64. Let him come through the first ordeal, & it will be to him as silver.

65. Through the second, gold.

66. Through the third, stones of precious water.

67. Through the fourth, ultimate sparks of the intimate fire.

68. Yet to all it shall seem beautiful. Its enemies who say not so, are mere liars.

An excerpt from The Book of the Law, by Aleister Crowley.

[H] A Quest [+1 Gift] - Results: 13, Naruto
[E] The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor]
[R] The Forester [1 Gift] - Mental Agility + Spiritual Power.
[O] The Mandarin [1 Gift] - Applied to Forester's Gift.
[Y] Blood of Pedigree [2 Gifts] - Imbibed.
[C] A Sword [1 Heroic Favor]

The Silver Sword - A blade of polished mystic silver wrought, with a smooth ebony hilt covered in ornamental filigree that appears to display tales of great heroism, and a crossguard of the same. At the pommel, there is locked a shining diamond that cages a dancing blue flame, whose light reaches into the world beyond and - when wielded against a foe whose existence is utterly abhorrent to the wielder - casts great and imposing shadows onto the walls and floors, appearing like a council of men in dark cloaks made of insubstantial smoke and watery ether. As it is swung, the light of the diamond seems to sharpen the edge of the silver blade, outlining it with a cold blue shade.


Across the ages, wise lovers of thought have asked - what is a man? Are humans but the descendant of the primate who evolved to communicate and think in complex abstracts? Are they simply the preordained hunters and gatherers of the world? Are they created, evolved, or something in between? Are they a miserable pile of secrets?

There is no clear answer, but to quote a great man, it's imperative to, "Become who you are!" A man does not exist in truth, until that man finds his rationale for existing - and when the man knows that, when he has selected his reason and stuck to it, he advances from man to super-man; Mensch to Übermensch; Human to Arch-Human. The Arch-Human is the final stage of existence for the man whose purpose is crystal-clear: to become the greatest man possible given the conditions of life and to live a life as good as a man can live.

As its main effect, Arch-Human grants the power of bold excellence - a supernal ability to, given sufficient time, resources, and true effort; achieve nearly anything. Should its pursuit be dogged enough, and the willpower required to see through such a process to its end present, the Arch-Human can do whatever he must: overcome any foe, initiate into any supernatural power, learn to construct any device, master the hunt of any game, destroy any titanic edifice, intuit every possible art and song, and surpass any limit. In summary, although his goal may be distant by eons and light-years, ultimately, the Arch-Human can do anything.

+++++All Stats, +Progression, potential to get more +Progression over time but very difficult and limited.


Ah, yes - it's a real shame that I didn't roll, like, Warhammer 40k. It'd be far more interesting to place this absolute unit in that universe and see him rapidly chew through armies of Daemons and Xenos with reckless abandon, like a combine harvester running at full speed and spitting out nice little gorebales.

For reference, this hypothetical character is me, but I died to a truck and was isekai'd like an anime protagonist. Also, due to the picks, he's significantly wiser, more confident, charismatic, powerful, and has a better general sense of what he'd like to do with himself in life.

He's, simply put, a Mary Sue OC meant for blatant wish fulfillment. Hopefully, I can somehow transform that into an interesting narrative.

He'll go Naruto, for such was the Random Number God's will. As such, I've decided to rename myself/him in an appropriate fashion for the world of Passage - henceforth, this character's name shall be --

絶対に悟りを開いた天の賢者は永遠の武道に力を与える - アーチ-人間 - シルバーサムライ - 無限のヒロイズム』!!

Also known as...

Absolutely Enlightened Heavenly Sage Willpower Eternal Martial Arch-Human Silver Samurai of Infinite Heroism !!

And now, a bit more seriously, I've decided to call him Masaru Ginsei (meaning, "Silver-Born Victory/Excellence.") I don't know how to actually write this story piece of shit, and I may end up illegally rerolling the setting and then paying for it later, if I can't come up with anything, but hopefully it'll come to me soon enough.

I don't think a discussion of the picks themselves is necessary, but I'll go into some of that as well, for the word count if nothing else.

Masaru starts out as an absolute monster (10x physical characteristics, and that's post +5 physical stats, and fairly impressive everything else.) Due to Forester's gift, doubled, he's got almost limitless reserves of pluck, wisdom, conviction, and other ingredients necessary to make a true monster of rationality. My man's got an intimidating presence so thick that you can cut it with a knife. A single glare can probably shut down lesser Chūnin by making them hesitate to attack in lieu of dodging their strike as if the killing intent trope was an actual power element. It'd probably give even Orochimaru some pause, and give a civilian a heart attack on the spot, and that's before you consider the longsword my man's taken with him for the ride.

