Non-Epic Game Breaker
Normal Mode
(7 points, 2 Seals)
The Optimizer (+2 points), The Paladin
Drawbacks: Paramount (+2 points, turbocharge Static into Eternal)
Bindings: 4: Procession, 5: The Chariot, 10: Debt, 6: Forgotten (+5 Seals)
Allies: Quartet, Party (-2 points and -1 Seal, Miala, Furo, and IX, taken to sidestep Forgotten and ensure their progression)
Panoply: Stone Rings (-7 points), Feather of Favor (-2 Seals, turbocharge Save Slots into New Game+ - you carry over a fraction of your progress when you load the save, possibly with a cap)
Self: Static (-2 points), Exponential III (Save Slots) (-4 Seals)
Quest: The Turning (+0 points)

The self-imposed limitation of taking Epic and making it work is removed. Without Nemesis and with NG+, Paramount is much less of a threat, and it still allows me to always count as undertaking a quest, which is vital for NG+. Stone Rings are taken to escape the notice of the greatest threat of Immersion-verse - Horror King and Kayaba, at the cost of Linear. However, with NG+, it should be possible to save-scum getting Pillars, especially with Stone Rings, Eternal, and Save Slots warding me. The rest is as above, but without the imminent threat of a Paramount Nemesis, and with some pretty comfy scaling to godlike power with all the utility of Save Slots.
Three builds for the price of one! Plus some Persona references.

Two in Harmony

Mode: Hard +3 & 1S
Role: Hyperion (Skyveil) -7 & 1S
Drawbacks: Mosswort +1, Paramount +2, Impulse (Smell) +4, Nemesis +5
Binding Casino: Procession, Void Dragon, Arcane, Mutilation, Jackpot +8S (rolls here)
Allies: Reflection -2S
Panoply: Feather of Favor (Comprehensive) -2S
Self: Eternal (Turbocharged Static) -2, Linear (III) -8, Exponential (Save Slots) -4S
Quests: Epic +2, Enemy Mine +0
Epic Blessing: Lone Wolf (Feather)

Give a man a mask and he will become his true self.

The Mask is the first Working forged. Inspired by Skyveil's canonical Halo, when donned it permanently reshapes the wearer down to their genome. I preempt any dysphoria and receive a customized body at the peak of human potential. Unlike its counterpart the Mask's secondary power is not commanding attention but dispersing it, confounding enemy strategies and social attacks as a developed version of Seram's Stranger Title. If I must be Arcane, I'll make the aesthetic mine: a foreboding iron facade to match my arm and leg. If I sometimes pause to stare at doorknobs in bafflement, it won't be obvious.

This doesn't restore my sense of smell or fix Mutilation. Rather than 'waste' Workings on the latter, I enlist the aid of my Reflection. Optimum Prime with T3 Linear and access to the Realm of Evening's resources has no problem replacing what I've lost. A loan of the Mask will enhance his remaining flesh in exchange. Collaboration is the crux of Harmony's build. The Reflection's technological prowess compensates for Void Dragon's ineptitude. Save Slot's foresight supplements Evening's defenses. We're both outfitted in Workings; the Feather's comprehensive boost applies to all parties. We get all each other's jokes, and are the only ones exempt from our respective social Bindings.

My Nemesis is the fly in this synergistic ointment. A Null Pointer before I hit the Jackpot would've made this much simpler; Nemesis was taken over Wicked because Skyveil's native universe is nasty and I don't particularly want to see what an epoch optimized for exploitation by Coeus looks like. In order to enjoy a comfily ever after in the Realm of Evening, she's got to go. Enemy Mine means I know what we're walking into. It doesn't mean it'll be easy. As the Thrice-Great can't be outscaled, we're forced to rush her. I've bet more than my life on the titular Persona quote proving true; with eternity at stake, I must do my uttermost.

Through careful iteration with Save Slots a set of Workings can be crafted to locate, reach, disable, and finally destroy her. Paladin plus T3 Linear is respectable power, but even the Thrice-Great has ramp-up before her growth curve turns into a growth cliff. Every loop starts by retreating to the Realm of Evening to forge a full complement under time dilation. With Eternal's ISH 3.9 invulnerability I can afford to neglect my own defenses to experiment with esoteric attacks, though despite the Feather and Rings my counterpart may need armor not to get bodied.

Eternal and Save Slots are classic Procession countermeasures that open up some outré tactics. Enlisting Doctor Apocalypse, on the grounds that I'm literally a different person or through force if necessary. Titanic compacts. Multiversal travel to collect powers. Sacrificial Workings that incinerate not only themselves, but a fraction of the Arsenal of Legends itself. Linear isn't potential-focused per se, but with T3 and the Feather my top end's well beyond what the original Skyveil was capable of.

