That was a really fun reveal. I would read this novel. (That said, a followup question to confirm - the Otherworldly Beast predates the creatures which now resemble it, rather than just having mimicked their form?)
What's keeping the robot army in Starting Dungeon active? Magic, obviously, but attrition should have worn them down by now if they're centuries old and don't have repair and replacement. What was the story? Von Neumann doll? Cyborg artificer? Terracotta Army?
That was a really fun reveal. I would read this novel. (That said, a followup question to confirm - the Otherworldly Beast predates the creatures which now resemble it, rather than just having mimicked their form?)
What's keeping the robot army in Starting Dungeon active? Magic, obviously, but attrition should have worn them down by now if they're centuries old and don't have repair and replacement. What was the story? Von Neumann doll? Cyborg artificer? Terracotta Army?
The Otherworldly Beast predates the cussich-ruddock-melog-thuza species, and yeah it's not hard to make the connection that it's the progenitor of those races, though the specifics of how that happened are not easy to research.

If you're talking about the feral ironworks in the Undercity, they aren't really robots. They're autonomous magical items that have grown beyond their initial purpose (which often didn't even include any autonomous functions) due the conditions of the Undercity. They're all completely wild and naturally occurring.
The Otherworldly Beast predates the cussich-ruddock-melog-thuza species, and yeah it's not hard to make the connection that it's the progenitor of those races, though the specifics of how that happened are not easy to research.
Did it leave a corpse, just disappear, or something else?
If you're talking about the feral ironworks in the Undercity, they aren't really robots. They're autonomous magical items that have grown beyond their initial purpose (which often didn't even include any autonomous functions) due the conditions of the Undercity. They're all completely wild and naturally occurring.
Feral experiments make sense, but do those really count as naturally occurring? Regardless, there's probably not that much in the way of superbosses down there, so it's something to keep an eye on but not necessarily worry about immediately.
Did it leave a corpse, just disappear, or something else?

Feral experiments make sense, but do those really count as naturally occurring? Regardless, there's probably not that much in the way of superbosses down there, so it's something to keep an eye on but not necessarily worry about immediately.
Nobody knows! Aafi wasn't there for it, they were already holed up in their bunker when the Beast War ended, and Zirfeh was part of the team working on re-capping the Pit of Chaos post-summoning rather than on the front keeping the Beast under control. You might be able to find some artifacts in the Night Realm, or maybe develop a sufficiently powerful past-viewing Glass Magic if you're able to convince a master of the art that it's a worthy cause.

They aren't feral experiments. They were ordinary ironworks which, due to steadily continuing to accumulate shu'um after being abandoned as the city grew up and steadily buried its past, developed new and unintended abilities and characteristic, which after sufficient time eventually lead to accumulating enough magical quirks and mutations to spontaneously animate. It's a process that happens even to unrefined ore, rarely, but smelted and forged metal is a greatly superior vessel for magic and thus reaches highly exalted levels of shu'um much faster.
Post I'm making so I can use the forum roller for a Gifted One Ineptitude build, as I assume that the Casino is beyond the bounds of merely ISH 3 or so Luck at absolute most. Considering the sheer power of the Pale Welkin in terms of restoring me, 'Cursebearer accidentally killed me' is just about the only plausible way I could see that version of me getting killed. On the bright side, I'd probably arranged for the Star Guardians to write down everything I believed I could teach them, and Ectonconara should be capable of dealing with most issues through sheer Stats after all the upgrades I'd have handed her, so I feel like their second go at stewardship of the cosmos would go a lot better. Given that I'm assuming possession of the Bridge Welkin to maintain my Gifted One powers, it would have been a while since I got them anyway, and with this kind of ridiculous power, I don't think I'd have much excuse for not having trivially resolved most of the issues here.

It's entirely possible they'd have just assumed I considered them in a position where they didn't need me any more and bowed out, unless, of course, somebody witnessed me getting a smiting. Accidental, but there's no guarantee they know that. That might cause some issues.

Edit: 4 extra Seals. Enough for Exponential II, as III is largely useless to a Gifted One.

[GOI] Normal Mode: Begin with 7 Primary Points and 2 Ultimate Seals.
[GOI] Strategos [7 Points, 1 Seal] Essence 7 variant. Sidereal advisor.
I'll be heading to a variant of 40K that gets something akin to an ISOT, but with the whole universe effectively being fused with a number of other space settings. Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Babylon 5, The Culture, Starcraft, Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, The Expanse, Firefly, The Orville's universe, Halo, Mass Effect, Voltron, Final Space, Andromeda, Dune, Dead Space, Doom, Half-Life, Stellaris, Destiny, Borderlands, Vandread, To Love Ru(much like Highschool DxD, the series ecchi nature does a lot to cover up an interesting setting we only really get glimpses of), Blame!, Tenchi Muyo(somewhat similar to To Love Ru, but leans a little more into the plot than the 'plot'), Macross, Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy, Dragon Ball Z, Marvel, DC, Kid Cosmic, Crysis, Knights of Sidonia, Spectrobes, The Foundation, Ringworld, Ender's Game, Cthulhutech, and maybe a few more. That's 40 universes mashed together, their physics and metaphysics having been made compatible by whatever caused this(maybe Ineptitude+Apocryphal, forcing Haeliel to work to keep a small multiverse's worth of people from getting their souls screwed over or whatever). For some perspective, the average density of the intergalactic void is about 10% of the Milky Way's. Meaning this new super-verse has about 400% of the density of the Milky Way as the new minimum. If Marvel, DC, DBZ, and Doctor Who weren't explicitly part of this mashup, I might be concerned about the universe imploding from a Big Crunch in relatively short order, or at very least massed supernovas from stars smashing into each other and black holes eating half the universe. I mean, Firefly physics alone would probably raise the average number of planets per star from 1 to 10 with a large complement of moons closer to Ganymede or Titan than Charon. As is, it's probably going to keep them busy for a while, and if they conclude that I was in some way responsible, well, On The Run would only make sense as a Drawback, right? These are all HI interpretations in the vein of Galaxies of Darkness, which is '40K, but expanded out to the whole universe' in simple terms. So yeah. It's pretty extreme.
[GOI] Paramount [+2 Points, Special] Static-> Eternal
[GOI] Humiliation [+3 Points]
[GOI] On the Run [+3 Points]
[GOI] Impulse [+4 Points] Smell.
[GOI] Nemesis [+5 Points]
6: Forgotten. Replaced with Procession. +2 Seals. 3: Jackpot. +2 Seals
[GOI] Grand Master [1 Seal] Chiron. Skill training.
[GOI] Stone Rings [7 Points]
[GOI] Feather of Favor [2 Seals] Stone Rings->Elder Ring.
[GOI] Static [2 Points]
[GOI] Linear [8 Points] III. Effectively an Essence 9 Solar and change.
[GOI] Exponential [2 Seals]
II. Dectupled Progression+potential in all areas, and an uncapped Functional Set. 925% Progression after Eternal.