Sure, he doesn't have any fancy magic or superpowers or gadgets (at first), but what do you need for adventuring? For me, a sword, the will to use it, and a bit of brain and brawns will suffice!

And Masaru only scales further from there, at truly ludicrous speeds and into some wild avenues, all thanks to Arch-Human. It acts kind of similar to a crossover between the Praxis and Progression, in the sense that it lets you do or achieve anything with sufficient effort, but with a much finer ultimate limit. At least on its own. It probably caps out at somewhere between ISH 3-4, assuming that no outside systems are brought in or created along the way to break even past that mold.

It's terrifying. It's disgusting. It's the worst kind of anime wish fulfillment possible - the one where I become a hegemon in the end, and carve out a slice of heaven for myself.

Wordcount: 1k
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Hmm, this got expanded more than I thought. Shame I'm a bit sleepy though, maybe I'll make a build tomorrow.
Final Fantasy 6? Once again quite okay, but there's been a while since I played it; I'd have to refresh myself.
BrainInAJar threw 2 20-faced dice. Total: 24
18 18 6 6
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I wonder how The Mandarin and Obols of Paradise stack? What can you buy for 10 Obols?
Worm -
Ten Obols: You become the center of a shard network and, in essence, your own Entity, with its full and unconstrained shard powers based on the gestalt data gathered by all other Entities to have existed. Your output clocks in at roughly 1.99999(9) ISH, and you can easily subvert entropy if needed.

Exalted (Usurpation) -
Ten Obols: A post-Essence 10 post-Exalt who used Charms and Essence to transcend the metaphysics of the setting, constructed his own Lathe of Heaven equivalent, his own Infinite Singularity Husk equivalent, or became a Primordial, etc.

Forgotten Realms -
Ten Obols: An illegal character which is considered to be 20th level of every Class simultaneously, with full wealth-by-level, unique magic items, and unique powers/legendary actions of similar scale, with favorable interpretations and many personal/homebrew allowances from the Dungeon Master.

Fate/Grand Order -
Ten Obols: Gestalt Grand Servant composed of every Servant to have ever existed with their cumulative Parameters and Skills, with effectively transfinite magical energy to utilize Noble Phantasms and many limitations on Noble Phantasms unsealed.

Or something like that. Probably. Although, quite simply, Mandarin and Obols probably don't stack in this manner, because even imagining the possibilities is rather ridiculous.
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RIP for IN.

[X] Blood Halo

Now, CYOA build time!

[W] Your Choice [+1 Gift] (Exalted, Usurpation)
[W] A Quest [+1 Gift] (Old World of Darkness)
[W] The Overlord [+5 Gifts]
[W] The Forester [1 Gift]
(Mental Power)
[W] The Mandarin [1 Gift] (The Barrister)
[W] The Barrister [5 Gifts]
[W] Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift]
[W] Titan's Abacus [3 Gifts]

This is a moderately greedy (or highly greedy, depending - more on that later) build that I believe should still offer good survivability. With the application of the Mandarin to the Barrister, the 16-hour/day commitment of the Overlord is reduced to a mere 4-hour/day commitment. From an existence-defining drive down to a part-time job, and you get the effects of the Fatal Threnody doubled too. I'm not sure exactly what that does to the ability since idk how that would enhance the Threnody itself, but at minimum you should be getting +100 Agility, +40 Wits, +20 Might, +10 Luck, and +4 Intelligence instead of the normal stat boosts. So that's a lot of power already, right there. I'm not sure if Mental Power is useful for progression here or not.

What remains of the build is focused on maximizing the Titan's Abacus by applying Mental Power to mastering it swiftly and safely. The usage of the Abacus is clearly extremely mentally-focused in nature, so Mental Power is the best bet for making good use of it and avoiding dangerous errors. Since you can use the Abacus to enhance your own attributes and their growth, naturally the first (or at least highest-priority, once you feel sufficiently confident in your calculations) thing you would do is enhance your own mental power and mathematical aptitude. As I read it the Titan's Abacus can also be used to subsume and then maximize the powers of your current reality, which has obviously great potential.

