qm just taking their time or anything else? Cause that battles like 4 or what 5 months in the making or something if not more? Not complaining I genuinely don't know the situation.
Rihaku has recently(some point in the last few weeks IIRC) been giving cryptic Discord hints about a tactic that may be useful against the Maiden so it's possible that battle will get a conclusion.
Other possible tactics:

Un-CtF our Favor/Sword combo and pick something else. Candidates:

1. Blade/Tears - Maybe if Hungers gets enough + APP he can counteract Beauty.
2. Doubledip with a Hungerbaru fusion.
3. Cloak of Evening + Tears - Idk, maybe Hugner will lose the Battle of Dominions less fast.

Hunger also technically has 8 Panoply slots due to EBA, but it's not like we can make use of it.

We can also try Imprisoning the entire Human Sphere into the Realm of Evening. The Maiden probably can't continue the Contest of Dominion if everyone is inside the Pillars of Evening.

Try seeing if we can Silver of Evening Fault-Defeating Stance's drawback of only advancing 1(2) Domains per Sidereal year.
Possible progress towards The Tactic that R's been hinting at:

ShardToday at 6:24 PM

Can Silver of Evening on Apocryphal be used to duplicate Hour of Destiny?
🤔 2
Rihaku gave a 'thinking' emote to this about 4 hours ago.

I would've guessed that "use Silver of Evening" was already mentioned in the thread, but in a quick search the only real relevant quote I found was from Lealope on Aug 9:

i forgot until now but we could actually negotiate with the maiden if we applied silver of evening to curse mitigation of tyrant. could be a viable strat in conjunction with +simping

However, the string "silver " only appears in a few places in the threadmarks which (allegedly) contain a hint about the strategy:
 [ ] The Forester [1 Gift] - The gift of the Forester is focused purpose; honing of the self towards a particular methodology. Select one of the following:
Agility - A form lithe and slender, with quicksilver reflexes and faultless coordination; or a mind cunning and circuitous, capable of sniffing out any plot. All actions in which one takes a notably indirect path, the path of preparation, or the path of finesse are at least 20% less risky than they would otherwise be.

 [ ] III: Resplendency [60 Ordinal Coins] - You've got a silver tongue. Your voice is superhumanly compelling in the way that you desire - whether a thunderously commanding baritone or heartbreakingly sweet and melodious...

 [ ] Sword of the Evendark [2 Points] - This blade of silver and twilight glimmers like the stars at evening, and at a command drips translucent poison with the scent of ambrosia.

 [ ] Arcadian Scroll [2 Points] - Weather-beaten parchment that depicts forest, ravine and mountainside in long, curving strokes. A brief sketch of paradise, within which birth and death linger still.
*Once, the scroll may be immolated in a curling snarl of blue-silver fire, to deliver death unerringly to any one mortal target of whom the wielder is aware. This fails against beings of supernatural might, but those constrained wholly by mundanity, no matter their puissance, are entirely vulnerable.

For reference, here's the SoE blurb:
Inset in the crown of evening is a star of purest edeldross; its wearer becomes swift as nightfall after the sun's passing, beautiful as the naked stars, and sacred as midnight itself. For all spheres of magic in Evening reside: its wearer their master, and champion besides.

Double the Magnitude of present and future Edeldross enhancements.
+100% to the value of AGI and Charisma +s
+1 Defensive Rank
Once per sidereal month, perfectly defeat any one hostile effect to which the wearer would otherwise be subject. Applied against a Curse, grants two stages of mitigation for one day and one night. May apply even to the Doom of the Tyrant.
and the improvement from the Tower EFB:
Silver of Evening: AGI and CHA to +120%. Increases perfect defense usage to once / week.
Notably, Blood Halo applies +1 ISH to "all direct offensive actions and relevant forms of defense" so SoE will be boosted.

If "use SoE" is an underdiscussed tactic, my proposal would be to apply the 2 stages of mitigation towards Indenture (Task Leeway) and reduce Hunger's vulnerability to a stray shot destroying the Human Sphere. This is one of the main strategic benefits of "Perfect Merger", which means that Arcanist!Gisena could spend her energy on other things, instead of using that effort on mitigation. OR, it would mean that a Supreme Merger with Aobaru could fight even more recklessly, and not worry about needing to prevent collateral damage.

In the long term, the +2 mitigation one day a week is active 14% of the time. I think that habitually activating SoE every week for 1 day, instead of saving it to use the defense in personal combat, would be a meaningful reduction in Apocryphal charge. Depending on how the higher levels of mitigation stack up, that could plausibly be up to a 2.8% Apo mitigation (cumulative over many weeks).

That's meaningful!
So not that I would do this. But, considering amount of content in text does something to help. What would happen if someone I dunno just posted the bee movie script into the thread?
So not that I would do this. But, considering amount of content in text does something to help. What would happen if someone I dunno just posted the bee movie script into the thread?