With Gifted One powers on top of a relative willingness to take Drawbacks and Casino Bindings, my Nemesis should basically be free Points. Impulse is, if anything, even less of an inconvenience, since I'm practically nose-blind half the time anyway. Humiliation can be trivially made into a boon by an Exalted willing to invest 50 or so XP into a Charm for it(or less, honestly) while On The Run gets pretty much the same justification it got in the build I posted for the previous iteration of the super-verse mentioned above. The Deliberative sent me here to investigate the recently-fused 'verse, in case it's going to be a regular thing, and at least some of the celestial bureaucracy and mystics came to the conclusion that my arrival and the recent merger were suspiciously timed, which lead to escalation, especially with a significant portion of my Tyrant Curse active still. Paramount isn't like Wicked or Heroic Journey. It's a buff, not a scaling mechanism.

I'm curious whether a recent fusion would count as a single world for Stone Rings purposes, or if I'd get 30+ powers considered high-tier in these HI universes right off the bat. Perhaps a middle ground where they all count for the purposes of the powers, but I have to wait the year to get the powers of each universe, and which universe I'm grabbing from is fairly random, though process of elimination will get them all within the half-century no matter what.

Even with On the Run, Elder Ring+Eternal means that I'm nearly unkillable to anything in this mess that would be willing to bother with me. There's some risk of my Nemesis gathering up a band of heroes and lawful types to oppose me, but that's where Linear III and Exponential II come in.

So, with the Bridge Welkin making it all transfer in the first place(with a little help from the Pale Welkin restoring any augs that are part of me like the Crystal Conduit) and Exponential II, I've practically got a Feather of Favor comprehensive buff on all my Gifted One stuff. The Welkins themselves, which already have a Legendary buff without the emotional instability, might get another new Welkin to play with. Alchemy has already transcended it's bounds as an outgrowth of Time, who knows what another *10 could allow in Solar hands? Crystal Conduit is an interesting case where my throughput probably wouldn't change, but my skill with it probably would. My Major Summon would finally be able to actually Progress with speed, though I'm curious how it would look. Probably ridiculously specialized compared to my main self, but I'm just wondering what a Solar Exaltation with Essence 9~ would look like after being tweaked to be a support for Immortal Feasts' powers.

It's no +1 ISH, but *10 to the potential I possess in use of Elemental Interest's Fire line should push me a lot closer to the Deep version. Fifth Quarter's powers are a little different. Grand Design gaining a *9.25 multiplier to it's gains is certainly helpful. I expect the potential boost to eventually be helpful too. Time's Favorite, meanwhile, is more like a divine blessing, and I may not even be able to access the 'wishing' capability, especially with so many rival pantheons around, though if Bridge keeps it active, boosting my collection of Wishes should be extremely helpful. Light Magic should benefit in an equivalent manner as Fire, after the former's +1 ISH boost.

A *10 on all 9 of my soulsongs would be awesome, though I don't think my Azoth boost would qualify, as it's more like a Stat-Up item that I ate than the Conduit's active Bright Realm channeling. For similar reasons, the Membership Card wouldn't benefit unless it somehow qualified as a *9.25 on getting Once/Always tokens and I'm still somehow in range of the store. Assuming that immolation didn't ash it like my corporeal form.

Five Wishes (in addition to the +3 Wishes having moved up to +8 from all the words I've been and am writing for this new build (which is technically an extension of the old one) and stuff added to the old one from Edits and thus giving 12 instances of Growth) would have it's +Attributes multiplied by 9.25, or 111 per year, meaning 5550 every 50 years. *10 on 'maxes out as the ISH does' certainly sounds like transcending the ISH. Normally I'd say that wouldn't work, but it's Haeliel. Plus Time's Favorite potentially hitting me up with another 111 a year. That's something akin to one-sixth the jump between ISH 1 and 2, though it's a full order of magnitude for each further jump. It's sort of like how the Perfect Number increases both in complexity and rewards for advancing that way.

Status Screen's Prestiges are similarly boosted to 9 thanks to hitting the second breakpoint with my Edits. That means an 83.25 multiplier on Prestige's rewards at every stage, meaning I get more than my money's worth at pretty much every stage, since the /100 breakpoint will have been more than overcome by having beaten the /10 stages to get a net *8.325 at least twice beforehand. Prestige is slower than Progression, but is just as capable of reaching the same sort of heights, meaning it can elevate all my abilities to High Cursebearer-relevant levels, and the 'linear' boost to Prestige rewards is technically exponential due to the way the cycle works.

