Arimai said:
Convergent Evolution. They look the same but it does not mean they are the same. For all we know the Humans in Azeroth evolved from crustaceans like the Klingons, and not the shrew like mammals we came from.
...lore says they were all originally metallic golems made by the gods before a curse started turning the golems all fleshy (to which it was later found that the curse was infact to "facilitate assimilation"). Given that this is a MTG story, that has some very unfortunate implications. :cringes:
Robo Jesus said:
...lore says they were all originally metallic golems made by the gods before a curse started turning the golems all fleshy (to which it was later found that the curse was infact to "facilitate assimilation"). Given that this is a MTG story, that has some very unfortunate implications. :cringes:
So, Azeroth humans were Cybertronians? SOMBODY WRITE THAT CROSSOVER! :p
Elbrasch said:
These were made by Loken, and are copied from, but not related to the vrykul who birthed humanity. There is speculation that they were made of stone and are now affected by the curse of flesh, but we have no confirmation about that: [- Iron Vrykul</quote]That really doesn't disprove my theory, since it mentions that the birth of humanity was a severe side effect of the curse of flesh on the Vrykul.
I yawned and poked my bowl of stew as I leaned back against the crate of potions, watching the flickering of one of the fires and just relaxing.

I ate another spoonful of the stew. Honestly, this was rather good even if there was some spices I didn't recognize. Rich with lots of vegetables and some kind of meat that I strongly suspect was Kodo.

At least I very much hope that it's Kodo.

Honestly, for something boiled in mass in massive cauldrons to feed the entire caravan and the soldiers, this is was pretty damn good.

Way better than what I got in school back when I was a kid.

Dawn and Cloudsong had left the camp as soon as we stopped to 'commune with the local spirits', whatever that meant. I didn't see any magic other than what was around the camp when I channeled some blue to get a feel of it, so I was unsure where those spirits were.

Might be a Shaman thing.

So that left me time to just relax, watch people, and eat my delicious stew. I idly wondered if I could get more while I chewed a piece of what I hoped was Kodo meat. Did I forget to mention how much I hate the things?

At least I had stopped fighting with my Kodo mount. As hilarious as the soldiers and wagon drivers of the caravan thought it was when I lost control of it, the fifth time it happened the old orc running the place told me quite firmly to either ride a wagon or walk instead, as I was slowing the caravan down.

That was two weeks ago and since then I rode with Dawn on her walking happymeal. At least that way I was still close enough that we could talk and not like the damn thing couldn't carry us both.

My old Kodo had its reins tied to a wagon... and damn if the bloody animal didn't behave then.

I ate another spoon full before eying the blood elf magic user as she walked past. I couldn't tell exactly what kind of magic user she was, but she was wearing robes and a staff so there are only like three possible options, Mage, Priest or Warlock. At least if it is at least similar to the game.

Either way, you couldn't argue that she wasn't attractive in a deadly looking way with those green, slightly glowing eyes.

Ok, she was hot. Still, getting involved would be a bad idea. Not only was her species magic addicts, but we are also heading towards a war zone.

Getting involved with somebody in Westeros would have been... wrong. Everyone I had met was either a power hungry noble, a worshipper of some sort, or a Slayer. The first I was not interested in and tried to avoid at all costs. The second would just have been wrong. The third would have been double-wrong.

Which meant that my options in women was kind of limited.

So it was nice to be able to check out women again without feeling guilty about it.

I snorted and shook my head, returning my attention to what remained of my stew. Still, the point was pretty much moot as none of the blood elfs have shown even a hint of interest in me other than a general reaction of surprise at see a human traveling with the caravan. Other than that they seem to have adopted a 'you are beneath me' attitude towards me, but then again they seem to have that same attitude against the rest non-blood elfs in the caravan, so no need for me to feel special here.

Oh well. At least I could still enjoy the view.

I slowly finished my meal and relaxed back against the crate of potions, just enjoying the cool evening air. It was such a nice break from the very hot days.

Tomorrow we should reach Ratchet and then there is a two or so weeks long sail across the sea.

That would be interesting, I never did get the opportunity to get on a ship while at Westeros. A couple of small boats, but no real ships. Wonder how we would handle the mounts?

Do we take those with us or do we just load the supplies and men and get new mounts on the other side?

Shrugging I pushed the thought from my mind. I'll find out tomorrow or later anyway. No need to worry about that now. Maybe I could even find a horse, or at least something more cooperative than a Kodo.

Those I can handle without it being a summon. I learned how to ride back in Westeros and honestly it was not that hard. Seemed to be a useful skill to know, even if with summons I didn't need to actually use it much.

It was easier to handle then Kodo's at least. Me and those damn lizards simply don't match.


The caravan slowly entered Ratchet and I looked around.

It is strange really how things remind me of places in the game. Yes, the city is bigger and has more people, but it had the same style. A small town of wooden buildings by a protective bay, focused around a wooden port, supported by wooden pillars driven into the ocean floor.

