I like the epilogue. Got some stuff done that would probably not get voted in. Feels better than doing whatever the fuck the imperium wants.
did we tell Laurent about the vision we had of the princess? its not as urgent as QAI but it might be a very powerful draw for the Aeon. even if its just a vision.

I hope we can forgiven for the QAI mess. it was definitely a grevious error from the POV of earthcom, but it is one grievous error in an otherwise stellar career, done under very stressful and unusual circumstances where Shephard probably wasn't at her best, decision making wise. I hope Laurent can understand that
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Will we be seeing some more Knight centric chapters in the soldier arc of war torn Galaxy, cause I have really enjoyed the characters you have made so far for house Tet,
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The Knights are hyperconservatives and will stay that way until someone figures out they are brainwashed by their machines. They have not changed in 15k years and will not change. Any question of wether or not to integrate a particular piece of tech will end at how long will it last without replacing and if they can repair it themselves. Eliza will suggest semi-permanently allying the Knights to the UEF by promising to terraform Tet back to life.

They'll just truck on like always, nothing has changed, all is well, but this time their political benefactor is blue.
we will need to spend more time with both Eliza and Sena. we should explain Luna's thing further to Sena( and maybe further explain the differences from the original QAI). and we really need to thank Eliza for both her hard work and her friendship. though we will probably have time to do that when training her
The real horror story is in five (or ten I forgot what I said) years, Sena can vote in UEF federal elections.
Unlike Warhammer Fantasy, nobility isn't used to getting in a council and making small democratic decisions. Sisters have more trials of character than, say, Space Marines, but when it comes line promotions there's still a council mechanism to put voices together to make a decision… even if the superior all the other members has an official decision they're supposed to use carefully.
Oh, who knows what kind of weird hybrid of Imperium and UEF indoctrination Sena will espout in five (or ten) years.

She will not be able to resist the cool action movies.
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The real grim thing is, the QAI (and thus Seraphim) being able to existing in 3 separate realities (thankfully with some extreme logistical issues traversing them) means there might be more realities the QAI/Seraphim are present in.

The world of the Seraphim exiles that got nuked in SupCom, probably wasn't the true homeworld of the Seraphim.
Anyway, now that I am free, I can think of where to go next. The possibilities are endless. We can fight Orks or Necrons or Nids again or maybe even Chaos. I can use the timeskip/narrative break for all kinds of things. Like shuffle around events or the timeline of stuff. Generally, I don't think I will try to write the sequel as a perfect continuation. The general gist of what happened in this quest will be canon for the sequel, but I dont think I'll try and adhere to every single detail hidden in those 450k words. The autodoc able to revive people from the dead and quantum links will be on the retcon chopping bloc with no mercy given, I dont know yet what else. I am kinda pondering putting some extra zeroes at the space marine chapter size and the numbers of the Stoic Heart. I think you cannot protofab food directly anymore, you need to protofab the caloric processors which then can make the sludge food. Just a bunch of small stuff.

Whether or not Big E just threw a bit of shade Shepard's way, and I think he did, Sena's part of the Inquisition. They have a deeper understanding of the Admech's prohibition of AI: It destroyed humanity in a cataclysmic war and helped bring in the age of strife. It also led half the Mechanicum to swear to Horus, giving their souls to Chaos in the dark desire to create these forbidden constructs.
It also built the Golden Age of humanity and was the main reason eldar didn't turn most humans into pets.
I know you people like him, but Revy would not get along with Ciaphas Cain. He is a commissar, which would put him on her shitlist immediatly.
Depends if Revy can see through his mask. If so, maybe they find each other interesting.

If not, it's more fun for us because Revy won't take shit from him, and Cain is not having a good day.