Here are the others' builds:

Shadow, the True Self

Mode: Normal +7 & 2S
Role: Optimizer +2
Drawbacks: Impulse (Smell) +4
Binding Casino: Forgotten +2S (roll here)
Allies: Myself
Panoply: Stone Rings -5
Self: Linear (III) -8, Exponential (Realm of Evening) -4S
Quests: The Turning +0

My Reflection. Shadow knows where his bread is buttered and - as all deaths are undone - will take significant risks on my behalf, above and beyond the baseline solidarity of an alt. We are literally the only two of our kind. With Forgotten and no Allies he's isolated otherwise. Not too bothersome for a version of me, though if I'm not exempt from the former I'll allocate a Working to a Remembrall. Shadow's low-key exasperated with me for taking on an insanely greedy build, but gratified to benefit from that ambition. As a result, he probably won't give me too much shit about crafting legendary artifacts while not understanding how magnets work.

The Stone Rings solve the Horror King, or at least significantly delay the day of reckoning. As they're Shadow's only item, they're discounted but still benefit from the Feather through Lone Wolf. They grant a high-tier superpower from Immersion, which is handy. The Realm of Evening should also count as a world, and time dilation makes even the baseline Rings' year-long residency requirement a breeze. While the ability isn't wholly predictable, the goal's to gain something that can weaponize the comprehensively boosted Realm. If he gets unlucky, I'll just reset to before the unlock. Shadow's arms and armor are Workings, likely varying from loop to loop.

One in Perfection

Mode: Normal +7 & 2S
Role: Paladin -5
Drawbacks: Mosswort +1, Impulse (Smell) +4, Wicked +5
Binding Casino: Procession, Forgotten +4S (rolls here)
Allies: Quartet (Kirito) -2
Panoply: Sword of the Evendark -2, Feather of Favor (Turbocharge) -2S
Self: Linear (III) -8, Exponential (Thrice-Great) -4S
Quests: The Turning +0

My Nemesis. She rolled a four and consequently can afford to Turbocharge the Logos, which is bad news. She pays for Paladin by taking Wicked, setting up her Turning quest and further complicating things for me by spewing grimdark all over the cosmos. Evendark both replaces the Sacrificed Ensilvered Blade and dovetails with Forgotten to let her hide until she's ready to bring the full power of the Thrice-Great to bear, sheltering her from the worst of Wicked. Fortunately, Forgotten and Wicked also complicate making common cause with Doctor Apocalypse to destroy the object of their mutual loathing.

As previously mentioned Paladin provides initial safety and is suitable for waging a one-woman war against evil to progress her quest. Amusingly, both of us end up in bodies of the opposite sex. With T3 Linear's mastery of form I doubt it'll inconvenience her much longer than it does me. Given Birdsie's apparent fondness for Kirito, he's one of the strongest Quartet choices in Immersion and will be a potent enforcer once the Ring of Edge makes going all-out survivable. If necessary he can be induced to undertake heroic feats for the sake of a damsel in distress. For now, he's a bodyguard during Mosswort-mandated rest and proxy to collect reagents for her Cultivation.
Four-Turning Story-Wheel

The Twice-Reflected
Normal Mode
Subject "K" (Kongming)
Drawbacks: (none)
Bindings (using rolls from The All-Gifted Child): Mutilated, Arcane, Perchance Procession
Allies: Reflection (The Sinister Reflection), Party (Reflection (The Valiant Reflection))
Panoply: Shroud of the Briarthorn, Feather of Favor (Turbocharged Functional Set)
Self: Linear II (Spell Hybridization), Exponential II (Uncapped Functional Set)
Quest: Accept Diminishment

The Sinister Reflection
Hard Mode
The Paladin
Drawbacks: Wicked, Nemesis
Bindings: Perchance Procession, Arcane, Forgotten
Allies: (none)
Panoply: Feather of Favor (Turbocharged Save Slots)
Self: Linear III (Stainless Steel), Exponential III (Save Slots)
Quest: Enemy Mine, Epic (Blessing of Refutation (Rivalry))

The Valiant Reflection
Hard Mode
The Optimizer
Drawbacks: Paramount, Humiliated, On The Run, Impulse (Touch)
Bindings: Arcane, Null Pointer (Hero's Journey), Void Dragon Procession
Allies: (none)
Panoply: Shining Armor, Feather of Favor (Turbocharged Logos, Turbocharged Static)
Self: Static, Linear III (Welkin-Gladness), Exponential III (Logos)
Quest: Epic (Valiant Blessing)