It's a strange sort of Deja Vu, but not quite. There's just enough similarity to recognize the place.

Over by the docks I can there are several ships anchored. By modern standards they are, well, tiny.

They mostly remind me of old Galleons or maybe Carracks, but with one mast. Honestly, I'm hardly an expert in sailing ships.

"Well, this is a hole." Dawn commented as we rode into the small town, glancing back at me.

I shrugged "A bit harsh, I think. Honestly, I have seen worse." I commented as I glanced around as we rode past a goblin pulling a small cart.

Less than a meter tall with large ears they looked like anorectic yodas, somewhat similar to the game. It was actually quite disturbing.

Still, the fact that I had seen worse places was kind of depressing. The thought that Westeros was now in a economic boom period did cheer me up though.

"The place you went to to fight... what was her name?" Dawn asked as she glanced back at me.

I nodded "Mary. Her name was Mary. Plane is called Westeros. Think medieval Europe with some monsters."

"Plane?" she asked.

"Another word for world, dimension, universe. This is a Plane and so is your home." I answered and she nodded.

I have yet to tell her what she is. I have meant to... several times, but I always... couldn't quite bring myself to tell her.

To tell her that she would live to see everyone she know age and crumble to dust. To tell her that she is one of the rarest beings in the multiverse.

To explain that if the wrong people find out what she is...

How do you tell somebody that?

How do you tell somebody, that you better get used to being worshiped like a god (or in her case a goddess), because sooner or later you will have worlds doing just that. That you would be responsible for millions if not billions of people.

Basically, I kept chickening out. Hoping that she would figure it out herself.

So I wouldn't need to tell her.

I swallowed and turned to watch the ships as we got closer.

Cloudsong rode up next to our Kodo "Sunrise. Winter. We unload the supplies and load the boats today. We set sail first light tomorrow."

At least my Orcish is getting better.

Dawn nodded "Yes, Master."

I simply nodded and turned my attention back watch the town.

I may be a coward for not telling her. Not telling her might put her at risk, delay her training in actually useful magics, in case Shamanism don't work outside this Plane.

I should tell her.

Dawn brought the Kodo to a stop and slid out of the saddle as she tied the reins to a wooden railing.

"Come on!" she said, giving me a grin "Let's check out the ships before we start loading."

Nodding I jumped of the large lizard, giving her a grin in return "Let's." I said as I stretched, glad to get out of the saddle for more than a night.

I'll tell her later.

AN// Big thanks to Robo Jesus for betaing this part.
Endymion said:
Two weeks on a ship might be the best time. The long period of time with nothing to do but think will help her get it sorted in her head. Trust me sailing on a long reach is boring as hell if your a passenger.
In my experience there isn't much privacy on a ship and it difficult to be alone for a time if you aren't lucky. Not the best time to deal with something personal.
Yeah, you probably should tell Dawn before you go anywhere near a battle. If Dawn jumps because she in mortal danger and gets into a worse situation because she wasn't even aware that it could happen, Buffy will kill you.
Zulaq said:
Yeah, you probably should tell Dawn before you go anywhere near a battle. If Dawn jumps because she in mortal danger and gets into a worse situation because she wasn't even aware that it could happen, Buffy will kill you.
Bad judgement seems to be is his thing in the fic. Yeah Buffy will so kill him
...... -_-

You're a person of somewhat compromised rationality who seems to forget his powers and potentential. And one that might be hurting here as you don't seem to actually be checking out after how magics intertwine or if she might be learning habits that might take decades to undo.

Beside for a sufficiently powerful mage or shaman you can already pretend to be a god. I mean it's not like you have to go around acting like one.

I also don't know why you could effectively put off the every one I know is going to die thing for millennia with sufficient white green and or black mana research.

Unless you mean everyone can crumble and die in fire hours if your apocalyptically unlucky with time displacement.

Also You're a pussy winter.
[quote="Larekko12, post: 11683321, member: 53027]You're a pussy winter.[/quote]

Protip: People stop reading once they read sentences like that. I'm sure your argument was convincing, but now no-ones ever going to read it.
Mortifer said:
Protip: People stop reading once they read sentences like that. I'm sure your argument was convincing, but now no-ones ever going to read it.
I dunno... I read it. I rather agree with the sentiment. Winter in this story is... I mean, I'm not going to just randomly advocate that he should go around screaming 'NEEDZ MOAR DAKKA' and using retarded words like 'biggatons,' but he could act at least a little bit less like a really mediocre vanilla mortal. I mean, he's the ludicrously powerful savior of an entire world with millions of worshippers. It's almost disrespectful to everyone who thinks he's a god to spend two weeks fighting some overgrown lizard when he could disintegrate it and make a perfectly obedient copy from scratch in like a minute.
Jiopaba said:
I dunno... I read it. I rather agree with the sentiment. Winter in this story is... I mean, I'm not going to just randomly advocate that he should go around screaming 'NEEDZ MOAR DAKKA' and using retarded words like 'biggatons,' but he could act at least a little bit less like a really mediocre vanilla mortal. I mean, he's the ludicrously powerful savior of an entire world with millions of worshippers. It's almost disrespectful to everyone who thinks he's a god to spend two weeks fighting some overgrown lizard when he could disintegrate it and make a perfectly obedient copy from scratch in like a minute.
Don't disentigrate the thing. That way lies Exalted dickery. Make your own. Or make food to bribe it. Or deal with it and use the two actual weeks to act like a responsible adult and look after local magic.