If Illustration's Wishcraft gets a 9.25 multiplier on producing Wishes, since the ability to stockpile Wishes technically qualifies as a growth mechanism on it's own, then that means a Minor Wish every 3.25 days(approximately), and a Least Wish every 39.45 days(approximately) which promises some truly ridiculous power. Plus Eternal reduces major costs like burning resources in this manner by 99%, so each Minor Wish I get is effectively 100 Minor Wishes, and each Least Wish is effectively 100 Least Wishes. Also, if Time's Favorite is still working, then I can get an extra 9.25 Least Wishes and 111 Minor Wishes a year. Further, Wishcraft scales to your capabilities, with the Least Wish explicitly being based on what you could do in a year, so Linear III on an Essence 7 Solar, especially one with Eternal hitting spell costs with a *0.01 and as many powers as the Elder Ring might grant, not to mention *9.25 to Progression and *10 to potential dramatically bolstering them. I'm pretty sure my Share in Illustration counts as a Panoply item like my Membership Card though.

In the Gift CYOA, I got Vertex and 4 Surgecraft, with +1 ISH to my current strength and maximum potential on the latter, Welkins, Wishcraft, and Light Magic. Vertex getting a *10 to it's potential might allow it to be actually useful, and I'm sure I could make some serious nuttiness with all these Progression boosters, not the least of which is the *9.25 from Ineptitude. Plus it's really easy to teach to people, much like Welkins. I might still have the Luminous Scroll to teach people Light Magic, but if they don't have the Bridge Welkin there's no guarantee it'll work, and I'd actually lean towards no in the majority of cases. On the bright side, Light Magic with +1 ISH and a *10 to it's potential should be able to hit Deep levels even without Prestige's virtuous cycle or Essence 9 Solar bullshit to help.

Anyway, with +1 ISH to Surgecraft, *10 to it's potential, *9.25 to it's Progression, and /100 to the cost of using my Elements, they'd be pretty well-equipped to bootstrap my power by themselves. Exavolt and Inksky boost my offense and defense, which makes conquering/protecting places to empower Followerforce for it's general boost, which in turn boosts Edelross' general boost, which boosts Exavolt and Inksky, and so on. By themselves, they could give my a virtuous cycle able to push me to the furthest limits of Surgecraft as expanded by Legendary's buff. With how ridiculous it's power would have become, any tiny increment higher would have disproportionate effects, as the slightest boost to the 'MP pool' would be effectively 100 times as large.

I'm reasonably certain that Ectonconara wouldn't be coming along, so the Pearl Necklace isn't really relevant to my interests except perhaps as a reference I use in making something similar. The Diary is also of little use without the Wish Upon A Star setting being accessible. Really, there isn't much here that benefits, since I was mostly helping out the world I'd have made and planning to enter a buffing cycle with Ectonconara.

As for Galaxia, well with the way Mythos works, it should benefit a lot from 'got reincarnated in a new world as recompense for a super-being killing me by accident' and the benefits of Exponential II. Not to mention my new Panoply items. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to use the Mythos to backtrack back my home cosmology one day. Or at least get my old Panoply back. Speaking of which, while my Three Arts should be fine, I'd have hopefully gotten The Classic memorized. Now, with how different my new ontology is, there's no guarantee it's still the perfect civilization, but with my new Stats, I should be able to adjust as necessary, and if nothing else, it would still be a really good basis to build off of in any non-Wicked ontology. I'd probably miss the scripture, FR Sword.

The Storm CYOA's problems should be more or less resolved, and I could probably make a Slayer's Solution equivalent of better with Essence 9 Solar craftsmanship. One of my two weekly Minor Wishes for some XP to grab Crafting Charms might resolve the issue fairly trivially if I haven't already. Either way, Nameless and the doctor shouldn't be an issue. Either they're dead, or they can't find me.

Now for the Edits. Now, the Mage-Recruit Powers don't seem to have a lot of growth potential, with most of them being something you either have or don't, but raw skill in their use likely counts to some degree, and ironing out all their kinks might have some marginal value, particularly with Perspective and full efficiency in Workings. This was as much meant to broaden Wishcraft's reach as anything else. Hopefully I got the opportunity to help them out before getting hit with Ineptitude.

The boons Ectonconara can offer, on the other hand, have some gems. Light Magic can fill in for Illuminosan/Star Lord growth, with the latter growing a lot faster from a much weaker baseline, and me having *9.25 on their growth. Exalted Spirit would be granting a lot more Int, Wits, and Wis and a lot more quickly, not to mention Pale Welkin +Eternal means that spells that inflict physical damage as a consequence for overspending MP are a joke. Even the first step, before considerations such as Essence 9 Solar nonsense or Status Screen Prestiges, would drop to less than 7.6 years to max out, another 7.6 in this new phase, and another 21.6 to max out this phase, and of course Exponential II's buff to potential is still in full effect, so rather than sacrificing a few centuries of progress in Exalted Spirit to do something equivalent to adding 5000 years to the Wishing Star's lifespan and hitting all Star Guardians with a *2 to their global training, it would cost about 20 years. I wonder if I could make a cosmology similar to the Wish Upon A Star, and if the Deliberative would be interested in me being able to essentially snap my fingers and make them a new dimension to conquer. With Wishcraft, I probably don't need to worry about burning 20 years of progress, actually. A month's worth of effort +1 ISH would probably be more than enough, nevermind 100-fold. Heck, I could probably build them a custom cosmology of immense power and utility by completely burning out a singular Least Wish, and do so for every member of the Deliberative in a matter of a few centuries even with all the other demands on my Wishing resources. Not to mention using this strategy to rapidly empower Followerforce with truly ludicrous numbers of followers.