The Rival of Reflections
Normal Mode
Supreme Commander (Choice: Fate/Grand Order, Even Further Beyond, DC Comics)
Drawbacks: Suborned (A Tyrant), Impulse (Smell)
Bindings: The Chariot, Arcane
Allies: A Tyrant (High Esteem, Pseudo-Hunger)
Panoply: Stone Rings, Feather of Favor (Comprehensive)
Self: (none)
Quest: The Overlord
Aabcehmu threw 11 10-faced dice. Reason: Binding Casino Total: 67
7 7 9 9 6 6 5 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 2 2
Aabcehmu threw 3 22-faced dice. Reason: Supreme Commander Total: 54
20 20 22 22 12 12
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Rolling for Hero's Journey...

Aaaand that's game over, lol
Aabcehmu threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Heroic Challenge 1 (71 or 42) Total: 93
93 93
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...Why would you say this? I'm asking for numbers so I can compare it to Knight and Psion and Masterclasses, not a restatement of 'can literally knock over a bank'. Was that not clear, or have I done something to offend you?
Can Monarch upgrades at least act as indirect mitigation for the Hollow Earth Warlord aspect? A bigger, better-established, more socially stable society?
Also, what? I have no idea what you mean, but probably not.
Can one or more clones of Doctor Torture Fetish be activated and turned on the presently-awake one? He doesn't seem like the sort to have a healthy relationship with his forks.
Turns out I was wrong about that actually - conflating rerolls with Slayer rolls. It actually is 3/8ths of the time.
Rolling for Hero's Journey...

Aaaand that's game over, lol
Valiant blessing, and also the fact that Vanreir was closer to '80+ to survive, after tactics' than to '99-100 or die'. I think he has a shot actually. Especially after Null Pointer.
Valiant blessing, and also the fact that Vanreir was closer to '80+ to survive, after tactics' than to '99-100 or die'. I think he has a shot actually. Especially after Null Pointer.
We did some figuring out in the discord and we concluded that, after including all buffs including Valiant Blessing, but also all the debuffs like Paramount and Wicked, he needed to roll under 71 at most (and possibly under 42 depending on how mitigating a Hero's Journey works). He failed to roll under 71, so he dead.
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...Why would you say this? I'm asking for numbers so I can compare it to Knight and Psion and Masterclasses, not a restatement of 'can literally knock over a bank'. Was that not clear, or have I done something to offend you?
No, although it's difficult to answer, because its actual strength is conditional on augs/active activation. Some of them are energy or fuel-intensive, and can only be activated once, or a couple of times, overs it general lifespan. On average, expect it to have, +10 in a given Physical Attribute, and around twice that at maximum; a lesser amount for Endurance, but with incredibly good armor to compensate.

Can Monarch upgrades at least act as indirect mitigation for the Hollow Earth Warlord aspect? A bigger, better-established, more socially stable society?
Yes, although only to a moderate degree; the social stabilization would mostly be in the form of either infrastructure or incentives.

Can one or more clones of Doctor Torture Fetish be activated and turned on the presently-awake one? He doesn't seem like the sort to have a healthy relationship with his forks.
His clones do not possess any discrete electronic or brain activity, and exist in a state of suspended animation, until a body-instance perishes. The moment that happens, a body is awakened, and the stream of consciousness from the annihilated instance is transferred into the awoken one. It's not quite so much literal clones-of-a-person-who-exist-as-individuals, as Rick Sanchez's Operation Phoenix; a resurrection failsafe, rather than an army of individuals.

However, even if that weren't the case, he's not the kind of individual who'd bicker or fight with himself. If several instances of 01 encountered each other, they'd immediately establish remote mental contact, compare datasets, and the chronologically older (or more 'experienced' instance,) would remain, overwriting (or adding) its data to the lesser instance, which'd either be put to work elsewhere, or enter suspended animation as an additional body.
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:: All-Storm CYOA ::
Last couple builds for a while. Unless another CYOA comes out and sends me back down the rabbit hole, in which case all bets are off.

Thanks for All the Fish

Class: Roll (2, 5, 7 - Magus) +1
Blessings: Reincarnation -3
Drawbacks: Genetic Deviation x2 (94, 37 - Immortality, Attribute Enhancement) +0, Salient Target +1

The third time actually was the charm, and with Salient I've got enough orbs to crawl free of the crab bucket! This frog's reached the rim of the well! So long, suckers. I'm off to live out my degenerate isekai fantasies!