Even setting aside the possibility of using the Abacus to pirate magic from your host reality, I can also see it being highly useful in mastering the power of the Barrister. The big limiting factor on the power of the Fatal Threnody is its purely linear growth rate. How fortunate, then, that you have the means to directly access and edit the numerical parameters of anything. Change that linear growth rate to an exponential one, and watch the power of the Fatal Threnody take off like a rocket. No longer will the promise of Grandmastery remain a dream trillions of millennia distant.

The version of the build that sends you to the Exalted setting is the greedier version because as aforementioned it seems like the Titan's Abacus can be used to take the powers of your current reality as your own, and to the best of my knowledge the power ceiling in Exalted is much higher than in the Old World of Darkness. Who knows, in the greediest conception you might even be able to build your own Lathe of Heaven. To enhance that possibility further, you could spend your choice on going to the Age of Glory version of Exalted since that gives you a higher starting point with less ambient chaos to threaten you. However, you're then short a gift for the build. You can patch that by accepting a Debt, though, and then you've got a bonus gift to slot in somewhere. An Obol of Paradise, perhaps.

There's also the really greedy version of this build, which looks like:

[W] Your Choice [+1 Gift] (Exalted, Usurpation)
[W] The Overlord [+5 Gifts]
[W] The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor]
[W] The Forester [1 Gift]
(Mental Power)
[W] The Mandarin [1 Gift] (The Barrister)
[W] The Genius [2 Gifts]
[W] The Heir [3 Gifts] (Thievery)
[W] The Barrister [5 Gifts]
[W] Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift]
[W] Titan's Abacus [3 Gifts]
[W] A Sword [1 Heroic Favor]
(Synergist example; +5 Gifts)

Are you fated to an existence of the endless call of heroism? Yep, you sure are, and you'd better stay true to yourself and your Heroic nature while you're at it. But what do you get in exchange?

I'm so glad you asked, hypothetical interlocutor. First, of course, you get the Genius to keep you alive and occasionally even prospering in the face of your endless parade of heroic perils. The rest of your bonus gifts are spent on picking up the Heir's domain of Thievery. This synergizes with the rest of the build because, given the power cited for the mere Adept-level version of Thievery, it takes all the doubt out of whether you can yoink local systems of magic for yourself. That's right, I'm expecting this will let you literally steal the Exaltations from people in your destination setting here. Who says you can only have one kind of Exaltation? Lesser thieves, that's who. Obtain every type, caste and aspect of Exaltation there is and combine them all in yourself. And no need to stop there, go ahead and steal Charms, XP, and Essence while you're at it. Hell, progress further in your domain and steal divinity itself, why the hell not.

And of course, the Fatal Threnody does explicitly note that it synergizes multiplicatively with relevant domains from the Heir, which this surely qualifies as. So that's a very nice piece of synergy there as well. And hey, why not use the Titan's Abacus to edit the value of that multiplicative synergy while you're at it?

On the more prosaic but still important side, you only get the benefits of the Sword while you're in possession of it, and owning the domain of Thievery means you've got powerful warding against anyone yoinking your Sword from you. You thieve from others, you don't get thieved from like some kind of scrub.

825 words of build discussion.
Fayhem, if you'll allow me to be more than a little selfish, can I ask what you think of my own recently posted CYOA?
Fayhem, if you'll allow me to be more than a little selfish, can I ask what you think of my own recently posted CYOA?
I had an ADHD-brain simultaneous sidetrack + hyperfocus episode while writing my build for Rihaku's CYOA and read something like a couple of hundred Exalted Charm rules and descriptions. So my brain's a bit crispy atm to take on another CYOA, but I did see you posted one and intend to check it out later.
I considered taking Overlord and Barrister, which is a pretty great combo and one of the more fun things about the new CYOA, but ultimately I decided that giving some of my power to the Overlord, coupled with Fatal Threnody needing development time which it competes with the Aurora Halo for, was enough that the combo wasn't worth getting.

Interesting! You might find it worthwhile to pick up Fisherman's Association and a Debt to grab Heir, Abacus or Ticket, given the high-level dangers present in DC that could, if determined, even kill someone through a succession of outrageously improbable defensive coincidences.

I'm rather attached to this reality, or at least some of the people in it, and none of the Isekai stuff let's me take people with me. So I'd go with return and a lot of the more violent or overwhelming power options are pretty useless unless there are hidden powers opposing me. The goal is the create a Culture-like utopia out of this reality.

A very prudent build, though you'll want to stay stealth mode until you can safely repel the attentions of interested hostile governments!

