A Typical High School Life Filled with Supernatural Battles

[X] Multiply 1
[X] The Strongest Princess

Multiply is GOD, no fear, as much paper as we ever need in a fight even if you only have a single piece of tissue.
Also sounds like if you lose your star what you did with it catches up to you huh?
We'll have plenty of opportunity to upgrade later, but if we don't take one of these aspects now then they're lost forever.

Multiply is at best a quility of life thing. we carry around all the paper we need or we can grab more from the enviorment.

It's not going to give us an edge in the up comeing fights.

Control and Sharpness is DESPERATLY needed.
[x] Form 3 – You can fuse pages together to make A2 sheets of paper. A construct made from paper can follow more complex instructions. Paper can be folded without physical contact and quickly.
[x] Multiply 1
[X] The Strongest Princess

I want a swarm of bees and form 3 is said that the constructs follow more complex instructions we can use the constructs to spy on our enemies.
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Multiply is at best a quility of life thing. we carry around all the paper we need or we can grab more from the enviorment.

It's not going to give us an edge in the up comeing fights.

Control and Sharpness is DESPERATLY needed.
Wrong. If an enemy was to set up a battlefield devoid of paper, we were in a situation where there wasn't much around, or we simply just needed more, Multiply would allow us to get more as long as we had a single sheet. This will become even more important as Control increases and maximum number of paper increases as well.
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[X] Control 3 - Move the equivalent of 200 sheets of A4 paper. Can gather paper in a 20-meter radius. Paper can now be moved as fast as a fastball in baseball.
[X] Hardening 3 - 12 sheets can be made as hard as aluminium. 4 sheets can be made as hard as steel. 1 sheet is now bulletproof against small calibre bullets.
[X] Sharpness 3 – 12 sheets can be given a sharp edge. Sharpness no longer wears off. Can cut flesh.

so Know we can trow around 2 pounds of weight at 100 MPH, make that mass tougher than steel, and Give it a perminent edge?


[X] The Strongest Princess
Multiply is at best a quility of life thing. we carry around all the paper we need or we can grab more from the enviorment.

It's not going to give us an edge in the up comeing fights.

Control and Sharpness is DESPERATLY needed.
Both aspects have their merits, though due to the fact that multiply is on a per day basis I personally believe that Weight would be more useful.

Either way multiply would allow for us to remain armed even in a situation where we are caught without a notebook or a ready supply of nearby scrap paper And weight would add more impact and force to our attacks, meaning we'd be able to do more damage with less paper.
Wrong. If an enemy was to set up a battlefield devoid of paper, we were in a situation where there wasn't much around, or we simply just needed more, Multiply would allow us to get more as long as we had a single sheet. This will become even more important as Control increases and maximum number of paper increases as well.

So? we ltteraly carry that paper on us at all times.
Guys, let me put something in perspective:
A standard notebook has around 100 sheets of paper. Even with Control 3, it's trivial to carry that much on us, and even easier to max out as we can draw from the surroundings. Hell, a those book-sized notebooks have 600-700 pages.

It's abosolutely trivial to carry more than enough paper for us to manipulate, at least until we are hitting many thousands of sheets.

Control 3 gives us roughly 900 grams, or 2 pounds, of paper to control. With the Weight upgrade, thats 4.5 Kg, or 10 pounds. But the thing is, it seems we will be able to upgrade Weight or Multiply as we do the original Aspects. And going by the original progression, the next level or two might allow us to freely manipulate a person's worth of mass in paper.

That's a lot of force behind it.

[X] Weight
[x] Control 3
[X] The Strongest Princess
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Wrong. If an enemy was to set up a battlefield devoid of paper, we were in a situation where there wasn't much around, or we simply just needed more, Multiply would allow us to fight at full strength as long as long as we had a single sheet. This will become even more important as Control increases and maximum number of paper increases as well.

While that is true form 3 will allow us more complex constructs ergo we can have scouts especially now that we know we have competition we find them then swarm them with our constructs.
Choose an Interlude:
[ ] The Strongest Princess
[ ] Knowledge is Power
[ ] Flames of Justice
[ ] Phantom Thief
[ ] Sugar Happy Monster
[ ] Bloody Havoc

All fo thee are gift users. Obviously.

Flames is the guy from yesterday, who was going up against the theif. Judging by the description, I'm guessing that Flames has responded to aqquiring powers with MAXIMUM PALADIN. Aaaaaand Phantom thief is who he was duking it out with yesterday. No info on whether they're just doing the theivery to survive, are a Robin Hood kind of guy, or just for shits and giggles. Probably not evil, more likely Neutral or potentially Chaotic good. Which makes me worry Flame is going full Lawful Dumbass.

Sugar happy monster and Bloody havoc sound like the most threatening ones. Bloody Havoc is probably some kind of Kekkai Sensen or Deadman Wonderland Blood manipulation deal. Could be a pretty cool guy to get to know if they are not evil, blood power could be usable for healing as well as hurting. As for Sugar Happy Monster...The sound of that one honestly scares me. As in, I think we just located the Resident Nui Harime, which is BAD FUCKING NEWS.