More currency would've been nice, but Stain and Reincarnation combined manifests Nameless to kill you. Starting as a seven-year-old presents obvious problems dealing with Frankenstein's monster, much less 01 himself. Bound to Serve's 12 : 1 ratio of slavery to freedom is too steep, though I do think a Summoner & Cleric Combination/Hybrid build could work around it.

As for the Hollow Curse, it defeats the point of All the Fish: getting out of dodge and exchanging danger for comfiness. Even if I was a Slayer, mitigation's impossible in a universe with no other Stormchosen. Salient's best in this situation, since youth may dissuade some of those tempted to murder me; once I've reached the age of majority, I'll be able to handle deterrence myself.

Plus, I get to troll Slayers back on Earth with an unattainable Salient Target. Bet you regret spending the wages of fratricide on learning my location now, eh? Selecting the 'personality and attitude' reward says I'm laughing at you, specifically.

All this to explain why I rolled for Deviation rather than scrounging for orbs. Perhaps as recompense for screwing me over the last two times, the gacha gods were generous. A 94 grants regenerative immortality and the 37 makes my attributes worth more. The 10% Int boost's particularly welcome. Taking a slow and steady approach to the fated task, I master my Magus powers and explore this new world's innate magics along the way.

Once concluded, I live happily ever after - emphasis on ever. Maybe I'll come out of retirement once a decade? See how the world's getting on, mentor and/or mess with promising youngsters, that sort of thing. What this build lacks in ambition it makes up for in satisfaction. Perhaps that's for the best. After all, "To let understanding stop at what cannot be understood is a high attainment. Those who fail to do so will be destroyed on the lathe of heaven."

Speaking of which...

High Attainment

Mode: Normal +7 & 2S
Role: Supreme Commander (12, 18, 21)
Destination: Choice (Gardens of Enoch) -1
Drawbacks: On the Run +3, Impulse (Taste) +3
Binding Casino: Perchance +2S (rolls here)
Allies: Only my retinue
Panoply: Shroud of the Briarthorn -3, Crown of the Ancestor (Turbocharged) -5, Feather of Favor (Turbocharge) -2S
Self: Linear (II) -4, Exponential (HI Exaltation) -2S
Quests: Accept Diminishment +0

Time for an enthusiastic stroll through the Gardens. Unlike their current aspiring conqueror, I have no intention of teaching magic to would-be rivals. Enoch's flippant anarchy, the hunger of the Harvesters, Governance - like day inevitably giving way to dusk, they must yield to a greater power. But with On the Run, they won't go quietly into the night; perceiving that the end of their hegemony is at hand, Earth's mightiest magi have no choice but to obliterate me or be condemned to irrelevance.

In a world with such interesting magic, there's no choice but Twilight Caste. High Attainment's positively rolling in the stuff. I have Solar Circle Sorcery and seven schools from the turbocharged Crown of the Ancestor to play with before I get my hands on Ordinalism. Just think of the possibilities! Lore Charms to explore Edifices, Occult to interact with Spirits, Survival to map the Megalith. There are so many questions awaiting answers: who or what built the Spiral? Can disparate Spirits be knitted together to create a stronger Conjoiner? What's the treasure at the Megalith's heart? How many Charms does it take to train a Dragon?

All that will have to wait for victory. The Crown's ruthless pragmatism permits no ceding of initiative or frivolity that could invite Apocryphal meddling. The beginning may be tricky, if On the Run loosens Enoch's restrictions enough to allow him to be proactive. But overall, I don't expect too much of a challenge. With Rank 7 most graduates will be fighting an uphill battle without factoring in Abjuration and Adamant Countermagic.

With prep, Imperia won't be able to assassinate me even at full power. Their best hope is a blitz attack by all the strongest magicians before I become an Ordinalist, but the Academy's Dark Triad are fractious and expect betrayal before year's end. Students are confined to the Terrascape outside of the Attacks. TIM has to find me for orbital bombardment to have a chance. If I hunker down behind wards and start spamming Solar Workings, they're screwed.

A Zenith or Eclipse might be tempted to complete the Countenance's work and redeem Enoch. With the Ancestor whispering in my ear I have no such inclinations, and move to eliminate him along with the most threatening/despicable magi who can't be coerced into accepting Abjured contracts (to be supplemented by the Oathsworn Form later). Seeing Enoch fall, Foxglove's misguided worship might transfer to one worthier of it, but if he succumbs to nihilism or seeks vengeance it's no great loss. The Ashcloak is just an AXP piñata waiting to be popped, an irony he may fail to appreciate.