Ah, yes - it's a real shame that I didn't roll, like, Warhammer 40k. It'd be far more interesting to place this absolute unit in that universe and see him rapidly chew through armies of Daemons and Xenos with reckless abandon, like a combine harvester running at full speed and spitting out nice little gorebales.

Hm... the build doesn't seem to have the initial power to survive 40k's combination of biggatons and esoteric threats. Greater Daemons, exterminatus-level firepower - encountering either before you have a chance to scale up will result in a swift demise, since 50 Might + Agi isn't enough to reliably withstand such offensives.

I wonder how The Mandarin and Obols of Paradise stack? What can you buy for 10 Obols?

You're simply twice as powerful. Useful enough in many settings!

The version of the build that sends you to the Exalted setting is the greedier version because as aforementioned it seems like the Titan's Abacus can be used to take the powers of your current reality as your own, and to the best of my knowledge the power ceiling in Exalted is much higher than in the Old World of Darkness. Who knows, in the greediest conception you might even be able to build your own Lathe of Heaven. To enhance that possibility further, you could spend your choice on going to the Age of Glory version of Exalted since that gives you a higher starting point with less ambient chaos to threaten you. However, you're then short a gift for the build. You can patch that by accepting a Debt, though, and then you've got a bonus gift to slot in somewhere. An Obol of Paradise, perhaps.

Mm... you basically need maximum initial power/safety or some means of moderating him if you want to avoid being found by Odyssial and turned into the most efficient vessel of his will. He'll probably take the Abacus as well. The version of Creation where Odyssial is present explicitly takes the high interpretations of Exalted powers, so they'll just perfect defend against effects like Thievery, and the Barrister's protection cannot be relied on to be absolute against the End of Stories himself!
I had an ADHD-brain simultaneous sidetrack + hyperfocus episode while writing my build for Rihaku's CYOA and read something like a couple of hundred Exalted Charm rules and descriptions. So my brain's a bit crispy atm to take on another CYOA, but I did see you posted one and intend to check it out later.
Perfectly valid! Thank you for considering it worthy for future inspection, and sorry if my request gave you any feeling of pressure.
Mm... you basically need maximum initial power/safety or some means of moderating him if you want to avoid being found by Odyssial and turned into the most efficient vessel of his will. He'll probably take the Abacus as well. The version of Creation where Odyssial is present explicitly takes the high interpretations of Exalted powers, so they'll just perfect defend against effects like Thievery, and the Barrister's protection cannot be relied on to be absolute against the End of Stories himself!
I'm not sure why, but for some reason I parsed it as being either Usurpation-era or Odyssial-era Exalted. But since it's actually both, in that case I'd definitely go with the version that puts me all the way back into the Age of Glory instead.
Perfectly valid! Thank you for considering it worthy for future inspection, and sorry if my request gave you any feeling of pressure.
No worries, I actually didn't mind at all.
Interesting! You might find it worthwhile to pick up Fisherman's Association and a Debt to grab Heir, Abacus or Ticket, given the high-level dangers present in DC that could, if determined, even kill someone through a succession of outrageously improbable defensive coincidences.

A very prudent build, though you'll want to stay stealth mode until you can safely repel the attentions of interested hostile governments!

Hm... the build doesn't seem to have the initial power to survive 40k's combination of biggatons and esoteric threats. Greater Daemons, exterminatus-level firepower - encountering either before you have a chance to scale up will result in a swift demise, since 50 Might + Agi isn't enough to reliably withstand such offensives.

You're simply twice as powerful. Useful enough in many settings!

Mm... you basically need maximum initial power/safety or some means of moderating him if you want to avoid being found by Odyssial and turned into the most efficient vessel of his will. He'll probably take the Abacus as well. The version of Creation where Odyssial is present explicitly takes the high interpretations of Exalted powers, so they'll just perfect defend against effects like Thievery, and the Barrister's protection cannot be relied on to be absolute against the End of Stories himself!

So what you're saying is... I can directly contribute to The Accursed's rise to power? By far the most meaningful thing I could possibly do without Cursebearer candidacy in the cards? Where do I sign up?
[ ] Emergence - Knowledge of emergence is the light of truth, shining unshadowed by base matter. This knowledge provides the ability to bring out the ultimate form of things from within, scattering their material form like so much dust and revealing their ideal forms, allowing them to settle on your soul as a blessing, such that a tool might always be in your hands, or a companion always at your side, a miracle which needs no physical form to press upon the soft clay of reality. With deep knowledge, you will be able to develop ideals purely from your imagination, without need for a material foundation and capable of much grander and stranger things.