There's a penalty for non-relevant things.

...Besides if you really want to rack up the Arete use the ultimate Bee Movie mod.

1. The entire Ice Age pentology, but every syllable is replaced by the entire Toy Story quartet.
2. Every second that the color green is on the frame is replaced by every video ever uploaded on Youtube. (Well over 600 million hours as of 2017)
3. Every ten seconds of these videos, every episode of the Simpsons plays.
4. Every word with a vowel in the Simpsons is replaced with the Bee Movie.
5. Every second a bee is shown, it's replaced with every episode of Spongebob played backwards.

That would take over 8 octillion years to watch normally. Playing from the Big Bang to now would have you at less than 1/30,000th of the total runtime. It was 8.672 back when Toy Story only had 3 movies, Spongebob had 205 episodes instead of 281, and Simpsons had 609 episodes instead of the current 751.
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Silver of Evening on Apocryphal does give 2 extra stages of mitigation. Can mitigation be retroactive, reducing the difficulty of the Maiden appropriately?

Can we select Silver of Evening Mitigation: 'Once per Apocryphal Tribulation, Apocryphal is less bad'? Or something along those lines.

Or the two extra stages of mitigation can be effectively temporary Serendipity.

We could also maybe see if Temporary Mitigation of Decimator would allow us to, like, direct it's decimating effect on the Maiden.
It may also be worthwhile to use Silver of Evening on a harmful effect caused by the Maiden. Perhaps removing whatever effect is suppressing Hungers regeneration would be worth while. Or, for obvious reasons, we could use Silver of Evening to defend against the Maidens trump-card.

Implicate Duty - Download
100 Ordinal Credits.
5 Cerulean Obols.
0 Radiant Electrum.

[3] - Shards of Infinity: [+4 Cerulean Obols]

[ ] A Comparable Realm: Manifest Realm

[ ] Gamble -
First Gamble: Receive [+1 Radiant Electrum] in addition to the listed reward.
[ ] 1: Midsummer's Rhapsody - [+2 Cerulean Obols]
[ ] 2: Caress of Winter - [+1 Cerulean Obol]
[ ] Prepare To Die - [+9 Cerulean Obols]

[ ] A Saga. [+1 Radiant Electrum]

Melodious / Mask
[ ] I: Gourmet [2 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] II: Ordinal Ordering [20 Ordinal Coins] -

Sight / Seal
[ ] I: Delayed Gratification [2 Ordinal Coins] -

Profess / Preference
I: Profoundly Tasteful [6 Ordinal Coins] -
II: Preference Ranking [14 Ordinal Coins] -
III: The Professor [43 Ordinal Coins] -

Ally / Alternate
[ ] I: Attribution Requested [5 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] II: Ally [20 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] III: Armada [70 Ordinal Coins] -

Dream / Double
[ ] I: Twice [3 Ordinal Coins] -

Extract / Exceed
I: Quintessence [2 Ordinal Coins] -
II: The Sword [33 Ordinal Coins] -

Cerulean Obols
[ ] Worldly Might [5 Cerulean Obols] -
[ ] Body Armor [8 Cerulean Obols] -

Radiant Electrum
[ ] First Sword [1 Radiant Electrum] -
[ ] Perchance to Dream [1 Radiant Electrum] -
Debit: 100/ 21 / 2
Credit: 220 / 13 / 2
Net: 000 / 0 / 0

You are doomed to death, but this is your uttermost, your implicate duty. If Seram does not arrive to slay the Hero out legend then the Manifest Realm is doomed. It is possible that the threats which arise there, sufficient to trouble Seram with Progression, will outmatch you even with a very potent build, when enhanced by the Shards of Infinity. Therefore Hunger must be called, who should be able to resolve these matters even if you do not. If you are very fortunate he kills you hard enough, or you manage to resolve the Task early enough, that the Procession does not catch. If you are unfortunate you can only hope to escape with others help.

Your Armada target should be Augustine, who would be largely unrestricted and, now with access to Grace, capable of dramatically empowering her Foremost runes. Simultaneously, Gisena, both Hunger's and this world's native, should be able to take advantage of the Runes themselves.

You will die, but this realms future may be magnificent beyond conventional measure.
qwolfs threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Downloaded Nature Roll: Total: 3
3 3
qwolfs threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Downloaded Gamble Roll: Total: 2
2 2
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It may also be worthwhile to use Silver of Evening on a harmful effect caused by the Maiden. Perhaps removing whatever effect is suppressing Hungers regeneration would be worth while. Or, for obvious reasons, we could use Silver of Evening to defend against the Maidens trump-card.