Imperia's worth retaining for resurrections and administrative competence if her trustworthiness can be verified through Divination and pacts, though there is the outside risk of her attracting an Exaltation. Still, I don't think the intended glorious Solar utopia is objectionable enough that Governance will resist to the bitter end rather than bending the knee. The mortal governments barely merit a footnote.

In the long term, conflict comes from within: the Great Curse, Perchance, and what remains of the Crown's downside post-turbocharging. Not abusing Power From Darkness is a good start for the first. The hope is that efficient conquest will appease the Deliberative, but if On the Run applies back 'home' too things could get trickier. I intend to undertake the Imperialist quest as well, but there's no reason to waste points on it when Accepting Diminishment allows the Feather's boon to be retained indefinitely. The Crown's magics will be internalized anyway for safety's sake.

For all its ruthlessness, High Attainment's a conservative build. Normal Mode rather than assuming insane risks out of greed for a Blessing. Rolling once for the free Seal and accepting the outcome rather than chasing the Jackpot. No Nemesis or Wicked. Not even taking Paramount, when it'd enable purchasing and turbocharging Static for nigh-unlimited motes.

There are still synergies: applying the Wood Element to Briarthorn, the Dragon-Blooded wielding their anima in conjunction with the Elements Form, combining Overwhelm/Terrascape and Wyld-Shaping, giving my Tiger Warriors a crash course in Ordinalism via Lore, and so on. But at its core, High Attainment doesn't seek to bootstrap itself into infinite cardinalities of escalation unless forced to by Perchance. It's enough to live and rule well, revelling in the dream of magic as it should be - rather than the bloodsoaked nightmare it became under Enoch's auspices.
December Dream
Normal Mode
Subject "K" (Kongming)
Drawbacks: Paramount, Wicked
Bindings: Null Pointer (Perilous)
Allies: (none)
Panoply: Sword of the Evendark, Arcadian Scroll, Feather of Favor (Turbocharged Functional Set, Turbocharged Static)
Self: Static, Linear III (Philosophical Alchemy), Exponential II (Uncapped Functional Set)
Quest: The Turning

I did some work figuring out what Functional Set would be like for FTSW only for that to go bust so I decided to make another build that's much less risky that uses it. Bonus points if you can figure out my reasoning for this build title.

The Graduate
Hard Mode
Hyperion (Caroline)
Drawbacks: Mosswort, Suborned (Qilin), Paramount, Humiliated, On The Run, Nemesis, Wicked
Bindings: Void Dragon, Mutilated, Null Pointer (Impulse (Sight)), Debt Procession, Forgotten, Jackpot
Allies: Qilin (Hidden Dragon {2})
Panoply: Sword of the Evendark, Arcadian Scroll, Shroud of the Briarthorn, Feather of Favor (Comprehensive, Shroud of the Briarthorn)
Self: Static, Linear II (Vitalist Genius), Exponential III (Save Slots)
Quest: Epic (Blessing of the Lone Wolf)

Idea for the Graduate mostly just to grab a bunch of cool shit and hit it with Comprehensive. The Qilin is a Conjoiner Spirit, Foremost Shard, or similar entity that fuses directly to the Graduate.

The Graduate's Nemesis
Normal Mode
Strategos (???, Gardens of Enoch)
Drawbacks: Mosswort, Impulse (Taste)
Bindings: Void Dragon, Jackpot
Allies: Grand Master (Solomon)
Panoply: Sword of the Evendark, Feather of Favor (Turbocharged HI Exaltation)
Self: Static, Exponential II (HI Exaltation)
Quest: The Overlord

She probably wins, lol.
Aabcehmu threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Binding Casino Total: 58
1 1 2 2 8 8 1 1 10 10 6 6 10 10 3 3 2 2 3 3 10 10 2 2
Aabcehmu threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Nemesis Build Total: 1
1 1
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[ ] Blessing of Lunar Azure

Thank you, boss, this is heartwarming. I'd document the delight of my IRL reaction - but the embarrassment might be terminal.

With that said, a build!

Difficulty: Hard (3 Points, 1 Seal)
Role: Hyperion (The Maiden) (-7 Points, -1 Seal)
Drawback Shoppe: Hero's Journey (+7), Wicked (+5), Paramount (+2), (+14 Points)
Allies: Qilin (Ashbird) (-5 Points)
Panoply: The Stone Rings (-5 Points)
Quests: Epic (+2 Points), Overlord
Epic Blessing: Blessing of the Phoenix

A deprecated version of this plan had Hyperion (Caroline) instead; I simply couldn't justify it with the scaling of Ordinalism as compared to any optimal build made by a 5 Seal Nemesis given my refusal to gamble. So instead I chose one of the great heroes of the Manifest Realm: The Maiden. Heretical treachery, I know, but point for point the efficiency of the choice is tough to beat. The powers available to a fully-fledged Foremost have a roughly similar cap to the Logos, a smoother growth curve than an Exalt and aren't nearly so slow to realise as Ordinalism. For something you can get without rolling Bindings, I couldn't reasonably justify anything else.