[ ] Flames - Knowledge of flames is the sign of division. This knowledge provides the ability to pull and hold apart physical things, using any criteria you might imagine. The simplest and easiest manner to call upon this knowledge is a simple sundering, breaking your target down into smaller and smaller components, which might be done roughly or finely as you desire, but more nuanced divisions are entirely possible with time to develop your understanding of Flames. With deep knowledge, metaphysical separation falls within your remit, allowing you to achieve things that at first seem entirely distinct from the act of division.

[ ] Quiet - Cannot be taken if you have any SOUND knowledge. Be struck deaf and mute to gain or deepen an additional LIGHT, LIGHTNING, or FIRE knowledge.

Deep Emergence + Flames allows me to craft a panacea just by imagining the cure, and to burn out sickness from the people around me. Flames protect me from other hostile Knowers, while I find myself a niche.

Emergence + Deep Flames actually feels like it would play out similarly, except with more Burning Out of my minions' disloyalty and imperfections.

I like this premise if it is set in the modern world, but there's a scope problem. A few dozen people would have trouble finding each other even if we all start in the same city / state / country. Imagine trying to find someone in NYC, or SF! Now extend that to China (which is both populous and Large). The problem is maybe even worse in a state like Wyoming (or Siberia.)

My prediction is that all the players who pick scaling abilities will amass little fiefdoms, and then start hiring the idiots who took spear/shield as assassins.

It would be a neat dance between people who believed they could trust (or subvert) existing governments and people who simply created their own power base.

I'm on mobile so I don't have a clear idea of which power would translate best to this shadow-war, but I really like the concept! (Would be pretty tough to write, but might make a good RP setting if the players were assassins told to infiltrate and kill a rival powerbroker.)

Heir (Medicine + Bureaucracy)
Mandarin (Heir)
Fisherman's Association

Medicine + Bureaucracy suffices to effectively convert Earth to my designs and solve all possible future problems I can conceive of with my current mind (honestly Medicine alone is enough). I guess in this version of Earth the oceans would be aquaformed enough to change the general culture to one of lacto-ovo-pescatarianism, with F I S H I N G being a planetary pastime enjoyed by all. Particularly when applying the domain of Medicine and Bureaucracy to having celestial spirits generate increasingly novel and delicious forms of seafood!

Quest (40k)

Fisherman's Association
Finitude Lacing

The Mandarin (Obols of Paradise)
Obols of Paradise (5)

With 2x the power of theoretical peak pseudo-human, this places me firmly in the ranks of endgame quest protagonists in terms of power - In 40k, this probably equals to somewhere around Malcador or one of the Primarchs depending on interpretation of power. As long as I don't egreriously fuckup I should be rather able to solve the vast majority of challenges sent my way or avoid them.

Alas, I didn't actually roll 40k, so the full build probably would add on A Debt and The Forester (Spiritual Power) for more psychic power synergies.

Mm... you basically need maximum initial power/safety or some means of moderating him if you want to avoid being found by Odyssial and turned into the most efficient vessel of his will. He'll probably take the Abacus as well. The version of Creation where Odyssial is present explicitly takes the high interpretations of Exalted powers, so they'll just perfect defend against effects like Thievery, and the Barrister's protection cannot be relied on to be absolute against the End of Stories himself!
Would The Mandarin + The Genius suffice to avoid Odyssial's gaze?
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@Rihaku I do have a few questions about the CYOA.

Of the various non obol abilities capable of progression like the Heir Domains, Fatal Threnody, the Abacus, Shimmers of Possibility, and Praxis would have their progression rate notably impacted by the use of Victorious Ticket's time loops?

The description of functionalism makes it seem like just retaining the memory of how to use them should allow you to retain whatever mastery level you had, whereas I believe you've stated before that the nature of Praxis means it's difficult to use time shenanigans to accelerate your training pace with it, but I'm at a loss for how it might synergies with the others.

