Fffffffffuck stinki maeg bilds.
If it ain't Sword Praxis Magic, then it just ain't worth it.
Shitposting aside, one of the bigger issues I'm generally seeing with Valor is that adding more on our Cut Through-boosted attacks at this point gives diminished returns. So our power of Ruin scales with our strength. Drop in the bucket when Cut Through is enough to murder them straight up.
Surgecraft winning is eh, really. Having even new Magic Systems is super Eh right now too. It opens up new avenues to murderize our enemies you say? Well shit, boi, Cut Through literally swallowed up all the other avenues of attacking. If Cut Through can't murder it, little chance Surgecraft is gonna be of any help. If we're gonna go for Utility? Surgecraft? May as well just increase Rank and Save Arete to get ++Progression. That's tippy top utility right there.
Best part is that with ++Progression, it is theoretically possible to fight monsters that won't give us Complications because they provide more EXP now. Surprised? So was I.
On top of that, the magic thing wasn't even meant for Hunger to begin with. Literally a Letrizia vote, that one. Having to toss and turn too much about this particular Magic vote was meant to make Letrizia quasi-relevant outside of piloting Verse. She's the Evening-Sky equivalent of this Quest if Hunger, Gisena, and Letrizia were our Panoply.
Just vote on making Hunger swoller and less of a bitch ass ranklet. Get that Ruling Ring ++Progression, then worry about everything else that Cut Through can't already solve.