The world of my passage is one ithilyor rule. The Men of the Manifest remain largely beneath concern save for their utility in generating findross. As such they're herded into appropriate configurations to serve their Elven betters and kept in check by the threat of Orkhor raiders in the wastes beyond. The rare few who attain any sort of magic are kept as a useful collaborator class to administer their kind effectively - one among the few monarchs that reign over humankind for their masters. The brutality of the reign is not something I'll go into here, but it's hardly pleasant.

Above them all rules Faeliad, by sheer, overwhelming terror. The Nightslaughter has culled any notion of Elven rebellion and now marshals his kindred to a dire purpose; they marshal seas of findross at his behest to perform some unknown ascension that he may escape this cage-Realm and claim his birthright as Foremost.

And in the middle of all this, there's an irresolute, incompetent maiden. She's been bestowed with unearned gifts and cursed to bitter ordeals. Thankfully, she has a mentor to try to make something of her. And speaking of that mentor...


The Ashbird is a Phoenix that has elected to not undergo rebirth as it becomes ancient, instead allowing its physical form to grow thinner and thinner till little more than the threadbare fragments of flesh remain. This particular Ashbird is a minute fragment of an entity in distant service to Haeliel. It's a mentor of prospective heroes, specializing in turning mundane dross into the orichalcum of true excellence. This isn't so trite as merely elevating their attributes or mentally influencing them, but instead making real changes to their underlying character and mettle. To facilitate this, it shucks its physical form and sends its spirit into its ward, halving their general progression so long as they remain there but providing the following benefits as a result.

Virtue - A hero's nature. The excellence of a hero is not found in mere power or skill, both of which are better considered the domains of an Overlord. No, the nature of a Hero is found in unbreakable resolve. The Ashbird, as a mentor to heroes and a hero itself in aeons past, has a resolve comparable to any of its students, unswayed by radiance and terror alike. Furthermore, it has an instinct for kindling the resolve in all those it sees. This is not just the stuff of surface will, but the mettle that lies underneath.

Cunning - A hero's methods. Every story has been spoken before. For one who has witnessed Ages pass, experience accretes as rivers flow into the sea. The mind and spirit of the Ashbird are honed to a vorpal edge, and scale with the user's own. This effect has diminishing returns; at the beginning of their journey they might find their mentor to be like sage, prophet and world-shaping politician in one, but as they grow in competence, they will find the gap closing. But even at the end of their path, the old hero will find their mentor still has a few pearls of wisdom left to share.

Final Flaring - A hero's due. In the face of a truly unacceptable outcome for its charge, the Phoenix may ignite the full measure of its essence to show their student what glory lies in the heart of a hero. This power is formless, taking whatever shape is required to best defeat their opponent in the manner they deem most optimal. In almost all circumstances, this creates a way forward, even when no way could be found.

For flavour, Hero's Journey would be a truly exceptional Nemesis. Hence, meet the newest user of the Logos - Gisena Allria:

Difficulty: Normal (7 Points, 2 Seal)
Role: Stategos (-7 Points, -1 Seal)
Drawback Shoppe: Impulse [Smell] (+4 Points), On The Run (+3 Points)
Bindings (+1 Seal): Arcane (+1 Seal), Perchance (+1 Seal)
Panoply: Stone Ring (-5 Points)
Self: Exponential III [The Logos] (-4 Seals)
Quests: Imperialist (-2 Points)

Given the chance to shuck the caprice of the Maidengrace for the mythril path to the Truth, under relatively trivial conditions, well, she took it gladly and never looked back. Now, she possesses the shining brilliance of an Elder Solar atop her natural gifts and a channel by which that may be turned to power beyond reasonable measure. Arcane is only mildly annoying for her - it simply represents a moderate uptick in her typical social obfuscation and teasing, and she can trust in the wisdom of her Vizier to see her intentions.