That's Blood Halo hitting us with a -1 ISH to healing, though if SoE gets the 'relevant defenses gain 1 ISH' buff then that would cancel itself out.
That's Blood Halo hitting us with a -1 ISH to healing, though if SoE gets the 'relevant defenses gain 1 ISH' buff then that would cancel itself out.
It wouldn't actually heal Hunger, merely remove the effect preventing him from doings. His regeneration should still be good enough to make up the difference afterwards.

Striving - Ineptitude
[ ] Normal Mode: [+7 Points, +2 Seals]

Basic Roles -
[ ] Supreme Commander [+0 Points] -

Supreme Commander World Roll:
3. Cthulhutech

Drawback Shoppe -

Binding Casino -
[ ] 4: Procession. [+3 Seal]
[ ] 7: Perchance. [+1 Seal]


[ ] Stone Rings [7 Points] -
[ ] Feather of Favor [2 Seals] - Justice

[ ] Exponential [4 Seals] I - III: Save Slots

[ ] Overlord [+0 Points, Special] -

Credit: 07 P, 06 S
Debit: 07 P, 06 S
Net: 00 P, 00 S

The overlord is probably an Avatar of Nyarlathotep or Hastur. Save Slots compensates for Perchance, while Stone Rings shield against outergods -- rather important in this setting. Your exaltation provides some immediate power, and rapid learning ability. If needed, the Deliberative may be lobbied to assist, given the scope and nature of this settings gods.
Fixer 3.0 - Download
100 Ordinal Credits.
5 Cerulean Obols.
0 Radiant Electrum.

[2] - Hegemon: [+2 Cerulean Obols]

[ ] A Modest Realm - Cyberpunk 2077

[ ] Gamble -
First Gamble: Receive [+1 Radiant Electrum] in addition to the listed reward.
[ ] 1: Midsummer's Rhapsody - [+2 Cerulean Obols]
[ ] 2: Caress of Winter - [+1 Cerulean Obol]

[ ] A Saga. [+1 Radiant Electrum].

Profess / Preference
[ ] I: Profoundly Tasteful [6 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] II: Preference Ranking [14 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] III: The Professor [43 Ordinal Coins] -

Ally / Alternate
[ ] I: Attribution Requested [5 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] II: Ally [20 Ordinal Coins] - Erii Amarlt
[ ] II: Armada [70 Ordinal Coins] - Vanreir Amarlt

Dream / Double
[ ] I: Twice [3 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] II: Multithreading [28 Ordinal Coins] -

Cerulean Obols
[ ] Chosen One [4 Cerulean Obols] -

Radiant Electrum
[ ] Perchance to Dream [1 Radiant Electrum] -
[ ] The Pocketwatch [1 Radiant Electrum] -

Debit: 100/ 10 / 2
Credit: 189 / 04 / 2
Net: 001 / 0 / 0

Chosen One + Perchance provides immediate and high versatility, with abilities both exotic and attribute based. Twice protects against death and the Pocket watch allows for a do-over in case the Saga requires an unexpected build. In general the rapid scaling of the system and exaltation is further compounded by multi-threading and bespoke time manipulation through the Pocket watch. Using the Professor to expand the Pocket watches limits, and Twice do-overs further enhances this build.
Long term it is advised to learn from Soul Evocations, in an effort to acquire a sufficiently versatile one for one's self or to replicate its self-sourced principles for reliability in alternate ontologies.
With the ability to re-do the Saga at least once it should be manageable, even should malevolent hyper-intelligence arise, as they can be target before they gain ground.
qwolfs threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Casino Rolls: Total: 11
4 4 7 7
qwolfs threw 1 21-faced dice. Reason: Supreme Commander World Roll: Total: 3
3 3
qwolfs threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Downloaded Nature Roll: Total: 2
2 2
qwolfs threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Downloaded Gamble Roll: Total: 2
2 2
Last edited:
so of the things rihakus done which has he definitively finished aside from even further beyond? I've gotten through most of the latter and wondering if they finished anything else?
All three exalted quests eventually petered out, but Most High is also mostly finished, and there is an epilogue in this quest, so itcan be considered done.
I thought the final battle hasn't happened here yet?
An epilogue for Most High, though I'm not sure I'd consider it finished with that.
Paladin of Silver - Ineptitude
[ ] Normal Mode: [+7 Points, +2 Seals]

Basic Roles -
[ ] The Optimizer [+2 Points] -

Drawback Shoppe -

Binding Casino -
[ ] 5: The Chariot. [+1 Seal]
[ ] 9: Arcane. [+1 Seal]
[ ] 3: Jackpot. [+2 Seal]


[ ] The Shining Armor [9 Points] -
[ ] Feather of Favor [2 Seals] - Turbo-charged (Realm of Evening)