Half-Devourer would let me get much, much more out of eating things, and of course 'can eat anything' might let me replace my Sword's Essence-harvesting by simply... eating the hostile cosmological entities. Man, can you imagine the New Gods faces when somebody just eats Darkseid and gets a fraction of his abilities? Probably wouldn't help with On the Run though.

Hope and Wishcraft seemed like an obvious synergy, and *9.25 on Progression gives me new Hope charges every 21.6 years for similar reasons as Wishcraft. Not to mention Eternal turns any individual Hope charge into 100 Hope charges. Hope excels in reversals of fortune, assuming my chances weren't 0. It's sort of like getting a reroll with a +50 bonus. Even if you get another 1, you'll still have a huge improvement.

With Pale and Eternal, I should be able to externalize Astaroth at all times, assuming that it's nature as a symbiote of mine gets it restored when I'm placed in a new body. Unification Module drops to about 54 hours and 3 minutes to capture new spirits, which Determination allows me to unify with without worry about running out of slots, and that's before my various Stat boosts. The Perfect Number, meanwhile, is evolved by Exponential II. In addition to becoming ten times as powerful, progress in it is boosted by 925% before any other factors like ridiculous Stats and being able to Hope/Wish through a breakthrough. I might be able to use it to ease Wishing new realities into being, using it as a blueprint once I'm far enough along, since more knowledge of the proper structure of reality should make it easier, based on Wishcraft mechanics.

The artifacts mostly just provide inspiration for artifacts I can craft to empower myself and others, though that can be of value in it's own right.

Lastly, the new set of Welkins and how they interact with the Ineptitude powers. Fleet Welkin and Dust Welkin individually offer many components of competent rulership, and together practically guarantee that any modifications of the Classic I put forward to account for the modified ontology I'm dealing with are of similar quality. Plus the Whole Welkin ensuring there's a pretty high floor on any powers the Ring gives me with it's holistic elevation of any weaker powers *1000 and +1 ISH. The Torn Welkin would further buff my defenses with the reductive half of Seram's old standby in Amplitude. The Bridge Welkin is what allows the Gifted One to carry their powers along between ontologies, and the Blind Welkin preventing alterations to my essence by outside elements and allowing survival of existential annihilation might also have helped. Might have at least kept my stuff safe.

In conclusion, this variant is probably about as well-disposed to head up to High Cursebearer levels as is possible, since Prestige is empowered to be more competitive with Progression, and without Attention, Apocryphal, or Hubris, I'm much less likely to die, and I'd be inclined to Mitigate my Tyrant and Plenary shards as much as possible, so Haeliel's Ineptitude might have pulled a Mordred and blessed her in disguise, via propping up a future ally to reach the sort of power that would make them relevant, without having any truly dangerous Curses.

Ah, almost forgot. Chiron's skill-training plus Solar bullshit and Exponential II should give me a lot of benefits for effectively free, and I can probably teach him at least a few things in return.

I had considered an Epic Blessing, but Paramount keeps my Feather working, and my Seals are few enough that I wouldn't really get my money's worth if I halved my Points. Hence Easy Mode. This might have been a very different build if I'd gotten some different rolls. Oh well. This is a decent contribution to the cause of killing the veil-shaped blight on the cosmos.

3450 words in this build, combining with other portion for 8990. Almost a full Arete's worth.
ilbgar123 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Gifted Total: 9
6 6 3 3
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With Gifted One powers on top of a relative willingness to take Drawbacks and Casino Bindings, my Nemesis should basically be free Points.
If you get to bring in powers from other CYOAs, what guarantee do you have that your Nemesis won't?
I remember an old CYOA - it might have been called Immunity - wherein one of the powers on offer was omnipotence within a ~16 foot radius. That's one of my favorite jumpchain-type benchmarks. Just by the way.
If you get to bring in powers from other CYOAs, what guarantee do you have that your Nemesis won't?
I remember an old CYOA - it might have been called Immunity - wherein one of the powers on offer was omnipotence within a ~16 foot radius. That's one of my favorite jumpchain-type benchmarks. Just by the way.

Getting to bring in powers from across ontologies is the specific ability of the Bridge Welkin, so she'd have to have something of the sort. Besides, I'm a goddamn cockroach against anything below ISH 5, and conditionally at that point.
Getting to bring in powers from across ontologies is the specific ability of the Bridge Welkin, so she'd have to have something of the sort. Besides, I'm a goddamn cockroach against anything below ISH 5, and conditionally at that point.
Fair enough. Still, local omnipotence can reasonably allow ontology-crossing, as can specialized Charms, and even if the translation rounds it down to high-tier Shinmaic manipulation, that should still be enough to make an Odyssial build speedrun the Lathe pretty quickly.
Plus, like, there are other Hyperion options. This Ultra Instinct Shaggy you mentioned is probably ISH 4, so grabbing Reflection and using Unity of the Closed Fist is another bootstrap, and turbocharged Linear - it doesn't even have to be Linear II or III - gets him to ISH 4.9 by itself. Give it a severe drawback to mitigate 90%, like maybe it's a Kaio-Ken variation that boosts your everything by .2 ISH at the cost of a (temporary, assuming you survive) .5 ISH penalty later, and he's hitting at ISH 5.1 right out of the gate. Plus being fused with Odyssial, who has infinite training time.
Basically, let he who dismisses Nemesis beware, for Nemeses also have access to cheese.


@Rihaku, does Procession trap a Nemesis in her starting universe? Because that sounds tactically relevant.
Reincarnation CYOA​

It would seem that the idea of a cycle of reincarnation leading to enlightenment was, in fact, true. The event that lead to your current state was a matter of little importance to your current life, but it was enough for something to click for the greater whole of your experience across lifetimes as varied as a tree or a honeybee and as similar as several fellow humans. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, however. A malicious entity has sprung up in you corner of the cosmos, an ISH 5 existence, possessed of numerous abilities that threaten your entire ontology.