The world chosen scarcely matters - she picks one that would be trivial to conquer before turning her attention to straightening out the Deliberative in between hunting me down. And in the unlikely event that she ever falls in battle, there will always be some brilliant spark of genius within her to spirit her away to recuperate and grow dramatically more powerful. The only thread of hope remaining to the Aspirant is to slay the Overlord swiftly and rely on a 2 Perchance difference blunting all of her Nemesis' many, many, many advantages. And perhaps the synergies between the power of ithilyor sorcery and the True Quintessence prove far more than the sum of their parts.

That said, the primary purpose of this build is for the Aspirant to engender the strength of character to not lose herself in the sybaritic bliss available to a Foremost Maker. She'll be butchered but sufficiently extended survival should hopefully result in an individual capable of some measure of real heroism, rather than total reliance on unearned gifts. Not within a thousand orders of magnitude to the likes of Hunger or Wolber or the true Gisena - perhaps Aeira might be within reach? Maybe???? Not likely but who knows? After her inevitable demise, she'd switch to Normal Mode, make a more sensible build and call it a day.


Although... a (hopefully) competent and resolute woman? On Normal Mode? With a strong distaste for Drawbacks and (effectively) no access to the Binding Casino?

I wonder if a position as a Nemesis is open...
Lealope threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Downloaded Total: 2
2 2
Lealope threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Downloaded: Gambles Total: 1
1 1
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Build: Easy Street

Difficulty: Normal (7 Points, 2 Seals)
Role: Subject "K" (Kazuma Sato)

Drawback Shoppe: Mosswort +1, Suborned (Qilin) +1, Impulse (Taste) +3
Binding Casino: Debt [+2 Seals], Jackpot [+2 Seals]

Qilin -5
-Hidden Dragon II [-2 Seals]
Quartet: Aqua -2

The Crown -5 (Turbocharge)
Feather of Favor [-2 Seals]

Exponential II: Uncapped Functional Set [-2 Seals]

Quest: Accept Diminishment [+0 Points]

A simple and straightforward build that employs the considerable power, massive versatility (7 Magic Systems + inbuilt Rank 7!), and powerful competence of the TurboCrown to resolve Kazuma's baseline problems and thereafter live an easy life. In an emergency, Aqua can be given the Crown, reversing her primary weaknesses to turn her into a truly... deific threat.

The combination of the Crown's magic systems and Aqua's divine reagents makes Cultivation rather easy for our Qilin, who by herself (being an Epic-level Sorceress) also packs enough power and magical capability to stand a good chance of resolving Konosuba's plot. In time, after the Crown's magic has seeped into my body, I can safely remove it and let my Zhang Kong-tier Qilin carry us through any further scaling required; or, if absolutely necessary, can use the TurboCrown's Rank-scaling mechanic via conquest or propoganda to achieve whatever level of Rank is required to overwhelm a problem. But that shouldn't be a significant issue in Kazuma's multiverse - the TurboCrown alone, with the ability to grant Evocation capable of leveling a major city tenfold and six magic schools of similar potency with vastly different foci, is already overkill for Konosuba.
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Interesting enough, that is pretty similar to my "absolute comfy" build. In my case it was

Difficulty: Normal
Role: Subject "K" (Kazuma Sato)
Drawback: Mossworth(Troll)
Allies: Grand Master(Paracelsus, Avicebron)
Panoply: The Ring
Quest: Accept Diminishment

So by "comfy" first I'd take no Casino Rolls(speaking of which, don't forget that 10 forces you to roll more) at that has 20% of being extremely non-comfy. My items don't really matter, so Ring is great since I get to not get randomly nuked by some reality reset. Paraclesus as Grand Servant candidate is basically max comfy stuff, as you start with immortality and cute maids for all you needs, and then there is all great stuff he and Avicebron can come up with. Together they should deal with Konosuba with relative ease.

Whats great about that combo is that a) between the two of them I can become a hive mind of various golem bodies with ease, which rocks and b) the reason why I bother taking Avicebron at all is to access and eventually become Adam, as with two synergetic Grand Servants working together I can get them to turn me into immortal super being that turns reality around it into Elysium with relative ease.

So to conclude, close to no danger, very little thinking or doing on my part and I get immortality, personal paradise and I can keep advancing my senses and stuff so keep experiencing superhuman stuff. Probably the best build there is. The only real issue is loyalty given that both Servants have betrayed their Masters in past, but with Grand Servant loyalty buff that should be fine. Items/Drawbacks could probably be more efficient, but the build is foolproof enough that it doesn't really matter so I'm fine with just Ring. I've taken Perilous since I don't care about combat stuff in this build, so I'm taking it in order to lessen anything that would impair my enjoyment.

Although now that I think about it, I could have Avicebron create me a golem bridge castle or have Paracelsus make pocket dimension containing bridge, so I could take that as its basically a free drawback.

