With a whimper, the guy collapses to the ground, clutching his clutching his crotch. Dusting off your hands, you make sure that the guy doesn't get any bright ideas. A sheet of paper comes to your hand and folds itself into a sword before its edge begins to glow. Right then, time for some questions. Stepping hard on the guy's chest, forcing the air out of his lungs, you lean in close and press your paper sword against his neck carefully. With a mental command, the paper on his face shifts so that his mouth is uncovered.
"Urrgh, god it hurts so much!" He groans in pain.
"And it's hurt a lot more if you don't cooperate." You inform him, hoping to get some answers on why he attacked you or what his deal is.
However, he grits his teeth and spits into the air. Fortunately, he misses you completely and ends up getting hit by his own spit making him swear. "You fucker! Who do you think you're fucking messing with!? I've fucking renovated pieces of shits like you, you chickenshit! You think you're a big man taking me down like – "
"Shut up." You swipe the edge of your sword against his flesh, leaving behind a shallow paper cut. For a moment, he lies there in confusion. Then he feels the pain.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screams as he squirms on the ground, held down by your weight. "OH GOD! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!"