Knowledge is power and strongest princess are the most neutral sounding, and the most obvious gifts on the surface. However, How they work could be very interesting. Knowledge and Strength are quite broad categories to choose from in terms of power, so it could be interesting to learn more about these people. I'd go for Knowledge over strength, since The title for that gives us more insight: Strongest PRINCESS, so we know her Gender (Probably. Crossdressing has been a thing for centuries people) and it's also implied she may be someone with a wealthy family or strong social importance.

So with that in mind

[X] Knowledge is Power
So? we ltteraly carry that paper on us at all times.

Remember that fire Zane told us about? What does fire do to paper? :V
And that's just one other Gifted that we know of. What about Hackett? Or his underlings? Multiply, at higher levels, ensures that we will never run out of paper. And plus Control, whoo boy.
Guys, let me put something in perspective:
A standard notebook has around 100 sheets of paper. Even with Control 3, it's trivial to carry that much on us, and even easier to max out as we can draw from the surroundings. Hell, a those book-sized notebooks have 600-700 pages.

It's abosolutely trivial to carry more than enough paper for us to manipulate, at least until we are hitting the thousands of sheets.

Control 3 gives us roughly 900 grams, or 2 pounds, of paper to control. With the Weight upgrade, thats 4.5 Kg, or 10 pounds. But the thing is, it seems we will be able to upgrade Weight or Multiply as we do the original Aspects. And going by the original progression, the next level or two might allow us to freely manipulate a person's worth of mass in paper.

That's a lot of force behind it.

[X] Weight
[x] Control 3
[X] The Strongest Princess

Okay You've convinced me

[X] Weight
[x] Control 3
[X] The Strongest Princess
[X] Control 3 - Move the equivalent of 200 sheets of A4 paper. Can gather paper in a 20-meter radius. Paper can now be moved as fast as a fastball in baseball.
[X] Weight 1 – Increase the weight of paper by 5.
[X] The Strongest Princess
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How are the constrcts relay back to us what they have saw? Can they even see?
I agree with this. We have no reason to assume that our paper constructs can communicate information to us. At best we might be able to tell them to seek out nearby stars and then directly lead us to them, but it's not like their telepathic or anything.
How are the constrcts relay back to us what they have saw? Can they even see?
I agree with this. We have no reason to assume that our paper constructs can communicate information to us. At best we might be able to tell them to seek out nearby stars and then directly lead us to them, but it's not like their telepathic or anything.

Been watching Jojo lately? You can pull a poorman's Harvest. That's what that stand was called, right?
[ ] Flames of Justice
Oh God, the BURNING PASSION strikes again!

[X] Multiply 1 – A single sheet of paper can be multiplied into max amount that Control allows once per day.
[X] The Strongest Princess

It's a coat - a full-length dark blue coat with a hood and a waist-high slit going up the back similar to a duster. It has a large silver zipper that fastens at the top and zips down to seal the coat. It has silver drawstrings for the hood decorated with a large silver bead hanging from the end and a silver chain ornament adorned with four large cylindrical silver beads that fasten to a loop on either side of the collarbone region.
What a beauty! James x Coat OTP!
Remember that fire Zane told us about? What does fire do to paper? :V
And that's just one other Gifted that we know of. What about Hackett? Or his underlings? Multiply, at higher levels, ensures that we will never run out of paper. And plus Control, whoo boy.
THat's not really accurate though. There are limits to how many times multiply can be used.
Remember that fire Zane told us about? What does fire do to paper? :V
And that's just one other Gifted that we know of. What about Hackett? Or his underlings? Multiply, at higher levels, ensures that we will never run out of paper. And plus Control, whoo boy.

we would be able to move our paper at over 100 MPH.

or let me put it this way from our max range of 20 meters flame guy has less than 0.434 seconds to react to a 10pound spear being burred in his chest.

unless that kid is a professionally trained fighter he can't react that fast let alone target a moveing target going that fast.
Oh God, the BURNING PASSION strikes again!

[X] Multiply 1 – A single sheet of paper can be multiplied into max amount that Control allows once per day.
[X] The Strongest Princess

What a beauty! James x Coat OTP!

You can grab a normal upgrade as well. I sugest control so our weight we can control goes up to 10 pounds at 100 MPH

Roughly translating to 448 pounds of force. just as a mass that's more than enough force to Kill a person without considering we can give that mass an edge or point.
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At stage one.

But yeah, weight might be useful if we can use it whenever, though if we need a limit break, Multiply will help us actually perform it if the area is almost devoid of paper.
I do realize the possibility of multiply being useful if we were ever in a situation where we were devoid of paper, but it just feels too situational. THe limit would probably expand at later levels, but considering that its a Limit Break style ability it would probably be more expensive to upgrade than other powers. we would probably be better off taking the more generally useful weight upgrade, which also might save us some aspects for other powers in the long run.