A coalition of universes and survivors of it's rampage assembled to face it. We... are what's left.

Before we brief you on it, we need to know what you have to offer.

What did your 4 Lesser Soul Secrets, 2 Greater Soul Secrets, and Enlightened Empowerment grant you?

[ ] Unlocked Potential - 1 LSS.
The enlightenment you received led to a blossoming of your mind and body. +2 to All Stats. Strength, Intelligence, Agility, Constitution, Wisdom, Wits, Luck, Appearance, Charisma, Protection, Willpower, and Prowess, with a base 2. Additionally, gain 6 points to place as you see fit, and ++Progression. Each such Progression + is a multiplicative *3. May be purchased multiple times.

[ ] Perpetual - 1 LSS.
You are conventionally immortal, your aging halting as you achieve your physical prime, and immune to any genetic diseases you possessed. Your mind is similarly inviolate to the ravages of time. If your body is destroyed, you will regenerate in the nearest safe location within a few moments, with similar regeneration under normal circumstances. Soul-based damage is reduced one conceptual step, though it remains the simplest method of dispatching you. If purchased multiple times, soul damage resistance is increased by 2 steps for each repeat purchase, and an additional ontological damage resistance step is granted.

[ ] Proof of Existence - 1 LSS.
There is a piece of equipment that embodies you in a manner merely approximated by the Zanpakutou of Bleach fame. Your enlightenment allows you to manifest it. You will have an intuitive understanding in it's use equivalent to the greatest weaponmasters of your world from the first moment, and enjoy a growth rate of 100x your normal Progression in it's use. While it is not truly indestructible, it is an extension of you, and should something manage to damage it despite it's optimization in it's role, it can be resummoned whole with a moment's effort. Additionally, use of it counts as meditation towards self-understanding. Multiple purchases will allow for multiple, synergistic items. A sword might gain an accompanying shield, or vice versa. A ring that bolsters intelligence may gain an orb that allows for Int-based spellcasting, and so on.

[ ] 108 Forms - 1 LSS.
Your physical form is as a set of clothes. The shape of your soul is the important part, so your physical form may be changed at will, limited only by your imagination. If you wish to become a dragon, you may do so, and if you wish to merely become a smaller dragon to enter houses and the like, you can do that. As it is but a shell, weaknesses of the form are mitigated or removed. A vampire would be only slightly more affected by being staked in the heart compared to a normal human. Benefits, such as improved physicality or intellect remain intact. So +2 All Stats regardless of form. Additional purchases allow you to more strongly disobey laws of physics and biology, and duplicate Stat benefits.

[ ] Soul Evocation - 1 GSS.
There is an ability that directly grows from your most fundamental nature. Determined by who you are, as it is drawn from a font of selfhood(meaning it is resistant to losing cohesion in ontologies which merely lack souls, somewhat counterintuitively), you gain access to unique conceptual effects. An already high-level ability, yours is enhanced a conceptual step by your current nature. Cannot be repeat purchased.

[ ] Progression Booster - 1 GSS.
At times, one must simply say "Time to unlock more True Potential." and that is something you will excel at. Part of it is the wisdom and philosophy of accrued lifetimes, and part of it is your fundamental nature, which allowed this breakthrough in the first place. Any skillset, Magic System, or Combat Art you partake of has it's maximum heights increased by 100%, your Strength, Constitution, and Agility are added to your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Wits for the purposes of the use and Progression of those systems, or vice versa if that would be better(as it would be in some systems), with similar applying to any other applicable Stats. Willpower and Charisma, for example. Additionally, gain [highest Stat*100%] Progression in all facets. Advancement, variety of techniques available, and potency of effects, multiplicative with the baseline doubling. So if you had 5 as your highest, and a baseline potential of 10 in a field, the end result would be ten times greater. May be purchased a second time for doubled benefits.

[ ] Domain - 1 Enlightened Empowerment.
You possess mastery of a domain. Something that's been built up over the course of your lives. Choose one of the following: Magic, Space, Time, Life, Death, Mind, Spirit, Nature, Artifice, Union, Essence, Law, Chaos, Energy, or Matter. You possess +1 ISH in all efforts within that Domain, and all hostile acts within it are penalized by 1 ISH. If you were to choose Life, for example, you would be ISH 2 in it, disregarding all other concerns, and anyone attempting to use Life as a hostile vector would need ISH 3+ to be your superior in that field.

Hm, now here is the gist of The Antinarrator. Once a more heroic individual, or at least not a tyrannical one, he was Corrupted by what was eventually revealed to have been the malign influence of his future self, using his control over time to send it back to the past. Split across timelines in his home multiverse, it was badly weakened, but he was unprepared for it, due to his future self's intimate knowledge of him, and therefore his weaknesses. The Corrupted Song spread like wildfire, consuming his homeworld, and leading to a timeline where he fused with a copy of his own soul, similarly Corrupted, and a powerful spirit. The new entity began creating more soul copies and absorbing them, and exponential growth kicked in until they achieved infinity. Already possessing an ISH 5 mastery over Time, and strong influence in, in descending order, song, narrative, and souls, still ISH 5, though lesser in skill. The Antinarrator then acted to ensure his own existence, feeding off the paradox to grow stronger still, absorbing the mutations developed in the shards sent back to the past, and exploring his powers further. His girlfriend from his old life was raised as the more technique-based Anticoder through his efforts, a partner in his new role just as in his old one.

The Corrupted Song has grafted similar contagions, the Glitch, Chaorruption, Hate, and so on, onto itself, granting any who succumb a 50fold multiplication of their power, and enslaving them to the will of The Antinarrator. Prominent individuals have corrupted copies of their souls placed within them to further increase their power and solidify their new master's control.