E: Actually, I get -2 from Rings. So I could move Avicebron to standard Servant slot and then get Rin as Grand in order to eventually unlock universe travel. That sounds fun.
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What would Mage+ Psychic grant?
Attainment of Mastery
If you have more than one class via Hybridization will this apply to both of them?

If yes, Assuming lucky rolls, a combination Mage+ Psychic(Sorcerer) who is hybrid with an Omnibus who has mastered their classes.

The Stain, Hollow Side and Salient target with rolling for class are enough for this combo. Such a combo would basically be able to hunt down Slayers at will.
If you have more than one class via Hybridization will this apply to both of them?
I asked this on discord and he said that Mastery essentially just directly downloads approximately three years of practical experience into your head, so it depends on how well the two particular classes mesh in terms of training. If they're two classes that you can train simultaneously, then you can get the full benefits of both, whereas if you can only train one at a time then you have divide up the time between them.
So I've been trying to work out a Hyperion: Wolber build which also takes Formal Intelligence for Praxis access. In the process, I discovered a very funny interaction.
[ ] Enemy Mine [0 Seals]: You must take the Nemesis Drawback, and must yourself choose Hard or Dalliance Mode. You may design your Nemesis' build, but it must be extremely optimal, though you are free to take into account her dislike of Drawbacks.
[ ] Blessing of Refutation
*Your Nemesis is now a rival of sorts, no longer seeking your demise or ruin, merely to one-up and humiliate you, but mostly reasonable and entirely willing to team up against greater threats. You may snap them out of any irrational state with the following catchphrase: "Without calculation, failure. Without ruthlessness, tragedy."

I call it the Nemesis Spiral.
Take Hard Mode, Paramount, Nemesis, and Procession. Take the Blessing of Refutation, making your Nemesis into a quarrelsome ally. Take Enemy Mine, and make her do the same. This recurses indefinitely.
The rest of the build(s) are almost irrelevant, although Perchance should be avoided if at all possible, as one of the only effects that can, in fact, scale far enough to be relevant.
[ ] The Stain [+3 Orbs, cannot be selected by The Slayer] - Now, you're really in deep. A dark, murderous force has noticed your existence and noticed that you stole a portion of its power - the power that now surges within you, granting the benefits worth three Storm Orbs. In a fit of cosmic wrath, it's decided to call a hit on you.
How strong would it be if all ten thousand of us took this?
It's not quite so much literal clones-of-a-person-who-exist-as-individuals, as Rick Sanchez's Operation Phoenix; a resurrection failsafe, rather than an army of individuals.
So the Clone spell from almost every edition of D&D. Trapping the soul traditionally counters that, and is probably an Assassin power, among other things.
Take Hard Mode, Paramount, Nemesis, and Procession. Take the Blessing of Refutation, making your Nemesis into a quarrelsome ally. Take Enemy Mine, and make her do the same. This recurses indefinitely.
Epic Blessings are only possible on Hard and Dalliance mode, and the Nemesis plays on Normal mode regardless of your Mode; this build is not possible, at least without the dubious assumption that the Nemesis can choose Reflection and create a copy on a different mode which could then gain an Epic Blessing.
Epic Blessings are only possible on Hard and Dalliance mode, and the Nemesis plays on Normal mode regardless of your Mode; this build is not possible, at least without the dubious assumption that the Nemesis can choose Reflection and create a copy on a different mode which could then gain an Epic Blessing.
The Nemesis can play on Normal mode, but isn't forced to. Her dislike of disadvantages would normally lead her to never choosing otherwise, but this is overcome with Paramount making the Nemesis much more willing to take drawbacks. Combined with Enemy Mine to ensure the right build is taken, the Nemesis Spiral seems valid to me.
The exact phrasing is "Your Nemesis begins on Normal Mode regardless of which Mode you selected.". Although I suppose you could take this to mean that the Nemesis selects normal by default and can reselect, I would phrase the equivalent-set-of-possibilities as 'Your Nemesis has access to Normal mode regardless of which Mode you select'. it's not like the CYOA has any implied mechanics for changing your Mode selection or changing selections in general (except the Procession, and arguably Phoenix), so I'd infer no mode-swapping to be possible.
Optimizing a CYOA.. I was given a suggestion to just CCYOA, choosing the best CYOA, and I thought, well.. why not put my hat in the ring?

Shard's Optimal CYOA

Some fluff here about being selected as the lucky one(s), etc.

[] Omnipotence
[] Nothing

That's it! Good luck on your adventures!