I mean for all we know their version of shamanism might involve oaths and bonds that will keeps her locked here or under that oath for a millennia.
I'm reminded of why I dropped Multiverse to begin with. In Hiver's first stories everything went right for him and he quickly reached Sue power levels.

In this story to prevent that Winter is given Plot Induced Stupidity whenever needed to keep his power down and force the plot along.

Both of these situations make for bad stories but at least the first one was tolerable as a "Fuck Yeah" type thing. The second is just grating.

What makes this a real tragedy is I know Hiver can avoid both Silly Power and Idoit Balls because I've seen him do it in other stories, like the HP one he just dropped.

Good luck with the story Hiver, hopefully you'll get bored and go back to one of your enjoyable stories.
Alasnuyo said:

I don't see any overt sign of the idiot ball at all. He's just taking things slow and steady. After all, what's the rush? He's got an eternity to look forward to. It's not like there are plane-jumping eldritch horrors deliberately gunning for him and forcing him to ramp up power levels as fast as possible.

Besides, a life of constantly training and on alert for enemies and power ups tends to be mentally exhausting. Not the kind of life most people would enjoy or be willing to endure.
He's heading into another planetary scale conflict with another mini planeswalker he is responsible for and who has been training in a magic style based on external sapients he knows nothing solid about but who have been known to be connected to world ending horrors.

He also knows that his kind are prone to randomly offing themselves in random ports while in extreme danger. He also doesn't know what knowledge or innovations of her natural power she developed. This is especially concerning when her mystical nomenclature is so terrible as to compare the Dark Portal to a hellmouth rather than leaving it as what it is a portal.
Of course there might be the nagging thought at the back of his mind, that what if she doesn't listen to keeping her lands in balance, what if she becomes another Mary? The whole "How do I break her being immortal to her" could be a (semi-justified) excuse so that he doesn't have to kill another Planewalker. One that he's interacting with, one that he is likely becoming friends with, one that he promised another friend that he'd keep her alive.

But even with myself being the Lord of Procrastination this is a little bit stupid. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to give you a little advice from my Creative Writing Teacher: Have a conversation with your character, ask them why they are doing what they are doing in their own words, and use that to make the story better. Hell, you might even post the conversation here for others to see if you want, but it's a simple way to get inside your own characters head.
Jaertin said:
One thing that bothers me is that Winter is still acting like he did at the start.
He just spent 10 years as the most powerful individual on a planet, worshipped as a literal god and shepherding an entire civilization into the future.
The experience should have changed him quite a bit.
*points up* I'm inclined to agree. There's been zero character or power development.
That's arguably a bit unfair. We haven't had a chance to see Hiver use his powers at all so far. Melting a lock is about it, with various situations where magic use may or may not have been good ideas. For all we know, he's since learnt how to summon dragons and Dire Wolves.

Also, one could argue that all this reticence actually is character development, though if that is the intention it needs to be displayed better. One does not spend 10 years as the Advisor to a king and deity of a newly-formed church without learning some degree of self-restraint, and given that he left all the actual running of stuff up to others, it's possible that he learnt all about(/got in the habit of) when not to act, but not about when acting was needed.
ElDani said:
What reason does he have, at this point in time anyway, to impress these Horde people, when he's mainly in this 'verse to take care of Dawn and bring her home? If Winter was like any other reasonably sane person - meaning not like us ;) - he would likely be relieved to finally be treated normally again. I'm sure that's why he has been so easy-going, letting others laugh about his troubles to order around his Kodo, letting himself be captured and that kind of stuff. Even with his kind of Planeswalker not being an all-powerful entity, there is much he can do once the situation calls for it - anything else would simply be grandstanding and I don't see Winter develop this trait so suddenly against his previous personality.
Well that's all fine and dandy ya know when he actually doesn't have shit that needs doing that he knows is important to people he cares about and is important to people he cares for.

I mean unless it doesn't really work this way why can't he make dawn piggy back with him back to her home then bring her back so she can port at will.

And this is Warcraft. He can just be powerful but strange mage x like ms sexy blood elf and if he can't, if being a planeswalker is actually a big and dangerous deal here then he should be finding out with the Shaman( aka people most likely to know cause nature hax) that is actually loyal to dawn and has trusted her with something so private and special as their arts.

I mean does he even know what she's been doing with her powers? Has he even asked? She might have even discovered land binding with Shaman training and be mono colored. Hell she might even breakthrough into the BE if its natural enough and she's been working for years.