Be aware that the Corrupted Song and it's master grows stronger as more individuals fall under it's sway, with work being done to jump ontologies. Currently, we are limited mostly to sabotage efforts, as we lack means of contesting The Antinarrator directly, and he has a number of ways of ensuring any fight moves to one of his specialties.

AN: Been working on this for a while. Before you ask, yes, Proof and Soul Evocation have synergy.

1295 words, discounting this line.
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Given the enemy is pretty serious, it looks like we can't spare too much for utility or quality of life here.

[C] Unlocked Potential x3 - All free +s into Intelligence (INT +26, Progression ++++++, All Others +8)
[C] Proof of Existence
[C] Soul Evocation
[C] Progression Booster
[C] Domain: Essence

This should yield a 3.8 million times Progression multiplier for the use of my Existence Weapon, not the highest possible acceleration but a Soul Evocation should be more useful than a mere doubling here. I'll use my mastery of Essence to ensure it covers a domain broad enough and synergistic with my Soul Evocation (which I'll also use Essence to tweak if necessary). Unless we have some defenses against the perception and intervention of this ISH 5 entity, though (ISH 5 in all abilities?), it's not likely to be relevant. Any finite amount of scaling can be casually overriden or outpaced with even Nameless-tier control of reality, much less something more than a full step above him in the Infinite Singularity Husk.

I'd probably go for Magic instead of Essence, but that's a personal preference thing.

As for appending it to the Gifted One, Ineptitude Gifted One has 126 Con/End, before Unlocked Potential*3 kicks in, and PB makes it so that it doesn't matter as much which of my physical or mental stats in each pair is higher, so boosting it another 26(and everything else by 8 ), so Progression Booster provides *2*152=*304, on top of 3*3*3*3*3*3*3*3=6561. 304*6561=1.994544 million times for general Progression, and 199.4544 million for my Proof of Existence. Combine that with another +1 ISH for all my Magics, stacking with the Legendary buffs for Wishcraft, Surgecraft, Light, and Welkins, and I could manage some serious wackiness.

Like, what amounts to 100 years of work from an Essence 9 Solar +2 ISH should be some ludicrous nonsense before anything else gets factored in, like the insane Progression rate. I'm honestly concerned that Ulyssian won't let me tell him I'm okay with playing second fiddle to him before he acts to brainwash me into doing so.
Already possessing an ISH 5 mastery over Time, and strong influence in, in descending order, song, narrative, and souls, The Antinarrator then acted to ensure his own existence, feeding off the paradox to grow stronger still, absorbing the mutations developed in the shards sent back to the past, and exploring his powers further. His girlfriend from his old life was raised as the more technique-based Anticoder through his efforts, a partner in his new role just as in his old one.
If we can't get ISH 5+ pretty much immediately or immunity towards I am pretty sure we're doomed. Retroactively as needed.
If we can't get ISH 5+ pretty much immediately or immunity towards I am pretty sure we're doomed. Retroactively as needed.
The opening message states the entity 'sprung up in you(sic) corner of the cosmos' and that the conversants are 'what's left' of the entity-fighting group. It can as such be inferred that the ISH 5 entity is facing some limitation on its spread rate which operates at appropriate elevation to buy enough time for the resistance's remnants to escape and have this conversation. This is supported by the line:
Be aware that the Corrupted Song and it's master grows stronger as more individuals fall under it's sway, with work being done to jump ontologies.
suggesting that in this corner of the cosmos, moving from one ontology to another is difficult enough to be nontrivial in some way with ISH5 Time(/ISH 4 song/narrative/soul/code) powers. One might infer from there that the survivors of the resistance were those capable of escaping too swiftly and vastly for the Antinarrator to chase, ie, all members who could cross ontologies.
Since it is stated 'work (is) being done to jump ontologies', one can also infer that at this time the entirety of the Song is within a single ontology (perhaps a single universe?) and that it will not spread to any others for some time, though not arbitrarily long.
(Additionally, a generous reading of 'Perpetual' allows for arbitrary-duration safety from the Antinarrator, by means of repeatedly dispatching oneself to reappear in the nearest 'safe' location.)
On the whole, this can all be summarised to saying 'these events take place in Illbgar's modelled-ontological-circumstance and shouldn't be assumed to be so dangerous that none of the options matter'.
Accordingly, there are at least two viable builds:
Plan 1 - Call upon one Illbgaran force which is doubtless more powerful than the Antinarrator: Greed. I think we can argue it's at least ISH 5 point something.
[g] Unlocked Potential 5
[r] Perpetual 1
[e] Proof of Existence 1
[e] 108 Forms 1
[d] Soul Evocation 1
[ ] Progression Booster 3
[t] Domain (Time)
[m] Domain (Also Time)
With this incredible and completely legitimate build, the Antinarrator's time manipulation is only able to match, and not exceed, the very legitimate protagonist at the start! combined with 816293376x to progression, this build employs the power of using twice as many points as the CYOA actually provides to effortlessly outpace the Antinarrator and attain dominance.
also it has a soul evocation, transformation, immortality and proof weapon just cuz

Plan 2 - Just what Rihaku said again actually
[-] Except the Soul Evocation purchase is replaced with a second copy of Progression Booster
[-] and one Unlock Potential can be replaced with 108 Forms assuming that 1) by transforming into an arbitrarily muscular monster-form, one can gain arbitrary or suitably gargantuan values of STR, CON etc for Progression Booster purposes and 2) there is not a similarly-effective Stat-Augmentation available from the other members of the resistance or the benefits of the Proof Of Existence or Domain's influence.
[-] and unlock potential's selectable stat points go into Wits to make things just that bit faster.
The reason Soul Evocation is replaced with a second copy of Progression Booster is twofold. First of all, soul evocations can be awakened by other means- Plerion's star-thing did, for instance. so the options unique benefit is the improvement of the Evocation by a 'conceptual step'. However, Progression Booster already gives an improvement to everything. (Unless a 'conceptual step' is +0.N ISH for non-zero and unchanging N, in which case the Soul Evocation is indeed more useful.).
Second of all, I infer Progression Booster's effect to be greater than Rihaku evidently does; that is, I infer 'doubled benefits' means the benefits are applied twice, as opposed to that both benefits have a x2 appended in their calculations. ie, that an individual with STR 20 and Progression Booster 1 receives a 42x multiplier, whereas an individual with STR 20 and Progression Booster 2 receives a 1764x as opposed to an 168x.
(the latter, after all, would make the second progression booster generally worse than another Unlocked Potential!)