Also, is the Attacker version of A Sword enough to overcome the Perfect Defense of a Celestial Exalt?
Unity of Form and Function
[+3 Gifts]
[ ] A Quest [+1 Gift]

[ ] The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor]
[ ] The Genius [2 Gifts]
[ ] Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift]
[ ] Titan's Abacus [3 Gifts]

[ ] Shimmer of Possibility [1 Heroic Favor]
Credit: 5 | 1
Debit: 5 | 1
Net: 0 | 0
It's not a build I'd take, but the combination of the Abacus domain of Function with the Halo's domain of Form probably has significant synergy. Even ignoring the obvious application of overlaying Mathematical perfection on yourself to circumvent the dangers of the more complicated Functions you might be able to do stranger things, like take on the Form of the Abacus and give yourself its function. The Genius should keep you alive long enough to power up, and the settings on offer shouldn't be so dangerous that you couldn't survive -- even thrive as a hero-- once you get the ball rolling.

I'm currently trying to figure out a way through the Usurpation without Odyssial or someone else mind fucking me, while also being something I want to write but it's pretty difficult.

From the Crucible
[+3 Gifts]
[ ] Your Choice [+1 Gift]
- Exalted (Usurpation, Odyssial present)
[ ] The Overlord [+5 Gifts]
[ ] The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor]
[ ] The Mandarin [1 Gift] (The Barrister)
[ ] The Genius [2 Gifts]

[ ] The Barrister [5 Gifts]
[ ] Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift]
[ ] A Debt [+2 Gifts]
[ ] Obols of Paradise [1 or 5 Gifts, requires Your Choice or A Quest]

Exalted (Usurpation) -
One Obol: Dragon-Blooded Exalt
[ ] Titan's Abacus [3 Gifts]
[ ] A Sword [1 Heroic Favor]
Credit: 12 | 1
Debit: 12| 1
Net: 0 | 0
The idea is that the combination of Genius, Barrister, and Sword can protect from being suborned by others -- primarily Odyssial. If your nature and disposition aren't well suited to this don't even bother. To fund this you're taking a whole bunch of debt and Geassa, though the Barrister should make it semi-manageable. You also start in a place where you might actually grow strong enough to, one way or the other, overcome the burdens you are taking on. Oddyssial can counteract the effects of the Barrister, if he can grow strong maybe you can too. The Titan's Abacus should allow you to grow your pleb tier exaltation to something relevant, with luck you have time to grow while Odyssial reincarnates. For this build you are giving up the reliable long-term potential of the Praxis in favor of, maybe, developing your own distantly analogous style / Lathe of Heaven. The main reason for that is I don't think you can power up in the Praxis fast enough to survive Odyssial becoming aware of your value to him.
It may be possible to switch out the Sword for the Praxis, then sacrifice The Barrister + The Genius to flash buy a defense against Odyssial and other life-threatening dangers. However, I have no idea if that's possible. This build doesn't come with the willpower to rapidly "Effort" your way to power, so you'd be limited to slow and steady exertion. Fasting for a decade might work? Dunno how non-protags use the Praxis, Wolber presumably doesn't do the hardest push-up of his life and gain a new technique in five minutes the way Hunger does.

A Simple Summon
[ ] A Quest [+1 Gift]
- 15 - Fate
[ ] The Genius [2 Gifts] -
[ ] Flicker of Soliton [1 Gift] -
[ ] Auger of Companionship [1 Gifts] - A Modest Magus
qwolfs threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: A Quest Total: 15
15 15
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Lord Strategos
Conditions: A Quest (Warhammer Fantasy) [+1 Gift], Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift], A Debt [+2 Gifts], The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor]
Powers: The Forester (Mental Agility), The Mandarin (The Heir), The Genius, The Heir (War, Politics), A Sword (Specialty: War)

A build that aims to thrive in Warhammer Fantasy by playing its game better than anyone. ++Conceptual Weight, peak human wisdom and 200 Prowess when wielding a Domain of the Heir should make me completely unmatched, and Genius gives me early safety until I get good enough in Politics to wrangle the Warhammer Factions, aided again by my supernatural wisdom. Giving my right arm and only eating fish are absolutely worth it for the power they provide; the only real trouble would be the magnification of my woes due to the Seraph, but it still gives me an overall benefit in my view.

Supreme Sorcerer
Conditions: A Quest (Warhammer Fantasy) [+1 Gift], Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift], A Debt [+2 Gifts], {The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor]}
Powers: The Forester (Mental Power), The Heir (Energy), Titan's Abacus, {Special Dispensation}

Basically my Wizard build from before, but with the new Provisions. Aims to rise in power by maximally exploiting the Winds of Magic and the Warp. Only a little early safety, but potentially massive rewards later. In curly brackets is the addition of the Royal Praxis for maximum wizardry points, but this build is pretty unsafe early, so I chose not to pick it; but the option is noted.