[ ] Exponential [4 Seals] III: Realm of Evening

[ ] Overlord [+0 Points, Special] -

Credit: 09 P, 06 S
Debit: 09 P, 06 S
Net: 00 P, 00 S

High Immediate power, high medium term potential, extreme comfort, a good life.
qwolfs threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Casino Rolls: Total: 17
5 5 9 9 3 3
Last edited:
An epilogue for Most High, though I'm not sure I'd consider it finished with that.
I wouldn't really not to be mean an epilogue of an incomplete story is still well an incomplete story. You wouldn't call berserk or hunterxhunter finished if an epilogue came out right now would you?
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with an odyssial wielding ambition aided by a strong circle of trusted allies, what story could be left, if not an epilogue?
with an odyssial wielding ambition aided by a strong circle of trusted allies, what story could be left, if not an epilogue?
I mean I've not personally read the story it is why I asked if it got finished or petered out somewhat through and got an epilogue. Like some quests do as a sorta sorry here let me finish this instead of just ending without a finish sort of thing? It's still the fic equivalent of getting cancelled and and throwing in an ending super quick or a what could of happened in 30 updates downsized to one update.

Did it come to an ending cause there wasn't much left to do and the sequence of events meant the finale would come? Or did it essentially list a sequence of events of what could have happened given a lot more chapters?
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So can no one answer that? Because I was actually hoping for an answer cause depending on the answer I will read said fic. Just a hope really.
By your standards, it's not finished so I'd skip it.
Sad thanks for informing though I appreciate it. I just don't want to read something and be saddened by it. Hope this gets a conclusion here though even if it'd be a bitch to read through it all. Not even cause length but cause the qm doesn't exactly always make it very clear what votes won, what mixture of them, and his method of showing what won often varies from update to update as I've seen in even further beyond. Sometimes its not shown directly at all and I can't even use the thread tally reliably since votes aren't always the deciding factor which would be fine if rihaku provided the winning option every time reliably.
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Sad thanks for informing though I appreciate it. I just don't want to read something and be saddened by it. Hope this gets a conclusion here though even if it'd be a bitch to read through it all. Not even cause length but cause the qm doesn't exactly always make it very clear what votes won, what mixture of them, and his method of showing what won often varies from update to update as I've seen in even further beyond. Sometimes its not shown directly at all and I can't even use the thread tally reliably since votes aren't always the deciding factor which would be fine if rihaku provided the winning option every time reliably.
That changes in this quest, actually. Votes get shown at the bottom of the update and before the next vote pretty much every time.
Conditional - Download
100 Ordinal Credits.
5 Cerulean Obols.
0 Radiant Electrum.

[2] - Hegemon: [+2 Cerulean Obols]

[ ] A Comparable Realm - Gardens of Enoch

[ ] Gamble -
First Gamble: Receive [+1 Radiant Electrum] in addition to the listed reward.
[ ] 5: Thinblood - [+75 Ordinal Coins]

[ ] A Saga. [+1 Radiant Electrum]

Sight / Seal
[ ] I: Delayed Gratification [2 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] II: Beautiful World [10 Ordinal Coins] -

Profess / Preference
I: Profoundly Tasteful [6 Ordinal Coins] -
II: Preference Ranking [14 Ordinal Coins] -
III: The Professor [43 Ordinal Coins] -

Ally / Alternate
[ ] I: Attribution Requested [5 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] II: Ally [20 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] III: Armada [70 Ordinal Coins] -

Dream / Double
[ ] I: Twice [3 Ordinal Coins] -

Extract / Exceed
I: Quintessence [2 Ordinal Coins] -
II: The Sword [33 Ordinal Coins] -

Cerulean Obols
[ ] Worldly Might [5 Cerulean Obols] -

Radiant Electrum
[ ] Shattering [1 Radiant Electrum] -
[ ] The Pocketwatch [1 Radiant Electrum] -

Debit: 175/ 07 / 2
Credit: 205 / 05 / 2
Net: 000 / 0 / 0

use shattering to make the Pocket watch activate conditionally before harm is inflicted, thus ensuring you 'never' get hurt. Further abuse professor to enhance your, probably Ordinal Spiral based, magic abilities.
qwolfs threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Downloaded Nature Roll: Total: 2
2 2
qwolfs threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Downloaded Gamble Roll: Total: 5
5 5
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That changes in this quest, actually. Votes get shown at the bottom of the update and before the next vote pretty much every time.
Praise be I'm not gonna lie it was fucking cancer trying to do it in the other quest. Rihaku wasn't even consistent in it. Sometimes it wasn't shown, sometimes middle of the update, sometimes before the update, sometimes multiple updates after the update where the vote was placed, sometimes in the comments a page or so before the update, and sometimes not at all, sometimes at the beginning.