Essence is, in itself, an ISH 3.8(or was it 3.9?) ontological system, so as a Domain it functions as ISH 4.8 system. Assuming that increasing its maximum heights by 300%+ is enough for a piercing of >=4.1 for the ability itself, it can match the Antinarrator. It's also a more versatile system than Time, and should trivially be able to defeat his Corruptive abilities wheresoever they afflict the essence of things, which is probably basically everywhere. Owing to the versatility of Essence, the build can probably time-travel back to its starting point after a few minutes and ward the area against the Antinarrator, thus resolving the 'nigh-immediate resilience' possibly-criteria.
The opening message states the entity 'sprung up in you(sic) corner of the cosmos' and that the conversants are 'what's left' of the entity-fighting group. It can as such be inferred that the ISH 5 entity is facing some limitation on its spread rate which operates at appropriate elevation to buy enough time for the resistance's remnants to escape and have this conversation. This is supported by the line: suggesting that in this corner of the cosmos, moving from one ontology to another is difficult enough to be nontrivial in some way with ISH5 Time(/ISH 4 song/narrative/soul/code) powers. One might infer from there that the survivors of the resistance were those capable of escaping too swiftly and vastly for the Antinarrator to chase, ie, all members who could cross ontologies.
Since it is stated 'work (is) being done to jump ontologies', one can also infer that at this time the entirety of the Song is within a single ontology (perhaps a single universe?) and that it will not spread to any others for some time, though not arbitrarily long.
(Additionally, a generous reading of 'Perpetual' allows for arbitrary-duration safety from the Antinarrator, by means of repeatedly dispatching oneself to reappear in the nearest 'safe' location.)
On the whole, this can all be summarised to saying 'these events take place in Illbgar's modelled-ontological-circumstance and shouldn't be assumed to be so dangerous that none of the options matter'.
Accordingly, there are at least two viable builds:
Plan 1 - Call upon one Illbgaran force which is doubtless more powerful than the Antinarrator: Greed. I think we can argue it's at least ISH 5 point something.
[g] Unlocked Potential 5
[r] Perpetual 1
[e] Proof of Existence 1
[e] 108 Forms 1
[d] Soul Evocation 1
[ ] Progression Booster 3
[t] Domain (Time)
[m] Domain (Also Time)
With this incredible and completely legitimate build, the Antinarrator's time manipulation is only able to match, and not exceed, the very legitimate protagonist at the start! combined with 816293376x to progression, this build employs the power of using twice as many points as the CYOA actually provides to effortlessly outpace the Antinarrator and attain dominance.
also it has a soul evocation, transformation, immortality and proof weapon just cuz

Plan 2 - Just what Rihaku said again actually
[-] Except the Soul Evocation purchase is replaced with a second copy of Progression Booster
[-] and one Unlock Potential can be replaced with 108 Forms assuming that 1) by transforming into an arbitrarily muscular monster-form, one can gain arbitrary or suitably gargantuan values of STR, CON etc for Progression Booster purposes and 2) there is not a similarly-effective Stat-Augmentation available from the other members of the resistance or the benefits of the Proof Of Existence or Domain's influence.
[-] and unlock potential's selectable stat points go into Wits to make things just that bit faster.
The reason Soul Evocation is replaced with a second copy of Progression Booster is twofold. First of all, soul evocations can be awakened by other means- Plerion's star-thing did, for instance. so the options unique benefit is the improvement of the Evocation by a 'conceptual step'. However, Progression Booster already gives an improvement to everything. (Unless a 'conceptual step' is +0.N ISH for non-zero and unchanging N, in which case the Soul Evocation is indeed more useful.).
Second of all, I infer Progression Booster's effect to be greater than Rihaku evidently does; that is, I infer 'doubled benefits' means the benefits are applied twice, as opposed to that both benefits have a x2 appended in their calculations. ie, that an individual with STR 20 and Progression Booster 1 receives a 42x multiplier, whereas an individual with STR 20 and Progression Booster 2 receives a 1764x as opposed to an 168x.
(the latter, after all, would make the second progression booster generally worse than another Unlocked Potential!)

Essence is, in itself, an ISH 3.8(or was it 3.9?) ontological system, so as a Domain it functions as ISH 4.8 system. Assuming that increasing its maximum heights by 300%+ is enough for a piercing of >=4.1 for the ability itself, it can match the Antinarrator. It's also a more versatile system than Time, and should trivially be able to defeat his Corruptive abilities wheresoever they afflict the essence of things, which is probably basically everywhere. Owing to the versatility of Essence, the build can probably time-travel back to its starting point after a few minutes and ward the area against the Antinarrator, thus resolving the 'nigh-immediate resilience' possibly-criteria.