Letrizia is Best Girl
Conditions: A Quest [+1 Gift], The Duchess [+1 Gift], Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift], A Debt [+2 Gifts]
Powers: Obols of Paradise (5 Obols, Order-aligned Lord of Change), Titan's Abacus

This idea is here because I want to see Duchess have more play. The plan is similar to the above build, but trades lower potential for incredible early power; it can likely complete the assigned Quest much more safely and quickly. I dunno if my Obol pick is in line with peak of pseudo-human potential exactly, but I could just replace him with a Daemon Prince of equivalent power. If you have to stay in somewhat human form, I would choose Teclis with his potential realized, most likely.

When In Doubt, Acquire Power
Conditions: A Quest [+1 Gift] (Warhammer Fantasy), The Overlord [+5 Gifts], Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift], A Debt [+2 Gifts], The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor]
Powers, Actualization Variant: The Forester (Mental Power), The Barrister, Victorious Ticket, Titan's Abacus, Special Dispensation/Shimmer of Possibility
Powers, Pure Potential Variant: The Forester (Mental Power), The Heir (Logistics/Medicine), The Barrister, Titan's Abacus, Special Dispensation/Shimmer of Possibility

The premise of this build is in the name; just grab as many powers as possible with as many multipliers as possible. The Actualization aims to utilize the Ticket to grind the hell out of Titan's Abacus, then use the Abacus to exploit both the native magic systems and Fatal Threnody. After the Loop is done, start with training the Royal Praxis. Alternatively, the poster above me did raise an interesting point about Titan's Abacus and Shimmer of Possibility being the union of Form and Fuction, and Shimmer would actually benefit from timeloop training, so that could be chosen instead. But the Royal Praxis is just too shiny for me.

Pure potential just assumes we can get 100.000 years of training later anyway, so why not grab more powers so we are better after that point? Very greedy. Logistics is chosen for potential synergy with Titan's Abacus, but Medicine might be justifiable if you are going with the Shimmers variant.

Great Organizer
Conditions: Return [0 Gifts], Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift], A Debt [+2 Gifts]
Powers: The Mandarin (The Heir), The Genius, The Heir (Politics, Logistics)

It is said that the problems of the modern world are not that of scarcity, but of distribution. So, why not fix that? This is a build that relies heavily on the Genius to protect me from the powers that be as I try to make the world a better, fairer place with my magical powers. The New Soviet Man will be upon us soon, gentleman, a man who actually enjoys politics!
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Hm... the build doesn't seem to have the initial power to survive 40k's combination of biggatons and esoteric threats. Greater Daemons, exterminatus-level firepower - encountering either before you have a chance to scale up will result in a swift demise, since 50 Might + Agi isn't enough to reliably withstand such offensives.
Warhammer doesn't have constant fighting everywhere, and I doubt he'd be deposited right in the middle of a battlefield - the odds of that happening assuming the deposition is random are pretty low, even for a universe as deadly as Warhammer - the Seraph's influence might somewhat tilt that, but it's said to bring tremendous danger and opportunity; the adventures are more intense, but their nature doesn't necessarily alter. Even on a given planet/Death World, it's plausible to simply run away from developing battlefields and survive in caves while training, or pick off weaker foes ala Sanguinor in order to advance faster. It's possible the build would die to bad luck, but it should be able to handle anything short of a Space Marine veteran/Meganob initially. After the initial confusion and weakness of the first couple of days, it'd be able to physically advance to the level where most physical creatures don't pose a serious threat, and start developing counters to more esoteric threats.

Although yes, I suppose you have a point - maybe I should make a dedicated anti-Warhammer build?
Warhammer doesn't have constant fighting everywhere, and I doubt he'd be deposited right in the middle of a battlefield - the odds of that happening assuming the deposition is random are pretty low, even for a universe as deadly as Warhammer - the Seraph's influence might somewhat tilt that, but it's said to bring tremendous danger and opportunity; the adventures are more intense, but their nature doesn't necessarily alter. Even on a given planet/Death World, it's plausible to simply run away from developing battlefields and survive in caves while training, or pick off weaker foes ala Sanguinor in order to advance faster. It's possible the build would die to bad luck, but it should be able to handle anything short of a Space Marine veteran/Meganob initially. After the initial confusion and weakness of the first couple of days, it'd be able to physically advance to the level where most physical creatures don't pose a serious threat, and start developing counters to more esoteric threats.

