powers! Be his right-hand man! Fuck! You think you've won, fucker! W-We-Well you haven't! Hackett's gonna find out and he's gonna fucking wreck you! He's gonna make you his -"

You swipe your sword across his neck again, eliciting another cry of pain from the guy. You weren't expecting him to spill his guts after just one paper cut. Still, you've learnt a bit. This guy is a student from Ichiyama, a school for delinquents, never-do-wells, and guys who failed to get into the other three high schools in Yorizen. He's apparently part of a group in Ichiyama called the Hackett Faction lead by one Wendel Hackett and this guy also has powers as well.
Well, Disc one Boss has been found. Lets mess Hacketts day up something feirce.

"I GIVE UP! I GIVE UP! YOU WIN! JUST DON'T – AH!" Suddenly, the punk starts to glow and you immediately got off him. You watch as a ball of light – a star – slowly float out from the guy's chest. It hangs about the punk for a few moments before dispersing into small sparkles and instantly you feel your own star grow stronger.

Huh, is this what the voice meant by the risk of losing one's star? The guy isn't even all that badly injured. Actually, you notice that his injuries, particularly the paper cuts on his neck, were gone. What the hell!?"

"I…lost my star…? Ohgodohgodohgod! FUCKFUCKFUCK!" Having dropped your concentration from the suddenly glowing as well as your own star becoming stronger all of a sudden, you miss your chance to stop the guy from tearing the paper off his body and getting back to his feet. "Fuck! Got to run or else the Karmic Force's gonna get me! FUCK!"
Interesting, looks like its similar to the Stands used by the D'arby brothers in JoJo: They can steal someones soul if they are Defeated in a contest, but Defeated doesn't necessairally mean that the contest was over, or even fair, but rather that you subconciously admit that you have lost.

Well, that's a thing. From what just happened, apparently this Karmic Force punishes those who lose their stars somehow. You hope that something like that doesn't happen to you if you were to ever lose your star. Plus, if what happened with the delinquent anything to go by, you can lose your star by admitting defeat to another Gifted. Interesting. Losing a star apparently also heals you as well.
Yeah, so Losing our Star means the world pulling some strings to cause something bad to happen to us. However, I have a feeling that this 'Karmic Force' probably grows stronger the more Stars we have acquired. Basically, if we lose at high levels, it's possible the world may try to kill us Final Destination style.

When you return home, your mum greets you with a package. "Hey, honey. This package suddenly came while you were out walking Lucille home."

Raising an eyebrow, you take a look at the package. It's indeed addressed to you but it has not return address on it. You rip open the paper packaging and your eyes widen in surprise at the contents.

It's a coat - a full-length dark blue coat with a hood and a waist-high slit going up the back similar to a duster. It has a large silver zipper that fastens at the top and zips down to seal the coat. It has silver drawstrings for the hood decorated with a large silver bead hanging from the end and a silver chain ornament adorned with four large cylindrical silver beads that fasten to a loop on either side of the collarbone region.

It's actually pretty cool.

A card drops down as you hold the coat up. On it is a simple message.

"Here's your coat! Now find a proper wish!

From your friendly neighbourhood Overseer!"
New Aspects (Will no longer be available after upgrade) (Cost 1 Aspect spark)
[ ] Weight 1 – Increase the weight of paper by 5.
[ ] Multiply 1 – A single sheet of paper can be multiplied into max amount that Control allows once per day.
Now THIS is interesting. Remember what his spark was: Making things More. In short, these two new aspects were gained because of his spark, and bothof them involve creating more of something, either sheets or Mass. That is potentially very very useful.

No vote yet, but thinking about it.
With the extra spark, we can get Control 3 and Multiply. As long as we have a single sheet, we'll always be armed.

[X] Multiply
[x] Control 3
[X] The Strongest Princess
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There, fixed it. You get a free upgrade to 1 original aspect. You can spend the aspect spark on two more upgrades or get a new aspect.