You might have a shot of turning The Antinarrator into The Narrator with that first one. Lacks the Corruption powers, and is thusly somewhat weaker, but good-aligned ISH 5 Time is no joke. Plus he can help clean up his mess.
@Rihaku for your Ineptitude CYOA if I use Strategos + Exponential (2 Seals) to become an Abyssal Exalted or Infernal Exalted then does that include the Deliberative not shanking me for being an Abyssal or Infernal? Also, do the Solar Exalted from Odyssial's universe still die of old age or are they able to achieve immortality?
So it seems like Discord is the place for worldbuilding details and fanwork coordination, at 7060 words, Discord's TOS is a pretty high barrier to me accessing the Discord server. I would like some help workshopping Soul Evocation mechanics (they all seem to be single-word Titles akin to the Foremost, which makes it hard to tell what happens if there are more Evokers than there are words in the English language - is it more like Daos, or like Estates?), and also someone to check over the rest of this CYOA writeup I'm 12+ hours into and sick of staring at.
ANyone up for that?

R'Today at 6:59 AM

Yup, in some respects he's more versatile than Hunger even now
insofar as Hunger is only totally versatile within the very broadly defined domain of Battles
Btw, there is a tactic you guys have not brought up that would vastly improve Hunger's chances against the Maiden

I might have some time later this month
Not sure if it'll be enough to wrap up Hunger and the Maiden
There is a vague clue as to this tactic within a threadmarked post of mine within the last 100 pages of the thread
I think it's extremely unlikely you guys would find this tactic and properly support it, but if you did it would dramatically improve Hunger's epilogue outcomes as well
I wonder if there's a fair way for me to introduce this that falls within an acceptable level of difficulty...
according to R, there is a hint to a tactic that would let us beat Maiden in the last hundred pages
so start digging :V
Well, here's one possibility:
"I am neither political, nor ever incorrect," Letrizia asserted happily. "You'd understand if you ever pushed your mind just a little bit further."

"The Shogun went down that path, once," Aobaru confided. "We decided to try something new. Hunger has done fine while mostly retaining his essential humanity."
Not quite sure how to take this, but if this is the hint in question, either 'try to push mind further' and go the metafiction route, or do something with the essential humanity angle. Given that Letrizia's restrained by her need to be at least minimally comprehensible to Hunger, I'd guess it's the latter.
Well, here's one possibility:

Not quite sure how to take this, but if this is the hint in question, either 'try to push mind further' and go the metafiction route, or do something with the essential humanity angle. Given that Letrizia's restrained by her need to be at least minimally comprehensible to Hunger, I'd guess it's the latter.
I'm not sure those two are as mutually exclusive as Letrizia believes. Being present across different worlds doesn't cause you to compartmentalize, it prevents that because multiple contexts are unlikely to provoke the same partitions. Only the most critical core attributes survive syndication.

Does this mean Hunger should try to Unshatter himself? That would certainly improve the epilogue for him, but I'm not sure what it would do for him right now. Perhaps it would let him slip the noose somehow. We saw the Maiden's current plans are based on hunger 'imprisoning himself'.
I think the hint to the tactic is ultimately, one of a change in Hunger's approach to solving issues. Because it both massively aids chances against the Maiden, and Hunger's long-term victory chances. A mere powerup wouldn't achieve improvement in Hunger's long term odds. His approach of who dares, wins, has ultimately been his driving force throughout the entire quest.

Throughout Hunger's career, he has, well, tended to kill first, ask questions never. He has taken options of incredible risk. We play to Apocryphal's hands in doing so.

So I believe that a solution to the Maiden would be to attempt diplomacy. Here's the tactic:

1) Use Silver of Evening on Tyrant's Doom to acquire Stage 2 mitigation.
2) Offer a peace treaty to the Maiden. Hunger is willing to make concessions to the Maiden's ideology, in return for reasonable concessions on her side.

Possible Concessions by Hunger:

1) Hunger could empower and/or allow the Maiden to empower his citizens such that they have a meaningful ability to oppose him, if they so choose.
a) For example, his Laws could be alterable by the inhabitants of the human sphere.
2) Hunger could 'de-escalate' the conflict to one where the contest between them, or rather their respective paradigms occurs at a lower level of power. This would sharply improve his survival ability already.
a) Hunger could carve out a part of his polity, then the Maiden could provide Sorceress Graces while Hunger provides his own equivalent empowerments. The scenario could be similar to the one posited in Prototype (Rivalry), except on a societal level. The inhabitants may not necessarily know of the rivalry, either. Imagine a CYOA fight between the followers of Hunger and the Maiden, restricted to say, ISH 1.9.
3) Hunger could alter his government significantly as the Maiden desires in various ways that may be mutually acceptable to both. She's here to win, and she'd like to survive, too. A diplomatic agreement achieves that.
4) The Maiden is fighting on ideological grounds, but there's no reason why Hunger couldn't provide power or assistance in her actions against, say, other entities they are both ideologically opposed to. There are plenty of horrors around, after all.
I think the hint to the tactic is ultimately, one of a change in Hunger's approach to solving issues. Because it both massively aids chances against the Maiden, and Hunger's long-term victory chances. A mere powerup wouldn't achieve improvement in Hunger's long term odds. His approach of who dares, wins, has ultimately been his driving force throughout the entire quest.

Throughout Hunger's career, he has, well, tended to kill first, ask questions never. He has taken options of incredible risk. We play to Apocryphal's hands in doing so.

So I believe that a solution to the Maiden would be to attempt diplomacy.
I am immediately and unconditionally sold.
Y'know what, sure, let's try it. We didn't grab the Maiden Option that grants a flat 10% of being able to resolve things with diplomacy, and it's not like we haven't thrown our weight behind "pretty please can we just talk things out, we bought social stats for this purpose, why oh why does this keep winding up as a 'utterly failed to talk them down, but distracted them enough for Hunger to kill them dead'" tactics at least once in this Quest, but it does seem like a worthy thing to try and be wrong about.