Although yes, I suppose you have a point - maybe I should make a dedicated anti-Warhammer build?
The issue might be adherence to the heroic nature as specified by yourself. If you feel repulsed by, idk, a chaos warband or ork horde marching on an imperial hive world, you might feel compelled to intervene anyway (assuming its in your true nature) even if it's tactically speaking a dumb idea.
Interesting! You might find it worthwhile to pick up Fisherman's Association and a Debt to grab Heir, Abacus or Ticket, given the high-level dangers present in DC that could, if determined, even kill someone through a succession of outrageously improbable defensive coincidences.

Hm. I had thought that any threat capable of getting through both Genius and the Protection and Chroma adaptation of Shimmer of Possibility would not be deterred by the beginner capabilities added by the Heir or Abacus... But I had not been taking Progression rates into account! Both Heir and Abacus hit Adept level far, far faster then the Aurora Halo does, which matters a lot in the mid-term. If the Seraph's Boon is, in fact, going to be attracting high-level threats within less then a year of my arrival (which seems plausible now that I think on it), then I'll need to alter the build. Maybe drop the Obol, pick up Debt and grab Heir (War or Energy). Abacus is stronger but I'd be scared of using the high-level capabilities, even if using Shimmer to become perfect in the realm of calculation would make it a lot safer I'd still be nervous about using it.
The Sword that Ends the World had a 1/3 to 2/3 chance of dying at quest start - presumably to those Hyena-monsters that Hunger encountered at spawn.

Rihaku often commented on Furthermost Realms builds that did not have enough immediate power to survive a conflict with a greater Spirit Beast (or similar). It is a good practice to consider the failure states for a given plan, and R seems to put high weight on those failure states that happen too quickly to be out scaled by Progression or planning.
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Let's go agane, boys.

[ ] Your Choice [+1, 0 or 2 Gifts] - Warhammer 40k (0 Gifts)
[ ] A Debt [+2 Gifts]
[ ] Titan's Abacus [3 Gifts]
[ ] The Mandarin [1 Gift] - Applied to the Forester.
[ ] The Forester [1 Gift] - Mental Power + Mental Agility
[ ] The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor]
[ ] Shimmer of Possibility [1 Heroic Favor]

At its bones, this build is rather simple - as soon as possible, the Shimmer of Possibility ought to be utilized to deploy a bodily form capable of greater intellectual calculations, possibly with additional brains and neural overlays for complete redundancy, in order to make advancement in the Titan's Abacus as pitifully easy as possible. All of this is rendered even faster by the initial pick in the Forester, allowing for greater mental power and greater mental progression, as well as wisdom in choices. The Shimmer is a dangerous pick for Warhammer because it's likely that I'll be branded a mutant/xenos/heretic by the Imperium because of it, but that doesn't matter. I'll save them in time.

Anyway, with this combination, growing to Adept in the Titan's Abacus should be done relatively swiftly, maybe in as little as a few hours or days of hard work. At some point, it should be possible to create a subspace pocket and that's precisely the moment when gold is struck - enter the pocket, make it as difficult to access as possible by employing defenses of any kind possible (actual physical barriers, wards that deflect attention, mathematical orb-turrets which spew acid and flame on anything approaching, magical barriers that deflect energy, a guardian entity summoned from the Warp and bound, etc.)

After the defenses are deemed satisfactory, all it takes to survive now is to keep calculating and advancing in both heroic powers. Due to the Seraph's working, doubtless many potential foes and allies will eventually locate the subspace pocket and attempt to enter it, but that's what the defenses are for! After that, the character simply keeps advancing in the Titan's Abacus and Shimmer of Possibility, until he can take on the form of a transcendent Warp hyper-entity and simply alter reality - either using its new inherent powers or the Abacus - to say the Chaos Gods do not exist. At that point, one can begin the process of fixing this reality into its proper working order.

The issue might be adherence to the heroic nature as specified by yourself. If you feel repulsed by, idk, a chaos warband or ork horde marching on an imperial hive world, you might feel compelled to intervene anyway (assuming its in your true nature) even if it's tactically speaking a dumb idea.
I think in such a theoretical scenario, I'd favor utilitarianism over deontology and understand that proper advancement will allow me to destroy a larger quantity of evil-doers over the immediate gratification of saving lives in front of me, but I suppose you may be right.

Anyway, I guess it's a good thing that it's a Naruto build.